Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Mar 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1930 PAGE THREE ay. Lead in Organization to Promote Waterway he From Alcoholism in as Crowded, Says Spake Reveus Mrs Tha I olen ir miro | clares Rev. Murdoch Mac- ©» Kinnon at Temperance © Rally Here Last Night Sven sy roms : ATTEND MEETING ---- Traffic Declared to be "on Defensive -- William ' Newman, MPP, Vie tora, Also Gives Instruct Ave Address : -- More than five bimdred people tended the educational temperance bonsiom which was held In the wudit~ um of he King 8t, United Churgh night, The audience was formed Ee ot the different congre- Sons, 94 the city Interested in the g of temperance ideals, This iy the first educational temp. de meeting, of any size, to be id in Oshawa for some time, Ber en numbers, the people 'were ens manner ; Fae uartette', quartette audience with a number "well a selections and » few itfony of a sacred natures, The were. exceptionally well ven A were much appreciated by | The quartette was at Sach Bash appearance, WA were bo vy "Danny Boy" {4 wy sem Seen Yum Yum a do." 5%. oe A gave. a very prayer & and hen alter a few wh remarks, chairman, Rev, AM, Irwin, iroduend the speaker the svenng, Rev, Murdoch Mac- J Pf now pastor of Rune Soe Jorma, ahd Delonsive R Mae rerio Woy 8 fairly interesting and exc on the sin © ar ", In opens oi J ech, Rev, MacKinnon exe opinion that he consid- oy that 'th ore 'were three great sing © urganined i slavery, | hy war, in th. spake oh them In that By Eo ind or these evils, Slavery he pointe was claimed by its Mpbottsrs, th foundation - all Sulla v) frist thoughts of ion phot women, War, he stated, created : s and of a more wer. nature than the original problem 'the war hind ev, MacKinnon he dinwor ge traffic was today, "He ood all classes, He res he Auiroma which la (al I 0 of Canada, Tn emp! pod WN méticned that the people of the [ Sie Answered the Liguor last elgetion, He ited fo the attitudes of 01 itain, Mexicp and South metrics, ¢ told 'of the unrest which is st present' evident in the western proyitiee of this Dominion, In feline, Intl fhe fuse dein Was pr ne; he pointed: that the J were being' erowded and new "additions were being built to accomodate the Inmates, Rev, MacKinnon quoted' a' number of interesting figures and statistics that showed the Inerease of consumption, and manufacture 'of liquor, from| 1922 up untill 1928, He pointed out the liquor revenue has been more than doubled since 1922. Similarly, the number of deaths attributed to aleoholism has been doubled since 951, These figures were for Can» ada, Drink, Rev. MatKinnon stated In concluding, not ol b J an expensive luxury but it i the health and prevents that standard of efficiency that so Magy employers Gomand William Newnan, MPP, of Vie torla County gave on bof short but instructive . eechy He told several Intesestin ories to show the need f discip! 4 and 'the edueation of mollerg youth 1a the sin and out. come 'of indulg In inteicating beverages. He stated that three of the best means of promoting temper. ange were, prayer, God's word in the home and thirdly, the Increased en. rolment of abstainers, Rev, Whattam, field secretary of the Ons tario Prohibition Union spoke briefs y, Dr. Irwin, wh the last speaker of the wrening. He gave wu very short talk in ich he encouraged those present to greater effort and exe pressed his pleasure ut the interest that wai being shown in the work by the 0 sople of Oshawa Mr, White, of Enniskillen, elosed the meeting with an appropriate prayer. eo meeting was undoubtedly one of the most successful of its kind to be held In' Oshawa for some time and ft Is more than likely that other naetings of & similar type will be held 'in the very near future, a a ch SNOW UNWRLCOME Another snowstorm ocourred in this district last night, and today the weather gives more evidence of Hitt tha} than ot phn. THe show is AD for me of the year ardly weleome th the ma- pd of oltisens who have been on ine for spring, According to twa Japanese nolon: tists pulsation of the earth, causing it to expand and contract slightly, drink terred iki Dann r in ov 4 + IW folie) caused centers of earthquake dis an to move away: from (he d EATERS of people, ! 4 -- | Theronoid. of Oshawa An electro magnetic appliance for the treatment of chronic a'lments, Broadcasting over ) J . CF, RB. ! | } A full sek of fron treatments at our ofc wil | i * : | S------------------ ; \ 154 William Secrest East Jf IGA PLANT IS NOT | FOR SALE, STATES UTILITIES BOARD Commission Goes on Record jan Being Onpoied 4p ADOPT POLICY Will Consider. Proposals From Companies to Estab. lish Coking Plant The Oshawa Public Uthitles Cori mission went on record lon at. ale ternoon with the decks! that the Oshawa gas plant is not for sale, The commissioners. adopted n pos liey, which will be adhered to at least vor the present, that it will not cone sider proposals te sell the local plant ton rivate, company, It will, hows | (By Btal Reporter) Bowmanvil, Mirch 28~An event which 'took "place three Shmstnd tiles. from Bowman le, today, ho tumed. ¥ "Boa le hy poor 10 rieh, The lucky 3 ha (Chick) Richards, on Queen street, and pri ho te witinimg ticket by in the Knights of Columbus Nationa} opp: stakes, Chick will likely be richer In & few days by dbout $30, (TR) esult of his Investment' of one dole r iw this charity sweep: wok os was the lucky man of 060,000 © fie people ho held tickets 4 this sweep, but the huge windfall did not come to him us 8 complete burprise 8s he was notified from Ot tawa # few days ago that he had drawn the horse Shiu Gollln, whieh was then third favorite for the great steeplechase classic of the old land, Bo the winning of this sum today did not come as unexpected as might have been' but, nevertheless, It sent on ors Bowmanville Man Wins $30,000 on Steeplechase In K, of C, Charity Sweeps & great thrill through Chick when fie | heard the good news, Chicks is well-known in Bowmanr 8] ville and Is ak the present time works Ing%ss ou mechanic In Cole's Garage on' King street, and has been there home} for the past' year Previous to this he had worked In the General Mots ord plant in Oshaws, but has always retained his home in mili Just what he wil do wow he Is not sre but one thing Is certain that the money ean be put to good use and Chick, who was slways levels headed, can be relied upon to look after if, Despite his good fortune he wil continue to work hut will now be able to work with the knowledge that' he has behind him the where. witha! to make & good home for hin self and bis parents, Bowmanville was evidently not the only Jlnse interested in the result of the Geand Nations! for seores of Oshawa citizens phoned The Times Office this morning for the result, Lever, be glad to mept any © who wish to place & coking plant In the eity and sell gas to the Come mission, "The Commission would buy the gas at 4 contract price and diss tribute It to gas users in the city, maintaining eontrol of the 'entire dine tributing system, By the replacement of the present antiquated water gas system, with » modern goking plant, it should be Joaiit fo reduce the price of gna ere by ut leust onesthird of 'its pre sent cost, sald Commissioner Conant Due to the fact that coke, » bypr duet' of the modern system, could be sold at an attractive profit, the ge could be disposed of at a much lows er price than when madg in a plant where gus wis the only product, Thei Commission engaged Robert. son, Robinson, MeCannell & Dick, city auditors, to audit the Commis slon's books for the vear at a price of $600, Audit work on the establish» Ing of a permanent bookkeeping system for the Commission, and in connection with the fink! adjustment with the Hydro Kleetric Power Com» mission of the purchase of the local plants, will be charged on a time bar sls _neparately, An applieation for water from the Oshawn Motor Supply Limited, Alex- andra Boulevard, in Ean Whithy Township, wis véferred: to the rd Suluect for investigation, hose present wt the meeting in eluded Commissioner F, 1, Mason, chairman, Mayor T, B, Mitchell, yd Commissioners John Stacey and Dy Conant, as well as city clerk KE, Hare, city engineer \V, C, AH and CF, Barnes, manager of the electric and gas plants ---------------- ITALY OF TODAY |5 DISCUSSED -- d------ Prof. Goggio of Toronto University Speaks at Ex. Yonaion Gla Class Here Prof, okRio Of ot "the University of Toronto, in his instructive and 'entertaining address. delivered to the University Extension oloss evening on "The Italy of To-day,' spoke In high terms of preisé res garding Mussolinl and = Fasdism, and the wonderful strides made in regard to agriculture, the use of eloctrioity to eliminate the need for cosl (which I& a soaree pros duck in that country) the wiping out of malaria, fliteracyy suppress son of secret socleties and the im» provemant of foreign Jelations. woe » hea one third the sine of Ontario, with a population of 43 willlons, Moreasing at the rate of 100,000 per year, and , by encour ging agriculture, wheat imports ave been reduced from 25 to 4 million bushels a year, Prof, Sostle compared South arn Italy h Northern Italy, the latter spending millions in money 'to better conditions in the soutk in tters of hyglene, in the hullding of new schools and in the development of ports, To encourage education by tra vel rallway faves are reduced ffty (Der cent, in order that people may "attend centenary cele Shiationk wrand opera, Greek Party, ate, and the best students country | tohools ate riven a free trip to the winelpal cities, wh peasant from the mountains are Drought | bo to the cities and shown round, on Places MH Yi Mussolini Tn audeseded th supe 5 Mafia and other ing the Italy centrea her secret sooleties, a Hale and Active, Taunton Woman 85 Years Old Today Taunton, March 8¥.-~Among those who have, had the privilege of enjoying many happy yours of this Io 1s Mrs, Kmmp Cornish of Pant n who today colebrates he oO» | OIghty-tifth birthday, Mrs, Cornish rosides with her daughter, Mrs, Gordon Short, and is bright and potive about her home and enjoys meeting and visiting with her friends, Hey paronts, the Iste Willlam Lando? and Mary Trenouth Lan dor, oame from Eugland and first sottled near the village of Wek come, where thelr daughter, Mm» ma Jano Lander, was born, Whe lived at Welcome until she was soven years old when _she moved with. her parents to a" farm near Holina where the family lived for five years, This tare: is now owned by Mr, Daker of Solina, Mr, Lander them bought the farm on the tewn line, between Darlington and Whitby townships, Just north of Taunton, now owned by B. A. Northeott, of Oshawa, and there, thelr daughter lived until her marriage to the late John Cor nish, who died thirteen years ago, Mrs. Cornish spent the first ten yoars of thelr married \ife near dunderiand, after which they re« Larned to Taunton and lived for thirty years on the farm, known as the Cornish farm, When Mr. and Mrs. Cornish ree tired from farming, they purchased A home about a mile west of 'Tatu. ton where Mrs, Cornish still re- sides, Mrs, Cornish has three dangh: ters, Mrs, Annie Howe, of Maskate ohewan, Mrs, Vyerett Gifford, and Miss Gordon Hhort, Taunton, and one' son, Luther T,, an elder won, MRS, EMMA CORNISH George, having died abofit one Year ago, Bhe has twelve grands children and eleven great grands children, The neighbours and friends of Mrs, Cornish have been today cone gratulating her on this special 00s oasion of her lite, wishing her ont happy returns of her dirfhe Js SKULL FRACTURED, HE 1S CONVALESCING Orville Heard, of of po Colina street, who was rushed to the General Hos: fini two weeks ago as u result of a ractured skull, sustained when « lec of machines fell on him while 0 was workl " the plant of the Pedlar People yw 8 ell on the way to recovery Md. will be able to leave the hospital in two weeks, The Times learned today, Although Heard Wat yok lously injured he is recovers Ing nigel, hopes on the young men and they are boing strained for and placed in positions of trust formerly held by older and more esperienced meu, the representative now in London at the Peace Conference helng one #8, There are 6700 nations! wooleties looking after mothers d children, and there are more kindergartens, schools and univer sities : An over before In "the his to aly, Their on in disounsing Ap ftal abd labor shld that In 1022 there 'were 3,000 strikes These Are no longer permitted, matters in dispute being settled by com. Isory arbitra and the High ourt of Labor, Italy has syndie cates ocorrespondin, . 10. Gullds of the a Mun indemnity for In take; pi pennions, oo-opers ative ve soolet housing comm ine salons, eto, and the land must be cultivated or it is taken over Ly the NAS iy One parti aan ark 14 now there Jaan Dles Es bien" A as passed thigugh ab LL] HR and omerged viatorlous, ts and the cost of living have been re: duced, the Vatloan question hos been wettled, and avi wa riage ust be ratified the Chureh, jum ation. and colonisation fotos the country have, been ved, while foreign relations alr. iiss : Wil ep nded Toe amie to ¥ Ey a) BIBLE HISTORY IS SUBJECT OF TALK A brief, but splendid talk on the Bible from its beginning until the present time was given by the rece tor, Rev, R, B, Patterson, at the ro- fa meeting of the Cl vist Chureh en's Club held last night: The peer were subject was "Mow the Bible ame Into the Earth" and it was much enjoyedhby the large number who were present, After considerable discussion it was decided that next "Thursday night the members will hold a social ever ning with thelr wives and whist and other games will be played, A pleasant social period followed the talk by Rey, Mr, Patterson, OBITUARY IFABKLLA B, GRANDISON At 2.40 am, this morning, at the home of her daughter, Mrs, A, f, MoLeese, Himooe street north, Mrs, Isabella 0, Grandison, widow of the late Peter Grandison, of Prestonpans, Scotland, aned away after a Tengthy illness in her slxty-fifth year, The late Mrs, Grandisen had been a resident of Oshawa for nix Are and made many warm plonds here, Bhe is survived by four sons and. two daughters, George, of Scotland; Peter, of Als Siam Alezander I, of Oshawa, and John N., of Toronto, and Mrs, A. N, Moleese, Oshawa, the Luke Burial parlours on Sat Brey afternoon at three o'clock, PJ. Maxwell will have har of the service, Interment will be made at the Union Comer tery, According to a Onlifornia asprone mer the pH) on the sunward pide of the plan: rou} must be #0 high that Sy £4 and tin exist in a molten state and water, If pre *8 |ment, a8 vapor, TOO TATE TO COASSIFY HS PB hy Taunton Phone 108 0 0 vo, ROOMS NTS pik with every convenience tor housekeeping, Phone ah Ontario (T40 dn' for nt bo tanee Fro Al 180 how ron new hahy stroller, Fhone 307TW, be od The funeral will be held from | | 4 A": fanl 1 thter are IBARELY ESCAPES WITH LIFE FROM BURNING HOUSE Thomas Haloskle, Gray. bum Ave,, Wakens to Find Attic Mass of Flames I APC TOTAL LOSS Im------ All He Could Save From Fire) Was Pillow and Few Bed Clothes Avoused trom his sleep by bricks from Lis ehimnéy crashingsdown on the ceiling sbovoe his head Thomas Halowkie, of Grayburm avenue, found the whole *sitic of his house a mass of flames Inte last night, and was barely able tn es cape, with his life, An exoited call had been sent hy neighbors to the olty's five department but by the time the firemen arrived there was Hittle chance of saving the burning bullding. and the house and con- tents are regarded an practically a total lows Haloskia's house fs on the outs skirts of the city south of the Cana. disn Pacife Rallwey tracks and west of Ritson road and the fire men had diMouity In reaching the scene on account of the frozen ruts in the road, The entire fire fighting equipment responded tn the eall, + The fire apparently started from 8 defective chimney and spread through the small frame home with startling rapidity, Haloskie, who is nn middle-aged man lived In it alone and he was foreed out Into the cold fn his night attire, the only articles he could save being a plilow and a fow bedolothes, The damage caused by the fire Is estimnted at approximately $1,000 Fire Chief Elliott stated today, This loss Is sald to he vimost covered by Insurance of _of 00, BODY OF WH. SHITH FOUND YESTERDAY AT NUFFIN'S GREEK Was Drowned on March 8 at Whitevale L (Ny Niam () dont) Pickering, Mareh (f «The body of William Lewin Smith whe was washed over the daw at Whitevale Mill near Plgkering on Saturday, | March § was found about 4 o'clock Jadtarte afternoon: by 'Thomas Tamlin about one mile from the spot where he was drowned, Mr, Smith, who was an employes at the Whitevale Mill for 23 years, heing afraid that the floods at that time woud wash away the dam, ene deavoured with the ald of Judson Pugh to remove the planks out of the waste gate In order to allow the water to escape more easily, is hady was swept away and nothe ng wan seen of ft until yesterday when Mr, Hamlin who has been searching for it ever sines the ao- oldent ogourred, found the remains in 18 inches of water, The corpse was however campletely covered by th Laer and when taken out way d to be in a youd state of preservation, The Plekering vovoner, Dp, Carts wright, war Immediately. notified but declared that an inguest was unnecessary; There had been a ves ward of § (il) offered for the Ande ing of the vod: and Mr, Hamlin will become entitled to this sum, which was submitted by friends of the deceased, The funeral will be held on Sat- urday from his tormer residence at Whitey and interment will be made in Whitevale Cemetery, REGIMENTAL ORDERS PART 1 1 ORDER Col, E edging § Ontarle Regiment By Comma PUT -- sek Ei ning April 1th Sedeely Ofcer Lieut, M, P. John. Orderly Sergeant, Sgt. Murray "A" dle rary Corpor, fi MeDonald, ook Qrderly OMeer, Liout, An! i Tw dey Sergeant, Sit. Melntyre, ders Corporal, Cpl. Martin, PARADES : Battalion Pande April dth, eoh in nm Oy Parade & pm, Roots 8 larch - Ne Soiupany will parade in Osh awh tet wi will § Strange {or transporte: tion both Vp Company hi parade under los Leven initiation, This City Urged Yo Become Spearhead of Movement to Foster St. Lawrence Seaway SIXTY MEMBERS INITIATED BY | "LOCAL LEGION Impressive Meeting Held in Council Chamber Last Night Last night's meeting of the Os awa Branch of the Canadian Legion wag # highly impressive one, no less than sixty new members being put through the ritual of the Legion's initiation ceremony, This was the first group of members enlisted this month to be Initiated, and a further group of thirty s still hive to he gl un. addition to these niueteen new a applicar tions were received and approved at Inst night's meeting, which was pre sided over by George Walsh, the pre sident, During the business seaslon last night, it wis decided to hold » church parade and service on Sun«| day, April 13, the Sunday rollowlng the Vimy gelebration banquet, 'The members will assemble outside the Armory, and will pafade to the Sim coe street United church, where the service will be held in @ body, Reports on the preparations for the Vimy celebration banquet indi cate that It will be & highly success ful event, with & program far sur passing anything, that has yet been attempted by the Legion members of LL dey Some discussion of the Oshawa War Memoria! led to & deglslon tht # request be sent to the Public Ul ities Commission, asking that a floudlight be installed to Muminate the monument after dark, so that 1t will be clearly visible to visitors' at all thmes, y It was decided to nold a special meeting, If the council chamber Is available, on Thursday of next week, to complete arrangements for the Vimy banquet and to hear a state ment from Comrade M, M, Hood un the progress being made with the work being done at Ottawa before the parliamentary couunittes on re turned soldiers problems, Last night's meeting was splendid. ly attended, the eouncil chamber be. ing sbsolutely filled to capacity, BROUGHAM NEWS Brow huey, March 24, wo The Woe men's a Sosiety held thels March meeting ut Mrs, Brown's on Thursday afternoon and combined « work: and devotional "meeting, The afterncen being very plestantly and profitably apght. Mrae bw Johnston resided, Milter "and Mrs, rown taking] rt in the devotional part of the program, The hostess served ted und refreshments to ithose present, Mrs, Brown has been with Mes Arthur Jackson the past week owing to the critical ines of jitle Homer ackson, Dector MeKinugn of rougham and Cartwright of Picks ering performed an operation on the Roun patient Sunday, which It Is hope will help his recovery, Tomer nd Mra, Plorco and Mp and Mes, MeClyre of Oshawa have been calling on relatives here this week, ' T, C, Brown is a city visitor this week, Mr, and Mes, Harvey were in the city on Thursday. Ir, Grant Malcohu' spent Sunday with his people, WV, J, Brown and young sons spent Sunday under the parental roef, Our general merchant, the lata Mr, Holmes, who has been in Oshawa Hospital for several = weeks, passed away on Saturday, March 22. Synis pathy is extende ta the family, A number of 'our local firemen, who responded to the alarm a Mn Retsor's, 4th concession, weeks ago werk treated by i HOP 10 au oyster supper eld at the home of Me, A, 'Grey on Friday evening, the Hremen with their wives spent & pleasant evening playing euchre after all had enjoyed the ex: eellent suppers Aluminum covers have been ine vented for hooks used in some parts of Africa, where the heat and laok of olstwre cause the vegwlanr covers to ourl, " Ree. A pad for sorting ames to be worn on a wrist that a Rhode Talend man has patented includes a penetl holder and a compartment for paper money, Band, "Seatlet,, Remainder, Brill rw ade Aol Me 1X be taued: D, BI ON Rid REGIMENT RTT on Tuan hi R pO, i EAE C---------- 1G. D. Conant, in Inaugursl Address as Chamber of Commerce President, Des clares Development Most Important to Oshawa E. C. DRURY SPEAKS ON THE SUBJECT Urges Immediate Undertak~ ing of the Work, Outline ing Its Advantages and the Danger to Canady of Des lay . "Nothing is more important id Oehawa than the Bt, Lawrence dos velopment, end. this oity. may welk become the spearhend of an or- gunisation te promote the scheme in Eastern Ontario, and educate public opinion in favor of it," des elared O, D> Conant, president of . the Chamber of Commerce, in hs inaugural address st the annual meeting of the Chamber last night, The mesting was featured by an address on the "Bt, Lawrence Deve elopment," hy NM, C, 'Drury, formey premisr of Ontario. The meeting, whigh was the ans nual dipper meeting of the Chams ber, was attended by a crowd which filled Welsh's _Variors tq capacity, G, W, MoLaughlin, who has heen president of the Chamber since its orgunosation two Years Ale, presided, and in his openisy remarks seid that the Chambey had done remarkably well in sets tng up an organisation and [ky ting Into opgration during the two! yours, The spirit of amity apd goodwill that prevailed between 1 and the 'governing bodies of the olty was especially pleasing, het piatd, The Chambery of Commered Hoard of Directors included repre sentatives from most of the busine eames and professions in the oly, and in this way it was able to be of real assistance to the governing bodies in an advisory way, Good Financial Position The treasurer's report, presse ed by VV, J. Neddin, showed thay the balance on hand ov March 1, 1080, wan 50,850.84, receipts were F15,991.88, and expenditures $1i= 241,07, leaving a balance on hand a February 248, 1080, of #0 Be0.T4, More Interest should be take | in the Chamber of Commune, 4 the retail merchants of Lhe cl for they, more than anyone & stood to benefit by the work it sald I, L, Mason, first viee-p! ent of the Chamber, "who § duced the spemker, 'The mi 1 aw are eking a big mistak! 10 declared, tefearrin to Dyury's subject, Mr, on a ) that the Bt, Lawrende developmeny Was undoubtedly one of the i gost pubjects Canstln had to fags, and was especially ore ant to) Mastern Ontario, for every one this section would derive bene from the work, Monument to Peace "We boast that between 1 a. (Continued on! page 4) FET Emme er "Phone 20308, 90 Louis { THE ANNEAL MEETING OF Board of Trustees of the AWA General Hospital, will hed held tonight In the nu residence at § o'olook, A he tereated will please atten " ENTIRE CONOERT 'GIVEN BY Galt Maple Leat Male Quartet! Monday, Mare! 31, § o'clee alon Se ORHAWA WINTER GAR tonight, pany, 17 King street ve] ALBERS gr, NED of ook' a a al A © A day, Naren 39, 200 ok \ Collegiate Student Players PRESENT "The Golden Doom" "Ici On Parle Francais"

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