Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Apr 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHA -------- ------------ Interesting Pen Impres- sions of the Coming Attractions on ... WA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, T930 THE LOCAL SCREEN | Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse- ment World dad ' "N , No, Nanette," Is A Triumph of Music, Color and Sparkling Comedy Bernice Claire and Alexander Gray Head Cast in a Picture Produced With Artistry Rarely Equalled {n bringing the delightful musical comedy, "No, No, Nanette)" to the talking screen First National has set " brilfiant pace for other Hollywood Studios to follow, This lavish spec- tacle, made partly lis simply gorge. ous Technicolor, opens before an enthusiastic audience at the Regent 'theatre today, The story=the comedy fable of & very unsophisticated millionaire who imagined he could buy clothes for pretty girls Just out of pure good nature and get away with It-- Is very funny, The special scenic musical enes, including dazzling trips to olland, Japan, New York and {ars are very, very beautiful. "Nanette is mirthful, melodious, and produced with an artistry never excelled and rarely equalled In the annals of the screen, . It Is Impossible not to rave about the musie, "King of the Alr" the big song number, has a Swinging, virile tune that will live for a long time, It is sung by Alexander Gray, the youthful loading man, in & way that will make it stick to your mem ory, Other song 'numbers are "The apanese Ballet," "The Dance of the Wooden Shoes," "Dancing on Mars, and "Pretending" They are all of the tuneful quality that causes you to whistle them while king your morning shower or riding In the ne VY "IT Want to Be Happy and "Tea for Two," hits of the orig inal stage musical comedy from which First National adapted the screen production, have been kept in the ploture; and they sound as well a8 ever, Bernice Claire and Gray portray the leading roles very effectively, Miss Claire, a new personality from the stage, playing her first pleture will without 'doubt be one of the musical talkies' best bets hereafter, She has the youth, the beauty, the sparkle and the volce demanded for such roles, Gray, who was first heard In "Sally," Is also a coming star |* he maintains his present pace The comedy Is upheld merrily by the elever Loulse Fazenda and Lu- clen Littlefield, Lilyan Tashman and Bert Roach are also prominent in the fun=making, Other well known players are Zasu Pitts, Mildred Hare ris, Henry Stockbridge and Jocelyn Lee, The necting throughout Is ex cellent, 'No, No, Nanette" was directed by Clarence Badger, Tt must have heen a colossal task to direct this big mu. sleal show, but Badger has done a not. worthy job, Den't miss "Nan. ite)" EE --------r Movie Payroll Grows As Paint Crews Come More men have been added to the motion pleture payroll, which has been growing constantly since the advent of talking films, In the new "paint erews" whieh are found on all the Technicolor sets at the Firat National Studios, The painters, who are needed to change colors In sets and back grounds It the Technicolor cameras men do not find the colors suitable were first used on "No, No, Nanette," the lavisly First National and Vita- phone musical sereen comedy, They rapidly spray paint over a section that "clashes" or Is not "complemen. tary" to the rest of the scene, The paint crew works. under the supers vision of the art director, Alexander Gray, Bernice Claire, Luelen Littlefield, Loulse Fazenda, Lilyan Tashman and others are in the cast of "No, No, Nanette," which Is proving one of the hits of the season, It contains the largest color settings ever filmed, ENGLISH AS SHE 1S SPOKE SHOWN IN CIRCUS BILL Bombay, Indla--An old cirous programme published on the oc casion of a visit by the Duke of Connaught and reminiscent of the old Portuguese manual, 'English as She is Spoke," has come to light here, It reads as follows: == THE GREAT INDIAN CIRCUS UNDER PATRONAGE OF ROYAL DUKE OF KNOUGHT, K.C.h, ete, N.B. (This circus is the very better, therefore he comes to see that) he = Performance Preparation will be commence a) pm, 1, Some horses will make a very pO fafa ski a i rA--------] The Band of the Ontario Regiment in Concert. at the REGENT THEATRE Sunday, (April 13th. pm, NEW MARTIN 3 Days _-« STARTING SATURDAY 1® in an unrivalled com- (a) oly drama of thrills ™) (ad good tricks, 2, The klown will come and talk with that horses, therefore audience will laugh himself very muoh, 8, The lady will walk on horses back and horse is jumping mueh alvo, 4, That klown will make a joking words, and lady will become too angry, therefore will run himself away, 6: This is very good gimnastiks, 6, One man will walk on wire tight, he is doing very nicely be- cause he is professor of that, Refreshments 10 Mts, Part 2 1, One man will make so much tricks of trapese, audience will frald himaelt very muoh, 2, Dogs will jump and roll ju the mud, 8. One lady will make himself #0 bend, then overybody he will think that is the rubber lady, 4, This Is a very good triok also, 8. One hoy will fall a ball from topaide, then hs oan catoh that ball, before that ball can fall, Refreshments 10 Mts, Part 8 Then will come the very good dramatic, No sticks will be allowed in the Romance De Luxe _ "LOVE COMEDY SPELLS MONEY" SERIAL Tarzan the Tiger in § = CHAPTER --§ "Tantor the Terror" Alexander Gray and Bornico Claire in "No, No, Nanotte' at the Re. gont, spectator, and he shall not smoke nino, TARIFF BOARD CHAIRMAN 1 UNDER GENSURE (Continued from Page 1) to a meeting that the Government had commissioned him to hear and take up Ontario County's claims to patronage, The charge went un. Answered vy the Government, Laughter burust from both sides of the House as Dr, Kalser de- scribed the Government's handling of'the Oshawa harbor, The harbor was started 83 years ago and still unfinished, the Ontario mem- ber declared, "The Government," he assorted, amid laughter, "builds 50 feet of harbor a year and about 100 feet mnnually falls down." Dr, Kaiser recalled that Mr. Moore is the defeated Liberal can- 'Idate In his riding, having run unsuccessfully in the 1024 election, It was in this capacity apparently that he made his political proms fren. Was the Government groom: Ing him for another candidature, the doctor wanted to know? Reads Newspapor Article Reading a newspaper article, he asserted that Mr, Moore was re- ferred to as the man "who played n large part in laying the town's (Whitby's) claims before the Gove ernment." According to this report Mr, Moore had promised the Whit. by Chamber of Commerce that If amp Borden was to be demolish- od, he would bring the Govern- ment's attention to a possible site for the alr camp near Whithy, "Whon the Government starts to groom one of the civil servants for A political contest," Mr, Kaiser de. olared, "it is time the people ot Canada knew about it," At the moment, the House was in committees of supply considers ing a miscellaneous item in the public works' estimates and Lr, Thomas Donnelly (Liberal, Willow bunch) appealed to the chair, claiming that Lr, Kaiser was out of order, "This man ix giving an election apeech," said the Sawkate chewan member, Deputy-apeaker Johnston, wha was in the chair, ruled, however, that Dr, Kaiser was in order, An Dr, Kaiser continued, Hon, J, D, Chaplin, a Conservative fronts bencher turned to give him encour agement, "Never mind," he told the Onartio member, amid laughs ter, "you'll give him (Mr, Moore) 4 good beating next time." "If all the things are carried out that he promises," Dr, Kaiser roe turned, "I don't know what wil become of Dr, Kaiser." "Serve notice on him that when We got in, we'll put him where he belongs," came back Mr, Chaplin, "When we get in," called out a Liberal, sarcastically, "It won't be long now," a Cons servative retorted, For Finance Portfolio Dr. Kaiser then road from a paper published in his riding Which stated that Mr. Moore was boing considered for the tinawnce portfolio. This had appeared be fore Mr, Dunning was appointed, "What paper 1s that?" queried a western Liberal, amid laughter, "The Orange Sentinel?" Dr, Kaiser was unperturbed, "A great dream was punctured," he sald, "when Mr, Dunning was ap. pointed," He then read a report of a meeting in a ohureh tu his riding, called to discuss the harbor, He oted this as saying that Mn oore "had promised any help he could give to it," Reference to the church brought a gale of eriticism from the Liberals, "Does this government approve or disapprove of a oivil servant interfe in matters of thia kind," asked Dr. Kaiser heatedly, ana in a ohureh, gibed a Libs ora Dr, Kalser declared that it Mr, Moore wanted to resign his posts tion in the civil service to run aa 4 candidate, he had no objection, But he could not countenance the two occupations being mixed, When Dr. Kalser sat down, the house proceeded with the eats mates, no reply being made to hs charges, To beliave only halt you hear 1a good advice-if you get hold of the right halt,--~Kitchener Record, good or bad, ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS FLICKERS FROM FILMDOM AND GOSSIP OF THE SCREEN A GENERAL REVIEW OF SCREEN ACTIVITIES J: Walter Ruben has been ass dialogue treatment of "Tommy," Radio Pictures' all-talking of the well-known sage play, "Tommy" will feature Arthur igned to make the adaptation and J churization Lake, Allen Bunce will play the juvenile role he created on the stage. # ¥ Ra » . The Forbes Randolph Kentucky Singers, noted colored musicians, have started work on six two-reelers to be produced and released hy Tiffany, the origin of the famous song; song story of slavery and freedom; cal phantasy ; "The Road Home" Ld w The titles of five of these are "Old Black Joe, "Back to "Shorty," a colored hero of the World War; "Abraham " which gives story of Ancoln," a "On A Plantation," a modern musi- Harlem," a son v Ann Pennington's two-reel Vitaphone Varieties musical comedy in technicolor, "Hello Baby," is being booked over entire circuits of theatres, The Lisbon and Comerford circuits have just closed for it Ww # 4 w the title of a just business is "System" In duction in which big completed Vitaphone Varieties pros satirized, In the cast of popular Broadway players are Helen Goodhue, Clement Dudley, Allan Wood und Gevrge Offerman, Jt * ¥ Ld ¥ Gordon Lilliott has been added to the cast supporting Pauline Starke and Ben Lyon in "What Men Want" by Warner Fabian, A, 11. Van Buren, well known stage director, Is working with Ernst Laenmle on the direction of this picture Robert Ellis and Hallam Cooley, w » Allas French Gertie," Miss Da Is a erook romance adapted from stage play, Ld 4% "King of Jaze," the Universal al ring Paul Whiteman and his band, The east also Includes Carmelita Geraghty, niely' latest Radio starring picture, "I'he Chatterbox," Bayard Veiller's 4 » Technicolor super production stars has been completed at Universal City, It was announced by Carl Laemmle, Jr, LJ LJ * v Sue Carol will move her makeup kit to the Radio Pictures week to co-star with Arthur Lake first portrayal away from the Fox ganization nearly two years ago, ture to a contract which ealls for in this pleture for which Mr. Littlefield and Allen Bunce. "The Grand Parade," Pathe's 1 duced for the foreign Culver City studios, LJ] 4 Evalyn Knapp, who has appea comedies, is a featured player in the market by a lot next This will be Sue's signed with that ors has affixed her signa- in "Tommy fot sinze she Helen Ware her enacting the mother of Sue Carol LeBaron has already captured Lucien * Ld ninstrel musical, Is now being pro. Spanish stock company at the n " red In over a dozen Pathe talking Song Sketeh, "Love's Memories." Se -- -------------------- DISCOVERY OF NEW PLANET BRINGS WEIGHTY PROBLEM Astrologers Must Thousands of Horoscopes Revise New York, Antrologers like Elisabeth Aldrich, the Rev, Arthur W. Brooks, Evangeline Adams and Jacob M. Levie welcome the dis covery of the ninth planet because it puts them in possession of the unknown factor which, like 'jaoks running wild in a poker game, has heen ravaging all thelr calculn- tions, causing predictions of A market break just before a risv and a rise just betors a break, and that sort of thing. Mrs, Aldrich sald she was con. tident tho new planet would en- able her to step up ler accuracy trom 75 to 85 per cent, and would ald many others to step up theirs from 30 or 40 to 40 or 45 per cont The new planet was identified by several asrtologers as having a terrific effect on world conditions, and the fact that it was unkhown at the time seeisa to be the reason why the astrologers, in their pub: lle predictions for 1014, unani mously neglected the little item of the World War, One thing that stood out strong: ly was that tens of thousands of horoscopes will be in serious neod of immediate revision, The money, love and long life prospects of those born in the sign of Gomini (May 21- June 21) (August 31 to September 21), ave nll ropealed or thrown into contuss fon-by the new planet, The worst part in that it may take 100 years to discover just how the new plan ol works, and most of those born fu these unfortunate periods will have erienced their fates, long before y honest astrologer will bo in a position to predict them, Jacob M, Levie sald, with a breaking voice, that people born on or near July 4 have their horo~ soopes pretty badly shattered by the new planet, There are two schools of thought among the astrologers, One holds that the planet has ab ways heen out theve and has al ways been raining its intluence, on ma.kind, The other school holds that a planet remains absolutely neutral or harmless until it has been discovs ered, whereupon it begins to oper ate with terrible energy---sohemes fall, partners shove each other ins to the business -troubies eolumn, friends turn false and talk about you behind your back, Kings pl how wars, erime waves spring up, ete, Mra, Aldrich, who ix the editor of "The New York Astrologer", sald that Planet X, according to yory careful reckoning, which she had made during an atternoon, was the New York planet, the planet that control the destiny of thin it, beside: exercising a great Influence on the history of North Amerien. 1.0 pointed out that generations of study might be necessary to . understand it thor oughly, because eighty-four yours and Virgo | Noptune and its Influence was still fmperfectly undersisod, All of the astrologers interview- od suid they had suspected the ex- istence of the new planet because of the manner in which the most perfect calculations had been res peatedly wrecked by some un- known and potent force, Evangeline Adams said that tho npatrolgers had called the undigs covered planet Isis, while the Rev, Mr, Brooks sald that it was known to astrologers as Vulcan or Lilith, Mrs, Aldrich said that she had ale ways called {tt "The Creat Une known", while Mr. Levie said he had usually referred to it as 'the fnvisible planet," Competent astrologers were Able, it was explained, to compen= sate by thelr intuition for lack ot knowledge of the undiscovered planet's location in the wky, but that the host of them were occas sionally embarrassed because the most conscientious guUEsNEs BOI. times wont wrong. Flanet attords A perfect alibl for such colebrated astrological slips as the statement ol Evangeline Adams to ship news reporters, six weeks before the death of Prosident Harding, that she found him 'safe and under happy ausploes," mined nrmion, Mary Plekford who will bo coming to the Regent Theatre next week, regimen,' comes In Russia, & month or a yeur | or ten years hence, they are deters to be commanders Thoy have nu regular war college, | 4 General Nicolas Golovine, gradunte of the I"'rench Superior War School and pupil of Ferdinand Foch, teach on strategy correspondence school groups all over Europe if, there is & mareh on Moscow, he proposes trained wmpecinlists, times in military matters, the recorded, clals, the | into the ingly old city | the debacle | and when the "I'he tive with trained capital by mobs Into ready to turn wer liner gang They in Paris and directs w that worves When and roady abronst highly of the to have Eh. lose, , Here's Your Ch without risk, bronchitis, wliments with slit," Absolutely Try In ----------,o ance to treat sore throats, cough, and. tonsil Spahe's Ton You can't head colds, estarrh, "Mrs. Sybilla guaranteed Oshawa Drugglsts, ST Edwin Burke, beautiful the and the fast-moving Girl brilliantly by who is Jewelery' anitnated by from pent tective not only finds a threatened romance of own; marks a colorful and vastly ex citing climax ox Movietone production, Jenjamin Stoloff, the director, is a veteran of the Fox organization, His recent work was shown in "Protec tion," and in "Speakeas) Players of not porting Lola Lane and Paul Page in Fox Movietone Talker, "The Girl From Havana" Is F ilmed on the Spot On the broad, palm-lined avenues| "I'ie Gigl from Havana," are Nata« of Havana, amid the sugar planta | lie Moothead, Joseph Girard, Ware tions, at Balboa, in the Canal Zone, | ren Hymer, Adele g and on board u liner passing through | neth Thomson and Juan Sedillo, Panama Canal, scenes of he Girl from Havana," all talking Fox | 4 Movietone production opening at the New Martin theatre, were filmed and Benjamin Stoloff, director and hi players, with Lola 'Lane and Page in the teatured roles were fc corded every facility by Cuban offi-| Havana mandant of Morro Castle, persons in public life on the beautiful island, to obtain the grounds and scenic pictorial sounds of the stirring action, i diamond robbery broad daylight upon a los Angeles jewelry establishment, the incident with which the picture opens Their attempt to land at Morro Cys-| ©! tle before the steamer docks, and the denouement when the clever girl de springs her trap, but to this police, Havana," Lola Lan from the Detective Agen ¢y to Balboa to intercept u passens| Havanusbound upon which of jewel thieves passage from Tos Angele have with them the perpetrated in in the Windsor, Kene "I'h CONCERT PROVEN BENEFIT FOR LOLA LANE Payl} | the com-| and other authentic back-| Fox Player in "Girl From locales by John Ahe result is a wtril written ston Havana" Won First Real Chance at Volunteer Show f any one should have a firm bes lief in the truth of the Biblical in< junction that bread cast upon the will return a hundred fold; Lola Lane, fascinating screen oman of Fox Movietone productions, It was because she volunteered, with her talented sister Leota, at a benefit concert in Des Moines, Towa, a few years ago, that Lola obtained the chance to demonstrate her abils ities, They came under the notice Gus Edwards, famed vaudeville producer, He was playing in town and also contributed to the progran The meeting brought contracts for the Lane sisters, roles in the Green wich Follies at the Shubert Theatre in New York within two weeks, im« mediate success, and vaudeville and reve engagements, As a result, Lola was signed fox the feminine lead in the Fox Movie~ hid tone productions, "Speakeasy," which sup« | preceded her role in "The Girl from Havana," and production, | Guaint dialog © played a dete Cuban | | water | it is leading w have taken loot of intriguing hey most unusual cust WHITE RUSSIANS AWAIT BREAK OF ~~ SOVIET REGIME Schooling Leaders To Take Advantage of Any Opportunity Paris. ~When General Alexander Paul Koutiepoff disappeared mys. terously from the heart of Paris at mid-day, January 26, the world sud. denly learned of an unarmed army of many thousands of "white" Rus slans who hope sgme day to help overthrow the Soviet government, There is a reward of $40,000 for the return of the general or the arrest of his kidnappers, Soviet officials and French Communists laugh at the charge that he was abducted, They emphasize the lack of proof and counter with suggos- tions that XKoutiepoff disappeared in a plot to discredit the Soviets and onuse friction between Moscow and I'rance, This mystery, rivaling tie tion in either case, brought into view strength and scope of the exiles' organisation, Goneral Koutiepoft was right hand man of Baron Wrange!, coms mander of the lats "white" armies that were beaten off the then newly formed Soviet republic in 1920. He was designated by the late Grand Duke Nicholas, uncle of the omar, to sucooed the latter as head of the White Russians. Now, since Kou tepoft has disappeared, the moves ment ix led by General Eugene Kare lovitoh Miller, who was chief of staff of Wrangels army, Thousands of the esar's officers form a framework for the army of exiles. It has been sald that Milley commands 60,000 otticers and men of the old Rusalan armies, scattered throughout Europe. ' There are in Paris alone nearly 100,000 Russians ahd as many juat outside, They do not flatter themselves they are strong enough to march on Moscow, but they say the Soviet had elapsed sinee the discovery of regime will end "as have all such Hore in the hit that broke all popu- larity records in its one year runs in Now York and Chicago. Vitaphone brings it to the Screen in all its glory -=and more! Twice as many dane ing bouuties! Twice as many new song hits! Stars! Comedy in full color settings twice the sie ana splendor of the stage production to make it beyond all argument, the groutost all-talking singing, dancing show you've over seen on stage or goreon, COMEDY "MICKEY THE MOUSE" CARTOON * 'with the greatest Singing Love Team and Bernice Claire MONDAY and TUESDAY Alexander Gray Louise Fazenda, Zasu Pitts, Lucien ADDED ' Littlefield and Bert Roach 'Three New , Hits "As Long as I'm With You," "Dance of the Wooden Shoes" and "Were You Just Pretending," 'to add to your old favorites "Tea for Two" and "] Want To Be Happy." NEWS REEL UNI

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