Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Apr 1930, p. 9

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1930 4 PATE NINE A a of the Skies ¥ Vera Brow L ] n "A Thrilling Romance of Adventure in the Clouds Inted between a hope she was to be {free and a fervor that this wi more trouble, The officer wit a. oh the door into & fom Sembos cried; Be o elbfter of dishes in the weeks, He had-tefl.tomnion s buss oan reseed ft honed ness Arlp to Ban Veancleso, "Oh! He's gol." fo +1 He's going to get awiyt! ut em wpl" fed, 'broghed no rely Murphy next us sulled A Weadquarters, | lighted ; ha wi the d tallec 10 the Gor , then he "fein | Joan?" and she felt Grace's d Cris vicod back "low fown to | aris ubous her dt knew that Grace i strech Commissioner | wae hat Then stddenly she _suw wis waiting and the detective walked | Mu jirpht tr. Decker and the Com- inte the eflice vfithe "big ehiel" and | wissioner and a lot of other people tossed the worth of securls| =a!™Smilinggbroadly at her, hi on his desk without comment, Decker poliited to the bonds on he Commissioner snd his uwsist-| the table, ivaroty fulked at once, ants pressed forward, eagerly us the | and Jesn, date ed and happy, found bonds spread out on the polished Mr. Decker holding os hand, end surfaces a small fortune which Wadi Grace the other, caused the death of ong man snd als| "Never mind ynderstanding," the most wWreelied tHe Ife of an Inno. | Commissioner aids "It 1s too coms cent girl, lay before them. } Pllcated, You're fo home with "Sp ofendid work!" roired the Com- ih A irl und you hear all about It missioner, shaking heads with his { Tat officer, "But where's this Johnson 1" The goodbyes were When he heard of Loretta' ripe clows honds were Commissioner's safe he shook his head, "Bring her down here, She 1led, and Decleor himself led of course!" the December night == free, Murphy When Lerettn, sinking and oly: gnd Grace followed, As Jean shiye wits brought before the officers,| ered from the cold night alr which urphy understood for the first | swept off the river, Decker wrapped time Just how she might linpetson-| his own' fur cont about the. girl snd ate Jean, Hor hale hung in wisps | helped her into the. Jimousine by about her face, Her eves were no | whight she had been struck on der longer heautifl, Tn shabby clothes | first day in New York, The multi. she might hava bran any Inslgmifiepnt millionaire motioned Grace and Mur: working girl, phy to follow Jean, and when the Loretta faced the men with hang: por was closed he sald: ing head, But when she saw Mupe| "Where do you live, Grace? Tim phy and Grace she blazed out at putting this young woman in your them, charge; That's to be your Job un« "You didn't et film} tll the New Year, You both need "And you won't!" 8 vaention! T want my secretary to The Commissioner ordered Loret«| be In good health when she begins ta nto a hale before. him. her new dutles!" "Where did he go?" he demanded Wa Be wil Plo yA pend oh ni' fi cried, i rao as x sh trembled,' ed 'News Ww Jong, heavy d to i) :" trigye. it Sg Man make d a £4 Tin' hore | wis jo A h lobe ether that Grace wis n re whether one or two had really been red, he was rembiy 10 50 8 ild #8 dered If she esl stand. She wens l] +g i she held the precious ppekage saly in her ' Grass, veised her' head and the smoke cleared | the room seemed suds enly, to bo full of poligemen, all tak. Ng orders. from Murphy, Loretia, she saw, was half fainting, In charge of i Wo young @ gers, The mun wis slumped down" fn his chalr snd ane other pollesman was examining hin, "You didn't fool with that ane, ald the, officer an he looked up at Murp hy, 's dead ob a doors nalts he th on the heart!" Murphy was pling faintly, A mire ror buck of his head wis shattered With the dead man's bullet, but Murs ph W wis unperturbed, It 'was either him or me, apd I'm not tired of Nving, Look through his pockets quick)" id, the pre. up in the til morning Foun out into r ing, he Bhowdewn ' "All on Keep, your head! Murphy ordered as he stepped on the accelerator of the ear withefit turning on the headlights, he moter purred' softly us the gn they werd whith ng, walked Pg the street, Thre n i" an the pocket of the ear, Te 1 et out)" he added short recs' 41 ed were the al whe ked un 4 ind pu the street, her hat pulled down over her eyes, Bhe Wore an old bis, sult, & wool 4E¢ | rf hogs her her ne ove Aha net 4 fa "She'll take a' bus A prophesized Murphy» As he s the giv] turned nd walked ward Sth avenue, § Was con coming an and | 8 the girl bearded ( quigkly, Mure phy's ear shot inte the line of traf- fic and followed the uptown course of the bus closely: 3 he, id pa an you ses her} asked nervausly a iting on this side" Grace old | im and she slipped ey hand inte ¢ pe ket of the car and trans. ferred the gun to her own coat pocket. wdown wag near and she it, The bus Jumbered on through the early winter evening, It was past the, rush i and the trafie had finned 'and had not swelled -again the ar { ig Stowds Hi ehtd y sree retta Pel who followed oot --- on her reaching or deifindtion so soon, Loretta hurried d Columbus Avenue as Murphy hie car iy toward the curb, he's stopped to buy @ wper, Grace told My thex, fol fol lowed at a discreet retta oh place, A WG ce's hand was on the car dear, eape po! ws Mur parked thessar, and sped toward the th dingy yestaurant " oreita walked in the doer, As the | ght hit Loretta's face. Aduarely Grace reathed a sigh here was no mistake! "behind a parked car Grace ey the girl through the grimy windows, Most of the eusteiers the place were men, many shabhily ot some of them well-dressed, Bar: tort oy on foed that they: migh &ffo tax! later in the even i by SE " she erled, Jean's blue eyes shone and, sitting "I doen't know." Loretta sald with | therechetween Me, Decker.and Grace a faint smile, "But you'll never get] Ingthe luxurious cor she looked out urphy 'led Grace over to w table | him, It was alt planned, If I was|on Broadwayand its glittering lights! » while the afficers ordered out exe [ late, he was to know something was| 'She was toe happy to speak, § cited tomers and onloo) Mur- | wrong." She looked at the clock on | vst watching the brilliant lights flash phy opened the heavy nvelone, Out | the wall 'above the Commissioner's] past: There ware a thoushnd ques slipped stiff, - edged bonds, $60, | end tions she wanted to ask, n thousand of them, M furph iy counted, Across | "It's heen an hour!" she added. | seateful things she wanted to say to the room Loretta was sobbing hysters "You'll never get him how!" Grace and the big detective, and to eal, ka § I The Commissioner Issued u Tot of Mr Decker, that ake hiv Hop that and tell where | orders. His men were to weave al "How did you over get suspicious Jha fon ed, Arphy Ordered 8% | nat about the ely, and post men at| of Loretta" Decker asked Grace, fo pints "ede a any But be: | the Canadian horder, for the three made up for Jean's ale rail de: Ba ry nk "3 ry bod While telephones Jangled and evs] lence, HE Mh yooh foun sryhody talked ut' ance, William by, ore eed, ohms of her, " . " Decker, handsome In evening glothes| y oh Sig fre: inmedintely! Hur hurrled (nto the office, He was] explained, "Then I Sah Jean was orders and the clanging of the police | Medsed and smiling broadly aid: he| innocent and 'somebody Inside must patrol sounded above the Afgan thook hands with sverybodin The | have been in 'on the theft. It wasn't Be offer still bending over the dead | Commissioner had notified him at his hard alter that with Murphy here man called to Murphy, He held up| LON Isknd home with the first flas to tell me what to doi The Jade the 'missing bond, P1or the shooting in the restaurant;] bracelets helped, too." ae tng su oo ot 45, 00%, AOE OE) ln onan " "el LW | hac TV) Hy he tossed the security over with att ua AWS 11. the dash "Don't think, chi Toner thouehy ere Is Johnsen walting far Well, well, dow't I know when 1] You were gujity. didn't, but " Wave at ho west employe!" Decker] couldn't buck the whole pollee de- YOUT™ Murphy dithanded, stepping have an ho y ploy ! partment, 1 sent that atiorney to you on Christmas Day because 1 oouldn't bear to. think of you there in Jail!" Joan smiled her forgiveness shee eyes were filled with tears Seon they reached Grace's apart: ment and Jean, still wearing Mr, Decker's coat, was taken into the house and comfortably ensconced on the davenport, "Tomogrow's Christmas Day for Jean," Mr, Docker sald as ho was about to leave the little apartment, "Keep an eye out for the arrival of the turkey and fixin's, They'll be along about noon" And an Youn Iay back smiling, too happy for words, Murphy grabbed Grace about the waist and the two swing gally about the apartgient to the one-step the detective whistled unl somebody thumped loudly on floor from the apartment below, yr wap not untill Jean had fallen asleep that Grace and Murphy, rum. maging about the kitchen for food found "the mysterious note, pushed in the package receiver, addressed 10 Jean, The # approval and sald Jove "Bue a "don't know when you have a dishonest one!" retorted the head of the police force, Decker counted' over the found them all there, ou've done great. werk on this Commissioner," he sald heurtily, Bug the Commissioner shook his head, "No, don't thank me; thank my voungest detective and a gir! from your own office," he answered with a smile, "Bring her in," sald Decker, and Grace and Murphy were presented to the multimillionaire, "I shall never forget what you've done, my girl" Decker sald, shale ing Grage's hand, Then he congra- tulated Murphy and" beamed on evs ervhody, wr "No, 1 don't want to #66 that girl" he sald bitterly W hen Loretta's nanie was mentioned: "I want to see Jean, The por kid is not to stay In jail another minute!" It was already past midalght, Tu he {son for women the inmates ong since gone to bed, If net to hud J An inspector explained this tw» Decker, y knew the manager of the| "I don't eare, got her down here Hott ad nasned. When they | right away!" he ordered, Don't tell to. the lobby ten 'minutes | her what's happened I" A [eal it well filled, but there was | Thus it was that in the ntiddle «i of the room, T i} or ol Johnson, The manager | the night one of the matrons awak-! hes quickly and | listen $40 the story ef the bonds and A nth could obs | the 5 Me i ua ened Jean and tld her to get dress: | k man sity yy rl Ea to - ure ed immediately, Bal ry 4 fo eats " ie hen in "4 agust, "Just to let that AH No The girl closed her fips tight ly, She did net speak, Even n her terror and Wy' at, he" was loyal to th ua she loved, wed ell mel" the big detective added. Tell, me, if you.expect any meroy 1 us oretta's face was livid, The offic cers were walting to take her away. Final she 'gasped out a name, It was that of a quiet hotel on the west side of town, "Is he registered there or were you to meet him In the lobby I" he pres. ed her for an answer, Loretta's white lige fnanaged 0) form the wordsy "Lebby!" Then she fainted, and Murphy neticed as she 'was carried away to the pelice station that her green jade braclelets had piped down to her slim white Pent let an body talk to her une u 1 Fy there I" the detective orders Yy a8 stance, oe alors 5 hey yh 4 bonds and rie doves ith A ani foi h ul oe felt a al n her o Imo most cried aloud with terro i the hand was. Murphy's: "She's " ered her food and waiting for it," Grace told him, Jast that mement the a behind the counter hande A 6 wien | # 6 turned to Grace with a smile, and & eup a A and she looked i she: could see the strain of the about casually for a place te ait down, | last few mements in his blue ayes shart dark man auretu moved "Now for Johnson!" he eried glee it se that she might have the fully. The two of them ran out into a place beside him, a ehair|the street just as the patrol wagon turned away rom the door: carried Loretta and the dead man od inl Get your gun Ace's arm and rr TAREE AAA anaes eet ae i ahi ------_---- To Be Continued Tomorrow (Copyright Publle Ledger Co): Fr-------- NES scovered 'lateau, YA t issued or A with as casual an alr Raking sure both o then away from the at their fa te hf H other ai ord sand ehairs w {! a x ---T ae Sydne been Gould confirms A re traliah mi diamends Ep ot eon about (hel Jpoer youg we a! What nea nap ° you know Johnsen?" © manager admitted he did, ldn't come here, He's or LA nth, toh her blouse, When « wis ready an officer was waiting for her at the mategn's de "Come on" he said, Then behind Ala hand he nid to the matrani "Pack up her things: she's going out," and' he winked ov Vi his shoul der as they went out the deor. Going down In the elevator Jean h Sar © -- "oA to ty hed \ oF: 8 okt. food ul AT 1 Ar Lady these | Breathlessly Jean hurried inte her Ahe ard get away, I'd give any. eld suit and brushed her hair, "Perhaps this is what Dr, Dowling thing 10. got hands on him!" ely by Maoh telephoned meant," she kept repeating, dnd her 2 | hands rt Ab) prt not buts nc home, ¥T he maid answered, nson she sald, was not home was not expected for several edt" has run away with my sled Jorlnlamit a ds I | shot wrhed to compose' hers She vacil-# 5 he removed from 'the | amall ERIE TT Wim $5.00 SeliFilling Fountain Pe 1 0 le This la the Banker ¢* Sixe. Then Tow he she of way » nsw (ACTUAL A ADD 1¢ FOR MAIL Cee Buy fom COULD NOT B THE 80LID GOLD POINT ALONE te WP Ts AY 1 ha i Be. . 3 a inte as ugar be an u WONEN'S ASSOC. MET AT COLUMBUS : Members Gave jave Helpful Sug- gestions for House-™ Yong Jor Columbus, April 1, = The Wo- men's Association met on Mur, 26 at the Mapse with thirty in ate tendance. The tople was on house hold hiuts and helps; the mem~ bers suswering the rofl esl] 'with & hint, One of the papers glveu Bed several good ideas which we pass on, Storing woollens ~= exe amine seams, bems, ocolars, eto, and destroy all traces Of moths, alr well, shake and beat, then wrap in newspaper or wrapping faser. Moths, do pot eat phper, bel each bundle, Uses for old gloves -- Hew the palm of the left glove over the palm of the right glove, it will save your hands from blisters when Ironing, it is also handy to keep u pair in the duster bag for use when cleaning, A pair of Joows fitting rubber gloves are splendid to use when Put in cover and keep In kitchen shelf, ready for cuts and . burns, When hot olothes are needed to prollove pain try heatlug them in a steamer, A compress of wot salt 1g ex- cellent for & buh, of course not If the skin is broken, 'It must be applied at once and kept on for minutes, Baking sods ano water applied as a paste will give good. results, For a fish bone in the throat swallow 4 raw unbgalen egg aud the bone will be carried down. A tablespoon of pure lemon Julee has been known to ourg the most. obstinate oasew of hiccoughs, Columbus, Aprll 1, = Mr, and Mrs. John Dyer, Oshawa, spent Sunday at his father's home, first brushing the stain, over with A good absorbent powder such as corn meal of fuller's earth, Work the powder over the spot until the powder becomes soiled then brush it off, It You must leave a metal con. thiner fu your kitchen sink, cont the bottom of it with paraffin and SAVE TUSL marks, When putting linen awlly for some time, each plece should he wrapped in blue paper to keep it from . discoloring, Three handy kitohen articles, a olothes sprinkler for dampening clothes, It distributes the water evenly and saves splashing, A plate soraper for greasy lates, Sravy or sauce dishes and batter in mixing bowls, A pair of kitohen tongs for lite ing Dolled eggs, baked potatoes, green corn and at cannihg time for Jar ringe from bolling water, Kitohen first ald «= Storilise a jelly glass and put into it & roll of bandages, some absorbent cotton and a strip of adhesive plaster, washing floors, woodwork: or win. dows and even the oar. When you have finished the task for which will have used them, sprinkle with taloum, pull off inside out and they are ready for the 'next time, Ante in the house -- Dip a place of cord In con! ofl and place in_deorway where they come in and the ants will disappear, An embroidery hoop eed une oe fr hf J nie a ely 1 fable h rh table " Sovired with ou Sloth, ooden © 4 peg kept ana" hile washing dishes ood ove anything Muck to a' pan ng ay not sarki ah, ald in your drains an a waka chin Baye Sorat silver uit and 0 vorhamg hon amount of od and neg re a outting 08 celery, green Shinty ote, plage: pif pale of on & wear work tab wir often nave ot or rhubarb, cherry and othe Juley ple fillings the ' wid a hes hh on Soaking tapioca nn the boiling 'out 'and Wye + Jules TREY tiavor: In meat logt (i tothe ds a binds he ma A 'water, and an +qlement ats ad and fs, entracted. The biologi \ 1 station then called Herchrier's 1s contei od fo Canift"s records which tell 6 skirmish with the enemy (Am~ orleans) during the fell of 113 at hat place, Herelmeor's Point was five miles wont of Kingston on the Bay of Quinte, The British oMeers thought the Americans might attempt to land and onter Kingston, A tele graph signi! and two eanoons had been planted at the FYoint, ¥Vrom there u fair view of the Upper Cup lending to Lake Ontario was to be had, Vinally one morning the Ame ean fleet composed of 14 shill, large and small, appeared off the Upper Gap, A shot was fired by @ militisman there and replied to. A schooner, the Bimeoo, was chased but escaped by running over a bar betweon some islands at Herchi- mer's Point, She redeived several shots and sank when she reached Kingston, Inhabitants along the const wore ordered to the interior (Vroutenac county) with sll thelr | stock, The American fleet passed | along, not, far from shore, and the British field artillery moved along at an equal pace, firing being kept up between them, Canift's fathor was prosent on the ocession and standing a short distance from the shore, The Governor was with the troops and a shot from a ship pass- od just over him, struck the top rail of a fence nearby and went bounding and plowing up the ground. The troops reached Kingston as soon as the enemy fleet and were paraded in ngconcenled spot be hind She jail on ground now oc- cupled by St. George's cathedral at the corner of King and Johnson streets, Cannon bulls were flying over bulldings in the lower part of the town, As & precaution against the fleet attempting to capture Kingston with its garrison, naval dopotgund dockyard, the woods shout the place were afl cut down, The enemy, however, did not at- tnok, but landed further down "the Bt. Lawrence, Tho battle of Chrys ler's Farm followed, with the com- plete repulse of the American forces, Close to the spot on Mr, Cover- | dale's property where the cannon | balls remindars of the War of 1812 14 wore found, the big elevator of the Canada Steamships Lines now being built, wr ---------------- RICHES OF OCEAN HARDLY EXPLORED Beneficent "Role of Great Waters Described by Maritime Biologist Toronto, April 4=<All things come from the sep and without the great waters human life could not continue for a day. This point was strongly brought out at a lecture recently given before the Royal Canadian Society by Prof. A. G. Huntsman, direstor of the Atlante Hologlenl Station at Bt, Androws, ND. The ocean's reservoir of heat keeps the oarth's surface at a tem- perature suitable to life, sald the speaker. The ocedn iv called upon by the molsture-seeking rays of the sun to feed the clouds and the | elouds water the crops, provide | drink for heast and man, turn the great wheels of power plants and perform the everlasting wervide oi keeping the air moist, The world has lttle conception of the riches sheltered in the depth of the sea which Professor Hunts- man likened to the inexhaustible purse of ortunatus--Iinexhaust. ible and comparatively unexplored, Man used to regard the ocean an a térror and A Ywaste"; he feared to | drop over its edges, yet today he has brought the waves under his control and uses the broad ocean highways for cheap transportation throughout the world The ocean's surface is 70 per cent, of the earth's oe und ite volume ia caloulated at 800,000, 060 oublo miles. Tt could cover the ontire earth to. a halt, if spread than & mile and a half, it spread over 'the 'globe, The ocean is far trom a dead, inert mass, It 4s living, 98 | always tn eiroultion, replenishing its stores and defying exploitation to drain dt of its rictes, Thousands of 'millions of gold and sliver ave scattered through. out the waters, remarked the pro- fessor, and yet these cannot, so far, be estracted profitably for the minerals are not in the form of nuggets or lodes but are dissolved in the 'water. Nickel, copper and sino are also known to be present | in the sea, Ho it ix oftems true that water in the hand thers is gold there but in this case, of course, in such fnfiniteaimal quantity that it could not be measured by any hu- man device The. soa 10 the main source of common salt wand its weeds, pare tionlarly, is to be found fodine, a necessary element to drinking Which oan KAYO. an. aos of the Mari- Ny the her- lease be when ono weoops up a little sea- |» A On the 'loast be To Keep Your Youthful Figure-- EVERY DAY Eat a little Less Heavy Food and Drink a little More Bovril BOVRIL Builds Strength Without Fat 10 . mm most earliest, Do & murder ewin- mit, we hear of it and tell it, Do s mightily chief die, wo publish it and in borders sombre. Biafl has each been colleged and write | ike Kipling and the Dickens, We cirejo avery town and extotionste not for advertisemonts. More Calls Completed | / : rear em ---- - const of southern Now Brunswick the herring are taken while still very young and in enormous quan- titles yot there seems to be not the slightest dwindling of the supply. Tven the throwing open of the spawning grounds to Ashermen has been without observable {11 effects, The herring is able to use as food | oa variety of small floating stuff und | { in certain regions can reproduce its kind with invariable and over- | whelming wuccess, All regions of the sen, however, are not equally | able to produce gnd renew large stocks of fish, Oysters, for instance, need several years to grow, During the punt year, public sup port of the Bell Telephoné Company's effort to increasé the percentage of {local calls completed resylted, accord. {ing to the Company's annual state- ment, in over 80,000 more exchange The following notice appeared In | calls being completed daily than in an Oriental newspaper which de-|1028, und this despite a greater use yoten part of its space to matter in | of the telephone, In long distance English, calls completed, the 1929 increase was "Phe news of English we tell the | 11 per cent higher than for the pre latest, Writ In porfeet style and 'yious year, Bi ee... YOUR BUTLER FOR 4 WEEK T-- AT- YOUR SERVICE. ALAUNIAZ ANDANIA ANTONIA ASCANIA AURANIA AUSONIA Son---- That Is one of the luxuries of Cunard Tourlit Third Cabin travel ... perfect personal service of the traditional British type. Yobt Dining Room Steward, for instance, is admires bly reticent and deferential. , . yet cheerful) and efficient. Like the rest of thie staff of any Cunarder, he is always at your service; always most Nappy when he is doing something for, you. Cunard Tourist Third Cabin rats adjusted, New low Cabin Glam roles, + + Ask for informatinne Waekly sollings to Europe from Montreal! (and Quebec), from April 26th onwards ' Book through The Cunerd Line, Corner of Bay and Wellington Streets, Toronto, (Tel Elgin A471), or any sleamship agent, "CUNARD wn CANADIAN SERVICE THIRD CLASH | aa CABIN + TOURIST THIRD CABIN wercome TO NEW. and, \ \ WN (A PE | Ad ' ¥ or (LINTON \ "310 streena i) Neme col OPPOSITE PENNA. RR. 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