Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Mar 1930, p. 7

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a AK at LE A (RA CH | Movoto, Ont, March Den (CP) 1] ar, 5 ty 48 city know. : : long woman kept for iy Eiht ie 8 voles be- id ola in his native Ttaly, Already his fife Is ber Pifteen En ato Caruso visited Toronto th 0 it, 8 veri {tesested Vor, Caruso, will you |g ng Suet she asked. slug for ust ont Se said kindly, "1 don't make It © practi 40, SNL REL ep ion Otherwise 't give [l fie, my est fo the pub oad, for it was she. who had come on the mission looked disappointed, My voice needs relaxation. Otherwise, 1 can's give mm 0. pe prin) for it was me on the mission, peed Laappointed: Caruso with. the sensitiveness of an artist, caught the note of discouragement: It made him curious, - , where did you wish Ret naga WAL the DASE, ho pital fr Som, slr, 5, Sa s e ] A Street, raw y / the great man pasued, "That is Derent. 'ou say it is for wound- od soldiers? Ah, well that Is another sotry." He paused again, "But you # 1 Jot them kmow whe 1. anh tnusta't Jo 1d Thatien you Peked w Just say an o ward, "And Mrs. Sheppard, bupyed, up, with success; went vay smiling, ol the Xe: Carta ed on ward after promise, Caruso ¢a ward, His tremendous voice was at the height of its power, Very simply lie sang +» Officers and privates mar- velled at his volee. They were care ried away. But none of them sus ected, Pe hey were curious, too, "Who was the singer?" they asked Mrs, Shep- pard, "Just and old Ttallan 1 picke up in the ward," she answered glib ly, But then, unable to curb her enthusiasm: 'But wasn't it wonder» ful? Dirn't you enjoy it! . "It's the best treat we've had yet and officer smiled and then sighed "Gee, Whiz, those Halian guys can sure » came a pri aad bet even Caruso Hime couldn't do better," a third contri- buted, Meanwhile the Singer had gone back to his hotel feel fike a small boy. who had ies. She io kept their secret, S ] Caryso died in Naples, Mrs, pard was te sol et tod EY stolen an episode, she & th i oth $21,901,000 {IN ' (Continued from Page 1) $85,000 transformer station «®t North 0 orthern Ontario systems oalled for + a.exnenditure of 4,845,000, Of this $3,500,000 is for develop~ ment work on the Mississagt river $10,000 at Ear Falls and $350,000 at Wahnapitae. Transmission lines from gl to Sudbury 'were estimated to cos §1,600,000 and Jremicmes staitons at Mississagi and $500, The | ten levy. ,782,000 for Rural power oxten: exclusive of honuses, The: estimates for the Attorney: General's depa: t totalled He #39,660, Administrution of J in the Algoma district was esti mated to cost $20,300; in Cochrane | distrio district, $10,000; HH 00; Manitou Bipia 'distriot, dist: 10,780; et i080; Tomiska district, $33,100 0% a Thunder BAY A) ' $48, 7,080; § Stratford, LL tes for the riment _ forests led Qatarlo, Lotaleg. $887,480, rab Ty an for the ene 4 rig w game laws, . of Y eommissio) 1B fumates for o!toariment ot be | tfon on this fnestion. ng very, much | oftiofels and te ¢ Car x Years 10ter [vo waa | = Villa" Russe," the € d Unie School, | th of Torontd is 4.025 and the hale Ontario, $350, LLL $9,000,000 of this] reforestation end | ; ors' Allowance Commission and $5,746,600 for the Old Age the ury $614,820 apd tor the provi | BOOT! 'y dor partment, §8,1 yp Of ints ter figure, $7,775,156 wap for the fntensnce of public institutions, department ' of pgrieniture estimates totalled $2,080,770, LEGION PROPOSALS ARE NOW COMPLETE (Continued from Page 1) [) Jrost deal of Injustice and hard- ship to war veterans and thely de- pendents, particularly widows, ang with the organization 1 board of of~ r system, with he urned soldiers' Insurance aot, 'militia pensions act, and Im perial veterans, 'The proposals which are being definftely put for. ward are about thirty In number, and they will be. presented In de. tall by LtsCol. LaFleche, Domine fon Jrosldant of the Legion, and by the senior adjustment officers, of the Legion G, C, Hewrlg, Riche ard Hale, ¥. TL, Barrow and Cap tain Gilman. The ng Session The opening session of the com: mittee on Thursday forenoon, will find the forces of the veterans of Canada appearing in massed form- ation hefore the committee, With General Sir Arthur Currie as the first material witness to speak, He will he followed by lt-Col, Ia Fleche, the official spokesman for all veterans, who will, In a gen- oral way, introduce the principles and policies enunciated in the Legion's program, Col, LaFleche will be followed by other repro sentatives of the Legion repre- senting all provinces, M, M, Hood of Oshawa, has been notified that he' will be required to appear ho. fore the committees as a material witness, "Ouns of Proof" also deals of the fe 1 for adv! by the committee will be the "one us of proof of disability" question, introduced' in the House of Com: mons by Dr, MeGibbon, M.P,, for Muskoka, and the Legion repre sentatives have been asked to ex: d |oress the views of the orvianiuza- All speakers tomorrow will deal with this prob. lem, and it is probable that an ak ternative plan will be presented ns expressing the views of the Larlon , [that all legislation passed must be e and '© reasonable in fits character, and must not of such & nature as to block needed amend- ments to specific sections of the Pension Act, The final conference of Legion and representatives of other veterans organizations is he- held at'Lenion iow: oad A [44 fast touches will A plang for presen the 1s to the . Amos thone who are tal in the detherations, from . a Malta \ on hy iy " in, fieek Boninion or General. Alex tudes of Saskatohawaen, dominfon vice-nresident; ii §nen- cov, Morden, Manitoha, provineinl nresident, Menitoba Command: A ¥, Moore, Winnineg, Dominion Chairman: Col, Clark, Montreal, provinoial president, Owahea Com. mand; Major Norman Dingle, Cale ~ary, Imperial Veterans renvesen- 'ative, and = venresentatives from Whines Ydward Island and New nawlok, The Tarion big massed tw lead. ots in Ottawa, in full strenmih ax never before for this important oc- oaglon, and at the close of last niwht's gonference avery confid. pos wan exoressed that the delib- erations of the parliamentary eom- mittee would he produetive of legislative amendments of benefit to a large body of war veterans, E-------------------------- » , HONORS RUSS DURE ») |! B.C, Mi seent, was en fete recently for the reception gi- ven in the honor of His Imperial ness the Grand lexan 'of Russia by Mrs, and Mr, Mis- off, the event ng a ven by gt interesting "lecture Hi hex, A charming inform. ty the wed, Dein ton Bb 3 - he ed to CN Mis. lvasofls distinguishes ed house guest, CHUDREN TE. SAYS PRINCIPAL IIE: The first subject to be disonssed | Age RE i aruing Fire in the King St. Chambers Causes Slight Smoke Damage to Stock and Store Occupied by the Dominion Clothing Company © "n ing St. Loss Has Been Covered By the InsuranceCo., Their Loss Will Be Your Gain Save money while you have this opportunity --Our Stock must be cleaned u isi ' p at once. This'is you tunity of tng Special Bargains in new Spring Merchandise at Smoke Sale Prices. Our Stock has all a nr for your benefit. Read the following Special Values for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Come in and be convinced. 10 Doz. Auto Knit Wool Sox fog, Boe, P -- hon, 3 aif pty 29¢ Boys' Navy Blue Serge Suits and new Spring Tweeds, with ¢ I rll Heng $0.08, ! 2 on 1 Smoke fale Special 50 Doz. Children's Stockings predbons Hig wie Ty Nl} ROYR' Penman's Fron Underwear Reg, Price Be, Garment w= 29 Smoke Sale Special Cc MEN'S Fine Leather Black Dress Shoes rod pain doe sl 7) Men's White Handkerchiefs Rog, 100 each, Each w= Smoke Bale Npectal A Few Overcoats Aid in sizes 89:87 only are left to be Hegular Price $14.50, Smolka Sale Hpecial MEN'S Med. Weight Comb, Underwear Bvoke Sais Speen 11.11 $1089 Men's Muleskin Work Gloves | Reg. price BO -- Big B Brand Comb. Overall. we All Nines mi h LRT x Ras 8 Whi |: King St. Chambers TRI) 'hone 2141 The Store For Dad and His Lad Satisfaction or Money Refunded Boys' Tweed Caps Spring Shades, Reg, The Hmoke Male Special MEN'S NAVY BLUE 2 DOZEN ONLY Childrens Fleece Lined Sleepers Hogular $1.85, Nmoke Bale Special Ladies' Silk Hose First Quality, All New Spring shades, Rog. The, Smoke Bale 29¢ Men's Balbriggan Combinations Neg, price Be, Bises B40 Smoke Bale Special 69¢ MEN'S Fleece Lined Combinations $1.00, Bmoke Malo $1 00' Men's & Boys' New Bow Ties eg, Price Bbc, Smoke Sale Special |... , 9¢ MEN'S NAVY BLUE SERGL SUITS 18 Only Youth's & Young Men's Spring Top Coats Regular $17.50 $7.95 Smoke Bale Specks) |, Boys Solid Leather Aviation Caps Rogular price #1.85, Smoke Sale Special MEN'S nellsavy Knee Rubber Boots Smoke Salo Spocln Men's Heavy Work Boots Valentine & Greb Make Regular $4.08, Smoke Sale Special |, ,, $3.39 @ ® Men's Cottonade Work Pants Mises D949, Reg, price w= Smoke Sale Special , BOYS Broadcloth & Print Shirt Waists Reg: price Ope, All Niges Nmoke Bale Npecial Boys' All Wool Jerseys Rog, price $1.85, Smoke Male Special Men's Big B Brand Work Shirts Niges 14:17, Reg, H1.45, Smoke Bale Special LOOK! LOOK! SWEATERS! AM Wool Collegiate Nweater C Jumbo MKnit, New 85.08, ate Nmoke Sale Npecial ' $2.95 Men's Fancy Sox Reg. Price Be, Nmoke Bale Mpecial noyw ors $2.95 Lea Wi FLEEUK LINED Neg, Price $4.08 Smoke Sale Special | |, MEN'S Heavy Khaki Drill Work Pants leg, Price 81.40. Nise 00.44, OQ 0 Smoke Sale Special . Boys' Plain Over Rubbers Regular 93¢ Smoke. Sale Special ,..... 69¢ Boys' All Wool Jersey Suits Sa Ee 1 $1.29 \ gS . \ \ : no pany dl Reg, price 85c¢, Dusers, Mens Fancy Lisle Hose Nmoke Bale 25¢ Special === 0 pales for ,, Pencil Stripe and Light Worsted, Regular Smoke Sale Special price $18.50, MEN'S Heavy Mole Skin Pants Rog, $0.08, Kmoke Male Boys' Tweed Bloomers Bigos 80:08, Reg, price $1.00 89 Cc Smoke Sale Npeial Men's New Spring Felt Hats Bought te be sol( 0 BM ug fol $010 np : p n os $1.49 BOYS & YOUTHS Long Tweed Pants Bisos 27-00, Neg, 81,008 Nimoke Malo Npocial Men's Police Braces Regular price 40¢, Boke Sale Special ,,..,. 25¢ Guaranteed not to fade--Indigo dye. 2 pairs Smoke Sale Special Reg. $27.50. MEN'S 18inch High Top Elk Leather Boots Regular a%.00, Simoke Sale Special BOYS Strong Leather School Boots Ilogular Price $9.7 Smoke fale Fb Men's Odd Vests : rR "pec hyp i $1.00 20 prs. only Children's Goloshes aaa te S100 nion, Men's New Spring Caps Assorted patterns, All sizes Nog, price $1.00, Smoke Male Special 19¢ $9.49 BOYS Navy Blue & Tweed Knickers Nigos 0:10, Neg, price Be Nmoko Sale Special Painters' White O'alls Reg, $1.85, Al sizes, Smoke Sale Special Boys' Balbriggan Combinations Nizos 24.80 Neg. price 000 Nmokeo Bale Special 39¢ MEN'S Fine Broadcloth Dress Shirts Nog. Price $1.40, 89¢' Smoke Sale Special ,,,,.. Boys' Fine Golf Hose Turn down, fancy enuff eg. 39 d C Price 00c, Smoke Salo Special $16.95 15 ONLY Men's Leatherette Raincoats Regular price $10.00 Smoke Sale Npecial Boys' Flannelette Pyjamas & NIGRT NHINES. 95¢ Regular $1.40, . Smoke Nale Special LER EE EI Men's Odd Coats Mires 80:44, Nog. Smoke Salo Apetial se ne $3.69 Men's Pyjamas. Regular 1.05. All sleon Smoke Sale sonal $1.29 § oy ] "

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