Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Apr 1930, p. 3

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SPS SR SOON SRA IY, I HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1930 ouse of Refuge Died of Burns Last Night Brooklin Enthusiast Leads ~~ |UKRAINIANS AGAIN Edwin Ferguson Had Been Way in The Restorati Old Ontario's Brook Trout ok dtr ot Smoking in Bed; Covers Took Aged Resident of H War Veterans Went to Church * (SAFETY BULLETIN . of | TOBE EXHIBITED To Celebrate Anniversary of BY LOCAL COMPANY The Victory of Vimy Ridge Record Parade of Veterans! ot Legion Church Service Held in Simcoe Street United Church STIRRING MESSAGE BY REV. CAPT, HARSTON oe ove Appeal for Application of the Spirit of Calvary and of Vimy to the Battle of Life Memories of Vimy Ridge, that great etary of 15 years ago, and of the sacrifices made by the man~ hood of Canada In that battle, were stirred up anew Inst night as the members of the Canadian Legion, and other veterans of the city paraded in large numbers to #imeoe Bireet United Church, and attended divine service as a mark of honor and vespect to thelr eom- rades who fell with their faces wo to the foe on that Naster Monday of 1017, The parade was the larg. ost turnout of war veterans seen in Oshawa for years, and headed by the band of the Ontario Regi. ment, it made a splendid showing as it marched down Bimuoe Btreet, from the Armouries, to the War Memorial, where a brief halt wag made, There a wreath was deposs fted on the cenotaph hy George Walsh, president of the Legion branch here and Mrs, Foote, pre. sident of the Legion Ladies Auxll fary, President Walsh spoke a brief message of remembrance, and A, J, Graves offered a short prayer, before the parade again formed up and marched to the church, where the veterans ocous pled the centre of the auditorium, The service, conducted by the Rev, Captain EB, Marston, chap Iain of the Oshawa Branch of the Legion, was a stirring and inspire fag one, The hymps were old fave orites of military church services in the days of war, and the sermon was a challenge to those left bes hind to apply the meanings of the sacrifices of those who gave thelr lives for others to the enrichment of thelr own souls; Rev, Captain Harston Rev, Captain Harston chose as his text the words, "And when they were come to the place which in called Calvary, there they erus offfed Wim," taken from the 28rd ohapter of Lukes gospel, and the 28rd verse, Saying that the exact apet ou which Jesus had been erueified has never been identified, Captain Harston pointed out that in these days the exact site was not of much interest, but that there was more concern over what happened at Calvary, and its spiritual signi« fleance, It was a plance of unparals lelled suffering, Crucifixion wan the most lingering and painful, (Continued on Page 2) REGIMENTAL BAND GAVE FINE GONCERT Large Audience Enjoyed Program at Regent The- atre Last Night The Sunday evening concert pres sented in the Regent Fieatre by the band of the 3th Ontario Regiment under the capable direction of Pande master Dempsey attracted u capacity house, With the band In the pro- gram were Mrs, A, C, Cameron mezzo-soprano soloist whe was guest artist for the occasion, Anslating Mrs, Kinde r, violinist and Mrs, Car nell, planist; both of whom are well known to audiences In the elty, feature of the evening was the pleolo sole "Canary Polka" played by Mr, Lambert, The band featured the works of such well-known composers us Sir A, 8. Sullivan, Rossini Vietor Herbert, and J, Ivanovliel, The program wits ns follows "O Canada," march "The Vir tueso," Chas. Sangleri overture, "I'anored)," Rosglni} concert. waltz, "Danube Waves," J, Tvanovicl; voeal, "For You Alone," Henry Geehl, Mrs, Cameron, selection, - "ILM.S, Pinos fore," Sullivan Instrumental trio, Bennett musiclgns Bryant, King and Tom's Jr. voeal, "The Garden of Your Heart," Vreanels Dorel, Mrs, Cameron pleclo solo, Read, Musielan Lambert; selection, "Fortune Teller," V. Herbert; hymn, "God's To-mors row} regimental are I "Tohn Peel," "God Save The King" ACCIDENT SEQUEL HEARD IN GOURT Truck Driver Committed for Trial by a Higher | Court A sequel to the mecident on April Nth, on Himeoe Street south in whieh Mrs, May Topping was | seriously Injured, when a street ear | and a truck collided was heard in police court this morning, Charles Ford, driver of the truck, appeared ip court charged with driving his truek In a manner sugh us to cause bodily harm to Mrs, Topping, Leigh D, #hettler, driver of the street car gave his version of the ugeldent, He stated that he mude a stop at Elm Avenue, on his way south on Himeoe Bt, on the night of the accident, He also claimed that he wag not going over fifteen miles an hour at the time, He stated that he had observed the truck when it was some 200 feet train service between Toronto and nosording to advice Issued from the rallroad this week, In partieular as ft will save him al ness trip to either elity, sohedules will not be April 27th, Ontario Malleable Iron Co. Will Show Unique Device at Convention At the request of the Industrial Accident Prevention Association, the Muminated bulletin bourd which gives at a glance the dally, monthly and yearly record of ueeldents in all des partments of the factory at the Ons tario Malleable Iron Co, Foundry here, Is 10 be exhibited at the Safety Convention and Safety Exhibit to he held on the 24th und Anh of April ut the Royal York Hotel, This board, which was constructed by the First Ald Attendant at the Toeal Factory, hing the various department names ainted on un white background, each ig ite separate light, On an em ployee being injured placing him on compe nantion the white light of that department in replaced by i red Nght, and an arrow pelts to his depirts ment, and sbove In plain view the date of the aceident," The red lamp remaing until the cployee returns to work, At the lower corners of the bosrd ure blackened spaces for recording the monthly and total acel dents for the year in chalk, Since the ereation of the hoard sume two years ugo there hus been sustained interest at ull times, as the bonrd Is suspended ubove the time ¢locks and | is In plain view of all employees when entering or leaving the factory There ure suspended below the board to add to the continued Interest, bul letin holders to display the Aceldent Prevention hulleting which are chang ed ut various Intervals and carry the message of "Safety First, home very clearly, It was at the request of various factories In Ontario who de sired to lower thelr aeeldent average that the local factory has heen asked to loan thelr board for the Con vention, MONTREAL TRAIN 0 MAKE STOP HERE Change In C.N.R. and C.P.R, Time Tables Effective April 27th ------ The establishment of a new fast Montreal by the Canadian National Rallways will afford travellers a better service in both directions, The new sched wile will appeal to the business men most a full day In making a busi The new Issued until They will be awaited with great expeotanoy, When the new schedules become Gone Is the winter of our diseons tent, The garden rake and the spade are turning out fishworinel The postmen is dropping things more enticing thun re He is bringing booklets illustrating the newest lures for trout) Aud the ealendur reminds us that there are only fifteen more days uns th the season opens In Ontario! But the question isi Where to fish? It Is not 80 easy as It was twenty years wgo to step out from anywhere in Od Ontario snd drop your hook Into good trout stream, Yet the blreams are all there=or most of them. There Is un estimable young sep tugenurian, whose years have been full of weeomplishment, wha purposs es to show the way in the rehablll tation of Onturiv's trout streams and 'wild life resources, In fact, he has got his scheme working, and plans this year 10 develop further what he began last summer on & streams only 40 miles east of Torontg, CThis is FF, W, Hedson of Breoklin, Ont, one-time editor of the Varne er's Advocate, and first Dominlon Live Stock Commigsloner, deseribed hy Hon, William Smith, ex-M.P., as "an excellent or ranlzer of fine execy tive ubllity and possessed of the val wubly art of managing men so as to becure thelr assistance In carrying out his plans" Here is Mr, nutshell "Kast of Toromo, nerth of the Take and south of the Laurentian Range, there wre muny fine streams (one a hout avery mile or mile and a hall) All of these empty Into Lake Ontarlo and have thelr origin south of the Range, Thelr flow Is very rapid, In years gone by hrook trout were plen tiful in wll of these streams, These have disappeared, except In a few ca Hodson's vislon In a ses where they have been protected, Here trout may yet be found, wise muskrats, partridge, qual, snipe, woodsook, ducks, geese, rabbit, hire and fox, These wre potential reser: ces, which muy be returned to the Provinee, along with considerable wa ter power for local purposes, by re pill numerous abandoned dans and the construction of some new ones, "If ourestreams between "Toronto and Prescott were developed us ar streams in New Lngland, they would be worth enslly $100 a mile per your to the farms which they traverse." And the enthusiast purposes to start this conservation ball rolling with trout, Seven Miles of Stream On his homestead farm and the farms of William A, Dryden, William D, Dyer, Ernest W, Neshitt, Robert I, Ormiston, Innes Grant, Robert Duff, Jo I Johnston and the 1 Hurts, In the Brooklin-Myrile-Cul wmbus reglon, two streams have been leaned, with the adjoining bush Jand providing brook und pond sites for a combined distance of miles, A club wus formed =-it was enll ed "Glenhodson=-and good fishh was enjoyed hy memers lust sinnmer With comparatively little expense some of the old dams were rebuilt und old ponds restored, hese were plentiully stocked with goodsized trout fry, and these wallopers wre awalting the elul: member More dams and more ponds are on this season's program, and it ls the aim of Mr, Hodson to establish hateherles for both trout and bass for keeping up the supply and showing the way to other districts in the hop of restorifig Old Ontario's less opportunities for sport In bimdance of fiuny, furry and feather od game, as well an preserving her pastoral be auty and conserving ber and water-power resources over seven ance peer now | NEW FIST TORONTO Loca; Sunday School Pupils Successful in Exams on Temperance... The pupils of two Oshawa Nun-| ors, 3 day Mehools have completed thely papers In temperance and in each onse a very fine showing has been established, The papers were writ ten under the ausplees of the W.C, TU, and the pupils were required to read Nfteen articles In the North. orn Messenger and then write a composition on Temperance, . Kaoh sohool wan divided Into three grades senior, Intermediate and junior with the first prise In each clans presented by the W.CT.U, The results at King Street Un ited Chureh were exceptionally gvatlfying and out of the fortystwo that entered the contest forty one passed and thirty three were award. od honors, In the senior class, 7 wrote, § obtalning honors, The prize winners were Lawrence Crage with 04 marks, Orlin Lint with #3 marks and Kathleen Warburton with 88 marks out of the hundred, In the Inermediate class, 17 wrote, pasned and 1 falled Trew, K-year-old student, receives first prize with 52 marks Crowe second with 86 marks and Charles Thrasher third with §2 marks, At 8 wrote on the papers whole number passed with honor In the senior grade Juek Gillett was the only entrant and he was awarded the Arat prize, In the ns termediate and junior grades threo! and four respectively wrote and all passed with honors, wore not available this but may be published at date, Sunday Neohool morning n sible the results of thelr repective Sunday Schools so that a complete let might be published, The writ ing of these papers given the ehlld Splendid Concert Held in Greek Orthodox Parish Hall Last Night -- Tribute wus again pild to the memory of 'T'nras Shevchenko, i tional and beloved poet of Ukralnla, ut mn concert held In the parish hall of the Greek Orthodox Catholic church, Bloor street west, last night, The love whieh the Ukrainian people have for Shevehenko is amazing and it would seem that his memory will ever be kept green and handed down from generation unto generation like Bobble Burns, Shevehenko was the poet of the comomn people and his works reves! how close he was to them and with what sympathy and understanding he regarded thelr lives and problems The hall, which was completed hit [ Taunt year and ha | severnl hundred people, was crowded to thi uecommodation for literally doors last night und standing re difficult to find Many were forced to stand outside on the platform and had to crane thelr necks and strain thelr enrs In order to cate the words of those who | ung und recited, The bullding hoasts led page with some attrag und fs well adapted 10 needs of the distret which it COshuwn Ukrainians ure eyis ity loving folk und there children present that d one of u Sunday school Christmas entertainment, In spite of fact that many of the mother mall Lut thely arms, in WIL Wis good Hive the frye Aeenery | dently n fin It oreminde the hind Hew In Ray | Doris Northminster United Chureh | and the The names later superintendents are nsked to co-operate with the Timea and send In ax s0ONn an poss pile cludiy to st thy pitlent the fact uw large numbbr, in children, found ft and throughout the whole leng the Wis mo and attentive, here again in the tremen hod Whiel vehienko has upon th und | | | | | | hearts of hy fellow co I'he | | NOGERKNT program, nudience | | '| | ' | dicating dons She unr nien, dead poet's pleture had a place of wt the edge of the stage and Wik mded by a beautiful gar land of artifielsl flowers, Upon the | tage there rested a large mound, | covered with cedar and supporting « surrounded by a wreath, represented the grave where the of the great writer lle, Hut spirit Is not dead, for as he him tuted, It would go te God, and pray for his people, work AINE or feos mn the langunge In written and the | of national stumes hy | those who took part, added mueh to | | tha enjoyment of the ec I'he irl! tumen, with their fancy bead {work in many skilful designs were | very beautiful while the men wore | the pleturesque national garb includ | high wide, colored panta | loons, ga and white shirt | The honuy urro Th | hia elf mtinuall | I'he poet's cited lant night which they were wearing were meert, hoots ly colored { inp eluded ehlldren's instrumental selee choruses by a mixed selections by an orchestra [und mandolin band, The orchestra und ehole were under the direction of Mr, Loagar and much of the eredit for the evening must he given to him, The cholr sung ef fectively, the volees hein clear and sweet while the bass seemed to possess neh that depth of program chorus solos, flony, recitutions, choly, and success of the JUDTAND ol Fire Severely Burning Him LITTLE GIRLS STRUCK BY CAR Florence Williamson Had Darted Into Path of Ma- chine, Driver States An unfortunate meeldent occur red on gaturdeay afternoon when Morence Williamson, aged 7 year of 280 Albert Mirest, received in Juries to her brain, when struel by a motor car driven by Donald Minne, 264 Athol Mireet Hawt The little gh) who was playing in front of her home, darted out into the street In front of his ear, from behind another car which wa parked, Minng sald that he made avery effort to avold the hid but it was Impossible to misg hey, Moaing that the girl was worlounly Injured Minne ut once took her to the hospital in his ear The. child 1s under the Dr, Mills and this afternoon Times was Informed that she doing ndgely. FIRST MEETING OF OSHAWA BIRD GLUB HELD ON SATURDAY Members Are "Enthusiastic Over Prospect of Many Interesting Gatherings cure of The wns The first weekly meeting of Oshawa Bird Club was held in the Library on Saturday afternoon, Although the attendance was not as good as expected, there was great enthusiasm in evidence by t! present The group was in charge of Lar! Hann I'he subject of study was the birds of the roudsides and fences The boys were shown pietures of the dif ferent birds and the pietures of each bird and thelr characteristics ex plained, The distinguishing features were carefully outlined, an well as the habits and manner of lying. The object of the elub is to en courage personal study of birds, the Times was told A knowledge of the birds which make Canada thelr simmer home and their protection against mischiet making be huparted Archie \Whitelaw read a very ins teresting story of the experiences of a bov who built some bird houses in Alaska The program for next week will be a hike into the country for the purpose of making a closer study of bird life The meeting adjourned to arranae (GLY VE, IA | hin | Unfortunate Man Had Been Warned by Superintend ent of Whitby Institution That Smoking in Bed Was Contrary to Rules JURY EMPANELLED TO HOLD INQUEST Victim Was Formerly of Brock Township and Wa Over 70 Years of Age (1y Stan Toporter) Whithy, April 14-~Edwin Fergus won, un aged resident of the Coulw ty House of Refuge in Whithy, died munday night as the result of ters ribe hurns sustained when his bed, in which he was smoking, caught five Sunday ufternoon, Tha deceased, ncocording to the House manager, Dr, Lavery, had hoan repentedly warned ugainsy smoking in hed as the practices wan wtrlotly ngalnet the rules of the House, Hix room 1s located on the iret floor In the west wing of the hullding, and whon the fire was diss covered hy men who heard his weronms, It was extinguished with chomionls, but not before the uns fortunate man had been burned, particularly in the lower part of body, and the hed destroyed, Hin clothing was burned completes ly off, The hourke surgeon, Dr, C, I*, MeGillivray, was ealled, and did all that was possible, to alleviate the man's suffering and save his lite, but from tho-fest It was felt that there was very little chance of recovery, | Previous to the fire some othed mon had been in the room with ded conned, but the very fine weathe tempted them out to the Bibi 4h) Forguson, it is thought, took ade vantage of the men's absence and Ht his pipe with his head bes neath the bed clothes, The fire wan fivet discovered by a woman ocous pant of an adjoining room who nos ticed the odor of smoke, She raised the alarm and those who rushed to Ferguson's bedroom found his bed in flames while he had managed to erawl out but not before he had sustained terrible burns, At the fire was extinguished with the use of chemigal oxtinguisher kept in the bullding the Whithy Fire Department was not notified, | No damage was done to the bullde ing and few of the inmates knew what had happened, 1'ire Chief William Smith, learning of the tragedy, visited the House shortly afterwards and investigated the olre cumstances of the five, which "he will send to the Fire Marshall as in the case of nll other fires, The deceased camo from the Township of Brock and was over 70 years of age. He wan lame but not entirely confined to his bed, He was in the habit of lying down dfter dinner, Relatives have tone whieh makes the Russian "basso profounde" so famous: The efforts of the little ehfldren were mueh appre elated und wention must he made of little Mise Sophie Chrustawka, daughter of Rev, John Chrustawka, pastor of the ¢hurch, who sang in a winsome winning manner, The solos hy Mra, Steven Salmers and , Mra. Luke Standret were pleasingly operative, the International Limited the famous train which has been in service every day of the year since 1000, will leave Montread at 4 p.m, arviving at Toronto at 0 pm, It will leave Toronto at 9,10 pm, reaching Chigago at 8,15 the follows Ing morning, The previous running time of thin train between Monts real and Toronto wan. 7 hourd and 40 minutes, and this will be reduc od to 4 hours, with a running time | from: Montreal to Chicago of IN hours and 15 minutes, as compared with 42 hours and 26 minutes under the older schedule, Rasthond from Toronto to Mont real there will be a similar fam afternoon train, This will be the Interoity Limited, which will arrive at Toronto from Chicago at 3.40 pm, and leave at 4 o'clock for Montreal, arviving at that point at 10 pm. THis will alo provide ad: ditional fast service for passengers from Duffalo and Detroit to To ronto and Montreal passengors from Detroit leaving that olty at 8.80 am, and travellers from Dyf fale at 11,60 a.m, It was also announced that the new sir hour trains between Monts real and Toronto, will make byt four stops=-Rroeckville, Kingston, Belleville and Oshawa, The new schedules, whieh go tute effect on April 8Tth, will he the heat yet provided for the traveling public In Kastern Canada, The new nohedulo haw heen made possible hy the acquisition of newer and more powerful locomotives of the 6000 olass, heavier rolling-stook and a rocl=hallanted roadbed of the high. ost standard, The extremely fast service should appeal to the touy- Inte, who have only a limited period to spend in seeing the wonders of Ontario and Quehec, Rerides the International Limits od and the InterCity Limited, there will be a train known ag the Capital operating on a fast schedule he tween Toronto and Ottawa during the day. A train te renlace the International Limited will leave Montreal at 5.00 am, arviving In Toronto at 5.10, Thin train wil make all the stops now made hy its Sandon of Bn, or che last predecessor, An eaathound train wife, he loaves to mourn his loss, | VII! leave Taranto at 0.08 am, and two sons, Earl and Kigin, and ane will take the place of the morning | duughter, Mra. L. McCabe, all 'of | (PIN DOW Tn operation, Oshawa, Two grandehildron also he new tima table of the Cans urvive, sup Stleot on ABFL 27h: It 1s expected. The funeral will hod from his ol on Apr + it ix expected, late Hy io 248 'Allee 8t, on a -------- Tuesaday afternoon at 2.00 o'clook, the hooks on birds now in the libs rary, The club wish to thanks to Miss Hare ance to the elub, distant and he noticed then that it had one wheel on the tracks, He stated that he slowed down to about three miles an hour and sounded hin hell, The truck, however, on its course until it was about ton feet away from his ear. At that time, he stated, he threw the oar Into reverse but an impact took place, Hhettler claimed that an acoldent would have taken place even if he had brought his car to a complete Mop. He stated that in a gonvers tian with Ford, Ford told him that he could not get the wheels o the truck out of the car tracks Shettler stated that he had done averything possible to aveld an ac cident, He also stated that he had geen no motor car parked on the \ side of the road, Mra, Topping was Altting direatly behind him at the front of the car, Retween them Was A screen, He could not say ust what took place as he ducked is head when he saw the impact was imminent, Several other éye witnessea of the acoldent were also oalled, The defendant was committed for trial by a higher court, the paper 12 received hohors and five others passed,' The winners were I'rwak Crage, 08 marks, Hazle Trow, O85 marks and Edith Dalglel 08 marks, The junior results were; 18 wrote papers, 14 received hone ren of the olty Bunday Schools an insight into the evils of drink and work of this kind being eondueted by the Temperance Union is doing A great work in the elty in the cause of Temperance, | CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS I Pre, been notified, Thin 1a the first fire of any kind to occur in the House for many voars, The building is equipped throughout with chemical extine guishers which the inmates know how to operate, It is also well pros vided with fire escapes and at night these are illuminated, A Jury' was empanelled 'this morning under Coroner Dr. Mos Giliyray to inguire into the cause of death and after viewing the res maine adjournment was made untik a date which will be set by Crown | Attorney Meuthbon, Members of the jury inolude W, J. Luke, fores man; John Scott, Jas, Scott, da Rowe, Wm, Vanstone, Wm, Ayers, and 1. Northam, Card of Thanks express thelr for her assists If it'smadein England it must be Good! IT'S BETTER BECAUSE IT'S BRITISH continued and In Oshawa, on Sunday, April 18th, 1020, John Melean, beloved husband of Maria Akhurat, in hin T0th year, Funeral from his late residence, 240 Allee street, on 'I'uepday, ApMl 15th, 1930, Nervice at 2,00 p.m, Interment Groveside UCeme tery, Brooklin, (N¥a) A In Memoriam In loving memory of our dear sister, Lena, who passed AWAY April 14th, 1826, God knew that you were sultering And the hills hard to climb, So he closed your weary eyelids And whispered 'Peace be thine', Ever remembered hy Sister and brotherinslaw, My, and Mrs, J, McConnell, i (88a) MeLEAN vendered, The vialin work of Tho Manilla, who was accompanied on the plano by Miss Jean Petrus, called forth several encores, Mis Rerar recited with good effect while Mr. M, Chereshmiuk presented two of Shevehenka's poets fn a manner which wen him loud applause, A splendid speech was made by Me, 11, Meech, who pointed out, that the poet was a deeply religious man. who could not have any sympathy for pre sent day "reds" and atheists, Miss Kotyk alto recited well while a selee tim by the mandolin hand was much enjoved, Accompanisty included Mr, 8, Salmera and Miss Dlanche Les- nick At the conclusion of the program, Rev, Father Chrustawka warmly thanked all those who had taken part and expressed pleasure that so many had found time to attend, He then called upon Rev, Luke Standret of the Ukrainian Peabyterian chureh to thank in English, visitors other, than Ukraintans who were present at the concert, The writer was ane of the few Whe war not Ukrainian or of Ukrainian descent and through the kindness of memhers of the committee in charge had heen admitted to the hall through the stage entrance as it was imposs sible to find a passage through the solid mast of humanity which blacked the main door and centre aisle, One wat made immediately to feel at home and on leaving the hall. at the conclusion of the performance could not help but share with these new Canadians something of that high re. gard and de ep affection with which they held ° Taras Shevchenko, ADMITS FORGERY AND STEALING CHICKENS (Ry Canadian Press Loaased Wire) - Quelph, Apr, 14==When Leonard White, admitted under polloe quons tioning that he was the owner of A erowhar and a gunny sack found this morning outside J, WH. Myers' chicken coop, appearances were all againgt Leonard, and when In police court, he not only pleaded guilty nas and was remanded one week In cuss tody, for sentence, HIGHWAY WAS CROWDED Yeaterday's sunny, pleasant wea ther tempted thousands of motors vi {sta out for a spin and the highway | ATORE FRONTS PAINTED between Oshawa and Torouto wus |, The fronts of the Canadian Na- orowded with teaftio practioally | Honal Rallways ticket office and of the whole day. The feeling that a | Puckett Brow, & Sollley, King Rtreet arallel highway is needed between | WOAt, have been improved with weve hore and Toronto in growing, ess | oral coats of paint, pecially when there Is 80 much con: | pray " gestion at a twae when traftie has BURY aARnEN. Saturday by no means reached ita peak. | uparngon working on thelr gardens RECOVERED FROM ILLNESS and lawns, With the spring comes Mr, D, "Thompson, well known [lhe urge to clean up and make postman and general store owner [hinge look "splok and span," It of Raglan has recovered from his is also about time to spade and vecont serious illness, Mr, Thomp: | Plant the family garden plot, non apent five weeks in the General Hospital here and wan lor Hee REMAND ON LIGUOR CHARGE or, ; Ry ) . weoka under the cate of hia Qout was arrested on Saturday night, by FOUGHT GRASS FIRES Provincial" Comtabl Mitchell "and The fire brigade was called upon ot PC Fawbert on a charge of having fight two grass res, today noon, one liquor, ille eat not being the helder on Verdun road and the other near | of an individual permit, In Police Ritson road south, No damage was | Court she was remanded for one done week on bail for hearing, GUILTY OF BREAKING INTOXICATION CASE Robert Woodhouse appeared in| Tohn Chora, Olive Avenue, wa Police Court this morning ER d | charged with intoxication, 1t was his with breaking and entering Wi second affense, Ball was renewed, Hakety on Saturday night, Weed: | The hearing of the case will be on house pleaded guilty to the eount | Thursday, April 7th, "ONE MAN WAR" LOST INVESTIGATE DEATH BURK'S FALLS BOY BY BEARDED HERMIT T-------- \d -- " (By Cantdisn Presa 1 2 Wire) Spokane, Washn~A "one man Burk's Falls, Ont, Apr, 1d==An war" waged by Willlam Mullen aged recluse, againat the census Hietatigation is helug made inte the deuth of Charles Harvey, 16, who was branch of the United States Govern. ment en a barrage of briek- found fatally shot on ednesday with a 22 rifle beside him about a bats and atatistios, Np white beared. hermit struck quarter of a mile from the farm where he had been employed, The ius i ia solore lo . or Ihren) after defendin shack "down quest held Wednesday was adjourned a y for one week without taking evs the gas works" for three days, yr --- using as weapons epithets, stones, [3 Au autopsy erformed Thursday K. I desire to OXPrOsS my singers appreciation of kindness aho to me during my recnet illness by my friends in Raglan, Oshawa, - Perry and Toronto, and also to Oshawa Hospital stat and to wl James Moove, $i L, 'hompsen, (880) Ton Late To Classify i 4 TWO OR THRER PARTLY Fults nilghed rooms, All conven ; objection to small child, SMITH You know folks we have been asked many times to advertise the fact that we have a fine line of Mugliah roducts, by those children t the old land, who have -dincovered we have them, They aay: "Let the people know you have Knglieh goods and they'll sure be tickled to hear about it, Ask any ry gfe about noo H OHEMINS of No Aa nglana, This is only one of our ow derful lines of Drugs a Sundries of English Quality and manufacture, Root's Regoann tarninae Doot's Melolda We Nottingham Pastilles .,8de¢ Erasmus Will's Salt , 000 Dot | Malt and Cod ls gaming rs ony we. amalt oles flee #ie Ho te Tabs oso v0 fie _Germolena Otlutment de TOO MANY OF THEM of NY, did you give up the study aw M1 found that I could not read the statutes aa fast as they are belug passed!" WELT, WELL, "They say My, Deatyle in finan olally embarrassed," "Well he's horribly in debt, but it would take More than that to embarrass him." "OBITUARY TT OF Jon¥ NeriAN passed awa, n Awa on Sunday, ApNIt 13, Jen Molean, aye poik Miibane of Maria Akhuret, The late Mr, Molaan had been BMITH=In loving memory of Lena, beloved daughter of Mr and Mrs, Robert Pollock, who died April 14th, 1090, No one knows the bitter heartache That our smiles may try te hide And those who think of you today Are thofe who loved you best, Sadly missed by mother, father, Eva and lsobel, (88a) . All conveniences, Apply 563 Hime 000. Street south, (380) CORY==In ever loving memory of William James Uory, beloved husband of Mauve Cory, whe pansed to vest on April 14th, en "I's now three years, time flies, Love's aweeteat dion, I miss his help, his cheery ways, With him 1 spent my happy days I miss him when in ngod of a friend, : On hm I could always depend, One of the best whom iy could lend, A loving husband, a fatthtl friend; [ misa him and mourn him in sib once Wnseen And dwell on the memory of days that have been how awilt MADAME NEVADA, PALME Rose Corners, hone appOLS ments 2804, (B80) ANNUAL MEETING OF No Hoard of Directors of the Ushi» awa General Hospital will be held at the nurses' renidence, | Tuesday evening, 'April 18, W : ' o'clook, { RUMMAGE SALE AT THE NAR. ket 'Tuesday, at 3 o'clock, uns ~ dor auspioes of astern Star, EVERYBODY CONE TO memory never Drugs om Engliah ilotrien by Yards loy's, Atkinson and Dus Harry, You "SAVE bis SANKTY" ¥ THe ial Divi See Jury & Lovel A broomstick, a olub and an axe, WISDOM IN THE HOME we'll meet Choren King St, E, Stmeoo Bt. § , Phone a8 Rev, C, KE. Cragg will have charge of the services, Interment will ha made at the CGroveside Cemetery Brooklin, Ontario, ' ¥ "Do Tou baileve all your huss band tells you?" . RAnthow, I don't question ton mueh of it, {evehled « a #2 bullet in the brain, When found the bay was alive but died en route to hospital without ves covering consciQusness, h ---------- Het "Kisses are the language of ove, She: "Well, why don't you say something?" to intent to vob the coop hut ta two ohavges of forgery an well, thines looked blacker still He wax ves God grant some day aga, panded A week far sentence, Sadly mised by his loving wile, (S¥n) -ih a Friends all evening square dance, tonight at. Wins tev Ghrdenn, Add ty ae, (Naa)

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