Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Apr 1930, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1930 w PACE THIRTEEN ATR SIASSIRIED 3 onan & ALINIS, BARRIST! IT obiciors, Nottie Puhlie, Ete, viel oH parte 0 hawa, Poors 4 0, D a, LLB: & F, Aunly, B.A, ¥ " | Bolieitar, Notary Publi, fo ov. ! ura, Konty to Yorn iA Ing owas " oo i Ean lode Fw Li, FELT i | rivtens: im Notary wile Cons (n neer, ey to loan, Ofive 14 | Kin St, Hon! Oshawa, Phone #45, Reside: rane, ters, otaries Public, sts, Sian Bank, Rutrance Bimane Ph 0 18, J. ¥, Grierson, * K. Creighton, B.A, N. Frager, B, Conveyancers, Office over Bolieltar, Notary, over Dewland's Btore, Money to loan, i Bimane GF north, Vhoue 67, Residence 110A FREER ANDIT UMTH vistexs,, Solicitors, ele, 24'4 §iricoe Bt, N, Phen (1 3169, Money to 10 loan. LEX Us HALL, BA BARRIN , 018, oheATAnS ne an £ ori 9 MY Kags Rast. 110 Solictiors, 14g. Orhawa ones 769 Cshawa, Than Nr B, Port (Mar, 4-1 mo) ah ( ILL, BA [ ete, Money to loan. Alger Bldg, op posite Post Office, Phone 1014, Medical DRE, HAZLEWOOD & | Disney Block, Phone "080, Ditiae [ hours 0am, to 8.0 pm, Dr, J, Hazlewood, special attention " Surgery and X-Ray, Dr, B, H, Hare per, spedlal attention te children's | Diseases and Obstotvies, Wunday {and night calls "410 or 128, DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher, OMee and resi: genew, King St, Beat, comer Viciorla St._Oshawa, Phone d4 DR, HAROLD YW, TRICK, PH (SI: cian, Surgeon. ' Obstetrician, Special references to maternity work ard dle Seases Ka yonen. Te ve .! fost raduate_experiency, dence or Simcoe ot N,, (cor, Brock) phone 300 | Dk. GRA ANT HURRY, vet : Ere ol aid fend Fat, HE i | DR. D paYIR, A wi & bi hans rreon ant S ile Ofer Sy guns N. Phone om. pti i E, Phe Phon y RO. CARN, PHYSICIAN, | Surgeon, Obstetrician, Office and | residen h 13 Simooo street north, | Phone HARTI, d Obstetrician, office clan, Su 185 Simeoe Street, 3107, ; nd retiden orth, phone Slee TR jaronto wil ne at Hy office ever Jury & vell's Drug Store edch Saturday, p14 a, for consultation treatment { disenpes of of ear, nose and throat i Apvointments mav bs mar w! drug store, Phune 97, wet iichell'y I Drug Fa) n 10 ¢ am, ink " faimen 'oles' Ere ® Benes] ILLIPS, OVER BAS LR Kovcial attention to Xeray on, Nurse ha Bide () | { f d's and' 1) us! Rd i : oe iti Th i ' NGMAIT » ' 3 0 St E on Dy QF F with Lo I) by h OL ia oc specialist In muscle anomalies ivy bt end glasses, Author of are and Eye Strain, he ilg_and Its Development, Dine is Block Spa Post Office, Phone 361 (Mar, 18:1 mo) | Engineering and Surveying DUNEVAN AND Wir NTAR: o Lani Yarieon' snd hf rs. a $08 a fu King . As | SE Phe Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East, mbulanee. pldence; 54 az Kim, 000 street north, Phovs 210 A BURTAL COMPANY os Celina street, Oshawa, Corner ruce street. Ambulance, Phone Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE 19 King St. west Oshawa, The olils est Fire Acengy Tn Oshawa, 30 Re nutahle Fire Companies o URANCE gonsuls 'R, N, Johes, $0 Bimooe porth, Your insurance 'wants Ab tended to and your interests pro tected, a J All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of szpense and loss arising from handling » large number of small arsounts of this nature, snd collect for sams, For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient w come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring » messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Work Wanted For Rent ---- Transportation OARTAGE AND BTORAG B, COLE: man's, 85 Bond West, Hpecinlists in furniture moviag, storage ware hous and moving van squipment LL] CARNTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand ard ginders Loedl and lang bis wance laullpg, Bmith & Cox Phone 084, 10 Bond St, West, lished furn'ture movers, Park Road ear are, Local and long distange. Frank tole. {1 from 65 VYark Ri Bouts 4 * ar, 10-1 me) om "Parlors -- DWTTY LOU PENMANENT WAVE shop, Bpecial.sty In permanent, fuger and marcel waving, . Vee manent wave prices 86, 87.60, $10 and $15, All other lines of Heauty Culture, Fhene 80US, Apply 8b Himeoe. street north | Betty Ward at Betty Lou Permins ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and thames one N R BE AND WATSON'S B 0. Cu i Ay hy 4 Beauty Fg TT Eh A tutting mar clatize in . la Shampoo clals, Mare fe For TR LR phone I K nope 147 AUS) street. K'hone Sud (Mar, 20.1 mo) Music ANTH Dil; VOUAL TEACIT. er (Hambourg Conapryaort, Tor t uplls pared all aha Dihava Tuasdny, 8% Wik liam street vant, upralee, Phone 19011) {| CERBENT ©. FRENEER. ' OR: anist and cholr master of King treet United Church will accept pupils In plano, organ and vocal musie, For particulars apply 60 William stress east. Phone 2800, (Apr, 6-1 mo) DIRECTOR Oshawa Collegiate and of fsie, thawa "oll ¥ th hy hens {am (Apr 6-1 mo) Radic Service 2000.) USHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AT cessorivs for sale, repairs on elec trio and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re . rental supplied, §1, Phone $350J, Charles Wales, 146 Elin Kast, (Ap, 8-1 mo) BA RIES CHARGED AND DE. livered 78¢, rental 230, 204 Oshawa lv, Phone 31 AW, (Mar, 14:1 Mo) ALL MAKES OF SETS REPAIR. ed, prices reasonable work guaran teed, Fone fC charged J 800 delive ered, Buereukh, Mar, 14 rged, ' The salled red. Radio ed, Platt, Phoas 1 1050 (Mar 20:1 mo) fan, for and de physical eulture d Street Bah, peli foun i oe I on Ag BE u rom 10 a call pp A Tor! at abov haute | FRNMSTITCHING" NING TENTS Hide wai 3 ride nar hop, 2044 Fol ie i i Ee | adh Ab ai a sh un Ti x. ): eer, ot on nt. I Jos = a) house stock an (1H) anlar ND TUR Id, Also local : birder « | MONEY, 180 | decking autos, mE wr ---------- RE-UPHOLS TERING, CHENTER. fields made to order, Wa sive vou Estimates free, GA Cue stable, 74 Mechanle street Fhe 199 BATTERIE CHARGED, C. TALL 0 for and SBN 79 cents, M1 rene Rapteries repaire) wian Mligdon, 20 MII Ht, Phone 1886VW, (Mar 161 wo) Fix UP YOUR ROADWAY, rave), sand, cinders and general rucking, - Chis, Graham, Phone 021m, Mar, 27-1mo) PRUNTNG, ~TRRPIIN GARDENS ing, Wepairing, ete, , Phone 3272W, (88a) Dry Clon ing NORNAN "TAMBERT, FRENCH dry cleaning, and repairing, all goods lled for and delivered, Phone $29, # Bagot Street, (Mar, 11+) mo.) COURT LOOK=TUR" RARTEI Have your old "hat 'cleaned and blocked to look like new at The Hub, 15 King Street 'West, Shoe Shine and Hat Cleaning, Work guaranteed, Phong iy Victor Col lop (Apr ww 1 mo) Articles For Sua HA wl supplied 81, -. ol sa ho tor oud Avo bord Y woo ah 1288. FOR BALR~=MBINTZMAN CO Lid, pianos, Baw And used planvs, Also radios, latest models; torus TTY Apply C, Trull, re 1 WHITE BLOS. er seed, ) t | for sale, Phone 104s 1-8, (Mar, §¥-1 mo) FOI ALN = STHRAWHERAY plants, Kelloge's Karly Hird, Prem- fer and Pocomoke, White Leghorn hatching eggs, Haron strain, Phone | s060W, (Mar 80-1 wo) FOR SALE=CRUSHED ) STONK Chips for driveways, \Waterous~ Meck Limited, Phone 1288, (Mar ine) A load delivered, Phone #UTOW, (870) FOR SALESOUANTITY OK: 11: mathy hay, Apply I, li, Have, se: cretary of Park Commissions: Oshs AW, i oh stonds, drensers, rugs, 7% yds, ine aid linoleum, grandfather look, dropside eoueh and sundries, Also good chesterfield nuite, Top. tear, aver Bank of Commerce, terous Meek Limited Wale gr 2) QUANTITY * OF (Ne LVETTEATED Trombuone, Con, also tenor baniv with resonator, both practioally new, A bargain for quick sale, 104 Leilie street, (870) FON HALE--UPRIOHT PIANG TN good condition, Will sell cheap, Apply 286 Division Htreet, Phone uaa, ($8) TUG Reasonable, FON RATHE= Alture, 488 Albert Ht, (44a) "Awnings TNDOW = AWNINGS = TORCH awnings, verandah curtaing, Canopy tops installed, T. Taylor, Torontts Oshawa phone 1083 (Apr, 104) "Painting and Decorating TIRYT TC OUTSOLE LASS 1A . painting and rag Bee re right, work ine Ave, phous oh ranteed, or DRA erhanging and docoraiin Hate mates gi on work, 01.-Hrock 86. Bast, Phone 1847), \ (Mar, 20<1 mo) Money Ww Loan TES Be a" dedi ore South (upstairs), r, 26:1 nm PROS ; wr a ie mir dia i. Frat Raping -- and repaived. Also retrimming and Phone 1484N, 4 Prices modera e, SE Adan Aid me) APARTMENT = MODERN, HOM Ike suites, Home furnished, laun- dry, conveniences, glee dryer, eto, eleg ptoves, elea refrigeration, hut water year round, Phone 16060 or JU4TW, (NL) TOUR AND TIVE HOOMED MU: arn suites Including gleetric reryigs aration, stove, Inundry, copveni ances, eto, coutinuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 2471, or The Trusts and Uuarantee Co, td, manager tor owner, Toronto, : ----E (87te) TWO TMOUNE TO NENT=F0iC Mished with every gonvenience tur He asekeepiug, Vhone 4BUs, (bbe) SIX ROOM TOUR ONTURKT street, Apply 202 Haig Street, (83 FOUR ROO [130 ru AGH good location, SIX ROOM TRICK TARDWOOD floer, 3 plece Li mediate possession for. either of above. Apply J0IW evening, (87¢) § ROOMED™ HOUSE, NEWLY decorated; vent $18 monthly: Apply 216 Lark Road South, (W7¢) HOUSE "VOR RENT=TSTSTDT. ute possession, rent 'reasonable, cens tral, Also two large bedrooms, Ap ply Mrs, Wilson, 217 € lina St, (87 0) FOUR ROBII 1TO0S 10 rent by Mav first, All conveniences Apply 120 Divisio n Street, (Boe) 6 ROOMED™HOURY, [Feil] Street, all conveniences, garage, pavs od street, vacant May first, Apply an Drew St. Phone 2710M. (Hoe) THRET ROOMS UNFURNISHED or partly furnished for housekeeping Reasonable rent, near Motors, MJ Kinasdale Ave, (Bde) FOR RENT TWO 105 AUIY furma, lot 15, B.F, und First Cone cession, Township of Kast Whitby, fronting on Kingston Road, part of John Bartlett Kstate, Immeds ate possession, Apply to Conant & Annis, Darristers, &e, Oshaws Ontario, Solicitors for the Adminise trator, th very central (TTT R0-8U-H0-80) MODERN TPA RTNENTY TU TET ==Threo and five rooms with bath, EArage, Apply Apt, 3, 161 King oat, Oxhawa, (63%) TOR RENT=NTOR™ WOU IRIS five reomed house at 70 Cromwell avenue, Phone 284 v 24, (N78) FOR TENT=TWON TORE TACUH week Gene Goodell's all at Cou ties for select parties or entertains ments, Good service, 1'rices reas enable, Phone 83% r 24, (N7e) FOR ENT="AN ATTRACTIVE Apartment, and garage, Phone 684, (N70) TWO ROUNE, WATHROOM FLAT, clean, . furnished or unfurnished, Apply 214 Clarke street, Phone 1086W, (8Ne) TOR INT NODRIN™ 4] PARTS ment No, 7, Amylene, Quebeo Ht, Phone 2206), (8¥0) HOUSE 10 LET = ALL (ON: venienees, AIL 5 Vis Apply Bradley Broa (don | Rates for Classified Ads, Fleet lpsertions=114 cents per word, Minimum charge 300 Bach subsequent consecns Me insertion lo per Taree ie sWhuadtive inser yd tirat to (three venta a word), ---- charge fr three insertions, 60 cents, Box number Lo additional i RE for v0 words or ont! 10 Ro a ov oer ug (| Small family, APA i £0 CUNTIAL All conven Mek Jo hardwood fisors, Api U Bradley Bros 1100 Al Tig hone 11T8W By call 210 Allge Bt Ly pn gia ble) | fd od cottaie, Conveniences, Newly ascorated, One bleclke from Motors offices, 405 Itichmwond Bt, last, Phone 11408, i (hbo) anted to Rent TORS ROOMED™ BUNGALOW, Modern, Central, by middle of May, Biase rent to box M0 (87¢) 4 Times v April, 4 or 4 rooms unturnished, Henl reasonable, for couple, no | children, Box 60) Oshaws Lally Real Estate For Sale TF ROONED HOUSE, ABOUT uere of land, edose to canning fags tory, Bowmanville, Apply BHM Oshawa Dally Times, Bowmanville, (BO¢) VEY TINE HOWE, ABOVE the average, in the Corporation of I'venton, high and dry, all convents ences, double garage, harn, (wo hen houses, pig pen, all in the hest of condition, plenty of fruit, 4 nerves good graden land, and pune ture, Price six thousand, Apply to Weaver, Jackman & Co, Trenton, Untario, Box Dud, (Kha) FATT TOR QUICK RATT, FEs00 67 nerves, good location, only eight miles from Oshawa, ¥700 cash, bal ance easy, Good frame house 'and barn, ¢lay loam, All workable, Act quick, Jones Heal Estate "hone 2667, (Nip) ( EPI. aad A tae For Sale or Rent a EL Bd dirt MB Actos ENR RUG BRICK HOUSE 6 ROOMS Sunroom, Kleetrie, Mantle, Hard wood floors, French doors, All gon vignees, garage, divided cellar, paved street, raeidentinl distrigt Posses slon im mediate y Phone hr 267), (§7¢) J ROONED TOUS AND T ACK] of land en 4th Concession Last ol CNR, Tracks, North Oshawa, Apply Atinle Grose iN Help Wanted--Mals DISTRICT MANAGER ESTABLISHED MANUFACTUR. er wants man to handle business in this and surrounding territory, Exe perience unnecessary us we teach you our business, but honesty a requisite, Earnings $400.00 and up per wonth, $900.00 investment required, fully foe cured, you handling it yourself, This Is an unusual opportunity for u steady reliable "man, wanting a permanent connection and will stand strictest Investigadion, Write all about your | sell to erest us in your first letter Write Manufacturer, 767 Milwaukee! Avenue, Chigago, and our State Man. er will arrange interview (83g) SoroweneR GANAOE WECH ante, year round position, must be familiar with practioally all makes, Clean, fast worker, exoellent op: pogtunity for good man, Send full partioulars, age, experience, oto,, Hox 607 Ttmen, (B40) Help Wanted Male or Female HELP WANT TT MATE OR TT: wale earn Upwards of $35 week ly growing mushrooms for us, Mlus- trated booklet [ir stamp. Canadian Mushrooms Co, MU Lauder Ave, Taranto, aad Ea {tuations Wanted AXPERTRNCED TARMET WARTS work on farm, Apply 498 Albert Hireet, Oshawa, Phone J004W, (NAN) "Pets and Live isch. JANES WAY TTATCHE 5 froin trapsriested iy S Go White Leghorns, barred rocks, white Wyaadattes, Witte or hohe for ealalonue, Oshawa Hate ery. and Poultry farm, 144 Park Read North ald 1871 LN7%, (Mar, 2 I or gos heng, laying. 04 Bond Bt, (¥%0) "01 WY male, 4 months old, registered, lovely hlack cont, wongerful pet, price very reasonable, Htar Keu- nels, Port Whitby, phene Whitby 400, (870) "Room and Board "ATH family, Very contral Phone 108%), (te) ONE DOUBLE ROOM TO SUT two business gentlemen, Board if paired, Phone 0) twa gentleman Central, + 3644 (87¢) room, suitable for friends, No beard, Simeae St, South, home for either ladies or dentin men, Phone 1438M, 0) Motor STUDERARER TOURING, GOOD Hoe order, cheap for cash, Thine PRACTICAL NURS bh MATERNT 1 inv Dg general i holhone Ad gaged, maternity or rfeneral nurse ing. For jntormation phone 820W, (APY d+1 mo) uge gion 0 Smyrea reversible Tugs 500 to 81 Auditing and Accounting AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING porvice at reasonable rates, Ins come tax reports and KUnUH) statements prepared, 1, A, Holden, D2 Wimeoe wtreel north,' phone Hw, (Apr, 11-1 mo) Spirella Corsetiere CORBETIERE=PLEASI PHONE eM), Mrs, Derumaux for perticus Ines of the new fitting line in Spire sla, District North Ja, after 15+) po) TIRE TAT Pe rescutative, vorth west and south nist districts, 106 Vrederick street, Phone 2150M, (Mar 16-1 mo) Lost and Found LORT=WHIWI WATCH, WTI monogram, at Lakeview Vark, Viue der phone 2080M, Neward, (ha) CORT = MARE WATCH ANT chain and locket near Bell "I'eles phone Office or North Oshawa stas tion, Valued as keepsake, Reward on return to 200 Oshawa Blvd, Phone BOK4W, (Kke) Auction Sale ON RAL =A VING TU: velved Instructions from Mrs, I'vior, Lo well al the House I'hat Jack Bult, Kingston Koad Kast, on Thursday, April 17, 1940, all her household equipment consists Ing of one radio, one Credenko model Orthopuonle, Iargest. sike, one Melody Grand Player Piano, one eafdnet with 100 piano rolls, ¥ plece esteriield multe, 4 large antique mirrors, ong antque ebony soveen, hand painted, fu beds gomplete, une antique headroom suite, ene ¢hild's erih new, One dresser and chitferobe, quantity of boddiug and linens, five piece sun room turniture, Including chaise lounge, § tollet sets, one bath tub, one chemical closet, one ebony wetiee, a number of water stands, rugs, and curtains, large antiguo rocker, kitchen utensils, large quantity of dishes, one complete sel of dishes, blue willow pattern, one electric coftee percolnter, one | ehating dish, silverware, a number Of tables and chairs, lawn furnishes ings, lawn swings, lawn mower, Karden tools, one Katbnia cream RRDATALOY, new, one 1088 Pontiae Coneh, In Al condition, a quans tity of fence wire, other things too numerous to mention, The above Koods are all in first clasy condi tion, Hale at 1 o'vloek sharp, Terms cash, Ww, J. Bulley, Auge Honeer, ' (Kho) The Bankruptcy Act In the estate of Robert Smyth, wnthorized Assignor, Notioe is hereby given th. Robert Gordan Smyth, of the City of Qshe awa, in the Province of Ontario, did on the 7th day of April 190, mak an authorived assignment of all his property for the benefit of his eredis tors und that ©, E. Lennox, Lag, Omiclal Receiver, hay appointed us 10 be Custodian of the Estate of the debtor until the first meeting of eredtors, Notice Is further given that the first' meeting of ereditors in the above estate will be held in the of fice of O, KE, Lennox, Esq, OMcial Receiver, at Osgoode. Hall, in the City of Torento, on Thursday, the Ath day of April, 1930, at 2.30 o'clock In the afternoon, To entitle you to vote thereat, preof of your, ¢lslin must be lodge: with us before the meeting is held, Proxies to he nied at the meeting must be lodged with us prior thereto, And further take notice 'that al such meeting the ereditors will eleqt the permanent 'I'rustée, And further take notice that i you have any claim against the debts or for which you are entitled 10 rank, proof ef sueh claim must he filed with ws, or with the Trustee when appointed; otherwise the pros coeds of the debtor's estate will be distributed among the parties ens titled thereto without -- to your elaim Dated at April, 1930, hi CANADIAN CREDIT MEN'S TRUST ASSOCIATION LIMITED, Custodian, NOTE; Prof of Claim is only valid when a detailed statement of account is shown thereon, or is accompanied by detailed statement attached thereto, Gordon Toronto, this 1th day of ated Company, signature should he affixed by means of Company's rubs ber stamp and party affixin fame should sign own name and yn position with 'Company, otherwise proxy may be fnvalid: (88a) RARE MALADY TOOK Noma, Similar to Trench Mouth, Has Occurred Only 52 Times in World Toronte, April 13, \ disease so ure Jat there had been ut 82 res corded cases throughout the world since it was discovered in 1932 has Made an appearance in Toronto, It is known ax "Noma" and in the case being discussed rd lecal hos. pitalyy killed a woman patient after these days' illness. Similar in Sri to | to the mouth" fram whieh th i fered overseas, . hh oi in the present ca ¢! ol i? a pe I ally tamed lh "trench down, 280 per week, Mor samples ARAAWS Aan), alvain at St, M iehaels. Thalauie liter» ally aig the fleet of the patient's | LEG When proxy is given by Incorpers | tr LIFE IN TORONTO: fers sufs| 4 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO Bofors the Assistant Mester, J Hillard, Friday, the ah day of April, 1950, between MINNIE PATTERSON Pluintiff, and RICHARD 8, 1; Tk RESON, ALEXANDER E PAT LIBON, AHOMAS PATTIE. BON; Gli PAIS N, ip "KOICHI Tn. ban: Defendants, PON the application A he Plaine ui upon hearing read iy wf Summons herein, the # aviv or the plaintiff made in a previous setion in the Supreme Court of Ontario where~ in this plaintiff is plainti and R, 5 Patterson is defendant, the Judy ment in tht uetion, the Keport thade pursuant to the sald Judgment, the afidayit of the plaintif's solicitor filed In support of this application and upon hearing what was alleged by counsel on her behalf, Le=l'l' 15 ORDERED that service of u copy of the Writ of in this setion and of this erder by posting # copy of the sald Writ an Order addressed to the defendant R, 5, Patterson ut 283 Albert street, Oshawa, and by the publication eof this order und of the endgrseinent on the sald Writ in The Oshawa Times for three insertions, three days apart shall be good and sufficient serviee of the Writ, of Summons herein on the defendant R, 8, Put terson, 2=AND IT 18 FURTHER OR DIERED that the time for appear ance to the sald Writ by the suid defendant R, 5, Patterson be fifteen days after sald service. Entered OB mn, Jak 8 402, April 4th, 1930, "E.B,' "I Hillard", Assistant Master, The copy of the lndorsement on the Writ of Summons hereln refer red to in the above order is as fol JowH Jom The Plaintiff's claim Is as an w satisfied judgment and execution eres ditor of the defendant Richard 8, Patterson for a declaration by this Honourable Court that & conveyanee olfecing the lands herein described and ade by the defendant Richard 8, Patterson to the other defendants, dated the oth day of September 1929, and registered in the Registry Office for the County of Ontario, on the 12th dey of September 1929 as num ber J4387 is fraudulent as against the plaintiff and that the andy herein. after described Is the properly of the defendant Richard 8, Patterson and lable to pay the plaintiff's claims against the sald defendant Richard 8, Patterson and that the defendant Richard 8, Patterson is the beneficial owner thereof, And for an order that the lands hereinafter described be sald to pay the plaintiff's elaim against the defendant Richard 8, Patterson and for 4 Lis Pendens and for all other necessary, consequens tal and ancillary relief, The lands referred to are describe od as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that cers tain parcel or tract of land and pres mises situate, lying and being in the City of Oshawa, and being eon sed of that part of Let ch hei In the First Concession of the sald City deseribed us followst COM« MENCING at a point. in the easters ly limit of Albert Street Distant on a course north sixteen (10) degrees west four hundred and eleven and seven tenth tect (411 7/107) from. the in terscction of the easterly limit of Albert street with the southerly lis mit of the north half of said lot nums ber ten; THENCE NORTH sixteen (10) degrees west along said casters ly limit of Albert Street forty-five feet (13')) THENCE NORTH sevs enty=four (74) degrees east four (4) chains and thirty-six (36) links mere or less to the westerly limit of that part of sald lot number ten heretos fore conveyed by ene Arthur Wilks inson to the Oshawa Railway Comes pany by Deed dated May 30th, 1808, and registered as number 0189; THENCE SOUTH sixteen degrees cast along sald westerly limit of sald fand so conveyed 10 said Oshawa Railway Stpany an five (48) feet; THEN [ seventys four do Ji oi (4) chains thirty=six links more or less to the place of Ay LL Foil Building, Solicitor Vy (+d Plaintitt (82-85+88) mouth, and despite the prompt opers ation or the diagnosing surgeon, swept right on, disselving and Kills ing the white corpuscles of her ens GR clinical society of St, Michaels was yesterday given a report of the case, which is quite viparalleled in Canadian medical history, The disease van first Shuified ne 1923, hy a German soientist, and since that time but 42 cases have been recorded in paiRerent parts of the world, | The operating surgeon, wha the patient come to him as a private practitioner, with a threat fection, speedily sent her to hospital, With. na fow duys the infection spread, faster and faster, (3 the white cor facies Were eaten of broken up by disease -- Jperating an aden a3 ho had diag 0 cate, the surgeon cut oA We ue The parts, and arterwara cauteriaed with the strongest of ae without, however, fiophing the spread of infection, which So little is known of yv 0 disease that doctors are not certain whether it is infegtious or contagious but are rather Jie to believe that it ho combatted Ahn POTIONN, TE -------- ents in the T00 MUCH & NY My ime Nope you TTY d nu cal an: | danel on jumptog on and on Ahem that "iw me thedl Bummons | MHARDWOO Vin LAD (4 BXPEIWT MECHANICS Old floors finished like new, BLorm windows, combination doors, Genernl contractors, 5B, W, HAYNES, fiepidonce 180 vr 9 101 King St. 3), Phone 481 GOOD UE a THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe Kt, 8, bone DVO [J] Oshawa Burial Co successor to Nisney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Celine Ht, Phone 1089 | LUMBER | | | ¥.L, BEECROFT Whithy Lumber ang Wood | | Yard 'honn Oshawa B84 I J Whitby 19 Jf Frame dwelling==4 rooms, gar age, water, sewer in, lot 40 by 180, B10 Kigin east, Best offer over K400 mortgage takes it, Bubmit tender to Disney, hone 1650, Order Your Spring Sult Now from the pOMINION CLOTHING ©0, 8 KING 87, W, Lone' wid We Deliver NE anne dl EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop | Here Always | rsd Nie vam ivmanadl HARDWOOD ¥LOORM | LAID | Eleetrie Sanded and Vinishe ! od Complete W. J, TRICK CO, LTD, 85 Albert Btroet I'hone 280, 881 Thovsands Now Eat A Delightful Breakfast Food hi hr ------ EYESIGHT SPECIALIST poaioliaing on utlvely in wusle anomalies Mii a" . Drink Delicious Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain ; 1 he Bart Off wo hot Let we a tional Cash

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