Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1930 PAGE FVE Women's Interests in the Home .... and the Community SOCIAL and PERSONAL Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin, "Park- wood," entertained at a luncheon and bridge today, Mrs, R. Hall, of Montreal, who has n spending the last wo Weeks with her nates, Mr, and M Everson, Stren east, is Th ing home today. Mrs. J. Beaton and daughter Dor- cas, of Connaught street, left today to spend a few days in Montreal Mrs. C, O. Lucas, of Toronto Dio- Dorcas Secretary, Was B guest at Christ Church rectory yesterday, Mrs, G, O' Brien and son Gerald, of Rochestety N.Y, are spending a few s with Mrs, O'Brien's sister, Mrs, Gaga Bellis, Arlington avenue, Mrs, Harvey Simpson, of Chatham, isspending the week with her par ents, Mr. and' Mrs, E, L. Vickery, King, street east, Mr, Ralph Vickery, pupil of the Toronto College of Art is spending the Easter vacation at his home on King street east, The Oshawa students of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, who are spending the Easter vacation with their parents, in Oshawa, are Misses Toots Brooks, Lois Germond, Marg- aret Anderson, Isabel Downey and Harriet Swall, Among those from Oshawa who attended the demonstration of phy- sical education at the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, last evening were Mr, and Mrs, C. M, Anderson, Mr, NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES ies Choose 1 rg are ™ THE FASHION SHOPPE Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned HOSIERY A ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Simcoe St, and Mrs. C, Downey, Mrs, M, Hez- zelwood, Miss Katherine Hezzelwood, Miss Roper, Miss Ainley, Miss Lor- raine Mason, Miss Lois Mundy and Miss Elsie Ross, Miss Jennie Taylor bride-to-be of this month was entertained re- cently at a bridge and shower :n her honor by Mrs. Alex B, Fisher, The bride was the recipient of many useful and appropriate gifts, Mr, Cormack distributed tickets for a travel talk on "A Trip Around the World," in moving pictures, The eripture lesson was read by Miss A, Hobbs, The meeting was brought to a close by the singing of a hymn, followed by the "Lord's Prayer," Mr. and Mrs, Harris McMurter, of Oshawa, spent the week-end in Rednersville, Prince Edward Coun- ty, While there Mr, McMurter at- tended the funeral of his aunt, Mr, C, Churchley of Oshawa, was a week-end guest in Pleton, Mr, and Mrs, W, M, Armour, 73 Division Street, who were celebrat- ing the 10th anniversary of their wedding on Saturday, April 12, were pleasantly wsurprized that evening when 35 of thelr relatives and friends gathered at their home. A short address was read to the bride and groom hy Mr, Walter Armour and a presentation of an end table was made them by Misses Jean Vinson and Edna Bchort, nelces of the bride and groom, Although Mr, and Mrs, Ar mour were taken completely by surprise they acted very genially as host and hostess and a pleasant evening was spent after which lunch was served, Young Peop!e's Meet ngs KNOX CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE The regular meeting of the Knox Young People's Society was held with Mr, McKenzie presiding, The thecting was opened by the singing of a hymn and followed by a prager. 1 ed by Mr. Cormack, M.A. club held their an- nual Ai in the Legion Hall yesterday afternoon, At 2,30 the booths opened, The aprons of fancy work were in charge of Mrs, Dol- ley and Mrs, Wilcox and Mrs, Green. Mrs, Thompson and Mr, Barnes had charge. of the Country Store, and Mrs. Weeks and Mrs, Beswick and Mrs, Meyers of the howe-made cooking booth, The tea room was presided over by Mrs, Voote, Mrs, Keller, Mrs, Pol- Jard and Mrs, Clement, Mrs, Mit chell arranged the flowers, During the aftennon & program opening with a hymn tock place, Mrs, and Miss Meyers sang an duet, Mrs, Gibbs gave 'a rending and Miss Irene Weeks played a plang solo, Mrs, Weeks also played a plano solo, Mrs, B, Farston gave a short address and officially opened the bazaar, NORTHMINSTER YOUNG PEO. PLE'S LEAGUE The regular meeting of the North. minster Young People's League was held on Monday, April 14, 1930, Mr, Irwin was in the chair, but later introduced Mr, Stephen Say- well as our new president for the re. mainder of the year, Mr, Savwell o¢- cupied the chair for part of the eves ning, The regular meeting routine was carried out, Mr, Yeo reading the scripture lesson, A delightful solo by Mrs, Nichol was much appreciated, Mr lrwin was the speaker of the evening, the subject of his address being "Jesus and Youth," which was in keeping with the spirit of Passion Week, Mr. Irwin took his text from "Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make ye free," All who heard our pastor on Monday cvening were much inspired by his words, The meeting was brought 10 a ¢lose by a hymn and prayer CHRIST CHURCH AXA, The regular Monday" evening meeting of Christ Church AY. 1A, was held last evening and Miss L, McDonald gave a short talk on Ireland, that wus much enjoyed, After tha address quolts and shut fle board were played, Next Mon- day evening program will be a "Kids Party," and the W.A, and Men's Club will be the guests, All guests must wear some fancy dress suitable to the name of the party, CENTRY LA At the m Centre St, Young People n kn Mr, N, McLeod addressed the members on | the subject of the ¥ive Yower ('on-| ference that Is taking place in Eng land at present, He gave reasons for the conference and tho events leading up to it. He also pointed out the conditions under which each nation had entered and the attitude of each to the conference, Mr, Me- Leod's address was highly appre- ciated, The meeting last evening was a discussion of the nation Italy and what the United Church Is do- ing for Itallan immigrants, This discussion was led by the President YOUNG PEOPLE EASTER DINNER Easter Sunday is a rather t ow and calls tor a rather tre dinner, so we" yo pared cial choice arra abuckutely the Ak, st wei bargin | "SMOKFD MEATS for EASTER MILD CURED Half or Whole Hain Centre Slices, Ib. 49¢ calves, George Vletcher, The tople chosen for. last evening would not have proved so interesting without -the talk glven the week before as Italy is one of the leading nations in the conference, 'The worship service at last evening's meeting was in chagge of Miss Emily Watson, WOMEN'S. MEETINGS IMCOR STREET UNITED The Easter Thank-offering meeting of Simeoe street W.M.5, was held in the Sunday School Auditorium, on Tuesday afternoon, April 15, A very inspiring programme 'was enjoyed by all present, The meeting opened wit singing a hymn followed by prayer and remarks by the J saident, ™, B, J. Gay, Mrs, Glen Henry read the scripture lesson and Mrs, Boddy led in prayer, An impressive letter from the acting president and general sec~ retary of the Dominion Board, tell- ing of the great revival of "conditions in China and Japan for the winnin of lives for Jesus Christ was read by Mrs. Gay, "The First Easter Mon" was charmingly rendered by Mrs, Stewart Alger, "Messages that Faster Brings," written by Mrs, Sangster was recited by Miss Evelyn Gay, It contained many beautify thoughts, Mrs, Hare sang "There is a Green Hill Far Away," The speak. er of the afternoon was Mrs, Rob bins, of Bowmanville, president, was i WR by Mrs Gay, Following an inspiring and in- teresting address, Mrs, Holden, Mrs, Hallitt and Mrs, Fleming played a plano trio, Little Miss Stella Bartlett sang a solo entitled "Love Message," and three little Misses Courtice sang a trio, The meeting was closed with all re peating z the L d's Prayer, LOCAL HOME AND SCHOOL COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Home and School Council was held yester- day afternoon in the YM.CA, It was decided, with regret, to post- pote the art exhibition until early all » The prize list for the School Fair in September was arranged and pla. ced in the hands of a committee of three=Mrs, J, C, Young, Mrs, Frank McLaughlin and Mrs, B. C, Colpus, A copy of the list will be placed in each room in every school as early as possible after the Easter vaca- tion, Next month being the annual meet- ing with election of officers, a nom- ination committee was 'appointed with Mrs, C, Rogers as convenor, Final arrangements were made for | the president and three delegates to atiend the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations in To- Easier Choice cuts from selected and -- milk fod wml a ib. 32 Smoked Picnics One One 34 Ib, Pac 'S CH for 31¢ : EE --. Fine Creamery _ CARNATION CREAMERY 2 s.y3¢ Delmonte Peaches 2 tins 4'7¢ Sliced or Halves, Size 2's ib. 19. LEG ROAST VEAL LOIN ROAST VEAL 5: I. FILLET VEAL "i dil' Ib, 23¢ 23¢c 29c¢ bn LATE Loin Young Lamb Porterhouse Roast Flank on in 2%7¢ 380 Butter lw -~ Corvus BRAND ¥ ? bs.7%¢c Victory Queen (lives 20 oz. 19¢ "CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP Small Tins 3 tor 250 Pure Ma Easter Jelly Beans b.15¢ Fancy W's Quality For Good Silverbright Salmon, sliced or by the piece .... Fresh Caught Codfish, Bes ssssne Whi lah, excelent quailty oe LAE wee LEE) Fillets, CI EE EE NE I NN I Hering Tedads wave an golden sud, . Cere ¥s.... .. Ib, 16¢ EASTER SUGGESTS Bassett's Licorice po 29 sted Peanuts. 27} . C Roasted Peanuts , .... Peanut Butter, toy pail, x. 19¢ ple Syrup. . 16 oz, 37¢ Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour ... . ..... pkg. 17¢ Sh Saver Wrasse Millionaire Sardines . .. tin 105 Sunera Coaléed Breakf: 23 Franco Brand Peas, 1's LAL oy timer Fancy LE NC a 2 for 19¢ Aylmer Fancy Crosby Com, So Velveeta Cheese, 4's - ... 19¢ Country Club Chocolates 9 3 1b. box SOM Sah (nea 99¢ we La b. 19¢ ity Crabmeat ast he LILA BL SU « Ib. 12%¢ Tb. 4c Ib. 10¢ b. 16¢ Red Ripe Tomatoes 2 lbs. 23¢ Messina Lemons Iceberg Lettuce ...2 Heads 19¢ Fresh Curly Spinach 2 lbs. 21¢ Red Cooking Onions 5 lbs 13¢ Doz, 21c ronto next week, CHRIST CHURCH W.A, At the regular monthly meeting of the Christ Church W.A: yesterday af- ternoon the ladies of St. George's Church and of Hely Tginity Church were guests, Mm, O. C, Lucas Dio- Dorcas Secretary was the specipl | sess -- speaker of sthe afternoon, Mrs« Lu- cas mentioned during her talk, the bales that had been sent to mission from Christ Church W.A, Following her address Mrs, B, Ball sang beautiful solo accompanied at the p ano by Mrs, Carnell, Afternoon tea was served when: Mrs, Dayman, Mrs, G. Alchin and Mrs, Barnhart acted as hostesses, Mrs, Weldon and Mrs, Sweet received the guests, Weddings WRIGHT--ELLIS At the parsonage of King Street United Church, Oshawa, on Thurs. day, March 20, 1080, a very quiet wedding was solomenized by the Rev, C, B, Cragg when Laura May daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Dennis Ellis of Madoc, became the wife of Leslie Wright, son of Mr, and the late Mrs, J, Wright, of Mar- mora, The married couple will re- side In Oshawa, Of course, if ever we come to know what spring Is going to do the next minute it would be spring~~Buffalo Courier-Express, Spring Coats Cleaned and Pressed 125 Ladies' Hats Cleaned 50c. Aldsworth's ALE Aviola's Al Coatiin Harr Bs ma 36 Athol Street East Phone 549 presbyterial | Let Our Salesladies Show You The Very a - STORE OPEN THURSDAY EVENING Latest Fashions in Easter 7 RD AHA If the new mode is anything at all, it is highly individualistic, which 'means that more than for many years each woman may dress to suit her own requirements, Only to one thing does the smart woman have to conform == the basic silhouette, and even its lengthened skirt and raised waistline are adaptable = in fact are only smart when they do meet the requirements of each individual figure, The next consideration after style is price, And here is where we want to emphasize the fact that this store's style-right garm- ents, and its accessories to the Spring costume, are priced as low as it is humanly possible to mark good reliable merchandise. Misses' & Women's Coats $8.95., Girl's Coats, 2 to 12 years, from ,, $3.98 $2.95 to $4.95 , $1.25 10 $2.95 Misses' and Women's Silk Dresses plain and Printed |, $8.95 up In Tweeds, Broadcloths and Tricotines fro .iveeeeerernrrrrios Women's Spring Hats Girl's Spring Hats, ,... EE EN Ea 1 HOSIERY '0 Match Your Easter Costume SILK ENSEMBLES in both the long and short coat styles, $9.95 to $19.50 Simcoe Street, S. } PARIS STYLES BRING "WRITING JOBS ; Fashion Writers Earn Monthly Salaries of Four Figures Paris, April 10-8tylo writing | an up and coming profes: lon for women which has developed sin the war, More than 100 re ident style scribes now chroninle the changes in women's styles oviginat ing in Paris, All but two aro wi men, Some of the hest known fashion writers of the United States pay in come taxes on monthly salaries of four figures, Fifty per cent, of | the total resident style writing group are Americans working for United States magazines, newspap- ers or syndicates. correspondents rank second In nums ber and German writers come third, | Strangely enough thera are few | French women engaged In writing | for French publications, French dally papers print almost no news | of women's styles, I'rior to 1014 | less than half a dogen people sont accurate and timely style news from Jupe sprinkle in some Kellogg's Rice Krispies next time you have soup. Adds the flavor of toasted rice. Delicious! Rice Krispies are the new and different coreal. So ind ey crackle in milk or Wonderful forbreak- fast, bog hits or supper, Try a peck « At grocers, Made ode in London, Oat, Paris Dressmakers who suspect , writer hy refusing admission to their showings, Only one greal prewar coutourier | appreciated the value of publicity, | He was Paul 'Polret who built up, [largely through newspapers, one of {the big names, Only two houses hold out aguninst the established custom of press showings, They! are Chanel and Vionnet, Madame Chanel has a noe-styleswrjters-ad- mitted polley, Madeleine Vionnet sonds Invitations to the press group on manth after her new styles have been launched, ed that thelr styles had been *'writ- up' punished the Sftending Real Relief rom Es: ten ------ HL b t's} y i Borie Sxrectel Go tir fir8 a for COUGHS, coLps ¥ 8 ond BRONCHITIS, I -------------------------- | A tablespoon of ammonia in the { | | basin of water in which hair brush. | N [en nre washed will loosen every | particle of Rinse in | | Water, soll, cold | | English fashion | Do YOU Use When YOU or YOUR children suffer front SORE THROATS, Cough, Croup lironchitiy, Bronchinl-Asthma, HEAD COLDS, Catarrh, Whooping-Cough, Hay Fever, Quingy, Tonsllitly, Infected or Diseused Tonsils and other TONSIL TROUBLES, STOP SUFFERING and spending money for ineffective remedies, HERE'S THE BEST "Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis" We are so sure it will help you, that we guarantee GOOD RESULTS or return your money, I"ollow directions correctly, 'hen YOU be the judge, "Mus, Sybilla Spabr's Tonsilitly 1s used and highly recommended by physicians and druggists, and thousands of other users, Hundreds of tonsil operations avolded by ita une, Often one dose stops a cough,' We never heard of a single failure for head colds; takes only about twenty drops to clear them, It fs harmless and absolutely safe for even infants or theaged to use, JUNT YOU TRY I'M, and take advantage of this money back offer NOW, You cannot ped Price §1.00 por bottle, Sold at all Oshawa and Whitby Drug Stoves HOW can you afford.to MISS THIS? Jury & Lovell King St, ry Slngoo St, 8, Phone 28 Phone 08 Karn's Drug Store Next IM, 0, Phone ATH

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