Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Apr 1930, p. 6

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El | L 4 i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1930 PACE EIGHT "Get Ne Habit" Come to Sunda King Street United Church Special C. G. I, T. Service Will Mothers and Doughters sit in Auditorium, ¥athers and Sons in the Gallery, 2,30 p.m, -- Sunday School & Bible Classes Men's Class-- Speaker, Mr. Norman McLeod 6.45 p.m. -- Song Service 7 pm. 'THE MAN NOBODY KNOWS' St. Andrew'sUnited Church Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Minister, Miss I. P. Fletcher, Asst, SUNDAY SERVICES, APRIL 13 \ 11 am, SUBJECT: "A Great Reputation' 3 p.m.~-- SUNDAY SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS--Mr. C M. Ewing, M.A. 7 pm, "A Rich Helpful Services for Earnest People Promise" Pentecostal Holiness Church Celina St Pasty rh Legge In i I 10 am,~Sunday School, 11 a,m.~Morning Wor. ship, 7 pm, ship. Mr. and Mrs, Toronto will both Services, Tuesday~-8 p.m, service. Wednesday, PM, Young People's Meeting, Friday, 8 pm, - Bible Study, We Pray for the Nick «= Evening Wor Brook of speak At Prayer Northminster United Church Rev. A. MANSELL IRWIN, ji | 89 Greta St, 11 am, ~"Triumph in the City Streets' 7 p.m.~"Tragedy in the Courts" Mon, § p.m, Youth" Special Eastertide Services continue throughout the week. Speakers = Rev. A. R. Sanderson, Rev, J, F, Clugstan, Rev, 8, CO. Moore. "Jesus. and KNOX Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street Nurth aud Brock Street Duncap Munroe Brock Bt, W. Phous S504 Rev, oe Sunday, April 13 The Pastor, Mr, Munroe, will be present at both Services. 3 p.m, = Sunday School. Mon., 8 p.m. -- Young Peoples', Wed., 8 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting. ARSE GRACE Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING Rev, A. C, Habn 132 Alice Street Sunday, April 13 9.30 am. Sunday School i Buried by Joseph" Bi ALL ARB CORDIALLY I] WELCOME 10,80 a.m, Morning Wor Pp. y Thur, 7.30 pm, -- "Christ, ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH lena BEY, EY. 8 CO, MOORE, ve Solendous of Calvary". ar Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Mary Sts, Rev, KR. B. Patterson, M.A. Incumbent, 608 Masson St . Palm Sunday 8 a.m.~--Holy Communion 11 a.m,~Morning Prayer, "Calvary". "A Green Hill Far Away" - 2,80 pm, ~-- Sunday School : m. -- Rvening Prayer he Deadly Sin of ing will Er --. - | CHRISTADELPHIAN TH As A] ond E LORD Ji 8 vag rs Gwar he ory, yea AVR IN. Xn ] arm (Jeremiah 2, CHURCH (Over Arcade) 19 SIMCOR ST, N, Rev, BR: L, Casement, Pastor Sunday, April 13 8 'p.m, ~Sunday School. | 3 p.m, == Preaching Ser~ || vice, x Wed. 7,30 p.m, wPryer . Megting, Cordial Welcome | Bataan or the I "Library News A wseasonable display of books it the Library has attracted much ut- tention, It Is In and About Your Home consisting of books on gar- dening, home planning, cooking, in- terior decoration, homsehold mun- agement, weaving, ete, These hooks may be taken as extras with the fiction, "there Was a Ship," by Richard Le Galllenne, is a ramantie tale of love and high adventure during the reign of the "Merry Monarch," King Charles 11 of England, Al- though the story takes us for a few minutes to Whitehall, giving glimp- ses of the king himself, of Nell Gwynne and Lady Castlemaine, of the unfortunate Queen and of the versatile Duke of Buckingham, it does not linger there but moves swiftly onto the sea to Alglers at a time when the pirates of the Bar- bary coast were the terror of the mariners, Mr, Curwood's last book "Green Timber," veturns to his earlier theme, the medern underworld, Here an unusual crook, cultured and intellectual, decided to go straight, After Allan successfully shakes away from a frame-up and comes out alive from an alley fight, he leaves the city and goes to the Michigan eut-over lands, Here with his new friends he fights a pitched battle in the woods with the thugs, "The Clock," by Guy Rawlence, Is staged in a prosperous farmhouse with a background of woods and fields convincingly drawn, The clock stood opposite the front door of Stroud's farm, For generations its ticking had dominated the farm- house, and the Stroud's belleved that it had become part of thelr race, Old Peter Btroud, present owner of the farm had living with him his great nephew George, and Bessie, a quiet young girl who had come to the farm as a child waif and had grown virtually into a granddaughter of the house, Geo- rge on a holiday in Bournemouth made the acquaintance of a sharp young shop-girl, who judging him wealthy, lured and married him, "The Clock," is the story of what happened at Stroud"s farm after George brought Millie home to live with the old master, and with pale solf-forgetting Dessie, The author, Helen Simpson, of "Cups, Wands, and Swords," writes in "Desires and Devices," n-tale of | swift and melancholy charms, A daughter wilful and unhappy; a father whose driving energy turns from money-making to the filfil ment of revenge; his enemy un- conscious alike of the injuries he has inflicted and the hatred that overshadows him; a French pris. oner of the war (the time is 1816); these are the people who in this book "follow too much the desires and devices of their own hearts," "Dust Highway,"by C, Parmenter is & pleasant tale of young romance, It is about Nick and Gay Hastings, {| who, having fallen in love and mars ried are finding life quite a strug- gle with its days of dull routine, bables, and bills, In spite of the dustiness of their highways of ro- mance, however, and the perils of gosslpy neighbours and wicked people, Nick and Gay find compen- sating happiness, § Other new fiction received; "The Green Complex," hy H, MacGrath; "Anybody's Pears," by H, Footner; "Tagtl," by C, Stockley: "The Town of Tombarel," by W. J. Locke: "The Deputy Sheriff," by CE, Mul. ford; "The Door,' by M, R., Rine- hart; "The Vallant," by G, I'ran- kau, "Pearl Diver," by Victor Berge, Is the author's own story of his boy hood in 'a Swedish village, his sea adventures, and the beginning of his life as a pear! diver in the east, He describes his adventures with sea monsters, narrates ancedotes of cannibals and South Sea headhunt- ers, and gives some first hand in- formation on the value of pearls and coral, Lady Hosie, an Englishwoman, horn and bought up.in China, gives 'a portrait of Chinese life going on at the present time in 'Portrait of a Chinese Lady." The great charm of the book is that Lady Hosle has succeeded in making each of the numerous characters alive with in terest, All tor fair ladies, profess. ors, soldiers, rickshawmen, servant amahs, lepers and bandits are de- soribed naturally and vividly that they cannot fail to rivet attention and enlist sympathy, The scene, too, fa varied and includes, Shang. | hal, the Yangtze, Nanking, Hang- ghow, Wenchow, Mukden and Manchuria, "Fhe First Mrs, Fraser,' by St, John Ervine, is a comedy, the sceno of which is present day England, Mr, Fraser goes to his ex-wife, the rat Mrs; Fraser for advice about the second Mrs, Fraser's proposed divorce, Irom that moment the first Mrs, Fraser, clever, canny wo man that she is, dominates the scene, Mr, W. MacKaye, the author of "Town Hall Tonight," is a foremost Canadian recounter, He tells the story of his appearances on cone cert and lecture Platters in Can. ada, England and the United States, in the last thirty years, Of partiou. lar interest is the chapter on Can. adian literature in which the auth- 'or evaluates the work of many Can adian writers, "The Testament of Beauty," by Robert Bridges is a m in four books, The N.Y, Evening News says: "The work is a long philosophical poem in. which through an intro. fusion and three books, Selthood, Ethick, the poet seeks to S----_ ¥ problem of man's dis. with nature. As for Mr, ges, no such dilemma exists; he apparently undertaken the task olarity hig own be« delight in affirm. incidentally of in- & them---an en an a whole structing others! Peking, Tietson, | Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churches Albert St, United "Phe Splendour of Calvary" will be the subject of the pastor, Rev, 8, C, Moore, at the morning service of Albert Mtrest United Church etomorrow, In the even- ing the pastor will speak on "Where is Heaven?" Free Methodist Nev. RN, L, Casement, the pastor will conduct the services of the Free Methodist Church tomorrow, First Baptist "Behold, Thy ing Cometh," will be the subject of the sermon by the pastor, Rev, Aubrey W, Bmall, at the morning service of thre First Baptist Church, Sunday, In the evening Rev, Small will preach on "The Unsolvable Saviour," Grace Lutheran The services of Grace Lutheran Chureh, Sunday, will he conducted hy the pastor, Rev, A, C, Hahn, At the Thursday night Lenten service, Rev, Hahn, will preach on "Christ, Buried by Joseph," Christian Science "Are Bin, Disease and Death Real?" This will be the subject which will be dicsussed at the service of the First Church Selentist, Sunday. of Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Mr, and Mrs, Brook, of Tors onto, will speak at both services of Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church, Sunday, St, George's Anglican Canon C, R, dePencler, the rector, will be in charge of the services at St, George's Anglican Church tomorrow, Mr, Reg, Terrett will sing the solo "The Palms" at the morning service while In the evening the choir will render the anthem "0 Haviour of the World', A special service. will be held on Good Fri. day morning at 11 o'clock and Archroeacon 'Warren will speak, The choir will contribute the sac red cantata, "The Darkest Hour," Pentecostal Assembly Rev, J. T, Ball, the pastor, will preach at both services of Pente- costal Assembly church, Sunday, Knox Presbyterian The pastor, Rev, Duncan Mun roe will be in charge of all ser. vices of Knox» Presbyterian Church Sunday, Masonic Temple "In the Millenium Near--Will the Devil be bound 1,000 Years?" This 1s the question which Ev. angellsts Moffet and Hartin will discuss at the special service in the Maosnle Temple auditorium next Sunday night under the ausplees of the Oshawa Missionary College, At the Wednesday even- preach on "How to Live a cent Christ Church Angelican Palm Sunday will be observed at the services of Christ Anglican Church tomorrow, Rev, R. B, Patterson, the rector, will he in charge of services througohut the day and in the morning will preach on "Calvary" while in the evening his subject will be "The Deadly Bin of Avarice," Evening prayer will be observed Good Friday with Venerable Archdeacon Warren as speaker, -- #t, Andrew's United "A Grent Reputation" will he the subject by the pastor Rev, F, J Maxwell at the morning service of St, Andrew's United Chureh, In the evening Rev, Maxwell's sermon will be "A Rich Promise," King Street United A special OC, G, 1, T, service will be held at King Street United Chureh, Sunday morning, Miss Mona Miles, of Toronto, will be the speaker and the mother and daughters are requested to sit in the auditorium while the father and sons sit in the gallery, In the evening Rev, Cragg will preach on "The Man Nobody Knows," Salvation Army "The Word and Words" will he the subject of the sermon by En. sign A, Dixon at the morning wer. vice of the Salvation Army, Sun. day, In the evening Ensign Dixon will preach on the "The Story of a Coward." Northminster United Rev, A, M, Irwin, the pastor, will conduct both services of Northminster United Church to- morrow, In the morning he will preach on "Triumph in the City Streets" while in the evening his sermon will be on "Tragedy in the Courts," Special Eastertide per. vices will be held throughout the week with Rev, A, R, Sanderson, Rev, J, F, Clugstan and Rev, § C, Moore as speakers, Simeone Street United "The Message of the Hour" will be the subject of the sermon hy the pastor, Rev, EK, Harston, at the morning service of Bimcoe Street United Church tomorrow, Members of Oshawa Post No, 41, Canadian Legion, will attend the evening service in a body when Rev, Harston will preach on "The Clarion Call" Holy Trinity Anglican Rey, 8, C, Jarrett, the rector, will be in charge of the services of Holy Trinity Anglicah Church tomorrow, while in the evening Rev, H, H, Childs, of Trinity Col. lege, Toronto, will preach, Holy week services will be observed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights while on Thursday night the choir of Holy Trinity Chureh, Toronto, will render Stainer's orucifixion, On Good Friday there will be three hours of devotions from 18 to § pm, The Church World Wide In Wales the different Evangeli- eal denominations held a meeting to discuss a method whereby, in establishing new congregations, overlapping would be avoided, The conference was called by Rev, John Roberts, M, A, and was held in the Calvinistic Methodist Chureh House, Cardiff, Rev, A, Penry Evans, a Welshman, has been called to Colling Street Con. pgregational . Church Melbourne, Anstralia, When Rev, J, BE, James Teft that pulpit to succeed Rev, Thomas Yates at Allen street Con gregational Church, Kensington, there was a deep sense of loss, However, the gain will 'be apprecis ated by Australia in receiving to ita ministry one whose name and reputation are distinetly high in the Principality, Mr, Kvans is a son of the Manse, his father have ing been one of the most eloquent preachers of the country, He also goes to his new charge after nearly two years as temporary supply there, He has about 30 years of experience, one of his charges having heen Great George street Church, Liverpool, LJ L . The people of Sootland are tak- ing an increasing interest in their old churches and cathedrals, It in stated that 19 of their parish churches have been in continuous use sinee the 13th century, and some of them, like Abercorn, Dal mony, Monymusk and Stobo, are linea) descendants of Celtlo churches founded ax early as the seventh century, Dunblane Cath edral is a splendid instance of nolent origin, and of the fortunes nd misfortunes of historie build- ings, and thelr restoration, The oldest part is the four lower stor lea of the tower, which may have served as lace of defence as well as a Del ry, It is 22 and a half feet square, with walla five feet thick, It dates from 1100, Bishop, Clement appealed to the ope in 1283 that "the cathedral was largely unbuilt and that he had no place to lay hia Dead 'When he died in 1208 Lady Cha had been completed, In the 1 on century the roof of the navel Wh this is Y Wbjos poem," Go th, Young Man, by CO. R, Mi Ry deal with northern Canada, The frontier development in north« orn Canada opens a fleld for ow eors, and the author describes its attractions for the adventurous, ita economic possibilities, particularly in agriculture and a and TH acoensibility since the esta lishment of air transport, lapsed and was not restored for three centuries, Under the di- rection of 8ir Rowland Anderson, and the generosity of Mrs, Wal. lace, of Glassingall, Dunblane, the nave was fitted for worship, and in 1014, ander Sir Robert Lori. mer, the choir was completed, The nave is 120 feet by 07, and the choir 81 feet hy 28. There are nine bells in the tower, . . This year the Lenten sermons Cathedral, Paris, France, by Rev, Pinard de la Boullaye, He is speaking to audiences of 6,000, in which are many agnostics, He Is combatting the claim that Jesus are being delivered in Notre Dame Christ is neither an historical figure nor the Son of God, The services are broadoast, Gilbert K, Chesterton, the cele. brated Catholic writer, has been compelled on account of his health to postpone his visit to the Uni. versity of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States, \d Interest continues in the re. opening of Ht. Paul's Cathedral, London, Eng, For 17 years re- building has been going on, until it is believed that bullding will now have a new lease of life, Canon Alexander who has taken such an active part in raising tne funds and inspiring loyalty among the worshippers stated that about £400,000 had been spent, The original building cost about £3. 000,000, The re-dedication will be in June, prior to the opening of the Lambeth Council, Horizons By Catherine ine On H The sun lures me to follow him Across the far horizons pm, And wakes a longing in my soul, A longing almost past vontrol, List! In the gloaming blackbirds shout, Feathered songsters flit about, And soon each nesting in his place Loavit me, the coming nipht to 00, Twilight Romine: In my soul a restless longing! fp TR home-lights beckon me w And close comes my horigon's rim, gloaming, all things For killing small 0 & gun haa been \nvented that oy tomprened alr to fire amall shells that are filled with shots or slugs, All the Chiurches You a Heares Welcome Fall rr DOOOOO0O0000COOUOOOO0O0OOOOCOOOOII) "SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP" PHONE 148 OFFICE 3128 Minister~Rev, E, Harston, LL.B, 11 am, The Message of the Hour 3 p.m,~Sunday School -- Adult Men's Bible Class--You are Invited, 7 pm, The Clarion Call The Legion and Veterans will attend Church in a body, Commencing Monday, 8 p.m, and eantinuing every evening excepting Saturday, Special urvices will 14 conducted by Rev. R, T, Richards, B.A., B.D., Port oo ou are invited, The Minister will Preach at Both Services Dream of Summer The month of March has gone from us once more and in a wa b- has gone without regret, for it been, as often before, rather dine appointing in the weather it has given us and quite trying on our patience and good nature, The winds were specially bitter and searching, and the few glimpses of spring that were granted to us were fleeting Indeed and were snatched away from us almost be~ fore they showed themselves, Each year we think we will remember that March is likely to disappoint us, but each year hope and optim« {sm get the better of us and we cherish expectations that are never quite realized, And yet March bas its satisfac- tions of a very real and worth. while sort, At least it gives us fleeting glimpses of spring. The days are lengthening so very noticeably and the sum, when it does come out, is warm and cheer ing and very suggestive of what EVANGELISTS MOFFETT & HARTIN Will Preach on « "IS THE MILLENNIUM NEAR?" Will the Devil be bound 1000 Years, 7.15 P.M,, SUNDAY, APRIL 13 "HOW TO LIVE A CENTURY" 7.30 P.M, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 rove MASONIC TEMPLE it will do before so very long, If CENTRE AND METCALFE STS, we have kept our eyes and oars Hand your questions to the ushers for answers before and whole natures open and sensi- |} the sermon. tive there have been many hints all about us, in sky and Jhdseaps ' - nh and breeze of the coming of the | r------ Y good day for which we have been looking, And fsn't it a fact that St, George's ANGLICAN these somewhat coy advances of spring are just a little more In- teresting and alluring than its sudden coming all in a day could possibly pot There seems to be something. in our human nature "rp that cannot fully enjoy and ap- CANON CG. R. dePENCIER, preciate the good that comes upon MA, us in one fell Swoop, and one of Cor, Bagot and Centre Sta, March's real blessings grows out of the fact that her hand fs just Organist and Cholrmaster-- a little reluctant, | Matthew Gouldbury, And it must be admitted, heh ALGCM, we look at it closely, that March \ is & kind of parable of our human § am, -- Holy Communion life in that it is never In any sense 11 a.m, == Morning Prayer complete in itself, but is always Sole by Mr, Reg. Terrett, sugdosting something to Lame. It "The Palms" 8 always introductory, It is not : i so very many hundred years ago 7 pm, == Kvening Prayer Anthem-~"Q Saviour of the World" by the cholr, Wed, § ~~ Lenten Service Good Friday, 11 Am Arch Deacon Warren M.A Good Friday Evening » +. The choir will render a Sacred Cantata « "The Darkest Hour" by Moore, since March began the year even in our English-speaking world Baptisms second Sunday each month, Pe 2 ia i Centre St, United Church REV, WW, I, FLETCHER, BA, DD Sunday, April 13 11 am, ~"The King, God Bfess Him" 2.80 «= Sunday School, 7.00 pm,~="A Personal Matter between you and Him" Mon, 8 pm ple's, Wed, § pom study, -= Young Peo. and certainly in our northern hemisphere it is still, as it has always been, the firat month in the great world of renewed life and growth, We do not worry unduly it March winds are cutting and if March storma drift the roads, for we know that April showers are coming and that nothing can with. stand the warmth of the May sun, The winds and the storms test faith and courage a bit, but hope and the forward look are more than masters, And life's storms and troubles of to-day may be met in just Me same way! they are fntroductory, they ave opening the way to things that are brighter and better, for life's real spring days are always just ahead and coming, surely and gloriously, to the man whoat faith is vital and whose courage is atrong. -Devotion and Christian Science irst Church of Christ, Seleutist 04 Colborne Street East Sunday, April 13 SUB KCY "Are Sin, Disease, and mn Death Radha Contre St, orning Service at am, R 1) . T. Ball » ; Ree) Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Sunday, April 13 Including testimonies of Healing 10 a.m.~Sunday School || through Christian Sclence, You are cordially tavited to 11 ame==Morning Ser: d vice' Pentecostal Assembly ROTARY CLUB BLDG., * The Band of the Ontario Regiment in Concert at the REGENT THEATRE Sunday, April 13th, 40 pm, attend the services and to make uge of the Free Public Reading Room whore the Bible and all authorised Shriatan Solence literature may be d, borrowed or purchased and Ly bry AHN subscribed tor, Open ou eadays, Thursdays and Saturdays from ¥ to 6 p.m, 7 pm, == Evening Wor. J ship, Special Singing All Welcome ---------------------- CALYARY BAPTIST Jontre Athol rh ostanNorth Side Rev. James Oliver will preach at both services Morningw='"The Power of the Resurrection," Sunday Solin) 3 veningw="The y of the New Birth", Friday, T p.m=Children'a Meeting, Txiday, 8 p.m=Cholr prac tise, Prayer Meetings Wednes- day and Saturday, 8 p.m. . \ The Salvation Army Simcoe & Oak bts, Ensign & Mrs, A. Dixon, in charge 11 am "The Word and Words" 8,15 pom=-Musio and Song. 7 pmo="A Story of a Coward" 10 am, and 2 p.m~=Sunday School, Mon, § pam, == Programme by Primary ohildren, tist KING ST, RAST Rev, Aubrey Ww, Small 18 Aberdeen 8t, HOLY wl TRINITY Firg CHURCH Corner Court and Harrie Sta. REV, 8. C. JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbunka St, § am. == Holy Communion 11 am, Mating and Sermon 3 pam, --- Sunday Bohool, 7 pm. == Evensong and Strmon, Address given by Rev, H, H, Childs, ot Trinity College, Torente, Holy Week: Serviges Monday, Tuesday and Wed, at 7,30 pam, Thurs, § pwm.~The choir ot the Holy Trinity Chureh, Toronto will yender Stain. er'a "Crucifixion" Good Friday---3 hours de- votion from 13 to 8 pam, 11 am, "BEHOLD THY KING COMETH" 2.00 pm, == Sunday School © 100 pm, "THE UNSALVABLE SAVIOUR" Monday, 8 pm, = BY.PU, Wednesday, 8.00 pm, w= Prayer Mooting, WH INVITE YOU T0 WORSHIP WITH US i

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