Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Apr 1930, p. 11

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{ various troops will be getting more | meetings will be held outside, . wind, made a day an.admirable one ! for catching a cold, i en He THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930 News of what the Boy Scotts of Oshawa are doing contributed by the scout Inad. «ers, Contributions to this column will be welcomed, and should be sent to the Times office not later than Tuesday moming each week, © SCOUT EDITORIAL Owing to the dump weather "on Thursday, and the unsettled weather on Friday, a great many hikes sche di for that day, were postponed, Andoubtedly many boys were dis- appointed at this, and probably could see the reason for cancelling the e, since the roads on Friday were quite 'dry, It was, however, the dumpness of the ground, in the fields and woods, which made a hike uo difficult thing, and that fact, coupled with the raw On our telp around the country: side, we saw numbers of Scouts in small patrols, and we feel sure that they had a good time, by the looks on their faces, As the weather gets warner, the and more into the open alr, and There will also be numerous other attractions to lure and entice on the meeting nights, Every" good Scout will remember however, that he does not attend Scout meetings, only for the good times he has there, Scouting 15 something more than i fiopd time, tis a doty which every true Scout takes a great deal of pleasure in ful filling, There is no reason for shirking this duty, and these who allow other leasures to step in the way, are reaking their promise to do their best, Observant Scouts at this time will find great pleasure in learning about the habits of their feathered friends, who arg just returning to build their nests, but if a boy does not take the trouble to make these observa tions himself, he will get no plea- sure out of the beautiful Spring wea ther which Is just starting To sone fellows, Spring is Just a time to play marbles, but they are losing some of the greatest pleasures they can possibly have, by being too Mo look around them, Scout is a friend to animals and to properly carry out this law, he must know something of his wild Fithts who are living all around 1 ; SCOUT NOTES Owing to bad weather, the hike of the combined Firth and Eight Troops, was postponed, An gnslgug it on bird house biuld- ing was' made on Friday moeming, however, by at least two of the mem~ bers, and many boys were at church in the morning or evening With regard to churely we would Hke to suggest that Scouts join tos gether in attending thelr church and sit in a body every Sunday, There is no need to wear uniform of course, although on some oceans sions It would not be amiss to wear it, but a enstant attendance at church (your own church) with any compan fons who are Scouts, is a good thing To those Troops who are meet: ing In churches, we would suggest that possibly at this season there is no better time for a Troop good turn than the present, The: ¢hurch grounds will need au little work to beautify them for the Summer, Probably the church authorities are just as anxious to give you the opportunity to help, as you are to grasp it, and a word will be sufficient to find how you may best direct your efforts, We hear rumours of a hig model bridge biulding contest in the Eighth Troop, We hope that the miodels don't take as much hard work and time to build as the hridge which some of the members helped to build at Camp Fifosh, ° By the way, we were out 10 the Camp site recently and the bridge was still -there, Whether the recent heavy rains have destroyed It or not, we don't know, but we have hopes that we won't have to spend another seven of our eight days' camp to biuld a bridge to cart our equipment neross on the last day at camp, 4TH ORHAWA WOU THOOY NEWS The 4th Oshawa Troop will meet at the Rotary Hall on V'riday 26th nt 17.80, The Beavers, "Duty Patrol", will be on hand at 7.20, Mr, B, Parker of North Oshawa has kindly permitted us the use of his woods for hiking purposes, We greatly appreciate Mr, Parker for the interest he has taken in the troop. A very successful hike was carried out on Good-Friday nt Toad's Hollow, TROOP NOTICES STH TROOP-The 5th Troop will meet at 7.30 p.m, on Friday next in the YYM.CA, Court of Honour, consisting of the patrol leaders Will meet at 7.00 pm Running shoes on the gym and Good Turn slips with some writing on please! UNION BOARD OF TRADE PROPOSED Orillia, Bracebridge, Graven. hurst, Huntsville, Form New Body Gravenhurst, April 24.~United efs forts by the Boards of Trade of Or« illa, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge and Huntsville were opened by represen tatives from the four towns at the first meeting of its kind at Muss koka Beach Inn, ' Representatives « from these four towns expressed the opinion that much duplication and expenses eonld be eliminated by forming a combine od board. of trade among these towns to later include the surrounding vile lages, summer resorts and navigation companies. All these towns and communities have a common interest. in the tourist trafic, gne of the main sources of revenue in Muskoka, By united nes tion, it Is believed, the tourist trade can be greatly augmented and devel oped In this part of the province. The question of daylight saving from Jung 27 to August 27, was also discussed, and it is probable that these sister towns will adopt the new y | 1 i Inaugural meeting of this fo." as aun will De. held ot Muskoka Beach on May 8 NEW WAR CERTAIN UNLESS WORK FOR PEACE CONTINUED Naval Conference First Step to Abiding Peace, Says MacDonald -- London, Apr, %4.--Broadeast- mg u last message on the closing day of the naval conference he had piloted through. so many perils, Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon- a'd Inst, night declared that "ane other war will he as certain ms tO t«morrow's sunrise It an active pence mind, not only of the pious, but of the practical kind, does not intervene," fipeaking from No, 10 Downing Street, he sald: "I am under no 'usions as to how far we have gone, We have just made a begin. ning. Disarmament is heset by pits and di'tleuitios of sll kinds, What looks fair on the face of it, turns out on examination to be forbidding and dangerous, "My experience during the past three months has been that the pence movement has everything to give 1t heart In its work, hut that its work must more and more be the study of details and of the means of overcoming them, "Now that the conference is over [ can say with tHe firmest convie ton that if what has been done fs immediately used to prepare the public mind to do more, the Lon. don conference will be one of the great landmarks showing forever how near the nations have ap- proached to abiding peace,' THE NEW MARTIN Nubi has come to town ladies! Lock up your husbands, sons anc sweethearts, Jhis destructive and reckless young lady Is the storm center of "The Squall" the First Na- AT ~MLOT JOHN 4 Of Albany, met death with. three , when his Colonial Alre ways aeroplane, hound from Als bany to Newavk, crashed into un power station at Jersey City, The picture above was taken & number of years ago, when Bale way was a student at Ridley College, St. Cathavines, He Is woaring the school cadet unie form, PROF, ROY FRASER Of the department of biology, Mount. Allison University, N.S, distinguished educationist, hace torfologist and public health au. thority, who will addvess the health section of the Ontario Educational Association on "The Henlth of the Ohild As An Ydus cational Obligation," tional pleture which opened last night at the New Martin Theatre, Nubl is played with finesse and unbridled passion b- Mona Ley, who fits the exetie role perfeetly, I'he screen version abetted by the mare velous settings possible In a motion lsture, is splendid screen fare und fraterate entertainment, fan Bart's stage play has been faithfully transplanted to the screen in the First National version and to it has heen added the advantages of the wider scope of the motion pleture. Gypsy customs and mans ners, of which we saw little In the stage version, Is presented with pies turesque fidelity, Beautiful Hungaris wn countrysides and colorful Hun garlan people add greatly to the pie torial beauty of the narrative, The story ceneerns a peaceful Hungarian family, There is a mid. dle-aged father and mother; thelr son whe loves a maiden, aml. thely two servants, male and female, who also love eagh other, Into this ideal atmosphere comes Nubl, the gypsy gharmer, She seeks sanctuary, claims ing that she was stolen by a band of gypsies: They believe her lies and accept her as a servant, But Nubl is not satisfied with that, She pros ceeds to destroy the love she finds within that heme and very nearly wrecks the entire domicile, Her pros cedure is daring and sensational and gives the screen some of the most impassioned scenes of recent, years The cast is excellent and includes Alice Joyee, Loretta Young, Richard Tucker, Zasu Pitts, Nicholas Sous. sanin, and others, "The Squall' had two sensational runs on Broadway: first as a stage lay and more recently in celluloid orm which was shown last night at the New Martin Theatre: Manager Marks ammounced before the opening that it would be held for 3 days to permit everybody to sce the pics ture, HAMPTON NEWS Hampton, April 88, Owing tp the inclement weather, the convert on Monday evening was not largely attended. After awalting the ar. vival of Mr, Walter Craw trom Tos ronto, who with a party of several other friends had road south of the village, Those in attendance enjoyed a program of high merit, Mr, Craw's num bers were many and varied and are well received, Mrs, C, eralake and Norah Horn favored I NE ------------------ - WOULD YOU BELIEVE VE HAD THESE SHEETS FOR RIGHT YEARS? HOW DO YOU DO IT? SCRUBBING AND BOILING EVERY WEEK RUINS MY LINENS NEXT WASHDAY [orm HOW GLAD | AM | CHANGED TO RINSO x ISN'T IT WONDERFUL? | NEVER 8AW WHITER CLOTHES . Lt] \ SI = ~ Nn 3 he lo NONE OF MY THINGS ARE EVER 'SCRUBBED... NOT WHEN THERE'S A SOAP LIKE RINGO TO SOAK OUT THE DIRTY is £ RINGO AGAINI | MUST TRY THAT SOAR, EVERY: BODY'S TALKING ABOUT IT lta ug letters like thie) suds!" | "in tub orwasher ...clothes come whiter with plane 'duets, while' Elinor Wykes delighted her hearers both in her voesl wolo and also in the dust, with' Helen Knox, both of which weve generously applauded, A thorus on Boring has Come', was UNE AA Gn, Opening number, P ! The singing of the Nat one) Aly then brought the evening's pro gram ton close, ' JALLeY the rain on. Monday the thermomerter dropped to the frees ing point with snow falling on Tuesday, However, old Mother Barth Is taking on apn emerald hue and the Willows are showing he effects of the April showers, Some have a@iveady plowed thelr gardens and with the advent of warmer weather, the lawn mower and gar~ den tools, will take the place of the snow and coal shovels, H, Cole und A, 1H, Billatt nre kept busy these days drawing mots orists out of the mud hole near their homes, north of the village, Lillian Phillips, Toronto, visited at the home of Wilhert Cralg over the week 'end, Harold Willlams has returned from Vloridn where he spent most of the winter, Albert Allin, Toronto University in spending his Easter holidays at home, Milton Slemon and son Lloyd visited Mpa, Nlemon at the home of her mother Mrs, Bimina Johns, Miss Naney returned from the Gen eral Hospital, Toronto, last week, | and Is progressing favorably since having an operation for golire, Mrs Blemon, who has also heen 111 ut the home of her mother, 13 also ronvaleseing, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Smale and daughter Barbara, and Messrs, Wiwood and Arnold' Sewell, Toren to, were Easter visitors at the home of Mrs, Wm, Smale, Mrs, W, W, Horn, and son Wal Ince, are snending Waster week In Tulfale My, Horn, and Mr. RN Avery, necompanied them as far as Taronto on Munday Ruth Verguson, Oshawa, visited her parents over the week end, Migw McCartney and Mrs, Mason Toronto, are visiting at the Parsons "ge, My, and Mrs, Cian, Wood, Orono Mr, J, Holdge and daughter; Tov. onto, weve Sunday visitors at the howe of J, L, Jehns, The Funday Rervices weve well | attended, Rev, J, K, Blok occupied the pulpit in the evening, when the choly contributed splendid Kastor muwie, Elinor Sykes, tak- ing the dolo work in one of the Anthems, The church wes decor- ated with Easter ilies and prim- ulas, The W. M, §, met in the Fun~ day Hehool room of the church Tuesday afternoon for thely Bast er meeting, The Mission Band will meet with them, Refresh~ ments will be served and a social time wpent, Timathy , Bates, = Eimvale, Is spending his Easter holidays with iis old sehoglmates here, He I» the guest of Pliay Cireenawey, Norah Horn Ig attending the Pduestionnl Convention at Morons to, 08 a delegate from the Women's Institute, A, B, Billett 1s also In attendance heing chairmen of the fchool heard, OH, NO} The mistress of the house was constantly laying in a supply of food, but the larder was Invariably pmpty, Bo she spoke to cook about it, "Cook," whe maid, "don't you think the food disappenrs rather quickly in the kitohen?" The cook was very much annoys ed; "Look here, ma'am," sald she, IT may eat hearty like, but on one could eal! me gorgeous," sv-- TANTER DIVER A farmer took his wite to a sons oert, and after lstening with ape parent joy the pair suddenly he eame interested In one. of the choruses: "All we, like sheep, have gone astray," First a sharp soprano voles ex- claimed, "All we, like sheep"; next a deep volce uttered In a mast earnest tone, "All we, MHke sheep," Then all the singers nat onee asserted, "All we, like sheep," "Well, 1 don't!" exclaimed the farmer to his wite, "I like best ad Jhaeon, but I osn't bear mute on, OLEAR ENOUGH The general was Inspecting some colored troops, He came Lo an artflleryman, Wilhdio are your duties?" he asks od, "1 Jou' opens de 11 dosh In de back of de gun," said the colored man, an' Raestus throws in de shell, and de corporal pulls de whetyoumevaheallsit-"" "And then" "Den 1 steps hack an' 'Enemy, count yoh sojahs, huh!" C? RRH Aid of fhroet " usually ¢ 4 Bays, hith, 5 1:\a% 35) | 31100) (ILO) FOR FINE FURNITURE PIANOS £7 ARV drops on a damp cloth removes that blue fog and dulingss, reveals the original beauty and grain of the wood, and imparts a beautiful, lustrous flow, making your home the admiration of your friends, J AWES LEMON Ol dries at once, leaving no sticky film, It actually pres serves and protects your furniture and woodwork, a" Edward Hawes & Coy Lads Toronto, Makers of Haweo' ¥) ITS HAWES BE SURE iMoulty on the ww ANNIVERSARY Two Years of Unexcelled Values ~ Values You Find Exclusively at the A & PD. 22 King St. West, Phone 263--29 Simcoe St, South, Phone 3170 MEATS SWEET, PICKLED Pork Shoulders" 20 PEAMEAL PACK 'Bacon ""% 41m 39 ANNIVERSARY BEEF SPECIALS ROASTS Shoulder Round Bone 1b. 23e LAMB LEGS LAMB LOINS iv. 32 SUNNYFIELD RINDLESS BACON Back wi 28 VEAL Milk Fed LEG ib. 250 FILLET 1b..28¢ SWEET MIXED PICKLES . .... Pint 3% SWEET MUSTARD PICKLES. . Pint 28¢ SWEET GHERKINS CERT ER Pint 32¢ COD Freshy the Pose 1h. 1 ge WHITEFISH ib, 25 1b. 26° mh. 28¢ i. Ge ib. Je FOR BOILING Side i 23¢ LOIN ROAST 22 Fresh BAH i 1 Je w. 14 Finnan Haddie wo 1 Je Oxydol tance 230 Washboards 450 Babbitt's =o Se Steel Wool 34 90 Starch ib, 9¢ Lemon Oil Bot.22¢ 8.08. "Wu 140 HAN Ammonia 2 re 150 "GROCERIES BUTTER = caninmy 3 he, $9 IN WRAPPED POUND PRINTS | SUNNYFIELD "SSM 55% 2 Ibs. 730 ar: au ell y Low Price n Case hy a This very Low Price 2 LUX VERY LOW PRICED COCOA BUTTER * SPINACH AYLMER OROICE QUALITY PEAS 5. BOKAR 7a Qe MOPS ia on, He op Handles, ea. ub Brushes, ea. 1 avel Water, 3 vin 28¢ Old Dutch wins vv vio 3 HNN 20 CORN Goiden Bantam 215 2Qe | TEA blended India P & G LAUNDRY SOAP 10 cover J 50 CAMPBELL'S Tomato Soup me 1 Qe 2 we 17 BROOMS wale Le aif A450 ni SHREDDED WHEAT ..,... 2 Pkga 23¢ ACRES b. 26 y FN 25. 3 2 25. . b. §Qe f=" SUPREME The OMolal Cotten of the ShHne: Convention, Re sure to try it today. itn Tin J Ge 3 FLOOR WAX~-- | NI 20c fv eee O'CEDAR-- RY ok 83% J) 4% Noviteddl AIT, 2 tron 130 PINEAPPLES FRUITS ond VEGETABLES | Ripe : 1100 3 Iba, for 18¢ ie Z for 43¢ SPINACH---Norfolk, Curly LAR) 3 Ibs, for ec POTATOES--New Florida ....... 5 lbs, 28 CABBAGE-~New South Carclina, 2 Ibs for 20¢ CARROTS--Calif.Grawn ....\... 3 Bu 2c LETTUCE~lceberg--Large Heads, 2 for 21¢ Ee Med. Heads, 2 for 1c ONIONS--=Yellow Cooking een Iba, Be | ORANGES~California Seedless LR RR) CELERY Tle EAR Cris Large Dos. 68c and Tender, ea. 19¢ J Tar a A RP ET 0 ET Se GREAT ATLANTIC "a Pace Tea On. , EE -- -- rr a CHEE

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