Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Apr 1930, p. 9

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) THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, 'SATURDAY, APRIL'S, 1930 4 - - THE MYSTERIOUS NOTE 'Grace was spreading sandwiches, waiting for the coffee to cook a moment longer when Murphy, who had d into the receiv Ry coms partment, opened the litile door. yy think you're wrong he Loretta and Johnson didn't h jd Jean to serve time for them," was saying. "I think they wanted to get her sentenced and then go Sep sentence A Grace lopked up. ! Murphy stood with which oh written Jeank of them stood silent { and their eyes 'met Each was asting. thing, It was decisi siof, "Open it!" she said, "It is the thing to do, She simply can't worried any more now!" u race who made "Don't be silly; it probably done; if it is=" and Grace in at the env aflain, fain ensive, S . knife, 8! On the ha e° sheet of wr : er, gerawled in bold. letters Hie follow ng: i "Jean Brandes: You have csc e slit it quickly wi pound interest," : There was no signature, just short curt message, The two were minute. Phen Ill be damned!" As for Grace, she sputtered argued in her excitement, just you fnelit" she cried. "Did you ever! when everything was so pleasant a joke!" the 'envelope on name. Both ment uestioningly. the other the same the onl be Murphy still hesitated, but Grace took the envelope from his hand, isn't important at all, If it isn't, no harm iffed e, a handsome, heavy perfumed, definitely ex- th a Murphy loeked over her er and both of them gasped. | iting was aped this time, Next you will not, - When you finally pay it will be with com. that speechless for a long Murphy vald, "Well, and T can't believe I'm really seeing Just and peaceful and everything! ~ Maybe it's a CALMONT OILS, LIMITED - a few days Calmont No. 2 should be through the cement and into crew tion the limestone. The special are proceeding with all cau. and hope to be grinding through the lime shortly. At cemented at 3700 feet. been When /No, 4 casing hds No. | or 2 is completed the crew will be transferred to No. 4. Spud- ded in March 8th, No. 11 is drill- ing at 460 feet. Hard formation is « being encountered at No. 7, which is at a depth of 3889 feet. We advise the purchase of 'Calmont Oils outright Quaker Finance Corporation Lid inderella of the Skies womens A Thrilling Romance of Adventure in the Clouds a sf Murphy 'shook: liis head. ud "Do you know anybody wlic'd joke on. writing haber that costs a dollar a throw? That writin paper 'hand- nade Jtalian stuff from Tiffany's, sect Wg don't know anybody who'd think 'a joke was that gaod!" They talked for another hour and in the end came to nd" conclusion, Murphy carefully folded the note and: put it in his wallet and made Grace promise not to worry about this lat« est development, "You need a good time for a while, just as well as Jean, [I really vw it's some crank's work; no immediate danger, We'll say nothing to J€n, of course," Murphy added as he said goodsby. - "Until tomorrow, Grace!" Then Murphy, himself, did a sur~ prising. thing, He bent down, kissed the girl duickly on the lips and went: abruptly out the door, That kiss was the vedson Grace was able to put the mysterious note out of her mind for the present Jean slept peacefully while Grace dreatped of a beautiful wedding dress and a huge wedding cake. And when she awoke the sun was shining brightly A into the bedroom window and she had the happd. knowledje that it. was a working day--and she did not «= have to go to the office. Grace had a pot of coffee made and carried uw cup into Jean before the girl opened lier eyes, When she saw Grace smiling down at her she put-out her hand to touch her. Then she broke into a laugh. "I couldn't be sure it was really, true, 1 used to wake up sometimes when 1 was down there on Center street and think you were there, And it was so terrible when I knew you weren't" \ ; "No more such talk, Jeapd"' Grace insisted, putting her hand over Jean's lips. "Promise!" . Jean promised, and the two girls hurried to set the apartment to rights, Grace was busy in the kitchen-when the doorbell rang. Remembering the mysterious note of the previous night, Grace was afraid to haye Jean answer, but she did and admitted Mr, Decker's chauf~ feur and a man servant, their arms iled high with boxes and packages. The chauffeur bore high in his arms a huge covered receptacle, "It's dhe. turkey," he explained. "And the cook says the dish is sur- rounded by hot water and if it is ut ato the oven «it will stay like R is antil you're ready to eat it" Grace' and Jean fell on the other ackages | with squeals of delight. Here was a huge basket of imported fruits and dates and nut meats, There were packages of fine cheese. There were bottles of jellies and jams and two fine bottles of port from the famous Decker cellars, and a box of fine cut flowers from the famous Long Island conservatory, Papers and boxes were piled in a heap in the middle of the floor while the girls ran to put the turkey in the dven and the wine in the re- frigesator. Amid the general cone fusion the doorbell rang again and Grace admitted Mr. Decker into the midst qf all the paper and string on the floor. Decker carried a huge box under his arm and he was chuckling as he looked about the room, "I came after my coat" he said with a laugh. "I see. Jim" got here all right, | I've been up "early and downtown for two hours, How are you young women of leisure?" The girls wanted to thank him for the packages which had just arrived, _ COMFORT! ATTRACTIVE APPEARANCE sad piceed PARFORMANCE| though achieved, were not thé comple goal of the designen of the new Durant 614, | "COMFORT" for driver and passengers was equally important and has been secured to a remarkable degree by utilizing lazge doors, wide, deep cushions and by arranging for a maximum of in the front and rear riding compartments, The front seat is adjustable. Long, specially tempered steel springs, action of which is controlled by, four two-way, hydraulic shéck-absorbers, further contribute to the! riding luxury of the new, medium-price, six-cylinder Durant 6-14. BY Fo Vera J but Ire "stopped thew wiith a wave of the bas ' Chil ' Jean . "Hete'v a stmas present, Jean,' he said; as he put the big box ih her arms "Mrs. Brant, o good friends of nine, went out this morn. jug and got you awinter coat, If you'd: had it before, all this trouble might haye been avoided," Jean's fingdrs trembled so she could mot unfasten the Lox" and Grace came to her rescue, She lirted out a handsome fur-lined coat trimmed with kit fox, "Oh! It is beautiful! Too beautl- ful for me!" Jean gasped, "My mother used to say 'Hand. sopre is as handsbime doey' and 1 Shisge you've done pretty handsomely, Jedn, I want you and! Grace to play for a'few days until the first of the year, Then, young lady,. just what do you wynt to do with your life?" and Mr, Decker's tone, while it was bantering, held a serious note, ' The girl before him did not hesi- ate. "I want to become the best secre- tary in the world" she answered. nd Grace, watching them | both, knew that.was the answer Mr, Deck- er hoped the girl would make, "Nothing .can spoil vou, cin it Jean?" Decker said with a smile, "Now I want to give my first ordess to ny secretary. I'm going to send her off to Atlantic City fora vaca. tion" Tean stopped hin emphatically, "No, please, please, Mr, Decker," she insisted, and Gre could have shaken the girl, Atlantic City! "I want to go back to work -- I want to forget all about this thing. Mv life is. here in Nev, York. You've given me the chance. 1 want to prove to you | can make good!" "But 'you need rest recreation," Decker insisted. "I won't have my secretary getting sick. I insist on your waiting until the first of the year before you come back to the office, And who wants to stay here in New York for a vacation)" Jean laughed gayiy. "Mr. Decker, [ love New York and the one thing in the world I want't do is get ac- quainted with it. I vant to do oly hundreds 'of things! JI want to find out where some of those funny little surface cars go to. I want to sit down in Battery Park and watch the sud set. 1 want to visit the Woolworth Tower and the Metro. politan Museum we" Decker was laughine openly at the little country girh "I mean it, honestly I do! I want to go to Chinatown and have dinner down in that Russian restaurant off Washington Square and a hundred other things. And I want to walk up and down Broadway every night about theatre time until I've had enough of the lights!" Decker gave up wit" a gesture of despair. "You 'win, Miss Secretary. Get acquainted with your New York, and Grace here will help you. I'll send some theatre tickets along and I'm leaving a check with your chaperéne to see to it that you dine and lunch in a lot of interesting places." So it was settled, and while Grace went out to take a precautionary look at the turkey, Jean came over to Mr. Decker. "You've been so kind" she be- gan, but as usual Decker would not listen to a word of thanks. "Nonsense |" But Jean insisted. "I want every- thing to be square between us. want to talk to you about my leave ing Hillsdale when I did" Deck- er understood at last, He held up his hand commanding. ly and he seemed a little embasrs assed, "I don't want to hear it!" he ine sisted. "Between real friends there doesn't have to be any explanation. You are going to learn to be a fine secretary, That is the way to repay me, if there is any repaying to be done, We'll forget all about the past--everything! = It is a closed book. 'That's your job for the next few. days, forgetting." And Decker took both of the girl's hands, squeezed them and dropped them quickly, "Promise!" he ifsisted. Jean promised, Then she laughed, [.n laugh that sounded like the old Jean. "I want you go know, just the Nou're a - A v He, fluttered and admired the "girl and she couldn't resist." i Jean paused cautiously and 'Decker looked at her in frank. admiration," "You're 4 g fir Jean!" he suid quickly, © "We'll "see what we can do to keep her from getting too long a term," Then he lert with a wave of the hand, SAL It was a gay celebration in the lite tle apartment, Dowling h of course been wvyited to the party and he was to drop into the Cénter street station for hell for both men had asked for the afternoon off. As Dowling was leaving the. hospital he ran' into Dr, Drefus, . "I'sce we backed a winper!" said Drefus as the two men shogk hands, "I got a thousand dollars worth of fun out of the papers this morning! ood judge of human na« ture, Dowling, and that never cones amiss in a doctor," Dowling" told Drefus about * the celebration, MAnd about that check, my bgy Drefus added. "Just forget it. It's my Christmas present to you!" Later when Dowling and Murphy were' walking fom the subway to the apartment, Bowling told the detec tive about Drefus and all he had done to help Jear. "And he's never even seen Jearr?" the young doctor explained. ' "Well, its a good thing she has friends, I'm thinking," Murphy re- marked as he handed over the mys terious note of the. night before, "Just what do you think of that?" the detective said as he told where the note was found. Dowling read the note twice, no- ted the scrawling, distinguished hand writing, the handsonie paper, "Who in the world could have written her such a letter?" demand- ed the doctor in amazement, "I thought this whole thing was over!" Murphy shrugged his shoulders. "I'm going to try and find out, but, of course, we haven't told Jean," he said, » When the two young men were admitted into 'Grace's apartment their hostess was paring potatoes and Jean was setting the table be- fore the living-room window, "The kitchenette isn't large enough we've so much isod," Jean explained. Dowling helped Jean lay the table- cloth and get the dishes from the kitchen cupbodrd, "Where's the other fork?" asked after a vain search. "The other fork is in use. It is testing the potatoes, and can't be put on the table until I've finished cooking," Grace called. "And don't ask where the serving spoon is bes cause it's in the same place!" The turkey came out of its het compartment, cooked to perfection by the Decker cook. It was carried to the table in triumph by Murphy, who said he wanted to do the carve. ing. "I suppose a doctor really ought to do it, but I'm an expert at get- ting wings off turkeys," Murphy in- sisted, Dowling opened the port. Tt was cooled to the right temperature and when it was poured, everybody look- ed at Jean. "What is the toast to be, Jean?" asked Dowling gently, Jean hesitated, Then she ~raised her glass. "To the future!" Then she added: May we not forget the lessons of the past" Everybody drank -- then Murphy protested. "That's a tetribly solemn toast. Now let me propose one = to 'Mr. Decker!" That set the dinner off in shape. Everybody ate enormously. Never was there such a turkey; neve er such fine fruits and cheeses. They falked of Dowling's future in the Jean fine tlantic City is always = t'in season" There's saver » dull mi A at Atlantic City... ¢ vo Brae w ation 0 or thus. Fomirpabemalic Brown: Dowling asked when nobody could hospital aud of Murphy's chances in the detective bureau, "If 1 get on, Grace, it wilsbe be- cause of you," Murphy insisted" and vase, blushed crimson. ; "But I didn't do ang.ath but make you listen to me that first "night ) Jked 'it all over," Grace answered, blushing harder, to every podry delight, be "Now: what "shall .we do, Jean?" possibly eat any mores "Well, -1 vant to 4 and-call on Mrs. Cagly as. thank her for keep. ing my room. And then when the lights dre lighted, I'd like to go down to 42nd street and walk up and down Broadway; So~that was the program of the day, They walketl over to 5th Ave|" ra, Port M a long time with a could Bardly bend, I had a I used four Just dandy." Dodd's strengthen Weak Kidneys, hey n to ¢! soothe and Backache, Rheumatism Ity Kidneys 50c At All Dialers, Mh ' used your pills and got wonderful results, So boxes ad fine, My back. is Pills stimulate ouwill be surprised LONI ' HeWas Troubled With Very Weak Back Dodd's Kidney Pills wire Recommended by Friend "I. take pleasure in Fecommending D. are wonderful." wats Hi. P, E. LA 's Kid Pills, i 2 S. 8 Joey "I was troubled for oak Back and at times 1 DODDS KIDNEY od | § 8 friend who had and and purify, to heal the kidneys, at the same time, all ailments acising sappear, Mail from The 'oronto 2, Ont, enue and boarded a bus and sode up on top regardless' of the cold, down to Washington Square, They walks ed about the quaint, narrow old streets and Murphy told them of the ear he spent in Paris after the war, ecuuse Jean wanted to, they walk~ ed on down to the Battery and saw the sunset, und 'the lights come out in the harbgrs It was bitterly cold, but Jean, wrapped up in her hand- some new. coat, no longer cared, At theatre time the four walked about Broadway, Grace vétoed the idea of a theatre, Jean was too tired and there was the rest of the week for her to.go to shows, "We'll all go back to the apart- ment and have a cold supper and Jean will get to bed early, she in- sisted. And. Murphy agreed upon being promised that they would all go to the theatre on the following' night with him. "I feel that 1's lived here in New York all my 1if now," Jean said as thev turned off toward the subway, entrance. "I feél so happy and se- | cure!" { Murphy and Dowling left early: it! was barely 10 o'clock when they | came down the steps of the apart-| ment house where Grace dived. Sud- | denly Murphy put his hand on Dow- | ling's arm, "Look over there between those two houses!" he said in a low voice, "I was sure somebedy was watching when we came in.© We'll pick up this cab coming and see if they fol- low us, It has occurred to me that somebody might he after me instead of Jean" Murphy sald quickly as he hailed a cab. As the two men rolled along, Mur. ohy watched discreetly, Nobody™fol- lowed. The street was deserted. "Whoever it is, certainly is watch- ing Jean," Dowling said at last when they climbed out and took the sub- wavy. "Yes, and he and that note have something to do with" each other, I'm sure!" Murphy retorted. To Be Continued Tomorrow (Copyright Public Ledger Co.) BRITISH TOOPS HELD AT KINGSTON FOR FEAR OF US Canada Was Largely Increased Kingston, April 5.~Some time ago a discussion, arose as to when the Imperial "troops were with drawn from Canada. One writes fotimated it was as early as 1854, but this Is incorrect. Imperial troops were then withdrawn from Canada for service in the Urimgan War, but some of those. who sury vived were returned and still othe ors were sent out frmo Kngland, An aged resident of -Clayton, N.Y,, John Basinet, who lived in Kingston as a lad, told the writer he recalled Imperial:troops marche ing back from the Crimean War and parading over the old Catars squi bridge to Fort Henry, oppos. ite Kingston, 1857.. This fort was the home of the Royal Artillery in th days. Dominten. Archives records show the last Imperial troops to leave Kingston, after ft had hgen decided that Uanada would Supply its own soldiers ta do garrison work, was a battery ot Royal Garrison. artillery which left here for Muglavd in autumn of 1870.. The Imperial Govern« ~ but head, The butcher called down to his as« sistant in the cellar = up a sheep's head. envelope Sandy received a fairly substantial increase, ter the manager, meeting Sandy, in- quired: "I suppose you're settled down married life, ..ow, eh, Sandy? "I'm no married," replied Sandy, {But didn't you apply for a' raise because you were thinking of get- ting married?" "Oh; ay, but I've stopped thinking." IN ABERDEEN An. Englishman entered a cher a Scot Then the Englishman. chimed i "I want an English sheep's head." Some time la- hop and ordered "a sheep's "Aleck, bring ! butcher So the Scotch instructed, "take the brains out of iw j fo GOING UP Trayelog --~ "Madame," said polite" sailor, who was showing youn the quarter-deck," | young lady, "and could | you have for fifty cents?" QUICK TO. ISJUDGE ch pthe work of a bapana skin, sir, In 1861 Imperial Army in| It MANCHOR- § ¥ "DONAL dFrom © skeich made in on Athenle Tourist Third bedroom conjunction wil In ne fond pom April onwards, voy Apply corner of Bay and Wel ington Sis, Torente, (Tel. Elgin 8471), or any steamship agent, AS)2 CABIN , + ON BRLETITIA ATHENIA You might be in @ greet Scottish couniry-house...panels and rafters in quarterscut ook . .. @ spacious, hospitable oo doff and silent service, The Letitia's Tourist Thir® Cabin dining room is typical of the Anchor-Donaldson manner... comfort, restraint, and the feeling of afine home. You'll enjoy crossing in the Athenia or the Letitia. Anchor-Donaldson Touris adjusted, New low Cabin vp. Ask for information. Cabin roles rates, $130 * + + + Saint Yoon yd 1 (eulls ls Bs 'y - 2 Solfast and Oles. gow. Direct trains to the Halifax Apr, 12), to ship's side, TOURIST THIRD CABIN # THIRD CLASS ltt ta et ata DAIRYING shouted down the cellar again = "Aleck," he lady over the ship, "this. is "Oh, how fascinating," beamed the I sec what Reformer (to. prostrated man) »- And so this is the work of rum, is it? Prostrated Man ~~ No, sir; this is A ride will amaze you . . . . but will not obligate you in any way, 'Ask your loch! desler! forms a very important chapter _ in the annals of Canadian com« merce, Here are revealed the efforts of Eastern Canada's pioneers to provide themseh wigh life's necessities; the West- tn farmer's Sut edstil "ene eavour t tain in- come from a 'Source A to weather conditions than hi field ¢rops. iL 8 ; The growth of this industry aiproud Canadian hi t. . total annual value of same, that all that about me isn't true. It involves other peonlg or I'd tell you all 'about it," she added. | "Anything else you want, Jean}" | he usked as he drew on his gloves. | Jean hesitated. Then she spoke. "Might 1 really truely ask some: thing of you?" she began. Decker nodded, then he looked a Jit alarmed; hoped he'd not spoiled this girl by his kindness and his ef¢ fort to make amends for what she |. had suffered: Deal "Please don't let them be too hard on poor Loretta," Jean begged. "She's fust silly and vain, not wickede If I looked like she does, I'd be vain, too. J want beautiful things, and men to admire me. Johnson b the real .| criminal! 1 see 1t all so clearly now. ment presented the Canadian Gove ernment with all military lands and: fortresses. it had maintained since the days of the I'remch regime, Records show that in 1854, tho your. the Crimean War broke out, the 54th Regiment of }oot, now the 1st Battalion of the Norfolk Regiment, relloved the 54th, Kooy Jrlat to October, 1854. In 1565 tha by ) S------ # The Durant Four continues as an imporient unit | among Dirent products { ~------ | DURANT MOTORS of CANADA, LIMITED | | roronTo GEASIDE),. CANADA, * h Regiment ot Kou) was relieved the Royal Canadian Rities, ves | cruited from Imperial Army men 'whose time. had expired and there | '(lure 'wholly imperial in composi | A parade statement on filo in th Yhawa Arctitvee, dated Nov. 3 s » gives the strength of Imper nada's dairy 'products is ial troops stationed : fuels. a ial troops od at Kingston as ,000,000. 4 Tig : 1 Royal Artillery, 14 other ranks. a 20 hana . 3 Royal inoers, 1 officer, pa 16th. Regiment 6f Toot, 1 ther 5 agricultural districts, this Bank i seve all those engaged in rank, §4th iment of t, ak Tes Foot, 1 other Royal Canadian Regiment, 1§ officers ang 898 othen ranks. | on el Ae, 3 other rank. f tal strength, 10 office "l dies Tents. Sess ang n owing 10 "The 'I'rent Invident", 'ana the danger of war' with the United Stdtes, !mperial' forces in Canada wore lurgely aug: mented, - The official record shows a tull battery of Koya) -Antillery, « | With other regulars, was stationed ; wo at oor a Mate. that ity States Border... =... > Wurton 1 Hl) | gi TIN mene wo 5 " . 100 Aa AVAWVE J. Co A En A factory appronch ' a4 i Shap 7|@ raise o 8 OSHAWA, ONT. -- PHO Ale s 3 CE x ; Pi Jgiving w 'reason 'that he was think: ing of geiting' marcied. In hig pay % ed A

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