Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Apr 1930, p. 9

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ed ' N PAGE NINE 1 C oe. 1 1 THE. TERS. 1 till" under Deckers expoctig to ade a smile on It was realy forious,' she 'wondered if Mr had a highball with Mr, | of peered at her for a " Bho' felt her, color rise She moved important nse, the n her hand, Jngw 1 was right)" Decker Camnounced with delight, Then he tld softly to himself, a». gay little tune, and it 'was a sign that he was eminently pleased with his seru- tipy, Then for the first 'time he noted" Jean's discomfiture. He mo- tioned her into a chair and began abruptly, "Just why don't you like men?" Ho watched the girl sharply as he asked the question, ; can spt silent and uncertain. The whole conversation was most discon certing. Her mind was completely occupied with the hundred and one concerns of her Job, Mr, Decker's sudden interest in herself confused her, She decided he was making fun of her and chose to Ignore the whole matter, "Mr, Decker, those Lansing people say they can't" "To the devil with the Lansing people!" he cried and thumped his desk, "I'm talking about you. An- swer me! Why don't you like men?" Jean knew he wus deadly in earns est, but still she hesitated before she answered, - She was trying to find words, discreet words, "T don't hate men, Mr. Decker. 1 just don't exist for them, or they for me. I like you and one or twe other gentlemen, But the rest! I've never had a hire in my life" She felt «chee grow hot again, = At MrdPecker's ingredulous exelamas tion phe burst out, N "I oo Jou the truth] I've oo ways heen laug a avery. ho Y Thon That until 1 wan dow ing a job that had to be donc and | thugs want, for gehen rh Pp A profesting hand | inglsted wpon talking, 'asked me; now Im going to tell yout, 'I'm homely, "That's the answer: 1 left Hillsdale because 1 wis laughed at, and that's the truth, I'm not so homely that I should be shunned and made a Joke, but I've algae Heer justythat -- a joke! 1 admit I'm bitter about it, Probably E that's Why I'm a good sectet for you, F atterwl to my business, There LI» nothing elie for me to \, with my evenings. My job here Is my whole life" ' J Jean atapped suddenly and shrug. L, med her shoulders, suppose it iy part o low 'the mar goin or You know more air: so stupid about your own af« 0 'everybody else," Jean sald in ane definite plan in mind, nderella of . 'A Thrilling Romance of Adventure in the Clouds A AA AANA Vapi this 1s of ne Importance, 1 1 tT now as my inferiority somplex," 'is why } want 10 get on in the » "Teay, you're a remarkable ght), | quite visualize you us a child, Ou seem 50 awfully grown up. May that's it. You've never legrned to play. But that's all beside the ing, "The point Is that you're not ely, You 'could be handsome, striking, stunning, any adjective you care to choose, with the prover clothes and things, I know, have witys known it instinctively, Your skin Is fine; your eyes ure good Your halr needs to bg done'properly, our clothes chosen to set off your est points." Decker leaned back in his clmir, "Mow is it, do you suppose, that society women, wealthy women, njan- eo to have an Iflusion of heauty bout them? Don't think most © them were born with it, Look at Mrs. Brent! She's beautiful, fsn't shel!" Jean nodded, ' "I knew her when she Was a gan- gling little school girl with a muddy | complexion and wide teeth, Today she's supposedito be a beauty, It isn't only cosmetics and beuuty par- lors, It Is choosing one's clothes and fitting one's type, "1 should think | can't tell you 'How to do it, but T] know it is done every day!" Jean shook her head, puzzled. but unconvinced,' "Isn't there some man for whom you'd like to be beautiful?" Becker asked shyly and he watched Jean's mobile face, Y"Cortainly there's not!" Jean re- plied too promptly and, too indie nantly to eonvinge Mr, Decker, - He merely smiled, And when he smiled Jean saw again the vivid charming face of Jimmie Reinsford in his len- ther flying togs., Deep in her heart Jean knew she would do anything in the world to be beautiful == for Jim- mie, As Decker watched Jean he gath ered something of her thoughts, but he held his own counsel. If" his se- eretary understood him sometimes better than he did himsell, so he un- derstood her, ' "Too bad," he thought "Proba bly some young pup who can't ap- preciate her or "mever will, She'd make a fine wife for some discerns ing young man." And he wondered just how he might convince Jean of the error of her ways, "You wamen are funny," he said finally, as he' took a fresh cigar, aw Here 'yousare, renfarkably in. telligent, due tormake a lot of money some day It, you work hard and fol ot when I'm gure it's , aut 8 'mybusiness than 1 do, yet Ire! " Enon everybody seems stupid swer, 1. should think a young woman wanld 'see that If she chooses to put men in their place sho:may do so more expertly and completelywif she has both beauty and brains than if she has only brains or only 'beauty, Don't you see, Jean, it Is only the combination that's fatal?" Decker way proceeding catitiously with a I grant all that, Mr. Decker, but what has beauty to do with me?" Decker waited a moment to ex- plode his bomb, "Supposing 1'd agree to make you beautiful, what would you say?" Decker asked, Jean laughed at his Intent face, L8ho liked to see him get hold of an "whow these ten just where to id get olf |" J cher was startled by her queer awisted smile and her Honesty, ei, "I'd say you had gone completely ond," Jeup retort Decker chuckled, "AIL right, now we understand each other," he replied. "You know what ny guarantee on an automobile, or a bond, or a plece of real estate, or 8 stock means?" he said, Joan admitted that she knew very well, "I'll agree to make you beautiful within forty-eight hours! Got "to glve me forty-eight hours to map out ny campaign. w what have you to say? "But what will you get Jean demanded, ! "TH tell you! First, I'll get the leaped of looking at you ' about ere" he sald, counting his reasons off on his fingers, shall know that "Then, werond, 1 ou, yourself, are happier, that you'll 'be the girl you were always meant to be, Thirdly I won't tell you thirdly!" Jean giggled shamelessly, "All right, then, 1 won't be made beagtifull" It was all a huge joke o- A out of it?" o her, "Well, thirdly, 1 want to show my young brother just what a supers cilious ass he In! There, you have it, I shall expect you to vamp Mr, Larry, Oh, not viciously!" fe said at Jean's alarmed expression, "Just enough to put him in his place ~~ and win a bet of $10,000! Want me to give you a written guarantee?" Jean laughed at what she consid. ered their "silly conversation" and they turned thelr attention to the firm in Lansing, Jean thought Mn Decker had forgotten all about the bet with Larry, But he had not, The moment she left the room he called Mrs, Brent on his private telephone, "Hello, Rena!" he sald gayly when Mrs, Brent's low intriguing voice sounded over the telephone, "Bille Decker! It's about time you were ealling me, I haven't heard from you for days and days, thought you had given me up" "You've" to help me," Decker said ol his telephoning immediately. ways said you were one of the cle- verest women I ever knew!" "I might have known it wasn't for myself you telephoned re," Mrs, Brent bantered, "but go on, tell me, 1 do hope it Isn't anything too awful, If it 'Is more Kansas City business connections for dinnkr, no, anything to do with entertaining your Board of Directors, po! Any. thing else, Billie, all right!" Decker hesitated. He did not know just how to begin, Then he had sn inspiration, "What would you de for $10,000?" he asked, "Darling, I'd shear a sheep In the middle of Park avenue!" Mrs, Bremt cried; ' "It's womething a lot harder," he answered: "I want you to make my secretary beautifull" There avere a few seconds of als lence, and then Decker heard her laughter, When Mrs, Brent recovs ered her voice she cried: "So you've fallen at last! When's the wedding?" "Don't be absurd, Rena! you must think I'm mad. But I know this girl has possibilities, I'm If it Is , coming to the point of "I al-|* I know sure of it, If she had somebody like you who is a genius at clothes and things====" he stumbled on helpless. ly, en' he told het about Larry's $10.000 bet, - "It's yours, that check, Just Nhe TR CW ra 5 | SoM a away ~ ILLIO oar in the morning the at night, out of the and # STEWART. WARNER. ALEMITE CORPORATION of CANADA [LIMITED BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO Sey d and ! : : | eee ate doafers an nore mmo Ay N DOLLARS Will! w=Try ity have your garage man install an injector on your dar or have him a shot with his standard ' KERS OF ALEMITE 'Je 1€8 BY .. . Vera THE OSHAWA DAILY TIVES, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1650 the S Brown id 4 right now, You know how sure of himself! Larry Is, The ng pup! | want to show him and you can Hi 4 Rena Was ty and the ¢ outing Interested, Lar. eck had done it "Don't T know him and his kind?" she retorted, "He's just at the age when he thinks any women more thun 25 are grandmothers and not worth=being more than formally po- fite to. 1'wouldn't mind putting him in bis place!" "Then you will?" Decker could not esp the delight out of his voice, rs, Brent did not hesitate, "Certainly I willl" "Then she said with wistfulness which™aDecker missed entirely, "I wish I knew whether you were in love with her yourself," ' Pe "I'm not, Rena!" Decker insisted, "She's just one of my valuable as- sets, and it's important to keep her hapgy. Then, too, I want to see if I'm right about her." , "Innocent |" retorted Mrs.y Brent, "1 could make any woman into a beauty If she didn't have a hare lip or fat legs! But what about the bills? Beauty in darned expensive." "The bills come to me, and the sky's the limit," he told her, hy Brent had been thinking fast, She had been hard pressed for money for several weeky, The ten thou- sand would be a godsend, Besides it would be amusing to experiment with this' drab little blonde who knew s0 much about stocks and bonds and so little about making herself attrac- tive, The smart shops she knew would give her a percentagd of the purchases, too, All In all, it would give her something with which to amuse herself for the next few days, She'd enjoy giving Lary she'd be glad to please "But what will Jean this?" asked Mis, Brent. "Don't worry about that!" Decker said, "I'll order her io do as you say, and that's that, Besides I don't think/ she liked the idea of Larry laughing 'at her," "Send her to me tomorrow after. noon, Jlave her meet me at the Ritz at 2 o'cleck," Mrs, Brent said, "Then Tl say to all come fo my 1 ouge for dinner tomor- row night." "Can I bring Larry" Decker asked eagerly. "Heavens, nol" Mrs, Brent laughed "Give the girl a chance to get her bearings." When Mrs, Brent put down the telephone shesleaned back in her be ribboned bed, A eanopy of rose taffeta and real lace hung over the Empire couc' on which she lay, Fresh flowers filled the room with a faint perfume." Everywhere was luxury, and Rens wondered what Jean would say to such a boudoir. Mrs. Brent started flanming, mak. ing long lists, and or ering Felice, her maid, to make appointments for the next afternoon. "MI adore getting my teeth Into som~ good hard sfopping," she said aloud, "And if Decker Is in love with her, he's in love with her! The prettier she fs, the more chance there'll be of a younger man walking off with her!" And Mrs, 'Brent again, To Be Continued Tomorrow (Copyright Public Ledger Co.) FISHERMEN WORK DURING WINTER \" FOR FIRST TINE began to hope | March Stormiest Month Seen By Veteran Skipper In Lifetime Halifax, N.8.For the first time in history vessels of the Lunenbur salt fishing feet have prosecute the winter frosh fishing industry on a major soale, The experiment was watohod™ witl® interest as the staunch auxiliary schooners: sailed with surprising regularity into Hal ifax, Liverpool and Lunenbury with other vessels landing at Lor and Yarmouth, As a resilt the be. 1fef that fishing sohoonérs were uns [able to land fares with any degree son has apparently gona by the ermen have proven that given a fair price for their landings, a reg. ular suply of fresh fish can be ob: tained, ' / Fresh fishing from Halifax since the first of February five Lunen- burg vessels, wera in port together ati the end of March completing thelr second month in the industry, Buffetted by a week of storms the fleet returned from the banks uns od and hailed for a total of { Catch of 08,000 Ibs. | i ik of all Noyes Soo. tia's fishing schooners the Harriet | {ing crew, and Vivian, skip William Deal, headed weighin tain Doal has been successively hi liner of the fleet during the past six years, : The log of the Harriet and Vivian shows that 575,800 ounds of the lint fresh flyh were landed in 10 tripe | the first boing brought in on Feb. Yuary 4. Five were landed in each month, None were more than sev. on days apart with the exception of | - ' {the last, the vesyel oelng out for nine days, "We were waiting for tho fish dealers to bhroadeast to ys to return as formerly", it was explain. "our groatly tnereased if wo Were pro- rly equipped for: fresh Supinin 1 continued, * dories and {8 manned by a salt fish. Bg Crow, We be H doubt that nture wou \ Judea. Othorwine wo would have fished In Wn different way and would cargy 11 i same as. (hough 1, 'were In yotir hands % # jolt 'and | of regularity during the winter sea | | boards and the™ Nova Scotia fish | | 8,000 pounds of mixed fresh flah, || red' by Captain |' out 68,000 pounds, Cap || cateh would - have been |. hing," | | Ware | and Vivian carries only eight'| . dories, The other four vemsels in port, the Bessemef, Captain Thom- as Himmelman, noted, sk r of the ex-Nova Mootia champiow Dele- wana; Ronald George, Captain Dan- ie) Romkey, Auisugs, Captain Ar. nold Parks; and Marshall Frank, Captain Frank Risser; are similar. ly sjtupted, March Stormy \ '"There were 18 fine Ishing days in February, March on the other hand, was the stormiest month ex- perienced during my 18 years as master of fishing schoonrs, Despite this handicap the Harriet and Viv. fan landed 279,000 pounds in March, only a few thousand pounds tess than the total of 206,000 pounds landed In February," Eighteen of the Lunenburg fleet wore at one time prepared to en- gage in the Industry. On account of the glutted market, the majors fty withdraw, The Autaugs, Mar. shall Frank; and _Rorald George are fishing une der a private agreement with Mit. che)l and McNeil, local fish dealers, controlled by the General Spafoods Corporation, of Gloucester, Not without severe hurdshibs and splendid seamanship have the fish landings been brought to Nova Scotia's shores for consumption throughout: Canada as far west as VYaneouver, Interwoven In the prosaic entries of the logs of the vorsals are tales of adventure, hero- fsm and privation, Extraordinary ondurance was shawn by Walter Foote and Ben- amen bool ---- wn h Harriet and Vivian, | ithe ' bottom of an upturned odry for three-quarters of un hour in a honvy sea until resgued., The men were fishing from the' Marshall Frank on her last trip when thelr dory' espwized after being struck 4 an "unlucky" sen, Both were at the weint of exhaustion when pleks od up by fishermen in another dory, Representing the first cosunlity of the year, the Yarmouth vessel Dorothy G, Snow, Opptain William 8B, Murphy returned lust week with howsprite and part of Wer rigging gone following a collision with ane other vessel on the banks, MADUGAL SINGERS GIVE SUNDAY EVENING CONCERT Conductéd by Dorothy Allan Park, Madugal Singers Pre- sent Versalile Program Toronto, Ont,, April 10m Peltor. boro Madirgal Singers, conducted by Dorothy Allan Parks gave a pro- gram in the Royse! York last night weond to the last of the Sunday evening series, They had motored from Peterboro yesterday and they motored back alter the concert, In vari-colored gowns and white wigs, with colored lights ngainst un black velour drape, they pre- sented a lovely pleture for the en~ tire program, which beghn with a mendelssohn sonnate on the organ played by Harvey Robb, who intro | duced the singers, The choir sang a -- UNDREDS of miles out over the Atlantic there is an aeropla atiantio flier is conscious of its presence, In realit airsroute to Paris and eastern points, Every pilot of s "her netrest Loblaw Grooeterin"==the shopping centre that turns her efforts to ve yot Ao hear of a 'corked bottle' message from the Ocean of failure from any Lo) THESE SPECIALS ON SALE FOR WEEK OF APRIL 10th TO 16th Store Hours for Easte Wed, April 16 open til pm, Fri., April 18--Closed Sat., open till 10 Thurs, April 17, open till 10 r Week 16pm, We are Featuring: all day. p.m. [1 pave Catsup FE ess Da ARAVAN Brand-- ARLEN RE NY Gelatine \ DAVIS Finest Quality, 0001114 Junket Powde r HANSEN'S«Anorted Flavor Am monia Powder STAR and HANDY Brands... armal Lot LURE] a bis A MEMAN 2335s over es Cor, es" fo pT ots \ White Beant Colony RAY Frosh olen, i 14 vnannis 2 Pgs. 350 2 Pk nel * 1 CLEANS==SCOURS== SWEETENS AND SPECIAL=1OBEAW'S Rich Fruit and Nut CAKE=28° 5: "Drink 'to" Me Only," susig fin paightiy temp; "Nymphs and Shopherds," by Purcell, a delights ful Mit; and old Volksong arranges ment, snd "Less with & delicate air," sung with as much daintiness as though it had been a solo, These singers have rare abifity and bind of tone; the voices are well chosen and exceptionslly well trained in a wide repertory, They ping with _ wonderful precision, warmth of expression delicacy of shading and perfection' of BUA with ¥aul Cradle wong and a Bele glan love song made a finely eol ored pair, with a sprightly part' song by Leo Smith dedichted to the vholr and Henley Willlan's ea quigite mooring of an old weript cars ol of 1636, The last two numbers were "Shepherd's Lehl' from the snow maiden," opera by "RR sal Schubet's 'The Lord is My Pe ( herd," both with organ and banjo | oecompaniment, The singers were given a rousing farewell and would have been en~ cored three times had encores been! allowed, Harvey Robp played also | « movement from a Vierce sym- phony and Liszt's *Lisbestraum," and a Toccata, all In brilliant style, CHURCHILL RUMOR PUZZLES ENGLAND Labor Cabinet Member Pre- dicts Noted Statesman Will Join His Party Stratford, England. ~The Che- quaered political career of Rt, Hon, Winston' Churchill, whose last cab- 1, PERTIANG: | 7 BALM 24 inet position was as chancellor of Jamin Schwartz When they clung to' three groups the firdt old English the exchequer in the Baldwin gov Bon ef le oy ernment, called forth some ecom~ ment from a member of the pres. ent Tabor administration here which political observers are pond- ering, : "IT am ocortain that if Mr, Churchill lives until he next elec tion, he will mot he ®ble to keep sway from the Labor party," de- clared , Hon, George Lansbury, commissioner of public works, in the course of a speech here, "My, Churchill is never out of the gov- ernment for long. ' Mr, Churchill hap been a mem~ ber of Liberal Coalition and Con porvative administrations, but so far his closest connection with the labor government has heen his work as amateur bricklayer, Patou "puts two and two together" ~nombining the fashion rightness of tweed and the face-revealing . hat line, in a gray tweed beret with a black beret headband, f Paris hat makers are employing feathers in a small but effective man ner--using diminutive pads or quills, but these lacquered and put on so cleverly that they can scarcely go un- noticed! EA a o iii a $0 | yi SPECIAL= Watch Our Windows this Week ! CLASSIC CLEANSER 2 ms [33° Kar, Folehing Ch Foon wil sock The, ne "corner"=snot visible to the'eye, yet évery trans- jit is just that spot where he makes the turn for the southern the home budget is conscious of the 'corner' or, as we would Prosperity and savings, and we Ww customer. Lb, le - Tin 35¢ senichof Pop Tarr mba Bottle 9¢ HA PU asl dd 1 and Bluebe Ln - Corn Libby's Homemade * PICKLES hat 24° SPE "' Ideal for Pkg. 160 Pkg. 1le 18c CRA | 2 rues. 29° ERTL TT TET) \ Tin l4e. La Fol \ Mayonnaise Delight SHIELD Brand A 3 Ln 8 on Bel, 2c Hy on. Bel, 13¢ Pimento'M asi " Carro Pearl White NapAtha SOAP 4 vans J 5° » RED RIVER GEREAL , PRG 94° i LILY CRICKEN HADDIES Pkg. 90 nm 2J° p in 24° 0x0 Pkg. 120 Lbs, 17c 'th, So. J} Tonic Food OVALTINE Med, Size Tin. 7 -- 4 Grooeterlas whe qa SHIELD Brand | Has a Flavor all ive own, , {eu Bi 106 8 on BU. _380 3)4.00, Bel. 13¢ SPECIAL= Aylmer Asst'd SOUPS

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