Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Apr 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN WRAL LASSE RS meets ED SECTI ON ller "239600300 I & ANN Novasies and BARRISTERS ; is Con. To South, Phore 4, Conant, , BAy, LLB; AP, Ainls, BA, Notarv Public Covey. io oan (rd ing. Opposite oo Jolie i Mon GA , Notary Public, Con- ney jo loan. Office 14 , Conveyancers, Freset, Barristers | Notaries Public, ets. Office over Bank, Kntrance Simane NC own ar oxer ot" ean | Store, ihe ious § 67. Residence | ristes Solicitors, : i fo Money to loan. Ty eg Ty ARNIS. veysncing an po oy Vii Solicitors, otu, 41 Alger g. Othawa. and Fort Perry. hones 789 Cshawa, Port Perry é and 71 ¢ 3. . (Apr, 4-1 mo) A 5 PARKHILL, BARRISTER ste, Money to Lg Alger Bldg, op- posite Post Office. Phore 1614, neers Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, He, 4 Bircoe Disney Block. Phone "050, Office i 40 pm, Dr, B, fal attention to hours am, to special attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrich. Sunday and night calls "416 or 123. DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR eon, Accoucher, Office and res. ence, King St. Eest, cornes Victoria Oshawa, Phone PR. HAROLD W, TRICK, PH (SI. Sorgeon, Obstetrician, Spec neces to iaternity work ui ig ig 1 Pho hee 1155, = y M.D, CM. ; SAID oe 2 Edinburgh. ysiclan, eon and Obstetrican. Office 142 moe oe St. N. Phone net St. E one . W, AR PHYSICIAN, . Vit A Oftice and ! idence, 41 513 Simcoe street north. o FROWN, PHYSI- and Obstetrician, office se, 185 Simcoe Street, ong 3107. A Nose, ' Special or F. T, BRYANS OF 160 DLOOR t West, Toronto, wil | be at his ury & Lovells Dmg aturday, from 1 till for consultation and treatment es of ear, nose and throat aly, Appointments mav be made at rug stord, une Ear, Ne wd Throat Hours RLU Hyver nls | Drus Siar vening Ss a 3 "ofice phone 5680. Rel ehee 8.5 fur a "Mr } , COOKE. V' 8) 'over Mitchell's Drug Stofe. pxiraction. raone E. HUBBE Ho 3 specialist in muscle om eyesight and glasses. hvrivey of Eye (are and Eye Strain, Tbe Chila and Its Development. Dis. ney Block opposite Post Office. Phone 3016. (Apr. 1441 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surve: id and Civil Engine rani + hi {oan Slaanine, oy Rata r St E Phones 25382) or 25, ws Undertaking LUKE BURIAL co, 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Res sidence, 542 Sim. coe street north, Phone 210J and IMPANY Corner Phone 87 Celina street, Oshawa, Tem | 10a sireet. Ambulance, DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE 19 King St. wes Ogligwa. The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies. A ; Ld A consult R. N. Jobos, B80 Simcoe porth, Your (nsurance 'wants at tended to apd your interests pro- of this nature. and collect for same. All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small arcounts For ths convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring 8 messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Work Wanted For Rent Transportation OANTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE- man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists i furniture moviag, storage ware House und moving van equipment Phone 82, CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand ard cinders. Local and long distance hauling. Smith & Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond St, West, OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB- 4 furnture movers. Park Road we, cal an dons distance, Frank owle, Prop, 65 Park Rid South Phone 215. (Mar, 10-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Specialists* In permanent, finger and marcel waving, Ver manent wave prices $5, $7.60, $10 1] and $15. All other nes of Leauty Cultur Phone 2008, Simcoe street norti. EXPERT MARCELLING EY Betty Ward at Betty Lou SA ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone it sass WATSON'S RBER AND Beauty Shop. 9 elina St. We spe. cialize in ladies' halt cutting mar. i cen shampooing. § ach a i Marcel cents, For ap inime OT) ARTETTND CURL, 0c. MI K. Clarke, 147 Agnes street. Y'hone 20404. (Mar, 20-1 mo) Apply 8b REUPHULSTERING, CHESTER. fields made to order. We save you money. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595 (561) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered. 78 cents. If fen. | lied alteries repaire Ban Higdon, 20 Mill Bt. Phone 18806W. mo) FIX CP AY, gravel, sand, afters) king. Chis, hone Ha 27+ {mon (Ma " YOUR RO/ cinders and Graham, (Mar, Dry Cleaning NORMAN LAMBERT, FRENCH dry cleaning, and repairing, all goods called for und delivered, Phone 523, 66 Bagot Street, (Apr, 12-1 mo) LOORT LOOR=--TUR EASTEI Have your old 'hat cleaned and blocked to look like new at The Hub, 15 King Street West, Shoe Shine and Hat Cleaning, Work guarantecd, Phone 2249, Victor Col- lop. (Apr, 4 = | mo.) " "Articles For Sale MIRED HARD AND sOF1 WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288. (Apr, 26t1) FOR SALE~NEBINTZMAN co. Lid, pianos, nsw and used planus, also radios, latest iwodels; terws arranged. Apply O. Trull, Phone 1668J. (111-t0) NUANTITY OF WHITE BLOS- som sweet cl er seed, for sale, Phone 1648 r 1-8, (Mar. 22-1 mo) Music iB, VOCAL TEACH. or (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all oxains, Oshaws Tussday, 6% Wi linm street vist, iain, Riots nk -------- T ©. TRENEER, OR. at and ohoir master of King even United Church will accept 4| pupils in plano, organ and vocal music, For particulars apply 60 William etree: east. Phone 2896. A a, 1 mo) LO of music, Oshawa Colle cn and Publie Tihools, Studio=-47 Gibb St. phone 1948J. (Apr 6-1 mo) Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, Ac cossorive for sale, repairs on elec io and batiery sets, tubes and tteries tested, batteries re , rental supplied. $1. Phone . Charles Wales, 146 Elgin (Apr, 8-1 mo) ALL MAKES OF SETS REPAIR- ed, prices reasonable work guarane feed, butteries recharged, 50c deliv. red. Phone W. Geo, Burroughs, Certitied "a fotrician, LAr, 16-1 mo) Ex ohare, 76c called for and de ltvered. Radio service, airials erect: FOR SALE -- STRAWBERRY plants, Kellogg's Early Bird, Vrem- fer and Pocomoké, White Leghoro hatching eggs, Maron strain, Phone 2662W. (Mar 25-1 mo) FOR SALE---CRUSHEL STONE Chips for driveways. Waterous- Jd. Phone 1288, Meck Limite iid (Mar 28-1mo) SALE, $4.00 PER load delivered, Yhone 2670W, (870) TOR SALE-=SILVER PLATED Trombone, Conn, also tenor banjo with resonator, both practically new. A bargain for quick sale, 304 Loslie street, (87¢) TOR SALCE==UPRIGHT PTANO IN good condition, WIIl sell cheap. Apply 286 Division Street. Phone 443824, (88¢) BROWN RELD STROLLER, ite enamel child's crib, and ver- Wie gate. Phone 1825W, (89a) NEW SILVER ~~ FOX SCAKF, double furred, Cost $28, Sacrifice for $10. Phone 21640J. 166 Arthur street, (80) Wanted To By Buy WANTED -- CTLY [RES oggs. The Grotmttverie, 174 Rite son Rd, Soutn, (8Ya) Awnings AWNINGS -- PORCH WINDOW APARTMENT MODERN, HOME like suites, Some furnished, laun- dry, convenlences, elec dryer, etce., elec stoves, elec refrigeration, hot water year round. Phone 1560 or 2847TW, (SLD) FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD: ern suites Including electric refrig. eration, stove, laundry, convenis ances, etc, continuous hot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 2611, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, (270) TO RENT=FUI bished with every convenleuce for ight housekeeping, Phone 333%. (¥5e) SIX ROOM | HOUSE ON "BURKE street, Apply 262 2 Haig Street. (85f) FOUR ROOM BRICK COTTAGE good loc ition, SIX ROOM BRICK HARDWOOD floor, 3 picce "ath very central, In mediate possession for either of above. Apply 101W evening, (87¢) § ROOMED ~ VIOUSE NEWT Y decorated, rent $18 mq mthly. Apply 216 Park Road South. (87¢) HOUSE FOR RENT-IMMEDI- ate possession, rent reasonable, cen- tral. Also two large bedrooms, Ap- ply Mts. Wilson, 217 Celina St. (87¢) 1 HKEEF Y FUT nished rooms, All conveniences, No objection to small child, Apply 109 Albert street, (¥8¢) Toe t JU All conveniences, 662 Sim- coe street south, (8c) FOR RENT=TWG 100 ACK" farms, lot 16, B.F, and First Con- cession, Township of Kast Whitby, fronting on Kingston Road, part of John Bartlett Estate, lmmed:- ate possession, Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, &c., Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Adminis. trator. Apply a 80+ hs 86-89) MODERN = T'hree and tive rooms with bath, EArage. Apply Apt, 161 King east, Oshawa, 852) FOR RENT=NIUE RUG, BRICK five roomed house at 70 Cromwell avenue. Phone 332 r 24, (870) FOR RENT=TWU NIUHRTS WATT week Gene Goodell's all at Cours tice for select parties or entertain ments. Good service, Prices reas enable, Phone 832 r 24. (87¢) FOR RENT--AN ATTRACTIVE apartment, and garage, Phone 589, (Bic) T furnished or unfurnished. 214 Clarke street. I'hone 1686W, (880) TO N PAT ment No. 7, Amylene, Quebec St, Phone 32664, (88¢) HOUSE TO LET = ALL CON- veniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Bros. (86t1) FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR clean, Apply Fort Rent Le All conveniences, hardwood Joon. Apply Bradley Bros. ott) FOR RENT--NICKLY ad ed bedroom, three minutes walk from four corners. Board if desired, 78 Bond street west, (8¥¢) FOR NENT THREE UNFUI= nished rooms, suitable for Hight housekeeping. All conveniences, Phone 3243M after six. (84c) TO RENT--HOUSE, 334 SIMCOE street south, three rooms and kit- chon downstairs, 'I'wo rooms and bath upstairs, For further particu. lars apply to W. E, N. Sinclair, K.C,, Barrister, etc, 20 Simcoe street north, (§Ya) a ) A nished rooms, ground floor, Fares | blocks from four corners. All con McMillan Drive. | § (89d) YOUNG™VAN "HAE COMFORT: | able room to share with another, Home privileges. Apply Box 615 Times, (9c) ted to Rent a re] Wanted ROOMED BUNGALOW, 4 OR § Modern, Central, by middle of Mav. Small family, State rent to box 590 Times. (87¢) WANTED TO RENT BY 20TH OF April, 3 or 4 rooms unfurnished. Meal reasonable, for couple, no children, Box 609 Oshawa Dally Times, (88¢) 0 2 OUSE, § or 7 seven rooms, for May first, No children, good tenant, north of King street, Box 0616 Times, veniences, 45 (8¥e¢) Real Estate For Sale PROFITABLE, UP TO DATE pre chicken ranch, with or as ird's and equipment, Satisfactory J. Davies, 244 dd 'hone 685M, (891) TOR SALE=-CHOICH BUILDING lot, north end on paved street, Ap- ply owner Box 617 Times, reason for selling, Glidden Ave (¥9b) TOBINRON'E POINT, "LAKE Bcugog. Cholce summer resort, lots for sale, Close to C.P.R. station, post office and store. Apply Mrs, Robinson & Son, Janetville Sta. tion, Ontario, (8¥e) ae For Sale or r Rent RUG BRICK HOUSE 6 ROOMS ~-- Sunroom, Electric, Mantle, Har wood floors, French doors. All con- viences, garage, divided cellar, paved street, rscidential district, Posses- sion immediately, Phone 3267), (87¢) 3 ROOMED HOUSE AND | ACRE of land on 4th Concession East of CNR, Tracks, North Oshawa, Apply Annie Grose, (872) Help Wanted--Male DISTRICT MANAGER ESTABLISHED MANUFACTUR- er wants. man to handle business, in this and surrounding territory, perience unnecessary as we teach you our business, but honesty a requisite, Earnings $40000 and up per month. $900.00 investment required, fully se- cured, you handling it yourself, This is an unusual opportunity for a steady reliable man, wanting a permanent connection and will stand strictest investigation, Write all about youre self to interest us in your first letter, Write Manufacturer, 767 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, and our State Man- ager will arrange interview, (83g) AUTOMOBILE GARAGE MECH- anie, year round position, must be familiar with practically all makes, Clean, fast worker, excellent op+ postunity for good man, Send tull particulars, age, experience, otc, Box 607 Times, (880) STEAL J/URK TOR MEN out of town, good personality, re- quired. Earnings high, Apply to. night, 24 Alger Bldg. (8Va) Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED FARMER WANTS work on farm. Apply 496 Albert Street. Oshawa. Phone 3084W. (88D) WORK WANTED BY AN LX- perienced. farmer able to take full charge of farm if necessary. Apply "593" "Times. (89¢) Building Materials Glazed Sash, Doors, Frames, flooring, Roofing, 'Builders' Hard. ware Wallboard Tneulating, Board, Pumps, Plumbing Goods, Save by dealing direct. Send for big Free Taulop Halliday Cons an Limited, 16 Halliday Building, Hamilton, Auditing and Accounting AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING porvice at reasonable rates, Ine come tax reports and annual statements prepared, R. A. Holden, $2 Simcoe street north, phone JT1IW, (Apr, 11-1 mo) Spirella Corsetiere CORSETIERE~PLEASE PHONE 2343), Mrs. Derumaux for particue lars of the new fitting line in Spire ella, District North East, after 5 p. m, (Mar, 15-1 Mo, AT LLLA RET. resentative, north west and south nast districts, 106 Frederick street, Phone 2180M, (Mar 15-1 mo) 'Lost and Found WATCH, WITH Fine riccs, b T L] fi L C JORT--WHTT $ monogram, at Lakeview Park, der phone 2080M, Reward. ¥ (39D) WOULD THE PARTY WHO found a string of amber. beads in or near Masonic Temple, please phone 432]. (89¢) b 0 ¥ Auction "Sale TI TON TALE WAVING ceived instructions from Prior, to' sell at the House That Jack Bullt, Kingston Road kast, on Thursday, April 17, 1930, all her household equipment consists ing of one radio, one Credenzo model Orthopuonie, largest size, one Melody Grand Player Plano, one cabinet with 100 plano rolls, ¥ plece chestertield sulte, 2 large antique mirrors, one antique ehony screen, hand painted, six beds complete, one antique bedroom suite, one child's crib new, oné dresser and chifferobe, quantity of bedding and linens, five piece sun« room furniture, including chaise lounge, 5 toilet sets, ono bath tub, one chemical closet, one ebony weottee, a number of water stands, rugs, and curtains, large antique rpckeér, kitchen utengls, large quantity of dishes, one complete set of dishes, blue willow pattern, |e one electric coffee percolater, one | chating dish, silverware, a number | ¢ of tables and chairs, lawn furnishe lugs, lawn swings, lawn mower, garden tools, one Katonig cream separator, pew, one 1928 Pontiac |t Coach, in Al condition, a quan. tity of fence wire, other things too numerous to mention, The above k0ods are all 1h first 'class condi tion, Sale at 1 o'clock sharp, | © [14 08 Mra. " a J L] | 2 Terms cash, W, J. Sulley, Auce tioneer, (880) i Notice of Registration of Bylaw Notice is hereby g. em by-law, No. 2015, was passed by t the Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa, ua the 7to day of April, 1980, )roviding to) the issue of! debentures to the amount of $72,700.00 for Trunk Bowers, aud that su by-law Yu. that a}, countles the 30, Charles Parrish for thé position be ed forms o mendation of the management com- mittee man. are; sume all with the Music Festival in May, and out by School Journal" NEW COLLEGIATE ADDITION TO BE OPENED IN MAY (Continued from Page 3) students, with 103 from the city, | from the county and 2 from other average attendance eing 97.1 for this department he total enrolment was 871 stu- dents with an average attendance of 26, or 97.5 per cent, Upon the recommendation of the nauce committee accounts were passed totalling $32,062.08 with an additional item of $56,08. The report of the finance commit. tee as submitted by Trustee E. A. ovell, chalrman, was also passed | in¢luding the following clauses: | Ontarlo Public of re "That the account ounty for $428.62, School Ingpector"s Salary for Sept. 0, 1929, to Feb. 1, 1830, be paid, That the letter of the City Treas- rer dated March 22, 1930, notify- ing Board of Education of reduction fn amounts asked by the Board to e included in the 1930 Budget bo received and filed." The Board decided to accept the ffer of the Ontario Forestry Jranch to supply trees for local school property free of cost accord ing to a recommendation contained in the report of the property com- mittee which was adopted without amendment upon motion of Trustee McKinnon, chairman; Alchin, property committee also recommens= ded that resignation of R. Judger, janitor at Mary street public gehool, be accepted to take effect on April and Trustee Among other things the and that the application of pproved at o salary of $1,000 per nnum. Mr, Parrish was a former anitor of the Board, The sum of $500 will be expend- in the purchase of cadet unis for the Collegiate Cadet orps, iy was decided upon a recom. as contained in its report ubmitted by Dr, Donevan, chair- Other clauses in the report "That Trustee Donevan be the representative of the Board of Edu-~ ation to attend the annual convens lon at Toronto, of the Ontario Edu- ational Association, That the Board of Education as- accounts in connection hat all revenues be paid to -the Board also, That the Chairman of the Com- mittee and Principal O'Neill inter- view applicants for position of wo nan cook and operator of cafeteria at Collegiate with a view to open- ng the Collegiate Cafeteria, on May 6th, That Principal O'Neill proceed with steps to secure any teachers required for next year at the Col- legiate and Vocational Institute, That L. Richer, Supervisor of Music be paid $800.00 for work at he Collegiate or $560.00 monthly 0 be retroactive to Jan, 1st, 1930, and that the extra salary due now be paid at once. That no subscription be taken the Board, for Canadian registered in the registry office at Whitby, County of Untario, on the | t Sth day of April, 1930. Any mo- tion to quash or get aside the same | r or any part thereof must be made within. three months after the first publication of this notice and |! cannot be made thereaitcy, Dated the 8th day of April, 1930, F. E. HARE, Clerk, (83-L0-ba) |! t Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE MAUD BARTLETT, All persons having claims against the estate of Alice Maud Bartlett, late of the Town of Whitby, decease ed, who died on or about the Third day of March, 1930, are hereby noe tified to send in to the. undersigned | t Administrator on or before the First|® day of May, 1930, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the OF ALICE e ons, grounds. ing the money for harbor construc. he specified period of five years would give the Chinese thelr only rel harbor in the north, which is not dominated by foreign interests. At Tiensin, a number of countries \ave concessions, and Dairen 18 owned by the Japanese on territory held under long lease, Possible protests are likely to come from Japan and Great Britain t is believed, for diplomatic reas: The Japanese have treaties hat the Chinese shall not build rail- ways whieh will imperil the. Jap- anese South Manchurian Railway. The Chinese government however, repudiates ground that they were negotiated with governments now defunet, the treaties on the The British protest, it {s expeet- d, will be on entirely different .The Dutch loan provid fon is secured upon the surplus arnings of the Peiping-Mukden Railway. Several loans to this rail. way by British interests have been in arrears for years, and the f{s- JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 3215 Oshawa Burial Co successor to Disney-Cott AMBULANCE #7 Celina St. Phone 1084 hn ef ~ LUMBER | | F.L. BEECROFT | Whitby Lumber ang Wood | Yard "hone Oshawa 8324 | Whitby 18 ff Frame dwelling--4 rooms, gare age, water, sewer in, lot 40 by 126, 810 Elgin east, Hest offer over $400 morigage takes fit, Submit tender to Disney, hone 1550, A Order Your Spring Suit Now from the DOMINION CLOTHING C©O, 68 KING ST. W. hone 2141 We Deliver ER It Pays To Shop Here Always EE Rm [Ronin La BE BE Sse EATON GROCETERIA | | HARDWOOD FLOORS | LAID Electric Sanded and Finish. | ! ed Complete i W. J. TRICK CO, LTD, | 25 Albert Street Phone 230, 281 Thousands Now Eal @ A Delightful Breakfast Feed EYESIGHT SPRCIALIST Specializing anclusivaly | {n muscle anomalies eyesight and glasses, 1516--Phone= 1516 Disney Bleck . Opposite Bart OMe Drink Deliciows Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain > a said First day of May, 1930, the age Pets and Live Stock. sets of the intestate will be distributes a. Jed gst the parties entitled there JAMESWAY HATCHED CHICKS | to, having regard only to claims of rom trap-nested breeders, S. C,| which the Administrator shall then White Leghorns, barred rocks, white have notice, Wyandoties, Wilte or phone for] DATED at Oshawa, this Seventh catalogue, Oshawa Hatchery and|day >f April, 19 Poultry Farm, 144 Park Road Nort NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Phones 1337] 1337%, (Mar, 21.1 Mo.) | Limited, 20 King St, E., Toronto, light housekeeping. All conveniences Near Motors, Phone 2297, 105 Col- borne East, (89¢) awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed. 7T, Taylor, Toronto. Oshawa phone 1053. (Apr. 10-tf.) | Painting snd Decorating FIRST CLASS TA: N. over Dewland's. Res. 292W., Evenings by suance of a new loan while old loans remain unpaid would be mor ally indefensible, the British con- tend, The Chinese are particularly anx- fous to have a port of their own in anchuria in order to compete with the Japanese. ed. Platt, Phone 1508J, (Mar 20-1 mo) MADAME HENDRIES SCHOOL 2 dancing andl physical culture, 32 RT . on treet st, essons ven evening from 6 pun. and on] changer, ainine arated" 36 Saturdars from 10 aun, For terms Pine Aves plioue or 067w. Good Weather Ahead! JENE AL call or phone 3297W, at above hours, (Mar. 19-1 Mo.) BE CENTS r yard, Pleated Skirts from one dollar up, beautiful embroidery work, including, children's ett all on sale. The Shop, 26/4 Simcoe South. Phone 1 (Mar, 19:1 mo, ts ENGLISH "HOME "MADE TORK ples, steak and kidney piles, hot t{or cold brawn, cakes and pastries, To insure prompt delivery, place yrders in advance of delivery date, le, Phone 261%, ete, ote. Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street, Phone 238721. (771) ER P. A - invalid or general nursing. Phone Al 50-1mo.) ernity or eneral nars. Ing. va A information phone $20W, {Apr 4-1 mo) al ai (72t1) PJ BRA sh N erhanging and decorating, Esti. mates given on work. 61 Brock St. East, Phone 1367), (Mar, 20-1 mo) EE -- Money to Loan MONEY T0 LOAN = FUNDS available for first Mortgages, on well located residences, Bradley Bros. 24 Simeee South (upstairs). Mar, 26-1 m ) PRO- pre, and farms, apply A. J. Park ill, 87 King East, phone 1614. Furniture R UIE v (7 and repaired, Alto retrimming and docking autos, Phones 1436M. Prices modera o. (Mar, #81 mo) Rugs Smyrna reversible Tugs Soc to $1 'down, 260 per week. For samples Phone 1818W, (Apt 15-1 mo) Classified Ads. First insertion==114 cents per word, Minimum charge 30c. Each subsequent consecu- tive {insertion 1c per word, » Three consecutive inser. tions for thy price of two first {nsertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge {vr three insertions, 60 cents. Box number 10¢ additional Protessioant or Businers 33. 0 per month re or less; 10 prof Ags word per \nonth for each additional word, . TELEPHONE 85 Ask tor Classitied Ad Department horn hens, laying. J4 Bond St. K, (87¢) 3 ALL male; 4 months old, registered, lovely black coat, wonderful pet, price very reasonable. Star Kens nels, Port Whitby, phone Whitby 490. (8%7¢) Room and Board NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, 'suitable for two gentleman friends. No board, Central. 2634 Simcoe St. South. (87¢ 00 0 home for either ladies or gentle. men, Phone 1468M, (88¢) ND B family. Very central, "110 Albert St. Phone 2617J. (890) T MotorCann CREDIT NOTE $180 ON NEW Chevrolet, Phone 808F. (89¢) Needs little repair, $10. 87 Alex finder Blvd, West, (89a) Qutario, Administrator, CONANT & ANNIS, &c,, Oshawa, Ontario, tors herein, Barristers, Their solocis (83-89-95), GHINA TO HAVE It Wanting INSURANCE of any kind Real Estate or money on other than frame houses allow me to serve you. J. H. R, LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone 871 or 687TW. | «=o Not 1080 yOUr care Let me finance you---Addi- tional: Cash' Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS | Room 6, 1435 King St, East ICE-FREE HARBOR| Many Complications Fore- seen Before Work Is Finished Peiping, China.--A variety of financial complications are fore. soon as a rosult of a contract signe ed by thé Chinese government at Naking and Mykden for conStrugs tion of an jce~free harbor at Hyls atao, on the extreme southern coast of Manchuria, at .a cost of $6,400, 000 gold. The contract has been let to the Netherlands Harbor Works Company. Completion of this harbor within i Tailor-made [I Suits LEUN J LJ -- -------- TR vais

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