Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Apr 1930, p. 4

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bi Oshuins Bally Times. « 'THE OSHAWA ALLY REFORMER y (Stabs Sd OY) Nas fos ORONTO OFFICE 0 Pond Boon 66 Temperance Street. Telephone Adelaide 0107. "representative, IN Us, © REPRESENTATIVES { Powers and Stone Inc. New, York and Chicago SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1930 NEGLECTED CEMETERIES # "There is a law oy the statute books of . «Ontario which requires the owners of ceme- I terles.to keep thelr ghounds and fences in proper condition, One would hardly expect that it would be necessary to issue warnings that this law will be enforced unless the owners themselves take action to observe it, . but: the minister of 'health of Ontario has found it necessary to give notice that unless this is done, he will be compelled to act, It is a strong reflection on the spirit of © the 'people of the present generation that, any spirit of coercion should be needed to a attention to the old cemeteries * throughout the province, These should be honored places, kept sweet and pleasant | "+ hallowed memory of those ploneers who lle . 'there, resting from the labors by which they transformed the forests of pioneer days into ' the smiling fields and productive orchards of today, It is a 'disgrace to the present age that these old cemeteries should be neglected, . They. should be regarded as shrines to be tended with loving care, and preserved as Jbeauty spots, as lasting memorials not enly "to do honor to the pioneers, but to remind ations to come of the debt they who went before. A neglected ly tnd sb | urely ily te comity ved as og oF Yuine i NAVAL ToNTRIBUTION i Canada. cannot exefly. | sity: funk ire in compapaon wih gio yivud of i ine . four, boars he lion's Bh uf thy "but Auniruly aid Now. dha re a A con on : rr, it seems an if in falling to realise "that Lo has fy ty at all, his is particularly true when one nan ers the large amount of ocean-borne trade on which Canada depends for prosperity, The proportion of naval expenditure to the total export and import trade of Canada is placed at 0.13 per cent. In the case of the Mother Country it is 2.71 per cent, Austra~ lia, 0.81 per cent and New Zealand, 0.09 per cent. . The per capita expenditure of Canada on naval affairs is 37 cents per annum, while Britain spends $5.97 capita, Australia, $1.85 and New $2.47 per capita, . These show Canada up in a rather 4 unfavorable t, This country, of course, ; jug Stn yuma keen political battles on the a og Canadian Navy, or a contribu. Canada to the Imphria navy, but ever resulted from these discussions stands low go far as pe] , Dy Tresidder, . heartless pr souls : "tioned the methods | tatives in India, and feared that tay might proud of ta | with ot. an, Of | in this |. press the ment, 1 uh x 5 | pet (BE : ha AT br to vol} tC "The. last Sr ied aia in hin 'ot prejudice of the Anglophobe, an affront to thousands of people of birth and ancestry in America, 08 i fo the people of a a ots Tiendly nation, facts ares ' hu did not Send Britain five billions out Ee herosity, We asked and got security an interes. It was a business deal, id not enter the war because Britalt lad hy but because the U, §, Government decided it was necessary for our own sake, That wap our stated reason at the time and we can scarcely renounce it now, "Britain was bled white of 'men and re- sources by the war, our own next door |} neighbor, Canada losing more in manpower than we, a nation several times more popu- lous and more wealthy, "Britain had, before we stepped into the breach, loaned more than four billien, to her allies, most of it out of our loans to her, She was In fact in the position of the friend who endorses a note for one whose security is none too good, Britain, incidentally, is /Juaving Ker bills although unable to collect turn from some of her debtors, "Britain's reception of Woodrow Wilson was no less a gesture of friendship and re. apect for a great power than George V. would receive were he to visit this country, One does not let the it of one of the greatest nationg in the world, with whom one has the common bond of race and sen: timent, put up in lodging houses, "In short, the entire Brisbane comment' is, we fear, founded on a prejudice of long standing, and not in anyway softened by the fact that, during the war, publications of Myr, Brisbane's chief, and long time asso- clate, were banned in British countries as being subservise tothe interests of the Em pis that was fighting with its back to the wall" THE ECLIPSE OF GANDHI The adventure of Mahatma Gandhi, in his effort to arouse the natives of India, has al. most entirely dropped out of the columns of the newspapers. It has, in effect, petered 'gut, The threat to British rule In India which 'it implied has disappeared, and Gandhi's greatest gesture has. become the means of his utter failure, "There were those, a few weeks ago, who were in fear and trembling as to the out. gome of the Indien situation, They ques. of the British represen. i 'lead to open strife. But events have proven that the men on the spot knew thelr India _ 'much better than did their armchair critics thousands of miles away, and the official British policy has been fully justified by the absolute fallure of Gandhi to make an ime slon on the native population to exfont, A MODERN MARTYR Patrick Sullivan, lately publisher of a scandal sheet in Toronto, was recently sens tenced to serve 16 months in jail for pub. lishing obscene matter, The sentence could, be 'deplored on the ground of inadequacy,' a matter of fact, no human court could Doatsh this man as he deserved, His victim, can never be compensated on this earth for the mental anguish Jil depraved publicist must have caused m But if ever a 'martyrs crown has been' earned, then his innocent victim deserves it, For from the scandal-dripping tongue, even when it ita venomed art in covered , ml of Christian Churches have little faith They can't fight back: they must forgive offences even before they are committed and go to thelr deaths or, what is worse, to life-long pillory, voleing their Master's "For give them, they know not what they do." "But while the clergy must give an example others of the laity cdn ex. ope that the Sullivan's punish- ment will at least serve as a warning to afters equally adept but, perhaps, not quite #0 EDITORIAL NOTES oot CN, Bolg lng ahead with Ja. $28,» ) sion an piv: CIE EE No one can do much goof good to a community "by holds, it up to the world in the blackest + possible colors, No matter how v dark th do always a good plan to look may be, the sil i} Tm ------ worry about mounting, br they do not live in re, ROR 8 will Putting under | CRAIG |v ~ But what if : | Bits of Verse ' MD, iN IN THE DACK 4 gh the na yo Ly iy op ov of k, you hi . wan wise Wf prot hy wuch strong support re AH ours, The Jost pi ai loss heavy up heh and | fo at the ho A where ony the head mipported how your needs are "IF then Fo h goat support 4 wh i allow he wel and ples it on 8 or 8 block, you got it on the blogk, it iB res quire little thont to Hold it thers Teonuge the block would supportyit, It however i Br it pastly on on the block you would have to oon tinue toghold ft or ting, This would n eontinuous effort on your part, Now it is very much the same thing that causes' your pain in the back, If you stand @rect the boner in the spinal eolumn end the liga ments that hold them tomether sup. port the weight of the y without the help from the muscles, The muscles uré for moving the The front musgjes to draw you tor. ward==the haok muscles to draw you backward-=the front and back mus oles thus keeping you nicely hamnoed without much effort on thelr part as your welght is on, or should be on, the hones, If you are careless or Sond the carriage of your i Hy low yourself to sag anywhere, . put & strain on the group of muscles with thelr. accompanying - nerves, and so get a pain in that region, Holding your chin up instead of drawn In, gives pain in the back o the neck; letting your shoulder droop gives pain in the upper back; Jetting abdomen sag forward gives pain in the small of the back and In the hips, I talk about the erect carriage very often because it means room for heart and lungs to do thelr work properly, your abdominal organs are held up In their proper position, dis goation is helped, constipation avoid od, and you have freedom from pains, You can thus see how the erect carriage benefits that whole body of yours, Megistered in accordance with the Copyright Ast) iA it ' muscles and the i If you had to aon a we ight them | Bits of Humor "Mamma, I've « [ sweetheart, exclaimed Carl, a lad of seven, ong evening on his retum from school, "And she is pretty, tee" After several moments of thoughts ful considerhtion of the subject, he asked: "Mother, when we grow up, do the boys marry the girs because they are prsity, or just begause they like you when papa mare are good vied you?" And mother is wondering. Uncle and nite Mood witching the youn Jeane.» nelng about them. het you never saw any dancing like his back in the nineties, eh, Unkle?" "Once == but the place waswalded" Madge = "I hops everyone will th DORoe Ie, hen you'd batter lower your shirt about six inches" After the Irishman had hung his coat on a fence and gone hd pos wo, Enlithmen Pion » ad on the 'eon tiem athed: "ih pdf yes wiped yer face on me goat! think awful," said" MY ie" 8 'Tver' # men ne awered his French bride, "Tap tomorrow wig #9 liveryman" ---- "Say, Madelon, this fiver's some: | A IN COLD TWILIGHT fhe will i fan i but walks in the light Whe e fred "are till ae Neh, lke the silver apea ora silk naan thay waite Hy nal faht What be Bh a8 the "moral trom pet that ahe hears? This morning we plucked roses) nich, tn yours? fhe grey chose) J) to hdr |ee The' Rt pli thd rose ours 1 wer Hod. dead ' Won the He Golden, reaaty 1 hear ov veloe, as thin as whise Ma wn Barkin hE rw . Eye Care and / Strain|% by C. RB, TUCK, Opt.D, (Copyright Wn) "he Myos of Children PART 111 In the first pleaded when a sure oy Is made it 18 generally super. neja) they fool 1° wonder in ft worth while! and in this supers ficial manney it 1s discovered that # matter of from 15 to 26 per cent, of the ohildren are troubled In some way, but this eliminates the majority of the Hyperople cases whose vision 1s goo yy the expense 0) ot goat strain, They & are Basted by ¢| beohuse In a superficial tewt they read by very satisfactory manner the | #nd so They go until thelr own ine the | convenience discomfort forces! to tha hands of those whom they should have seen lon More surveys of this nature are to he found in the United hates Fthat Canafla because the United States has many morg Iargé Indus. trial concerns and it developes that Bn the interest of the eMelency of Rose employed fires are compli ed and an effort forth to re~ move the cause, w these condi~ tions there are in many cases trae. to the publi school it follows that those figures will apply here as well as there because the eyes of our ohildren ave taxed ab' school Just as much as theirs and the eyes of ow own Industrial workers are taxed in a like manner when used tov similar work, Xvery effort is bee ing put forth to awaken everyons to a realisation of just what this means, Lenten 0 Prepared b a Rev 7 Jl i le h wm aim odors the Qunches of Qisl Tople for the Week "OOMING TO TERMS WITH DIF. FIOULTIEN" "Facing Difenity" SCRIPTURY "Be of Memory Verse! good 'L'oourage and the Lard will sioner Tq on thine heart (Pari 87114), Read! P MEDITATION. One must hve the mental and morn] courage to face facts hones estly and without fllnehing, One must see his antagoirist squarely if hool, | he is to take his full measure, Fear 40 know facts often makes the facts seem more terrible than they are, Fear In un fom, that makes speoters out of lamp posta, It Ie sometimes desirable that ome should admit unpleasant facts to others, Contession gives outlet to strong emotion that otherwise turns in and may often accumulate dangerous! Better tell a friend oun trouble than to break, in trys ng to cover it up and to carry it by yourself, True pride that will not burden another should not de- generate intol false pride that will not admit dieulty, Courage to face facts alone and with others is the surest way to discover ade Quate resources with which to meet am, PRAYER 0 God, we desire above all else to be honest with Thee, with our solves and with others, Clive us sense and courage to leok life in 81 the face and to stand before faults without evasion, Deliver ua from false pride and selfspity and give us the calm of those who put thelr trust in 'Thee, the living Ged. men, H. GALT BRAXTON, PUBLISNER OF THE KINGSTON, NC. FREE PRESS, SAYS: A THAT it is indeed remarkable héw fitte Soneptioh he tier Ng ol \ of! Vertis SE yi by ue Uk wh of a i Sautiy Julhes, lh tution -- os the ne' hl wells: b Suplala mot Jud int slack ness, hs ag come into vg when sonsldse i oount . 0 ih Unng LY we is the rotor of hos band be 1H EAE h they Me Sh Ae charge It to hen the Aa oy nae RHR At {8 ut the file time, there " t ore \ RL HE reed flo ds BX a, Vie before, mj | fis the, hor mir 8 10 tho Ty fi re Si rk NY 9 at a lig " in i © SHOW BIG INCREASE fiweden. ~The vee ying WT A aks fot LEE ne th Lite #Htookhoim, sult of the nations! survey snd estimate of Wweden's forests has now besn ssnounced in & report to the Government from the Na- tional Forest Wurvey Commission, 'The veport shows that Bweden's woslth of "1 on pold" Is 1400 1lon ouble metres, or 40 per cent, above pugvious estimates, rom the Bwedibh forests is de rived about one halt of Bweden's total export in the form of timber, cellulose, paper anu other wood produots, Tr esull 0 the reer survey has, therefore, been Yer ooived with & at fnterest.and sate fsfaction, The surveyors report, that 66.6 per. gent, or §5.9 million heotares of the entire area of the country consists of woodland, or a surface corresponding to about (wice the sive of Greece, or nearly the entire area of Great Britain and North orn Ireland combined, The annus) inorease by growth of the total timber supply of Bweden Is about §7 wiley oublg metres, 'which figure consideraily exceeds pres vious estimate by about 06 per cent, In the course of the mupvey work the quality and age of the trees have also been carefully in vestigated, snd valuable Indios tions a8 to improved care of the forests have been given, The for ost survey work has drawn a total cost of $960,000 corresponding to only 85 cents per hectare, The method used has ensured the best possible accuracy, The forest tracks Oin Pills have » si Notional Drug & & have been divided into ~ parallel strips, each ten metres wide, and with intervals varying between A and 50 kilomelres. sue (wll wa. of those styvips maw surveyed 1s 82,000 kilometres, or five times the distance between Stockholm and Cape Town in Mouth Afries, Ct... MANY FEATURES FOR HANDICRAFT SHOW ||| Irm------ Htookholm, Mweden- Biriking amusements, new and unique st tragtions and muoh merrymaking will form part of the pleasure pro- gram of the Stockholm Wxbibitien |} of Arts, Crafts and Home Indus- tries to be held May-September this year, The principal objecs of the Uxhibition is to illustrate. the |} atest and best results of the et- forts of Hweden's artists and Ine | and perteot |} dustries to beautify the modern home, The Exhibition authorities will provide a multitude or high class entertainments, such as open alr pageants, and plays, concerts, fires |} works, sporting festivals, aquatio [J displays, oto, In addition there will |} be a special large amusement park, In the central court, large ennugh |} |! Don't Fall to Come In to hold 80 to 40,000 people, will be placed big dancing stages, one of which accommodates 1,000 dancers, HEYS DESERVE ¢, * + +10 koop healthy cleanse them at seqilar intervie Ea to Tors Cele i Company of Canada, Limited GIN PILLS Hn OR TH wipNEYS Sloe hn Ea Tis Sunday school teacher asked the children to wits dov.. the names of thelr favorite h in? iy little girl wrote down * LAST DAY | FREE L emonstration KARN'S | Drug. tore Next I. 0, Phone 878 HY: Pontiac Big Six wis new thousands of enthusiastic owners accurately the phrase "a finer cor with & famous name" describes the Pontiac Big Six is proved by the manner in which Pontiac has been ' received throughout the Dominion. Motorists cvery- where bave been quick-to 'realize' chat the famed i 88 Simeoe St. North inerinsic big car value of Pontiac has, in truth, reached remarkable new heights, Today there are new thoy. sands of enthusiastic owners! These new owners have chosen the Pontiac Big Six because it is an even finer car, They realize that the wecring machaniara gives Pontiac greater ease of cou. Nr ¢ + that {ts big improved, weather: proof brakes more dependable , . chat its ml A ei BIG SIX or OF CANADA Bas LINITAD AAS] " Moffatt Motor Sales Ltd. aA 2 y. NiGHol, counmcn, Jlanaols, Pay ~ IT's kr an LN | Cause IT'S CANADIAN

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