Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Apr 1930, p. 2

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rons TR TT ' " THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1930 RY dle i Ls Casi aia TTR PN Te pw Bowmanville yh anaes % ' News, advertising ang. subscriptions will be received at Bowmanville Office of Ibe limes. Ielephones--Oftice, 567: /REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK HEATING. GRANT Deputation Asks for $10,000 Central School VV The trusteés of the public school approached the town council - at A "Pe monthly session on onday night for the purpose of ning a grant of $8,000 to $10, 000 to pay for, the installation of a new heating system in the Central Public School. The deputation con- 'sisted of Chairman Charles Rice @nd Trustees Tommy Dustan, Syd wey Little, aud secretary C. H, Dud- In asking for the grant Mr, Rice _ pointed out to the council that the present system had been In use for the past 40 years and was real- ly 2 wood burning system with stationary grates which necessitat- sd the fire being lighted each morn- (ing and also necessitated the jani- tor being at the school at five o'clock In 'the morning. Trustee Little stated that with the installation of a.new system the board would be enabled to pur- chase a' cheaper grade of coal and he thought that the school would be better heated, It was a fact 'that pupils had been sent home during the past winter owing to the coldness of some of the rooms, Trustee Little also speaking - in. 'favor of the new plant stated that 'the board at a special meeting held 'recently had been unanimous (in its belief that a new system was 'needed, i Mayor Elliott in answer said that he had hoped that the board would put this off for another year Daily Times : the Chairman reminded him t the matter had been under consideration for some years and each year it had been put off, He further thought that this was pot Aair to Altnor the 'teachers or the pupils for without heating in the halls and 'elowk rooms it made it necessary for them to come into the cold air when going from' room to room, Reeve Carruthers Wished to know It tenders had been called as he thought that the gouncil should be asked for a stated sum and not for $8,000 to $10,000, Mayor Elliott stated that the council was in sympathy with the board but thought that they should call ten- ders first Bnd get the exact amount required and then ask the counch for the ey. He also' reminded the board that under the Munjeipal Act the council was required to give the money to the board if they asked for it and therefore it really had no need for the sym- pathy of the council, The fing) out- come was that the council left the matter till the next meeting and the board will have a special meet ing to call for tenders likely next Monday night, EE a a] LONG DEBATE OVER STREET SWEEPER Roads and Streets Commit- tee Will Consider Prob- lem During Present Month The matter that engaged most of the time of the council on Monday evening was whether or not the council would buy a rotary street sweeper to clean the paved streets 1 | that the first bromched the subject statin st of one of these wou $450, He had, he said, written to the clerk at Cobourg t the ene in use fn that town anll had recely~ ed a reply to the effect that the one in use there was satisfactory, Considerable argument came up both for, and against and after 30 minutes it. wag decided to let the roads and strbets committee take the matter in band and decide how the streets will 'be cleaned this summer, Nn Was by the ested | that the matter be left in the hands of the roads and streets committee with power to flurehate n Swasper if they thought it advisable, This motion did not find a seconder and Couns cillor Lockhart rose to make an amendment that the town did not purchase a sweeper but give the work. of cleaning the streets to some of the unemployed. This mo- tion found a seconder but no other support and so went. the way of its predecessor, Finally the matter was put to the vote, Should the council buy a sweeper or not? To voted for one, and four vo against one and s0 again the motion Jost, In the midst of the hot debate by the town fathe George Wrightman, veteran street: sweeper, goaded by the fear that this new fangled machine would lose him his job rose to ask the Mayor to delay the purchase of the sweeper for a year at least, He was politely informed that the council would do as they saw fit, The next 15 minutes was practically wasted in argument some claiming that a sweeper would be no good without a flusher attached while others suggested that the council give the fire department the magnificent sum of $15 to go out one of these fine days and wash the streets off, Then someone suggested that the road wuperintendant wash the streets off but he informed the council that the fire department steadfastly refused to let any pers son use their hose. And so the de- bate continued until finally the résult ended in practically. the same manner as the first motion put that the matter be referred to the roads and streets committee but without the power to buy one but with the power to find a method of cleaning the streets the summer, 80 in one month's time after cares Jul deliberation it is Mkely that the worthy members will have solved the problem that so perplexed the of the town. Reeve Carruthers <coynell on Monday and maybe be- the summer Is over the streets tisfaction for will be gleaned to the of sll concerned, i CITADEL STARTED "HERE YESTERDAY Toronto Fim Commenced A on New Build. ing for Salvation Army Work commenced yesterday morning onthe New Citadel for the Salvation Army at, the" corner of Church and Division Streets, The niract was lef last week to Wil- fant Gayton, 81 Malvern Avenue, Toronto and after looking over the site on Monday morning started the excavation for the eellar yesterday, The plans eall for a bullding $0 by 60 feet in dimensions of frame cone struction cove with asphalt brick facing, The roof will be gras velled and tarred while the floors will be of Maple und the trim i pine and fir, The ground floor wil consist of & main hall with Sunday fohool accomodation and the ups stairs will be used as living quar. ters for local ofcers, The Inside walls will be plastered and hot air sublet, and it fw Nikely thet Jocsl (ois ono is @xpe. w 8 finished aid the hell ready for oc cupancy by June 1st, DURAN COUNTY WEEKLY REPORT Fall Whest in. This District Not as Good as Two Weeks Ago The Ontario Departmont of Ag- rieulture has' fssued the following report, regarding Durham County: "The fall wheat in this district does not look as good as two weeks | 880, but a warm rain with good growing weather would help great- 1y ab this time," / According to reports of Agricul- tural Representatives for the past week Eesex County continues to show the way in so far as spring sesding Is concerned, Already some farmers in that county report the completion of this phase, of their operations, With the exception of a few counties yvepor® of the cons dition of fall wheat and clovers are rather pessimistic, Interest in good will provide the heat, The heating, plumbing and electric work will be The Whitby Advertislug, sabseriptions and GIVEN SUSPENDED SENTENCE ON A CHARGE OF THEFT Charged with theft of articles from a local garage, Willlam Fields appeared in Police Court Monday afternoon before Magistrate J, WK. Willis, The charge was laid by Chief Gunson who with Provinels! Constable Taylor took accused in- to custody on Friday, On a ples of gullty being recorded, Fields was placed on suspended sentence, after Act Now ... while there is still time 'Last Day Tomorrow for your free a en wg RE-AS -- Music ana dir or 4; yw equally wonderful tonal qual- | AE 7A = complete "with oT mp \. Library of Victor' Retords, without additional charge. - What at 4 price of $25.00, Those who act quickly 'may still avail themaelves of this special offer, ahd may still acquire the free Record Library at no cost to themselves. .. These new Victor Records, constituting a Library chosen for its unis versal appeal, are a-gift well worth having. Owners all over the Do- minion are extremely enthusiastic about them. Get them today, free, Day after tomorrow it will be too late. Telephone your Victor dealer mow. Reservesyour instrument and Library of Victor Records at once, "- ' _ Victor.Record Library | UR special 'Victor Record Library Introductory Offer giving $25.00 worth of Victor Records with every Victor Radio-withe Electrola -- expires tomorrow night, After that, the specially selected Record Library may be obtained only by payment of the regular retail Whithy Brancu Offfce, at Gas QibeAfter -Hasiness - Hours = "hove BB, / REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON seed and weed cleaning is reported generally, | Daily Times news will be eeonived at the I] tr ung Chronlelom=Telepliono ! the Magistrate had warned him of the seriousness of his offense und what he might expect If he came back to court, "The previous good character of accused, and the fact that this was his first Offense, wan taken into consideration by the Court, LEGINRALLYTO . BE HELD HERE FOR WHOLE DISTRICT WHITBY BRANCH GETS. BIG EVENT FOR THE TOWN Many New Members Were Accepted at Special Meeting ---- Pe ---- Chosen from all the branches of the Western Section of Distriet No, 18 of the Canadian Legion, the Whitby Branch will set as hosts at district rally, to be held on Friday, May 9, in the Whitby Town Hall, This was made possible through the aotivty fo local branch, offeers, and ut a special meeting of the branch held last night, with M. Melntyre Hood, district representative of the provincial executivesin attendance, plans were made for the holding of what will be the largest gathering of Canadian Legion members eve: held in Central Ontario, It is exe pected that the town hall will be filled to capacity, as every branch in the district, stretching from Co- bourg on the east to Beaverton vn the north, will be expected to at~ tend at full strength, Last night's Legion meeting was a very successful one, » large num- ber of applications for membership ; hein received, New members will be I itiated at the regular meeting | on "huraday, April 17, when a so+ | cir' evening will alse be present, I" 'vther activities on the part of the Whitby Legion were indicated bv "6 making of arrangements for the Vimy Anniversary Church pars ada on Sunday evening, April 13, to the Whitby United Church, and by arrangements for a Ladies' Night to be held In the gounecil chamber on Thursday, May 1, The members will assemble at the elud room at 6.30 p.m. on Sunday evens fai; for the parade to the United Church, and all veterans In the town and distriet are invited to at. tend, A hearty vote of thanks was ex» tended to the committee in charge of the very sudeesaful banquet held last Thursday evening, In the course of the evening, an address was delivered by Comrade Hood, expressng thé hope that the splendid revival of interest in the Legion in Whitby, would be mains tained, and that the membership would be more than doubled in the next month, Comrade Hood also answered a number. of questions with reference to peysion and other problems of local veterans, HET or------ CONFIDENCE 1S ~ BEING RESTORED Withdrawal of Employment Order in Oshawa 1s Welcomed On the streets of Whitby today, hud in the business places, there is a feéling of confidence following the announcement made at the Council manny ing that the entployment embargo order effecting Whitby and Rew manville had been. withdrawn, Had the order gone inte effect it would have been a very serious matter for the town from a financial standpoint, while it would have dfs rupt bustuess In 'ne 'uncertain gon Talk of retaliation meth» the' Oshawa announcement, One merchant who has eighteen ou Monday evens | was quite common following | SHE THOUGHT "I'd like to call your atten tien to that ad hehind you." Yo, 10 be polite, SHE SAID: "These cars are so stuflly, I'm soles "gow to that open + Girls politely snubbed him + + » until he discovered why. . *B, % covLoN't understand it, All day long the incident avoid him? * 0 What had he done? Why had she left him so abruptly on the trolley that morning? Why did girls always seem to Suddenly an idea flashed Into his mind, "B.O,"~body odor, Could he bo guilty? Impossible---yet suppose he was + + + That very day he switched to Lile- buoy, Now he's a favorite with every. body==invited bverywhere, "B.0," no longer robs him of popularity. + It 1s bard to realize that we maybe guilty of "B.0,"" But just stop and think, We all perspire, Even on coldest days our pores give off a quart of odor- causing waste, True, we don't notice it. Lifebuoy stops body odor bothered him, 0." § Odor) Our sense of smell quickly becomes' deadened to din ever-present odor, But it's only too apparent to others, Why, then, risk offending when it's' #0 easy to he safe? Just wash and bathe with Lifebuoy. Its creamy, refreshing, antiseptic lather penetrates pores so deeply, purifies so thoroughly that "B.0," completely vanishes, And how good you feel alter a Lifebuoy bath how gloriously fresh and clean! Keeps complexions radiant Lifehuoy is a marvelous complexion soap. Watch dull skins freshen=poo complexions glow with radiant health, Its pleasant extra-clean scent, that van. ishes as you rinse, tells you Lifebuoy purifies, Get some today, r HEALTH SOAP for a thorough trial, quickest, easiest shave Fou ever jad, Yo iy you need to do ptic lather lubricates the skin~~soothes the tenderest send you free a full sls tube BUY 3 CAKES OF LIFEBUOY SOAP TODAY Cut the front panel from each of the three cartons, mail them to us and we will snd you the tube free. (Only one free tube to each family), Lever Brothers Limited, opt. 110, Toronto, Ontar THIS FREE OFFER NOT GOOD AFTER MAY 1st, 1930 EE ------ : 10, 'FREE--Try Lifebuoy Shaving Cream--It's NEW hen cream contains Lifebuoy's famous health ingredient. Its double dense, face gives the " --_----_----_._E, I --§._ ees living in Whitby and working in Qahawa stated yesterday that he felt that the General Motors real fed that the order was unwise and that it would now be withdrawn, In the town's tax aeolleetion a partment the aunbouneement that the order would, be withdrawn caused the town ofticials to heave ® sigh of relief, In fact, throughy out the town, the withdrawal of the order is welcomed, and the hope Is expressed on every hand that the motor ingustey in Oshawa will soon plok up, to thé benefit of both Qihe awa and Whitby, ' NEW INDUSTRY 15 IN DPERATION Citizens' Dairy Company Has Fine Plant on Ash Street, Whitby Whithy's new Industry, the Citi gens' Dalry Company, Limited, with a fine plant on Ash Street, iy gets ting nicely inte Speration, and buts ter 1a being produced dally, giving employment to several hands, he management announce that She factory is not yet wholly coms pleted, but that when it is visitors will be tuvited, 'It 1a the Company's intent¥on, to invite the Town Couns oll, to look over the plant ip a body in the near future, THe Citizens' = Dalry Company, following a disastrous fire whieh deatroyed their factory at Irooklin, last year, deelded, er negotlas MINERAL SALTS GIVE HER TIRED HUBBY NEW PRP |e ---- "My husband tok 2 bottles of Virol, Now he has ood appetite and more strength, pep and vigor than he ever had,'"==Mrs, Ralph Starkey. hy value 'of mineral elements iron, aalol with cod liver peptone, as contained in Vinel, Nervous, easily tired people are surprised how Vine ol gives now strength, sound asleep TR) BIG appetite, Gives you dellelous, ry and Lovell Lid, accounts of General Motors employs Doctors have long known the). to aajoy lite! Vinol tastes u Drugs, \ \ tions with the Counell, to rebuild in Whithy, At the elvie! elections the ratepayers carried a hrlaw to grant the concery a fixed assess ment. of $500 far a period of ten Years, £ rh it : £ £ if ) i i iz i 3 i : i b i i £ ; i #3 5 ih Hin | { ef : i £ i i 5 The first rayon factory In Ru mania has been established bh) Germans, Pressing down a new implemen nnon a round cake outs it int 22 equal size pleces,

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