Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Apr 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1930 beautiful Saint John-built clipper Star of the Kast, goes the honor |1 This magnificent ship, Tawnched In ghlnat ph northeast winds, beats by several days two. crack' Saint To n ships, Her arrival at Liverpool ereated MODERNIZATION OF 23RD PSALM URGED i h aotion and he now asked leave to abandon it, The Duke, he sald, proposed to alse another action in respect to offenss on AFT ER 43 YEARS ; IP the early part of the year 1853, was : sold immediately on the completion 9 of her -walden voyage to Liverpool records show, by James Beasley, o Livetpogl, and was promplly secured hy Messrs, Millers and Thompson for thelr Golden Line of Australian pathos, bringing £16,500, Built by the celebrated firm of William and R, Wright* who also constructed the famous clippers Con~ stance and Miles Darton and other vessels well known in the Australian trade, the Star of the Yast made her | 8 first voyage across the Atlantle, a- wnother matrimonial the further ground of misconduct, It. was agreed this could not he done until the Duke had intimatdd to the Duchess abandonment of the first enne, LAKE SAILINGS START THIS WELK Ice fis Soft ' Near Port Col borne, and Should be Navigable Port Colbourne, April 10--Nayl gation will commence out of Yort Colbourye for 1050 sometime this week, It Is antlelpated with toon) stoamuhip offices now awaiting word for vessels to put out, The first teamer gut of this port will be the Midland "Prince, selfs unlosder of the Canada Bleamships Lines, which is now fitted out and ready to go. g. Too fipids extend out of Port, Colbourne for seven miles up the Inka, The ice, however, i8 soft and slushy and the wteel vessels should have no trouble in getting through, Practically all the canal-size vos uhuswsl interest "in nautical circles The Star of the East became the cen tre of attraction, and the Jena! gonelusion of all hands was thatdier New Yorkiemiodonisition of tus gord psalm is urged by Dr, Jesse H, Holmes, professor of philosophy aul | lad never, been. seen before on EA Lo be ¢ Mersey, " A The symhetsy a hot, lines made Shsphes ASS ehninglens tothe er true size doubtful, Only on close inspection was Apparent that, he fon wi 3s suggests the tollowlng substis was a ship ol tons instead of HA tok ba to yin ot ob Yard Jo une the ewquisite proportions of her hull "rhe Lord 16 my dynsme to nd spars, Surprise was manifested chirge my run-down batteries, by many when they were informed | & o Lord 1s sunlight in my room that she was a merchantman, with a bringing me the health of uliya- "hon ted and vend for the pus | VOIO8 TTR" J on ited and ready for the Aub| speaking in Columbie University fralian. trade the tar of the Kam |, cng Tepressntative of Quakerism cont her owners £208, = Vourtesn | of g symposium on religion he seid; aterooms were provided for the | fgoef religion nowadays is quoted, Jecommodation of passengers, Perey "se" gopivad' trom the experience haps her most notable passage was & of somebody else, but has no r ren! round voyage Liverpool, Melbourne, basis in our. ow 'experience, he Lord is my Shepherd' tells us prac- 04 | tioatly nothing' about God, It is A sentimental phrase vaguely sug gesting sheep, And what can that possibly mean to us of the oity and the twentieth century?' ashen». DUKE OF LEINSTER SEEKING DIVORCE Wife ' Recently Attempted Suicide--Suit Was Start. od in 1926 wi i0urgh feotland, April 10, he Duke of Leinster, whose wife, ih former May Niheridge, one time musioal comedy star, is now WIFE PROVESTS | HUBBY'S HABITS Pipe Smoking by Husband) Brings Seperation After | | Long Endurance Detroit, Mich, ~Back in 1587, § whan William and Sarai Whalen i were married, friends wondered how it would turn out, ¥or®arah, who did not like tobacco smokers and. often sald so, wis married to William, who, next to. his, wite, | 1dved best un good strong pipe, yen in those days William's} p 9 could be recognized by its or a8 far away as Afty paces, For 48 years William and Sarah || shared fortune snd misfortune: } woven children came, grew up, and were married, William still smoked and Sarah still objected, Came 1080, and William, now 78, bought a clay pipe, It soon} became, a good strong play Pipe, and Willem liked it so wall he of- ten sat up until. 4 a.m, puffing, the aroma Alling the hedroom in which he and Sarah, now 72, lept, It was too much for Baral, "I've stood this for 43 years,' she told Judge Adolph Marsehner, "Now he's got to chooses hetween sols in the harbor are getting ready | us, Withér the pipe goes or I go." to sail and will get underway aw Today Willlam: Whalen! sits} #ooh as the canal opens on the 21st, [alone in his reom, an old 'man The lake freighters; however, have | smoking an old clay pipe, 'and | [heen wlow In geting underway in | view of the continued preearions {oondition of the grain market, Loon) elevators hive at the press ent time. a total of one and a half | million bushels of gran in store with aconmmodation herg for nearly under charges of attempted suicide [three million more so there will be in planning to bring a divorce ao. | ho chance of a tle up for at least tion against her, & short me ater navigation opens, Counsel appeared before Lord - Murray in the Court of Sessions For many Pr Pr. Thomas a, yesterday and infagmed the court | Pearson, a world authority on hivds that the Duke intended to bring [and president of the National such ation, | Association of Audubon' Nocletien, In January, 1026, the Duke [has been a traveler, visiting all started a suit for divorce but [parts of the world te study wild nothing was dons concerning this | lite and its importance, , t'price ever paid for a Colonial , often the subject of controversy, x ire ght NS Junk what was the i. often the been settled and to the Sydney, Shanghai and Liveroool in 9 months and 27 days, Ski days to return from Shangh During her career the he 'made seven voyages in'the Fig 1 n an trade for a total profit: of £16938, Seven gars after deunihin the Sway of ta Last, commanded A Captain' + W, Christian, wage wrecked at Storring Bay, South Afriea, close to the Miles Harion, fife was insured for £10,000, Like the Star of the Vasty the Miles 'Barton, Ig tons register, was built by W, an R Wright, and fast ed seven years, Called after' Miles Barton, cotton broker, in whose ofs fico James Beazley served as an ap~ prentice, the vessel carried passengs ers in the Australian trade, Her net profits in seven voyages way £21,214, Costing her owners £13,329, and in. sured for £7,000 the vessels' was wrecked on February 8th, 1861, Mer commander was Captain William Kelly, Named after Constance Halgh, whose father Thomas Haigh, was a part owner, the Constance, 1,106 tons register, cost £11,929, and in 9 voy» ages made £14,676, She wus sold in 1866 for £4,300, Most beautiful of these Saffit John« built clippers was the Star of the Eanste Although extremely sharp fore and aft the vessel had a great beam [ which made her a 'most comfortable ship in a sear ay Her principal di. mensions were: Length of keel, 206 | feet; over all, 237 feet; beam, 40 feet, Wf 10 inches; depth of hold, 22 feet; re- | glater, 1,319 tons depth of keel and kelsan, 'through and through, 8 feet [8 inches (17 inches sided), A full length female figure-head ov namented her bow, Mer stern wap ol liptieal, The vessel was copper het | ened throughout, Her deck arrange [ ments were compact and the housed | Included galleys, hospital two fore- castles for the seamen and a long poop house aft avith passages on oither side, containing two saloons, The Star of 'the Kast was richly fitted throughout and, it was written of her in Liverpool "Go where she will, she must command the atten tion of all beholders," We have never before had such & variety of Easter Creations; The types that please and gladden the hearts of every one young & old, From the little-chosolate bunnies at Ba to the large decorated Easter ogge ot $1.00. Be Rabbits Roosters .....issve. '1Be Chick in Cart ...... 18¢ Rabbit in bath .......18¢ Cup and Saucer .... 38¢ Fruit & Nut Eggs .... 28¢c 6 and other novelties too num- erouws to mention. KARNS waterfow! which have returned tofl NEXT POST OFFICE PHONE 378 the "hotel" from .timé to time, i ---- | Ll LE, eres hone ein Sarah lives with a married daughts § or,"whose husband, out of consider ntion, refrains from smoking argund the souse, A "duck hotel" 1s aperated at | Durand Kastman Park, near Ro chester, N.Y., for traveling waters | | fowl, The big lagoon, inclosed by |! wire, catohes and shelters wild game, Onoe In the cage they are Inspeated for hands and the new« comers provided with numbered] tags on thelr legs, Records "i kept of woveral mcore af handed} Sa - a SODA W. AFERS For years and years, Canada's favorite Soda Wafers because of their exceptional lightness, crispness and fine flae vor. Always' fresh, W. D, Topp, of Tupelo, Miss, makes a profitable Hving by ralse ing cockroaches for bait, TL ' y . A "gy pk i, awh Uke Wom seblganly de by veo' avon itt dn by Ris absence. We have prepared a list of '® have a " ar voi of aifislon than lighten your work, and a4 the same {ime sae Tou Money. 'May We Help You! As a Guide 10 Your that will LAST!" SPRING HOUSECLEANING + Ny Aq) PRI TESTED) We Offer These SPECIAL VALUES THE FASTEST SELLING SOAP IN THE WORLD PG 10 35 A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY. Oxydol = 19. FOR ALL FINE FABRICS LUX we 8e ue 19 5 Rinsow 819. Ammonia me 5 i Castile Soap field. And this new paint, made by a Wew process, met every test, Today, C.LL, New Process Paint, tested by years of use, not in the. oil fields but in many other industries, is. available to every home owner, The laboratories of Canadian Industries Limited have the same new principle to the making of house paint. The result is a paint that stands up long after ordinary paint fails, Tatit oe in the summer sun... « froese "of modern industry , , and modern chem. Nov rs Fu dr adag oasis and istry met ot the challenge. yet ali lasting satisfaction, Time-womn principles of {Plotkin were *C. LL, New Process Paint is o predested tried and found wanting. An absolutely new; paint, Heveloped to meet modern painting paint yas essential , | a conditions, Its first cost | ands sew Shwas ge hs Jo highs thas the ; : 0) usands paint you have been Cr Muraltone Wall Finishes tests were made. . , in buying. Its final cosy Amaia tor 2% Ny, lone Whoa the laboratory . inthe = A loos, | i Bam Pai CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED FLINT PAINT 4 & VARNISH: Drvision REE NEW PROCESS PAINT Mate gtr i$ SX "Pre-Teated" i W. . i oe HARRY B D. WILSON, 23 King Steet HE clank and grime of the oil fields. Towering derricks marching like skele- * tons across the hills, Mud-coated trucks." toiling men |. .and, overhead, a watery sky, recking with She corroding fumes of sulphur, rem In this. sulphur-laden * atmosphere, what wonder that ordinary paint disintegrated and failed? "Give us a better paint," de- manded the engineers, "a paint that will last.' It was a challenge born of the needs Jelly Rolls Lemon or Raspberry Pilling 2 tor 25¢ CLEANS EVERYTHING Charm GOOD STRONG STRING i » 69 Wash Boards gid. Clase 780 | Other CLL Paint Product: cil Cc ux Quick Drying olored ' Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. : SN Wha Rp w,

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