fi (} M 1 ame 54. Fajrouake siroot 5 THE ' 7 THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1930 PACE FIVE ¢ n's Interests in 1 a" wi, ome «= and the Commun ity Ld 'Social and Personal Lat i 4 the AE nh oa su airs of te semi y Ho avold on both sides of | paper, Will ewman, M, P, ¥, ny North Vv A iL] the guest of Rov, and Mrs B. Harston, Simooe Mtreet United Church personsge, for a few day, 4 ip week with| North Simooe Strest Home and Jnevie | dehool Club ip entertaining at a ast re [bridge in the Mesonic Temple this the' visit to afternoon, ! Mrs, W m Holland, sr,, is tor celebrating 'hor 84th birthdsy 7 a nome of on, of Bt. Cathars Mion Ra Hutt A. bec FVERVTHNG READY at 8 dolls ful of t 1 A - afternoon, guests r were Mrs, Carsoation: Ly of the Principal of the college and Miss: A, Mun well, dean of the college, . . 'W., Price, President of hy By Roe and Bohool Council, who spoke in this city on the ocession of the Inter-Publie School Oratorieal edntest, is retire ing from her position after two yoars neryloe in that capaoity. Miss Dorothy Williams In enter taining at & bridee this evening In Boner of Miss Lorraine Francis who is leaving Oshawa next 'week to train for a nurse, iriaaed bridge in the Ro ha Toya) York Girl Guides Demo of Handicrafts Tomorrow Is Outstanding Event All 1s in readiness for the "Handlomft Fair" oh Saturday, The Girl Guides of the 2nd Osh- awa Company have heen working fo* meny weeks learning thelr various arte and orafts, and maks ing many very lovely and useful which they will sell, The fact shat the week's mend- ing Iv not done should not keep spyone pt home, Bring along the ' stooking bag, and if it is black or gray woollen stockings or wox that have the holes, Margaret Twilley and her Darners will be pleased to do up the job for you in a thor: oughly satisfactory. manner, \ Pretty lamp shades in multi colored pages af old magasines, are made by Yvonne Yourth, Age nes MeCleliand, Maisie Yourth and Dorothy Irving and these Guides will make the shades and show you how to make them, or out you a pattern to take home If you wish, pn "Something = from Nothing sounds too good to be true, but that is what the Thrift Culdes have been atiemping for the past tow weeks, and It will surprise you to see how many things they have evolved, ~The old silk" stockings that used to be thrown away have been turned into a beautiful erots ohed silk mat, not without A Ereat deal of time and work; Sport belts have, bean 'made "from the colored pages of 0) dmagasines. The bits of wall paper left over from Jast season's decorating have been turned by mugie into waste paper baskets, The old bottles, along with the (nsldes of the fancy Christmas envelopes . have game out os oriental vases, This seer tion haw been in ohare of Tia Vale loan and Blleen Copeland with 1da Clitton, Mabel ohertaon, Joan Nohofield, Jorle Breault to assist, This undertaking is In ald of NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES | Many styles to Choose from, Onur are prices Shi Mare | FORTHE BIG FAIR: the summer cemp for the Guy Guides of the rnin d hie ito he Noid a first two weeks of August on 0 rou Lake ust out of Pens Ie Inn wiul grove, 3 bite. birohes, hin "Ip the wa Gir) 0 oamp, It menny considerable A expense in the way of Initial equip. mout, before the Guides: 1 thelr own camp feer, The mothers of 'the joni counell, are assist Ing. with the home cooking saiv Ader the convenorship of Mrs, poland, assisted by Mrs, Daniels, Mrs, Harding, Mrs, Rosser and Mvs, Valleau; Through the kindness of Arne old's JAd,, thelr big empty store at 16 Bimeoe Btrest south has ui pinged at the Jispossl of the Guides for tomorrow, and as this 18 0 contra) place in. the shopping distriot mo. one should miss seeing what the Guides oan do, There is no admission charge, Hut the wire will haye some orafts work or. sale, Mrs, Erie Phillips, the commin- sioner, has kindly congented to open the fale at 2,80 pm, tomops row, after which the stalls and de- monstrations will be In full swing: BE ---------- | WOMENS MEETINGS || NORTHMINNTVR W, A, Northminster enureh was a busy center yesterday from three o'cloek unthl eight when & joint supper pid snle of work was held, Groups 1 and # under the convenorship of Mrs, D, M/ White and Mrs. Ni Finley of the Women's Association served ou splendid. supper, Th) tables looked most atractive wit thely white linen and silverware ond spring flowers, Group 5 of which Mrs, OC, W, Garr 1s leader had a booth of sewing arranged in neat afd oraerly fashion, Hes sides selling these articles the Indies of the group took orders for more work, The attendance during the afternoon and evening Was yory good and the iadies are well pleased with the result. of thelr labor, The prives for those with the highest scores at the Whist Drive held by the Ladies Ausiiiary of the Canadian Legion, last evening were won by Mrs. Gtrele, Mra, Macklow, Mrs, Ununt and Messrs, Taylor; Pollard and Jarvis, Mr, D, M, Morrison is giving a party this evening tu honor of fir, Uharlle Seaton who is leaving for Regina In uw fow days, A British rallway (a experimenting With a locomotive with a boller pres sure of 400 pounds te the square inh, the highest aver attempted in that eountry, a b Advanesy 1h technology and pro Calin and Martha | duetiof methods have improved both the quantity and quality of Russia's asbestos output, 8 much larger pro. portion of long fibre material being obtained than, formerly, 'So 'erisp it that alyays comos with Kellogs's Roo Knlsples In u:yoar, this hackles, ont loud? EN everywhere have milk or cream, Extra delicious canned fruits, or honey. Good for breakfast, "lunch or supper. great mew otteal hus become 680 yy the recipes on every packs di "age, Rico Krisples macaroons, candies, Buttyred Rice Krisples. Loh Rh TR PEER # \| tario atom Hl ANNUAL MEETING ADOPTS REPORT OF SECRETARY (GontinBied from Page 2) daividunl members In the services that may be obisined and it has Always been the poiley to give the srontast satisfaction possible to all members, 1t is therstors resome mended that advantage be taken AL any time of tho fund of ine formation that has been collected during the past two years, - Close watoh has Deen made on all funiieations PRLOrring to sthtiss tieal data' of municipalities and the Information concerning Oshe awa kept up to date, Hoport of Activity An indloation of the activity of our siaff of three may he gauged rom the fact thil thers have been an average of six per day of personal onlls, 11 lutters sent out and 706 clvenlars forwarded, Yur ther it will be noted from the Troasurer's statement that from services rendered to the Oshaws otor Club and all Wervige Clubs, & Fovenus Of over six hundred dollars' (§600) van received, Attention must he drawn; at this time, to the fact that largely owing to the lack of Interest on the a of the rews!l merchants, the Credit Bureau formed by them and finanelally = awsisted by the Chamber has heen Rimost In-0pera- HYS, This notivity, provided in terest' is wustained, should be of in. estimable value to the merchants The affiliation of the Oshawa Motor Club, a member Club of the Untarle Motor League, has ase slated materially in making vail able Information of valus to ity members us well 'as visiting mot. orists a service that will, no doubt, expand from year to year, Pursuant to the polloy adopted during the 'first year of organisa tion all metivities Lave been dealt with by your Moard of Directors and only as necessity required it, wore special committees Appointed from time to time, The exception however, was In the case of the industrial and Publieity Committees which acted in co-operation with & similar committes of the Ulty Counoll, With the exception of the Cans. dian. Chamber of Uommeres Uon: vention held in the West last summer, your Chamber has been represented at all conventions on Chamber of Commerce work, at Which the main toples of discus alon wera legislative matters for recommendatio 10 the various governments, The Annus! Convention of the Ontario Associated Moards ot Trade and Chambers of Commerce held in Torontd, nponnored by youl Chamber, which, unavoidably sould not be held, In this Uity, proved to be the iuost successful Convention ever held by that ore Wenisation and without doubt Inged your Chamber amongst the & organisations of this kind nthe Provines, Recommendations Upheld Kmanating from your Chamber, one important recommendation has received the suppdrt of the Ontario Associated Unambers, vis, tho {ropoun) of the formation by the ntario Government of an' Ontario Industrial Development Hoard sim. Mar to the one in operation in Manitoba, and one recommendation Is ati} receiving the consideration of the Canadian Chamber of Uoms meron, vis, the extension of Trade Commissioners' work in' other countries and especially the United Hiates, to be operated. on A sine flap basis as the United States Cape sulnr oftices In Canada, the same «| offiess to be operative as informa. tion bureau for Provinces eons tiguous to the Mtate In which the oftion {n located, to encourage ins terest In the natural resources of the Ripa tive Province and having partioular regard to the tourist aj: tractions, Owing to the appointment of the Automobile Insurance Rates nquity Commission by the One overnment and the sub sequent agitation lan ely by the press for Compulsory Linotlity lu OURS Stay of Thame AT of the subjeat, the opportunity 4 1) u the nol ion | NOW ine : nonimen ot to Go-oheration has bosn extended oa 4 ) ph! number o indian Trade you made' pe we | Alon period fn Maron, | RY tn veri (1) The acqutait\ t Wie AlTibutNE aretom ot distributing on of eleotrio rates ma » bontraL/at the o 'the kn by the ut les Commissien, Ri wid hv oly 14,3 per ooh, on { of AD: ir and #) The reduction LL Tater' of t 1a the . 1) i! Fates (fu key rate, Su SAS oF WaUR Taw Gohan po on and the Oty, sulting tn a | rove pout (1, sideration might be Hiren to tho 'Wheiming vote the by-law author 4, dorger' sonwumors' ot ! mod~ leing the City Counell to purchase o further industrial sites to an amount net ty, 'which, If permiitin py ation, might sesiet Industrial to exceed $50,000, OF this Amount dev "spment, (4) The improvement of the hathour by the commennement of operations on a $04,000 dredging contract Jot by the Department of Vublle" Works, (6h) The establishment of ona of the finest' hockey and skating arenas fu the Province, which it Is understood vesulted In suscoss ful operations tor the sponsors in the first senso, something ' uns oqualied in the field of artifioini few arenas In Ontario, It is not intended by this ves ort, to intimate that your Cham~ v has been wholly responsihie for the 'vesults achieved, It significant, however, that thess results, long desired hy the publi gonornlly, should have heen ner complished during Lhe secbnd year of, operation by your Chamber, Assuming, theretors, that your Chamber through combined fnters ost has contributed even slightly to sagure them, It might be pros dicted Lhat we may expect further reductions' In electrical rates, gas rates and fuel costs, all having thelr oflect in oventing what mignt be called a sound foundation tor the main object toy which the Chamber of Commoree was estabe lished, that of Industrial Develops ment, In which divection marked progress has also heen noted dur ing the past year, 16,600 has heen expended on two Arens taining aimost 45 serves, It now possible for manus facturers to secure nites with all facilities at a mintmuss of $760 por aore, / Industriel Voundation Belloving that thers are & Bums ber of small sourd manutscturers who, now in leased buildings, havs Ing been successtul over n period of years and had returned profits to the purchase of additions) maak |" Inery and equipment, would desire to lease larger quariers, your: Dis rectors formed the company known asthe Oshawa Industrial Founda ton Limited, which is in a posi tion to purchase sites snd builds ings As required by such manu~ faoturers, to be leased to them on the basis of 10 per cent, por su» num of the capital cost of land and bulldings with an option to purchase, Although no manufae~ turer has yet been served in this way, the provision Ts made in the event of vequirement, As an indigation that the manu facturers in the Clty are co-opers ating In avery way with your Chamber to secure new industries for the City, it iy stated that of the amount already subseribed to the sbove mentioned company, With the exception of the gener~ ous suppbre by your President, the manufacturers have heen largely Industrial De It Is no doubt that In this compoutitive wge of manufagiuring all factors from the raw materials and the price of site and bulldings Lo the casts ol pperation and distMbution of the products are of utmost importer anes In the decicion Involving thw establishment of un new, plant aml your Directors believing that by serving 'n duel purpose, that of making conditions nettey for thesy panufacturers already in opera: flon in the City and providing all requirements by those seeking Lo locate at the lowest possible gost, It would be possible to secure the desired result, This polley therefore expiaing the attitude of your Directors tp the results already achieved and those to which aoticn Is still being diveeted, i Binge 1084, the Benus Limitas thon Act of the Ontario Niatutes would rob permit municipalities In Ontario to acquire land for In. dustrial purposes and belleving that the best Interests of Indus trial development would be served, your Chamber recommended that action be taken by the City to con~ trol, an far os was practical and Negessary, suitable industrial altos, To wsooure this your Chamber secured an amendment to the Un« tario Statutes by the enactment of the Industrial Bites Act which now permite all munieipalitios in the Province to acquire industria lands, Bubsequent to this action, the citizens passed 'by an overs obvious fo all Handicraft FAIR Saturday, March 20th in Amold's 14d, Bove 16 Simos South Bee the girls of the nd Osh Awa Co, Canadian Girl Unides demonstrate «= Soaking), Hows ing; Darning: Dyeing; Palishe ing: Toymaking: Basketry: Carpentry; Rugmaking; Lamp shades and Paper Art, Mrs, Eric Phillips the Distviet Commissioner will officially open the fair AT bo P, M, Home-made Cooking for 'Sale Proceeds In ald of the Girl Guides' Summer Camp The normal] skin requires . . responsible for the balance of the Amount subseribed, In on on List AS In the first year many pros. poets have heen dealt with hy your Chamber through the Industrial Commissionar of which sight are still on the active list, In the onse of ten which were dealt with, locations in other cen: tres wore found and it has been the polley of your Chamber to As« cortain the reasons ' why other logations were preferred, so thet any lusurmountable obstacles may be dealt with to place Ushawa in A better position, In reviewing the establishment of industries In Ontario during the Past year iL is pleasing to note that the largest onpital investment yer sulting subssquently in the Inrgest annual payroll for any industry was established In Oshaws, vis, the Bkinner Company Lid, the Canadian Division «tf the Moudalls le<korshey Corporation, one of the Iargest corporations of its king in the world, Those that have visit od the plant in this Clty will ae knowledge that it is one of th) finest and most modern plants of Its kind and we have already been aspired that further developments may be expected in the future on the remaining two thirds of the site which the company purohased In general It may he remarked that any manufanturer 4airing " new loontion may now receive der Inite information concerning the City sogording to Any specitie ves quirement, With the problems of the harbour and gas rates cleared AWAY, possibly during the ensuing your Oshawa's position for ener #otio campaigning for fudustries Will be on an sound a basis ae possible, It must, however, be kept In mind that it 1s necessary to cons fine the Industrial development of the City te only those industries whioh ean be economically losated here #0 as (0 eusuras thelr sucoess: ful operation and development, in other words it In possible to offer 00 many inducements for indus tries seeking locations, whieh, eventually owing to competion in thelr own line by those more economically situated will result in thelr failure or removal, whieh proves in many Instances worse than If they had not established here in the first place, Oshawa should always be known as "The City of Buccessful Industries," Sitstanding among the develop. ments of the industiien siready lo- cated here during the past year should be mentioned the addition of boat snd radio lines TV the Wile lama Plano Company, General It is unfortunate that duping any time of adverse business cons ditlonst 1t Is popular for oitinens generally to view things In a Jatt mivtio WAY, Instead of facing ots and finding a solution for them in the lest interests of all, Many instances oonld be ofted where privat corporations have faced adverse conditions 'in busis HesA such as would Indloate the possibilty of fatlure, but by yes search, optimism and determina. tion, seeming Iallures have heen reversed to outatanding sucossses That Seems to be the key note of \ Make Suds Quickly , but be sure you make . SAFE SUDS/ One tub of suds looks much like son other tub of suds . , , It's what the suds sre made from that means either tisky washing or safe washing, And think of your bands , , . svar. one knows what hash suds will do to them, The purity of Sunlight Soap mens salery for both 'clothes snd hands, It Js this rity of Bunlighs which makes ix dissolve hd And Bunlight's gentlesuds, so quickly formed ; + « always cleanse thoroughly and shove all + vo salsly, Other laundry soaps are never really sitls factory 10 the women who have once used worl Look Your clo Sunlight, That's why millions of bars the dover sie bought for every wash day, fpr the $8,000 Sunlight Gusran. i» ot Parity on every enrion; |] | seonomy=~longsr ile 1p ste protection 19 your hands Lover Brothers Limited, Toronta ) maker hb ARbointment a thei nl Tes the averner-Cianeial anid Viscountess aN ik the Chamber's work and hy coms bining with It a spirit of eo-opera tion by all elected hodles and | sens' generally Oshawa will retain and elevate its position as one ol the leading and industrial centres of Ontario and the Dominion of Canada, Before elosing this report yeur IMrectovs 'take this opportunity of hingden, appreciation fon the assistance . rendered' hy the mgmbers, the Cliy Council, the proms and the oitizens generally, to the activities of the Chamber, ; Respectfully submitted by ine struction of Board of Directors, [| LEON VRAGKR, Hecrelary nnd Infiustrial Commie sioner, y ET TR TTI------------ oxpressing 'thelr I i ANDANIA ANTONIA ASCANIA AURANIA AUSONIA Utter comfort, ., at new low costh The Ascania Drawing Room (Cabin, Class) with Its quaint chints walls us! its intimate corners that Invite gay. confidences . , , what charm! what Drawing Room, Cabin Clan Weekly from from April R6In. onwards, comfort! Cunard Cabin and Tourist or n tas, Third Cabin agcommodations 1] oh Meniraal (and Quebec), ways delightful. Andhowlittielt costs) Min imum Cabin Class rates from Montreal by Book through The Cunard Line, Cunard new only $130 te North British Ports. Corner of Bay and Wellington $133 te Channel Ports, Redustion of 12% om Street, Toronto, (Tal Elgin' round trip Cabin bookings in the ten offs S471), or any sleamihip agent, anasen months, Tourist Third rates adiustedy CARIN & TOURIST THIRD CARIN + THIRD Siats A hk Fa Ba 'Nonsense + oy OVALTINE / TS nerves, al you standing why Ovaltine is oa BUILDS Wu aha Sok sade gi digestive unrest, and b oop. : While you sleep, the concentrated nourish WA wil bod ov Mores of shag : in dveey nerve and tissu, under: " of | k v It will soothe ¢) you sound wraagquil 3 "the world's best NERVE AND BO Harta