Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1930 PAGE NINI inderella of the Skies %. A Thrilling Romance of Adventure in the Clouds TT TT LL othe hy, » perfor a Jimmie Reinsford, Just how mush he for lovely pms Brandes, secretary to N i Ld [HM tT £is 3 > T : J! RA sii LHL ---e PARADISE It wis un starryeeyed Joan who ressed for dinner that evening. Mrs, vont superintended the rite herself, arhaps It way poetic justice that she chose fur the gala occasion & red dress, But such a different red dress than the one which had sent Jean way from her home In Hillsdale ree ears before, As Mes: Brent sat buck and viewed Folice's handiwork she nodded in ups provil, "Yes, that dress Ip right, absolute. ty right! The during part of It Is for a blonde to be so sure of herself that she ean wear that frock Only really beastie] woman could do It, Youn" she insisted, There were sliver slippers and an ermine-trimmed wrap, and Jean Jooked like wu goldstippsd Mane ap she turned to Mrs, Brent for final Insnection, "Do 1 Took too festival" Jean ask: ed, Mrs, Brent smiled: "Your frock Isn't, but your eyes are. What have you been doing this afternoon, may I ask?" Jean made no answer t6 this chaf- fing, but In her heart she decided to eall the place she had heen "heaven" Lyon Seott was dassled by the vi slon whieh walted for him when he called for her, "I gent orshlds," he sald re ut fully, "Too bad, hut you can wear them tomorrow for dinner. Now, {ant she the lovellest thing you ever sav, Mrs, Brent?" and Scott turned te the older oman with a gesture of despalr, "Have a good time" Mrs Brent sald as they left, "And remember, there will be n housewarming In Jean's own apartment In a rew weeks 've found » nice ne for her down near Washington Square" Jean was too restless during din. ner and the theatre to enjoy herself, Suppose Jimmie missed them or could not get away? Or suppose they changed thelr plans? She might have saved herself all the worry, for when her party ars rived at the Club Toreador both Jimmie and Larry Decker were walt ge patiently at the table reserved by cott, "Well, of all the nerve! Who Ine vited you two?" Seott demanded as he shook hands with the two men, "We're the stag line Larry an» nounced ealmly, "and we're here to rush the glel in the red dress" Eve arybody faughed and thought it ame using, Jean was blushing. So far w on was concerned, the evening resolved (tself Into uw contest to see whether Larry, Scott or Jimmie would dance with her. She was haps pler than a "debbie" at her first ba and everybody was asking questions about her as she was swept about the room by three of the eity's most ell gible baghelors Larry was her most ardent suitor, "All my life I've been looking for a blonde with charm," he told her Suring thelr first dance, "I've known beautiful blondes, but they were cold and stupld, No fire! Now you, jou have eharm and you're lovely!" Then he added for good measure, "And I adore you when you blush Tike that!" Jean extrieated herself as soon as poiaibie und furned fo, " with a relief which he misread as A "Maving a good me" oy in her eur Divine | Jean fsponded, Poor boy! He was convinced that "her sinllen and her happiness were for him, and he, too, had a happy evens ing, Jean and Jimmie talked little Jriite they danced, It seemed enough ¢ them Just to be together, "Lunch with me Monday!" Jimmie begged, ied ant!" sang Jean, "Dinner, then, Monday night?" he pleaded, holding her a little closer, Just some qf place, We won't gris, I'l promise to get you home early" Jean looked up Inte his eyes and then she tried to look away from what she saw there, "It's foolish! It's not wise!" she LU feobly, ' "But it, will be marvelous!' was Jimmie's reply, and it won + Happiness, was the last ingredient needed to make jaan randes into © a strikingly beautiful girl, She was the center of all eyes with a kind of radiance that attracts and holds both men and Women, "I wonder just what Roberta Terry will say when she hears ubout this * blonde!" remarked one debutante to another ay they watched Jimmie © dancing with Jean te "Pog Jimiait ney both said as © they raised thelr highballe and drank, © Larry or made no effort to 1 o Wis infatuation, and that fact ted Jimmie because it wan ine "difieult for him to get a oan, ¢ with me tonight!" Larry was pleading once when Jimmie aps proached and tried to cut in, Dut the musie started and Jean was swent a " Toan at Larry Decker in pmanement, d this ardent young Jin be blake: Latey? SE mean it! My coupe is here and we can slip away. down into Jersey and be married before morning What a felt we'd awive BIN and Fama Jape heartily, Yo een baw mel" I may have a terrible In fact, | have ¥ im ¢ i disposition, "1 wouldn't ears il you were 4 witdedt! 1'd just sit und look at you,' Decker responded, "Come away with me, I'm a good fellow and 1'd adore you forever," "It's gin that Is the watter with you," accused Joan, "Something sronges than gind it is the champagne of your hale!" Decker "Please, ploise some" retorted, "Stop, or TI vel se to dunce with you, ( 1 threatened, "But I'm werlous, Cinderella, 1 mean every werd, 1 1 thought you'd have me, I'd be the happlest man in the world!" Jimmie came up Just then to elim Joan for a last dance. He frowned ut Decker and was sorry he had promised to keep Jean's Identity a secret; "It would be one way to get rid of Wim," he told Jean, The dance was a short one, but both Jean and Jimmie thought only of the afternoon and the silver ship that took them up Into the ok When the music stopped, 1 mle touched his lips qu' 1y to Jean's eur In a furtive kiss, "Until Monday, sweet! And think of mel" Going home In his handsome line ousing Uerald proposed to Jean, She was too absorbed In her own happle neis to ny much wttention to what fie suid, She w.s kind heenuse she wis so happy herself she could not hear to make anybody else unhappy, And Gerald went away not too dis consolate, Mrs, Brent's apartment was des sorted when Jean let herself in with a latch key, She slipped off the ere mine<teimmed cont and let it fall In n heap on & chair, She ran over to the window and for the first time did not see the glimmering lights of Park avenue below, Jimmie's kisses were still on her lips, his words in her ear, She could not helleve that such happiness had really come to her, She could still see the sunset colors, and her eyes filled with tears Suddenly the telephone rang In the quiet apartment, As she picked up the Instrument she put her hand to her throat nervously, When she heard Jimmie's voice she thought she was still dreaming, "Darling, Is Rena home!" Jimmie demande without preliminary, "Then met Into 0 warm cont and come right downstairs," Jean pros tested it was too late, "Nonsense, I must see you! I'm at » drug store Just a block away| | followed you and Scott home," Jime mie added with a chuckle, "Hurry, dear!" Jean flew Into the bedroom, Yound a fur cont, a tiny hat she could pull down over her halr, slipped off her sliver slippers and got Into some black satin ones, grabbed up her key and ran down the hall to the eleva. tor. Jimmie 'was walting, "Such » moon! Such a night! 1 simply had to see you again, couldn't walt until Monday, darling!" and he pulled the fur-lined robe more Glosely about her and kissed her quickly, Then he turned the car about and sped swiftly up the avenue and out Iverside Drive until he found & se cluded spot near Inspiration Point in whieh to park. The moon was high in the sky and turned the cold wine ter night into day, The Hudson be. low glittered with the flood of sil. ver shining down on It. The Jepeey shore was outlined In a myriad of tiny lights, Quickly Jimmie took Jean In his arms, "This Is what I wanted to tell you! I love you! 1 adore you! I've known It from the first day when I came to see you, I knew you weren't what they all sald!" He kissed her pase slonately, wildly, ean struggled to free herself, 'But Roberta! What about Ro berta?" she gasped, "That's over, dear, all over!" and gimimte slipped off Jean's gloves and held her two eold little hands bes tween his big ones, "She did |t hers self tonight, before dinner, She ace cused me of being with you this ufs ternoon and 1 sald I was, You don't know what a load it lifted from my heart! You see, both her people and my dad, before he died, hoped we'd be married some day, We've been engaged since you left Hilladale, but we've grown apart, r interests are m rely different, We've quare rolled again and Ain about my flys ing, This new ship, your 'Skyserap- ba hi of the row, She hates t all, Ever since I eracked up in the Wes te" Joan nodded, How well she re. membered that New Year's Eve when she learned of the crash! "It's heen hell, dear, : trying to please everybody! But it ix ovep, | might have stuck it out if you had not come along, But when you did, 1 know where happiness was!" Jimmie held Jean close in his arms ah he talked, wafer the first day 1 knew were different from other girls!" Then Jimmie added: "It was better to_lot Bob break it off hati" They sat in the moon ght une mindful of the eold, and talked, Jean told him of the years since she had left, of her lonely us and her wor "Thank heaven that's past hnmie remarked a ngth, "There s one person I feel sorry for, That's Bill Decker, He's going to lose his 'perfect secretary,' now he's gade her beautiful, T fuens the Joke's on him, after all, and not on Larry" "Hut he won't lose me for a long time!" Joan expostulated, "He certainly willl" Jimmie ' des olared. "We're going to get 'Sky» soraper' in perfect working order and hon elght downto Florida and Cuba on the world's highest honeymoon, And nto going. to do it in about six sl ou hut I've o enough for us to on We're i to Fran apring and when it gets hot Bo to Switserland, You are to have perfect vacation and I don't cate it never get back here!" her arms about nn Timmie's neck And hig her face on his shoulder, There were teurs in her blue eyes. y ki | loved to have been suicide, was end. n "You soe, Jean, I'm fot wealthy, | farm y this | Ym too hap-¥ "Jimmie! Jimmiel It py. Things con's last with we ain't be true!" Jimmie took off her tiny hat and smoothed her golden halr, He kissed her and whispered consoling words wn her ear, Sly childs UH show you how to keep happiness, Come now, put oil your hat; I'm going to take you an wet some hot coffee before you get | pneumonia |" | hey rode buck throtgh the moon. light und stopped on upper Broad: wiy at & funny little restaurant which wis open wll night, Jimmy found u table close to a radiator and made Jean sit there. He ordered quantities of hot coffee and waffles, and then he sat down close beside her and looked into her face, Jewn blushed ut his close serutiny, "1 think an emerald would suit you better than a diamond!" he sald, Judiciously, as he held her hand un- der the table, "I think I'd better hurey up and get it, too, and tell id Pe we're engaged, or some of these other boys will come along and run off with you" Joan wis too happy to talk much, Then the coffee and waffles came, Jimmie poured her uw steaming cup and, pleking up his own sid; | "To Mrs, James Relnsford! May she always be as happy as whe ls to night 1" Fhe sat talking nonsense and bes [vy for another hour, Ing perfectly ha worribly Intel" Jean "It must be sald suddenly, | "Of course it Is, dear!" Jimmie sald with a Iaugh, "But after sll, & girl doesn't get herself engaged every | night, Rona won't scold you when | she knows" Jimmie, I've loved you for a very long time," Jean whispered, "1 ad ored you when 1 ha Pigalle and was In the fourth grade. You were always so handsome, und so polite | to me, & homely little thing" | Jimmie squeezed her hand openly | now, for the waiter was dosing In » | ehalr at the back of the restaurant, | "I used to pretend 1 was going to | a party and that you were askin | me to dance," Jean told him, "I imagine what I'd say and then have you say nice things to me" "Don't 1 say nicer things than you imagined 1 would!" Jimmies asked mischievously, "But Jimmie, about Mr, Terry Teun began, She had decided to tell | him everything but Vivian Brooks' name, "Sweet, that's forgotten! You're | mine now, and 1 adore youl Let's | never speak of it again!" It was growing daylight when Jim. mie drove back to Ry apartment and kissed her In the presence of the austere doorman, "I'l telephone you early!" he romised, "And Monday you shall ave your ring!" To Be Continued Tomorrow (Copyright Public Ledger Co.) FLY-BY-NIGHT SALESHEN LEAVING TORONTO, IS CLAIM Prosecutions of Stock Brok. ers Have Lead to Closing of Bucket Shops Toronto Apr, 16,~=A steady exo- dus of "fly-by-night" stock salesmen and brokers has occurred in this city during recent weeks, it Is reported, Arrest at the instigation of the On tario attorneysgeneral's department last January of the five largest min. ing stock brokers here Is believed to have impressed these dealers in spur lous stocks that their type are not wanted, Ten men, once actively ene gaged In the financial section, are reported to have fled recently, leay: ing approximately $500,000 in Habill. ties In their wake It has been learned mining and se curity companies seeking Incorporns tion in Ontario will shortly come un- der the Jurisdiction of the attorney: goneral's department from their Ine ception In. order that. the Security Frauds Prevention Act may have fuller scope in protecting the invest THOUGHT SUICIDE, ~ MAN, BOY FOUND New Brunswick Police Are Investigating Strange Case (By Canadien Press Lonsed Wire) Froderioton Apr, 10.~~An extens sive search fOr u man and a boy, be. od Inst night when the missing ine dividuals were located by New Bruns wick proving el police, Peck Patterson, 25, laborer of Hartland, Curleton county, thought ro have taken his life by drowning, was found floating down the Sains Tolin river on a raft of logs near Woods stock, Me Is being held for invests gation, Search for him was undertaken when a note was found roading: "Life is 'mot worth living: 1 de not want to work." The youth, Robert Barker, uged 13 was found Mding under a bar on the of his foster futher, Five deaths were charged Tuesday at Baltimore to the swift wind and ain storm which cut a path agron aryland Monday, Three Negro oyster tongers were thought to have drowned as the storm struck thelr KAMOE Charge Will Be Laid Against] ra Brown BATH FOR WHALES (0STS $7.65 EACH Account Unique in Shipping | Circles Presented at Vancouver WINDSOR MAN KILLED (By Canadian Views Loassd Wire) Windsor, April 16,+=A head-on | colliglon betwesn an sutomobile | and a street ear af Bandwich and Detvoll styeote, vandwieh, oarty this morning brought Instant death to Avthuy WW. Dalgleish, 09 of Windsor, and painful injuries to Ibs companion, Me, J. Vishe 4%, nlso of Windsor AUTO RAMS TROLLEY, | | rom pome blunt instrament, wi we find that the said Joseph Kis moen was the viethm of foul play, and was wittully murdered,' Bueh wan the verdict of the jury after the hearing of the evidence Lob the Inquest held yesterday in | {the cue of Joseph Kamoen, 64 yours old, Hollunder, Dover Town | : it) mymer, | } tor the fnguest Crown Attor. Fellow Countryman {hey MH, D, mith announced that n | a : | ehiarge of murder would fimegi- | Jono, April, LG wtoly be dafd against Franely | Me oMelul statement Vindabelde, ulvo nu Hollander, who, | fron He Duke of Yori ) after helng foun y | YOMAduy, Kamoon farm, i lr | "Hay Royal Wighnew. the Duch vigrancy aharge, and soon attor | of York has cancelled hav forth { Win wuntenced to WO days In Lh | coming eugngemonts and she tv no or ahout Dec, 42, 1020, do pd county Jull, whieh term axpires on that the body whieh was tound od | May 1, Vandevelds will be ur Wednesday, April 9, 1980, buried | Y8lgned hore on Thursday aftet under un pile of manure and corns | Noon, April 24, pialkn on the wild farm, Is that of | the sald Joseph Kamoen, and he | met his death as the vesult of "| RAIN STILL FALLING Eractured wkull, enused hy a blow | ON DRY PRAIRIES A Sits . ---- (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) \ N MURDERED, JURY DECLARES ------------ I l PA Vancouver, BC.="The com of giving » dend whale a thorough Duchess of York | huth-=-using gasoline, wonp and wa. tar==works out at 87.65, Has Cancelled Cancelled All A, CC, Burdek, head of the Pacific Her Engagements| suivage Company, Victoria, hes a | yncapited Hill for $240.00 In full follows | setthement for the labor of cleaning fused | thirty whalog--a bill thet is con- gidence | pldered unique in ghipping elrcles: | Last year the Pacific Melvuge Company sent the salvage steamer | | Malvake King to Akutan, Aleka, | {10 wnlvage the United Mates freigh- ter Golden Vorest, ashore near during the summer," there, Vvery assistance wos given | No further eluetdation of this | he salvage crew hy & nearby whal- | aunoupcement wa fortheamink, | ing station, men being loaned and bub A dn. ome such as Je Tanned 10 goanis water supplied freely, Means ordinary course When un Interests | oa the whalers were steadily {Ing event Ju expected tin the voyal ly uineing in thelr eateh from sen and family, woon thirty of the big animale lay he Duke pnd Duty of York aored side hy side at the whaling have ono child, Princo FHanheth, | gaiion pwaltipg the eventual eons born In April, version into whale oll and the nuni- eraus other by-products of a whale | tng station , One morning the tanks of the 0 wracked freighter burst, pouring a «flood of oll over the surface of the on, finding Hg way to the moored | whales, There it collected and the | tution crew, hetore any of the pro Ing could he commenced, had to hand-sevub every mighty hody, The whaling company officials thought the ship should pay the | aetunl Inbor cost of this unusually | unnecessary function and Mr, Bur. | dick, in view of the splendid treats | ant given his outfit, promptly ree ine Wallaceburg, . April 346, "Wa, Wild the undersigned members of the | Jury empanstled to iguive into the denth of Joseph Kamnoen, who dine uppenred from his farm on Lot 24, | Conesswion 16, Dover Township, on | undertaking sny further funetion a SELLING AT A SACRIFICE Naw Navi onsl end, Motors A Heal or ho was Winntpeg Apr, 18 "Hiinging lee! damp snow: und soaking ralns lashed | Alherta und Saskatehewnn toda ind moved eastward mo Manitoba he downponrssstendy In some areas, | intermittent in otherss=broke oul of | "XPenaituie J Kies on Sunday as the first] | precipitation of the spring fur a Fdrovaht-threntened prafrie m Death hae elgimed Chief Chane Vasiopg) ("kills-insthe-Bush'") Ye! Robe one of the most prominen leaders of the Slows tribe, Me {in a hospital In New York of ut the tof 6) | "1 ha free {| Fini WIDOT Room not mm Houwe fron ruse | ed att | phon die | NOMIC poet fed "fon Home, partienioe VRIES 11 Phone moni ne NOTICE All dogs must be tagged by May 1st, 1080 tags may he purehased at Police of- fleo or City Man, N. % BAIRD Inspector ---- a mitted the required sum, #7, hand-serubbing crude A pr to nore ov less of skin of 8 while was not. in his opinion, an excessive charge, I ---- ------------ Over In England, a Sensible Dress Society has been formed, Just to be differant, why not start over hers iu Bensible Dress Price Soclety? Hamilton Spectator The Quebec, Alberta and Ontarle legislatures have ended thelr sessions ut about the rame time and this eons stitutes that much off the alr load, Brantford Lixpositor, a a VOICE Chevalier Gualter De L" EVEILLE 177 Bloor Wt, K, TORONTO Wpocinl Naturday rates to out-of-town pupils, Chim Ba a a week's washing - Princess Pay only the regular most efficient, it back. for it won't be there exhausted he will have hands, week, dishes, Note how caref large you WHAT PRINCESS FLAKES DOES . . . Clothes white. Rinse quickly, Dishes and glasswiire glisten and sparkle. Economieal to use. A little goes along Suds freely In hardest water, ways Dissolve first in water, then @ soap) not a soap powder pour it in, for best results, most thorough washing soap, 10 minutes to wash a tubful, powerful coneentrated suds, mless to hands or to the dain. tiost fabrics, oki 0 avold " It's motorboat in Chesapeake bay, off the mouth of West river, Acdopt this remarkable introductory olor: Avattable at all grocery stores, ACT NOW! EE! A remarkable offer to introduce Flakes price of the large box. Use the small box with our compli- ments. Then, if Princess Flakes is not the most satisfactory household soap you ever used, bring MONEY BACK GUARANTEED! ADAM: Your grocer has a wonderful bargain for you, But you must act quickly, long. When his stock is to withdraw the offer, Go tq your grocer today and buy a regular package of the famous Princess Flakes==the soap that thoroughly cleans without giving you red With it you will get FREE a trlal package sufficient to fill your household soap needa for a Use this trial package first, Use it for your dishwashing. Use it for your washing machine or tub, Use it wherever you use a household cleanser, Note its quick, lavish suds, concentrated and gently penetrating, See how it cuts the grease from ul it is with delicate fabrics. And how it protects your hands, Your money back if you want it After you have given it you wish, if you do not consider it the reatest soap product you have ever nownw=bring Jaseige and your money will be refun ; test back the unopened If you already use Princess Flakes 11 welcome the opportunity to obtain this special one week's size package at no extra cost, Do not delay, madam, Your grocer's stock in limited, We cannot give him more of the oneswesk when his supply - nd gt disappointment yours today. Ask your grocer

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