Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Apr 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, 'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1930 - PAGE FIVE e Home --- and the Community § Hout 4 is in tellin Between street car and truck on Simcoe Street, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 7th About 10 p.m. with Tosls ¥. Hyman, bar rister, Phone 07, mean delicious f al about forty-five gathered ab their 16Y I ; oh ng hn y with Jou, cil Va a Mrs. bios. The Mrs, ALS Swi, 4 in sianhing, and Ww. MN id, M, rks and thd, Kh i ~ BILVER WEDDING Saturday. evening, April 5, Mr, RE Walter AOU Wore Diao: surprised when guests numbers them home abins helt Iver Weddin ng Annie te We Mt th room and was read were ealled to order di ng addr by Mrs, 8, + Ay iter of the groom, ed alt a and Eitglla joe we are gathered here this evening ou. selehrate your: silver y: 'Twenty=Ave years have rolled round since you decided to take the road of lilo other. It has been a' pleasant Youd, I'wo chil ren came to brighten it, Peace and armony and gontent have kept you company, Now that this important milestone hie areived, we drt hte 10 rojolee As' 8 'token of our, shes we present this chair, Muy find In it vest and comfort ana May the Jaan, ne Lona be before YOU a8 an, flower, filled with Joy and tr ity beyond your ute most hope, Lhis Is our wish to you," The ehestdrfield chalr was prus sented by Mr. Norman L. Mutton, brother of the bride, Mrs, Vinge and r Mutton wore bridesmaid and Kroonisman of twenty-five years alo, ul the odining-room, table, was very od and cant i orl ntred with the A very pleasant after 'which' lunch was served, orig the a Mr and Mrs: Are ved gilts of silver, flow and congratulations, ' n he #ta present were: Mr, and " Mutton and Donald, Mr, and Mes, Wr Cook and Allan, Mr, Mrs, AP, MacDonald" and Soot, Mrs J, Goodman, Mr, Robt, Glirey, all of roam Mr. A, Are mouse and iM J, Armour of Courts oi Miss M, Smith, of Orono; Mr, TH Armour a fami 5, Mrs, Be Trek ri Moana Mr. and | Mrs W. M, Pd our and family i Mn, W, jfursels My oo re 8, Vinson ly, Mr. and Mrs, 'W, G, Ne yr: Jamil Gan Mutton, ray, all of awa] Mrs, ion and M ™, Donald everding was spent oy crispiriess . pn "pep for work, and play |v rp i you st with 00d | in "the ohalr, MEGAN LLOYD GEORGE Da. whter he famous Brite who oy ma in' the Brith Hows of of mons April 7th, WOMEN'S MEETINGS WESTMOUNT PARENT TEACHERS /SBOCIATION The Westmount Parent-feach- ors' Association held thelr regular monthly meeting In Westmount Bohool Monday, April Tih, at § p, m. There was a large attendance and the president, Mrs, Gh, isn wan The » tirst item otf business for tue evelany consisted of planning for a euchre to be held In the near future in Westmotnt school, Mrs, Biss vas appointed delegitte to the O.K.A, Convention At Toronto to be held during the Kastor week, A short programme followed conwisting of un solo by Ruth Ferguson, a dobate 'Mesolved that woman's place is in the home', The atfirmative side was taken by Mrs, Obilderhose, Mrs, Voits and Mpw, Nesbitt, while the negative was taken by Mrs, Blas, Mra, Hpiae row and Mra, Houlding, The judges deolded in favor of the negative, The next feature of the pvening Was the presentation of a frui bowl to Mrs, 1. W, Ferguson, who is sooh to leave Westmount, Mrs, J, In Mouny presented the Kitt, whiie Mrs, Biss readsthe fol lowing address; Dear Mrs, Ferkuson: As wo have arrived at anpther oint In our Mves wien we must DARL With a friend, we are taking this opportunity of expressing our regret at your withdrawal from our distriot, We realise that while we are losing you as an active member in our Club you will be near enougu to follow our progress with in. terest, Your valuable advice and Wagortiona which hove so assisted | Us In the past, we feel sure, will bo avaliable when required in the Tutus. ha Jou you will even Ua when the opportunity pres sontw ituelt, ala "y In your mew sphere; you will certainly find new triends and in. terasts and although the expression may be hackneyed wo must way Our loss is their gain'! AR a very slight token of our friendship and enteom, and as concrete memento of our pleasant Satactations We ask you to accept In your "Northern" home, may It remind you of your "Western friends, On behalf of the Club, The remainder of the evening Was spent in, songs and the usual social hour spent. m------------ CENTRE RT BIBLE CLASS The Adult Ladies' Bible Class of Centre Street United Churoh held thelr regular Shibly meeting 'ay the hate of nA MM, Barnes on Naw yosterday evening, 'I'he president, Mra, James was presid- Ing. The meeting opened in the usual manner; With prayer, The |! minutes of the last meeting were road a hk abproved. There were TH present, After the ons lon a short discussion took 0. Place, It Was decided to hold sale of homemade cooking and taney work. on May 16th, Maoh' member in to donate something towards the sale, It was not dee olded where fhe next meeting id be nty refreshes a br n exten to Mra, Barnes for the use of her. home, : » Pd YOUNG PROPLY Trial of Christ from the Standpoint of a Lawyer" was the Lat of an Aorten a1 th addrewy nderson at he a ie! Hime ree Bi Eh rr Aa 0 Heleation Johawion while a #010 In o meeting ded, * a recreation | "the devotional Re ai el 'oan 'be olamped to a table edge. Mother and King Street C.G.LT, Groups Have Daughter Banquet | THEME OF THE EVE NING "TO BE A PILGRIM" Dr. Gordon, Speaker, Intro: duced 'by Mr. Carteallen; Bix of the livellest C, G, 1, W. groups ofi the oity are 'in the King Bireat United Churen, Wvidenge ot thei energetic aotivities was disy played last evening when they combined to have a Mofyer and Daughter banquet, the first of ita kind, in the past three years, Hut after the success of last evening it 1s hoped to make the banquet an annual affair, There were one hun. dred and sixty present, The theme of the evening wis "To be a Pil grim", Bverything, oven Lo piace eards and menus wag cieried out with this idea, The tables Were most attractively decorated 'With the elub colors, blue and white; she white table linen snd white nar olssus, with blue phper stripes on fhe table cloth, At lmtervals on the long tables the names of the dit terent groups 'were . printed on onrds in blue, The programmes and menus were artistically designed in the shape of camels versed on the outside of a pilgrim, and the print od programme and menu on the inside, Every mother presant re- oelved an a favor and keepsake, a ty old fashioned nosegay, with a paper frill around a bouquet of dainty artitielal flowers, A most ¢elightful programme followed the dinner, Bernice MoQuaid, noted as lod hy Marjory Blewett, proposed the toast Lo the king, The toast to the mothers was proposed by Kdith MoQuaid, and very fittingly re« sponded te by Mrs, Lropise, Karling Moynes very charmingly proposed the toast to the church and «ity programme for girls, To this toast, Rev, ©, B, Crags responded, Tue fponker of the evening was to liave been Mrs, ©, R. Carsonllon, ot Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, but as & very pleasant surprise for the girls insted of delivering a speech herself, she had persuaded Dr, Gordon who has been in Whit by for the past week or wo, spenk- ing, ot the 'Tabernacle Church there, fo attend the banquet and spenk in hor stead, Mrs, Carscallon introduced Dr, Gordgn, whom the girls found most iyteresting, iis toplo which had the prevailing theme I the evening "To he 1 pilgrim", was vividly presented to those present when he compared the pilgrimage of Ute to a river, And in this case he Used the Mow River in Alberta for an example, Dr, Gordon explained that when the river met an obetacle it went around and by doing wo enlarged Itself, und gained move volume nud kreater depth, and compared tins to the obstacles that are met in Nfe and that by meeting them in the right moenner peuple enlarge thelr Hves, Miss Rota Vokes, chairman of the Girls' Work Board of the church made a wluoers "thank you speech fo those who had awe nated with the programme nnd | banguet, The evening was brought to u elose with the singing of the hymn "I Need Theo Kvery Hour By request Dr. Gordon led In the toastmaster and after a sing-song Mngiog, EE fine plano duets, 'I'he hearty ap plause of the audience indicated itu apprecintion and the pastor, Mev, | A, M, Itwin In a Tew appropriate words thanked | those, who had taken part, Bishop Bethune ege News DISHOP BETHUNK COLLMGN NOTES On Baturday evening last, the Upper Fifth form of Bishop Nes thune College gave thelr annual part and presented The Dragon," Lady Gregory's fair play. The girls acted very well and the outstandy ing © oharacters were the Princess, the King, the Nurse, the Princes of the marches, Manus, King of Hors "ohn, and SIbby, These paris werd taken by Ellgabeth Hammond, Nets ty. Jamieson, Petty Frewer, Helen Piltott, Helene Pattison, and Alloe Lander, On Runday the soheol was gly. on a great treat when Miss Ainley and Miss Rittenhouse gave a muss foal programme, Mins Margare: Ratles was the-accompanist for the svening, The College will close Tor the Easter vacation on April 18 and will reopen again on the fdth, Mise 0. M, Oughterson, prin. olpal of the school, will be a. guest at Government Hole on April 17, to meet the party of English Mead. masters who regently arrived' in Canada to make a tour of the coun- ry, I -------------- BREATH BECOMES FIRE EXTINGUISHER Atlanta Human breath wan gonverted into five extinguishers at the American Chemical Soclety meeting here, Thomas Midgley, Jv, of Dayton, 0., Mghted a candle and set it o table in view of & general » n of the chemists, Into a rion dish alongeide he poured to the depth of an inchs new liquid retrigerant, the temperature of which he sald Was 18 degrees helow mero, It began to boll, and the rim of the glass turned white with frost, Dr, Midgley placed his face ove the fumes, opened his mouth, an inhaled 'the ¢old steam, Then he turned to the candle and brexthed Sally in ita direction, The touch : t his laden dreath smothered the ame, Ws ---- A device that remdves strings trom beans has been invented that Eczema Goes le who & ely in Neha pu , ecgema and tow oll othe (] HE a optic: ot, Wi aah { their' "trou 2 bo or el Sat ane nd i a uno to yell hey 0 dehing, ares Sha 4 a 0 not Allow the ar N om (full Ei tnd rd Polo ae Fi RE at CE Ltd "| and several native dances, Mr, », In Seven Days i i ows i ( UKRAINIANS TO HAVE CONCERT AT MASONIC TEMPLE Program Will Consist of Choruses, Dances and Scenes From Operas Although the Tardmatio and musioal accomplishments of the members of Oshawa's'Vkraintan oolony are known to a large nums ber of people of this oily, thers are sll pany whe have no idea of how capable theses "New Canadians' are of producing an evening's enters tainment of the highest order. om musle and drama, An opportunity for those who are not aequainted with the work of the Ukrainians, and who wish to become so, will present itself, on Thursday even Ing, April 20th, when the Auditor um Committees of the Masonio Temple, han arranged for a Ukraine fan concert to be given in the Tem plo on Centre Street, The program will include numbers «by the Ukrainian cholr, quartotte delecs tions, soenesd from Cossack operas, L, Fowke is to deliver an address on the Ukrainians, Tickets for this splendid concert are on male at Mitchell's, Jury and Lovell's and Kara's drug stores, or they may be obtained from any member of the Masonie Temple Auditorium, Committee, [+ RECIPES SHEPHERD'S PID" One and one-halt pounds lamb, 1 cup sliced onlpns, % cup out cars rots, § teaspoons salt, W teaspoun pepper, § tablespoons flour, 1 quart otatoes, 8 tablespoons parsaly, Ipe meat, put on to boll with 2 quarts water; cook slowly 1 hour, Add vegetables, except potatoes, and seasonings, Cook until tends, er, remove 4 cups stock for soup: to the remainder in the kettle, add flour thigkening and boll five minutes, Dall ahd mash potatoes, put ground odge of an agate plate ter and the meat in the center, Dust with paprika and brown in moderately hot even, Sprinkle with parsely, Time Jn oven. 10 minutes; serving 6. SAAR SUN wp (Rerven Hl ple, 3 ovanges, oup celery, oheam mayonnaise, jo oup nuts chopped, lettuce, Arrange slices of Rinanpie ON' newta of lettuce leaves celery In nlender atrips, ogo and one-half Ing hes long, and mix with nut meats, Plle In cen ter of pin Pile, on we garnish with fonk gen, free from mem jin lala pmmetricaty on pineapp Sorve dressing separ | uss hi bo used od 4s ¢ donired, COCOANTT FRU FRUIE SALAD (Berven @)==14 oup cocdanut, lettuae, 2 bananas, mayonnaise, 8 Spread the cocoanut hiv M ( TT hrown ag oiiotaly in "hh oven, ay and sorape with a Nor knife, | oranges remove all white membrane and alia, Arrange two three on lettuce on ins Aviava tog Out hana in WO ian, then ae "Roll ) hrowned on orange vy anl cocoanut remains, pel LH orénges. Serve with 40, MY pineaps § A German solontist, Js Manning' to Ani A master olook to Ryne | vorglons are pretty I THROUGH A VERY FAVORABLE PURCHASE WE ARK ABLE 10 o¥TER YOU BEAUTIFUL. SILKNIT LINGERIE at Just about X HALEF-PRICE Home weeks ago wo made arrangements with a manus turer who supplies us with a bigpercentage of our fines Lingerie, 10 save us a special lot ob substandard garments, They arrived the othor day--the mest wondevtul lot we have ever seen for the money, True some of the garments We substandards, which means. a slight 1mportection, ' neatly repaired, and quite A good percentage are firsth, SILKNIT '| SILKNIT PRINCESS SLIPS Doth the Veincess and (he buil-up showider on 4108 and bir rast hun 98 SILKNIT NIGHTGOWNS 9c full range of Tatlored nnd Indo-trimmey siylow in 98 Cc SILKNIT BLOOMERS Platn and Lace Trimmed vy om 69c¢ Regular $1.00 and 3) SEE THE WINDOWS i colors in our regu She and $1.00 qualition, Simcoe Sti South ® ab iid rr, 5 Hélpful Hinte i" i Koti ddirbodedotodods riod dipped" FASHION 'TIPS The beret in its many versions will probably be thé answer to the prayer of those maidens who cling rebolllounly to thelr boyish bobs And thesyrban, And the togue Good all of them, and if you think they are diffieult to wear it in be onuse you haven't found the one Just vight for you. 'The antelope beret crowns & tweed suit beanti fully, 'The taffeta beret, corded or shirred, 18 a hoon to the woman whose colffure makes hebdsine a problem, for it oan be ennlly ad Justed to the individual, But don't got a taffeta hat unless you .oanh afford an very goad one} the chedpop dreadful In aand "beret means Lo you only a Hetle round cap, to he found any where for a dollar or sb, it may he well to add that berets nowa dayn, are deaigred for wsiraet as well as sports and come under the hend of "ereations" just as much | an more elaborate types, proved to be tho most valuable wood In the world for the manu facture of pulp used in rayon-manu facture, \ | - | with bullet proof shields carried on Whone waflles unre cooked ih a | two wheeled trucks that can be new eleotrle fron (he current ts | moved quickly {cut of automotieally and a Nght £5 | flashes as 0 signal, ig -------- London police are experimenting -"--.: Sdn 5 -- a" ---- a WELCOME TO New Ji 3 sneer oo Tu AVENUE... OPPOSITE PENNA. R.R. STATION A Preeminent Hotel of 1200 Rooms * each having Bath, ting lce Water and many other innos vations...featuring a sincere spirit of hospitality, E. G: KILL, General Manager' -------- Rayon from Nlack Sproce The slow-growth black sprite of Northern Canada, on pooount of its conslntent yield of cellulose, has Give the Pen they can use for POCKET and DESK. For Anniversaries -- For Birthdays Guaranteed -- for Life wa thet you give a pocket » professional men==with writers Deak Set give a Parker, I! verywhere, his mont dogired of all pons in Just Simplytouch the point to paper like two pens for the price of one. to start writing, 20% lighter than If you give the Desk Seteen rubber ordinarily used thopen is oap with clip ia included, featherweight fn the hand. Yet which thus doubles the pen's dropping it from the clouds did usefulness, not Lown it. Ita'ink capacity Is Ifyou give a Pocket Park 174 ter than average pens, tion n nood only the sctuallinik we slxe, It cannot leak, Dua to ihe both for poo et and THe lovely streamlined symmes - japered pen pon end is ine try of Parker Duofold is matched a eluded od wiih base without by the Parker Pencil, Both set extra cost. in the otemfoel "at home" Parker's 47th Improvement: the hand, Duofold iridium Prossureless Touch, has won ita points are handground to pinnacle place with students, with smooth I THE PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY, Lid » Torenre, Ontario a------ ' od In the Pocket or on the Desh =the same Pen and + the same Point Parker Pench are abe Seonvartible® | Duofold | PEN GUARANTEED |§ FOR LIFE VAs '| ohroniae all the thoy fmepleess tthe world of rejilo,

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