Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Mar 1930, p. 2

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5 i WAM SSA mR RE a es owing are: he vesulls al Sen AC) ri ik ba. ay arg 1 pers alt pops i writ GRANDEST ON 6 "EARTH, SHE SAYS # foi o" goami 10 put new lire and 0 the whole system, and | Detnre oy os 'the grandest medicine on A eurth, "efor four years 1 suffered with sick headaches, my { JARS. ADA SIMU. © comrloxion was as yellow as a lems oh; my appetite was poor and I was nerally rundown, Jost weight so (fast. 1 was alarmed, My nerves were set, my sleep was restless and I was continually having, to. dose my- elf with strong laxatives on aceount of constipation, I've taken § bottles cof Sargon. and my 'whale system seems Aled with new strength and energy, My appetite Is. wonderful, ol'm: steadily gaining weight, my a os- are relaxed and 1 sleep fine tion Pils simulated my dive a and hy vid me of constipation.' i Ain Simon, IV: George St, p 4 may he dbtained in Oth. Ay rom Karn's Drug Store, (Adv) - ] J rsa prove i bin PADErS one 1 Wh Eades cart fi 0 Ji Vanstoug 49, #4 I) ga Indo, Pi Cor ¥ Murlél W «Jerson 69.9, pore, iateong 556, Novelda Berry 7 papers = Marlorle Purdy 06.6, | 48 Vera Hr rimble 04.3, Marion Greer 03, Phyllis Clemence, 02.5, - Winlfre Kiekard 62.1, Dotothy Rickard 54.7, Helen Argue 430, 0 papers = Murgaret Dickson 78.3 Beatric Cryderman 42.7, Horace Best J J papers =~ Jack Minore 56.4, Nel fle Kirkton 456, J pupers = Marlbn Rickard 68.7, orm 4 = Upper School 10 papers == Florence Bennet 63.5, Grace Hastings 428 0 papers = John Jury 82.3, 'Will. fred Lancaster 725, M. Vianstone 082, Muriel Mowry 668, K. Osborne 00.0, 11. Slemon 63.1, K, Morris 61.7, D. Adams 57.3, §, "Rickard 559, R Corbett "3, Ruth Allin 43.2, 8 papers = Muriel Baker 08.4, Evelyn Rickard 52, Margaret Scott oa Leola Miller 45.1, JeunBatenan, 0,1 7 papers == Nelson Qsborne 42.3, § pupers = Alan Clemence 53.6, Gladys Jamigson 464, Ada Allen and Berne Bellman ubsent Form 3 12 pupers == Marjorie Bradt 81, Pauline Wagar 79.1, Ruth Tuerk 08.5, ad Gyddard 04.9, Betty Morrly 10 papers = Bernles Stainton 7948, K. Wood 77, M, Rose 70.1, ry arieh Buttle 732, Jessie Knox 728, Cawling 71 6, Ivor Foley 1.9, ©. Cle» mence 08.3, Detty Flaxman 67.4, O, Anderson 67.1, Sowion Hackney 633, Stan Dunn 62. Thelma Werry 609, Annie Wilkins 50.8, Joseph Al exiander S81, Muy Freeman 36, A. Rundle 54.2, Aanl Gardner 50.7, Leah Bell 438 0 papers «« Fvelvn Millson 728, Jean Millson 658, G, Adams S48. 8 papers = G, Werry 762, O Bradt 53, W, Ingram 494, 7 papers == Milda Moore 58.7, B, Honeyman: 5), 6 papers =~ Marion Allin 45, Fran- els Harvey 8.5, Not graded, missed J examinations we Clare Ashley; Nora. Haywood, Alan Osborne, 10 om 2a papers - « Phyllis Challis 82, Nay Ay p "Dorothy Somer Sulge ? Sloman i line Vedle' g Wher oh Ab al Wale. AZ i ahh lil! Wah! + Hon n' fo a i Wo papers - Bh 10 POPES we Foon es #05, KE, Cox 4 J. Blaine 69.3, ", Mela ci "0. A , Adams, S89, ] Jow 24% : ok iy Se G, eka well $3.6, 40 bbs ys A Wood 36,5, A ne 37, Rk il 1, w ' owe pad 5 ld by $67, | i Noa 5, % LW { ed oor AN ade Cr Oke, 43.7, 1, ds 436, Dy Courtice 43, iL LA | 1} apors «+ IR, Lunney 68Y, © Veal 0, w / 4 pod Bruns ne, MacKinnon Margaret 0 papers = iy ro aly 4, uby 73, Joightan by yo Clemence 024, Joan W ight 418, Loulse Cole 61.7, Ade aide unin $9.6, Lorraine Rickord 50.3, Betty Tamblyn 564, Eileen Stalnton 84, Welen - Wilkins 52, 'A Allee Purdy 519, Angle Allen s Dor Collacoit 49, Greta Withekidge $ papers == Madeline Joi 87, Muriel Taylor 61.3, Porothy. | Ldger 61.1, Ruth Purdy $9.5, Dora Wood 85.5, Murion Honey 55.3, Helen Knox 851, Eileen Alder 52. hh Ferne Smith 0.7 Dorlas 'Hall #6, Edith Merrls 47.0, ow Taylor 43.5, Jean Hers ving 43.5, Hilda Hall 40.7, Evelyn Oke 3.7, Florence Hewston 338 7 'papers «= Mary Towns 05,1, Vera Londsbury 60, 'Bessie Gives 55.2, Nina Hodgson 52.4, Greta Pource 48.2 Dorothy Rowe 45, Boros Murdeff 43.7, Christine Crombie 31.2, Edith Sellars 25.1, DBernlee Rundle did noi write Francls Clarks did not write, Lower School «= Form 1b apors == C, Jury 78, L, Wilson " {,' Colmer 72 BD, Vanstone 70, 8. Dillick 07, N. Reber 05, T, Johns 60; G, Tordiff 59, J. Roach 8; \V, Phillips 58, W, Bagnell 45, IH, Jack. man 45, W,; Jollow 40, A Colville 37, J Allen 35, 8 papers = H, Osborng 52, M. Cry, dérman 49, 1 Smith 47, I, Aldread 43, FE, Greenaway 40, W\ Flately 3, O. Plummer 33, 7oonpers = KE. Horn 87, BR, Winnis gn Ke Smith 52, @, Graham $1, , Brown 50, WW, Short 48 R, Rieh ards 38, W, W right 38, oi Campbell M, Wa Maton 38, J. Miller 26, F, Nickerson, not ranked, Tests ut an Ohio" experiment sia tion have shown. that . plants open their breathing gp only when pub ooted te sunlight or is equivalent n artifolal light. mit , £ : 3 We attend to the erection 18 Osh avs snd district of every PEDLAR'S "MAJESTIC N Ri Thad. trams frame oysed ith een oh pis or thr Low hos nau rder re now, PED a PEOE. Aimited ; "PHONE 050, OSHAWA, ONT, REOLAR'S miis!i DRODUC The Whitby Advertising, subscriptigns and Daily Times aows will be 'seeeivea at the whithy Brancu Office, at Use LL ony (hronivle,=="Teleplione GibeAltor Dusiness Hours» | hohe. BOY, wv REPRESENTATIVE-JAMES H, ORMISTON GHINMAN FINED 3200 AND COSTS Was, Found in Hotel With White Girl, Who Tells Court Pathetic Story David Lee, an Oshawa Chines man, 'Was fined $800 and costs of three months in gaol for false re- gistration at an Oshigwa' Hote) with a white girl, when he appears od In Whitby polices. court Thurs day afternoon before Magistrate J.B, Willis, The girl, Margaret Phillips, who claimed to be an American, has boon living with the into for soi 0 time, aceora Ktormation ivefi to the lee, Mugistrate Willls suggest. sending her to the Ontario Nev torimajory for three monthy, but whep she pleaded for a chance with the promise that she would §0 home, the Court remanded ler until .eha had au opportunity to sand for har parents, who resiu in Toronto, Tho kivl, Ti tears, related a pu- thelle tale to the sourt, Bhe hae boon deserted by her husband, and she . oandidly admitted that she had brought disgeace to her. par. ents, who ad nothing of her conduet, « She Mid the Magistrate of premises mado to her hy the Chinaman, facluding one of 'mar riage, J. Po Mangan, appearing for Leo, pointed out that it was his first offense and asked for as light a fine as possible, The fine am ounting to S230 with conte, was paid, ' Maglotrate . Willis gave the giv) some friendly advioe, © The Chine man had no intention of maveying her, he stated, He thought that I, EN where she would be looked after, and a position found for her on If he sent her toysome institution the completion of Ler term, that she would be better off, Crown Attorney, MeGibbon stats od that the Chinaman's- promise was an old one made for the pure pose of procuring girls, le folt that the gir) should be went tp some institution for taining and supervision, BROOKEIN YOUTH AGAIN REMANDED Lawyer Asks for More Time to Prepare Defense in Serious Charge On the application of Dy J Awansony counsel for Ay Magistrate Willis In police court on Thursday afternoon granted the third adjournment fu the gase of Richard Biokls, of Brookiin, oharged with a wsorfous offense against a young Brooklin gir! Mr. Swanson, In making the ap. pHoation, stated that he had dis closed reasons to the Crown Ate torney. which he felt warranted Another adjournment, He pointed out that the charge against bis cellent was a serious one, and fui. that every chance should be given for the preparation of the. detenes, and to allow the accused to pro- pearly appoat in court, Magistrate Willis pointed out that the case on account of ads Journments was costing the county a lot of money, He agreed, how. ever, that the charge againat ao cused was a serfous one, 'und that he should be given. every oppor tunity to defend himself, Saturday Specials! : Ladies' oor H Iv "sand, black, Reg. 796.00 grey or LADIES" Of ad flor wrday only, Each fen Cretonne or plain Broadcloth," Belted or plain styles, Sat 9c | Saturday SILK HOSE quality. only, Par viiniine PENMAN'S FULL. FASHIONED PURE In shades of greys, tans and black, Sub- standards of $1.50, Saturday 9c Morning 10 a. m. Special Hundreds of yards of Mill Ends of Prints, Flanneletts, Spot Curtain, Muslin, ete, Lengths are from 1 1.2 to /10 yard ends, A'venl bargain for Saturday, 10 s,m, at, yard, 15¢ Saturday SLIPS pink, blue peach, Satur~ dey only ... Tomorrow an End Sale, Ladies' Broadcloth In shades of mayve, and 59¢ Monday are the last 2 days of the Month Watson's Silk Vests And Bloomers, Ist quale ity; in all the pretty lingerie shades. Reg, 69¢ and 79, Saftday at 2 p.m, garment 44c¢ Afternoon 2 p.m. Special Ladies' Silk Night Gowns Dainty, lace-trimmed gor- ments in a pretty range of lingerie shades, Reg. $1.49. Saturday at 2 79e Simcoe "" W. A. DEWLAND-L. Fhone 2595 The court renewed the $5,000, The bondsmen a known Brooklin ont, rr ----------------_ PASS SENTENCE ------ mo ---- When 'Hivik 'Heymdr, garage man, district citizens. The case bas aroused much intess THURSDAY NEXT Elvin Seymour, on Non-Sup- port Charge, Is Again Remanded appedrdd Jo' police bali of re well remand for a week 10 the cpunty gaol, day, to live with and support, Whithy | construction company court Thursday afternoon for sen tence on A charge of non-support Of his wife, he was given a further and returned Beymour wa» found guilty 'sn week ago of fail ing to comply with a court order directing him to contribute $6 a week towards the maintenance of his wite, who, It was brought on in 'oourt,\Js without funds and is foroed to go out and work by the On Seymour's behalt ¥, H, M frwin pointed out that If accused wan sent to gaol he would be um able to earn anything to give to IMs wife, whom he was now willing Ho lad been promised a job with a Cre which would start about the middle of Kinning of winter, tence was imposed, Mr, that he might work, to give to another . woman, would senwes, bring" Beymour' to manded the" pnother week, couse' 'wis In court durihy hearing. A U,. I, i et w 5 wy BOYS, 12 YEARS AND UNDER, 2. BOYS, 12 YEARS TO 18 YEARS, 3.'LADIES, 12 MILE. - 4. MEN, 1 MILE. BALLOONS SATURDAY NIGH Grand Closing Carnival & Dance MARCH 29th CONFETTI PROGRAMME MONSTER MOCCASIN DANCE ON THE ICE Prizes for the Carnival are on: 'Display at JOHNSTON'S AL BAND IN ATTENDANCE BY Ferm 2 AA ------ LE EE Costumes to be Judged 28 Per Cent. Originality. 0. BEST LADY SKATER IN. COS- TUME LEE 12. BEST PAIR. OF SKATERS IN sission of The C LiewtCal Bx C. HODG et kEF TAMIR 15 i I OE RS GA next month and last until the bes If a gaol sens Irwin wpks od that it be made a short one wo be able to go ov Crown Attorney MoGibbon stats od, that Seymour was not entitled (0 any consideration, He had made no effort to support his wife, a though he was able to find money was of the opiufon that the lash Magistrate Willls was not pres pared to deliver sentence and re. aocused to gaol for The wife of the ne

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