Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Mar 1930, p. 4

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THE a + Fi QSHAWA / DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1930 A AR RR Eg Ri rem pt i TATIVES IN US. Pewase pnd Stone Inc, New York and Chicago, IMPROVING TOWNSHIP ROADS The proposal of the Provincial govern. (to increase the subsidies for township and county road construction from Wirty to forty a cent. will meet with general ap- proval, For a number of years the Provincial hways ment has been rendering usable assistance to municipalities where the statute labor sys of 'road improve- ments has been abolish®d, with the result that there has been a very decided improve- ment in roads in the rural sections. The government subsidies have also en- abled counties to improve their road systems, and to replace old bridges and cul verts with larger and more modern strue- by "hys It is hysteria, but not of mind, net of body but of souls that have lived with archangels, that have entertained the highest virtues, : have, two thousand years Inter, witness- 'ed to that "Greater Love hath no man" with a splendor which earth has not seen since the universe reeled to hear God's Bon cry "My God, my God, why hast thew forsaken me?" It is the expressed. agony of souls who dave not be undecelved. Who will not be- "lieve the vermin who say their holy war was a capitalist/'s game, They also don't' want to find that all the shining stars of thelr youthful heaven are really the corpse lights of honor, of faith, of gallant living, 80 they "go over the top." That is, they 'quit jobs with a peculiar grandeur, and they also work with a fierce eagernéss if they know for what and whom they are working. When it is too late, perhaps, we shall all gee that this ecgentricity of veterans was one of heaven's periodical calls to the higher * Other Editor's - Comments CONTROLLING PRODUCTION on op ore The wes by ©. N. TUCK, Opt.D. (Copyright THE PUPIL AND THE IRIS PART "¥ The iris is an assistant in the pro. tection of the eye against light, its action being an involuntary one in that it automatically contracts when brought into contact with direét or erman and 'the aw of supply andidemand are the only con- L trolling factors with any power, Con trolling cost of production presents more opportunities to the husband. man, Canada's position in the realm of production and' marketing is go- ing to depend on whether we can pro duce cheaper than the farmers other countries, If we can, we win, in Strain 0) # "Helief In the Goodness of Others" SCRIPTURE Memory Verse: love thy neighbor (Matthew 22:80), Read; Matthew MEDITATION goodness, especiglly intentions, Faith ter. The only safe os 1 am, diftioult, except for convince us sideration, This way, If we can on well PRAYER 0 Lord, ing us to higher lev ance, May teach us to show a wo move among the this day, Amen, This means in part: thou shalt trust thy neighbor, believe in him, The person who Is to get slong with others must believe in thelr for faith, It is the truest interpre- lieve that my neighbor is as good That ought not to be Dees not our personal experience that there many people who are cowards or who do not seem to be trying to find the right and to do it? Be- lef that they are thug striving to sorve the good as they wee it" wil give us endless patience and con- was those who differ from us are as intentioned as We Are, oan always got along with them, we thank 'Thee for those who believe in us and trust us, and who by thelr faith and confidence are ever lift. this our should be ready for use In an few 8 'T hf give Texas a vo that will carry all over this contin ent In rain or shine, heat or cold, snd, under certain conditions, will cross a couple wide ocenns, Befiovug that the Southwest should be heard as well as seen, The Dallas Morning News, its evening paver, The Journal, and its associates ve spent $270,000 on this project, gh, power comes high, The News placed its order with the Radio Corp- oration of America for ue finest transmitter that could be built in the General Electric Factories at Scher gv ay Al EEL AR precision ob It ought to be the est in exisicice because it will ine corporate all the new radio wrinkles, The News has been working on this for more than & year, The first thing it had to do was to find 8 place to put the machinery, A spot was. selected eighteen miles from Fort Werth on the New Northwest Highway, The land is high snd level pi gives 'the lagdly 300-foot aerial towers # chance to discharge their vibrations: without obstrugtion, = On this site WFAA has built already a beautiful _ structure of hollow tile, brick and stugeo; the handsomest thing you ever saw on a goncrete road, Part of the new transmitter has been installec and ade to work, This part called "the first unit," has a power of 5000-watts and you hear it now every time you tune In WFAA, Soace was reserved for the remaining 45000 watts and the mechanism Is arrivi', every week by carloads, WFAA 18 WORKING HARD TO "Thou shalt fs thyselt" 221 04nd, in thelr good begets ground oreed lg: 1 be- the Pharisees, are not Lideoln's Jy believe that we onerous : CAN WORK OVER WFAA MIC. oP . PROGRAMS ARE REHEARSED TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE RIGHT, THE SOUTH. WEST 5 "BIG. TIME" AND THE LREST OF THE WORLD MUST GET THE CORRECT IDEA ABOUT IT, Sg els of perform gratitude like spirit as companions of written Ont,, citizen to a relative here, has led the police their hunt for Tom Bro! mayor of Stratford, for whose ar: rest a warrant has been issued in conndotion with the vanishing of thousands of dollars entrusted to his eare by Btratford clients, = FORMER STRATFORD SHAYOR BEIIFVED SEEN IN MEXICO vis | Stratford = Native Writes Friend About Seeing Ab- sconding Mayor Toronto, March 26 = A letter dy a former Btratford, trail In former on an According to the letter written by the Riratfqrd native, now locat ed in Texas, he wan sitting In 8 Mexico weeks ago, when he noticed ga man sitting at a nearby table, who re- town restaurant some 4 | 16 cools, soothes instantly. A pat netuslly oes wash the 'tin clean, A shin is ne. Lm Ba VV. W, Thompson Drug Stove we El > wembled a ohildhood sequaintence, "That 1s Tom Brown," he said to Wimsedf, I must go over and sponk to him" He got up to go over toward the person he helleved to, be Brown, when the man got up, leaving his meal unfinished, and hurried out of the vestaurant, That was the last seen of him, Wife at Feltham -~ Ha struck re three times and pulled me dawnstatys by the haly, Husband~~ Those are only family squabbles, home after 82 years' absence, has been told hy the courts thet he is Ingally dead, and his status is that of n ghost, He means to haunt the courts till he gets justice, AW, President C, A, Bogert Vieo-Pres.and Gen, Myr, Austin C. 8. Blackwell, Chairman of the Board C, H, Carlisle Pres, Goodyear Tire and Pres, Rubber Co, of Canada Lid, Twonie New RY. alow C ww The T', Baton Co, Prine oe BW, Hamber yy B.C, Mills Timber Prosi sins Lhd W. W, Near Lope araey Tubes, Lady, Yovanio F. Gordon Osler Financier, Toronto Baton F. L. Patton Honher, Winnipeg Vanover john M, Mackie - Pres, Brinions Peterboro Carpet Coy Liddy Monirest Wilmot L, Matthews J. Allan Ross Prev, Wan, Wrigley Jr, Cor Lid, Toronto C, O, Stillman Press Gonody Malling Co, Prosy Imperial Oi Lidyy Torowia R. 8, M¢Laughlin Prev, General Molors of Caonade, Lid, Othave aenia H. H, Williams Capitalist, Savona That Some make The "bus was making ite early morning trip to connect with the train on & branch line, It was filled with half-awake passengers, with the exception of one very talkative travelling salesman, Fall ing to start the usual conversation, he turned to the negro driver, Pours p Loam." X ld, "why tn thune or oy put this station so By fonu i Berta MD. f+ from the town?" bre "Don't know, hos," sald the "1 sometimes wonder which is most sleepy megro, "oep'in 1g it dey at fault the dentist.or the patient in wants it on the raliroad." the matter of artificial teeth-den -- reflected light or glate, the ¢laim that dark eyes are strong. er than the lighter or bluer colour; this may only apply as far as light is concerned and certainly the dark e ~ is better equipped against light by its pigmentary condition, but it is Just as much subject to other weaknesses as are the lighter cals ors. The trend of our modern tly. ilisation goes to show that very few are perfect, assistance being alike needed to all. The reascy for the muscular action being uniform to the circular formation of the pupil is because the fibres' for contracting of pupil are circular and for dilating are radiating in the iris from the margin of the pupil, To Jbe continued, valor--to take no thought of tomorrow, A DANGEROUS PRACTICE The Chief 0 Police of Scarboro has issued a warning to motorists to decline from pick. ing up children on thé highways, He points ut ¥ § not op is thery iis slerént i sk involved in the event of an A Bromotio of rade nd mi pv Shere is also the fact that 8 child Sosking torests than anyth: a from a passing motorist may be run- Rtorests anything: else Hg AWAY tre home. he de J vecen r every man who drives a car Pe ponienic soy ny in ant 8s there knows that while coming out from the city urban roads, One car travel Anywhere to | he 8 frequently invited to pick up children, day with a car, and people of the rural sec- particularly those coming from school. The A out more than ever before, average motorist likes to assist children, yet : the Department: of wa a Boe of DOMINT BANK Established 1871 tures. Undoubtedly the Department is anxious . that rural dwellers should have a generous share of the m expended annually on good roads, also that this "share shall be equivalent to that spent for the improves ment; of suburban roads largely for the ben. efit of city dwellers." This is a right and Just policy to pursue, and one which will do as they call them, The patient has been having con siderable dental work done, and fin. ally the dentist informs him that he should have more of his teeth out and get fn "permanent" plates or dentures, After waiting for some weeks for the gums to recede after the removal of the teeth the new plates or den: tures are made, | The patient wears them for a little while and finds they hurt him, He returns to the dentist, who trims and | polishes them, The patiept wears them for a little while, that they are | again hurting his mouth, and returns | to the dentist, This goes on for al number of times; the patient gives up in disgust and finally leaves the dentures' out, never wears them again, Now while these plates are "pen manent" and may last a life time the point to remember in that the mouth, the gums, the jaw, change as the weeks and months go by. This means that the plates or dentures do not rest exactly on the same surface ap when they were first fitted, hat ie my thought? That you do met hurry your den tist into making permanent plates after te removal of the decayed teeth, It takes weeks, sometimes months, for the gums to recede, and $he Mouth be ready for Artitoial eeth, If for chew! Juthotes, or appear ances, you i olal teeth, then have him put in temporary sets, wan oh are not expensive you to chew your food, the gums Apropos the recent broadcasting of King George's spesch, before the Naval Conference to America, the "Pathfinder" relates that the head of the family in a certala town got up early to lasten-in to it, His Mttle son Ray was up also and Was an interested listener. = The announcer.stated that His Majesty was speaking into a golden micro phone, from a golden throne, to the gallery of the House of Lords. Immediately Ray rushed .up.the stairs and shouted to awaken his mother: 'Ma! Ma! Get up, quick, Pa's got heayen!" " the Scarboro Coit says, 1 picking them up with cars should be avoided and discouraged, "Newspapers, statesmen and others inter ested in the healthy condition of the public life of the country are continually ur ing the best men to offer themselves for floss om says the Chatham News, which adds: "There is little encou t for active, keen, enterprising to become interested as can people themselves fail to respond with ficient, interest to even go to the polls to cast their votes. Efforts are being made to tas r class of candidates in the var Re ayperio This effort is wasted unless the electors rouse themasive from hate Joh» argy and encourage these men . interest in public affairs. Light votes ins dicate a condition of municipal drowsiness which is just as fatal to the corporation as } sleeping sickness is to the human body. EDITORIAL NOTES A statistician claims that 21 per cent, of the people read the editorials. in the news- papers, Then there is still hope for 21 per cent. of the people. : Compulépry insurance is to be applied to motorists only after they have had acci- dents, But in many cases that may be too late. Ja | Premier King's senate reform. policy is 'coming along nicely, Only four more ap- | pointments to make J; Be reformation will be complete. = 44 "On considerisig they presgit situation, at On cons {) ona | naval EA difficult believe all those nice speeches were made at the opening on January 41, the 10 is which er urban centres will be wel- od, however, that any such ims are not reflected in higher tax MARCHES history 'tell of many fam. ere was that ghastly and march of Napoleon to Moscow. : the march of Kitchener to Khar- ! to the relief of General Gordon, with) 'the arrival coming too late. There was the March of General Von Kluck to Paris in 1914, 'the march that resultéd in the French and British vietory at the Marne, Each of these "hight have become a giorious episode in his- dur, but they all fell short of their object. BEATING THE GAME "Mother, -lan't your hale per- manently waved!" "My dear, what makes you ask such a thing?" "Ive been thinking. Why ean't I have my neck permanently wash. 'was of more recent days, there have been Bits of Verse T= pass books of hundreds of Central Canada depositors tell astory of financial earners steadily accumulating a reserve for the future. ' Small entries and large entries, all receiving the impetus of our 4 per cent earning powet. Try this simple method of improving your financial status from month t6 month. An initial deposit of a dollar is the first pularity and our 4 per cent interest rate will prove Shncoe St. forth \ THE WANTON i wooo The lac bush welcomed the warm Spring wind, And ant wide bor arms to his Nn nd, h shed with delight at the 's bright glance, the red robin that sang on her branch. Old Winter turned back like an envious churle hy Thou faise-hearted wanton, is this I'v an hed A " Tobe tick dna ween | lo sek of ging LL 0 or ne ty rtd, wanjon, 1a this |, Vio tes Ro Temiain Jong enough ; in the mouth to get eno alkaline xed with it, Then { ] YNny cases of "Indigestion" even uloer of the stomach, and irritation of the ining of the large intestine tis-~can be traced back | in | Mucous. col EC Fires uf digestive juice when it gets to esidve juice of is Acid, does not have to exert i . much to overcome this alkaline from the mouth, and nel stomach Juice im mot man! to properly digest the food, Hence ing gestion, . tay with your dentist until you grinders that you can wear with. t discomfort, (Registered in accordance with the "Copyright Act) - Ho he outed het In from her crown to her roof : Till she stood lke 8 knight In » . sllyer suit, But hep warm heart laughed at his tactios grim * 8he had hidden the bird 'neath ; Y . . her her innermost mb, The man who looks on the bright wide of Then " sin EN agaln and the . |: things is seldom dazzled when prosperity "_aoft breeze blew, a ; ome | The ioe iy vanished lke morns {dE the ng ow, And the liao bush tossed her While Ui ' tol gE ET ® _-- ENTREE JUAN Ni) » PANY Prites OF Wala had a mefeanaey ent he could make a fortune out of ge uh ba, 10, | robin sang or the brea ot | he el C. Keefler, Toronto, : we, ding Seale=\We glofy in] "I tn handy Sealer "ut ibe ; . | ulation | th Jatiover; Al » ence, ly ¢ NAVINGN VEE AT , In the past it was a sorry Texan Be ol not make himself heard, ut tnt $ have changed and w takes] ¢ o attention fake doe, "Tend, nds South. La "to have ence, that the law will i WF 0% en $ News and Dalla 1 Shirt A %y 3 ' % 9 ; t : 1 i! \ be es 4 ! 2 | Now that spring in Watecolleialy, it is [wwe time to hunt up: the digging fork and rake. | Jit Yu? Mult He the »

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