Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Mar 1930, p. 5

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| | 1 's. Interests in the GIRL GUIDES FARN osm oo © VINEEDLEWORK BADGE 3 Kind Erp dk ld Plain Sewing, Wel Done, Test for Five Hood (4 in Ottawa; Holland 8 'a subscription member | a, Hood on a of the Oshawa Little Theatre. Oshawa Girls Last Night the 'pariin ry gommittes on i ---- an CAE TE Red Rose Orange Pekoe lied leaves--three days anteed, etnias ade 'from ' 'ud, Every package RED PRIZES AWARDED T0/& FINAL CONTESTANTS Ma Mendds Donne AL S535 Month - End Busines Booster -- rt SAMPLE SILK BLOUSES - Bi . roturned problems, V | ' aiors pensions and { Northminster 1 al he home of Street North Group United Church hot \ ™ are, . yesterday afternoon. The meeting was for the purpose of completing arrangements for the ssle of work that the group is holding this ev. lousy ?20p 's Met gs The art of plain sewing Is not a five girls of the 2nd Guides dead one, for Girl UEDARDALE XORNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE Th weekly meeting of tho Vedardale Young vaeople's Moolety was held on Monday evening, with the president, £, Hoy, in the chair, Oshawa Lompany of passed the N and received' their reward at the Contpany meeting 'That night, Those who qualified are: Ila Valleau, Flor- ence Mary Fisher and Annie Anderson, To earn the title of Nbedlewoman, cedlewoman's Badge Robertson, Martha Robertson, TE Ais good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good An act that 16 mich appreciated by Home and School Counell of the city and different public school officials was the donation of a $2.00 prize to each of the eight final contestants In the Publie School Oratorical contest that was held in the Collegiate auditorium, Friday, Marsh 14, by Mrs, Up to $6.50, MONTH END MONTH END SALE ......ccoonsbuimurrersives MISSES' SPRING TWEED COATS Smartly Tailored, Sizes 13 to 20, ' GIRLS' LEATHERETTE RAINCOATS ' 4° With Cap, Sizes 6 to 12 years $2.49 ' I $4196. vu and $5.50. MONTH END oir rens) $2.69 MISSES' LEATHERETTE AND CREVENETTE i: Sizes 14.10. 201 Reg, $6.95 10 $6.50 > of zes to , Keg, A to VU, MONTH END SALE Se Met M2 Bad $2.95 Tg a dls Rens Ais ro IPT ast color, Sleeveless & short sleeve »! '34: Regular $1.95 to $2.50, Wes Siem os MONTH END SALE ...........coicnvnnsirrnnes Ph 2 J h WOMEN'S & MISSES' SILK D| ! Plain and Printed, Sizes 14 - 20 and 36 ~ 42 WOMEN'S PRINTED. CROY SHEEN DRESSES Long Sleeve styles, Sizes 34 to 42, ¢ WOMEN'S DE-LUSTERED SILK HOSE '" NON ND Si Pairs for ~~ $1.05 55¢ BOYS ALL WOOL GOLF Sizes 64 MONTH to 94. Pais «= FINE IMPORTED CHAMOISETTE GLOVES Fancy Cuff, All Sizes, Pair \ MONTH END SALE ..............ocininihoonne 3c ig FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE gl $1.17. on William McAddie 24 Celina Street, Mrs, McAddie is an ex-tescher of the Oshawa Public Sehool teach. ing staff, and by this, act has shown that she still has a keen interest in 'the aptivities of the school children of the city, These After the. devotional period a round table discussion was held on the pines of pleasure in life, The m "closed with 'the Mispah benediction, after which severs. games were enjoyed, 9 4 | WOMEN'S MEETINGS | The «group of" King Street Chureh Ladies Ald pr of which My. Shortt and Mrs. A. Jacobi are the leaders, brought the members. of the 'Almonds: Drama. be Altth ow yy ang to ron rp» ndling' the Hearth Pires," It was a very fine produttion, with a cast of fourte characters, The ladies of the » sucoeeded in clearing gratifying profits, wt Mi a The roghlar monthly social ev. ening of Miss Jackson's, Bunday school class was held on Tuesday ovening, March 25; at the home of Mrs, T. J. Shortt, Centre Street. There wore forty-five members present. The following program was given, A plano solo by Mrs, Reynolds, a reading Mm. XK. Clarke, a vocal dust by Mrs, Ste phenson 'and Mrs, Rundle accom- panied at the plano by Miss Doris Rundle. A dontest then followed and Miss E. Gibson and Mrs, Rue- bottom werd the winners of the pri Mrs, Shortt was thanked on behalf of the class by Mew A. Wright, for allowing the use of for home, for the avening. y ES Es. oning at the chureél supper, Miss Peggy Shaw anc Migs Anna a oronto are being 8% nk the gowns ol ( Bor og Fashion show, which 1s being held in the Regent Theatre, Wednesany, Thursday and Jriday of this week, by Miss Mare £ rite, Callaghan ond Miss Mar Jory Sprentnsll of this eity. The Jessie' Panton Auxillary of St. Andrew's Church held its vey. ular monthly meeting on Tuesday afternoon In the Sunday fichool room, Work on @ quilt that is to be placed Afi a needy Nome, Was finished snd the ladies partook of afternoon ten served by the C.G.I, 7, girls of the Sunday, fichool, After ton the ladies of the Aux- {lfury held thely business meeting. Professor and' Mrs. R, Keith Hicks, of 'Toronto, will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Pangman at the Little Theatre this evening. Mp, W, R. Thompson, Mrs. B. ©. Seale, and Mrs. Phillip Jones of Toronto, will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Oralg, fotorin Apavtments, this evening, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Holland, of Montreal, will be in town to- day 'and will attend the final pers tormance of the Little Theatre Play "Grumpy" this evening, Mr, rite NEW SPRING COATS AND Many styles to Choose from. Be careful to develop your tale Our prices ave vight, HION SHOPPE. Simcoe Bt, §, onts «And there's nn telling nt the present time what you may 4 in the Girl Guides, means that « girl is able to do all the plain' stitch es such as basteing, hemming, fell ing, binding, facing, ete, She must ulso be nble to atch neitly in plain or fancy materials of any kind, make buttonholey, dain and put gathers in- to a band, Then she must also have made entirely by herself a pair of blomers and a child's dress, At the Handicraft Fair, on Satur: day afternoon, in the empty store of Arnold's Ltd, on Simeoe south, some of the prize needlework will be shown. Several of the girls a8 well as doing plain séwing are able to do beautiful ~faney work, embrdidecy, knitting, ete. and these will all be found in the Needlecraft stall where dna Wesles, Jean Wilson, Marjorie Bates and Kathleen Cuming are in chagge, Edna has done some exquin- ite Talian hemstitehing, and will de- monstrate it, The Polishers ate Audrey Rom. bough, Marjorie Ashton and Evelyn Bowden, T 4 can , make your sil ver or brass shine like the sun if you will brine it along ed leave it with them while you are visiting the diff- erent stalls, They will also tell you a "magic way" of cleaning your flat silver that saves hours of labor, The golotirs of the rainbow, sige ly or all at once are to be found in the pretty dance hankies, that' the dyers and stepcillers, are making. Bathroom curtains with little yellow ducks running across after their mo- ther gives a very Eastery appearance to, this section of the Fair. If you want to learn this ainty art, Mar. garet Daniels, Molly Weafes, Marion Gowdy and Oliye Favell will. be pleased to show you, 't make any mistake dbout the Handicraft Fair, or the time of the place, The district commissioner, Mrs Erie Phillips, has consented to offi- WOMEN'S CORNER in Mite, #0 that she is not afraid of what may happen to her it those who now support her are res moved. She will not be the type |sash prizes have already been pre- to be imposed upon by a husband. [sented to the winners by Mr. Cee! for she knows 4hat it is not neces | Cannon, ry fox hav 1 bingo 4 to any -- man. in order to get a home, She { fearns the value of a dollar, as one SOME SPRING ADVICE never can learn it unless one haw | There wre some people so wrapped earned a few himself; yet she is |Yp in themselves and their own little | | not penurious, for she knows | Worries and troubles that: they are never influenced by the seasons or RAIN AT NIGHT Grace notes along the wind thay cracks uo lash, A gust of music from responsive wirings; In pools where thick ice glittered in a flash Of ruffled silver, and a yolce that sings. Last night the rain fell softly, not as though J Boating 8 loud and wintry rata- plan, But with slow ' Pearching at roots -- and so the thaw began, ' March will seni Sn ------ a gentle rhythm and n at rumors, often tease with balmy days PRRs RES PETIT I Our calendars like these, And wo will watch the willows for the first Faint sien of color; then the storm will burst Out of n snowy sky. But all night long I heard those first, few bars of an old wong! ~Loslle Nelson Jenning. Service weight. Square and pointed heels, Reg. $1.50, MONTH END SALE, Pair .. SILKNIT BLOOMERS AND VESTS Plain and Lace Trimmed. Reg, 79¢ to $1.00, MONTH END SALE, Garment COLLET PTT ---- a ------------ SHALL DAUGHTER TAKE A JOB Many a fond parent thinks he i doing a kindness to daughter to shield her from the rough winds "of business, © But de it o Z [uot come to be fit for, -- That's what I call a self-evident Brewer a thio Cac it y 9 housem 0 he wasn't' gentleman, oo ni ------ Time out of mind, one of those unpleasant epochs termed quarter. mys. Fach colons iss fovelr Downy MADE IN CANADA through H " TEN CENTS he Ho When a man can't trust his get- ting a living to his undisguised abilities, you consider him below your wort, money can be earned by the cap- \ X A ablé and industrious, anything beautiful but tangible, To enter & business life may rub | They just go through life "in an ats off some of the peachbloom, but mosphere of settled gloom or calcu | this lack of delicacy Is outweighed | lating coldness, or artificial brilliance, by the assurance, capability, dis. | according to their natures, and for cipline snd experience gained, them there is no revitalization. ever, hecause they have withered up to the dead. core of self, writes Evelyn RECIPES Laye, the brifliant young English actress, who had such outstanding success in New York this winter , ENGLISH VEAL PASTE VIB Let 'yourselves he swayed by This calls for un knuckle of veal | Spring's magic. Don't. shut yours || about 1 pound, 1 slice of ham, | selves up all tight inside and ignore freshened, if salt, 1 onlon, 1 bay |her and fritter away all the mo. lent, 3 peppercorns, a blade | ments when you might be drinking mace and 1% quarts water, cot i her beauties instead of worrying || Simmer till the meat is tender, ¢ over, petty trifles, it in long narrow strips and ar-| When you've absorbed some of yinge' In baking dish Mmed! with | Spring's magic yow won't: feel quite | | pastry] together with 8 hard cook-| so hopelessly disappointed if you od eggs, out In quarters (and ff | scrutinize yourselves in the glass, they cath be afforded, a handful of | Your complextions may leave" much button mushrooms), . Reduce Mq-| to be desired, but there will be. a | iE uor to 8 oups; add'® level tea | general air of brightness about you, spoons of granulated igelatin, softs | All the tautness and the tired, || tavor or & detriment to her? ond previously in water; silt | nervy look that most of us have had If she takes & Job she learns to snd strain 'over meat. Cover with | through the long winter will have discipline: herself; to keep regular paatry crust and bike with a pap- | gone. . er Yours and be pumetual; to meet all or funnel (fo let steam escape) in| Still, there's no blinking the fact gorts of people "snd understand contro--450 'degrees F. for 80] that the Spring sunshine is 'terribly them aud trent them courteously: mingtes, This may be served cold | searching, and one must give the to betome somewhat "hardbolled™| and is delicious that way, closest attention to one's appears and not over sensitive and always ance in order. to pass its test sat- cially open the exhibits at 2.30 pi | wearing a chip on her shoulder: to isfactory. Pitilessly" it reveals flaws on Saturday next in the empty store [forget herself and take a broader and blemishes in our appearance 2 of Amnold's Ltd, on Siiicoe street | view of Mfei to overbome potty which have not been noticeable dur. Our whole fife, Travel ME south, It in ail dnoaid of the girls] gossip and Petty ways and be more ing the winter, and will become fess | 1, "Is a story move, or ! Hee. ¢ at Fenelon Falls, The | nistetly cand. sympathetio with noticeable again as the year goes Igible--genorally lowsy hut others wi ve home for women. She learss how fo on, Neither the summer 'nor the §14hall read it by a clearer sale, so don't hothe" with he i a VIRE afd ANAL gives her autumn sunshine has that piercing When it is ended." | nd' baking y '# feeling of assurance and mecurity which makes us want ta go oul . : 4 , and buy new complextions, mew faces even, as well as new clothes, ite want balming when people dia; | so that we may look as radiant as not when people are born, the Spring flowers, Spring does in -- some mysterious way revitalise us When 'a man says he's willin', | and give us a chance to renew our- It's a8 much as to say, that a man's | selves if we'll let oursclyes feel her waiting for an answer. influence, It's something more than -- the change of weather, the sunshine | Spring to receive the full benfit of Pe a British sportsman, and en] and flowers. Wo feel 'their influ | her magic powers, It's no good go- 'oy the pleastrs of the chase, iv] ence strongly, of course, hut there's ing about wrapped up in one's self, "Ii do you good, some special magic in the air apart] still shrouded in the veil of winter's r-- from them, and those who come une | gloom, We must make our minds The ahsenge of soul is far more | der its influence are reborn as surely | ¢ledr and receptive and let the wrible In a lving man than in a] as the flowers and trees, One has to] sights and' sounds and 'magic of 'ad one, open one's heart and mind to. the! Spring. play upon our imaginations. Srm---- Hearts want binding, and spire BIC BOX o Then she will" All us with Happi courageous thoughts 'and make feel light and airy and full of ja wonderful vitality, wa SAM Issn --the. Work: don't make fine phrals ing speeches about bread, but om iad iin N {Which is run by H. Engel, . | will give up its present pre. |' mises and move to 21 Bond | St. (Monday). To save. moving stock, we Tammie w | 00 TWO DAYS she muchandios ut iow | OF FAST 'AND FURIOUS SELLING generally quoted at the end | "Eres | FRIDAY & SATURDAY. sind it. ERE TIT TT THAT AFTERNOON { WANT SOME RINGO, MR. MORRIS, | HEAR IT GETS CLOTHES CLEAN WITHOUT SCRUBBING YES, THEWABHBOARD 18 AS HARD ON MY SHIRTS AS IT 18 ON YOU A LOT OF MY CUSTOMERS CHANGING TO RINSO WHITER WASHES 80 YOU READ ABOUT IT, TOO NEW SHIRTS? GOOD)! YOUR OLD ONES ARE WEARING OUT h 3 Brown Fox Furs Regular $40 for Brown and Red \ Fox Furs. Regular $17.50 for Fh £7 -' |___ $10.00 $13.50 $29.50 iA COATS | SUITS - ERR |. Whiree-plecs sults tn . al covert cloth, in several -smart styles, Very well Colors «= black, oxford, grey, $19.95 AND MONTHS LATER BECAUSE | USE RINSO DON'T HAVE TO SCRUB OR BOIL. AREN'T THEY NICE AND WHITE! MY SHIRTS ARE LASTING Aq $15.00 38 Prog green, blue and cocoa. Rize 14 to 20. Reg $10.50, SO in tub or Washer .. W

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