Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Mar 1930, p. 1

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in Sao. W ! Engineer Dies : nsas City.~The 49-year re- oon ot ores ¥. Robinson, ou / 2 Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer News While It Is News" OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1930 16 Gants = Weeks 3 Cents » Copy TWELVE PAGES 19 ckpetown Progresses | OMAN FOUND STRANGLED x = The Union will soon be * Dominions dg. far as 's 18 cone cerned. 'The bill which will give white women the franchise, both in Parliamentary and Prov! 3 Council elections, was given sec. a ingston Man Held for Stabbing Wife ond reading in the House of As- sembly Jostorday, at Throttle he ineer 'on the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pi Railroad; was still unblemished though he died Jat Aba PB le with wit! rushing towards a collision with & freight. 'The fireman noticed his ¢Ompanjon slumped in his "sess "in time to slam on the emergency brake, . British rs London.-The 'al ve the hh Getty Chilton, Minister to 'the Holy Ambassador to Chile, Ee France Aids Sufferers Faris--Tne Shamber of -- ut) yesterday voted. an @& Bon of one billion francs to sed in relief work and rehabilita- 'tion throughout Southern. France, where thousands were rendered homeless by floods which took & heavy toll of life several weeks Jago. The appropriation is equal to $39,100,000, * » * Envoy - Promoted King . yesterday appointment of now British See, to be i J * » A Workman 1s Killed Stratford -- Robert Bogdanovie 39, died in the General Hospital here from injuries received when the remnants of a wall fell on him while working on the demolition of an old stable, ] * LJ] * ¥ Ten Men Held in Yee Leland, Mich, -- A mail boat 'with four men abroad and a, coast~ guard boat with a crew of siz men | 'were held fast in the fice fomF miles off Norfh Manitou Is Jast night, after an all-day eo! to break loose. Fears were €x- pressed for the safety of the ten men who were without food or fuel. DRIVER BLAMED i mit, a jury under Coroner Dr. T, W. H. Young At the inquest ¢ y found that eodore R. Smithy Toronto, met his ina motor car accident on 'near Springville, Ont, rank Browiison; also of Toronto, :as the driver of the can and ap- Seared at the inquest. but imme- : {terwards was-returned to Bere he is recovering from ered in the accident, 3 iA a wi NA 4 Fit ington; DC; March 25--A} formerly commandant at "has written _to the hi atten Suggestion for Delay Attrib + donald HOPE FOR AGREEMENT PRIOR TO ADJOURNING Would. Contemplate' Re- the naval conference for six months as a impasse was being definitely consider- ed at the conference jouenment was attributed to Foreign made to Premier Macdonald, would give France and Italy a further Shportunity of composing their diffi- cult ent virtual suspension of the con- ference. oem en , : would not Be made effective until all hopes vanished for a fivespower be signed prior to an a was a matt | heads of the five delegations planned to meet this afternoon to consider the whole situatiom including the ad- journment s French delegation was ready to ceed witha view to achieying'a power pact was given by the French fe a conference cadquarters. Briand ister Briand told the Senate today that the way was still open «for naval reduction agreement, obtain what I wish for France," he ¢ |said during discussion of the for- . l'mign affairs budget. 'But the Con- | Yersations b not. given small boats containing 10 men, caught in the ice between g |the car fe Ari ves cra coas at fe the | ag Naval Conference May Adjourn for Six Months CONFERENCE MAY ADJOURN TO ALLOWFRANCE AND ITALY TIME T0 REACH AGREEMENT uted to Foreign Minister Grandi of Italy and Was Made to Premier Mac- assembling of Conference on Oct. 1 to Give Oppor- tunity for Agreement Be- fore Christmas oy Canadian Press Leased Wire) "London, March 25--Adjournment of of escaping the present ay. suggestion for such an ad- ister Grandi of Italy and was The idea was that this suspension jes without prolonging the pres- tems thus givi tanity s giving an opportu possi agreement before] 9, ggestion is now under ad- ,, but The adjournment would con my RH of t e §, it way said in authori conference circles that it ement at this time, hether some sort of a fact 'would journment er of speculation, The estion. y assurance that the During the re ve- at United States' Brokers Given GIRL TELLS JURY HOW SHE KILLED MOTHER WITH AXE Jury Holds 15-Year-Old North Bay Girl Respons- ible for Death North' Bay, March 25.-~"Mother would not let me go with the boy I love, so 1 killed her." Refusing to take the chair offer- ed, her eyes defiant, 15-year-old Irene Foster, dpscribed to a coroner's jury late yesterday afternoon the slaying of Mys, William Foster less than eight hours before, The woman's bo- dy, hacked and mutilated, was found by neighbours and police whom the girl had called, Only twice during the inquest did the git] show. emotion, The first time came when her counsel tried to restrain her from' making any state ment, Tears gushed forth then as the court room was being cleared of all spectators. The second' tinie came when her brother, Dalton Foster, 22, tapk the (Continued on Page 5) $50,000 Bail Solloway and Mills Face Fraud' Charges on Arrival From West Toronto, March 25--I1.W.C, Sol- loway and Haryey M, Mills mem- bers of the stock-brokerage firm of Solloway-Mills and Company, Ltd. appenred before Magistrate Robert Browne police court this morn- yomany Sees Hope Parls, March 25--Foreign Min . "I. have not been able so far to we not closed, I have hope 'of 'seeing the take up. with the "w Leland, * Mich, March " 28~Two South . Manitoy # 3- were liberated by h of the Ann i a aL hoon of the county ' court, ing charged with conspiracy to fv | June 2, ball belng fixed at $50,000 in the case of each of the accused. The bro were represented In court by R, H, Greer, K.0,, and Arthur Slaght, X.0, Solloway and Mills face similar charges to 'those ganftonting 11 other brokers, all-being laid fol lowing the investigation into brok- erage operations of a number of prominent firms dealing mainly in mining securities by the Attorney- Gengral's department of Ontario, The two men arrived only this morning from ! where last Friday they were committed to stand trial on five criminal charges brought against them in connection with their operations in Alberta. a -------- JURY READY FOR "RIAL OF INDIAN soy ch 25.--The tale of the murder of Clotille Marchand, wife of the tor of Indian figures, Henri rehand, was ready for the telling today Twelve Erie county Stisenay as n to decide on ' the state's charge that Lila Jimerson, Indian wi the romantically inclined call her the "Red Lilac of ft, t ft as Ri 1} fivst d for Inducing the 'Nan to slay Mrs, : hand. The motive, the state holds, 'Lila's love for the sculptor, the Senecas"--is guilty of he gwd (Duke) Jernigin, Jr.; (left), and Captain Frank Hawks, who start out froin San a novel 'combination of adroplanc Wants Oxford Pair Defeat Baugh, captain of the Oxford golf Josiay, never in doubt, the ing eight up at the end of the first eighteen. EUROPA SETS NEW Crosses From Cherbourg in new spe throned today when the North Ger- man Lloyd liner Europa on her mai- den voyage wrested. the her sister ship, the iape; at 5.54 the 3.100-mile hourg, France, in 4 and cord. estab fered by 18 ints Te tile of hee : maiden voyage uly, when she dethroned t ' 4 | tiner Mauretani & | 'The Principals in "Transcontinental Glider Flight Ee " a " towed by the aeroplane and forme. ing the first aceial trail in history, The glider, which is of cabin type and fitted with telephone and radio, is also shown, and glider for a transcontinental flight to New York, which they hope to accmplish in eight days. Jornigin will pilot the adroplane, while Hawks will pilot the glider; REFUSES T0 DANCE; WIFE IS STABBED James Massie of Kingston is Held on Attempted Murder Charge | (By Canadian Press Lensed Wim) Kingston, Ont, March 25.--Stab+ bed in the chest Mrs. Jamés Massie les in a critical condition in the General Hospital and her husband is in custody charged with stabbing and attempting to murder his wife, Phy- sicians today held out very little hope for Mrs, Massic's recovery, Massie, who recently served a month in jail for beating his wile apparently was angered when his wite refused to dance with him at a dance last night. Sometime after mid night they returned. to their home and there, it is alleged Massie stab- bed her after they had gone upstairs, The landlady of the house and her son heard a noise and investigated, Massie being held until police are rived, Mrs. Massie was immediately rush ed to the hospital where her condi. tion was found to very seriots, Workers Refuse Wage Reduction Proposals (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, March 28-Again a wage dispute assumes a serious complexion, Operatives in the woollen and testile industries. having refused by a three to one vote to accept the wage re- duction ; proposals of the employers based on the findings of Lord Mac- Millan's investigation, a dispute of two years appears to be as far-from settlement as ever, minutes, She bettered by 18 minutes the re. Test Gin Drink «lust oetover by vie | QR POtroleum asion bet- : Okla Homa City, Mar, 85-~Tests seeking to if alcohol man. ufactured from petroleum might be responsible for a paralysis ke mal suffered by scores of por- song here were being made by state officials today in the fase of a de- claration by the originator of the rocess for extraction of the aloo 'hol. that the investigation would be in vain, f ov James Folen, assistant state health commissioner, = announced yesterday that tests had been ors dered in the belief that petroleum alcoho! might have been 'used in the ['the manufacture of Jamaicn ser. 0 f at | Ma ong suffering wit! paral ii admitted drinking i amal ginger, {pe ------ new automobile speed rec , Baiinore, Md, Maeeh 253s. und [of beach conditions, Harry Applewhaite, a 70 year] * Don announced last night" that "couple; were found dead in bed | would make an attempt to better o today with their throats [present mark of 281 miles: an . Police who arrived at the house | if 'the beach conditions were fa nat. know: whether: od, ue to murder or suicid ac. oo aad The photograph here shows J. D, Diego, March 30, in Three Members to tos Treat Commons to To voturs 86 USS. Can Build Warships Washington, D.C. Mat, 25 circles over the work of the London navel conference, Ohatrman Britten of thy House Naval committee said in a statement today that the United Staton delegation should be withdrawn and the conference adjourned so the United States Faia proceed with its warship struction program, oe Se anticipation of Good Friday, the traditional day of "Hot Oross Buns", three members of the kitchen committee of the House of Commons have pledged themsolves to pro duce, from the ca ovens of the house refresh ment rooms, the best Yorke shire bun on record. And the and the three, hardy men and represonting the threo partios, promise to consume their own product to reassure, their fellows of the house, J. M, Hayes is to protect the interests of the Government . side, Geoffroy Mander and W. K. Womenrsley will represent the Liberals and the Conserva« tives respectively. THREE EDMONTON Cambridge at Golf \ HoVlake, Eng; March 25--Bobby eam, and Charles Sweeney, defeated 'apt, E. M. Prain, and H, C, Long» wrst of Cambridge, 10 up and 8 o play, in their 36-hola inter-univer- ity. match The result was Oxonians stand Week by Arctic Wind- storm Edmonton, | Alta, Arctic windstorm sweeping across the barren lands held three Edmonton airmen at Fort Norman, Mackenzie River Post; for nearly a week before relenting' oh Sunday and the northern flyers. to once establish communication with "the "outside." + G:C, "Punch" Dickens, Western Canada Airways pilot 'who left Ed. monton two weeks ugo on ® mile journey, which was to carry him to Aklavik in the Northwestern sub« Arctic and back to Fort Hearne, at the | headwaters of the i river in the northeastern not been heard" week, The other pilots, R, * ay and L- Glyn<Robert, in cha of the air mail on its last flight to Aklavik before 'the spr eak up were held up five days at Fort Nor- man, Tuesday morning they will [commence the flight south Fort Norman is 'one of the few Mackensie oHiver spotty yout aut ped. 0 tran foo ties for eohtaIRaAtion with the foutside," ATLANTIC RECORD Four Days, 17 Hours and Six Minutes (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, 'N.Y, 'March: 25.~A queen of the seas was en wn from Bremen, The 51,000 ton racing Greyhound assed Ambrose Lightship, the cross am, today, making from' Cher- ys, 17 = hours crossin; men, which on that occ the: long-reigning Cunard the Europa was ader .more difficult weather an those faced by the ier record breaking 'Tun. ; she buffeted RAIN SPOILS DONS Daytona Beach, Fla, March 28 Kaye Don, ritish race driven, to i ont 4 i op 0 RU , Port, March ~-Re« | old Ue lace today th all |, ne B he te 7 Rags "Hot Cross Bune" FLIERS ARE SAFE Held at Fort, Norman for March 25--An allowing | maintain order of for more than Ld op "ATTEMPT AT RECORD tr Aikons day postponed his attempt to set ® because 5 hie: 5 NINETEEN YEAR OLD OTTAWA WOMAN ISFOUND STRANGLED 10 DEATH IN LITTLE HOME & wv STONE PARTNER IS HELD FOR WURDER OF SAM GOLDBERG Steinburg Arrested on Mur. der Charge After 20 Days Running Down Clues Toronto, Mar, 26-~~Declaring his client was a physicial wreek fol. lowing bis arrest and, examination by police authorities, MH, H, Lennox, M.P., counsel for Abraham Stein- burg, arrested last night on & mur~ der charge in connection with the shooting of his former business partner, Semuel Goldberg, March 5, caused a sénsation in the police court this morning, when Steinberg was arraigned and remained till April 6. Mr, Lennox sald his client: had informed him he had been abused by the police officers "his throat squeezed terribly and Bis neck crushed while detectives were try- ing to force him to admit he had murdered Goidberg." Inspector of Detectives Murray sald there was no truth in Steinberg"s allegations and said there were no marks on the prisoner, On the strength of a message flashed to Toronto by Detective,Ser- geant. Arthur Levitt before his de- partyre from Montreal, his brother officers moved swiftly last evening and rearrested Abraham Steinberg this time on a charge of murder. At an early hour this morning Steinberg was atill under questioning at police headquarters, : For 20 days and nights, city de. (Continwed ou 9. 5) Eggs, Chairs Fly AtPolitical Meet 2,000 People in Turmoil When Labor Candidate Hit by an Egg (By 'Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Montreal, Que., Many sore heads were being nursed today after a riotous meeting in Bt, Joseph Academy, Desery street, where partisan, in the muni. cipal elections last night staged a Donnybrook, Fists flew and chairs weré swung by the audience, which consisted of 3,000 people, Xgge of the overripe variely figured in the contest, in fact, started fit. The méeting had been called to nominate William Tremblay, - the M.abor opposition member of the legislature, who defied the govern. ent members to combat in the house last week, as opponent. in the oily council to Ald, A. A, Des Roches, chairman of the executive committee, One minute after Mr, Tremblay took the platform he was hit by an egg. Immediately the meeting was In an uproar and four constables who drew their batons and vainly attempted to i were swep( from thelr feet. The noise of yoll- ing partisans was deafening: . MISSIONERS' FLIGHT Shan, March most ng Bonwi "telegraphic oni REL ring the 'past 12" hours disclosed 'tonight that sixteen United States 'Catholic missionaires=ten men wom: ¢ at Kanchow, Province, ted drom the outside world and unable to come to coastal predations of uncounted hordes of nese bandits and Communists, Capone Will | - Visit Florida Miami, Fla, March 28----Attorneys cin will Ler deral court inj cago racketeer vi agli Bd Bre Rn n sheriffs o coun ties fon arn Han Capone has. been ned by the ga J nauters co! 'Governor Carlton, ho A EE Ry instructions not o: March 25.|1I Husband Finds Wife's Body in Bedroom When He Re turns Home for Lunch »% Noon Today PAINTER IS HELD FOR WOMAN'S DEATH Police Allege Shirt of Wil lism Neilsqn, Arrested at His Rooming House, Wag Spotted With Blood (By Canadian Press Leased 'Wirs) Ottawa, March 25 ~ Strangled to death, the body of Mrs, Regin+ ald James, aged 19 years, wad found in the bedroom of her Mie tle cottage on the outskirts ofurs tawa at noon today, Her bushand reported to police that he mad the gruesome discovery when hed went home from work for lumeh Two hours after the body Waw discovered William Neilson, was arrested hy the police at his room« ing nouse on Btewdrt street. The authorities . said that Neilson's shirt and suit were spotted witif blood, He is described as = painter, 61 years of age, The young woman, who was Dis ga Nelson before her marriage las June, was left alone in the hom when her liugband left for work a# 6,30 this morning, When Hexti James saw his wife, on his return at moon from the Ottawa Eleetria Company's street rallway oat barns, her body was still clad i a night dress, her face and nee were covered with blood as the result of strangulation. : The victim had spent yester at the home of hor mothersin-ls Ror oh, operon Go hes ¢ September, bora naa Dr. J. E, Craig and A, 8. roy examined the body he Fog police had notified them. The: expressed the. opinion that the woe een defare the body nd thee hauty ay would not hazard ment as to whether Mrs, iv had been criminally assaulted byd Dr. McElroy sald such an off vas indicated by his examination, on nSinald James the grief-striocke decals: + Eve the, following "T loft home bétween § 30 6.45 o'clock this morning to his my work, Olga did not get up and prepared my own hreakfast. She told me that she Intended going to my mother's home for the day, as the house was rather cold, We ord Shout 4 coal, She was aps n the best health when I ott, oF Spirits ang I returned to the house a o'clock asusual, When --. - did not wee Olga, The door wan locked, and I thought that she ha: already gone to mother's. I wen into the kitchen and sta | to pre= pare my lunch, I put on coffee a Was just going to get the ot things ready, when the telephone rang. It was mother, She sa had not come over, und she ; doen Unable to Somininioats 0 ofning, altho \ phoned several times, uh Shing E---- = ro -- Against Bush Fired - Sault Ste Marie, Ont Mareh 28 --More stringent tion infraction of the Toa ._ erning the protection of from fire were urged in an. here this morning at the of the. Ontario fire PON vention by ©, R, Mills, provinciel forester, Toronto, who : the lessonu learned from last seas son's operations, There are about ninety fn tendance at the convention ing as well as the chief fire ers of the Province tives of the Dominion and U. forest protection services of Canadian railways 'and -others » cities to obtain safety due to the'de- terested

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