Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Apr 1930, p. 1

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$ Ad Succeeding The' Oshawa Daily Reformer' | y Times '18 Cents/n Weeks 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PAGES Don Sul Waiting , + Daytona Beach, Fla,--Rough conditions of the beach where Kaye Don; British 'vacing driver, hopes to pilot his fiveton Silyer Bullet automobile to a. new world's speed record, 'continued to cause uncer» tainty today as regards time ot tue, record-breaking attempt, LI BB Trawler in Distress Halifax~The Spanish Trawlers vVandeval and Galerna were today standing by the unidentified Span- ish trawler which last' night sent out an 8.08, nating she was in distress © approximate 50 miles south-southwest ot sal le Island, i mg Fire : Chicago~Fire swept three build. i A north piv of the loop pu today, causing damage estimate od at between and 1000, Service on the elevated lines was dis. rupted for a time and street trgfiic was held up Jor hours. s Sues Talkie Magnate Los Angeles, Calif ~Mme, Ernest ing Schum .a-Heink, noted singer, has fyled suft in superior court for $75,000 damages from Edwin larewe, film director and producer, for alleg- ed failure to complete a contract which was to have starred her in four singing JHietures, . Schooner Missing Two Weeks San Pedro, Calif ~With the schoo- ner Alice, under command of Cap- tain Tim Moon, unreported for two weeks, a search among fishing craft for some one who may have knows ledge of 'her fate was begun, The ves sel, carrying a crew of eight, trans. ported a cargo of machinery to Tur. tle Bay, Mexico, 305 miles south of here and began her return trip two weeks ago, ¥ w \ Proceed Against Rebels Nanking, 'China==The Nationalist government today issued a mandate ordering an expedition to be underta- ken against Yen Hsi-Shan, governor of Shansi province, who ds actively opposing the government of Chiang Kai-Shek, LJ ¥ Prince Seeks Elephants Khartum, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, = The Prince of Wales, who arrived in Mongala yesterday by air, rejoined the steamer Omdurman and today was en route to Bor, These are large herds of Hephatny in the surrounding country and it was expected the Prince would 'leave the steamer en route to fo fnto the bush in search of some § ting. 'la Canada Invited to Radio Parley Washington, = Canadian Govern- ment officials have been invited by the Federal Radio Commission to, at- tend a conference in New York City on April 10° to take up the aerongus tical radio, situation and: arrange co- operation of? radio facilities for aero- planes, ¥ hd Public School Fronch Proposed Ottawa, == Leave \ to inaugurate teaching of the French language in Ottawa's public schools is to "be sought, Decision to request Premier (i. Howard Ferguson, as Ontario Minister of "Education, to grant such authority was reached by t he School Board here, | NE, » v ' Cap Big Gusher, Oklahoma City~Oklahoma's lar- gest gusher, which for more than a week defied all efforts of oil' men to ; regulate its flow, was brought under control tonight, ) Fraud Scheme Alleged Toronto,~~With the arrest of Edgar R. Munning, Kennedy Ave. . hue, police believe they have un- covered a fraudulent scheme where. by Munning in alleged to. have ob- tained sums of money from people 'in return for an interest in his business, the Beckett Manufacturs | ing Company. ¥ a in Western Canada, Col. Jarvis, Dies| (By Canadian Press Lowsed Wire) M 1 t.«Colonel ; re RR CB. E, i ¢ in the hist a pr H tH of Western a the general; Ag tL {] J cd the Nori in Tes cluding the generating Valkerton, 11t was stated oleh elarlf 1 at os to 5 Si {ing to the or evil, for sudoe of weak wi Fy land in 3 tion but. will £3 . OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 35,1930 i CO ENTION Hydro Commission Acquires Foshay Interes PLANTS AT WALKERVILLE AND OTHER TOWNS BOUGHT AT FIGURE OF $520,000 Walkerton Power Company, Sauble Company at Wiar- ton, and -Saugeen Com. pany at Southampton, Taken Over ' INCLUDES THREE GENERATING PLANTS Negotiations for Purchase of These Companies Have Been Under Way for Nearly Year and a Half (By Canadisn. Press Leased Wire) Toronto, April 5--0fficial notif» eation of the conclusion of negotia~ tions by the Ontario Hydro Com« mission for the purchase of the Foshay power Interests in the proves ince was made today by C, A, Ma. grath, chairman of the commision, In a statement made publie to- day, Mr, Magrath said negotiations between the receiver, Joseph Chay man, and the commission have been proceeding for the past few woeks, An agreement practically has been reached by which the commission will pay about 8820,000 for all the assets and properties of the public utilities corporation in Ontario tue plants at Southampton, and on the Sauble River and the distribut. ing systems in. Walkerville, South: ampton, Port Elgin, Cargill, Mild- way and Wiarton together with such extensions that have been made into rural districts, since the acquisition of the properties by the Foshay interests, ) ing Over a Year | To ; Ont., April fe---Negotioe tions which have been current for almost & your and a halt werd con- eluded last night by officials of the ydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario, and the receiver of the W. B. ¥oshay Compay, of Miane apolis, The price includes all the three properties, transmission lines, loon) distribution systems, frachises and contragts, The three companies to be taken over ar the Walkerton El gctric Light and Power Company, the Sauble Electric Light and Pow. or Company, at Wiarton, and the Saugeon Electric Light apd Power, at Southampton: en = WHEAT STARTS NEW CLIMB UPWARDS Winnipeg, April 6----DBack again in its upward battle, wheat started a new climb today after yesterday's reverse on he Winnipeg Crain Kx- change. Firmuess at Liverpool ana warm weather forecasts from, the United States dry weather belt oc» casloned early rises of as much as a cent and one-half, Trading start ed moderate, Week May See. End of Parley France and Britain Still Try to Find Solution to Security Claim London, April ~The naval con: Se is 9 ppt w Sitio welt, 'BY t eo coming week, on sated in DIAN SoMicie) "The situation must it stant » oe + must « We ooms etiod for aged or failure, The ere we stand oh ki hy ence, i 'Colonel Ralston is remaini sii Hg to take Mie seat 1 ment after the Kastor recess, 'expected, . Ww Urge Reduction Wheat Acreage (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Jellico, Bask, April b~--~Reduc- tion in Baskatcheman's wheat acre. age should be advised by the United Farmers of Canada, Sas katchewan section, aceording to a resolution forwarded the central board by the executive of Jellicoe local, The resolution, passed un- animously, suggested that the UFC, make an appeal to wheat growers of the province for small. er acreage, LEADERS AT KINSMEN'S CONVENTION Gy J, GRIFFITHS National Treasurer of the Kins men's Clubs of Canada, ERNENT RITCHI¥ | National Historian of the Canadian | Kinsmon's Clubs, KE, KE. SPARROW President of the Kinsmen's Club of the City of Toronto, | London Women i thelr i' refused Lo eatin smart restauanris OPENED ts PROGRAM OE EXPANSION IS | DISCUSSED AT BUSINESS SESSION THIS FORENOON Demand Rights (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, April B==London wo men took sn vigorous stand for "restaurants vights" lost (night with a protest against being or hot dog slands without male | egoorty, The women, old and young, pretty and plain, smartly dressed pad awry, guided by Bt, Joan's Politien! and Moclal Alliance, at- tended a muss megting at Kensing- ton town hall and made a formal protest. to the governmnet against what they termed unfalr treatment of women who try to eat In res taurants alone or with other women, Crack Train on Six-Hour Run New Service Makes Interna- tional Limited Fastest Train in World -- (Special to The Times) Montreal, April Sie-Montreal to Toronto in six hours und Montreal to Chicago in eighteen, hours and fifteen ninutes ary among the strike ing features of an important train revision: program which the Canadi- ai National system is placing in els fect this month, The loternational Ltd, covering the JM miles between Montreal and Tordnto in three huue dred and sixty 'wines and the Inter. Clty: Limited runing rrom Toronto Momvreal in the same time will be the fastest traing in the world tra. versing a likg distance "The new Schedules which go into effcct 'Synday, April 27, will be "the best yet provided for the public be tween Montreal, Toramte, Chicago and Detroit (and they have been ade possible by the provisions duve ing the past few years, of powerful locomotives, new steel passenger cars, and a roadbed of the highest stundaid," said 'RR. L. Burnap, vice: president in charge of trafic in an- npuncing the changes, The International = Limited, will leave Montreal at 3 pam, arriving at Toronto 9 pm. Eastbound it will leave Toronto at four o'clock arriving at Montreal at 10 pm. The new sce dules provide two fast twins a day in each direction between Montreal, Ta. ronto and Chicago in addition 10 the International Ltd, ---------------------- CUSTOMS OFFIGER OF NEWHARKET ~ UNDER" ARREST C. G. Bond Charged = After Shortage of $3,600 Is - p---- _ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | Toronto, oy b~-An alleged shortage An the Customs Departs yesterday when C, G, at Port Hop Royal Cay Mounted Police, _ He was brought to. Toronto, te unty Magistrate |' [BS it |'Willian Keith, and remanded to | ged before ment of the Dominion Government } Subcollector of Cus | ret, was arrestvd | by ofeera of the | King Under Censure For . His Statements in House | "Prime Minister Was Not in Normal Temper or Nor. mal State of Mind" De- clares Progressive Member (By Canadisn Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, April 6-~Again Promier Mackenzie King suffered censure in the House of Commons yester- day for his startling declaration that not a five-cont plese would go from his Government to any Pro vinginl Conservative administration in relief of apemployment, Following the lead of Hon, Hugh Guthrie, three Conservatives, Co, Reg, Geary, of Toronto, A, B, Thompson, of Simcoe Hast, and Dr. Re, KB. Ryerson, of Brantford, danounced the Premier's * states ment, But with twe exceptions, Progressives and Liberals . spoke without any reference whatsoever to the statement that 'eet Tarlia- ment Hill by its ears, Col Geary thought that the Pre- mier had nulified any suggestion of a canterence between the Provinces and the Dominion, Of the Progressives M. M, Camp bell; of Mackensle, Sask, while wondering if the Premier would repeat the statement in his own constituency in Saskatchewan, \ (Continued on Page 3) DIERS-TRY T0 AID MISSIONARIES Chinese Regular Forges En. deavor to Rescue Bandit Victims (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washingten, April §, = Frank P, Lockhart, United States Comui+Gens eral @t Hankgw, informed the State Department that General Ho Chein, womihander af Chinese fegalar forces, had undertaken to: rescue Miss. Ning E, Gemmell, United States missions ary, and the Rev, 'Mr, upd Mrs, K, W, 'Portes, . British. missionaries, whe were captured last week by inese bandits in: Yannchow, Kiang. Provinee, and whe have been tak. oi into the Taal Mountsin gist ici, An unmanied friend of 'Nir, Portens & gone Jhith Thgm to be of any as Gandhi Starts His Campaign Sunday Morning Thirty Striking Indian Natives Wounded by Police Bombay, India, YApril Maatma Candhi, Indian nationalist leader, ay rived today at Dandi, where lomors row at 6,00 a.m, he intends to break the: British salt laws and begin the campaign of civil disobedience which he hopes ultinuately will bring his country's independence: With him were those devotees, their ranks depleted by smallpox, who on aMrch 12 eft Ahmadabad ror the 108 miles march to the Jululpur dis trigt, where enforecement of the salt monopoly was said (0 be stidgtest, Enroute the party stopped at villages where the Mahatma preached his doe tring of passive. resistance, | Government Action Uncertain It was not known here toduy wht action the government would take in opposition to his move, which the Nationalists have planned as the first action. in a long campaign. of non» cogperation with the British govern. mental agencies, Non-payment of taxes, and resignation of native of ficlals are planned to follow in time, It was believed to be the governs mont's desire to do nothing which would 'give Gandhi the status of martyr, hence the disregard thus far of his continnal provications tu ar rest, No militaty movenients or oth er arrangements td meet the laws breakers with force lave been dis. closed, Thirty Injured ) Bombap, India, April §~ Police and striking railwaymen clashed here yes terday during which thirty persons were injured and reports. this morn. ing indicated that the incident wax hastened threatened civil disobedience on the railway lines Beycatt Foreign Cloth Bombay; India, April §=The Native Piege Goods Association today re. solved an immediate complete hoyeott of all foreign clath for three months, KUROPE MOURNS SWEDISH QUEEN 'Rome, April So=Fhneral services in Rome for Queen Vigtorig of Swe. den, who died here list 'niliht after a heart attaek, will be held 'Wed« nesday morning, Baldwin A gain Urges Within Empire Free Trade New Tariff in Australia Hail ed by Opponents as Im- passable Barrier to the Scheme (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, April 5~Right Hon, Stan ley Baldwin, "Conservative Leader, yesterday afternoon carefully ex plained his plan for a referendum on food taxe It was not his intention 10' submit the question of taxes on food at a general ¢lection, he declared would be an Jmperial Conference, ut that conference treaties or ar rangements were made *weherehy, in exchange for substantial benefits to our manufacturing industries, the Dominions require somé. correspond. ing benefit for themselves in the way of foodstyMa--~which they can so amply provides-and if to further that it will be necessary to put taxes on foreign foodstuffs in this country, then we are resolved, if that be the outcome of the conferences--alter the next Government comes into offices we will submit that treaty to the people of this cquntry," be declared "Thus they may see exactly what. is in it, and they may vete hy a. poll of the people upon it, and way aye or ay." Mr, Baldwin quoted from his Mans (Continued on Yage 3H) SEEDING DELAYED BY DUST STORM Rancher Killed When Blown From Roof of Barn (Ry Conndian Press Lossed Wire) Regina, 'April So=A terrific dust storm, of nears-evelonie | proportions, swept across Southwestern Saskatchs ewan yesterduy, William Sharpe, aged 50, well-known "Maple Crock rancher, was: fatally ure when he was blown from the roof of a Lar he was repairing: Reports from: other: distiiets indls cate that the land is crusted with dust, Seeding has started in many diss tricts along Yhe Alberta border, but today's storm put a considerible ims pediment in the way of land operas tions, ! ance. possible. 5 . nto. Jil until Friday next.( man, 'His returns checked with made to wel those In 0 x $n Al 1) 2 A 4 : involved, tion ined F The ofice. spected only & year ago, an everthing was reported to be al right at t! \ tie: AM \he sh ] that irregularitiop have b ing ope for several in ot ereditod Ans cording to infor "not TigHL, in "inspected eclal tnapections a vag the year, \ ware sent to | Jutimatice had fi at Newmarket was in: | bd § OFFERED AS (FIRST PRI wine Johnaton's Clothing The firet prize is the CCM, ars the pie+ | these prises WAITING: FOR TIMES' CARRIER BOYS o fille Firet National Ls Ey ¥ RIZE Ay working hard securing new subsovlb, to the paper in an offort te win Crude by Compball There | Ppives, 33; Ralph \Benliam, Ruch i Ralph 'Benham | Darao, fF] The members: of the confessed mast of the robb | 10hio Savings Bank and Trust Conve fpany in Toledo, which was robbed fof $2,022, March do, | {believed Ro have confined its active | [ites to Boston Shaken By New Probe Head of Prohibition Squad Faces Charges of Bribery (By Canadian Prose Lossed Wire) { Boston, Mass, April Se=Boston's police department today stood shake en 10 the depths with the latest des velopments in the attomey general's investigation of Oliver B, Garrett, pensioned Hauer raider! Garrett and two other officers face ed charges by the former proprictor of the Rite hotel, now padlecked, of having received regular monthly payments from him as protection for liquor sales, (Garrett, former leader of the headquarters liquor and viet squad, was accused of having been paid first $50 and later. $100 month. Iv, Rumors that police commissioner Herbert A, Wilson would resign pers sisted, despite Wis deninl last night that he would give up the office, ET -------------------- ENGLAND DEFEATS SCOTLAND IN SOCCER (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, April S~England today defeated Scotland § to 3 in the ins ternational goecer mateh held at Wembley stadium, ARRESTS SOLVE 3 SERIES OF CRIMES DETROIT DISTRICT Gang Held for Three Bank Robberies and Many Holdups i TE------ (My Canadian, Press heaved Wire) Detroit, Mich, Apr, S==Three bank rabberies, the holdup of a postal subs station and a dosen business places and the robbery" of a hospital pays roll were believed to have been solve ed today bythe arrests of a gang of five men and two women, eng of the latter. a former 'nurse, Those under arrest are Ruth Jones, byear-old fornier student nurse at ropilence Hospital Edith Ga, nar vie; Samuel Thomas and Harry gang have eries. pos lice said, All are charged with rob. bery' while armed, One of the robs beelos way that of 'a branch of the With this exception 'the gang ia The nroup is age cused of the holdup of the branch of ank at Woodrow Wilson and Glendale avenues Thurs. day in which §3200 wan taken, the hery of the branch of the Bank of Michigan at in auf ves Aan avenues, ht Pr ence Hoss ital, Feb, 18 A confession alse hav} eon obtained. of the holdup of a drug store and. postal substation at detroit, Reports Show Remarkable Growth Since the First Club Was Organized in Hamilton in 1920 TWENTY-EIGHT CLUBS NOW IN EXISTENCE Bruce Beasley, District Dep. uty-Governor, Presents Plan for Comprehensive Program of Expansion -- Expansion was the keynote of the opening business session of the annual convention of the Eastern Distriet of the Association of Kings men's Clubs, held in the Hotel Gene osha this forenoon, Reporting on the remarkable progress made by this Canadien service club move ment since its inception ten yearn Ago, Bruce Beasley, of Hamilton, the distriet deputy-governor, pra= sented a comprehensive plan where. by, by using the present clubs of the district, as a uclous the ore ganization might be spread to evs ory community in Ontario and in points to the east, In his states ment, lie placed thelr resposibility for expansion work eon the shouls ders of the olubs now organised but assured them that they would have the full support and C0"0pery tion of .the distriat executive in this work, The session wan a highly interesting one, with deles fates from eight of the clubs in the dintricl represented by delegates, Business Session I'ne business sessions of (Ne eons {vention opened this forenoon, with Dr. Dwight Coens, of Hamilton; Diss trict Governor 'of * District Ne, 1, occupying the chale; and with prace tically every club inthe district reps resented. Dr, Coons expresesd warm thanks to the Oshawa Club for ita splendid, hospitality, and for the ex cellent arrangements made for the gonvention, In his opening address, he "complimented the clubs 'in the district on their splendid spirit of fellowship and coropération, and en the way in which they were carrying out the ideals of the Kinsmen moves ment, He felt sure it would grow to be a prominent factor in promets ing the welfare of Canada, The convention, he sald, was intended to be a clearing house of ideas for the: benefit of all clubs and their works, One of the surest foundations which a elub could Tay was along the line of that adopted in Hamilton by fostering the interest of youths, by having junior clubs formed from which members could graduate to the Kinsmen's elubs on reaching the res quired age of twenty-one years, Ho urged that clubs should provide ins formation so that it would be poss able for visiting Kinsmen to attend their meetings, which would help to stimulate interest in the movement, I'he' district governor alse stressed the necessity of keeping a clove wateh oi membership, so ay to continue the growth and: expansion of Kinsmen; throughout the Eastern district, Te (Continued on Page #1) 4 Terror of Fire Man's Gates Oklohoma City, Apr, side man's hb OR ances, which for seven ' tha recalcitrant gusher, the dik No, 1, under control, the carly today again resumed its | rampage, flaunting a uanbli of petioles evel the south A Lana City fie The big wellssimashed out of ; trol after a \necially fucted mas tor gate, know as an 'Overshot" bes fun to ak idelied \ {den "hese Ioaks widetied rapid " chor bolts croaked and a ols structure began to give way, that the "overshot" would loose and sent. smashing up th the 132 foot steel derrick men who had ioned 19 the tell throw ng en the valves and the calumn y t and was again spurted high over the crownblock, with a volume of to Ae barrels per hour, a The grim terror of the oll fields firemhovered even closer about the Wild well today for, the wurkers pains ted «.t if the big cap 'should be blown off by the force of the gas ant sent smashing into the top of steel derrick, sparks from the i } might fire the Musing oit and g w Hamilton, == Horace © Tos Road and Potash March 2, when $250 ie he Darton street, barber, {30 Tir i FLL UT NR A Slot Machines Paeibis. + Ya

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