Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Apr 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT / ' HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1930 a / MUCH ENTHUSIAS 15 SHOWN AT LOCAL LACROSSE MEETING | Montreal Canadiens Bring Stanley Cup Back o Canada by Victory Canadiens Display Dazaling Speed to Win Second Game and Clinch World Stage Desperate | {WLR rit de Qué, April L : Montreal Conadiens t the Stanley Cup. and 's professional hoc! onors back to Riontreat Inst night by take ing the second game of a two-out~ ' of=three series from the Boston Truins, last yoar's titleholders. Cangdens won tonight 4 to 3, They had previously captured the fivst 3to00, Canadians oasily deserved the ) t they outskated and litle, Last wig of for the entire vad "scien ders showed sufiicie rd and defensive qualities to i off a burding third period at- 1enip by the visitors and maintain their slight margin to the close, The locals began the game at a terrific speed, with which Boston could not cope successtully, They evaded thelr checks and rounded the famed Boston defense simost at will to blaze shot after shot to trpiny'! Thompson, 'The pressure gould not be dened and MeCaftery und Wasnie each scored from pass. outs from behind the net, Lepine and Burke getting assist, he second period again found the locals in the ascendancy, and they hammered in two more coun- ters, with one by Boston sandwich od in between, Sylvio Mantha scor- ing from Wasnie gloss in and Moy. ong netting Leduc's drive, Doston's score in this period was by Lddle fhore, who rounded the defence and fifoked a high ono that Haings- worth thought would go over the net, The goalkeeper was surprised when the puck was hooked out of the net, One Goal Disallowed In the third period Art Ross sont four men constantly to the attack, and Canadiens, tiring fast, Yesoried to hurling the puck away at every opportunity, The orashing Boston nitack 'gave them two counts, and a third, which was ruled "no goal" by Referes Malinson on account of interference, Galbraith and Crap or did the seoving, with Oliver and Weiland credited with asists, Jt was the first time Canadiens THE TARZAN TIGER | or, opposing goalkeeper, have held the ehamplonship since 1028-24, and the first time that the eup has been in Montreal singe Maroons took it from Vietoria in 6 spring of 1920, To reach the nal Canadiens plowed a bard fur row, taking un two-game totul series from Chicago and beating the New York Rangers two straight, one of the os goihg 10 a new all-time overtime record, ' Boston mangged to, defeat, Mon~ treal Maroons three games to one in a gruelling Arsteplace series and those matches took so much out f them that Canadiens, tived as they wore, vastly overplayed the league's record makers in the games at Bos ton and bere, Boston-~Uonl, Thompson; ¢e- fense, Shore and Mitchman; centre, Barry; wings, Galbraith and Oli vor; subs, Welland, Clapper, Gala- or, Owen, Carson Munkey, Conoor and Lane, Canadiens ~~ Goal Hainsworth; defense, 8, Mantha anid Burke; gentre, Morenz; wings, Larochelle and Jolat; subs, Mondou, Wasnis, Leodue, Lepine, MeCafivey, V. 4, Mantha G, Carson and Desrivieres, Roteroes=-Howitson and Mallfn. son, First Period 1, Canadiens, McCafivey (Leopihe), a0, , Chnadiens, Wasnle (Burke), 7.60, Pensition, Galbraith, Morens 2, Hitehman, socond Period 8, Canadiens, 85, Mantha (V/s nie), 9.10, 4, Boston, Bhore, 6.40, B, Canadiens, Morens (Ledue),1.00, Penalties, Mackey, Galbraith and Larochelle, Thivd Period 6, Doston, Galbraith (Oliver), 6.58, 7, Boston, Clapper (Welland) 2,00, Penalties, Bhore 2, 8, Lepine, Morenz and Barry, Oliver Mantha, Cleveland Wins 3rd GameandTitle April 4="Trouncing the Dulfalo Bisons 4 § "lg to 0 In the fourth game of the weries, Cleveland Indian: Inst night won the first International Hockey League championship here taking the final series three games -to one, This Is Cleveland's first year in professional hookey and the fans wont wild when the hard-hitting Indians climaxed on brilliant shows hg throughout the league season to gain the title, The Elysium was packed for the game which saw the Indians start heavy favorites to wnnex the title by registering thely third straight triumph, They gave a decisive demonstration of maperiority, the fury of thelr opening offensive foroing the Bisons back to protect their cage, A Mg break for the Indians oo« curred late In the second period, aftér a scoreless opening 20 mine utes, Donnie Martin, Buffalo reliet forward, cross-checked Stewart unning and was given a major penalty, Coach Holmes immediate. ly wont out his regular front line, and 'within a fow seconds they had put the Indians in front, Ken Doraty did the trick by aceepting Captain' Alex Gray's perfectly exe. cuted pass to round the defense and snap the puck past Bill Taugh- for the Cleveland, opounlng tally, ; "a Cohn El xs +a t br Pat he May Chickens PANN NAR I Rr to Fancy Bugs Aled with Ohugolates, 30, $188, 81.50 os, 730, $1.50, $2.00 h Ly hair ove All Naster _arvival, Novelties, Packed for safe Nu inte tor packing. OAKWOOD GRADS WILL ENTER TWO LACROSSE TEAMS ---- A Toronto, April 4.~Oskwood Grade Lacrosse Club held an ore ganization meeting and elected officers for the com» ing season, The Grads will place a team in the intermediate series of the O.A L.A, again this year, and will also have a team in the midget series, Under the guidance of Glen Bullen as manager and Bilver Spellen as conch, the Grads expect to place a strong team on the field this summer, and are looking forward to another muc~ cessful season, Their, games will be played st Oakwood Siadium, The officers are as follows: Honorary President, Jethro Crang; Honorary Vie-sVresidents, Dr, R, Lindsay Morrison and W. J, Gilbert Dean; President, UGarpet Archibald; Vice-President, 0, J. MoBride; Secretary, J, OG. Adsme son; Treasurer, Watson ' Hales Toum Manager, Glen Bullen; Busi- nses Manager, Kd, Chatfield; Conch, Silver Spellen; Manager midget team, Don Young, Cambridge Crew Betters Time o Oxford Eight London, Apfil 4 ~Usmbridge'n boat erew made a record practice page yesterday doling the full course In 19 minutes and 5 sec ouds, as compaved with Oxford's time of 20 minutes Wednesday, The Light Blues had wu short outs ing In the morning, when condi tious were bad, but when the time eame this afternoon for their futls course trinl the watér was smooth. OF than it has heen all season, and there was Mttle wind, It was an ideal rowing day, Cambridge started out rather slowly, and wera behing Oxford's pace of yesterdsy when thoy had completed the first two laps and arrived. at Hammersmith, They steadily improved, however, and, unlike the Oxontans, did not find It necessary to seek the shelter of the Surrey side of the river at any time during the outing, The Came bridge shiel was paced by four orack crews, as wis the Oxford baat yostorday, The Lensbury crow started out with them, and rowed wel until A barge compelled them to deviate from thelr courses, Cambridge pulls Ing olear mt Craven Bteps, after halt & me's vow, The National Provincial Bank's eight joined the rice at the mile-post, and hed thely own very well, One of the Cambridge crew "enught a crab" while paseing Hammersmith, and the bank team gained slightly, They carried on unt) Bhiswiok, about three miles from the start, Where the Thames cight joined in And gave the Light Bluse a dough: ty fight of a mile, an far as Darnes ridge, The Ibis crew paced Gam bridge to the finish, where ths Cantabs showed no more signs of fatigue than did the Uxonlans yon. torday, Mist: "So they are ideally mated!" Downpour: « "Yes, He's a born lender of wicn and so Is she!" last evening, | PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Caxvsms, Sports Editor : : vEacrosse Meeting The meeting at the Y. MCA, last night turned out to be practis cally un Juvenile meeting. There was nearly thirty present at the meets ing most of whom, were juveniles, night but plans for the local City League were discussed, ' It Is rumour» ed'that the Oshawa Collegiute ure going toenter the lacrokse league, "I'his Is Nable to break up two of more of the other city tenths, as quite u number bf the last year's players arestudents at the localiColleglate, However, with the increased interest, there should be no lick of mas terial this year and there should be w+ real live City League this sed~ son,' fw Annual Dance a Success The anpusl dance of the Oshawa Nationals Soccer Club held last wight in the Rotary Hall, Centre street, was a big succesk, A good crowd was on hand, in fact the floor space was crowded, Quite a sum of money was realized through this dance, side practice on Saturday arternoon at the Stadium but the practice will be outside only if the weather » ' Softball Meeting The softball teams of the city, intermediate, junior and juvenile, aro reminded of the softball meeting which will be held In the Y.M, Important business will 'be discussed and all teams Intending to enter teams in any of the leagues are asked to have C.A. an Monday night thelr representatives presents LJ » ; They Did It! They pulled the trick last night when Hats off to Les Canadiens, they defeated the Boston Bruins for Up until last night, the Bruins had not lost a game in Cane Montreal, The exebutive was not elected last » " Nats, will hold an out» permits, yw * » MOOSEHEART'S HUSKIES PRACTICE James J. Davis, and maintained by the Loyal Order of Mooss, Itis Moossheart's famous football team H' 19 8 BIG of 181] scenery at Moossheart-~thie great trade sebool founded by U, 8. Secretary of Labor In practice, Go out to the Child City apy day in Netobepor during the first weeks of November, and you will see these huskies on the fleld~rain or shine, | 'ar, this season, they have brought honor and luster to Moosehenrt. Mooseheart expects every boy to do bis pest, and he does If be cracks a collar bone, the first time this season in adi this year but when they most needed the victory they failed, They made a gallant effort in the last period (6 pull the game out of the fire but they missed by one goal, LACROSSE PROSPECTS | ARE NOT SO GOOD IN ST. CATHARINES Bt. Catharines, April 4,-That Ineronse prospects in st, Catharines wore nol very good for the present your was the admission of 6, V1, Bandell, President of the ¢luh last year, Mr, Sandell said, however, ha had hopes of the national game heing save dby the coming genern- tion, Last year he had distributed over 600 Incrosse sticks to the boys of the city,%and he believed they made goodieuse of them, snd would do so this Fear again, ENGLAND TAKES BIG LEAD OVER WENT INDIES KLEVEN Kingston, Jamaica, April 4 Fully 11,000 ericket enthusiasts yosterday witnessed the commence. ment of the fourth test mateh be twebn All England against West Indies, The visitors betied through out the day compiling 280 runs toy n loss of one wicket, An oulstapding feature of the game was the partnership between Sandham and Gunn, the opening pair, Gunn was dismissed with $6 and Sandham with 151 and Wyatt with 47, both will still be batting when play continues today, "While, didn't I tell you to shut that shutter?" sald WHS mother; "The shulter's shut," res plied Wille, "and 1 cunt any shutter)" | Bungalow Camping in Rockies St. Simons Will Enter Sr. O.A.L.A. BT BIMONS Toronto, April _4+-1t was define itely decided that St, Simon's would feturn to senior Jucrosse circles Just ovoning when the annual meeting of that club was held last night with an attondnuce of some sixty mem- bers, Present indications sre that the Anglicans will be the only sen- for lacrosse representatives in Tor onto this summer, forming a fours team group with Hamliton, Oshawa and Brampton, The Bt, Simon's Club will also operate a Juvenile and probably a midget team in the 0.A LA, The meeting was a most enthuse fastie one and the report of the committee nppointed at a provious gathering to consider the possibile ities of re-entering senior lacrosse was 'most satisfactory, The secur ing 'of players and the financing of the team was gone into thoroughly, and It wan alt that thera was no reason for delaying the elub's ine tention longer, A total of 164,005 Immigrants came to Canada during 1989, OF this number 66,501 came from the Weitish Jules, 51,858 from the Un. ited States, and the balance from Kuropa and the Scandinavian sountries, hh Jie | Spring the ap: thought of Vacatlo the So may o apring the p In a . { : . oy env) . i SH Artiats and others will often ¢ LO 0 al ni LeU HY Ii Hilly wi | if i I lone rival, 8 ! ra is a clone val, Sieve at r from one in any or a wi these oa hey are n o of 'tems from the ONd | supporting many ot, y an Oshawa Sty Sacer Club 4 : News of the Oshawa City |. Soccer supporters have only ong| ¢ topic of eonversation these next few weeks «~~ What sort of teams will | Oshawa provide for the coming sea | to the Northern Electric girls here son/ | Being possessed of a fair amount of curiosity und with this object Inj view I found mysell wandering on | the gallery of the YMCA, Gym on Monday night 10 watch the Oshawa Maroons at their Spring training, It raises an old hatred of mine for people who will install the hardest and shinfest of fleors in a gym, and I sympathized with the dozen or so [layers below who were somehow ecping their feet in a rather hectic game of basketball, Tommy King, their veteran secre tary, who, by the way, has been as sociated with the gamed for more years than I care to count, was chewing rather disjointedly at the end of a match, yet withall ooking satishied with himself as he like my- self with a cluster of the club officials | stood watching the workout below, Ho greeted me rather warmly and introduced me to the chub oMelals and 1 found myself talking to Joe Jackson, If ever I felt disposed to write 4 book of memoirs on Ontario foothall, 1 would reserve a special passage for the Ven, Joe, He has been an official of the club since Its infancy and has done much to bring about the popularity the elub now enjoys, 'Any new blood this year, Joe?".1 asked, "Yen," he sald, "I think we have half dozen new youhgsters in telm,, but manager Lappin' will tel) you all about them," "How are your chances in the league this year?" 1 apied, "What sort of team have you on the whole?" "Well he said, "Our Boys were never a side with a reputation for brilliance, They have progressed each season by thelr ability (© spoil the eratt of the opposition, How effec ively they can carry this style Into operation next season will 'be demonstrated in their game at Alex. andra Park on Good Friday, when they. meet the hefty Mimico team," I was about to wk another quess tion when I received a hearty smack between the shoulder blades that nearly sent me over the gallery rails, Instead, I found myself grasping the hand of manager Harry Lappin, not looking a day older than when I saw him playing foptball in Manchester 15 or 20 years ago. After I had re. covered my breath, I asked him what year, "Well" he murmured, "I'm not going to make out they are a bunch of Scottish internationals, or are dats ed to meet any of the visiting erack Country this {oon but. when the end of the season % here you will not find our boys teams on thelr shoulders in the league table, "Ia it truel" I asked, "that vou have signed up two well known To. ronto backs" ) He Rried and winked knowingly, "We shall see, what we shall soe, but I can tell you that backs are not the only plavers from' Toronto wha will be wearing the Maroon colory this year, In all we have some Yours teen or fifteen local boys signed up, and half a dozen boys from Toren. "Wall," I added, "it they happen to ba half as dangerous as their colors Fue might realize. your ambitions," o grinned, and told me there 'was no fear of N ' boys turning yellow, or white ¢'the he added as a parts Supporto GAGNON v, GRIFFITH Roston, April 4,~~Jack Gagnon Roaton heavyweight, who knooke out Tuffy Gritfith at. \'hiladelphia Monday night, has agreet to meet Grittith at the Chicago Collsdum April 80, It was announced bere yoatarday, Gagnon was given 'only An outside ohance to defeat Grits tith Monday but knocked out the Hloux City (boxer ia the sixth Kentville, Nova Scotia, has opens od a new academy, costing $38,000 Patterson 'Pats' Win the unofficial girls' hockey eham~ Soccer Club plonship of Ontario by defeating the Chalk River, Ont, team, b to to lack ef ice in Ontario at pres: Badminton Granite Club invitation badminton evening was much above that of the opening day and presages some Malcolm of Kin games 16-6 an of the hy cell and man's doubles sompetition, the Tor | onto sort of team he had signed up this | three i Ky Aig the, decision tn 16-3, Pla the and Cramer took the third with ease, the Oakville duo appar ently having given thelr all in the «effort whieh threo games, , emp ap -- WORNSBY ORDERED Rogers Hornsby m RT ATHTAR tional ohamplonship season, vight heel, Spon lat matey AP owth, yesterday re : mont. han FONTS. and ie 'was bie dered out-of action for a rest and Posnibly for another pperation, word reaching hi allace Base ton of Ra aon pa the Clarkson Uni \ team, hau heen ohosen goals I ea tp \ td Ro al i i on A i Yaw du : i} pave, Lot soothing, pleasant "Noit Stop that cold,' v usa it, "Nost stuffy and breathi round. troline" "quickly «© Ne -------------- Hopy the ja Summation, 3 Your Nose Needs "Nostroline Girls Hockey Title Montreal, April 4) attorson 'Pats' of Toronto, yesterday won ), The game was played here owing nt, Last night the Fats lost their ynofficial Eastern Canadign title hy 1-0, Tournament Progresses Well Toronto, April ¢-~A large num- | ber of spectators were in attend- ance yesterday during the play in tourney, when some: of the best games of the season were witness. ed, The brand of badminton dis- played yesterday afternoon and close, interesting games before the finals are reached, Mrs, John Porteous of Montreal, Canadian Indies' singles champion, made her first appearance of the tourney and showed to advantage in both games in the singles com. petition, In the first game she was opposed by Miss M, Brock of the Badminton and Racquet Club, whom she defeated in straight games, 11-6 and 11-1, fhe was harder-pressed however, in the next round, when . she defeated Ming J, Torrance of the B, snd R, Club 11-8 and 11-7, Both gam- es were productive of spirited play, Miss Torrance giving a courage: ous display against the Canadian title-holder, ' Jack Purcell, Canadian men's champion also made his firsts ap. pearance, playing in both the sing» les and doubles, in the latter come petition heing paired with Cramer, The Canadians titleholder gave a brilliant exhibition in the singles, defeating H, D, Perrin of Wi the road Purcell accounted for W, L., oy Db straight One of the outstanding matches was that between Pur. amer of Oakville, in the was extremely even a wo games, but Puree! game first oroed the match into OUT OF ACTION Los Angeles,' taki ayn (ho cage Cub lineup when the Na» ue champions open the ¥ An examination of Hornsby's which was. operated to remove a' CHOSEN AN A N . Ottawa, Apri! 4. ~=According to on COLDS NO MORE ine et it now, hp at veloms rele ves when dieu: on "w ine |, son Bchool in a mateh in which three games were necessary, Pur coll captured the first 10--8 only to have Perrin rally to take ssoond 14--17, Purgell, however, had little diMoulty in winning the third game, 16~=4, In the fourth out of the | cents rom W. H, Karn, tore, Bring in a Used Victor Record for each new one and get them for THE ONE | LOVE ey ME a, |

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