Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Mar 1930, p. 1

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| 1 | | i 4 | Mowat and MacGillivray Yusereding The Ou The Oshawa Daily. Reformer a Daily Times OSHAWA, ONTA WA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1930' 15 Cents » Week; 3 Cents s Copy TWELVE PAGES rooms ors ao) 98 Trave A an A children were Kuth Hams den, threa yours old, and ber wis: tors Evelyn, two, and Deloyes, ons, daughters of Mr, and Mrs, Henry Hamden, . 0» Purchases Rave Tapestries "New York.~-John N. Whlys, of Poledo, Ohio, Amarican Ambassia- or to Polsud and former presi dent of the Willys-Qveriand Come ny, has purchased through a New Joe dealer five rare tapestries & Spanish' altap frontal The gud & was reported In excess ol $500,000, . Waves Threaten Lands Chatham, ~-Usles which laghéa Lake Erie into a storm again caused heavy waves to bredk over the newlysconstructed dykes which protect the losvslying lands of the Burke draipage schemes, 1,300 sores of which 'wera flooded "ast your through collupse of earth- works under oe oll pounding. Loads Atborta "Liberals ' Calgary. ~W, Macdonald, X.U, formoy Mayor "of Macleod, Alta, was elected lender of the Frovins cial Liberal Bt & conven~ tion here yes rany. Ho suceseds Captain 1.7, Bhaw, K.C, Mr, Mac- donald has been promiuent in the political life of tho province for many youn . y df Crna Half Mile Dundalki--=QOver balf a mile} Mrs, Hdward 'Mills of 'Melancthon Township" crawled "on her hands and knees over snow-covered anu darkened fields to her home. Bha pprained an avkie while returning across the fields from a "visit to her daughter, Mrs, Clarence Lona as J L . » Hight Rescued in Vivre Sarnle~~Five yesterday com. pletely destroyed ihe 'store and residence of Albert Davidson at Lucasville, six wiles east of this ¢itys 'The Hire siurted upstairs, probably from an overheated pipe and Mrs, Davidson And seven whildren had 16 qscape in their night attire, The loss is #4,000, A 'Until Next Week (By Canadian Press Prose Lasied Wire) Toronta, Margh 28~~Public .ac- counts of the legislature at its next meeting will investigate conflieti ne evidence relative 10 charges the House by Wi E. N, Sinclair, x Co howd br leader, during the b budge! 'debate and ropeatéd singe, that gov- Sroment © Lan oficial worked on a pri 'vate farm of the departs | ment © A an were bil wit At the meeting today, the commits public money, tee passed a resolution moved by Mr. Sinclair asking gs all men concern | ance ear at the next meeting. Shey ai reside in Northern Ontario Lin they Cochrane dirtier ha xt 'Wednesda ore (oh to eg {e_definitely des ved profogation until Tater next week. OTTAWA BROKERS | * GET ADJOURNMENT wil Appear Before Creditors oy TN Press Losied Wire Ottawa, March 28=An ne mt until og 9, was granted to- ice court, in the , Mowat and 4 dee 4 | wwecttully submits h be] Some TIES MAY BUY Y.M. : Electric Plant Had $81,000 Surplus Chamber of Commerce Reports Year of Activity SECOND ANNUAL MEETING HEARS SECRETARY REPORT (ON WORK: OF "THE CHAMBER Report Reviews Work off Chamber in Securing New Industries, Artificial Ice Arena and Boards of Trade Convention [LOCAL CHAMBER ONE OF ONTARIO'S LEADERS --y---- Proposal of Local Chamber of Commerce May Result in Formation of Ontario Industrial Development Board A comprehensive review of the work accomplished by the Cham per of Commerecs during the pust year, wis contained in The second annual report, which was prepare od by the secretary, Leon Frazer, with the approval of the directors and presented at the second an. nual meeting of the Chamber held in Welsh's Parlours, last night, The report was adopted without amend. ment and was considered by the members as & favorable indiedtion' of the notivities carried on by the Chamber during '18239. The establishment of an indus trial dotdation. the preparation of facts and 8 rus concotniuk the ¥ for dust tablitshment of the Skinner Gome han plant hers, the convention the Ontario Associated Boards Trade and Chamber ot Com» merce held under its nuspicen, the erection of a splendid ariificial ice arena, these are but a few of the things mentioned in the repert in which the Chambse of Commerce has taken a leading or an active part, The complete statement reads as Sseretabys. Nepia Hepo areh NT, i, To the Members, Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, On instructions from your Board of Directors the undersigned re« ith, the Sof your follows: ond Annual Woport hamber, and In so doing, wit 8 be 'ax brief as is Jo consists ent with subjects of major import. which the Ohamber has de vored & enorglos 'during the past year, poference, however, must to the internal activities of your Chambiy which 1t prow; SE hn aa that a rb AHR, OR EXPORTS TO 5 S. SHOW DECREASE (By Canadian greg Leased Wire) Washington, March Bip 38 ox erease in liquor fyifto to jhe nited States in eon braary 1930 as compared 1 iw was Hhown in ree made pub- lie today by Assistant. Secretary of the Treasury Lowman, Statistics re- geived trom Ottawa, Lowman said, «| showed. that in February this le export of / Intel ang Jovet moveied ta 150,997, gal ur eb) ory J. IE Ta Naren TeYorls ane Te d wey Elven tho Mi to | tee GOVERNOR GENERAL VISITS IN TORONTO Made Life Member of Em. pire Club -- Wife Ads dresses Red Cross (By Canadian Press Leased Ww) Toronto, March S8Their Exe collencies the Governor Gebers! and Lady Willingdon arrived here today for a brief visit and to All a Tong Het of engagements, When the train pulled into the Union station, the viee-regal party re- mained in the private ear in which they will travel through western Canada to the coast, At noon Lord Willingdon was guest of honor at the Empire Club luncheon whan. he was presented with a life membership by Bly Wiles lHgm Mulock, Lady Willlugdon presided at a meeting of the Cane adisn Red Cross Boclety of which she iy president, Shaun Goilin , Wins National Melleray's "Belle Takes Second Place and Sir Lindsay Third (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Aintree, Hag, March 88 w- Shaun Gollin, the mueh fancied frigh horse won the . ninety-first running of the Grand Natlonal Steeplechase, Serving tors, of W. H, Midwood to V After a neck and neck dusl over jr the last Jap of the four and bait mile course with Melleray's Delle, John R, Whitney's United Htates owned. Sir. Lindsay was third, naud Gollin was quoted at 100 to dnst fn betting -whils odds ray's Pelle Ware an to and 100 to. 7 against on Bay. 8 Goilin same up with a Yash win, Sie Lindsay and Mal boi Bulle took the last jump or witli « Shaun Gollin a Jonsth behin but the Irish horse rapidly overcame the RORdLAR, | 8 Lindsay: wasn length beh! Crackle, favorite in betting, finish~ el the first lap well up among leaders hut disappeared: some where ait in the "eountny" and did not fAnlghy Gremalaoh, winngr of - year's raoe, fell at the open heach jump after successfully clearing the hazardous Valentine's Brook on the first lap, He became involved fn a tangle with another horse, losing all chance of duntioating al Nir BPLIT FAVORIT Crega E GOES DOWN lagh, owned by Mrs, M. A, Gemmell and quoted at 100 to 6 In post betting, disappointed thousands of followers over the arduous Orand National stasplochase. course at Aintree to-day when he pulled up four minutes after the. start, Shaun Collin, also at 100 to 6, went oh to win the race, RADIO PICTURES FIGURE IN GOURT Man Held in New York Is ay 4 ah J . AS ----_------ (By Conadian Press Lassed Wire) Montreal, March 28.The flest wan to be arrested through the means of radio PAGIGELIDIN, Chls Briton, sling Westogurde, figuped in Montreal hurt yesterday although he Is at present in a New York cell, The man is charged with the theft of un large sum of money from the Chatham Phenix National Bank of New York, Fleeing by liner to E Llandi he was serested at the pier English raph ork, The prisoner has a letter of credit on the Dank of Montreal and the action heard was taken by the bank in New York to have the bank here cancel a letter of oredit, The action was dismissed hecause the court thought ft Impossible to notify all correspondents of the Bank of Mon. treal faroushest the world, CLAIMS PURCHASE: ANOTHER RONOR y lice wha received a photu- him by 'radio from New Dominion. Power Company |" Head Denies Knowledge of Sale (by C Prose Lossed Wire) his last year vietory, Gl made all running from Valentine's Brook on the first time pound: the course hut dro running At the same jump on wee Vie over, tA -- Et , of the Ser aly Son ete Tiwary » ced hgh in Great Britain, makin, Lr the pulsating centre of a vast steel hh iron nervous he nt Rint thousand pergons into town lr & 91 riche. of the Crucifixes Are Not Jos Court: Duclos ot the Superior Son ale corners cdurt rooms, refuaing to WAvith a case because a Cruel n yo the ima Sl 3 in Ale room nf of ony, brought somb 5h hia. Kind | 1s news io to him, hifi, he sayy oft es LOL hae gon Welt aon ee eoinis ! ShdmGkng Alta, Masel ~<liehye ngLany wiedge of the report the sale of the assets of the Dome. inlon Power, and Transmission Co, L Ltd, of Hamilton, Out, to the Qn. jo fila Hydro Bleetrie niselon, in, President of t ' company, characteriady he ory Ww "Just an other rumor," Mr, Phin had just been holidaying on the Pacific Coast 'and ahy sale mission so his compar Ho begun 5 our price; and that! t mtd matter stands," cai eluded Mr. Ph n RAGE WITH DEATH FAILS IN LONDON Ambulance Plows Through Snow. for 40 Miles--Boy' Dies. in Hospital sn (By Conadisn Press: Lossed Wine) London, Ont, March 28~8now drifted roads contributed to a tragedy last night as an ambulance carryin a tensyear-old Elmville boy, injur in a motor accident battled its way for Yorty miles over roads almost im pamable because of huge drifts and sheets of ice, Late last night, when the little patient arrived at the hos. pital here, a gleam of life still Ricks ered in his battered body, Early. tos day he was dead, The boy, Wilmer Elford, was ter: ribly injured. when a skidding truck struck him yesterday, Physicians ore dered his removal to the hospital The. trip from the boy's home, five miles southtast of Exeter, was only completed after nearly five hours on the road. Time and again the heavy ambulance skidded over the ley sure face of the pavement, unable to tras vel above & soall's pace Ten times during the terrible jours ney it was marooned by the heavy drifts; Each time it was dug out and assisted by Sher machines, Covered with blankets and made as comforts able 'an possible, the Injured fay Weaning in the ambulance with his agonized father sitting. at his aide. The! doctor made the trip also ads ministering sedatives to. relieve. the boy's agony. A local specialist auld that death resulted from shock, The delay in reaching the hospital had an adverse effect on his condis Hon J CROWN ENTITLED 10 JARVIS' FINE Osgoode Court Decides Fine of $60,000 Should Go to' Province . (By Canadian hero Lossed Wire) Toronto, Maroh #8--Sebond Di- visional court at Osgoode Hall tos day decided that the Crown, in the right of the PR Maa of Ontario, fw entitled te the '$80. | n Adie avis ! fine imposed u when conviot ano of provinei oni |] Chief Justioe $600,000 hut hie was reduced | 00 Fira Divisional Court toh BRUENING TO FORM NEW GERMAN CABINET Fred ret a antriat loader, Way resident VY bi form new gab : fie «| vop wine Agr Bh Big Lie or or Mustien, BL ist wh oa SURPLUS WAS PLEASING TO COMMISSION GAS PLANT HAD NET SURPLUS OF $17,000 Capital Expenditures Taken Care of Out of Profits A net operating surplus of $81, 000 on the electric plant and a net operating surplus of #17,000 on the gas plant, was realized during the 11 months between Fab, 1, 1929 and Deo, 81, Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario was operating the utile ities in trust for the eity, It was reported at the Publie Utllities Commission yesterday afternoon, This statement was the subject of much pleased comment by mem- bers of the Commission, All sald that It was a most encouraging con dition, and indicated that the oity had certainly made no mistake In purchasing the plant, In connection with the surplus from the electric plant, it. 'was pointed out to the meeting by Come missioner G, D, Conant that a re- duction in rates was Iate last fall would mean a saving to citizens of Oshawa of approximately $40, 000 por your, on the basis of last year's vonsumption, Thus, it the average consumption 'of power was maine tained or Ineveased in the ality this your, which seemed RWighly pros hable, the system would still show a surplus of about §41,000 or more, The figure of $81,000. of an operating profit on the electrie utile ities was obtained after providin reserves, and also. for the annus payment of about $36,000 on the debentures for the purchase of the plant by the eity, This meant that the gross profit from the eleatric plant operation was about $107 000, Similarly, the gas plant gross profit was about $37,000, whioh, after deducting 'about $30,000 for gr Jar memts, Joft a net pros fit of § pr be Larger An increase would probably he noted in the surplus on the electric plant after the final adjustment with the Hydre Wieotrle: Power Commission had been made, it was stated 'by C, TT. Barnes, manager of this utility, The eity Was now pay- 1939, when the por! horsepower, When the aotual oost of power Was arrived at by the Commission, it was expected that it would be found to be much lower than this, perhaps as low as $32 per horsepower, and this would mean a substantial oredit to the oity, with the result of a substan tially lavger surplus: Used For Extensions $81,000 surplus on the eleotrio plant was used to & great extent to provide Improvements and exten» tions to the plant, coming under the heading of capital expenditures This 11 months surplus took care local system for the 14 months' peripd from November 1 , 1938, when the oity technically took ever the system, and left a cash surplus of 33,868.48, it was reported. Commissioner Stacey wuggestod that since the eldotrical business was in such a healthy condition, the sale of gag might be pushed to fp greater extant, This was impos. sible at the prasent time, sald Qom- missioner Conant, due to the high rice of gas, "When we are able a reduce the price of gas down to about 41 per sable foot, we Hu be ahle to go out after business, hut at the present high price ft in tm. possible to interest people in it." rockvller roh 28.-A to i PL 2 al instruments, ine ; HA pianos, radios, phonagraphs d organs went up in smoke Nah ® attacked the warehouse of F/R t Nr Sons on the waterfront huriday, The 'Ing en. in bs Narehauie for" ar rehul . od storage," were al ia BL ifs 'ance " was Alo the The origin of the blase fs unknown ~ while Rs ---- damage hay not been ewtis a a A. PROPERTY | ing for its power at the rate. of $34 | of all capital expenditures on tha RESOLUTIONS ASK REVISIONS OF PENSIONS ACT House Hesrs Many Com plaints About Existing Legislation (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Ottawa, March 288A number ol resolutions from various organiea tions throughout the country, ull suggesting revision of the Pensions Act and of other legislation which deals with ex-soldiers' affairs, were read by Major C. G. Power, (Lib, Quebec South), the chairman to the special parliamentary committee on returned soldiers' problems today The shuation of women who had married veterans prior to the appears ance of war disability was pointed to by the Nationa! Council of Wo men who are asking for: repeal to section 12 of the Pensions Act, A W, Neill (Ind, Comox Alberni) asked the cominktee to take up the question of pensions to members of the militia who enlisted for the war and whe, by an order-inscouncil puss ed in 1916, were deprived of having that war service count, for long ser vice pension purposes, as part of their militia service, The legwlature of Manitoba for- warded a resolution asking that, due to the depression existing among the soldiers settlers, the terns of repay» ment of loans should be extended for a further 35-year period, The question of the time limit gov- erning the granting of pensions to deperidents of deceased soldiers' way brought up by Ji R, Bowler, general secretary of the Canadian Legion, As the act now reads, 8 widow, it was exemplified could apply for a pen sion' within three years only aiter she Bad fallen into a dependent cons dition, The legion wanted the time fimit abolished Y Irish Cabinet Has Resigned : Cosgrave Ministry Resigns After Defeat on Opposic tion Measure (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) i ublin Irish Free Eb rensdsnt @ government. © wiiam T, Congrave resigned to= day after its defeat in'the Dall yeas terday on an opposition measure by two votes, Jd hu The Irish Free State parliamefit was organized in October, 1081, at whigh time the standing of a | in the Dail was, the Government Flanna Fall 87, Labor 13, Farmers 0, Independents 13, National Leas 'Bue 3, James Ny Fras. Bla Soverton git eral of the Free Resignation of an Telit Free State government does' not - sarily {nvolve a new gen Ho the constitution providing Maa : Shange in regime without a pleb= noite, Bamonn do Val, fender of the Flanua Fait, wh Rd Bh paftion, i in the od in his absence, The vote gh HARI men 3 . of the au \ WOULD PURCHASE BUILDING 10 HOUSE PUBLIC UTILITY OFFICES AND POLICE STATION Building May Be Leased for Five Years at $300 Monthly With Option of Buying at Same Rate COMMISSION FAVORS OUTRIGHT PURCHASE ------ Mayor Suggests Using Gym» nasium as Police Station Raises Question of New City Hall A proposal (0 purchase the local YMCA, building on Simece Street South is being considered by the Oshawa Public Utilities Commise sion, the price named being $35 If the property is purchased, it will be used as ofMices for the Commise slon, It the property Is purchased, it will be used as offices for the Commission, bringing the admins istration of the electric, gas and waterworks utilities, contralled by the Commission, under one reof, At. the present time the waters works are administered by the city engineer's department in the eity offices, Simcoe and Metcalfe Streets, The hydro and gas offices are at Prince and King Streets, The Comi« mission has been considering for some time proposals to bring thee two offices together, If the premises are 'not bought, they may be leased by the Commis« sion at & rental of $300 per month on a five-year lease, renewable for five years, with an option to ohase the property at ay time within the first five years, the Commission to pay all taxes on dhe propeetys It is stated that the t which would only include local provement 'froftige rates, are x about 870 per year, The proper has a 20-foot frontage, and' part the Jot is rented to a local taxi firm at $25 per month, Rental being paid by the A unlasion for the hy dro office is $170 per month, Favors Purchase Commissioner G, D, Conant, ing at the Commission's mies yesterday, favored purchasing building, = Renti esented culties, an the b buildin would to undergo considerable renoval and alteration before it would suitable for the commission's pu OMicials of the Mydro-El Power Commission of Ontario' favored the purchase, with he outliged the plan to them, said chairfan, Fy Li Mason, It bought out," of the aonuat 4 from. the electric plant, and fharge od the gan & water their share of | 4 oo the YMCA CORMNINeE Priced to approve of the wie! ilding wan not enough was obsolete for noncy from oe nle or ena be put in a test fund. and an Sate. bul building would be erec wt The gymnasium o Je bu would make a splendid ton, and it was in: an id [the mayor commented, | ed that the Commissio CG alder Subletting ihe NEE 1 0: the, , aamet nt, : I ht sae be i Sl or 0 a, n T, 0'Keloey in acting - loads | in con t The city o was 0 cis engineer, W We & an to of the chosen by the B of one to inte further and' to the terms, would sell he balding Palmbeach, pleut Col former dian: Py Canadian and'

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