PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930 nm pd BleAftor ' F785 Boge "The Whitby Daily Times igs bo i, io S08 ATIVE~=JAMES H, ORMISTON Assessment Roll of 1930 Indicates That Growth of ~ Whitby Is Well Maintained on Account Farmers of Revision Makes Further Roduc. sessment--Population Shows Increase The Town of Whithy is holding its own in the matter of nssess~ ments and population, according to statistios obtained from Town Ens gineer and Assessor HM, L, Pringle, who recently returned to the slérit, John R, Vrost, the assessment rol for 1080, These statistics, miven below in detail, are convineing proof that the town Is making plow but steady progress, The total assessment liable for all taxes is $8,400,670, an Ine orense of $68,408 over last year, However, after deducting #18,080 on account of the farmers' agrees went, the net increase is #80,862, Thin Sickly Child Backward In School Help the pale, puny, delleate youngster who hasn't enough en» orgy to go out and play like other ¢hlldren, w It Is your solemn duty, mother, to give your boys and girls the flesh-ndding, energ)~erenting, strength=bullding benefit of Mes Goy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets you can't slart too soon, Uhildren love these sugar coated tablets and you yourself won't be able to praise them enough once your kiddies grow well and strong nEnin==onee they start ta add good polld flesh==nevvousnesy disap. poars=thelr happy laughter, sunny dispositions and Lualthy little bods fos will warm your heart, 60 tabs late, 60 cents Jury & Lovell, T, DB, Mitehell, W, HM, Karn, This amount was further reduced by $4,000 at the Court of Revision on Tuesday, The assessment Is made up as tollnws Lands and Dulldings 92,847,000 Busness 180,161 Income e080 2,400,670 The amount under the Varmers' agreement fixed this year for n period of five years 1s $141,100, ns gompared with $140,605 before the old agreement expired, or a nel decrease of $18,080, Nor does it include an assessment of $54,000 ohargeable to the County of Ons tario for sewers only, Hxemptod Property Assessmonts on exempted pro pont y Such as the Court House, jnol, munioipal bulldings, schools churches, armouries and the Ons tarlo Rosita) in $2,000,884, nn inarease of 810,080, due mainly to the new addition to the registry office, Assessment hy Wards The assessment by wards Is as follows! North Ward Lands and buildings Business Income #1,010,108 08,081 45,400 $1,100,070 $001,004 T1040 48,508 Centre Ward Lands and bulldings Business Income $1,081,680 $370,Mm3 1,280 Bouth Ward Lands and buildings Business Ju UN Now Ready IS ous. Avenue ¢ A Hotel Distinctively Different' MRMAHETER SU ATRIA |] a | Sik sere ces Wt the EA the MAYOR ©, 1, BOWMAN Who has been elected Chatrman of the Board of Health for the yoar 1080, And bronided at first moots ing Maturday, Income 837 - BATH,B04 In lands and building there is an increase in all wards of $60, B06, In business there is a decrease of $0,404 nnd In income a de- urease of #650, or a total decrease for business and income of $4,014 and oa net increase for the three of #08,408, The decreases In business and meome are due to the fact that thers are a few empty stores in the town at present, while there have been recent amendments to munis oipal income tax legislation, Population Ineveased The total population of the town, exclusive of patients at the Ontario Hospital, is 8 010, an ine orense of 08 over 1049, The popu- lation, Including hospital patients, in 6,400, The Cnsette: and Chronicle In future lsues hopes Lo Jr sonk other interesting statistics from the ass wessment roll, ENDORSE ACTION OF MAYOR BOWMAN ON NEW HIGHWAY rm Committee Given Power to Act for the Town at Bircheliffe The Town Council en Monday evening by resolution commended Hig Worship Mayor Dowman on hig action in ealling a meeting for Wednesday of thin week at Birehs alife of representatives of all munleipalities interested In the proposed naw lakeshore highway from Toronto to Whitby and Osh» awa, the construction of which it is aontended will relieve oon. gostion on the present Kingston highway, The Council appointed a committee to attend the meeting at Direhelife and olothed ft with authority to act on hehalt of the town, Lyery member of the Couns ofl was urged to attend the meets ing If at all possible, Lotter of Condolones The Council by resolution ins structed the clerk to send a letter of condulence to tha family of the Inte Mra, Andrew W, Ross, while the purchase of a floral tribute on behalf of the Counell and citizens won alee authorised, In moving this resolution Coun, Fred Rowe referred to the fact that Mr, Andrew Ross was 6 munis oipal servant of many years' stands ing, serving on the Council and Pub)le Utility Commission and in other olvie capacities, 1t wan noted Mao that hin daughter, Misa Mars ein Rows, was a. valued employee of the town, The Council, like Mr, Rowe felt that the town's sympathy in the Ross family's bereavement should bo tankibly expressed, On recommendation of the Wire and Light Committee, no notion will be taken on the application for a Hght on Dyron Street north of the ¢.P, The 'ouncil discussed at some We which is both for EAA A -------- ------ _-------- a --,_ Many a disappointment in a new house is due to warped or sticking doors. The crime of it is that it is absolutely unnecessary. have a distinctive door against fault = it will not warp, awell; peel, nor check, and costs no more than an ordinary door, It will pay you to investigate fength the local relist problem, It reporied that to AA this year 1,000 bed been ded on res fof, 1t was deo to out down from now on as much as possible, ANNOUNCE PLANS | FOR CONVENTION, WHITBY, WAY 2 Plans for the Conservative eon. vontion which will be held in Whit. by Town Hall, on Vriday, May ¥ud, at whigh a party standard bearer for the antleipated Vederal election will be chosen, are announced, The convention will open at 7. #0 p.m, standard time and 8,50 p, m. Daylight Saving time, and dele. gates from nll parts of the riding will be in attendance, The first business will be to chose a candi date, and the name of Dr, T, Kaiser, the sitting member of the Haing will go before the Conven- on, The principal speaker of the ev. ening will be Charles H, Dell, M.P., of Hamilton, while present at the convention will be some of Dr, Kal ser's immediate friends from the House of Commons, including Bam: nel Charters, Brampton; A, W, Bd ward, of Galt; David Spence, Park: dale; Frank Smoke, Paris: and lo bert Ryerson, of Brantford, Dr, James Moore, of Drooklin president of the Association, wil preside, mmm, DEATH OF MRS A; M, ROSS Death on Monday of this week olnimed un well known and very highly esteemed resident of Whit by In the person of Helen William. son Hepburn, beloved wife of An drow M, Roww, The deceased, while in falling health for about two years, had been seriously 111 for only a short time, The late Mrs, Ross was born near the village of Columbus, Ont, the daughter of George and Mrs, Hep burn, early settlers In that seetion, the father coming from Heotland when a young man, Hhe married Mr, Ross In Rookford, 1ilinols, and had not death msevered the happy matrimonial union, she and her hus band would have been married for 66 years, The deconsed came to Whithy with her husband 60 years ago and had resided here ever since, Nhe loved her home, took an wotive Interest in the work of the former Methodist Tabernacle and later the United Church, being a mamber of the W. MK, and wan a charter member of the Connty of Ontario Old Girls' Association, Her friends were numerous and hep passing haw caused them genuine regret, The funeral on Wedneday after noon was largely attended, Hers vice was conducted nt the home of by the Rev, A, 1, Richards, DD, pastor of the United Chuerh, who in a brief but appropriate mossage referred to the mraclous, loving and kindly Christian character of the decensed, her Inve of home, veal for the church, and a life which ve flected har love for Christ, Rev, Mr, Rliohards comforted the ber oavad velatives with the thought that deceased wun now happy, hav ing received from the Master whom she so faithfully served a welcome to a home which was eternal, Vollewing the service deceaned wan laid to rest in Groveside coma tery, The pallhearers were A, MM Allin, George W, I', livery, W, | Luke, Albert W, Jackson, W, J, Hl Richardson and Robert Barnes, Among the donors. of heantiful floral tributes were: The Offieial Noard of the United Chureh; the Publle Utility. Comminnion, the Counell and eoltinens of Whithy, County of Ontaria Old Girls' As sociation and the staff of the town offices, Deceased in survived hy her hus band, three daughters, Mrs, O, R Oshorne, Mrs, W, M, Pringle and Miss Marela Ross, of Whithy, and one son, George R. Ross, of Tor Onto, positively guaranteed new and remodelling a i oe 0 Before my last baby was born 1 was very weak, nervous [1 uraged, | saw an advertisement in the paper about a woman who had bee like me so I bought a bottle Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetal Compound, 1 took three bot tles and ft carried me onfel through that critical time, i have three children to care for and I feel well and strong, 1 tell others about yout 1 ine." weMrs, Gus Arsenault, ' IL.vdia \WI[Y FP | Mink h LORY PYRE MRS, SLINGERLAND RR. No.4, , Catherines, Ontario "I have used several bottles of Lydia table Compou helps me | ore childbirt five lovely children, After my last baby able pain in my right side so 1 boughs another bottle of the m ry fruit season in housework.' ~Mrvs, Charles Slingerland, I. Pinkham's ible Compound IT) % PEF ne an. M | A ( iri E. Pinkham's Vege nd and find fe wondetfully, especial, vw | have came | had a miser- nd and feel fine now, outside during the addition to my CONSERVATIVES OF WHITBY ORGANIZE MEN'S ASSOCIATION Officers Elected at Enthusis astic Meeting Held on Tuesday Night AL un very enthusiastio and well attended meosting, hold in Lhe Counell Chamber on Tuesday Inet, the Men's Conservative Associa tion of the Town vt Whithy wus re-organised The following electqd Hou, Prosidonts=-Dr, Kalsor, M P., Frank Mason, Dr, CO, ¥, Mos Gilliveay, A, M, Ross, lobt, Dares nes and Mayor lid, Bowman President-=A, W, Jackson, Vice-President Hamuel L Troon Moacretary--=W, J, Il, Richardson Treasurer, M, Deverell officers wore The meeting also elected thelr A -- --_ LRTI April 27 halt of the delegutes to the con. vention to be held in the Town Hall on ¥riday evening, May 4nd / will oloct the other hail of the dele: The Wi gatoy, There men's, Association were a number of brie! addresses, und matiers of import ance to the Conservative cause in Whithy ware discussed, The Women's Association expect meeting to hold shortly, an organization CITIZENS ASKED TO CLEAN UP ON The passed TUESDAY, MAY 6) Counell by resolution on Monday night is making its annual Npring aps peal ta the citigens to clean wp thelr premises, According ly Tusedny, Kireets Department lect al placed md d line'w pleked Councll is to assist makin the town generally -- oth, the will cols I refuse which must be in old bags or boxes eposited on the street hero they van be oaslly up. The idea of the in doing this work the citizens In premises - and nn clean May their CA RA heli and ativactive tows, this end the cooperation of ov citizen 1s invited, There is to be considered the question of removing every. thing which might constitute a fire hazard, WOULD HAVE DOGS TIED UP DURING SUMMER MONTHS Citizens Complaining of Damage to Lawns and Gardens ns -- In view of the many complaints received from eltizens that dogs are roaming their properties and destroying lawns and gardens, De puty-reove R, M, Deverell suggest od to the Counell on Monday even~ fug thet n bylaw be passed ro quiring all dogs to be tied up dur. ing the summer months, The de- puty-reeve cited instances where property owners had suffered much damage and sunoysnce on Aes count: of members of the canine tribe running ut large, and stats od that in his opinion it was time for the Council to take some ac~ tion, The right of the Counell to pass wich oo bylaw, although admitted to be very necessary, was questioned, Bomo members were of the opinion that other municipalities had one, Blenheim and Brampton helog mentioned The clerk wan instructed to write these or other municipalitios and wecure information for the Council, There was on suggestion that lHeonse feos might be Increased to reduce the number of dogs. TURN AHEAD THE HANDS OF TIME SATURDAY NIGHT Citizens are reminded that Daylight Saving Time will go into effect at 18.01 on Sunday next, April 87th, A good plan is to move ahead one hour the hands of clocks and watches before retiring Saturday night, All church Hore vices In Whitby will be held on the now time, and at Almonds in the afternoon on the old time, New schedules on the CN, CAL, and the Grey Conch Lines go into efs feet on the 87th, Daylight Saving Time will also go Into offoct in Toronto and Osh awa on that date. and remain in effect until September 28th. IN AND OUT A magistrate says that there is nothing a man who is heavily In debt dreads more than belpg found out,==Unloss it Is being found in, ELECTED PRESIDEN lr ¢ Klected sorvative Association of Whithy, at un meeting held on Tuesday evening, THE DREAMER Whence came (hg sweet fusurgonce of the Bpring That looped the wild bird songs, thts willow buds, The twilight chorus In the marsh, ind shone Within the visionary woul of Man? When wo behold in August on ® any goldenrod trails, aster fn blue clonrings wild, The upon n The on ruc ers' Joy When, thrilled by heauty passing thought, we sense pence know One walked with love among the minty hills In a gray elonk of rain, and dreame ed a dream THE FAMILY ALBUM (London Vyea Pros) If you want to got un good laugh attle the old family album, You will get the biggest kick for a year, However, don't laugh too much, Twenty-odd years from now our present day costumes may look just nn grotesque and Just, as ridieus lous as those of the lust generation todny Treat with reverence the family alhum SUGGESTION Toaoher-~'"Now, I'll tell how to avold making a moes whon eating grapefruit," Tommy=="1 know, 1(enchoree order orange julce instead." _-_- ( HICAGO DETROIT LL TORONTO 12 HOURS y MINUTES Oo 0 Effective April BUFFALO =O) OTTAWA og 6 HOURS MONTREAL TURONYO MOUTREAL 27th Six hours, Montreal to Toronto by the famous International Limited. Six hours returning by the ne InterCity Limited, President of Men's Cons | A | | i thousand | drifts through } And every rondslde guy with meade ! The poet's recompense and travels } That harmony which Is the artist's § And prosave of creation, then we | Bllsw Carman, some day Just resurrect out of the § jobs. Remember there are neo strings whatever on the guarantee, (Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North + Telephone 2821-2820 \ experience wilh "Sunbeam Chicago, 12 hours 5 minutes from Toronto; 18 hours 15 minutes from Montreal. Improved Hamilton, Detroit and Buffalo conn' nections, More convenient departure and arrival times. : These are some of the features of the new fast schedules by the International Limited, the New InterCity Limited and the Maple « Leaf, offering new convenience and time-saving east or west from Oshawa, 'Belleville, Kingston, Brockville. Full details from D; C. Forrester, 3 King Street West, Telephone 813, CANADIAN NATIONAL | The Largest Railway System in America International Limited (Westbound) Lv, Brockville « s ws wo + 5.08 pm. Lv, Kingston « ww w'w » + 6.00pm, Lv. Belleville , vee. » 7:00 pan, Lv Ohawa « sc wmnwn 8.20 pm, Inter-City Limited (Bastbound) 19, Oshawa + vw wins x 440 py Lv. Belleville « a ww nw wn 6.01 pm, Lv, Kingston , ERA LR 7.00 pan. Lv. Brockville . &'w'w'W's « 8.00 pins ALL STANDARD TIMES Double Track all the Way vw ) d y agin mtr We soa ey, EER Dear 5 i eae | " TA opies Bm. ta. STANDARD MILLING CO., OF CANADA, LTD, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Sait John, Halil