Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Apr 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, ' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN THE CLASSIRIE D SECTION... Chilo and ty" o 4.0. D, Copaot 00 ai, BA. Stich Notary fu Games. 0, 8 te Aue uilding "Ovvonite t A Noury Prinile, Con: 4 Joon. Ces Wd Bore" um Mowry." ox our pi pd rs north howe 0. Residence GREER TAN sters, Soll N. Phone #160 a gh loan: A dro B.A, BARRIM: yx and soneral ney Block op Phone i610. Yaiopmant, We "Font Ottice (Mar. 13-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying 'All Classified Advertising ' DONEVAN AND A Sand muniihal er on n Miners it r 3 King 'Undertaking ry and Gl Ei AR: of this nature, [Hoyts mbonrer o rest north, Selina a Street, A King St. wes ont fire Agency In ¢ RN. N. Jobos, K'ng. 35. Bast. | tended to and ¥ $387, (tf) RIE & HAL awe. Ca pore Perry Phones 1 759 Oshawa,' Port Perry 4 an Thr 3. 3 (Mar, 4-1 mo) A TT ARRH iLL, BARRISTER ey to loan. Alger Bidg, op posite Post Office. Phone 10614, Alger COLW a d West, Specialists in furniture moviag, storage ware: |; house and moving van equipment Phone 83. CARTAGE, 0, 87 & Alden iL rier " 80 Simooe wants at and collect for same. Coming Events, Etc, - STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and lose arising from handling a large number of small acsounts For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, » telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified- Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Work Wanted i HX ly AAG ney. mates stable. 74 Mecha: "sfreet, BATT 'S CHARGED, CALLE for and delivered, - cents, wl supplied 8). Patteries RE-USHOLSTERING, CHESTER: Phone if roms 8 vapaired hone For Rent _ APARTMENT - HOVERS HOWE like) stites. ome furdished, aun dry, conveniences, eles d/yer, ete, e'c0 stoves, elev réfrieerstion, Lot water yoas round, Phones 15660 or 2347W, (Ll) 'OUR A vi HOON MOD orn suites, including electric relrip eration, stove, Issadry, cemven) For Rent { d, Bix rooms, a docorated; age Phone 208 r 3, Bowman. ville, {o38) furnished or ¢ partly furnished, All ernveniences, tent reasonable, 104 Division street, Phone 0b4J, (§4e) Nig ) t 'nisheu, Hent reasonable, Wireq for rangette, Vhone 2740), (Bie) Roady 6 rooms and Linished attic, All modern conve enc.s, Fosmes ston May first, Apply 100 Colborne east, or 101 Lauder Koad, (Hin) nished rooms, ground floor, three bloeks from tour corners, All con. veniences, 43 McMbian Drive, | (Bde) rent for light All coy /entences 1090 Albert street, unfurnished to houbekesping, Central, (¥ ic) Wanted to Rent Regt WANTED TO RENT -- THREE unfurnished downstalr rooms, cen- tral, wired for electric, stove, - Apply Box 501 Times, (84h) WANTED 10 MERT="ABoU" May 15 6 to 8 roomed house, close to Motors, Apply Boz 597 Times, (§dn) For Sale or Exchange FOR EXCHANGY = 5 ROOMLD new brick house in good district, Simcoe North, furnsce, J plece bath, electric stove, Telephone for house, 6 rooms in Whitby town, Apply Box 583 Times. Motor Cars' FOR SALE~10290 CHEVROLKY Coneb, Al condidlon, Mileage eight thousand, Will sacrifice for cash br accept gmail cor, Apply 47 Ritson' road north, (Ze) ONE MeLAUGHLIN-BUICK COU. pe model '28-268, Colour, Lady Mary aroon, One MeLaughlineBuick sedan, model "M41, colour, Green, Both these cars are privately owed and in excellent condition, Iliness of owner reason for sale, Apply D, D, McKay, 421 Mary St, Phone 3412, (Bc ) CHEV. "28 DUMP TRUCK 1% yd, Gravel box, 4 new tires, can be een at Eun li ake ah) [4 yy body, Small. mileage, $100 daw, balance ensy, Phono. 200, (¥80) VIE PONTIAC" BUDAN VOR sale, in first class shape, t'rivate owner, Apply 210 Mary nrest, 1(84e) rd Nursing J h BEN. gaged, maternity of ,'enorgl nurse vg, For Information 'phone 8e0W, (APY, 4-1 mo) Mortgage for Sale -- ¥1,000 BETUND mortgage, discounted to yield 1¢ per cont, Exeollont security, Hplen. did investment, Apply Box 6b Times, (821) Building Materials rices, Glaged Sash, Doors, Frames, looring, Reofing, . Builders' Hurd: wire W /aliboard Insulating Board Pumps, Plumbing Goods, Save by dealing direct, Send for big Free Catalog, Halliday Company Limited Company, Limited=-were suspend. od from trading on the floor of the Standars Ptock and Mining Kx- change, On ¥eb, 1, however, all but the last-named firm had heen re- instated; snd those arrested had been released on ball, NTOBIE-VORLONG ANBIGNS On the day following its suspen slon from trading on the Rporonto Exchange the #ftoble, Vorlong ore ganization assigned, At Winnipeg, Stoble, Forlong apd, Matthews, Limited, a separate osganization with an Interlocking' directorate' with the Toronto company, want into voluntary lquidation on Jan, 81, "Hoon afterwards the Mguidai~ ors, W, 8B, Newton, resumed the company's operations on & restricts od basis, It was at the end of Januaty that Attorney-General Price of On- tario announced that & Deminfon- wide conference of attorneys. gfnorgl was to be held, 'Theistate ment upheld ' 8 forcast mimost three weeks 'beforehand by Hon, | R. H. Pooley, sttorney-general of British Columbia, that all proving. osof Canada would co-operate in | a natdon-wide scheme to conrol brokercge and financial firme, UNIFORM FRANDS ACTH When, thé session of attorneys: general eventualized at Toronto on March 10, all but the Maritime provinces were represented, It uniform security frauds prevention proved convenient to decide on legislation as n means of effective control « of hrokeragdé activities, Since that time legislatures of Quobec and Drivish Columbia have approved Security Frauds Preven. tion Acts parallel with those al ready in force in Alberta, Mani. tobn, Saskatchowan, Alberta and Prince Kdwwrd Island, At the' prestn time a number of minor developments connected with the brokerage sibyation are rise or fall in. price of certain stocks or incorporated aud unin- goporated companies, make or sign or authorize to be made or signed contracts or agreements, oral or written, purprting to be for the sale or purchase of sugh stocks in respect of which no des livery of suid shares sold or pure chase of such stocks in respect of which no delivery of said shares sold or purchased wus made or re eolved, and without the bona Ade intention to make o receive such delivery, HOUSE DEFEATS HEAPS AMENDMENT Party Vote Marks Division on Unemployment Question RHR (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, April V.-~After virtu ally an entire week of debate tha House of Connon yesterday de feated the Heaps unemployment amendent by 06 votes to 81, With the exception of Alan W Neill (Independent Liberal, Com- ox-Alberni), who Joted with the opposition, and Burt W, Fansher (Progressive, Lampton Kast) who voted with the government, the opposition and government. mem- bers lined fup solidly against oie another in the finals he amend~ ment callod upon the government to take immediate steps to relieve the unemployment situation, 16 Halliday Bullding, #amilton, RT TT Auto'Tops GENERAL REPAIRS ON AUTO tgs und trimmings, also, upholsier. ing. Prices reasonable, Phone 2363w, (83¢) Agents Wanted FTA DAY PATO UHRTRTIAN MEN And 'women, college students, teachers; ministers end others for distributing religious Iiterdture, dpecial opportunity during Kester season; For particulars write stat. ing age and church connection, Mr, Conrad; Tower Bldg, Toronto, SOLLOWAY, MILLS FACE CHARGES AT on WINNIPEG" SOON (830) | PROSECUTION OF BROK- anted ERAGE HOUSES IS Sian Bligdon, 20 "hi 1586W obr Tiki me) Uwhes, 10 agents still pending, Individuals have brought qlaims against companies for moneys said to be due on brok- Or accounts; objections have been Inid against transport of decuments to Alberta for ise as evidence in the Solloway-Mills case; smaller firms: have assigned, and minor officials have been hismed for al loged {illicit use of funds. But at present. nttention centres on Whe appearance of Holloway and Mills at Calgary and Toronto within a fow weeks, A TEST CASE Government of Alberta is ate tempting to. make & ests' case in bringing ofMelals of Bolloway-Mills and Company, Limited, to tris), contends Mr, Bolloway, president of the organization, He stated here recently that he believed his company had Sheen "ploked on' because it was the largest broker age firm in Canada, Five chargos are lodged against Solloway and Mills for trial, st Calgary next month, Of these four involves alldged infractions of the Criminal Code of Canada; the other charge--fourth on the list ~=i8 based on the old common law of Britain which still survives for the Dominfon, All ohatges are concerned with op Rjetions alleged Shieh. Sip.} Bagh ot HY suppl pp apt. 'phone 0 ' FIX UP YOUR ROADWAY, lor The Trusts and Gusrantes Oo. -~ : =! gravel, sand, cinders and general +P menager for owner, Torento, | ¥pl0, north ot King street tor ex trucking, Chis. Graham, _ Phong (87-41) | chAnge on 50 acres of 'land, stock 2621, (Mar, 27-1ma.) FOR RENT--=HOURE RIX HOONMS, aud implements at Uxbridge, Bun. D ry Canning electric, 'gas and al) conveniences, | ¥410. Must be nearly clear ot in Corner Bond and Ontario streets, | SUmberanco, Joues ¢ lea kistate GU, A, Balter, 88 Uond ¥, I'hone | Fhone 2667, (Hib) dry cleaning LATE BURT all HH culled for and delivered, Phone 528, ro , 1218, (841) oul % For 66 Bagot Street, (Mar, 11¢1 ma.) | nisbeds with every aMventence for AN ATTRACTIVE, 6 ROOMED, LOOK! LOOK--VOIt EASTEN, | Usb housekeeping. Phone 388%. |britk house, hardwood flo A od: Mave your. old hat cleaned and (830) ern equipment, located on su blocked to look like née at The so th of Greta, Apply Bade | dot Hub, 15 Ring = Ctreet West, Shoe and $105, All other lines of Deauty Shine and Cleaning, Work EE EB I Culture, Fhone 2008, Apply 8b ¢ Bimooo street north uaranteed, Photie 220, A ctor Col bout 80 fet off highway. Furnace, 3 | -_ mao. guts, an water under, pressure, | py . WRU Oak floors, For information apply Lou Permun- | LA . to owner, Box 38, Oshawa P.O, 11 cast, Phone 3353) at once, BARGAIN FOR CASH, arcel and sham: | trees trimmed, rugs cleaned, John (830) | in modern 6 ota house an Athol +s | Ormiston, 100 Elgin EK, VYhone 7 Aug a s | St $2800 for $1200, First morgage on HARDWOOD VLOOKS LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS Ola floors finished 1%e new, Storm windows, combluation doors. General contractors, BW. HAYNES, 4 Residence 180 r 2 161 King St. V/, Phone 481 EY ' 4 A ¢ind: 5 co Satie. Lt Raa" (83¢c) Medical Phone 224 20 Bond Bt. Wes, Dis. HAY LEWOOD 4 TARPER oy Block, Phooe "00 lished fur ho H s.m0 8.90 pm, Dr, B. Sahat J, Heslewodd, special attention t0 Pra "Surgery and X-Ray, br, B, H. Har ['] Ju. special attention to children's |, iseases and Obstetries, LIAL J VR and night calls 1416 or 1% IR MeKAY PHYSICIAN, SUR. and rey gornes Vicio R. HAROLD W, 81. ny Chet Obstetric Rg | references to 'maternl work and dl. a rts 22 pr coe St. No (cor, Brock) Pik motes, Pa Istance Le 65 Mark Rd (Mar, 10-1 mo) "T Teauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Specialists in permanent, finger! and mareel waving, ler manent wave prices §5, $7.60, $10 HAR LAID Electric Sanded and Finish. od Complete W. J: TRICK CU, LTD. 85 Albert Stroet Phone 280, 861 i apartment, on ground floor, All conveniences with garage, in quiet home, 201 Arthur street, Vhone enw, Lut) LL A Ward at Bet ent Sh low, Centrally located, Kigin street ve ? a Private ontrance ap convenience. Very contr, 00 Contre, gize) [ARG WIL Duy chsh, TWO OR THREE TURNISHED - rooms for light housekeeping, All pj 1008W \ (83h) . ENT, IMMEDIA Hy Maree ol possession, .25 Ritson Road South ¢ nl Lath 20 Oe, MKS. iste, Sa) ) ot load. Also im 0 room apartment, Heated, Soule WHE. "iWo 10 Ll Best es J > Cla 5 Se, We boo § Jeiaiize "| $3000. . Box 586 Times, (84b) in didlos tting, mare Sale ' 0 ; | ll, Sha A Articles For pl Ritson Road uth, (811) fe Fe AF 154 mo) | MIXED HARD AND SOFT W pd rem yanted To Buy ™ Co 147 Agnes street, hone Vaterous Meek 20 Simcoe Be Kos (Mar, 20-1 mo) Phone 000. ; a -- / BA Ltd, pianos, new and used plance, of only, A pol drug store, ae "Sino is HD SEO ries tor sale, repaire on elec tr and and agen sets, tubes and | RE ser ARTRORCYNDE, or (Hambourg Conservatory, gapi prepared awa Tuesday flam street Yast, Upr.a rounto) exams, N abaryed, 780 wed serv livered, for all Bh Wik he Phone 130t0) oT "OR fst and oholif master of King treet United Church will accept uote in plano, organ and vooal 'or particulars apply 60 11llam phAh A ast. Phone 2896. Mar 4-1 mo) atic Gibb Glo (Apr 6-1 Rg " Rp hh (Mar 80-1 11:48) t cl er seed, for Yione 1648 rie 3, (Mar, 82-1 mo) FOR ler and Pocomoke, hching ot an Phene 2602 Baren SA SH, STO) 3 yi Chip 1 | Me Limited, Photie A a Su TOT $10 por ton, 1648 R 21, 19861, radios, latest models; terms rete a Apply CO, Tail, (Phos QUANTITY OF WHITE rs aul. A A , Kellogg's ck rd, Frem- plants, Kellogg" Wane Leghorn strain, (Mar 80-1 mo) Waterous- Phone Oshawa (hide) LIKE new, Motiat' electriv range, hOB WHITE BLOSHOM iw. North, « HH , 1 (8% i D8 SPE adi one hw | (ha used two years, Apply Progr +d Only ¥y Fron o "ascoratiug, wrk, n' 80 mg sweet clover seed. Three dollars bushel delivered, a bh ig vita, sath. Ninety cents bushel, eank, Biting bnone 108 on " (840) load do! , Phone i a : se) oo AN = TON fat mortgl Agth, on Ou JE » 20-1 » |e NEY TO o for W Site' | Le tli oi Dulth, L decking ' aulos, . Fhe Prices modara eo. conveniences, also garage. Phone 71M 123 Huron Street, INI FURNISHED } houscksepi rooms. Sathroom ol ne ny Phone J ; for rent, Phone 3078W, (4b) fiva roomed house, barn, electricity and water in house, garage, two acres of orchard, North Oshawa, Apply Sergeant HNtutfer, I'olice station, or phone 1059 » 18, (Hit) ment, ide! location, 3 bath, eleotrie refrimeration, stove Apply Apt, 3, 1681 King hry east, Phone LL EN" Bi rooms, two on ground tioor, uny above. Private entrance; front and back, Apply 11 Fairbanks street. (S30) 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, Bvery cons venience. Also Garage, Apply 21 Warren Ave, rooms, A y A 0 Boulevard, Ritson Read, Buck ham, Manon, Somerville StrectaiSes A aL Ah £. om flat: . Modern convents ant refsonable, *ASHS W6IW, (8 $15, Five rooms un Mrook 'Sti, ih. Phone, Holden 371W, ($8b ) as hj iy goad cook and house. * Lihin and surrounding territory, WIDOW WITH LITTLE GIRG 33684, 84h) |: Hi tio or other work, Phone 477 r ¥ Bowmanville, (44a) keeper, hone ~~ AN E LRIENCE Presser, Box $94 Times. DISTRI AN. ESTABLISHED MANUFACTUR- er wants man to handle Businem. in 4 perience unnecessary as we teach your our business, but honesty a requisite, Earnings $400.00 and up per' month, $900.00 investinent required, fully we- you handling It yourself, This jon unusual opportunity for.a steady reliable man, wanting a permanent ran and will tind strictest investigation. Write all about yours self to interest us In your first letter, Write Manufacturer, 767 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, ald our State Mans will arrange interview, (83g) WAN! CED cook general | for family of three, re ferences required, Apply Bea S88 Times, al cxperignee in finger wasing, ood opportunity for vight girl, Apply Bo: 689 hl (34D) BEDR ALD ANTED = must TR Apply Comte mercial Hotel, ¢ (84D) WANTED == on \Nousekeeper: Apply Hox §98 Times, (098) : Eh : EASE PH Mrs, = MANX ' foe rticus wn £ the new: (ting line' Te Why striet 'Nerth Hat alite wost and pouth ont eg Th f'rederiek street, Phone 818 A Mar 151 mo) NI prapsne : breaders, S. CGC. White ry barred rocks, white, Wyaadottes, nae or phone for| N° catalogue, Oshawa Ma ay and ultry an, Fk Park Road No Nosh to i Es t wh -- TAD Whi te \ Wollars. wenire Sti, Alpers. . Gua ite 0h canaries, mated Oshawa iAviarieh | HH LD | that one reason. for t a th n road, Yo 830), REVIEWED Trial of Promirient Brokers Being Made a Test Case Winnipeg, Man,, April d---Re- percussions from the brokerage shake-up which commenced less than three months ago have sound od across the breadth of Canada, Prominent brokers Rave been ar. rented oharged with "bucketing, fraud and conspiracy; proyneial governments have joined in hur. ried parley; Jaws have been altered And the future holds still fuy- ther developments in store, Ohargen of fraud and conspiracy laid at Toronto and Calgary hang today over the heads of Isaac W, Solloway and Harvey M, Mills, Shtet oxooutivey of Solloway-Mills and Company, Limited, ore ot Can« ada"s largest brokerage houses, On the Ontario charges the brokers are remanded to June 2: they are committed to stand trial at Cal gary some Hime in May. « Both are free on TRON WHEAT MARKET Even the disposal of Canada's 83¢) | grain orop--attended this year Ly conditions unigue in history of farming industry---has been linked to the brokerage situation by gove ernment action, In explaining the decision of prairie governments to stand back of he heat Pool's in- débtedness to thd banks, Premier John Bracken of Manitoba stated move was the danger that brokerage firms, affected' by the current investiga. ton, might unload their wheat holdings at an adverse time, had beep conducting inven: Myer into brokerage condi: tions for some months previous, the first step in public was made |! Pi early in 'January, Under instruc. tions from Hon, J. F, Lymburn, bani dy of Alberta, Sol loway was apprenhended in Van: baa! a NL milla in Toronto, TTR FOR TRIAL Ay 7 mia gananry the two brokers go fms, loads. had appeared in sort algary to face five orim. inal charges of fraud and conspire acy, A. neples of romands post poned Whe preliminary hearing untih the middle of March, but on March £1, after five dayn of court he brokers Were commits nd trial at the next cours ont jurl fotion to sit in wh hd Shines had heen mp) 0 eo heat, alreles, Frost of brokers -~ was brought about hy wGeneral Hon, W, H, Price in as Ae ee) het n rests 0 a ro imi Limited; D. To ab ompa mited;: D, 8. ron and 'CG Company Limite od! Homer L. "Qibdon and LA Limited; and Stable, Forlong and 4 to have taken placl between May 1 and Dec, 21, 1089, at Calgary, THE CHARGES The charges against Isaac W, ©, Solloway, which read identically" against Harvey M, Mills, except for name substitution, are as follows: (1) That Isana W, C, Holloway did lamin conspire with Har vey M. Mills, Harold Hendrickson, L. L. Masson and divers other per- sons, by deceit or falsehood or other fraudulent means, to defraud the publie, (2) That Solloway did unlawe fully conspire with Harvey M, Mille, Harold Wendriokson, 'Ii Is Masson and divars ather persona, to affect the public market price of T stocks and shares, $ (3) That Solloway did unlaw- ully conspirh with Harvey M. Mills, Harold Hendrickson, L, IL, Massori and divers other persona to comn¥it an indictable offence to wit, a contravention of Seo, 231 of the Criminal Code. (4) That Soloway did by divers subtle means and devices and by deceit' and falgehood and other frandulont means conspire with Harvey M, Mills, Harold Hendrick. son, L, L, Masson and divers other persons to injure and do' olvll wrong to members the publio visiting the establishmént of Sollo- way=Mills and Company, contrary to the peace of Our Borereimn Lord the King, his Crown and Dignity, (6) That Solloway did with ine tent to make gain or profit by the GARAGE (formerly West End Garage) to handle all kinds - of vepalr work (bumping) also. Phone 3202 The WILSON-HOLLAND Thousands Now Fait wai S3IGNTY EE wn Disney Block. 2 a or Framo dwolling=--4 rooms, a water, sewer, in, lot 40 by 810 RBigin wilbt, Bost offor piv $00 mo takes it, Skin, tonder to « Phone wal not loro Yo. caer i Let mo finned yo yd tional Unsa Given; = G. R. H NOTOK LOANS Room 6, 14} ing St. East

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