Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1930, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 19% "KEY TROPHIES PRESENTED TO RITSON RD. TEAMS AT BANQUET » Winning Hockey Teams { Buanqueted and Presented ® ob { the most Interesting and a. panguets of its kind, that as ever been held in Oshawa wah held Inet night at Ritson Kd, Public Behool, The banquet, which wis put on by the Home ands Behool elub of Witson Rd, headed by Mrs, Hooth, thelr hard-working president, marke the occasion of the presentation of two hockey trophies, which were won by Ritson Rd. hockey teams during the season of 1920-0, The Ritson Rd, Publie School eer tainly made an admirable showing this last season in hockey and & great deal of eredit must be glyen to the players, and to Messrs, Knight, Lyeett, Nichol and Robinson. here were four hogkey series operated b the O.P8AA, and when the finals of each series were held, Ritson Rd, had & team entered In three of the finals and two of their tems, the Seniors and the Tourths, emerged vigtoriows, The banquet served as i fitting eli» max to A very successful season, Besides the members of the Home and School Club, who provided the]. banquet, there were wll the members of the Ritson 1d, tewms present, us well as the Girls' Basket all team and three girl orators, GW, Mer Knight, Principal of the Ritson Rd, Behool, acted as Master o Ceres monies, Among the guests who were Breen: were, Gr, and Mrs, Ai W all, Mrs, C, ¥, Cannon, Mrs, Mer Knight, Miss Annand, H, Ci Lecky, Robf, Preston, Jack Bond, Mr, and Mrs, Wengt, Mr, Robinson, Mr, Ni chel, Mr, Booth, Geo, Campbell, and the teachers of the school, Presentation of Trophies After all had partaken of a bouns tiful and delicious repast, Me, Ni ehol led In community singing, Af ter a short, suitable address, the Chairman called upon Robt, Preston togresent the Preston Trophy, The She CART W Lumpir (0 With Handsome Trophies Preston Trophy, whieh tins enjoyed three years of competition had pre. viously been held by Bimeos Bt, South school, The donor of the cup congratulated the » lnners und ex ressed hiv satisfaction that the wonours were going wround, The Ritson Rd, Benlors wen the title by defeating Centre Ht In the final, Captain Jou, on behalf of his team, thanked Mr, Preston for the trophy und the ladies for the banquet, H, C, Lecky, who takes a very aes tive interest in hockey, being & mem ber of the O, H, A, Executive und also a prominent member of the Osh» swe City Hockey Club, was called upon next, te present the gup done uted to the Publis Behools by the Oshaws City Hockey Club, This eup was for the winner of the Fourths Title, Mr, Locky gave #n short hut stirring wddress, in whieh he gave the hoys & wealth of good advice on sport and Its value as wu character builder, Newton Marton, Captain of the Fourths team, replied on behalf of his teans, Coroperation Stressed AW, Bell, Chairman of the locas Board of Fdugation, was the next speaker, 'Mr, Bell also gave a short speech In which he copgratulated the boys on thelr excellent work und | wointed out that Ritson Rd, Behool atu and wirls were proving efficient in 'morg than one phase of school aes tivitye He urged the boys to play the game fairly and squarely and 1 lose with the true sporting spirit The speaker alse stressed the value and need of co-operation, He men tioned the winning of the two eham- plonships, as Just one example of the success whiel comes when every one eo-operates, Mr. Robinson, representing Centre St, Sehool, congratulated Ritson Rd, on thelr success and assured them that the Centre St teams would. put up even better opposition next time Miss Annand, Principal of Slneoe St, South School, extended her cons gratulations to the winners and pros mised that next year the Simcoe Sauth boys would try te take the cups back, Miss Annand pointed out that eertain members of the Ritson Rd, team, learned their hockey while attending Simeoe South School, Mr, Riehl, the next speaker, thanked all the teachers for thely help and wll those whe had, In sny way, helped. to muke the publie hehool Hockey leagues & suceess, Juek Bond, who weted us veleres for the final gwnes, gave the players some excellent advice as to the man ner and spirit of [lay ing. He told the boys to stay In the game and keep trying and when beaten by a better man, to admit It and not to resort to Megat tuctigs to make up for lack of ability, Mr, Lyeett, one of the teachers of Ritson Rd, Behool and manager of the teams, wis called upon next, He thanked the donors of the trophies und the Home and Behool club, He expressed the satisfaction that the teams had met with such success and promised that they would be back trying for mere laurels, Mrs, Booth president of the Home and Schoo! Club, stated tht the Club members had always worked together and that It was a pleasure to give the boys # banquet, The banquet was. brought ¢lose hy the singing of the "King and everyone left feeling that « great deal of progress hiss heen made towards eventing the true sporting spiel among the pupils of the schools and that Ritsen Rd, School ean be Justly proud of her young athlete . { 10 ul J Win Their First Game Philadelphin, Pa April 10,0 Ploking up the winning habit where they left off last October, Connie Mack's wsprighly young hand of sthleties started thelr 1080 Ameriean campaign Impresively yesterday und to the complete sats isfaction of 38,000 fans hy trounce ing Yankees 6 to 8, Al Simmons celebrated the sts minute signing of his contract by elouting a home run on his frst turn at bat, scoring "Mule" Haan ahead of him, Robert Moses Grove southpawed the metropolitan clan into An almost complete state of mibjeetion New York, ang 000 000-8 6 8 Philadelphia 218 010 10x06 6 § Pipgras, HW, Johnson and Dicks ay; Grove and Cochrane, a Tigers Win Opener From St. Louis 6-3 mT------ Detroit, April 16==Whitlow Wy» hander, starved in the vole of velief piteher un the Detrol. Tigers defested the Bt, Louis Browns, 6 ao 8, in the sess #On's opening game at Navin fleld yesterday, ore wus a crowd of 47,000, After the Browns hed found George Uhle, Detroit, starting pit oher, form { hits, Including threes home runs, Wyatt truned the vise tors back hitless for thre innings, wt, Louis 000 001 200-6 1% 0 Detroit 850 010 OixH 18 0 tray, Holshouser, Kimuey and Mansion; Uhle Wyatt and Hay- worth, EE ----. , , PP Pittsburg Wins Heavy Hitting Game from Reds r----y Cinelnnstl, 0, April 10-=Heuvy | hitting and a lead which ehanged | hands four times festured yoster: day's opening game which Pitts burg won from the rede, 7 to 6, Thirty-two hits were made for a total of 48 bases, Hartel and Himeley hit eonseour tive home runs at the start of the second inning, Paul Waner led the Plvaten's attack with four hits In us many times at bat, Pittsburg M, 000 081 000.7 15 8 Cineinnatl 119 100 100.8 17 1 Kremer, Swetonle and Hemiley| Laeas, Campbell, Frey and Suke- forth, Goooh, SARNIA 'O BE REPRESENTED IN LACROSSE THIS SEASON Sarnia, Apr, 10=8arnia's entry In» to the OALA, Intermediate series this season was practically settled at a meeting of players Monday night, The election of ofMeers and final de clslon wan left over until next Tues: day evening when a general meet: Ing will be held and "Ace" Van Al styne, President of the Imperial Athe letie Association, will be dresent, Mr, Van Alstyne Is In Oklahoma ot pres sent, More than twenty experienced players are available for the Sarnia teams, whieh Is seeking a grouping with Detroit, Wallaceburg and either Windsor or Chatham, Interest in the mame, which has been dormant here for the past several years, | surpris- ingly high, Colorful Footwear for decrees that perfect harmony of style, upivit and color prevail between your shoes d your Easter costume, Our are have centres of America for just of footwear you'll wan searched the lading iris ¢ Nl tio th all their . LEE IN the test varie modes i the history of smart shoe fashion , , , of SPRING tionably key note this ~ahoes will interpret the dietum o The perts=---our sock favorites includes the ALMORA A new member of the brown family, SUNTAN-A warm beige tone you're sure to like, BRIGE CLAIRE--A new pastel shade with adde! charm, Nile Groen, Hatin Kid and of course Patni Then too... There is range of otherwise have you he t volume Spring Styles to pay. Ch ahoes cose trom the will find favor, These and that , trim and swanky, vane sniravagant to be well dravsed.. .. Agn . at prices far below those onder ces far below last word in Smart Fo awaits vides you with a really many amart ore at theae Pumps ave much in favor Straps nd back | on, id, \ anlan dines, ¥ in Widths 4'%o b AGNEW-SURPAS ~ SHOE STORES, LTD. kin "Canada's Greatest Chain Shoe Stores" 23% Simcoe St, South OSHAWA a" More await you Are different, Anavitun) ap $2.9 to $5 " of Factory To Foot ORT SNAPSHOT SH AR Sa Rs SN Sry HS fie, S "By Guo, Caurnms, Sports Biter The 1929:30 hockey season for y Teams Witson Mond public school was brought to a elose last night by a banquet held In the hell of the sohool, Ritson Roud had three tenms in the finels this year, out of & possible four, und they won two champlonships,. 'The presentation of the trophies was made at the banquet and the boys were congratulated on their success and good spi » * wismanship, w " Munday School Softball League The Oshawa Sunday School Softhull League held a lively meeting last night and a great deal of valusble business was transacted, It Is ene pected that thers will be at least a dosen entries in this league, The seerstary was Instructed to make grounds, April B9, Ad negotintlons to obtain playing The next meeting of the league will be held on Tuesday, On this date all entries must be made and all entry fees pild by those teams wishing to play LJ in the league, » Oshawn Lacrosse Club Meeting : Ihe Oshawa Lacrosse Club held their re-organisation meeting last night at the YMCA, and there were about sixty lacrosse enthusiasts on hand, A very pleasing feature of the meeting was the large ats tendunce of business men of the city, whe assured the glub of thelr support, seuson, Honorary Patrons, Mayor I, 8, McLaughlin, Dr, 1, E Kalser, MV, W, E, W, WH, Moore, John Stacey, V, 1, I'hy following capable officers were elected for the coming I 1, Mitchell, Geo, McLaughlin, N. Sinclair, M.P.D, Mason, Ernie Marks, Dr Henry, Honorary Presidents, Lou Corrin, Mike Bouckley, Art, Hambly, Fred Luke, Mr. Lovell, Mr, Thiekson, Mr, Dosherry and ¥d Pres Donald, pident, Morley Jueobly Ist Viee-President, Alex Hall; 2nd Viee-Presis dent, Ab, Cox Jrd Viee-President, Fommy Johnston) Secretary, W, Karny Asst -Beeretary, Clarence Cox; Treasurer, G, Saywell; Coach and Team Manager, Geo, "Bert" Constable With sueh an admirable fist of officers, the Oshuwn Lacrosse Club should have a very success ful semson and Canada's popular In this «ity, + J ational game should become even more LJ . Textiles Meeting All Intermediate softball players intending to turn out with the Textiles team ure reminded of the YMCA, tonight at 8.00 o'clog) LJ meeting which Is being held at the \_ * Oshawa Ladies' Softball Assn, Meeting The Oshawa Ladies' Solthall Association will held a meeting at the YMCA: on Thursday night at 7.30 pm. sharp All teams Intend. Ing to enter the loeal Ladies' League are asked to have thelr represens tiutives present + 0.C.LAA, Important matters will be discussed, w * Meeting Thursday All intermediate, junior and Juvenile teams intending to enter any of the Oshawa City of the meeting night at 800 o'clock sharp the executive members 10 he on hand at the time stated, and Industrial Softball Leagues are reminded whigh Is being held at the Y.M.CA Incidentally, It might be Just as well for on Thursday The meets Ing aan start without certain representatives being present, but It can not start without the executive, all teams must make thelr application If they intend to play, other teams will be admitted to the league after Thursday night, teams whe are thinking of entering are asked to note this fact At this meeting en Thursday night, No Any Whit by and Bowmanville teams are especially reminded to have thelr reps resentatives presents » * * LJ A Smart Bowling Seore It has been a recognized fact at the logal alleys, that Oshawa has some smart pin pounders, maul the maples with the best of them, Ping" there are not so many stars, here are & number of local boys who ean At the men's game, "Ten A record whieh will stand for quite some time around these parts was set on Monday night up at the Motor City Alleys by the popular manager, Wullle Myles, Waullie rolled three consecutive games of ten pins and annexed a total of thirtysone marks out of & possible thirty-six, His total for the three games was had eleven strikes and one spare, 78 This is remarkably good howling for In the last game he ten pins and the mark should stand for some thine te come . LJ ¥ LJ Oshawa City Play Friday The Oshawa City Soccer team will play their first game of the season, an exhibition game; with Mimleo Beach, at Alexandra Park, on Good Friday alternoon, kick off at 3 o'gleck, A dinner will he given to the players of both teams after the game and a dance will be held at Rotary Hall in the evening t admission to the dance will be 35 cents o help defray expenses, The Tiekets are obtainable at Mike's Place or from any of the club officials, The city have a smart team and a good game Is assured, . * * . Oshawa Nationals Play. Saturday The Oshawa Natlonals will have thelr first game of the season, alse an. exhibition tilt, at the Meter City Stadium on Saturday afters neon, April 19 Taranto, they are after more laurels, * | skinned Dominion titleholder a mar ha Red Aces ¥ Meet The Nats, will play the smart Rarlscourt Kenwoods, of The Nats have Hned up a smart team for this seasop and » Tonight All boys under the age of 18 on May 1st, and who are Interested in playing softball for a real live tea, are asked to turn out to the meeting of the Red Aces juveniles whieh ix being held at the YMCA tonight at 800 pa There are quite a number of vacancies on the team this year and thera 1s plenty of room for good players, Frenchy Belanger Wins Hard Bout In Winnipeg ' -- Winnipew, April 16=Canny Frens ohy Belanger; of Toronto, ace of Cas nadiun flywelghta, last ulght rapped out a tensround decison ever Quina Loe, stralghtshitting Mobile, Ala, Southern States champion, in the fea ture bout of a card at the amphis 'theatre, Ringside observers gave the dark fin dn seven rounds, Lee two an called one==the tenth=even, Helang- or welghed 116 and Lee three less Down in the first round from a stiff body puneh that he claimed was foul, the little Southern boy eame back alter a rest and we dieal exam. ination to provide the fleeting Toren: tontan with an glusive target, A phys slolan whe examined Lee could find no trace of a low blow though the Alabama lad was undoubtedly hurt, Rattered when he waa Sahin a long the rapes and ontapeeded in the open, Lee wan hopelessly behind in oints before he started to make an hapreasian. Ho, started a whirlwind offensive in the eighth and maintain of it through the ninth and tenth, Won First Soven Rounds "Frenchy had won every one of the first seven rounds, He had rappey his Nouthern foa with straight lefw and right hooks until the customers were looking for a knockout, then tiring Quina suddenly stopped taking and started to give, He fired inte the ehamplon at the bell in the eighth slanaa, opened a wide gash above Belanger's right eye and did the same thing to the leit before the round onded, In theninth the: American epntine wed the pressure, Blood streaming down his face, a a in vali to keep © i tigerish little fighting man from Mobile, that yielded ue wina's re Aan oar ried the ninth round as easily as he had the eighth Delay u met fe tin mid The tenth wan even ded " Lo Rhe hell ad ways They slugged it ou and clouts that steed him back on his heels. The comesbagk flurry earns ed Belanger the unanimous vetg of the referee and judges OXFORD RIFLES QUINTET OUTSCORRS CR. TEAM Woodstook, Avil 16=The clever basketball quintet of he Oxford Rif les, Woodstoek's Militla unit, defeats ed the Royal Canadian Regiment team here Monday evening in a closely contested exhibition mateh, the local winning out 2 to 12 At half time they led 1 to 9 A out lip | Senators Win from Chicago Red Sox Boston, April 16-But 8,500 fans saw the Washington Benators dofest the Ned Box 6 te 1, In Dos tons big Yengue opening game here yosterday, 1h was oold end windy and such weather, coming afie the hottest day of the present year, kept, the attendances down, doyd TNirown, Bouthpaw, the Box to three hits, Washington 808 000 0106 9 0 Boston 000 001 000-1 H § Li, Brown and Ruel; Rufling, Mullroney sand Berry, Connolly, Guy Cantrell ToPitch Today Reading, Pa, April 16="The team that wins the pennant in the Inter: national League must beat Toronto," So de fared Bteyvs O'Neill, manage: of the Toronto Maple Leafs, on the sve of the opening of another base ball season Jr ast night asserting that no other team In the league ean mateh his pltehing staff that the Leafs wre impregnable fensively, and that he Is mere than sutishied with thelr hitting strength, challenged the remainder of the ¢lubs to try to kep his team out of first place this year "We got off to a poor start Tast season, and Rochester stepped out to take the lead," he declared, ""I'his sen son it will be Toronto that will get the quick get-away, and no one will stop us," In order to attempt to get away to # flying start, ONeill decided to send Guy Cantrell, the fastest fireball pit gher In the league, against the Read Ing Keystones herg today, Cantrell, ace of the Leafs' staff last season, Is In excellent condition for the opener, The Keystones also will use a righthander, but they will rely en a veteran, Norman Pitt, the only be. spectacled twirler in the Internas tional. League, has been assigned to opening day duty by Headman Harry Hinehman, Pitt, who ls 35 years old, formerly was with Brooklyn. He still has plenty of cunning left in his right arm Korttons Weak The Leafs, rated one of the strong est teams in the elreult, will eppost one of the weak sisters of the organ lation when they take on the Key- stones, The Reading team practical ly wus made over last winter by Man ager Hinehman after they finished in seventh place last season, 'The result has been nothing to brag about, The plching staff Is weak, glaring faulty are seen around first base, while In today's game o rookle inflelder, Tony Krasovich, will will patrol centrefiald in the absence of good gardeners, It became necessary to use Kran ovich when Pete Scott, recently pur chased from Sacramento, was injured yesterday in batting practice, "The only other available outfielder, Dielk Loftus, Is on the bench with an in. Jured shoulder, O'Neill was enthusiastic about his team last night, He challenged the other teams in the league to try te beat Toronto, He sald the Leafs would be right up there this year, for he hoped to get off to a better start than last season, "We've got » great ball team," he sald, and then he smiled over the words, "A great ball team." Ha re: peated It several times, Then he be came more Intense, He no longer was In a reyerle, "Candidly I can't see any team that ean beat us" he declared "We've got the pliching. You can't beat our pitching staff, We've got the best defensive team In the leas gue. And this year we're going to got the hitting" held Ft ------ Cubs Pound Five PitcherstoWin9.8 Wt, Louis, Mo, April 18-=The slugging Chicago Cubs, champions of the National League, pounded five Bt, Louls Cardinal pitohers for 15 hits and won the opening game of the season here yesterday by » y 8, despite a ninth-innings Care 'nal rally which threatened to urn the tibe, OMelal attendance + 14,000, The Cub. attack included nix coder and a triple, Flint Rhem, a0 started on the mound for the loonls, was knooked out in the nid innings after he had allowed five doubles and three singles, Ohlcago ol 100 040<h 18 1 Nt, Louls 010 000 281-8 12 ) Blake, Malone and Hartnett: Rhem, Will, Hal Garbowaki, Sherdel and J. Wilson, BRITISH TEAM FOR HAMILTON London, April 16.=After mueh dis. cussion the Lawn Tennis Association yesterday announged it would team of tenniy layers to the Ems pire games. at Hamilton, Ontarlo, in August, Vaudeville Skit O'Nelll, | | | de | pond af Sweetland Stars When Phillies Win From Robins 1-0 Brooklyn, N, ¥,, April 10-=108ter Hweotlund, Philadelphia southpaw we, took complete eharge of Lhe opening game here yesterday 614 hut out the Wobing, 1 Lo 0, Kweet land held the Brooklyns to threw hits, sontiered through the first thres innings, and his double In the olghth opened the rally which gave the Phillies thelr one run, The largest opening day orowd on record for Khhets 1isld, estimated at 27,000, saw Bwaetinnd and Wil Ham Watson Clark, hig Isft-handed rival, engage In a spectacular piteh ing duel, HOW MY RUPTURE WAS CURED -- ALBENT BOINSKAL J. Li Armstrong, Specialist, 108 Bank Mt, Ottawa, Dear Nir The. appliance you put on me ahout 10 months ngo has caused a complete cure of that big rup- ture, I have not worn the appli ance for poms timos=and working at my tmde as usual 1 have tested the cure to my own satisfaction, Before 1 ealled on you I had at leant 10 trusses, some of these were fitted on me hy so-called ex. pert truss fitters, All were useless to me, My experience proves that your appliance is the best when all others falled to oven hold my rapture, Your invention caused a complete cure of same and I want to recommend it to my friends and all interested, Yours truly, ALBERT DOISSEAU, Foreman tinsmith at Ottawa Dairy, BO Catherine Bt, Clarks. town, Ont, A Toronto Man's Nvidence 1 Howlek Ave, Toronto 0, Ont, Muareh 14, 1083, Mr, J. L. Armstrong, Hernia Npeolalist, Ottawa, Ont, Dear Mp, Armstrong! Two and half years ago I was fitted by you wifh one of your Appliances for the cure of rupture, and I would like to giw you my experience with fit, Previous to coming to you I had been troubled with the rupture for twelve years, and during that time I had worn different makes of trusses, but I never got one that would even held the rupture under all conditions, much less effect eure, Neeing your advertisement in | The Ottawa Farm Journal, I came | to Ottawi with the hope that your appliance would hold the rupture Where the others had failed, but | Wan not optimistie enough to hope | OF OXPROL & cure. No you may ime agine my feelings when, after using it for about eighteen months, I found I wan cured. It is now twelve months since 1 wore it, any never once have 1 felt the need of It mince then, 1 do not work very hard, but I do a lot of walks ng T also play A brass instru ment in 'a military band, also play golf and other games, No there doesn't meem much room tor doubt as to the siteetiveness or || the cure, | To say that I am grateful is to express {t very mildly, and the cowl of the appliance. is not to be coms pared to the feeling of rellet one han In knowing that w oure hes been effected in so troublesome | a complaint, ! Gratefully yours, ARTHUR TIDRETIS, 1 Howlok Ave, Teronto 9, Unt, J. L. ARMSTRONG Npectaling, of Ottawa, Outario, will be ab Commercial Hotel OSHAWA, Ont, FRIDAY, APRIL 18th 0 AM? PM, No matter how larga your Rup ture may be, QOMN, No buckling around your body, No pressure on crest of hips, nor pi spine, There fs n oharge for OMOnAtMting to you privately, the efficlency of wy Invention, Hundreds of references, = Bvery ruptired person should | have my book, It fs FREN, Hemems | ber I am not connected with any (Puss company or people adyers talog to oure you with liniments, | muscle toniow, plaster, eleotrioity, | rupture buttons, old style trusses | oalled shields and worthless trée tial touts, i Bstablished in Ottawa, Ont, over 40 years, Office at 100 Bank Ntreet, You will atwiys find me in Ottawa the first threo days of each week, NO log straps, ©

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