Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Apr 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1930 bh PACE SEVEN est News of Stock nh arkets, Grain and Produce Exchanges Produce Prices in the + Commercial Markets to| No, 2, : CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, IM, 'April 4~Extremsly heavy and trading decidedly higher 8 formed the rule early the wheat pit here. Chiet incent« ves were higher Liverpool quota~ tions gkan hod ben expected, persis. tawt desvghi over domestic wheat territory, anu fear of hot weather betory rain, ng at advances ranging from fe to 2¢ u bushel Chicago wheat met with big profit-taking sales, and re. acted, sontewhat from initial top fig. ures. Corn and oats were also stron. ger, with corn starting 1-8 to 1 3g up, cand afterward receding. Provi- sions. held steady, WINNIPEG GRAIN Winnipeg, April 4 = Substantial aly vances on the Winnipe, wheat market were virtually wip out today when a heavy wave of selling swept through the pit; Open fag Jumps of two to three cents or more were cut down to bare frac tions. The starting climb was at- . tributed to st cables from Live erpool and & dry weather map in the south-west United Statos, Overnight export business wan limited with only half-a-million bushels of Manitoba reported, Poo) wales since Wednesday were estim- ated ati $2,600,000 busliels of wheat or At mid-wession, May and - July were % "cent higher at $1.15 1-4 and $1.17%, while October was un. changed at $1.20, NIPEG GRAIN OPENING , April 4==Wheat, May 2% co higher at 117% to uly 2 to 2%¢ higher at 8 to 8 higher at ] 13 ay, %o higher at B6%; July 3-8¢ higher at BU, CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, April ¢---=Whedt, May 3030s comm May $4%: July 89% i Co 4 i September is 1-8; Oats, May 456%; July 46; September 46. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago; . April 2=~Quofitions on the cash market were fractionally higher this morning with all grades of eggs presenting a full steady to rm undertone, There has been an apparent effort to lower quotations but the total failure of these tactics emphasizes all the more the real firm ness of today's market, Current and deferred deliveries on the future call were d bit lower but the general mars ket wap attracting more support at the reduced Jove. Extras and other top grades of the whole milks were fone! ly: 1+4 lowe. this moming on e spot butter gab At the decline i the Snfirs lint exhibited. a steady une ¢, There was no activity on the. tures but prices yester were inaintahied or the few scattered trans actions of the day, © Opett commitment=April eggs, 43, Nov. eggs 382, April batter, 43; June butter 1, Nov. butter 77, 'Two market receipigmButter today, Ps iE bags or i] per ton 4 ---------------- pr ---- 0.4 ATIONS TERNS SRA STATION of s ure making the following fap. war lots: } No Pent y i' 1 oh 0 J] a duit had: 1 ods er * whi Fog P17 2) 1-204 glcan corp=-No, 2 yellow, 9 & 3 ss No, 4, do, 9 : Iifecd g ved, "Montres haa" per ton $33.25; midde Bn rio graln=~Whest $1.05 16 il H $l ts, 50 to Bic: barley 52 to Ses rye, 73 tu 78¢; buckwheat, 80c, 'TORONTO LIVESTOCK Toronto, April 3,~Cattle receipts Cattle trade closed firm on the Dominion Livestock Exchange toda with supplies well cletined up, All rades of butcher cattle were stead 3 the week, except fed calves v hie closed $200 lower for the week at $11.00 to $1200 for choice, No calves, Wedussday close was 50¢ lower at $13.50 for choice Hog receipts 08: Hogs 'were steady at $12.50 f.0b, for bacon or $1325 off car, lambs, we------ TWO ARRESTED Fo TORONTO HOLDUPS Buffalo Men Charged With Robbing Three Service \._ Stations Toronto, April 4,~Two Buffalo men, Carl Morlin, aged 25 years, and: James Alexander, aged 2 years, arrested in Detroit yesters day, are being held for tho Toronto police as suspects of the thred gasoline service stations holdsups over the week-end, when the three robberies netted the robbers $589, The men were picked up by de tetives on the Delroit force in an alleged stolen car, when search: od were found to have §300 in cash between them, The money was In '| Canadian bills, and they are also alleged to have had a number of Toronto bank cheques made pay able to 'the Imperial OJ Station, Yonge and Balliol Streets, the last of the gasoline stations to be robe bed in the city, VESSELS COLLIDE IN THAMES ESTUARY Dover, England, April 4,=The Gers man tanker Nordatlanti* and another been established, oc lided' in abe Thames Estuary this morning, Tugs were 'sent to the secne and the tanker, somewhat damdlged, was tow od back 'to Gravesend, There waa immediate information as to what became of the other vessel, \ There are many gasoline saving devices on the market, A pair of comfortable shoes 'is the best. Helena Record-Herald, . Stefansson, the Arotic explorer, has purchased a farm. He prob. ably will. find polar exploration gator Kingston Whig-Standagd. Te if . 5 J a fast year 21 today, | | 100, tan your soi, owe tote 3 A oy Ll '| Dis, Bgrm, vessel, ddentity «of w'wch has not B Con, 1st 80% Can, Brd, 18 Cty, Dry, Dm, Btry, Gypsum Hr, Wal, Int, UL, Int, Nki, Int, Pet, Imp, ON Lo % "A Ms, Hr, Mt. Pwr, 141% Shaw, 8% 8, Station 63 16% 86% 141% 18% bl% Standard Mining Exchange Abana 86 LL ye Asx ,, 110 ETH} 110 Amulet 143 14 143 Big Mis, 60 60 [1] Ch, Res, G46 bb bab De, Mus, 890 LLL] (11) Paleon: 460 460 460 Holl, ,, #70 B70 B70 He, O11 900 yoo yo Hy Cold 79 7s 7% Hd. By, 1880 Hn 1810 Lk, Bh, 2260 4860 2460 Nrada, 4000 sso wa 8h, Grd, 250 Heb "a 8d, Bs, B10 EAL] so Th, Hg, 635 LH] 11] Ventures 195 07 106 Wailnwell ¢ [] [] STRENGTH SHOWN . ON MINING MARKET Nickel and the Lindsley Group Have Advances This Morning Toronto, April 4 = Colpeident, with some outstanding strength op New York and Toronto exchanges, the standard recovered from yes terday's weaknesses, the Digher. priced issubs displayipg the grest- nt responce to tre improved feel ng. international Nickel opened high or aud at noon stood at $43.75 for a gain of 'a point over last nightls closing quotation, Noranda and Hudson Bay did uot register wus vanees, but were holding firm with 4 slight upward tendency, The Liudsleys, which sustained lowses yesterday following snnouns coment of Sherritt Gordon rights, firmed up today, Falconbridge re. maining unchanged at $4.50, Shere ritt Gordon regaining 7 to $3.53, Bro 6 to $3.10 and ventures ¢ 0 $1.80, LEADERS SOAR 10 NEW HIGH LEVELS Many Issues Set 1930 Rec. ords on Toronto Stock Exchange I 5). Toronto, Apr, 4-~Witr recognises ed leaders woaring to new record heights for the year and numerous other stocks of widely separated groups also setting new 1080 tope, the general average of prices on Toronto Stock Exchange today reached its highest point of this year, Brasilian at midday had pushed ahead through 49 to ts best for the year while Nickel finally sold above 44, Strong buying futo both "lg sues in New York was apparent us the local market tralled Wall street all the way up. Recent favorites including the chain stores were on the upswing, Dominion stores set a new high at 28, Loblaw equalled its previous best and Simpson's prefer: In vanced fractionally above its forme or record of 94, Consolidated bake orfes was holding up at 34 and on the morning, J Exchange steady: demand rates ( Britain in dollars others in cent)i| Great Bruin "8 532, Canad B ne | FOREIGN EXCHAN New York, NY, April Tren t " lar at 1 count, POLICE STAND GUARD AS LEGISLATURE OF of one per cent, ALBERTA PROROGUES| a --------. i (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bdmonton, Alta, April in Ham Jy was probably the mest wai: gh tg he history of t with an au ence em ly of ne - ogi yl ya £ Stock Market Prices Markes Summary by Canadien Press Toronia and New York Stock Quotations Supplied Biggar and Orawford, Ales Belding, stare' A) ny 8 Allen, Hn Amp, Inter, 56 Amp, mel, 77 Amn, Tel. 260 Ansconds 10% Baldwin ., 34% Borden ... 17 Brog War, 48% Beth, Steel 107% 78 FoR vrvire "na Gen, Blee, M0 Gen, Mot; 01% Goodyear .. V4 Grt, North, 100% Keon, 'Copper 60% Aq, Osrb, 179 Mt, Ward 40% Mot, Whee! 42 Nt, OB. Rg. Pen, Rall Radio ov000 Rem, Rand 48% Sim, Bed .. 03% Sin, Of} ,.. #1 Bt, of NJ, 11% Studebaker 43 Tm, Ri Boar 84% U.S, Steel 107 U.S. Rubber 34 Money 4 per cent, Newspaper hg A Is Sent a NY Somos Schenectady, N.Y, April 4~The "| complete front page of 8 newspaper has been tran oitted ucross the country by radiy lor the first time, Giving the presedt a peep into what "may be commonplace In the future, engineers of . the Liceneral Eleetrie Company yesterday reported that wuccensful experimentation bad permitted them to read the first page of the San. Francisco OwleBulletin three hours after it had left the prem, It was reproduced in full sizu in the laboratory Dy a new type avtomutie eprbon recorder, connected to shorts wive resolving equipment actusted by signals originating. 2000 miles AWAY, STORIES OF STAGE TOLD BY ACTRESS Jessie Bond Recalls Early Days of Gilbert and Sullivan London,» It Is Just years ago singe "Pioafore wie produced at the Olymple, OF the gallant crew, and of the wisters, cousing end aunts who first went ahgoad that remarkable vesseP t are naturally only a few Jett now to tell the tale of the early erulses, Amongst them, happily, is Jessie Bond, the piquant little soubrette who played Cousin Hebe in the earliest production In 1478 Jessie Bond, 'a little, old woman over BOY of nearly 77", as she describes her- " we ao b Canadian bakeries shot up 8 points | soit, is now living quietly on the South Coust, and hag Just written o delightful book of remifsconces, For 80 yours she played uninter~ ruptedly fu the first productions ot the immortal operatic ecrontions of Gilbert, Hullivan and D'Oyly Carte, It was hard work, and in the earlier years there was very Uitle: money in it, Jessie was on- gaged, on the strength of her per formances at gonoerts, at on salpry of B15 n week for three years, She tells of how (his was tnoreased, (11) ut the end it amounted to $44b, which seems hardly extraveagent for one who bad: become a recos- nised popular favorite, but Gilbert thought otherwise, and When 'The Gondollers" : was on the way in 1680, and she ask ed for a raise from #100 to ¥160, he protested emphatically, but was overruled by the other members of the tri umvirte, This he resented, and "All the time we were rehearsing he never spoke to me, and only acknowledged my oxistenge by somotimen saying sneeringly, Make: way for the high-salaried artiste," Bhe neknowledgen, none the less, | many kitfdnesses which she receive ed from both Gilbert and Bullivan, On points of detail in relation to the rendering of Gilbert und Bule lyan operas, Jessie Bond has something to say which should fn. terest amateur ocompanies the world over, Bhe regards with de« rislon of the gomie hy-play which In the course orf years has crept ine to the incldental 'business.' Gile bert would not have tolerated it for & moment, she declares, Might through the book, though, she re- veals what an independent spirit she carried in dealing even with such martinets' as Gilbert and Sullivan, I'he company were once kept at rehearsal until 4 a.m, plained Sullivan, "It's & wonder I can sing at all, and I'm not going to try spy wore,' she promptly replied, One of the plessantest revels. tions fu. the book is the naive de- lght with which Jossle Bond re cally thie welcome whieh bus been oxtended to her by the London public in times long atter she haa left to follow & quiet Mappy mar. ried lite, A year or two back sbe went, as an, ordinary member of the dudinence, to & revival of "Huddigord," Whe appeared in the auditorium "ap 8 little, white- haired woman quietly dressed in black," The whole house rose to Ita foot and there was a hurricane OF cheers, "And that after 45 yours, continues Jessie, "London iudinences. have long memories and atfectiounte hearts, It was ull I could do to face them ang koop my pelt-possession, 1 was deeply touched and quite overcome," Color Indicates Rou! Grade The maple sugar industry is one of the oldest known to this eon. Unont, It wan brought to the early #dttlor by the native Indian and to-day 1s of outstanding commercial interest, The Dominion Depart. ment of ' Agriculture finds that duality in maple suger und syrup In clearly indloated by colour, The grading rule iv the lighter the pro- duct the better its quality, Graage 1 I» very light In colour, eorres- ponding closely to clover honey in appearance, Grades 2 and ¥ are preceptibly darker, while Grade 4 corresponds quite closely to the colour of buckwheat honey, Quality gounts in maple products as In overything else, The geography lesson was al mont over, and the teacher decid "What ure leaders of different Red Indian tribes called?" wus her first query, ""Chilets," answered a smal) boy. "Correct," smiled the teacher. Now can anybody tell me whi the wives of these men are calls 0d?" For a minute or two thers was complete silence; every pupil in the clans was thinking hard, Vine ally the same 'small hoy stepped into the breach, * "Miss chiefs!" he cried proudly. - KHAN BALADUR ABDUL ALYY superintendent of Punjab police, Indin, an attempt upon whose Wie nt a trial at Jalg da wan mad. rece, on a priccaer drow », gun and fired soverst shots, wounding one of the wits od it was about time she asked an "Josnle you're singing flat," come Wa Campaigns IT BS RN few questions, | i ----" on & HORNEOS, pm Sire rr onl 4 now prepared TH of charge 1 i The Oshawa Daily Times Central Ontario's Da Is used by Many National Advertisers "because it covers a field worth while cultivating. It also enjoys a good local advertising patronage, which, however, could be greatly increased and be more repre- sentative of the City of Oshawa. Let us help you séll your goods by, planning your advertising. This ser- vice is free. TELEPHONE 35 "+ and our representative will call | + \ THE OSHAWA "DAIL TIM \ A ES

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