IHL USHAWA DAILY 1IMES, WEDUNESUAY, APRIL Y, 1930 ) Peter F inds Some Feathers By Thornton W. Burgess A very little thing, indeed, fo that for which your search may ~Peter Rabbit, it was two weeks since Peter Rab- bit visited the Smiling Pool, There had been many other things to take up his attention. ale had been so disappointed when he discovered that the Quacks had left the Smiling 001 that, be had lost all interest there, * He hadn't intended to go to the Smiling Pool on this night, He had gone over to 'the Laughing Brook and jt was while he was 'over there that the thought occurred to him that he ..ight just as well run down to the Smiling Pool to see if there/was any news there, Now, at one end of the Smiling Pool there is an alder swamp, It is through this alder swamp that the Laughing Lrook ecuters the Smiling Pool, Peter likes this little © alder swamp, because there is always a good hiding place handy, In the spring the big leaves of the skunk cabbage are everywhere. It is a very casy matter to hide under thos: big, broad, green leaves, When Peter reachial the Smiling Pool, he continued out on the bank where he could look wll over the Smiling Pool, He didn't expect to see Mr, and Mrs, Quass, But the thought had occurred to him that there might possibly Le some other visitors in the Smiling Pool, He saw no one, however, Not even Jerry Muskrat. Peeper the Hyla and Stickytoes the Tree Toad, were ing. ing as if they had nothing else in the world to do, He tried his best to sce them, but he couldn't, They were in the water somewhere with just their heads out, Peter hopped along the bank of the Smiling Pool toward, the lower end, He had it in mind that pers laps he would follow the Laughing Brook to the Big River. . Presently he came fo wher: the Laughin, Brook left the Smiling Pool, Right on the edge of the water he discov ered something that gave him quite @ start. Yes, sir, it gave him quite pn starts It was a feather, It was a feather from a Duck, I! was a feather from a Mallard Duck, Peter knew he couldn't be mistaken, He looked it over very carefully, Then he began to look along the shore for more feathers and presently he found several of them, They were floating lightly on the water, Two or three were on the shore, "Now, what do these feathers mean?" said Peter to himself. "I T know anything 'about feathers, these feathers were dropped this ery day. They were not left by the Quacks when they were here, for these feathers are 'soft and fluffy, Can it.be that another flock of Ducks has stopped here on the way North? That must be it. They must have For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simtoe St. 8, -- We Deliver Nachinery Repairin i NOTHING Shainng NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St, W. I'hone 1214 Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner | sme] fx ---- COAL COAL hone 108 W. J. SARGANT Bloor . Vard---su "treet A'romptly Wel) 4 G ioe 2 REP. WATCHES OUN SPECIALTY If your waleh is not giving "satisfaction we oan repair aud make it tell the correct D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Otticlal Watch Inspector tor Canadian Natl ; velt 'Bros. ading Jeweler i. cu "Were there some more ducks here, Jerry 7" inquired Peter eagerly, stopped here and then gone on again, I wish Jerry Muskrat would come along, Jerry must know," As it in answer to Peter's wish, Jerry Muskrat suddenly popped his bond out of the water right in front of Peter, Jerry had been swimming under water and that was why Peter had not seen hin. "Oh, Jerry Musk- rat!" cried Peter, "You are just the fellow I wanted to see," "Well, here I am, You can see me to your heart's content," replied Jerry, "Were there some' more Ducks here, Jerry?" inquired Peter eagerly, "What do you mean by more Ducks?" Jerry demanded, "I mean, has there been another flock of Ducks here since Mr, and Mrs, Quack and their flock left? Was there a flock in here today!" explained Peter. "No," replied Jerry, "I haven't seen any Ducks here but the Quaeks, "Do you see these?" cried Peter, pointing to the feathers, "There's nothing the matter with { TIME TABLES pA a aa x ama C. FP, R, TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 9, 1030, (Standard Time) Gol oot , Daily (Bxcent Sunday), sm, Daily Ns Put (Except Sunday). m, Dally, J Daily {Except Sunday), p any us mm. Daily, poms Daily (Except Sunday), Jn, Daily (Except Sunday), , Dally (Except Sunday). , Daily, -- | ge Breed umamow 2582] Ezaus AN NATIONAL RAILWAYS CANADIAN Jan, _§, 1930 (Standard Ti m. Dally, except Sunday, ™ Sunday only. , Daily, ily, except Sunday, , aneapt day, ily, exci Sunday, ime) se 23 , except Saturday. » gssospes 8 §333333 32 FEET? Dully, Daily, except Sunday, ily, aly, except Sunday, . Dally, except Sunday, Fs 3 3 id » ,m, Sunday only, om, Dally, except Sunday, Daily, except Sunday. Oshawa, Bowmanville INE BUS L --r-- sore aee pm. Whithy, WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and alter Sept, 20, 09 Arrive Hospital Arrive Whithy 7.25 am, I F =2 232 PPTPPIToOESS Sma 33332 om -- D0 523uueNSnizdl -= §s32 z 23 Om maw Bao' Sm elas Sere a 1 -< I : HH HHH 23338 33 233 2379s Toes 23 235 sass FESovaranciSonn PPPTIPOI Essen SRTACTSI35NS =5 z= in i "v 2 3332 am = seme Te P PoP aan ns 2233333533 = =m ° P 2333 RSE82R3 3 al PPoPPporP #333: pe 3353 =5e r= oo 2333 no nm, Whirhv 'Ho SUNDAY Ji2 22%: ust feathers)" "Wher manded Peter, (Copyright, 1930, T. 'W, Burgess) Over Something," ------------------ HAMPTON NEWS night was in charge lie Davis read the Bible devotional period, The topie "Citizenship and ably taken by Wilfred Smale, my eyesight" replied Jerry, "Those ure did they come from?" de- "From pn Duck," replied Jerry, and dived under water and disappeared, The next story: "Peter Stumbles Hampton, April 3, = The Young People's League meeting on Friday of Wilfred Greenaway, third vicespreside: |, Af» ter the usual opening exercises, Lese Lesson, Theodore Salter had charge of the on Patriotism," was Al- bert Rundle read the poem "Hora: tius 3" "Land of our Birth," and sev~ eral other fitting hymns were sung during the meeting which closed with the National Anthem and M ih benediction, Mr. George Armour Is under (he doctor's' care, : Eva Souch, Bowmanville, ited her brother, C, W, Souch. Mr. und Mrs, Geo, Barron, and on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, W, W, Hom and son, Wallace, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, J. B, Horn, Peterborough on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, John Shackleton and family were gwer's of Mr, and Mrs, C, P, Clayton on Thursday, it be« ing the occasion of My, and Mrs, Shackleton's wedding day, ani Mr, Clayton's sevénty-third Li.rthday, The neighboring friends of Mr, and Mra, John Shackleton, assembled at their home on Saturday evening, and presented Mrs, Shackleton, with a silver casserole and Mr, Shackle. ton with an umbrella, as a slight son, Austin, visiied Toronto relatives | token of respect, on the ie of ther deparire for hte new place of re- ydongs at Enniskillen, The neigh- orhwod regret the removal of sich highly respected citizens, 'and wish then every success in thelr ney ene terprise, . Myrtle Bradley is spending . few days at her home at Enniskillen, Tieton Virtue, Markham is spend- ing a few days" with her' mother, Mrs, Gertrude Virtue. Mr, und Mrs, Will Ranton and daughter, Margaret, Trenton, Mr, and Mes, Lome Robbins and daugh- ter, Pauline, visited Mrs, W, k Vir tue on Sunday, Mrs, John Ranton returned to Trenton after a pleasant two week's visit with her daughter, Gertrude Mrs, James Jehson, was confined to the house last week through illness, Vera Shackleton las returned from visiting Oshawa {riends, His many friends extend sympath to C. WW. Souch, in the loss of his & brother, Jabez, whose death occur- red fast week at Langdon, North Da. | V kota, , Mildred Hastings returned to To ronto recently artes spending sever il weeks with her grandparents, and Mrs, Chas, Hastinr , Wilmah Leach spent Sunday with Oshawa friends, PT, Wray visited Whitby relatives on Tuesday, John Clarke had a wood bee on Wednesday, Edith Puscod visited her cousin, Evelyn Tink, Solina, on Sunday, Interment will take place at Hamp. ton Cemetery on Friday afternoon of Stanley Pp ¢ Cartright, Mrs, Page has the sympathy of her Hampton friends; she being un former resident of our village, a daughter of Ley Brunt, now of Enniskillen .t whose home the funeral service will be held, Mr. and Mrs, A, E. Jennings, Osh. awa, Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Cole, Bow: manville, Mrs, John Pye, Enniskillen, Mr |! recently visited ui the home of C, joueh Mr, and Mrs, Hl, Peters and Mr and Mrs, H, Salter, v'sited at the home of Chas, Wood, Orono, reeunt- v Mrs, Thomas Pascoe visited at the home of her son, Arthur, Solin ve: cently, Mrs, Tom Wilcox, Bowmanville, visited at the home of H, W, Wilcox, Mr, Henry Wilcox has. 1oturned from visiting relatives in Detroit, Mrs, Grace Clat orthy, visited her step-daughter, Mrs, McMillan, Peter. horough, on Sunday, The Women's Institute the home of Mrs. Arthur Thursday afternoon, meet ot Allin on A decree forbidding female ems ployees of the Ministry to use rouge or powder har been issued by the He has also prescribed a black office Rumanian Minister of Agriculture, dress, reaching to the shoes, and cov. at ---- fissluls ye Satta) CHILDREN, / NX) ANTIBERTIG 4 vd TR vIn. ering necks and arms to the wrist, Disobedience of the order entalls ime mediate dismissal, ELLA CINDERS--She Who Hesitates BRINGING UP FATHER il ABYSSINIA HAS BEEN 1] ALLED ETHIOPIA SINCE 1923, TOMMY. IT 15 IN 0 THE EASTERN PART OF ETHIOPIAN ARCHITECTURE --y A GETHER, WITH THE EXC ON ABOUT 350,000 SQUARE MILES OF TERRITORY. 1115 QF GREATER AREA THAN FRANCE AND GERMANY, T0- EPTION OF THE SMALL NEGRO "J A GALLA WATER CARRIER A TYPICAL ETHIOPIAN ALPUBLIC OF LIBERIA ON THE WEST COAST, 118 THE ONLY PART OF AFRICA WHICH 1S NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF SOME EUROPEAN COUNTRY, JHE PEOPLE ART MOSTLY OF MIXED EGYPTIAN AD SEMITIC (ARABIAN AND JERISH) ORIGIN WITH A STRONG STRAW OF NEGRO BLOOD, wns Any © 1080, King Posture Byndieate, Tne, Grant Briain rights reserved i | YE9,1 WANT TO KNOW WHY NY 19 PINK NH MY GEOGRAPHY © I'T MOST BE WONDERFUL TO BR CAPTAIN OF A BIG MACHT LIKE THIS? YES BUT AT TIMES Te SEA GETS VERY MO - NOTONOLS- COME OLY ON "THE Co TA / | Wn ed © 1030; Int Feature Servies, Ine. A Buri $" Great Britain rights reserved. <4 0 d Britain \ - i ---------- DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE WELL THE COMPASS 1D OLR GUIDE BUT IF WE WANT TO SRARCH QUT ANY OBIECT: WE OSE THiS. pr Ng BY JINGO EVER THE HEN TROVELE AN RB TURNS THAT LIGHT ON IT A SIGN OF YES, AN' I'M THINFIN' 17S ALL GONNA Br MINE COMFY OPENED THE DOOR. VERY Ne "WHO ARE YOUI'T? HB ASKED AND WHAT DO You WANT"? © I ug eaters Bria, Ine, Gront Brtain rights punrved +9 DOLL. POLICEMAN = [AND THERR STOOD A BIG RAG - MORNING ? GEN VISANCE| THIS amp #eHAcz-x 8 H hw W'S oPRg RING ME. WHIPPLE'S AGAIN + | NOW SAME OLD | WHIPPLE