Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Mar 1930, p. 8

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jr El Vi "(large crowd had de i announcing the end of "pions o THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY. MARCH 28, 1930 PO KEY GAME T THE AREN -TONIG T-SKATING INSTEAD ---- Kir! rE : . 'Toronto, Mar. 28~For the, first time In twenty-two years of coms petition, it looks us if the Allan Cup, bo matic of the Dominion senior amateur hockey championship, willbe "won by 'the represhitatives of, the hee Hockey sociation, Out~ skating and outplaying Port Arthur, Western Canada champions, at the Aronia Gardens last night before a _mear-capacity crowd, the clever, Mon treal Amateur Athletic . Association Lteam, which has swept aside all pre- vious opponents in the East, captur- ed the ht game of the cup finals by 'a G-to-0 score, 1t has but to win one more game to take the cup, Jud~ 4 ging by, their performance last night, «the Montrealers should end the ser- (ies when the teams meet again to- morrow. night, 1s was a clean-cut victory for the Winged Wheelers, After a goalless first period in which the teams play- ed cautionsly. and did not open up to any extent; the Montrealers cut loose in the second session and ran in two goals, They tallied four more in the final period, having a big mar- i over the Port -Arthug, tgan, that "had few scoring chances dué to =n . Montreal defense and the ab- {tity of 'the Winged Wheelers front. line auen to overtake the puck. car. zier by, superior skating The Ports battled until the final gong, but lofig before the third per- Bods over the fans began filing out of the rink. Nearly half of the rted before the the | game 'w nded. The Ports were Doutclasac . oc the, second period it was apparent to all that. the cham. the East would win handily. s of Former Greatness "The present Port Arthur team is merely u shadow of those Port Are thug teams who have come East in ee and' carried the Al- : { [ i AVERY ha n oe | a a J, 8 BiR (0 OI i i bili t | stilt on the team and stil ; inh Hoy ockey performance, the speed ahd bril- Tiance that brought them to the heights in other seasons, They met a team that would compare davorab- ly with any of the great Allan Cup holders of the past, and the best that jaa Tepresinted the East since the oronto Grads downed the Fort Wil lism team at Vancouver in the spring of 1927. Speed played the most prominent part in 'Montreal's victory last night, The Winged Wheelers were much faster than thelr Western 'rivals, They also outweighed the Thunder Bay players and proved the better stickhandlers on the attack, Their shooting was muzh superior also, On ly 'on two or three occasions did a Yort Arthur player get. a. close-up shot at Kers in the Mentreal net, and then he shot straight into the onlkeeger's pads, The Winged Wheel snipers proved excellent marksmen, They scored some pretty goals with wing shots that picked the corners of the cage, and they made the Port Arthur defense look" weak indeed the way they sifted if "on the net. Their speed made them shif, ty targets for golid bodychecks, and both Haequoil and Wilson failed to halt them by this means, when a lone puck carrier broke through to score, Boston 1igers Win First Game Of Semi-Finals Philadelphia, Mare 28-In the first game of the semi-final play-off series to decide the Canadian-Am- eriean Hockey League champion. ship, the Boston Tigers defeated the Philadelphia Arrows, 1 to 0, at the arena last night, T™ winning goal was made in the last three minutes of the play after Klein had been banished from the fce for a two-minute penalty Taking advantage of this, Boston made a determined drive on the goal, and a quick pass from Mae. key let Bayd in scoring position, The final game of the (wo-game peries will be played in Boston Sat. urday night, Total goals in the (wo gontests will count, with. the win< ner 'meeting the Prodivence Hodw in a three-gnme series for the pen- nant, Te ---- ------ TROUSER. PROBLEM MAY BOTHER TENNIS 5 RULES COMMITTEE» gy She p---- 2 4 arch 25, --Wimbledon's ten- rules committee, which insite hi women wearing stockings in last year's tournament, may. have to deal Ss, fy nis, : ith the trouser problem this season. uropgan women, judging {rom Fthe summer sport styles shown in-ex- clusive houses definitely approve of tennis trousers. The common version is ankle length 'cotton pique trousers worn with a sleeveless, and some- times backless jersey or vest. "A fashionable house which dresses any 'women of the smart Riviera '4ot sponsors tennis dresses. made of flowered. wash silks with divided [ow which regeh four inches below he, knees BABE AN TO REPORT TO OQOKLYN TOMORROW Winter Haven, Fla, March $4, fiabe Herman, hard-hitting Brooks iyn right-tielder, who has been a persistent holdout, sent word yes- terday from New Orleans that he will report to Munager Wilbert Robinson at the traming camp In Glearwater tomorrow, Herman b : not yet settled his contract dispute, but it is believed he will accept the club's terms when he reports. The "Babe", wha was runner-up for National League batting honors last year, demand od a salary of $25,000, but two weeks ago reduced 'the Yigures to $18,000, The oluh refused to com- promise, Robinson's offer to Herman al has been a gnesyear contrast for a $15,000 salary, © wa ans Sih Pye L} 1} protege ot * li Tilden, MONA ; Wy oes nis yosterday . to defeat C Tien H. Kingsley, LM Oxford University captain, in the third round of the Cannes tourny~ Coen "Mg nent, Tho scores were 4-0, 6-4, | sailing breeze, Adjustable. w HOCKEY RESULTS \ ' Allan Cup Pinal Montreal AAA, 6 Fort Arthur 0 0, H, A. Memorial Cup Pinal Region Pats 3 West Toronto ,.1 , National Teague Playoffs ZHoRton 4.4.6 Montrenl 0.) tBoston wins round 3 games to 1. / International League Playoff Buffalo ',..,3 Cleveland, ,.,..¥ } y 1 Miss Orcutt Wins Title Bouthen Pines, N.C., Mar, 28, Miss Maureen Orcutt of Haworth, N.J., metropolitan champion, won the second smnual mid-south golf championship for women here yes. terday over a field of golfers which Included Glenna Collett, and sev« oral members of the Arherican toam which will sail' for Europe soon, Miss Orcutt made the title safe by ber steriing play on the first two rounds of the bd-hole tourney when she scored a 78 the first day and fa brilliant 76 the second day, She had an 87 to«day. -------- TOLLESBURY SON TO SAIL LIPTON YACHT Tolleshury, Eng., March 25~A son of this little fishing and yachting vil lage in Edsex on the mouth of the Blackwater has been chosen to sail Sie Thomas Lipton's American Cup challenger, Shamrock V. He is Captain Ned Heard, Natives say that there is mo better hand at handling a yacht 'on this side of the Atlantic, ole," Heard sald, "At 23 | sailed as an A, B, in.Sir Thomas' Lipton's Shamrock III, That was in 1908, In 1914 I'was in the Shamrock IV as first mate but no race came off ow- ing to the war. In 1920 T was again first mate under Sir Williand Barton, He won two out of the fivetest races." In four seasons from 1924 to 1927 as skipper of F,. CG. Mitehell®s Nor. seca he won 116, prizes in 137 races and in 1928 and 1929 in the Astra he won six out of eight events, Bruin Manager Out to Prevent Head Injuries Boston, Mass, March 28---After branding Injuries aboye the shoule ders' of hockey players as a mens aca to Lhe game, President C. W Adams, of the Boston Bruins, yes- terday sald he intended to figm for their elimination. at the nes. meeting of the "Boveknors of 'the National: Hockey League. Mr. Adums, sald that the only wayito prevent high 'sticking and. deliber Ale cutting of a player is to make penalty for such offenses so heavy 'that the players would ue compelled to carry their sticks wn abate fashion, f WOMEN WL "HAN YACHTS Boston Yacht Club Members Work for Keen Racing Season Boston, March 28.~When the wo- men skippers of the South Boston Yacht Club man their boats for the spring races they will have the ad. Yutage over their men competitors of a full winter of practical training (ond. Sxpericnee. : thur E, McGarry has desighed what is believed to be the roi door sailing Loat as a practical 'way of illisstrating ta the lady skippers of the club the fine arts of sailing, The "Flying Dutchman," as the model is. called consists of a sevens foot box hull with a regulation siz tiller, Two rods run forward and op. erate a turnable with' a simple twos to~one gearing arrangement, onnts | ed én the turnable, a swivelled: del yacht, resting on gimbals lke a mba, synchonizes with the. tiller, A portable electric fan performs the role of Aeolus and furnishes the the keol of the little, Marconi fib and mainsail boat simulate wind a sure on either a' tender or stiff boat, Classes arg held every Friday night tad lectures and written answers to undamental questions are supplemen ted hy the "Flying Dutchman." Bach irl takes her turn at the tiller and cops A weather. eye on the disposis tion of canvas as sh t 3 oda x "the cutting down of boat [ehuie bills; Skipper MeGarry has laid the groundwork with the Rules of the Road: The nautheal catechism 'of the class is the old chanty which was in vogue ope than a century ago in the United States mavy . and merchant marine, "When COLI pA i nthe pop 4 i po RRA OF an your Tee hb wind con different sides Li The starboard tack vour case decides ! : hi tv p clear of every sailing: 'cratt a ' "I was racing at 18 in the old Cre- ! son | 'close-hauled on the starboard | AR . | + No other ship 'may cross your € 1 appear all keep PORT SNAPSHOTY By Go. Oaxvama, Sports Editor No Game Tonight / Owing to the fact that the Coca Cola team of Toronto will be unable to be here, there will be no hockey game at the local Arena tonight, This news will, no doubt,"come as a disappointment fo'a great many of the local hockey fans, who had been looking forward to this game, It is very doubtful whether there will be any more hockey games in Oshawa this season, The Arena will be open for skating tonight, ' Ld LJ] LJ ¥ Grand Closing Carnival Your last chance to skate on the local Arena for this season will he tomorrow night, when the Arena is going to hold thelr Grand Clos~ ing Carnival, The Carnival promises to be a real brilliant affalr and a good time is assured for all who attend, There will be four races, two for girls/and two for men and boys, After the prizes for the differs ent types of costumes have been awarded, a mocassin dance will be held on the ice, The skaters will be glven a change to enjoy themselves for the last time this season, . LJ Latrosse Banquet Tonight ' The juvenile lacrosse players of the Tod's and Weston's teams together with all the other persons who are to be present, are remind. ed of the lacrosse banquet which is being given by the Oshawa La. crosse Club at the YM.CA. tonight, The banquet starts sharp at 700 p.m, The following us well as all others who have been invited but whose names we do not know, are to be present for certain, M, Jacobi, President; Cf James, Tod's Mgr; W. Cobourn, Weston's Mgr.; D. M. Tod and Leo Gray of the Tod's Bakery; Bert Constable, Jack Rupert, Art, Germond, Mike Bouckley, Frank LeRoy; Walter Daniels and L. Corrin, The following players will receive medals; Tod's, the champions; E, Simmons, H, Dick, E, Armour, B, Belly G, Gradd, W Hicks M. Corrin, E, Drinkle, L, Daniels, J. Toppings, D, Black, G. Campbell, H. Bayes, J, Henley, A, Smith and C, Constable, Weston's the runners-up, G. Bueknam, C. Hooper, A. Walker, Ww Hare, F. James, G. Grant, P, McMurtry, M, Oke, E. Armitage, G, Luke, L. Woods, O. Gifford, B, Broadbent, R, LeRoy, J. Bovin and C. Crothers, » LJ LJ] \ LJ . Chev. Ladies Elect Officers The Chevrolet Ladies' Softball Club held un meeting last Monday night and the following officers were elected for the coming year: Honorary Presidents, R. 8, McLaughlin, G. W, McLaughlin, G. W. Hezzelwoad, and C. E, McTavish; Honorary Vice-Presidents, J, II, Beaton, Ross MacKinnon, A. W. Bell and H. A, Brown; President, "Bunty" Goold; Secretary-Treasurer, Doris Kennedy; Captain, Mabel Eftiott; Coach, Walt Phillips; Asst.-Coach, Mat Sutton, LJ] » NM - Lucky Man When the Irish entry in the Grand National, Shaun Goilin galloped home at the head of: the field, Norttan "Chick" Richards, well known Bowmanville man, who used to work dt General Motors, bf this city, became richer by the small sum of $30,00000 *"C hick" is the held- er of a ticket in a sweepstake, bearing the name Shaun Gollin and this ticket now entitles him to this sum of money, "Chick" payed only one "iron man" for this ticket, He knew several weeks ago that he had Been lucky enough ta get a horse and that hie was practically sure of a certain amount of money, but soon after 10.30 am, this morning, "Chick" knew that he had heen lucky enough 16 get "the" horse. 'We join with his many feiends and acquaintances in congrat: wating "Chick" on his good fortune and wishing hin the best of; luck, * LJ .,, n "Pats" Win First The West Toronto Juniors have an up-hill fight to make in order to win the Memorial Cup this season, The Regina "Pats" won the first game of the erie last might by a score of 3 to 1. Whether the One tario champs can come back and win the last two games, remaing to be seen, They have shown all year that they are a fighting team and it is quite possible that they may turn the trick, » * % . M.A.AA. Win The Montreal AAA, better known as the Winged Wheelers, handed the famous Port Arthur team a severe lacing last night, The score was six to nil, It looks right' now as if the Allan Cup is going to go cast. It will be somewhat of u change. The Wheelers used a continuous speedy attack that bewildered the Western team. Ii they can maintain their speed, they should repeat their victory on Saturday night. * LJ LJ * Boston Bruins The Boston Bruins finished up the series with the Maroons fast night when they handed them a 5 to 1 set-back." The Bruins came out of the previous three games in a better condition and. they won fairly casily fast night. They will now mark time and whit for the Rangers and Les Canadiens to decide a winner, li Champions' Take Third Vic- inFinale | Boston, Mass, March Boston Bruins Win Third Game to Clinch Series ly in the second from the stick of Captain Hitchman, who left his de. fence post to rush with Barry, On the. following play, Hitchman was struck by Nels Stewart's stick, and & wide gash, was opened over: his right eye, seven stitches were require ed to close the wound, Owen Clinches Game George Owen went in tor Hitch« man and performed so well that the Bruins' rangy loader was not mises Owen was all over the ice and 'tory in a Decsiive Style 'Hitchman Forced Out of Game With a Bad Cut Will Play «Winner = of Rangers-Canadiens Series, ------ y 28+The » ! "the National the Brains thi in fot: rs and ented ow ; bi of or d cof {a ch hi ng It ciland's Pass, = 4 \ . 7 t x There was only a ew seconds pe maining w! ne Munro defence ¢ tos i with Hooley Smith. Thy: at sped down the un ious! 8 ry sli shoty. during the game, | ~The Bruins, who are determined to rétain the Stanie Cup to year, will probah recuperate from this | with ie Canadian di dons. Two of the for g overtime affairs, fierce! tested for 108 kha the winners 4 playeoft C ot) t will Fk Pittsburgh Flyweight Succumbs After Bout Pittsburg, Mar, 28--Dilly Hatch, 19, Pitsburg negro flyweight boxer, died at a hospital last night fol lowing a bout at MeKeerport with {eorsg Tomaskey, aslo of Pitts- ure, There were several knockdowns in the fight which Tomaskey won, but during the bout thers was no indication that either fighter had been injured, | Afterwards Hatch walked An his dressing room ur "e sisted and there eomplnined of pains in his head, The doctor or. dered him taken {0 a hospital where he died, -------------------------------- Buffalo Wins First Game Yort Erle, @ March 28--Buftalo won the first of the International Hockey league final series from Cleveland last night by a score of 8 to 2 in a whirlwind game which loft both teams gasping st the fin~ ish as a result of the terrific pace. Alfie Moore, the star goalle of the Indians, was knocked out near the close of the second period, suffer. ing no slight concussion when the puck hit him under the eye, drop- ping him on the foe, Moors was carried off the ice and Bud Wisker, of the Toronto Millionaires, after A delay of over half an hour went into the nets for the Indians, Des- pite his lnek of practice Fisher had his eye on the puck and turned aside many dangerous shots, The shot which laid Moore low was rifled by Gross and Voss whe was following In close netted the puck an Moore fall, giving Buffalo what proved to be the winning gonl, BIG BOY ALEXANDER LOSES THE BALL Tampa, Fla, March 28---Blg Ox Alexander turned on his old club in the tenth inning of yesterday » qame her. Big Ox caught hold N one of Jack Niggeling's low fast pitches and they haven't found the ball yet, It was a terrific smack, the ball travelling high and far over the right-fleld barrier, That little re- membranco of Alexander's power broke up the ball game and gave Datroit n six toe four victory. Youny Wrestling was on base at the time, Put he should not have been With one but Westling popped ov- or the box and while the Leafs' infleld went into a huddle the ball dropped to the ground for a cheap hit, Nolen Richardson hit A home run for the Leafs in the opening inning, It whs a protiy, good ball game and the only difference between the two teams were Alex's homer and some loose work hy the Leafs' inflel | while Guy Cantrell was dos ing the pitching, Following an in. fleld hit in the alghth Pete Cote lost a double play on the next batsman when he messed the ball around, Then he booted off Alex- ander and Ducky 'Burke made a wild toss past firat base, 8 run re sulting trom the slip ups, Hugh Wise paved the way for two Tiger runs in the fifth with Albert Phillips dolug the chucks ing, On two attempts to stop My- Ing runners at second buse Wise fired the ball into contre fleld, Weather Unfavorable For the Grand National Liverpop!, Enginnd, March 28. Unfavorable weather was the fore- enst last night for today's running of the Grand National The old Alutree course was ralnsgaked yesterday after a heavy mist' had turned into rain, The forecast of unfavorable weather' augured for oavy going In the gruelling test, " Nearly 150,000 tlekets in the Liverpool Commercial Mxchange swoepstake hava been sold for prices aggrogating $350,000, The Cotton Kxchange sweopatake has a first prize of $80,000, and the Stook Exchange sweep offers a firat. prize of $60,000, second of $10,000 and third of $10,000, WOXUCAM" LACROSSE TEAM ARRIVES IN US, TODAY New York, Maroh ¥8,-=A la orosse: squad, of 14 players, repre: |f senting Ozford and Cambridge Univeraities, will pryive here to day from kogland tor a series of International matohes with United States colleges, Princeton, Pennsyls vania, Syracuse, Army and other loaders in the old Inalan game are on the sehodule arranged under the auspices of the Inter-colleginte Lacrosse Assoclation.! Profossor Laurie 1, Cox, Syras ouse coach, will meet the invaders and 'direct. on, whieh 1a to' rv another |} have a week 'to {IY SATURDAY, Special Rl AGULAF ¥ 'R Cl xX Matis fall Eastern Champs Forced to Bow to Superior Speed of Western Rivals--Regina Goalie Plays Well--West Toronto'® Rally Creates Excitement Winnipeg, March 28~A spectacle of speed and more speed working in perfect cohesion carried the Patris clas of Regina to victory over West Toronto in the first of the intersec~ tional games for Canada's junior hockey crown by a 3-to-] score here last night, West Toronto was just swept aside in the avalanche of fly. ing Patricius, who kept up thelr ter- rific pace from the opening gong un- til lute in the last period, West Toronto could not get their system working against a collection of backecheckers who literally flew with the puck. The Redmen concen trated on a defensive style of play, seldewy venturing into the Pat goal zone, but when they did open up they put a sting into their shots that almost subtracted from the Pats' su- periority in peed, The Hasterners did not go on yy offensive serious. ly until the las®perfod, and then they staged o battling rally that als most carried them to victory, While Pats had far more scoring chances, driving three times as many shots at the Toronto goal, they were not really as dangerous as the few West Toronto efforts, West Toronto did not play .helr regular game and could not against the beitliant work of Regina's racing collection that seemed to' cover every inch of the lee und always covered the puck, Individual (nd as a team the Pats were better last night, the storming rushes of Gordon Pettinger, and the flashy play of Sil Acaster setting a Dark Elue Crew Makes Good Time London, March 28--ldeal row ing conditions greeted the Oxford boat crew yesterday morning when they did the usual course between Putney and Mortlake, and with H, R, Edwards back at No, § the prac ties went smoothly, With a fine burst at the finish, the crew did the gourse in 20 minutes and 40 seconds, Paced by Lensbury, the eight Oxford men started off ut slightly better than 35, pulling good, long strokes In powerful unis formity to Hammersmith, where thoy were joluted by the Midland Dank elght, It took Oxford four minutes fo draw away from their former ri vals, At Barnesbridge the Wests minster Bank crew received the Dark Dlues, who gave the Bank orew a length's start but won on a great final burst, The largest crowd seen on the towpath this year turned 'out to see Cambridge in their first ap: pearance at Putney, The Light Blues were the'ohjects of much ad miration, but eame out of the con test with the nonchulance of beauty contest eompetitors, Samples Galore ARE YOURS Regina "Pats" Win First Game, of Memorial Cup ** Finals From West Torontc pace that West Toronto could not match, By playing a defensive game the Redmen gambled for breaks which never came, In the first pers lod the Pats were held scoreless, als though they commanded the territors inl play, and it was not until the end that West Toronto showed signs of scoring, In the second period Paty seemed toine reuse the pressure and to establish a goal lead, which was never relinquished while they added to thelr margin with another deors ut the start of the final frame; Electrified Crowd West Toronto electrified the crowd mid-way through the third session when they released thelr scoring punch and the Pats were backed a- round their own goal, The real thrill came when Graclg popped the puck into the Paty' goal for the first time in five games, The fans went 'wild with the mad fighting display of the Easterners, while the Pats made quick changes of stihs in an effort to check the stumpede, West Tor onto scemed on the road to success but the Patricias held on and with two minutes to play they broke ae way for anothe li a Bring in a Used Victor Record for, each new one and get them for FREE! If you buy your drug and tomorrow = AT THE >: 8 i a urdaye--2.30 iL store merchandise today || "IN MY LITTLE HOPE CHEST" From the Motion Picture TONEY* THEN he WR

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