Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Apr 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1930 PAGE THREE Thousands Worshipped in Memory of Resurrection Mom Thieves Broke Into Office, Oshawa Railway Yardmaster Late Last Saturday Night Entrance Gained by Break. ing Glass in Office . Door and Then Lifting Latch COULD NOT ENTER FREIGHT SHEDS Second Break Within Four Days -- City Has Been Particularly Free From Crime All Winter -- Late Saturday night or early Sun. day morning robbers broke into the Yardmaster's office at the Oshawa Street Railwhy Sheds on Simcoe st, 'The robbers left the building with- out obtaining anything of value, The marauders gained admittance by breaking a pane of glass in the ullice door whieh enabled them to insert oo hand and undo the latch, Apart from the broken window, ne further damage was done, According to the supermtendent, the thieves were unable to gam entrance to the freight shades in which there was stored much valuable merchandise: The robbers made a clear gets away and leit no clues behind them as far as is known ut present, This 1s the second break-in to have occurred within the past fouf days, On 'Lhursday might last, i will be recalled, thieves gained en trance to the store of 8, Finestein, 160 Division street by breaking through a double plastered wall Goods to the value of $6U, including a quantity of tobacco, cigarettes and chocolates were stolen, As the pres. ent time the vandals have not as yet been apprehended, The city has been particalarly free of crime during the past five months and offenses ot tny kind against law and order have been rare, largely due to the vigilance of the police depart- ment, MEMBERS OF YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION AT MORNING _ SERVICE Special Service Held in Cen- tre St. United Church Early Sunday Many members of tha Young Yeople's Union of the city attend- ed the special early morning service held in Centre Street United Church yesterday at seven o'clock, - The church was appropriately decorated for Faster and the service, which was in charge of Mr, Stephen Say- well, vice-president of the Union, was quite impressive, After the singing of a hymn, Mr, George Fletcher, president of the Centre Street Young People's League led in the worship, A fine Kaster story was then contributed by Miss' Reta Vokes, of the King Street United Church Youhg Peos ple's Boclety, « The address, entitled "Go and Tell" was well presented by Mr, Harold Gay, president of the Sim- coe Street Yuong People's Society. Too Late To Classify 0 ee 3 case on Nassau St! Phone 1135F, (9da) LOST N get with three diamonds between G4 Albany and 156 King street east by way, of Simcoe street, Re 'ward, Phone 211, (93D) TWO FRONT ROOMS FOR RENT, Partly furnished, Phone 1736F, J (Hic) brick house, oak floors, chestnut trim full plumbing, close to Mot. ors, Will exchange on other prop. ohy, Apply owner, Phone 2344J, (98¢) brick house with = sewing room, Hardwood downstairs, Good cellar, side drive newly decorated, north ond, reasonable rent, possession May 1st, Box 020 Times, (9%) TONIGHT! MEN'S GLUB HEARS "FINE ADDRESS ON CULTURE OF ROSES Councillor Fletcher of Bow- manville, Spoke in Christ Church At the regular weekly meeting of the Christ Church Men's Club held last Thursday evening the members and thelr friends present were fortunate in having Council lor A, H, Fletcher of Bowmanville, who gave much valuable informa. tion concerning the planting, bud- ding and fertilizing of Roses, Mr, Fletcher is an authority on roses and his garden at the Rosary In Bowmanville is considered one of the finest in Ontario, He has taken hundreds of prizes for his blooms at the Canadian National Exhibl. tion in Tovonto during the past 10 years, Mr, Fletcher gave a brief his tory of the rose which he consid. ered one of the finest flowers that is grown, He explained in an eficl- ent manner the many varieties of the bush which are suitable for outside cultivation and explained the details of each in order, Qu tions were asked by members a these were well replied to by the speaker, The address was thoroughly enjoyed by the large number present and at its conclu. sion a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr, Fletcher, Re mal POLICE ARREST OVER THE WEEK-END The police department were busy over the week end, A total of five arrests were made William Knihnicki, 28 Denisgn avs enue, Toronto, was arrested by Pro. vincial Constable Hilliard and char. ged with being intoxicated in charge of a motor vehicle, Thomas Sheridan and Mike Mass were taken into custody on charges of being intoxicated, as was John Wajnakoski, Mike Furman was apprehended on a charge of vagraney, To Check Up Drivers Of "One-Eyed" Cars Provincial Constable 8, A, Hilliard, stated to The Times this morning that the trafic officers were mak: ing a thorough check on cars that had only one light and also these that had no tail light, Hg said that the Department had been very lens ient with motorists whe had faulty lights for the lait two years, Now everyone stopped, who 'has faulty lights will get a summons, The offi. cer stated that, in the check up at Whitby on S#turday night no less than forty cars were stopped. Fach of these will get a summons, he Government. is through with all len. iency and will prosecute all offend: ers frem now on, -------- COUNCIL: MEETS TONIGHT The fact that today is & statuary holiday does not affect the elty council and their meeting will be held as usual in the Council cham. per at elght o'clock this evening, In Memoriam YNES--In loving memory of A Wear husband and father, Oliver R, Moynds, who Dassed away April 21st, 1039, : God is good, He gives us strength, To bear our cross, He is the only One who knows , How bitter is our loss, We miss him at a thousand turns Along life's weary way, For life to ug is not the same, ,. Since he was called away, It's not at the time that tears are his sh That the heart is torn, But the passionate tears in ather years, And remembrance silently borne, Sadly missed 4 wife and children, (93a) "TONIGHT! EASTER MONDAY CARNIVAL - COLUMBUS COUPLE CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING TODAY Mr, and Mrs, Robert Ashton Were Married On April 21, 1880 re---- Mr, and Mrs, Robert Ashton, well known residents of Columbus, are today' celebrating their golden weil: ding anniversary, having heen parts ners on the journey of life for the past half century, ASHTON KIVELL In: the vedr 1880, Georging Kivell and' Robert Ashton, of Columbus, were married, Rev, Mr, Richards of» ficlating, There were quite 'a num=« her present for the occasion, Mr, and Mrs, Ashton were both horn and educated in Columbus, They came from very prominent families, Mr, Ashton's father wim a building cons tractor, while Mr, Kivell was a stones mason contractor, Many fine build- ings are still standing which were built by these men, These families came from England in the early days, as settlers and crossed the ogean when it took five weeks to. make the jours ney, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Ashton sets tled in Columbus, alten they wer married, Mr, Ashton took an in terest in his father's trade, and work ed with him for nine years, He then took his family to Muskoka to pio neer; Mr, Ashton built his own buildings, ¢leared land and had a substantial farm, when fate went against them, Fire broke out in 1900 and burnt their house aid belongings to the ground, They decided to live in Brooklin, Ont, where they stayed for three wears, They then moved to Columbus, and have resided in that district ever singe, While in Muskoka their neighbors though scattered, numbered quite a ew, There seemed to be no way to get to church service in Emsdale, three miles away, Mr, Ashton hiteh- ed a team to a large comveyance and took as many as twenty people with them, Their home was always open to those who passed by, A hearty welcome and a substantial table was spread for the weary and hungry one, There were five children; The eld: est a daughter who married Mr, A Solomon, They had one daughter; she married Mr, Henry Strong of En niskillen and now the Strongs have two daughters, Olive and Georgina Mrs, Solomon died twenty years ago after suffering for four years, Wm Clayton, their eldest son and Edwin J. the second son, went west in 1912 and settled in Alberta; W, C. Ash ton started in business as a barber, in Fort Saskatchewan, for nine years, He returned to Oshawa and went into business at 12 King St; W, where he still is in the firm of Viek- ery and Ashton, He has two daugh- ters, Helen and Thelma, Kdwin J, is living in Ohaton, Alta, where he has a farm, Harold resides at home with his parents on the farm where the celebration is being held today, So today they are entertaining their families, Covers are laid for seventy people and a profusion of flowers de- corate the home, Quite a number are present who were present fifty years ago, ameng them Mr, .\W, H Ashton, groomsman, of Campbelliord, Ont, NO FIRES OCCURRED The week end was very quiet a- round the Fire Hall, a grass fire on Saturday morning being the last call they had, No doubt the firemen were rejoicing that the citigens of the city celebrated the holiday by using gare in kindling fires, CELEBRATES GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MIL, AND MRS, ROBERT ARHTON OF Columbus, who are today eelebeating the BOth anniversary of thelr wedding, My, and Mrs, Ashton are highly respected resi dents of the community and are res ceiving felivitations and good wishes from thely many velavives and friends, Devotees of Fashion Blossomed Forth in Spring Attire Sunday Kaster has come and gone, But the new hats and dresses . and spring coats which made thelr first appearance yesterday will stay with us for the' next three manths nt least until the feminine wearers decide Lhey must he abandoned for other newer garments according to the dictum of fickle Dame Fashion A few noble representatives of the stronger sex blossomed forth Sunday in spring attire but their number was few in comparison with the large army of "the faly" who. digplayed the gay apparel of spring, An oceaslonal new felt or "elvis tie" was seen crowning a manly brow and an occasional spring coat in shade of gray, fawn 'or speckled tweed adorned manly shoulders, But the wearers of these articles of maseuline grace could not dis play the fashions for men with the same ease and confidence with whieh the ladies demonstiated the latest styles from Paris, THE FIRST EASTER DAY' SUBJECT OF REV. E HARSTON Services at 'Simcoe Street United Church Yesterday Were. Well Attended The pastor, Rey, BE, Harston, og coupled the pulpit at. both services at Nimeoe Street United Chureh yes- terday, The subjeet of the morn. ing service was 'the First Easter Day," with the text taken from Mark 16; 12, "After that He ap- peared In another form unto two qf them as they walked and went in. to the country,! The pastor ey: plained how these two disciples of Jesus had hoped that hy some strange means God would intere vene and not make it necessary for Christ to die on the eross but they hoped in vain, On the third day after the crucifixion they had given up hope of him returning when Jesus revealed himself to them on the road to Kmmeaus their minds were refreshed with new hope and new faith, Jesus showed them that it was necgssary for Him ta dle on the cross and when the two dis. giples were convinced they looked beyond themselves and saw for the world a new faith and a new hope that the world would he raised to a different plane of Iving, and furs ther a new hope for the church, The music at the merning service LOGAL TENPLARS AT NORTH TORONTO Local Lodge Paid Fraternal Visit to Toronto Last Thursday About twenty members of Oshawa Council No, 88, Royal Templars of Temperance paid a fraternal visit to North Toronto Council No, 104 on Thursday evening, and enjoyed splendid program, The evening was an open night given by the North Toronto council and the hall on Davenport Road was packed to capacity by members and friends af the order, The Sunshing Cirele, a Taranto Hible class which includes several blind members, pre sented a prograni that was exception ally good, The Oshawa : members were headed by the select councillor of the local council, Mrs, B, Dalton, Arrangements werg made for a visit to Oshawa by the North Torento Coungil in the wear future, # Pr-------------------- was especially chosen for the Kase ter season, In the anthem "I Des clare Unto You Glad Tidings" Mrs W. A. Hare took the soprano selo, Mrs, Hare also rendered a heautls ful solo, "Resurrextrix' and after sermon, Mes, George Fleming sang "Hosanna hy Grainger, The ad: dress of the evening was "Rabboni" Special Kaster musle composed the greater part of the service, Mr, J, Renwick presided at the organ, Both anthems were particularly well sung, Es LAA EA THE FORMULA FOR SPEED WITH SAFETY artist's conception, as above, of a great modern: Nighway, § EASTER SERVICES : picture | 2h, A meeting is to be held in Bireheliffe shortly to discuss the pro. weopgand Jake frant boulevard eastward from Taranto 10 Whithy and | jest, . hi A i ; : AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ENJOYED Resurrection Vindicates Christ's Claim to Godhead, Pastor States aster Day was observed in thi irst Baptist Chureh yesterday hy the delivery of appropriate seymons by the pastor, and the singing of Easter anthems by the ehoir at both services, and a speclal gqunrtette in tha evening, Mr, and Mrs, C, Sehoe na, Miss Benn and Mr, Hale, In the evening. the pastor, Rev, Au brey W, Small, spoke on "Fhe Fore of the Resurrection" Fhe vesurrod tion, he sald, wus not only un fact of history, even a fact of the great est lmportange, It was a fact rich in dmplication, Bome of these In plicitions were presented Had Jesus been during His istry wu conselous fraud, or even, withs| out any hint of insincerity, 1 | tim of delusion, He would nat have risen from death, Fyven had He led | ina owerld of shaking movement, oh vit ended ou long life in i blaze of glo He still w AS matter ol wild not have risen His ministry ended in apparent failure, and had He re the tomb all that could ald was that He was ane af many of like qualities, Bur He rose, and the resurrection yvindiested Him before the world, It showed that the elalms He made vy true, and that He was more than any man, ne matter how true act, malned in have been ere an idealist vindicated His #ineny elaim to God made by both word glint hoe able His promise of wha trast Him, Jesus wis thu other thing 1 head, whieh He and action, in His to forgive sing, in eternal hfe to those and in His assurance of purification to His followers The Resurrection al the death of Jesus wa certain purposes in the Divine econ omy, Had the death of Jesus been i Hutlle gesture, or an act approxi mating sweide in its moral vila had it been valueless for the Divine purposes, there would have been ne Resurrection, But hy the Resurrec tion the seal of Divine approval 1s placed on the death of Jesus Jesus was vindicated in this also The Resurrection theretore, is the fupreme vindication of Jesus in His invitations to all to repent and seek forgiveness aa the and Lo put trust in Him, It confirms Jesus in His teaching that His death would se cure salvation for man, and that he. ing so should give us every eonh dence ii the love of God, Hix power and will to save us; it should enable us to die to the old lite of sin and rise with Jesus to in newness { lle, y shows that negessary for walk Born | VIVIAN «At the Oshawa General | Hospital, Eaturday, April 18, 1080, to Mr, and Mrs, Churiea A, Vivian, a son, (ha) | oming Events A-- A Cents per word each ine sertion, Minimum charge for each insertion, Bbe, 4 pe NEVADA, PALMIRT, "hone appoints (db) MADAME Ross Corners, ments 2804, TT -------- ove a | hy Easter Fittingly Observed In Oshawa Churches With Many Attending Services epee Glad Resurrection Message Repeated in Worship and in Song FLOWERS ADORNED CHURCH INTERIORS Appropriate Easter Music Added Much to Joy of Services fittingly ehseryed in all churches yesterday and many attended the services both mar Hing and evening I'he annlversur of Christ's resurrection from the dead vorship and spivitunl immortal it Laster wi the ¢ity's wis commemorated bh PUNE oven aw in the sense Master signifies the ity of life, mm the physical sense also marks the renewal of nature af ter the long sleep of winter and the beautiful floral decorations which adorned practically all the ghurehe were most appropelate, their fresh ness and beauty adding much to th enjoyment of the serviges, St, George's Anglican Three reasons, outside of the fael of Christ's resurrection und other Seriptural proofs, were expounided by Rev, Canon C, R, dePencier as. wh an honest skeptic should eome to be lieve in the Immerality of the hum an soul, in his sermon at the morn ing service of Bt, Ge Anglican Chureh, Bunda First, Canon dePeneier stated, hu man eonselousness continually affirm ed that the grave waa not the en of all things, This inner feeling that man was not horn to die was common to all, he claimed, pointing out that it existed among even savage peoples as indicated by thelr burial rites Then there was the faet that each human persen was valuable, the speaker claimed, and that each: indi vidual life was precious, Man was the highest creation of nature and it would seem folly if with death his personality perished Man's..inner of Justice als painted out that there was eterial life, Canon dePencier affirmed, Upon this belief he stated the moral struc ture of humanity wis based for if death was the end of all things then moral restramt would be sacrificed for any present advantage or tempor enjoyment whieh - might be urges LT Ary gained, Christ's resurrection which all ather things signified the conquept aver sin and death was stressed, the rector stated, in the very order of the Easter service Large congregations were at the church both moeming and eve ning, while many teek Communion Rev, Christopher Lord, af Taranto, assisted throughout the day as lay shove present | reader, The chale, under the direction of Mr, M, Gouldburn, rendered the an them, "The Strife Is Or" at the morning service, while in the even ing the anthems, "Christ is Rigen' and "The Hallelulah Chore" were Sung very acceptably, Not Presbyterian The Kaster serviee on Sunday evening In a Preabycerian Church was lavgély attended, The Rev, 1), Munvoe delivered a very inspiving address, basing his ve marks on the wordai "Thine eyes shall see the king in his heauty! they shall behold the land that ls very far off," The choir presented music of an Easter nature, Rev, Mr, Munroe asserted that the land referred to im the text as far off, ia in raality aveund ' us We, ourselves, ave the inhabitants of it, All that is necessary is that our eyes he opened in a spiritual sense, to the opportunities for Ohplstian work, which abound in the world to-day, In lite today there are (we agents whieh ofter ain as theid goal in le, come ultimately to disillusionment and utter ruin, The men who leads a lite of sin will himself bound and confined as a man in prison, Sin will eripple the expansion of the human facul tien declared Mr, Munroe, The olear open vision offered by the Lord Jesus Christ gives ua the true spiritual insight ot fe, The ohureh should not be looked upen a8 & place of four walls but as an institution in which we lay the moral foundations of life, We should look beyeund the immed: fate present, declared My, Munroe, The extent of eur yiston is the soale our usefulness in the wer 1s measured, The excellance of our spiritual vision governs the value of the work we do while we ave Hving, aalvation Avy Easter was fitingly observed at the Salvation Army Oitadel yesten day and in the morning Euaign A Dixen preached on "An Raster Message." In the evening the Soa pel according to Luke was de wovibed in Jetipns and sons, y 1 ty Haster was celebrated hy five gorvices at Holy Teinity Angliean Chureh yesterday, the rector, Rev, A 0, Jarrett, belng in oharge. At ? a.m, Holy Communion was obs served, at AM, & Choral eles bration, at 11 am, mating and permon: 34 pang, ohildren'a service, while at 7 pm, thé day waa cons eluded with evensong and sermon, the Rev. Provost Coagrave, MA, of Trinity College, Toronto, preach. ing, Chylst Chae Rev, BR, BR, Patterson, the rectar, was i charge of the special Kass ter Sunday services at Chplat Awe glioan Chueh, At 10 aw, there was servica fer the centivmation a L 4 elass while Holy Communion wad observed at the § am; and 11 #Rie wervices, During the afternoon # ehildven's service was held which was addressed hy My, C, F, Cans non, The vector presched at the evening service, Oshinwa Pentecostal Holiness Vastor G, Legge preached ab hoth services of Oshawa Venles costal Holiness Church, Sunday, ree Methodist Ttev, NM, 1, Canement, the pastor, conducted the services of the ree Methodist Church yesterday, y Graces Tatheran Faster services at Grace Lulhe eran Chureh were conducted hy the paster, ley, A, ¢, Hahn, ' Masonie Temple "Who Are the 144,000 of Revas lation 147" This was subject of the sermon whieh was preached hy KKvangelists Moffett and Hartin at the special gervice in the Masonig Temple. last night under the Aln wplos the Oshawa NM tiute a Missionary Alhert Nireet United " The annual Kaster services were observed at Albert Street United Chureh, Bunday Hpecial musle was rendered throughout the day hy the eholr, while Rev, N, €, Moore preached hoth morning and evening, CBE Andrvew's United "I'he Living Redeemer" was the Aubject of the sermon which was preached hy the pastor, Rey, PF, J, Maxwell at the morning service of Ht Andrew's United Chureh, Buns any, In the evening the pastor preached upon the resurrection and Ita practieal application, while ap proviate mugie was rendered hy the echoly Christian Nelence "The Doctrine of Atonement' Was the subject for discussion at the Kaster service of the Firs Chureh of Ohrist Nelentist yesters day, Northminster United - A BPOCIRL WABLer GEuNe Wa preached by the pastor, Rev, A, My Irwin, at the morning service of Northminster United Chureh Buus day, There was alse musie by the Juniar choir and baptism, The BYening sevvice was featured by musle by the choly assisted by A Tale quartet, New members wera received and the Nacrament of the Lord's Nupper observed, Pentecostal Assembly Rev, J, 1, Ball, the pastor, had charge of the Kuster services ay Pentecostal Assembly Churehy Bunday, United nl King Street | Wpeelal Faster services were obs | tarred #t King Hireet United Church, Hunday, In the morales | the Dastor preached on 'Easter the Day That Knows No Night," I'he junlor choir, under the direcs ton of Mr, Herbert Q, Treneer, director and organist, took a proms heut part at this service and sang the choruses "'Naster Welcome" "For You and Me" and. "Easter Hells", while Edith Dalgeel sang UHervice to the King' by hawker, The junior church service was held At 11.00 o'clock, In the evening Rev, Mr, Cragg preaghed on "The Upper Room" ~ while Appropriate musle wan rendered by the eheir, Ihe anthems included "0 Lord of Lite witl* solo part by Me, Dougs on Powless; ""Reaurresit with A010 Paria hy Mrs, red Li and My, Frank Walters a carol "Hroken Is the Heal A! Wadies' trio Including Mrs, ©, D, Friend, Miss Wilma Crowthers and Misa Bernloe Werp MAE the selootion "Let Chimes o Raster ba Gladly Rung," A male quartey composed of Herbert ©, Treneer Frank Walters, C, Staples and frank Nave ng "Hall Him Vies } ' Musie for the charge of Mp Ni TF wat Calvary Baptist } J. H, Russell oy go apeaken In oharge of the Kaster services or Calvary Baptist Churoh, sunday, St Gregory's R, C Church , Masses were held in St, Gre yi Roman: Catholie Church on Kasten Day At eight, nine, ten and eleven o'clock, At the latter celebration tha Mass hy La Mache was sun W the choir with Miss Mare Melhdy at the organ. Rev, Father Bench preached at these services and at ne devotions which were held a v'elock in the qvening, Kh W.E N Sinclair To |, Address Liberal Women W, EN, Sinclair, KC. the Opposition in the Std LoS! Nature, and Ross W, , est Lambton, will he the speaker at the luncheon for the de AM 1] the annnal meeting of the aria Liberal Women's Association, at the Prince George Hotel tomorrow at eng o'clock, The meeting will of a 1030 amy, when: Misa Gertrudy R a Kin, of Stratlord, president, wi her address, At the aftern an important item of business be the election of effeers On Wednosday at the worn sion the result oi the election announced, and during the day dresses will he given hy Th Cayley, MP, South Oxford; te Gram Needham, who was a oandis date at the provincial elections, and Harry Sifton, a candidate in the fa Federal cloetlon, Mn Siften w speak on "Canadianism,* The Toronto Liberal \Women's Ase sociation will ho hostesses at the luncheon on Wednesday, This will a purely soetal affair, with M Roading, president, officially we . ing the ontsalvtown delegates and officers. Mrs, € 1, Scott 'Will cons vene the Tuesday lume Lx 08a

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