Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1930, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1930 By simply wandering around I# 'much of valua to be found, Une' Biky Possum Une" Dilly Possum was wander ing down along the Laughing Brook, Dvery now and then he stopped to pull over a stone along the brook, to wee if he could find some insects under it, Once he was quick enough to scoop a mine now out of a lttle pool, Une' Billy was thinking of eggs. He sure was ogg hungry, "Ah wants some- alge," sald Une' Billy to himself fn 8 querilous sort of volce, "An needs some alge, Ev'ry springs time Ah wants alge, Nothin' does taste #0 good us algs in the spring- me. Ah suppose Ah could go up Farmer Brown's henhouse, but av'ry time Ah go up thar Ah gets i trouble." © Just then Une' Billy managed to teh a small frog and for the me being he forgot all about ogre. Ho wandered ou along tho bank of the Laughing Brook, down through the little swamp at the lead of the Emiling Pool and 'there he spent some little time Bunting for frogs, Finally, he went out where he could look over the Smiling Pool, Right away ho saw somothing of inter oft, It was of very great interest, Anyway, It was to Une' Billy, What was it? Why, it was Mra, Quack getting her dinner of yellow corn that Farmer Brown's Hoy had left at the Smiling Pool, Unc' Billy yecognized hor it once, He climbs od up In n little tree whero he could watch better, A cunning Jook crept into those little eyes of his, "Ah wonder If thera's anythin' the matter with Mre, Quack," sald he to himself, "If there isn't, what is she doin' here in the smil- in' Pool? Bhe's got no husiness hyar, She should be way up in {the ¥ar No'th hy now, Ah craves to_know why she is hyar in the gmiiin' Pool, Ah reckon Al'l Jest pay her a little visit." I $0 Uno' Billy climbed down the trunk of the tree and made his way around on the bank of the #miling Pool until he had reached the place where Mra, Quack wan eating her nner, "Good evening, Sls' Mallard," sald Unc' Billy in his most polite manner, "Good evening, Unc' Billy," re. plied Mrs, Quack, "What are you doing over hero at the Smiling Pool?" Une' Billy grinned. "Ah was dont goln' to ask you that ve'y same question," sald he, "Ab thought you and Mr, Quack flew No'th long ago." "Well, you see we didn't" re. plied Mrs. Quack, The Smiling hal was so inviting that we de- 106d" to stay here a while, It's vary pleasant place here, Une! ii" "For Your Drug Needs "THOMPSON'S 20 Simtoo St. 8. «= Wo Deliver a -- Machinery Re irin NOTHING bpainng NOTHING T00 SMALL Adanac Machine Sho 101 King St. W, "hone 1914 "Diamonds! Bassett's "Ah wonder of that's anything the matter with Mrs. Quack," sald he to himeelf Billy, I hope well as you loo "Oh, Al's feelin' all right," re- plied Unc' Billy, "Ah jest came over hyar to look for some frogs. Pears like Ah always need a few frogs. in the spring. When ure you thinkin' of movin' on, Bis' Mallard?" Mrs. Quack pretended not to hear that question, She stood on her head in the water while she got some more of that good corn that was down in the mud, Then she looked up at Unc' Billy and said: "Well, I guess I must be going slong. 1 hope you'll catch & good dinner, Unc' Billy," She headed for the place where the Laughin Brook leaves the Smiling Pool to make its way to the Big River. The Plack Shadows were deep and very, very black then, When she entered these and knew that she was out of sight of Une' Billy, she hid between some tus- socks of grass, Meanwhile Uno' Billy was grin. fou are feeling an i TIME TABLES Ba A kA = , ME TASLE Wied y ( Sunday), ¥ (Racept Sunday) gas: 3 22 z PPPTOTTSSS 222837 Edntedn de SSBEBEIIE | OUR SPECIALTY Jou wateh {8 not giviag "matiafaction we oan A and make 1t well the correct x ¥., Wd time | D. J. BR THN IR ning, he done stay over to have or nest hyar,' pry ii Billy to self, 'Nothin' is the matteh h Bis' Mallard, Sho done got o nest sroun' hysr somewhar, and 8 nest means sigs. I done got to fin' that'nest, Yes, sah, I done got to fin' that nest." The next story : "Unc Billy Wastes » Lot of Time," (Copyright, 1980, T, W. Burgess) MANCHESTER NEWS Manchester, April, 11,--Mr, and Mrs, John Bagshaw and daughter Bdns, of Bundyriand, were visitors st the home of Mr. and Mrs, W, Walker, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Wallace, of Port Perry, have rented the house fn the village formerly occupied by Mr, and Mrs, Taylor last sum- mer, Ross will help manage the garage this summer, We aro sorry to hear that Mr, Dan, Ohristie has not been so well this past week, We hope to hear of more favorable news soon, His sale was a splendid success, Mrs, Toker, of Sunderland, was a visits or last week at the some of Mr, and Mrs Christie, Mrs, Dryant, of Oshawa, visited with her sister Mrs, Coultis re- cently, Mrs, McGayey, of Lindsay, visits od her parents Mr, and Mrs, Thos, MoKeo, one day last week, Miss Marion Holtby visited with friends in Toronto on Saturday nat, Mr, Chas, Lamh motored to Fenelon Falls on Sunday last to visit a sick relative and stayed Monday with relatives in Lindsay. The play entitled "Kindling The Hearth Fires" which was held in the Township Hall, on Thursday ovening, April, 10th, wan given by the young peopleof Almonds, un. der the auspices of the Manchester Community Club, All; those who heard the play speak of hav 4 8 good time. and of enjoying it very much, Miss Ada Masters, of Port Perry, spent Sunday at the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs. J/ Masters, Mr. William Munro was in 'To- ronto recently, Mossrs, Alvin Owen and Regin. ald Conper wero in Toronto, Tues ay, A wpveinl service will be held on Sunday evening in the United Chureh, commencing at 7.30, and Miss Maxwell, of India, is to be the speaker, Mr, W, Walker was in Toronto, on Wednesday last, The Ladies Ald met at the home of Mrs. Isnac Vernon on Thurs. day, April "10th, 'There was' » large crowd, The meeting opened with & hymn and prayer, The business was transacted and the meeting closed with a hymn and prayer, utter which the hostess porved lunch, BENNETT GALLS EARLY ELECTION Prime Minister Has Not De- cided Date, Tory Leader Opines Calgary, Alta, April 10.-~"All appearances point to the ealling of a Dominion election before the end of the present year," stated Hon, R, B. Bennett on his return to Cale gary following adjournment of the Dominion House for the Kastor re- cess, 'I nptice that one of the government: supporters in Edmon- fon has fixed tho date which an ap. onl will be made to the people ut I doubt if the Prime Minister himself has yot determined thet point," * "The budget will probably be de- lyored shortly after the Easter ro- aeons," Mr, Benpett continued, "ana there is much conjecture as to what it will contain, Undoubted)y promises have been made to the agriculturists of Quebec that a tar. iff will be imposed on fruits and vegetables, and the fron and steel producers have been assured that thelr industry will receive protec- tion under the new tariff," C ute Death Sentence Dakd, Aserbaljan, = In observ. ance of the approaching tenth an. niversary of establishment of Azer. baljan as 8 Soviet republic, the goy- ornment hes decided to commute the death sentences of non-political prisoners to ten years, Workmen LITTLE GIRL, 10, EATS 30 MUCH MOTHER AMAZED "My 10-year-old daughter had no appetite, Then we gave her Vinol, and now she cats so much we are amazed. =Mrs,-W, Joouten) Vinol supplies the body Important mineral elements of fron, calcium with cod liver peptone, This Is just what thin, nervous children or adults need, and the QUICK results are surprising, The very FIRST bots tle brings sound sleep and a BIG ape petite, Vino! tastes delicious, Jury & Lovell, Ltd, Drugs, sentenced to less than a year will be freed entirely while those sens tenced to more than a year will. have their terms reduced by half or will he granted entire freedom if they have already served half thelr ELLA TELLING TOMMY Agr ARE LITTLE BOYS § NO TOMMY, BOYS I BUILDTHG HOUSES JI ARGENTINE AMD CHILE ARE THINKING OF Stow BALLS AS THEY WILL S00H HAVE WINTER PAL A1s4sy ns, 2s aI, VL tdi 7 THe Boss, I'D HAVE GIVEN Wim BOX MADE OF SHINGLES by IMITATION NOLLOW OUR COUNTRY AS NEW ANO DEAD. TIMBER WAS NOT CUT AWAY OR OLD LIMBS TRIMMED FROM THE TREES, THE BIRDS HAD NO TROUBLE IN FINDING MESTING PLACES, BUT OW THIS 1S ALL CHANGED. POW IF WE WANT BIRDS FOR NEGHBORS WHE MST PUT UP HOUSES IH WHICH THEY A TOMATO CAN NEST RN CAM BUILD THEIR NESTS AND REAR THEIR YOUNG, E31 MAKING BIRD-BOXES WEATHERED OR DARK PAINTED LUMBER 15 PREFERABLE AS THE BIRDS SEEM 10 LINE 17 BETTER THAN BRIGHT NEW LUMBER. THE BOX SHOULD OT ONLY PROVIDE THE BIRDS WITH A NESTING-SITE, BUT IT SHOULD FURNISH PROTECTION FROM THE ELEMENTS, 00 YOU KNOW WHO BUILT THE FIRST BIRD HOUSE , BETTY ? CERTAINLY THE MAN WHO & MADE THE cuckoo cuoox! © 1900, King Poatores Syndientn, 'Ine, Grout Britain rights reserved. Manus BY "AND GON) TO SWIM ABHORK GOLLY: | BER AN 'M Eo a et FOR wv | BE TRUSTED AND AS WELL AS GOO OWLAD AT THE BOGGARTS NEW BOGGARTS COULD NOT WOULD 00 MISCHIBR BOGGART PAID NO ATTENTION TO COMRY: BUT AS BOGEARTSE CAN ONLY BE GHEN IN THE COLD, WR FADRD AS HE GOT WARM, UNTIL, THERE WAS NOTHING BUT THIN AIR WHERE WE HAD BERN A --" ¥ BUT HB WAS IN THR W OM, LOOK | 1 DON'T HAVE TO WASH THE DISHES: CUBE AND HE STAD THERE AND FOR ATIMR All, WENT WELL: THR D'SHES WRRE . orn soe st---- hon SEK unen ETT oan DOLLY FOUND NER MENDING ALL CARBPULLY DONE AND FOLDED 5S .-- HE CHAN ED LIKE TO KNOW WHATS NY HIS MIND. I'D vv TILLIE THE TOILER--When It Doesn't Hurt to Give, ,« W&y WAC WAS Gong To Stow ME A LETTER AND THEN YOURE A Boss ™Oo ARE YOU AFRAID TULLE TELLS ME YOURE WITH HOLDING A LETTER W™ ROM THE FIRM HAND Tv OVER. OR (LL TAKE THAT NYTLE S\@N OFF DESI By Russ Westoves --------------- Re -- BLY You CAN HAVE

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