Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Mar 1930, p. 7

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bd PAGE SEVEN [ AD ®wWez wha PRP WR oO Dae Wes Wize WIE IID PONT HIE TR NTT ROD F FEEE Seas FE Ida F Wainwell 7 Baldwin .. Lg War, Beth, Stes 1 Can, Dry an, Poe, hryslev Day, Chem, Pox UL 8 "ih -- Nat, Ch. Rs. HH fei, Lasgm Billo nd Him, bd Sin, Ol, Bt, of NJ. Studebaker Tm, Rl, Bear 84% U8, Steel 1806 8, Rubber (8 'Viek Oh, ,. 44 Cpe, Fila 30% Money 3)4 per cen, ln ot 2 Bay ports), on the re ain Nal Tg: N GRAIN QUOTATIONS Toronte the fol 1 Norther, Ne No, § wd te (01) 3 today t more fi butter - a firm, HicAde PRODUCE FUTURES March 17.8 inued unchang In The opera IVS arog of early iy the ses eased © some toward the 'close which wi ht to be in hl of he ations hi the he apoed § mare Fi nt Fy platy resect a new. high ou the pre- arch Ships Farms: EE 764; last year, 7, Chease 35,645, 382; last year Shas il My) markets on a diBultet 14, hy a LX all 5462708, Eggs 46,238, o rg at an Jarier "| id ae + i in 300} an sone 1 Inst year New York May May Produce World's d's Largest Bank March 18=It was re all street yesterday that for a Merger of the ky the Equitable New Xo ported in the wr Natow Bun an on Co, great u ne the Inrgest bank fn ¢ 0 ou ra By resources of more ,000 had been practical: iy completed. Coniaurum Resources Stand at $210,000 Toronto, March 18,=Dealing with operations a Conlauruin Mines, Ltd, since new compan t over 10-| last August, Thayer gg Fv ho, pres sident, states in the annual report that up to the end of the year the a wor t, of showed Hy " J tors write-offs, Resoure , 31, 1929, loss lias olor. the susploes of d not yet recel aeh neers to study the This stép has been s sinking to a winge starts der way, a ntamptate Tran i nd Produce Exchanges ATTORONTD TO Silver 'Group | Advances and Better Fooling Prevails En the ap-| 8 o early session tor y, stocks were yer ly firm and Ny few Important In evidence. It was affair, "however, ues recelving lee ino | uring § lative a A movements were piirely & specialt the ma) fry a To ve attention Following, ui, re revork that fire had] 8 destro dormitory at Sher-| ¥ rite Cordon, the stock o Speed ther soit today Si any selling was well nbsorbed, Officials of the' company staty the os in well covered by Ine surance and that ne interruptioh of development willbe suffered, 1 Lindsley's as a group, were practieats ly, unchanged at noon, "hough no official Shncunsenignt has been made to explain the m er half today to sell at $0.25 at noon, a pet gain of $125 from last week, slightly better feeling seems to preval Jeunsdt the sliver situation and while ne Ge Corp, held unchan- ed at $295, I ng wis up 6 to iid Cobalt Contact at 12 1» , had {ned and Peterson Cobalt Vhich. has been moving up under acrie evident accumulation was sell Ing around 18 for an pdvarice of J At noon, OHICAGO)\GRAIN OPENING Chiongo "March 18,-~Wheat! Mar, 1088; May 1070; July 108); Corn: Mar, T88; May, 83%: July, B30; Oats: Mar, 414; May, 438 July 48), Sherritt Carries on Despite Fire Damage opr -- Toronto, March 18~0n¢ man died from injuries reteived when No, J dormitory at Sherritt-Gordon mines was destroyed by fire yesterday, The loss, which is fully covered by, Insur« ance, will not interfere with devel. opment work at, the property, There Is no shortage of accommodation for the workmen, ns there are several other dormitories available Tor hous. ing purposes, According to loeal offi. clals, moek will proceed without in- terruption, Find Red Cedar on Sharbot Lake lole Kingoton, Mar, 18.~Red ron n discovered on one of the Plaade hish dot the surface of Sharbot Lake, the being of excellent quality and of high market value. The trees were discovered at oy) of a rocky island, and only number four ar five, hut itis thouht that examination of the od pore tions a the distriet will lend to fur ther discoveries of this Soninarative: Iv scarce and valuable Red cedar has been thought to be non-existent to all intents and pur poses in this district of Xastern On- tario, large quantities, being shipped each year from Western Canada, While the present find Is not a large one, there may be a I richer finds in the am dint which would be large enough to ro. tify bidding for the Focal market, IT ---- Miss Pretty: "There's Fran en the p Mise Plain: oar, quite likes ment Dome Mines moved up ano pi J [Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets , Gan tow onto W ir, $3.95, are to loon! es, in oarions wa daira, looms, 880 firsts, 0, 1 'oreamery, prints, 0, 8 sresmery, prints, 2 1] LEY) ioe 8s to Shey Ht po.' 8 Ihe, I ENA ERED] Hens, over B 1s sevens Bro{lors os oovenpediinne DUsks sorvevrnneanrnns Burley sennrenrnnnsnny Abed GOON «vor rrrvrnnnnnee bth Joes Now, Iarge, 28 thn twin, od 0) bi Aptos stiltons, Ag d, larg), te {wine, 20 ipo and uts, 2%; old #t tone, § r P med hiskoag, BIDE 0p soveee BB Do, 4 to C108, ,0vvvvev 8 Do., $d 4... B0 Do, § 60 B46 108, +44 Lorn sp -- TORONTO . PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers ave fuoting the following prices to o trade; Smoked meats~Hams, medium, 26 to 80¢; cooked loins, 48 to Alo, smoked rolls, 88¢; breakfast ba. oon, 80 to 400; backs, pea-menled, 840; do, smoked, 40 to Bbc, Pork loins, 30%e: shoulders, 800; butts, 80%c; hams, 8be, Cured meats==long olear bacon, 50 to 70 lbw, 54; 70 to 00lbs, 880; #0 to 110 ibs, 81a, Heavywelght rolls, 400; lHghtwelkht rolls, She, Lard-=Pure tlevoes 14ci tubs, + o; pals, 100; prints, 16 to 0 Shortenipg==Tierces, 18¢; tubs, 13% 0; pelle, 14, dontery k TORONTO FARMERS The followin, In effect on the ot " Jofonto: sg proving jar dou dozen, fiests, po fosen. Buttery du "he y me Pots wd. rope Carrots, od, oi qt oy Beets, DUB pr nnee UV] 00 0 Qh svvvnnrriion Brussels, Sprouts, qt, +e Quians, dry, Hegt, bass Dé Ogt, basket «1000 Cabbage cvervrrprian Canliflower oye eairanes 028 Endive, dozen vivreerine Spinach, peek vorversgin ushrooms, per pound, , Leaf lettuce, three for,, Head lettuce, two Yor... Oren per bunel i. s, three for iiieinn Cater domen sve rrrene 1 28 ranges, por dosen «00 0 25 Bitter vpanges, dosen Strawberries, ph ' Grapefruit, eath e000 007 Potatoes, bag sreeenveer 200 Cucumbers, eich «v0 eee 028 Lemans, per doen ,.. v1, Bananas, per doen iv. 025 Apples, O=qt, bas, Cal, green peas, 0-qt, bas, Eggplant, oath «yiviiine Green beans, 6 qt, 1100 Green peppers, four for, Cranberries, qt oii Turnips, buss 1 o04 Parsnips, 11 qt, Apples, bus, «14 eee Green peas, 6 qt, Tomatoes, 1 Ib yivivies ' Pineapples, each civeviie 0.35 Rhubarb, bunch vo00010 Radishes, tour bunches, , ations, rid pr Mare Coc -te= cote STEETTE SEES -- -- TTWET TST OCT Ree TEE noo Pow = tere ene Pera |) FRACTIONAL GAINS ARE RECORDED ON STOCK MARKET Oil Issues Take Spurt Up- wards--Others Firm Slightly Joronte, March 18.=Fractional price © hanion, the ma ow weighing on the side of the advance, contins ued stre th in the oils and a slight firming of some of the pivotal stocks tnarked trading activities on Toro: to Stock Exchange this morning Withal, however, the market was slow The spurt in the alls whrriad. In. In» Sernational Shircleum up to new Jo she Movement, aa Im b. vearly a point higher to cron ut ol Internatiopal Petroleum eased slightly around the noon hour, 8 di tent of the ty although PA. il, ne active prior, held most of ita gain above Nickel moved ahead by slow dos ot 10 once more sell above 39 Koranda was up a fraction at 40, Brazilian was firm, Ford of Cunada Gypsum, Walkers were unch hanged in price PR, advanced again, Consolidated Bakeries moved in ree sponse to a omderate demand well: ing up 1+2 point to 22 1:4, Steeh wera soft, Steel of Canada was back jo.d 12, nearly the same level bes yesterday's sudden Service Stations | nearly u pti Imperial Tobaeco more active than us. wal and frm just under 10, will be miserable by mT marry, Tys=but only one of Fin ASR GENERAL MOTORS AT NEW HIGH LEVEL Tape Runs Behind Market in Biggest Session of Year af New York By STANLEY W, PRENOSIL, lated Press Fi ial pin) Attn York, N.Y, March «In the broadest and most ih yo market sesnslon of the year today prices of leading issves were murkec up 1. to 10 points, More than 3 stocks, including seneral Motors, Radio, Eastman Kodak, Goodyear Rubber and most of the oils, moved to new high levels for the year Blocks of 5000 to 28,000 shares chan. ged hands at rather frequent inter vals, with the taps at times, running nearly half an hour behind the mare het Easing credit conditions, and a rowing belle! that a tum ter the hp in business in close at hand, were the prineipal factors in the day's advance, However, 4 number of individual Tasuen were bought on merger, higher dividend and stock dividend prospects, Call Money again feo od from J 1:2 to 3 per gent, with funds avail able in the outside market at 3 1 An casler undertone alo was ap |. rent in Re time money market, Fhe N New York Fedora ou bil Bank reduced its buying rate on bf Is, and wiost leading uteep) jance dealers gut le rate on bankers' acceptances [8 of 1 per vent, the sixth cut in the last three weeks, Pool operations were again cons ducted on a larger scale, with lead: ing commission houses reporth 3 ingrease in public participation, apparent inability of bear traders to unsettle the market in their iat deives of the last week, coupled the existence of an uiuspally ta the short interest in several o laa ing speculative issues, encouraged bullish operations: ET -------- Canadian Pacific Revenue Drops $638,000 in Week Montreal, March eh 18-Trafle earn. aings of the Canadian Pacific Rails wav for the week ending March 14 were $3,218,000 as compared With $3, 856,000 a decrease of $638,000, | Ing apr {) Heavy , Hu Mr ateers 3 Montreal, March 18,~~Imports Of record proportions are sntloipated for the current year by lotal ime ortars of British cosl, Last yews nn Montrenland district alone, halt & million tons of Welsh con), larger By anthracite, were used out of an estimated total consumption of #& million tous, Three steamers are at prevent loading Welsh ane thracite at Swanses and will prob. ably be among the first vessels w reach Montreal this season, Kingston Milk Producers Discuss Summer Prices rmn-- Kingston Murgh 18~At the an nual 'meeting of the Kingston Milk Producers' Amsoclation the decision was reached to ask the dalsymen und retailers for a price of $2.20 per ewt, for the five months commencing on My I; with another price to pres vall during the fall and 'winter months to be fixed at the end of September, coording to the present agree: ment between the producers and the vendors the winter price of $2.40 per ewt, prevails until the end of March, and during the menth of April the producers will receive $2 por owt, I'he opinion was expressed that pros ducers will bg selling at a loss during Aprll, but nevertheless, they will gon sider themselves bound by the net ement, | Branch of Barclay' » Bank Predicted for Winnipeg Winnlpege Mareh 18. stablish. ment of a branch of Barclay's Bank of England In Winnipeg is but a matter of a few. months, Mayor Ralph H, Webb announced yesters day, Plane are also under way, he mentioned, leading to erection of a permanent showroom and exhibition of the Rritleh Industries Falr, rapering of a Winnipeg oMice of Barclay's will closely tle up British finance with western vapor Mayor Webh pointed out At present the British banking house has but one braneh In Canada, at Mentreal, WANTS RADIUM NATURALIZATION Ottawa, March 14.-~Immediate potion on the part of the domi fon government with a view to the nationalisation of the supply of ra. dium In Canada was urged In the wouse of Commons yesterday hy iw, 1, D, Cotnam, (Cons, Renfrew North), The object of the resolution, he explained, was the provision of an adequate supply of radium under government control, It should be divided up and placed in convenls ont centres thraughout the cowie try, Around each radium centre a bureau of ganger, research might be built up Cosoporation between the federal and provinelal departs ments of health could be arranged, The resolution wan still under discussion when the house ads Journed, WHEAT DROPS HALF SCENT AT WINNIPEG EE Fractional Losses Recorded After Gains of Yesterday Wikilbeg Maroh 1Re=Aftor. a rominl Pine from debased levels veaterdhy, wheat prices reacted tos day at the ning of the Winnie Grain Exchange and Nuftored otlonal lonses, Bllght weaknemy at Liverpool and doubla of export busi: overnight caused. tha re. teselon. on, Trading was in moderate volume, May down, Py iy to} A la oent to 81, Cy to and Ooto WAS Bt to or at 100 to 1004: TTR -------- NNI a wh nipe om roh Tr lower at 100 Wiowse 3 ATE h Wy Rah oh lower at 109 10) te, May, higher x HW unchanged at 40% Oct, Tat 48, \ 1, Xi TTI A TE. TORON Toronto, MARE ar ArH trade on the Dominion Livestook ex. oh continued aotive with prices holding Monday's advatoe, lo oholen steers wold at §10,00 to yon, L768, Cows and bull were ateady week, Aihy wore steady Wt $13,00 to $14,650 for eholoe, Lwere unsettled with bi bd 7 £oby for bacons or $14 ¢ "A tow good lamba brough nay "avotations: Retoiptd ih Trade f steers $9.60 I oholos, 89.70 w 0.80. gv cows, medium #6 to 87. Calves, Co he holes. HA Yo 1, #0, Good LR ALO VR hay Ie 0, N.Y. Widen 1 200, Sonate ihe 20 oh wna CL J 1 a HH Ahi 0.2) oar, oti nn 2.58 ta 4.86 Calves 0 foop NH nba \ bi shorn 6,78, ' " " a 6,000 MINERS GET INCREASED DATAL RATES IN N, SCOTIA ------ (Haee Tay, NB, Mar, 18emdiy planing the tentative WARS BEree went reached by the Executive of District 20, United Mine Workers of Anterics, Bnd the British Binplks Hieel Corporation, Provident D, W, Morrison and Recretary W. P, De laney, of the UMW, told members of the Caledonia Local that all data) rates under four dollars were Ine creased in the agreement, these as: gvegate increases amounting to aps ibs lh §1765,000 and Wisoting six thousand members of the UM, in Nova Bootla, The revision begins with sn in crease of ten cents per day for boys of seventeen years and under who now receive a dally, rate of #5.00, The surface minimum rate has been increased fifteen cents a day to §3.40, The underground minimum was also rained Nfleen cents to $0.45, In creases a8 high an twenty cents per day were provided for pome classifi oations, Miners af the distriet will approve or reject Lhe contract by velerendum on Mah 37, The agreement Includes renewal of the present contract for a period of two years, with the profit sharing clause eliminated, The Increased rates will be retro notive from January #1, 1080, when the old contract expired, The in oreases wfleot all men now revelving four dollars a day or less, and apply in varying degrees to a large number of different rates, PROHIBITIONISTS ; ASK CHANGES | Toronto, Mar, 18-~County option under the Liquer Control act, the placing by the Ontario © Govern. ment before the privy eouncll of a stated case to determine the wu thority of the provinee in the matter of leensing brewers «and distillers; and the amending of the Liquor Control net so an to restriet Hquor stocks from locating near schools and churches, were among the important point seovera dby re solutions which a deputation from the ontario prohibition union laid hefore Attomey-Cleneral Willlam H, Price at Queen's park yeterday TIRED TRAMPERS TAKE UP TRAIL, Gandhi and Devotees Start Fifth Lap After Day of Rest Anand, Hombay, Marvel 18m» Leaving behind one of their num» ber who wag steieken with small pox Mahatma Gandhi and his fel low Bwarajist devotees left herve at dawn for the next village, Napa, They are enroute from Asmadn bad to Jalalpur, where they will manufacture salt. In vielation of the British monopoly and begin a oampalgn of olvil disobedience A AE REPRODUCE RADIO STATION FOR NEW TALKING PICTURE Reallntio "Tepraduetion of a broadonsting station Was the probe fam which gontronted Radio Mos tures during the Alming of "Juss Heaven, allstalking musjenl dvae ma ning Wednesday at the New A artin theatre, The sevipy onlled for & large part of the ao (lon to take place in the key sia tion of i natin wide brondeasting chan, arking the frst time this fooale has been used In talking plotures, to supervise the construction ot were mada © anthentlo wo ohn Mack Mrown, makes: its m tod an muslolang, Miss ° PR Brown, a southerner, (ohm, A With a . noticeable Male ---- direcotd the pros whieh {nolude "Somes one," a tive Ruebunds i Who Juay have the at omas ha dhe m Riv will hildes to oa uth (3 "a of. Hagineers of the Radio Corpor: ation ot America were called Ww the set and the installation oi atu! ont, Even the most minute ih ¢ ho ion would be a leith Sr. . Noataeing Sally O'Neil and. Joh ' Onl sequences gon. vinoing, for the two principals are IR sings, and she fn sald to tially Meaning voloe, and former star tullback of the Universit, of Alabama footbak southern Sines which proves most effective, " ho , Ongar Levant and Sidney Fo Are authors of the musion! ane a Ove @ whieh shows contalderable promi, PROSPECTIVE BRIDES | \\ New York, Maroh 18-=Proipees month marked in thelr i LW ad to Koa ick hk oi 4 heft iL) a ---- whiny wonth, have al hired Al ™ nt oh on hone avote phigh le re 0 Antlolp odoin ly MAIL PLANE 15 WRECKED, FIND BODIES Gontintion Tron from Page 1) alwo ond operator Robinson of Montreal, The plane was a TiavelAlt enbin machine and was owhed ol the Canada Alrways of Montres Up to 1,80 this afternoon It was impossihie to securs any informa. tion as to how the sccident oe« ourved, Both hodles of Himoneau and Robinson have been hrough to Parham and ame in a badly mangled gondition while the plane was very badly damaged, Dr, ¥, B, Suddaby, of Sharbot Lake, coroner, has been notified and has take neharge of the hodles pending the investiya- tion Into the aecident, Mayer_ Hershorn, 14806 Bleury street, Owes his life today te the fact that the (l-fated mall plans wileh 'erashed near Parham this morning did not eall at Kingston af Intended, Hershorn had arranged to be a passenger on the plane and was to have hoarded the machine here, The Plane however made a north= ern route and evashed when ap parently coming to Kingston ie plea up Hershor Capt, Pree of the Kingston Alvs port, when spoken to by the Canis dium Press this afternoon, stated that conditions locally: for fying ware bad this morning, He had word trom Toronto early in the day asking the weather conditions, this presumably coming from Pilot Himonenu, Nothing further has been learns od of the necident, though oMeialn from Parham are now at the eens, The plane It 18 learned Was l= most completely demolished, Crash Was Torito A tremendous erash that sowld be heard almost for miles wis the only intimation of the plane orash at Parham, according to the story of W, 1", Uood, a resident of the distpiet around Long Lake who was the™first on the seene after tha nccldent and who this afternoon briefly told ot the ageident to the Canadian Press, My, Good wan 'ocoupled In his sugar bush only & very whort dist« anes from where the plane erashed, and the tremendous nolse as the plane struek the leo was the first and apparently only intimation of the disaster, Rushing to the edre of Long lake, Mr, tood saw the pane partly on top of the ive and partly submerged, Investigation diselosdd that the enging WAS Ul der the lee while the wrecked framework of the plane lay on the top of the lee, a rim and graos pome testimony to the tragedy, My, Good saw ut onde hat the peous pants af the plane had apparently paen trupped in the eatin, and he Immediately summoned aid from Parham Tovribly Mangled The bodies of Pllot Blmeneanu and Radio Operhitor Hobson were in sueh » mangled omidition (hig identification was mest dittienlt, fo badly were they battered thal there seemed to be no bones In thelr 'bodies left unbroken, Core oper Dr, K, BD, duddaby, of Share bot Lake, had the hodies turned over to W, lL, Goodfellow of Pars hat, undertuker and they will remain there pending the expects od arrival of oftielals of the Uais ada Alrways of Montreal, Two mall bags were found in the wreckage of the maghine but these were in pertect condition and It 19 not thought that there Wore more bags aboard, The spot where the flane fell is on dong Lake, 260 fool from ahve, on 100. that ds nineteen inches thick, "Phe water at this point 14 about thirteen feet deep, " WOMAN ACQUITTED wipliten Ont, Mareh A Jose ine Sharpe of Troy, Lin ih orably seguitied today in county court by Judge Carpenter on a eharge of L slioating her hushand Alex we lat January, with intent to His 4 Hag | ferred A ed he believe the aceused's S hI dr ¥, Wade comment on the folly of & man whe who would load a rifle for Ae feet if an argement hs Aidit TRL KILLED ON HIGHWAY London, Ont, ON Midway 4 N dou of Base Live rol this city wa i led on No, 2 Highwa y moar Chats in this wornin hen v WN hor father, Boor hh od with a unaporky i ta 4 report te here, Nave brought Fred Billtay, 14 you Ali of injuries through a broom Ww m Ty L To : i i, oJ od, iy on the, - ui "ih halt hen \ tatu nO ROUEN polloe tive aa A WR He my hy \ \aeRm ook a

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