Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Mar 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges recovered, 11.4 per cent.; low. {er lor siek members, to aonstiohi cluding these teen age girls, 'BYE I was leurned ast night, were ful- Keop your homie cool this summer, 1980, a0 Jobin Jaden, 199,00 | to welfare work and sieo to pros | under arrest and will appear in |ly 4 in civilian clothes us worm next winter, by Insulating now : stookd have 1) Bl y wetunto yn A . BO Se police investigation diselos~ gh short i the ni Os with TEN/TEST. Save money on your fuel bills; Ask your architect, contractor or nearest TEN/TEST Insilation representative gbovtit, » +» '¢ + INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LIMITED yy. ¥ ' Canadian Cl Wy 5 ' within & range of 17.6 ts #inoe | throu, ines or od that saws, 20 and other f was passed around to make the i | Mr, Samana by Canadian trem the break in November, Each ao: al By equipment had hoon ugKled nto (break for liberty. Surette and Rem ork Wok : AO TTT TT BE A rt Be Rg rm rt ote r [} ers for use at an meeives against an unexpecte Biggar und Omwiond, Dullding, Ushaws contrast to the Ameries TWELVF ESTED ment, That moment wes selected | appearance in the aD of 8 ' | On the present Upwa hey for Thursdey night asd police | guard, had put on thelr jeit uni- have still & considerable dists claim to have discovered that word | forms pver their street clothes, to 5 to reach the recovery point of was passed around af the dinner | Hugh Barclay went on an ex ploit, 210.8 in December, It is doubtful, hour to prepare for the break for | assisted by another prisoner, in fact, it they will resch this | liberty, The authorities loarn~ | whereby he maneged to get from . 111 Boover Holl WI point, J od that a system of ng men | tho hospital ward over the west Monires, Gus, nges fo prisoners existed for | wing of butlding, Home time, OHIOAGO PRODUCE FUTURES. ia I rwenty-tour hours from the time| At disper Thurkday aight word Chicago, March 31---The wpot| / (Continued from Page 1) the secapé polios had ten in ous. | YAW PaSeed fo prisoners Jmpiiert he egg market while only lower of | aiiion of the guards in Separating ip They Fd pif Api for (hs / Ha 4 IE I ANSE NY 2 storage pio wis neverthe i tod, ' 4 loss ousy on other grades, Tradin. pri EAE al delivery oath 9 Donnerh OTT ian bros! , when the parade Ken, Copper 60% © 1% [1s said to be very slow and eon- | was scheduled, At the time the po- Thomas Bradley when & raid wis trom i] Alning-ro0n AIK 10 1he 4 Ne: on mE. 04 fined Mostly to local demand us (lice Bed ng Mint of the plot, Buf | mage by polos under Sergeant of | CCGG" SILER 130 wits a | INSULATING BUILDING BOA 84 relatively lower ? vy value, hud , the iid oer | Detectives r, ulholignd on 4 noms other prisoner. The culprit who 59% preclude much. ing. Business, Fret ln bl serving. short | ™ Als ay and Hugh Day. |SHOUld have been in No, ¢ corrl- Sold b 33% On the future call trade was quiet | sentences, decided ot the last min rp od sonviots, | 407 went unnoticed by the guard OSHAWA LUMBER CO. LTD and. reflected th ute, Dblico: say not to "take the | SIT: two of the SHcaF '|1o the hospitsl ward, and Barclay # hy wr chsh 'marker to Logi ns 5 noe* snd while they remained who Auitendered. tp noice. +, bro. | MaTehed back to the corridor, nv scores again suffered: air reverses | {WHO INCL GUINART JL la SOleTol liner of mash O'Donnell oh Te or ontont 9 bad s-- James Smith, slide down the rope to the jalliasleep, Two hours Iaster, dohaker 43 on the spot butter call, Whole Patrick Tntroscaso, when Tm, RE Bear 83 ; milks maintained thelr position | Last the "milly Desjardines, | stolen' from the hospital ward, The ' U8, Boo) 1005 188% 188 4 | olightly etter than did centralised Betty. ite, §ged 17 and o 16+ oell bar at tho top of the window | YC Bonnell tollcwes, Miter § [ihe night sulecs mas thats rounds by I U.S. Rubber 20% 28% cars, Futures scemed to be more Bh fC areold juvenile of the west wing corridor had heen | EWE-MILIE TREerva', Sit » y ol o oscape way discovered, fesponaive to good news and while Trnd K. oases are held for Allegedly aw |SAWD through early Thursday af. | a Co ene Darelty was fast to wilde --~ the Marh contract sold at 84 early Tye chan Moen ee [sisting prisoners to escape trom |tevnoon snd filled with sosp to Canadian Stock Index there was a fair rébound Iater 10 { wes oh fh Ar Rn d ven. | oustody. prevent detection. As the last men reached the| ILI-HWALTH CAUSES SUICIDE sill 1 " Af the. sesaion. r ott joi Tho easy manner in which conme| At § o'clock, when the jail or |ground, three other prisopers, still| Cornwall, March 22.-~Despond~ 'Open commitments--March ship: '0 1 oh £lviets smugnle things into the jafi | der of all lights out was given,|in the corridor, lost thelr nerve |ency brought on by fll-hedith was November Stock Crash | ving esses, 08; Mareh storage sags, ad op, way op. of Ts cat in communication with one [Kemp stood up on the windowsill |and decided to remain in custody. believed to have caused James 105 Ap#i) orgs: 39; Novembes toons midin irate Nom | of | another was brought to light with in the corridor and pulled in the | They pulled back the rope and, un-| Johnston, 61, to slash his jugulsr i. | 318; March butter, 375; April but | Kemp's sweetheart, The other two, | thy arrests of yesterday, Froder. | piece of bar, A rope that had been | doing it, handed it to a prisoner |vein with g safety ragor blade Toronto, March 22~A §ompar- ter, 31; November butter, ¢ A Murphy snd Hugh Barclay, [irk Kemp, dance hall sheik and so- | woven trom bed sheets and pleces [in one of the cells, Who concesled | terday, He died enroute to , son of American a Onna an - rs Navamiee DUCHSH AA Albest fo the police ast [sailed master mind of the jail of cord from sheets was fastened [it under his matress. The three |pital. Johnston, a trustee in bemk dustrial stock indices reves vl today, 23,870; last year, 17.487, night. : weenking plot, 1x the oniv nrisoner soourely to other bars. Still in|prisoners then stretched out on |ruptey and sales adjuster had been ri vn oir raat the Legs today, 68 083; tant voor, Boven nlleged 'moccomplices, ine atl) at fare, - 'He and O'Donnell, prison garb, Xemp was first to! mattresses in the corridor and fell | {Il only one week, ve ' Hl 1) § " samo extent as American stock | 63,963. : prices since the crash in Novem. |. Ohicago spot market---Butter, bor, says §. R, McKellar an¢ Com |ostras, 88%c; standards, $835; . ny. on the contrary, they have [tone steady, Dggs, graded firets, n subjected to several simking | cariots, 25c; less carlots, $d%o: s Jolla Said, oto St Rhieh Bag car. Sous barley steady. the index slightly lower than ow York spot market--Butter, the previous low point, As 8 means | oxtran, 353 to 88%¢c, Hee, firsts, o tomparison, Siundard Statistics 26%¢; tone firm, ompany weekly index o pany BO bominion | o BiTest stocke--Butter today, dustrial stocks x Burest of Statisties weekly index a dat Tae, Sui, Jn jot 100 (03 in 1030) 'industria | "pou markets on hand--Butter stocks, both on the base 1988-| 4 y50 0e5 megs, 615,475, ' 100, have been used. | American--igh, 1030, * 318.0; | g ix _Citieac-hutter, 6. 69,498, ® : ow, 1939, 184.55 decline in points | "youn ace ot ten markets--Buts ' er he at og dq | tor, met out, 963,006, lust year, nat cline rOCOve y , 31.8 por oent.; out, 188,175. Eggs, net in, 47,088; low, 1930, 146.0; latest index, | 'st year, net in 4,010, ; 160.9; recovery in points, 14.9, Ca gh, 1939, 811.0; low, 1939, 104.0; decline a points, i A high, 1930, 207.3; gecovery : 3 per oent. of decline = REQUIRED T0 AD "POWER OFF | moevsm A new Blade it i Rural District A (Coat ron ut bo A new Razor London, FER FEE Bl SRE Om Gam G® EEE spit TEESE Fi%se CEErEr It, fit ails THE GREATEST SHAVING contrid- IMPROVEMENT IN 28 YEARS | % ds Bower will be interrupted. on alle + AIO. Kiishange § + Rural Electric Lines North of Oshawa. At net Columbus, Brooklin, Greenwood, Myrtle ---- - \ ILLIONS of well-worn Gillettes are now From 8.00 a.m. to 10,00 am. on Sunday, Mar, 33,1930 [|| "™* Frocerts From. pines NAS 10NS of weikivaed Biflectes 2 aanp guiog OSHA URAL POWER DISTR ity smpowared % Dice to the old razors! And if you have to wait for your A RN po a TRICT, HEPC. crease of it funds donations, gre supply of the New Gillette Razor, 8 la $ ultien from citinens, Proceeds from 11 ich the blad tines on firemen, and such other "| money which may "from time to time be legitimately applied there: to. bythe. amaeli ot the corpora Gillette Blade? Not just one tion." Every fireman under the age of or threes We have made a ,6 years at the date of the estab. 3 ¢ .shment of fund ohall be af ligible in' the fund, i s . pier ork ff oy semi-monthly . 9 1 i A por cent. of the grows amount of 4 Wages or sslary, the bill ates, No fireman, however, shail 0 obliged to contribute in evy Jortion of his annual wages in ex wens of $8,000, The fund is to be under the con~ trol of wu committees which is to consist of one member of the Coup cll the and Treasurer of the municipality, the 'Fire Chief 4nd, one representative fireman to be ed annually by the members of the department, Audit Every Three Y An actuarial repurt of the as sets and lablities of thi to be made at least once every throe years and a copy 1a to be filed with the Superintendent of (nsurance, Benefits to be paid out of the With tthe suthing' in of owery Pet- doa--10 Jears or under, yon: Wierd Cocker [1000 ! Of lenses ' or ve "proven productive. . Home Oil with BEY a atiowance of 30 aye i Jout ls elaine | Pt f rn ¥ | oa T ation (where worn out TH] gH Shai AD. TENTS M BI.

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