Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Apr 1930, p. 1

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The Osh awa Dail Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer y Times "All the News While It Is News" my -- at Oshawa, Ont., y. Encept Sunday 'and Pubis Er OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1930 15 Cents s Week; 3 Cents s Copy TWELVE PAGES VOL. 6--NO. 87 News in Brief (By Consdian Press) To Contest Welland Riding Welland, -- George H. Pettit, prominent lawyer and well known citizeh of the district, was last night unanimously chosen by Welland County Liberal-Conservative Asso; elation members to contest the rid ing in the fortcoming dominion el- ection, . Police Control of Newsies .. Toronto.--The works committee has recommended to the eity coun« cil that street corner allotments to newsboys be placed under police control, with the stipulation the police be directed to investigate = cases where individuals are alleg to "control" more than one loca- tion. During the discussion of the mattor Alderman Charles Ward de- olared some of the "kings of paper peddling made $8,000 each year; and that some of them could write a cheque tor $100,000. New Degree at U, of T. Toronto.~--The senate of Univer- sity of Toronto has passed a stat- ute establishing a degree of Master of Veterinary Science, assigning this degree, as well as the Degree of Doctor of Veterinary Science to the school of graduate studies for administration. A 'second statute passed establishes a procedure whereby graduates of the Univer- sity of Toronto in the Department of Architecture holding the degrec of Bachelor of Applied Sclence 'would be enabled to exchange this degree for the flegree of Brehelor of Architecture if they so desired. * LJ Wins Oratorical Contes! Owen Sound,~--Charles Woltz, of the: Owen Sound Collegiate Voca- tional Institute, carried off the oratorical honors for this district, at the contest here last night, Stu- dents from Dundalk, Port Elgin, Chesley, Wiarton and Chatsworth competed. * * LJ Forlong Freed of Charges Winnipeg~Charges of perjury, conspiracy and obtaining money un- der a false affidavit, were dismissed against John A, Forlong in connecs tion with the $2,000,000 will of "his father-in-law, the late Alexander MacDonald, m Hard Winter in Sarnia Sarnin~That the unemployed men of Sarnia and their families have sui fered the hardest winter in the his- tory of the city was the statement of Alex Crosbie, Relief Officer, 'From Nov, 1, 1929, to March 31, 1930, the sum of $2,302.10 was expended to 'alleviate the sufferings of the needy of the city," said the inspector, "Du- wi 3 ¥ Wa . at 497 persons." Seize Soviet Property Paris. ~The property of the So: viet commercial delegation In France was ordered attached 1o0- day by the ¥rench courts at the request of holders of forged drafts for nearly $2,000,000 issued under the seal of the Russian Trade Delegation: to Berlin in 1928, The court 'ruling means that the two commercial offices of the Soviets in Paris will be placed under seals and sequestered. . Berlin 'Government Survives Crisis Berlin, April 12.By tne narrow mar gin of cleven votes, the government of Chancellor Bruening was sustain- ed by the Reichstag today in its in- sistence that finance and rarms must be linked. The government received 217 votes while there were 206 against and one abstention. , , John A. MacDonnell Author-Lawyer, is Dead at Alexandria (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Alexandria, Ont, April 12~Author, politician and lawyer, John Alexand- er MacDonell died here yesterday in ear, He had been a friend of Sir J * n A. MacDonald and asso- ciated with Conservative prime min- jster since confederation, He ' was active in Conservative organi- zations throughout Ontario. Mr, Mac ' Donnell attracted considerable atten tion as the author of several his- torical volumes, - Born in Kingston, Mr. MacDonell attended Queen's College and entered the civil service as pia retary to Hon, James Cockbugh, Solicitor. General of Upper Canada at the time of Confederation, He was later trans. ferred to the office of the Attorney- General of Canada, Sir John A. Mac- Donald, to whom he was articled. He JR fa ctis win i n civ fit ill he finally settled in Alexan- = dria, a most part fair throughout the Dominion, mild in the west and a little higher tempera ire ten Dn ver id and (he Southeast States, arcas of low cover the Middle At. fic and Middle Western Forecasts: aio othamttily Windh, fair and mild today possibly a few . showers, vey and a SF Vi ld 3 Am Fair and 'under the bridge. Cambridge Defeats Oxford LIGHT BLUES FORGE AHEAD IN LAST QUARTER TO WIN CONTEST BY TWO LENGTHS Better Condition Gives Cam: bridge Victory, As Oxford Crew Was Unable To Stand Pace CAMBRIDGE AHEAD IN TOTAL OF WINS Tie Of Forty Victories Each Broken By Today's Strug- gle--Accident Mars Day Fhen 10 Are Nearly Drowned (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Putney-on-Thames, Kngland, April 12, Cambridge today swept to a two-length victory over Oxtord in the elghty-second rowing of the historic boat race on the Thames, and, for the first time in many years, Cambridge had more victor- fes to her cre. t than Oxford. By touay's victory Cambridge became one up on Oxtord, breaking the tie of forty victories each and one deadlock which had been en- tered on the rowing books ever since 1820 when the great event first was held. It was a proud moment for sup- porters of the light blue of Uam- bridge as their sheii swent shead at 'tho 3-4-mark after Oxford had been leading most of the way and then finished strongly in 19 min- ute, 9 seconds. The record tor the race is 18 minutes, 20 seconds made by Oxford in 1911. Huge Crowd The historic event was wintess- ed by the usual huge throng lin- ing both banks of the river and on craft along the race eourse, their spi undampensd hyn gn rain which eame up before the race started, , It wad raining hard as the race progressed and the riverside was black with umbrellas. The thous- ands along the route waited in the rain until the result was known and then down the river cheers rang out steadily as news of Cam- bridge's victory was relayed along the course, Hard Fought Contest It was one of the hardest fought races. that these ancient rivals have ever rowed. Uxford had an advantage of the Surrey Station on the course giving a shorter distance: to row and slight protec tion from the wind of which they took full advantage from the start, They led by a quarter of a length and had increased this slightly at three miles despite repeated spurts by the light blue crew. Nearing Barnes Bridge about 3% miles from the start Cam- bridge made their 'supreme effort and gradually overhauled the dark blue, putting the nose . of their boat three quarters of a length ahead of their rivals as they went Thereatter it was comparatively Qdsy going for Cambridge and despite a same (Continued on Page 3) | Laborer Said Girl Murderer English Police Within One Day Solve Mysterious Crime (By Canadian Pross Leased Wire) Dartford, Kng., April 12.---ld- ward Marjeram, 23 year old lab- orer charged with the murder of Kdith Parker, who was stabbed to death while walking on a lonely on Dartford Heath yesterday, Was remanded until Thursday ia police court today. The court was crowded to the utmost as he was arraigned, Asked it he had unything to say to the court Marjeram. answered: "I am very sorry it has ocours red and I never, iytended to do any murder," Marjeram's mother sat weeping beside her husband as the, superins «| tendent of police testified conoern- Ing Marjeram's arrest and held up or a Cutlen a Knife with a r handle an R . in d a blood-stain. Edith Parker was stabbed In the back as she was strolling across Dartford heath in company 'with her youriger sister Evelyn, Her ase satlant jumped' from behind a clump of bushes and after stab- id 'her vanished as guickly and tly as he had copeared. The TOKYO EXCHANGE REOPENED TODAY Trading Orderly Following Financial Panic Yesterday (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toyko, April 2--The Tokyo Stock Exchange reopened today af- ter a one-day suspension, Trading was orderly and prices steady, A stampede of selling yesterday, which led to wild scenes in the ex- change and subsequent suspension, was characterized by cabinet mem- bers as a result of manipulation by opponents of the administration. Exchange officials announced a one-hour suspension yesterday when a bear trend first became evi« dent. A near panic followed re- opening and all trading for the day was called off. Judgement Reserved in Aeronau. tics Case Ottawa.~Judgment was reserved by the supreme court of Canada in the reference made to that body deal ing with the respective legislative powers of the Dominion and the pro- vinces in regard to acronautics. in Rowing | Classic CAMBRIDGE ROMPS HOME TIRST IN THAMES RIVER CLASSIO Here are the Cambridge eight, who won over the Oxford crew in the Annual Thames boat race classio, seen for the big battle. The light -blue of during a rocent try-out in proparation favorites from the start, Cambridge, Pull to Victory in Epic Boat Race DR. KAISER ASSAILS W.H MOORE TARIFF BOARD CHAIRMAN DISPENSER OF FAVORS FOR OSHAWA, WHITBY, IS CLAIM flashed by the Oxford crew at the three-quarter mark and awept to) victory. \ The manager of the Branch of the assailants were white that they escaped in a motor car, MANAGER OF BANK REPELS BANDITS Drives Off Thugs After Engaging In Gun ¥ Battle (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) vancouver, B.C., April 1%, Canadian Bank of Commerce at Broadway and McKenzie street, Sydney S$. Petrie, engaged in & gun battle with two armed men who tried to hold up the branch yesterday, and drove them off. No money was taken and there were no casualities, so far as is known, The men entered the bank and as one advanced towards the couni- er with a revolver, Dr, Petrie duck- ed, and grabbed a gun, the bandit fired one shot at him and fled. The bank manager gave chase and one of the palr turned and fired at him, both shots missing, and as the gunmen jumped into a car In which the engine had been left running, the manager fired at them but apparently without result, Negro Shot By Whites Philadelphia, Va, James Goines, 21, negro, night attendant at a garage here, was shot and killed today by two men during an altercation over gasoline for their automobile, Detectives said Goines' men ana Hydro Buys Huge Power Block, | Develop Scoreless Draw (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Glasgow, Scotland, April 12--Ran- gers and Patrick Thistle played a scoreless draw: in the Scottish Foot. ball Association cup final at Hamp- den Park today. It was estimated one hundred thou sand people saw the game, which was played in brilliant sunshine follow- ing a shower of rain, Progress Made On Naval Pact Several Minor Points Still To Be Cleared Up In Agreement London, April 12.-The first draft of the London naval agree- ment was being prepared today with a view to its submission to the five delegations before midnight. Progress was mado by the drafting and expert committees this morning and it was indicated at St, James' Palace tnat it would be possible to conlude a rough draft for consideration by the var- lous delegates over the week-end. Several points ot difference are yet to be cleared up including the socalled sn. ruaraing clauses to protect the navies limited under the treaty in the event that neigh. boring nations whose navies are unlimited should begin what mignt | be reRarded as excessive bujlding. While only the expert's reports, not yet approved by 'the conter- ence, are being used as basis for the pact there is no doubt on the part of the drafting committee that these reports will be approved at Monday's session and the work can proceed over the week-end on the assumption that it will be ap- proved by the plenary session Mon- day, Dwight W. Morrow, United States Ambassador is serving as Shairman of the drafting commit- i Partial Eclipse Of Moon Tonight Toronto, April 12--~Wherever skies are clear throughout North America tonight, a partial eclipse of the moon will be visible, The faint penumbra is due to be- gin at 1043 pm. The black umbra will slide over the edge of the moon at 1221, At' 12.58 a.m, it will cover its largest area, one-ninth of the [opis surface. 'At 1.36 the umbra ends, . hee sh be en pest With | eye,". Professor C, A. | Chant said, Tas night, There will, ( girl died in a fow minutes, p \ therefore, be no excitement at the observatory, : hy Cost $30,000,000 to Scottish Cp & fat the age of 91. years. For over 100,000-Horse - Power Pur. chased From Subsidiary of Abitibi Company -- May Join to Southern Ontario Later Toronto, April 12 Purchase by the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Com- mission, on a 40-year contract, of 100,000 horsepower from the son's Bay Power Company, a subsi- diary of the Abitibi Power and Pa- per company, was announced last night by Premier G, Howard Fergu- son. The agreement embodying this pur chase was completed on Thursday, after months of negotiations, and was approved by the Hydro Commission yesterday afternoon, lt involves the immediate construction by the Abit. ibi Company of a $23,000,000 develop- ment on thé Abitibi River, 65 miles north of Cochrane, and the building by the Hydro of a $3,500,000 trans. mission line to Sudbury, where the power will be made available at $22 per horsepower, to take care, prim- arily, of the ever increasing expansion in mining operations, Completion of the development and delivery of power is expected in the late: fall of 1931. Coal as Supplementary Fuel Lignite coal from the Government field at Blacksmith, Rapids will, as cheap fuel, play an important part, (Continued on Page 3) POLICE CONCERNED OVER CAR IN QUARRY i ---- Welland, April 12,--Local police are today fishing an auto out of the old Empire | Limestone' Quarry near Sherkstone, Details are meagre. Police were no- tified that tracks led over a twenty foot cliff 'and that oil was floating on the surface of the 35-foot deep waterway, It is-not known if any per sons were in the er, Officers secur, ed a truck and derrick and 'are ats tempting to raise the wreck. SERIOUSLY INJURED IN SHOOTING MISHAP (By. Canadian Press Leased Wire) St. Catharines, April 12.~Leco Ber-|. oN of Port Dalhousie is in the gener- al hospital with a bullet in his back as the rosult of an accident, while out shooting early last evening. Rea- ching lock three of the present canat] with his party, Berry lay down his gun on some lock machinery, the trigger catching and accidentally dis- charging. The bullet entered his a- biden and went through to his Cl y 1ix-Mayor 'Dies St. Catharines~~Andrew Rid- dell, a former mayor of St. Cathar« ines, and a member of the Water Commission for oger a quarter ot a century, passed away this morning fifty years he conducted a plumb- Hud-| Triple Tragedy Near : The Sault... Raise" Tariff Against Woman, Daughter and Neighbouring Farmer Reported Shot (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) : Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, April 11. -=A Yeport was received here today of a triple shooting near Hilton Beach, on St. Joseph's Island, The report stated Mrs, Thomas Camp- bell, her daughter and farmer named Simmons, who lived «a short distance from the Campoells, are dead, Murder--Suicide From the provincial police who are now investigating the tragedy ean discover, the two women were killed at 10 o'clock last night with-a gun in the hands of Sim- ons who then turned the weapon 'upon himself and sulcided., The phone line to Hilton Beach is down this morning but meagre details of the affair can be obtain- ed, So far as can be 'learned Sim- ons who lived with his mother two miles distance from the Campbell place, had been keeping company with the girl for almost a year. Mrs, Campbell lived with her daughter on their farm which was not being worked, the husband being in Detroit where he is re- ceiving threatment for rhematism which has ckippled him, . Prominent Families . Both families are known among the most prominent families on the island. Dr. V. 8. Grigg, coroner, Bruce Mines," loft this, morning to walk the ice to Hilton to investigate the case, . ing business, . ! ON LONG FLIGHT "DUCHESS OF BEDFORD Who, at 64 years of age, is mak» ing an 18,000 mile flight from London to Capetown. She is tak. ing her tune at. plloting the plane. ' \ \ Imperial Policy For Empire | Trade Is Forecast in Budget | | | | | | United States and Increase British Preference -- En-| courage Canadian Indus- tries Ottawa, Abril 12-Now that the Minister of Finance has approximate ly fixed the date for his Budget as "the first week in May," political ex- perts are guessing what the Budget will contain, Fiscal secrets are jeal- ously guarded, as a rule, but it scems fairly certain that Hon. Char- les A, Dunning will: Reduce the sales tax. Propose an Imperial Budget--a Budget that will build up trade with in the Empire, Give the United Kingdom a larger share of Canada's trade by increas- ing the British preference, Raisc the tariff against the United State§ on many commodities. Encourage Canadian industries, par ticularly such basic industries as iron and steel, by tariff revisions on some two or three hundred items in the customs schedules, Impose emergency tariff against New Zealand butter, pending conclu- sion of a treaty with that Dominion, Protect Canadian friut and vege- table growers against dumping of United States products in Canada at slaughter prices, Announce new trade agreements with Newfoundland and other coun- tries, possibly including Greece, giv- ing Canadian manufacturers freer ac. cess to those markets, Make fine proposals that will stime ulate the marketing of Canadian wheat in the United Kingdom, and British products, like anthracite, in Canada, Announce a surplus of $50,000,000 of revenue over expenditure, WOULD INPROVE ST. LAWRENCE RY. United States Considering Proposal, Part Of Waterway Program Washington, D.C., April 12. Navigation improvements and pow- er developments in the Thousand Islands section of the St. Laws rence River from Tibbett's Point on Lake Ontario to the towns of Ogdensburg, N.Y., and Prescott, Ontario would be authorized un- der a bill introduced yesterday by representative Chalmers, Pepubli- can, Ohio. The measure was based on the report of the joint board of en- gineers of the St. Lawrence Water way project, It would provide that improve. ments be subject to a "single in. ternational authority," and that the project be undertaken and worked out jointly and in co-op- eration "with the Dominion of Canada, (vl showed sciousness but these passed on and his from when he entered hospital. Tourist Trade States, Rock Victim Is Still in a Coma (By Canadian' Prose Lossed Wire) Owen Sound, April 12----No no- tigeable change is reported in the condition Southampton, here with a fractured skull, suffer- ed when attacked while in comp- any with Mrs. Edward Longe, at Southampton, two days ago, Earl who is Keéoman, of in hospital of Late last night the injured man signs of regaining con- condition is still unchanged Will Increase Greater Influx of Cars to Canada Seen by U.S. Commerce Man (By Ken Clark, Canadian Press Staff Corre: endent) Washington, D.C.,, April 1 y---- No diminution in tourist tratfic to Canada, rather crease, may be expected this com- ing summer. Dr. Ray Hall of the peiaaps an ne Department of Commerce, does not anticipate the stock market crach will reduce the number of automo- biles that cross from the United Last year there were 4, 500,000 of these, More than a million of these cars entered on sixty day permis und at an aver. age estimated expenditure of $1560 loft $208,000,000 in ths Dominion, An attempt to gst some of this money which figures as an invis- ible import back again, is observed in the introduction by Representa- tiev Leonidas C. Dyer of Missoury, of a bill providing (or government stimulation of tourist influx into the United States through a travel bureau under the National Parks Department. Say Election Date Aug. 25 or Sept. 3 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Edmonton, April 12K, A. Blatch- ford, Liberal MP. for Edmonton East, yesterday stated definitely that there will be a Federal election this summer, The election will be oti one of two dates, August 25 or Sept. J. Except for the fact that the Ontario Lib- erals are 'pulling for Sept. 3, the se- lection of, Aug. 25 would be assured, Mr, Blatchford told the Canadian Press. With, the choice narrowed down to these two dates, Liberal members have left for their homes to prepare for the campaign, says Mr. Blatch. fordy A Laughter Greets Local Mems ber's Description of Osh« awa Harbor--Falls Down Faster Than Built, He Says A INTERSPERSED WITH LIBERAL RETORT Saskatchewan Member Des clares "This Man Is Give ing an Election Speech" -- No Reply to Charges Ottawa, April 12.--Charging that the King Governmant appare ently approved the political dave bling of one of the country's high« est pald civil servants, Dr. T, &, Kaiser, the Conservative member for Ontario County, yesterday de- clared In the House of Commory that W, H. Moore, chairman of the tariff board, was the dispenser of political favors for Oshawa and Whitby, In a speech Interspersed wiih Liberal interruptions and brisk ree torts from his Conservative cole leagues, Dr, Kaiser alleged that Mr, Moore, who lives at Pickering, addresses public meetings around Ontario County and promises La, use his influence with the Govern! thent to secure harbor appropria«' tions and other favors, regardless of his being a civil servant, On one occasion, Dr. Kaiser declared, Mr, Moore had announced (Continued on Page 7) DENIES RUMOUR OF $100,000,000 LOAN TO AID AUSTRALIA Canberra, Australia, April 12 Prime Minister James Scullin-today declared he had not heard anything of the proposal of an Australian< British financial group to provide a loan of $100,000,000 to ald in restoring the position of Australia's exchange, No consideration . had been given to any such proposition, the prime minister added, 'As soon as a favorable opportunity came, ie said, the government would : con+ sider placing a loan in the overseas market. Shanghre, April 12 «-- Chinese press despatches from Canton to- day reported that 'a private Lung- chow (Kwangsi province) letter stated that since Jan. 1, Reds have been scouring districts along the. French indo-China border, elimax- ing their activities March 25, by raiding and burning the. Grench consulate at Lungshow, driving away the French consuls and oec« cupying the Lungchow customs ofe fices, Indians Shout For Revolution Disobedience Volunteers Pas rade At Lahore--Procession at Bombay Tomorrow Lahore, India, April 12.--Twen ty htousand Indians, shouting rev= olutionary crigs and accompanied by a group of disobedience voluns teers, paraded through the streels of Lahore today. Led by Doctors, Mohamed Alam and Satyapa, the volunteers maroh= ed along the main streets to the' Ravi river where salt was prepared by a bbating process, Two Hurt in Bombing y (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bombay, India, April 12.--Two bombs were exploded here this morning, one in the third class waiting room at Byculla station injuring two people, and the other in hte suburban milk. train near Musjid, just outside the city, The police are investigating, The headquarters of the India National Congress jssued a manis festo calling upon the people to chserve complete non-violence, particularly during the great pro- cession planned for tomorrow, the rt concluding day otf National Week. The day's activities will culmine ate in a mass meeting on the seas shore whera everybody is invited to bring pots and use to take home sea water for illegal manutacture of the product, A by Mayor Arrested oy Calcutta, India, April 12.~May: or J, M, Sengupta was arrested ' again' this afternoon, the second time sinco inauguration of the Nas tionalists olvil disobedience cams paign that he has been taken into custody, Police pounced on him as he 'was reading prescribed ltera+ ture to a meeting of students at: Cornwallis Square, +

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