Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Mar 1930, p. 3

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v + "WHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26,1930 * Dar } [i ---- WERE PIONEERS BANKS FOUNDED HERE | | ava maaalil Late Mr, Cowan Was One of Founders of Standard Bank, While Late Mr, Me» | Millan Aided in Establish ing Western Bank Two beautiful memorial windows hisve been erected in the rear of the legal branch of the Bank, of Come meree, formerly the Standard Bank of Canada, by Fi W, Cowan and his wile, Lily M, Cowan, The one te the west was presented by Mrs, Cowan In memory of her father, Thos, Hen- ry McMillan, one of the founders and general manager of the Western Bank of Canada, until its amalgama- tion with the Standard Bank of Can. ada In 1909, The memorial window to the est is the gift of Mp, ¥, W, Cowan in Semory ol his father, the late Win, Frederick Cowan, who was one of the founders and Brot dont of the Standard Bank of Canada from 1883 until 1918, : Beautiful Works of Art Both windows are of stained glass and may be regarded as beautiful works of art, The window in meni ory of the late Mr, MeMillan bears the coat of urms of the old Wests ern Bank, while the memorial to the late W. F, Cowan bears the cont of arms of the Standard Bank before " amalgamation with the Canadian nk of Commerce, The Mte Wm, F, Cowan and the fate T. Hi MeMillan played a large hart in the Industrial development of | L. shawa and it is Hgnificant that the Western Bank which obtained its gharter In 1874 was a rong {actor in sheouraging he growth of the Ins ustriess and business houses estab- ished in hs sity and In tiding them over a period, of depression. which hreatened vei] run Thy Nino. dard Hank alee played a leading eh and it Ip stated that only once did Mr. Cowan miss a meeting of the directors, having. been sick in bed at the time, The memorial windows have been installed as Atting monuments, to the livew of these prominent mien, | OBITUARY MARY ELLEN BOWLER Death came after n lengthy iliness of many months, early this morning, to Mes, Mary ¥ilgn Fiat beloved ife of John Bowler, outh Oshawa, The late Mrs, ler was in her sixtysfirst year, Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her loss four sons, George, of Trenton} Stanley, of Camden, N.Y, sem and John, both of Oshawa; and one daugiter Myrtle, of Oph- awn, The deceased was a member of King street United church, The funeral will be held on Fel. day afternoon ut 200 o'clock from the home, Rey; C, ¥, Cragg will be n_eharge of the service, Interment will be made at the Union cemetery, EE CHINAMAN, GIRL ARE ARRESTED AT HOTEL IN OSHAWA Face Charge of False Regis- tration and Remanded Until Friday David Lee, a Chinamun, and Mar- garet Phillips, a gir! from the Uni. ted States, were taken into eustody ft night 'by the loeal police at the enosha Motel on charges of false registration, Both appeared in po- lice court this morning, and after the case had been partially heard, were remanded In custody until Fel OW day, Recording to the crown's evidence Lee has been working In Oshawa for some time, ahd the girl has been residing here for ubout n year: Dur. Ing a greater part of the last year they had tig living ether as man and wife, She had signed the register at theho tel as Mrs, David 00, It was alleged . After the hearing of evidence for the prosecution, Lee asked for a re- mand so,that he could obtaln ecoun- sel, and this was granted. PE ---------- Died . wi TOD-=1n Toronto on Tuesday, Mareh 88th, Jennie ' Harvey, daughter of Mrs, 8. Harvey, ¥i0 Simooe street. south, Oshawa, and beloved wife of W, J, Tod, Funeral Thursday, Maren 37, from theif home, #33 Montroge avenues, Toronto, (78) i Theronid of Oshawa An electro magnetic appliance for the treatment of chronic ailments, Broadcasting over i, 4 R.B. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Ne \ A A full week. of free. treatmentaiat ous office will convince you of ite merits, Wy TOHILDREN LIE Of Banking in This District 1 Verdun rd, GOING T0°SCHOOL SAYS PRINCIPAL KIWANIS CLUB HEARS TALK ON EDUCATION INCITY. C.F. Cannon Tells of Alms in Trainiog Children for Citizenship "Children now uetuslly seem to like golug to school," stated C, ¥, Can- no, supervising principal of Oshs awa's Publis Schools in the course of an Interesting address before the members of the Kiwanis Club at its regular noon. luncheon Jasterday, Principal Cannon was speaking on subject In which he Is vit@lly Inters ested, the education of children, The fact that there Is woeh less truancy now. thun there wis 4 generation ago wis elted by him as one proof of thie changed attity le" on the part of child. ren towards thelr schools, "We attempt to make schoo! (nters esting," he explained, Christ Greatest Ydueator That Christ was the greatest edu- cator of all time was the striking assertion made by the speaker. Ile pointed out that whereas most tench ord find it dificult to hold the atten tion of forty pupils, Christ was able to hold the attention of thousands of men and women for hours at a time "There are two branches of thought with regard to teaching methods," Prinelpal Cannon contin. ued, "The one advocates the pounds Ing of knowledge into the bpd whily the other suggests ways of Influgnes Ing the Fo to exercise his own mental powers, In Oshawa we strive forfan effective combination of these two theories" Training for Citisenship Teeining for citizenship is an im- portant objective In the clty's sehools, fr, Cannon stressed, Io referred to the facet that abort twenty per cont of the students are of foreign ov.raction and that it Is therefore with an eye to the future that they with others are lneuleated with the ideal to become good Canadians: He also pointed out that the pupll, in addition' to the ordinary subjécts stidied, rocelved a moral training bh precept and example while in Wa contacts with other students of his own age he learned how to soclalize and mingle with others, The whale school day Is not spent in work, Principal 'Cannon declared, #8 there are the usual recess periods while In addition the teacher may allow recreation during the study hours if the glass a showing signs of staleness, + "When we work" he maid, "we do not sit glued to our desks for the whole. day but often move about to refresh our minds, Neither can we expect the children to work steadily for hours at RJ osch. | Teach Deportment An endeavor is also made to teach the child deporiment and poise, Mr, (Continued on Page 7) DANCING CLASSES Miss Vivian Mason, of Toronto, who starred in the Kinsmen's Mid- night Revue, "Oddities. of 1930," has received several enquiries regarding dancing classes in this city, and has decided to open spring and summer classes, Reglatrations will be received at Rotary Hall on Saturday from 10 to 12 o'clock and 1 to J.' Instruction will include tap, toe, classical and ac- robatic dancing, Miss Mason is a pupil of the famous Leonodoff, Rus: sian ballet school, MEMORIAL WINDOWS IN THEIR HONOR T. H. MeMILLAN One of the { sand genera! the Western Bank of whish was an Important fagtars in Oshawa from 1874 until WM. F. COWAN Former prominent industrialist of Oshawa, and one of the founders ond president of the Standard Bank of Canada for 45 years, DRURY'S SPEECH 10 BE OF KEEN INTEREST HERE ------ Will Address Chamber of Commerce at 2nd An. nual Meeting Everything has been arranged for the second annual meeting and bans tet of the, Oshawa Chamber of Com merce, which is being held in Welsh's Parlours tomorrow night at 6.30 o's clock, The Chamber is, indeed, for tunnto In securing Me, E, C, Drury, former prime minister of Ontario, us speaker. Fis subject "The St, Law rence Waterways Develdyment" |s one of grom Importance snd of par ticular interest to Oshawa in view of the, fagt that the completion of this project would provide "this elty with direct decors to the sea by ship, Reports of the work of the Cham. ber of Commerce singe its Inception two yours ago, sre to he presented by the secretary, Me. Leon Frazer, on behall of dhe directorate, A splendid program will alse be given and it Is anticipated with gaol rengon thiut the meeting will be one of the most snecessfulin the history of the organleation, Card of Thanks Me, and Mra: Stanley Moffatt Wish to thank wmelghbers, Triends, Dr, Archer, also nurses Motiregor and Pinkham for thelr kindnes and flowers during Mra. Moftatt's recent Hiness, (780) Mra. ¥, Branton, MoGregor Wt, wishes to thank Dr, Bird, Centre Home and Behool Olub, friends and yolatives for thelr kindness and flowers during her recent perious Hines, (780) NEW YORK BXCnXSUR New York, March 26--Forelgn exchanges easier, demand rates: Great Britain 4.80%, France 3.514, Italy 5.88%, Germany 33.86, Cana dian dollar 1-0, of pne per cent, discount, The only time a horse gets seared nowadays Is when he meets another horse~Montroal Star, BIRCH CLIFF FOLK DISCUSS FORMING SCARBORD' TY Citizens Hear Address by Former Township Solicitor on Subject fdarboro', Mare 20--At a wells attended meeting of Ditch CUR oitisens,' held at Sehoolhouse No, 15, last night, the quéstion of in- corporating Southwest Hearbory as & olty was discussed at consid. erable length, The proposal was launched by Daputy Reeve John Linden some two years ago, after an appHdenion for breaking away As a separate township had been refused to tue sootion known as North Bearboro.' In hin outline of the 'scheme, Mr, Lindén proposed to inelude that portion of the municipality opntalued in 'what Is known as the ater Area, and roughly compris. od School Sections 10, 12, 13 and 15, the combined assessment of which, on the last returns, ame ounted to $4,260,984 out of the entire township of $7,431,201, As the four sections embraced make up what is known as the urban area, thelr common inter oats are widely: different to those of the remaining parts of the, town ship, which ave strictly. rural, se cording to Mr, Linden, Opinfon is divided on the mat. ter, and Inst night's meeting was addroved by H. B. Rodman, form orly Townshp Holleitor, who oppos- ed the proposal aw being at the present time undesirable, claiming that the burden would = be too heavy for the area defined, He als "0 expresses da doubt as to whether the Legislature would entertain a bill to divide the municipality, Kx Reeve George Moore, J.P, and De- puty Reeve Frank lL. Darchavd ad. dressed the meeting, which was presided over by NK. Myatt, The tople of the lesture to be gl ven at the University Extension class this week is "The Italy of To» day. 1t will be delivered by Prof, Gogglo, of Toronto University, This is the final lecture of the course and will be held in the Simeoe street Sun. day school room, It Is to commence nt seven o'cloek, hin hh ss | [8 ¢ if | AT a HRA Rl 1 ey he departed thin lite | MILLARDeOn Monday, March 24, to Mr, and Mm, ©, H, 438 Richmond street (Ti) 18380, Millard, cart, a daughter, ile at Brooklin, Ont, March 20th, 10800 nih '» § Although absent from us, Her momory wo shall aver. keep, +o. ABver remem by Meo and Mrs gi ASO 1" Plotures of these RATEPAYERS T0 ORGANIZE IN ; SOUTHAEST YARD "HALL cALLEDTOR | Association Will Be Formed Along Lines of That in Cedardale Interest in municipal affairs ie certainly taking definite shape in Oshaws, as way evidenced by the formation of « Ratepayers Assos olation in Cedardale recently, ana now after some deliberation Ward 1 is taking action and on Tuesday, April 1, at 8 o'clock, there is to be an organization meeting st Ro- tary Hall, Contre St., for the pur. pose of forming ao Ward 1 Hate payers Association, A Ratepayers' Association does not necessarily mean' that there fis discontent with the Aldermen Who serve the City In Ward 1, but it does show an interest in the af fairs of the city, Almost every Al derman welcomes such intergst, and the opportunity of discussing olty matters with the electorate will lead to a better understanding gonerally, The meeting will no doubt' receive the support of the electors of the Routh-West Ward, which of course includes College Hil District, It should be noted that the meeting is to be held on April 1 and not April 7, as stated fn Monday's « edition eof The Times, through a typogxaphical error, La Fleche Accepts Invitation to Vimy Banquet in Oshawa 1t.«Col, L. R, LaFleche, of Ottawa, Dominion president «f the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Ser- vice League, has definitely accepted the ifvitation of the Oshawa Branch of the Legion to attend the Vimy celebration banquet to be held in Rotary Hall, here, on Thursday, Ap. ril 10, at 7 pm. Lt.-Col, LaFleche is the official spokesman for all war veterans before the parliamentary conunittee on returned problems and pensions, and will be very much in the limelight at Ottawa during the next few weeks m---- | IS R.S. CORYE AED Th ture Followed the "Golden Rule" Life Toronto, March 26.--Surrounided by large numbers of warm friends he had made during an active life, the late Robert Stanfield Coryell was laid to rest at. Mount Pleasant Cem- etery yesterday afternoon. Scores of prominent citizens stepped quietly in to the family residence at.5: Whitney avenue, Rosedale, to express their sorrow at the passing of a man who had won thelr esteem by square deals ness When Hydro Power Lines Break Some Sections Deprived of Electricity for Over an Hour ~Damage From Storm Light Oshawa and District Escape Lightly, - However, in Storm Which Swept Over the Province--Strong East Wind Blew LITTLE DAMAGE AT. THE HARBOR Disruption Experi. enced by The Times, How: ever, When Leased Wire Bringing News From Out- side World Was Affected Outside of the annoyance caused to citizens in certain seetions of the city by the Interruptions in the hy- dro service, Oshawa escaped lightly in the storm which swept over the province last night. A strong east wind wis blowing while the snow and rain served to make it a wild night, The whole city was plunged fv darkress for a few minutes after nine o'clock, when trouble occurréd on the main trancmission line, east of Bowmanville, according to C, T, Barnes, manager of the electrical and gas units ofthe Public Utility Com. mission, Fortunately the interruption was brief and the city had just returned to candles and old-fashioned lamps when the lights came on again, for an Hour The wind and ice caused addition. al trouble in certain circuits in the city, however, and while some wsec- tions endured no further interruption in the hydro service, others were without the hydro for donger periods up to an hour or more. The trouble department was on the job, however, snd worked hard in order to cor- rect conditions, As the local harbor is sheltered from an east gale little damage was experienced there, although it could be readily seen that the lake was rough, The storm's fury was felt more fully at the extreme west end of the lake where the wind had a clean sweep across the ohen water, Serious trouble is not anticipated at the local waterfront unless a strong wind should blow up from the south, when she beach and boathoures would be exposed to the anger of the Waves, News Service Disrupted Although the Bell Telephone Co. has not experienced anv trouble in making local or long distance cone nections, The Times was seriously handicanned this morning bv a'hreak in its Creed Printer service which heings to this paner over leased wire from the Canadian Prese the news of the Dominion and the outside world, Today the streets are covered with slush cauning annoyance. to pedess triang and to motorists, Last night driving on the highway was dificult but no serious decidents have been reported In' this district. R Workmen wére busy early this morning cleaning the snow and ice away {rom the catch basins in or~ der to let the water escape more ou» sily from the gutters. Oshawa is yearning for the spring, but it is slow in coming and storms such as last sight's seem to place is farther away thau ever, CITY NEWS RECEIVE CONTRACT Tho glass und glazing sube-gofis tract on the stores and apartments being erected on Fglinton avenue, Toronto, by De Marco, Limited, hos been awarded to the W, E, Phillips Co., Ltd, of this city and Toronto, FIRE DAMAGES OFFICE Damage estiniated at about $150 was 'done to a sma' real estate office at Clark street and Stacey avenue, by fire shortly after eight o'clock this morning, The building was, own» ed by M, Larch, end the cause of the blaze was believed to be an overs heated stove, ENTERPRISING YOUTH A number of | enterprising boys took advantage of the recent snow- stor by soliciting jobs the snow from ths sidewalks of resi- dents, Most people thought they had done with snow shovelling for the winter, Coming Events 8 Conts per word each ine sertion. Minimum 880, for each insertion, " CHOBEN FRIENDS ALL BEVENe ing dance,' Whitby Town Hall, Thursday, March ¥7th, 8 p.m. Everybody come. Good music, (710) LITTLE THEATRE, ROTARY Hall this Wednesday and Thurs. day, John Craig in the mystery play, "Grumpy". It's the best yet, $1.00 seat. Plan at Arcade, Rush seats 500, (7289, SUPPER AND BALE OF USEFUL articles, Children's clothing, tea towels, aprons, eto. Also osndy. To he held in ' Northminster United Church (corner Arling ton and Simcoe North), Thurs day, March 27. Admission Hn Tia) DON'T MISS HEARING REV. Murdoch MaeKiunon,, William Nowman,/ and Olde Tyme Quire totte at King street church, 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. Great Tomporance Rally, boty welcome, (738) MOOSE LODGE WILL HOLD A ouchre at: Cedardsle Hall, Brie St, 8,30 p.m. tonight, Refrebh« monts Javed. Lo (1) WHIST DRIVE WILL BR HOLD March 27, Canadian Hall, Prince street, ng. Eroptoyes of the Adams Furniture Company Limited, of which Mr. Cor. ell: was. president, were present in orce, From business 8 in all parts of the city came representative os with tokens of regret, The Ma. sonic Order and Rotary Club, church workers and newspapers tribute to the place the deceased had oceus pled in the community, Rev. Ronald MacLeod and Rev, G. C. Workman conducted the sere vice at the home and graveside. The former paid high tribute to the deceased, w otha been: A close personal friend for 10 years Was a prince at heart who followed the golden rule, ho said, acting fairly and squarely with all with whom he came in contact. Although conscious of his own shortcomings and limita tions, he was an exceedingly loyal and steadfast friend, and was gener ous ahd lenient in his judgment ol others, He believed in the Message and mission of the church and was a zonlons supporter of it with both time and money, N HOLD TEMPERANCE MEETING THURS Educational Rally Expected to be Largely : Attended Rev. Murdoch MacKinnon, well known pastor of Runuymede. Uns {ted Church, Toronto, and Wm Newman, MLA, of North Vietor ia, will speak at a big educational temperance meeting being held in | King Street. Unit | morrow night, his meeting promises to be one of the mont im portant of its kind and it fa ex» Basin that the ohureh will be fll In addition to the apeches a fine program has heen arranged and the Old Tyme Village Quartette ia to he present from Taronto. Moving pictures of care to be present. .] Chassic Lecture Tonight Everyone is cordially invited to attend a lecture on Automobile Chassis Conatruc- tion tonight at the showrooms of |" Thickson Motor Sales Bond Stréet ~~ | chassis, etc., will be shown, and an inter. esting evening is promised all those who . the manufacture of to the open m a brief session of the Oshawa branch of 'the Ontario Prohibition Union: will be held, : beauty - quéens iivieate A . THICKSON || shovelling _ or A tiesto heme kee A ---- iA ---- A ---- So

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