Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Mar 1930, p. 5

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¥ 4 | | | yo Me, 1 real, is | | PACE FIVE THE, OSHAWA, DAILY. TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH, 18, 1930 ome --- and the Community | 'Social and Personal Notes for the Social Column and othor items' of news for the should bear the be. fot y a ult ST : Sate, vitiad with My. and Mon. . 9 7 Schwarts, Onk street, Mr. Harry Schwartz, of Detroit formerly oF Oshawa; visited with his uncle and sunt; Mr, and Mrs, fchwartz, recontly, Alderman. and Mrs. A.C. Came oron and family were in Toronto M recently attending the 68th annual Hxhibition of the Ontario Boclety "of Artists at The Art Gallery, Miss Muriel Pollard, of News castle, spent thé week-end wi Miss Joyee McKnight of Ritson . Road North, Thomas Malcolm, of Mont» the a her daughter, . Mrs, Roland Moffatt, Miss Babin, of Edmundston, N. ' B., 1s the guest of Mrs, Roland Moffatt, Kingston Road, CHRIST CHURCH A.Y.P.A, A St. Patriek's congert was held fn place of the regular Monday ' gvening meeting of the AY.P.A, Inst evening, Various members of the A.Y.P.A, and the Christ Church Men's Club took part in the pro- duction, which was a huge suCCoss, in every way, Judging' by the ap- plause of the two hundred or so people who were present in the audience, # Mrs, J, J. Roberts, Cobourg, is " ost of Mr. and Mm, B,J, wi 4 ker, Weitmoreland avenue, Vou SAVE MONEY Many styles to Choose from. Our prices are right. THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St, 8. ing on Hot «name and BT gs © % Miss Grace Bull' of Jones strégt is leaving today for Brantforn where she will enter the General Héupital thete as a nurse-in-train. ng, i § fi ' The guests of Mrs, D, M, Tod 'at the Hospital Bridge yesterday afternoon and for whoin she gave # luncheon at the noon hour were Mrs, Bertha Quibell, treaburer of the National Counc of Women, re, Lillian Richardson, corres. ponding secretary of the Local Council of Women, and Miss Irene Neelin, all.of Toronto, Bt. Patrick's Day was properly Hospital Auxiliary when they held their annus! Spring tea in the Masonic Hall yesterday afternoon. It 'was a very charming affair, The Lables for bridge were set in the Board Room, Library and the malin auditorium, and numbered elghty-three in all, Each table wes decorated with four large sham- rocks in the corners of the table, and a small green and white bas- ket of St, Patrick's candies, Mrs, ib MoLaughlin, president of the Auxiliary received the guests, The ladies in oharge of the different committees were Mrs, G, D, Con- Ant, Mrs, Frank Robson and Mrs, V. Moyse, While tea wag being served about fifteen pupils from the third book, of Centre Street fchool presented a pretty St. Pat- rick's pageant, featuring some Irish wongw, "The costumes worp by the children were very appropri. ate. Miss Mallinson directed the children and they were accom panied' at the plano by Miss Lat mer and by the violin played by Mr. Richer, The guests present were from Whitby, Bowmanville, Toronto and Oshawa, Collegiate ( Chatter Miss Runnolds, coach of the Girls Junior Basketball team is to be cone gratulated on the way she. coached the team into the finals, A lot of time and effort must have been spent to turn out such a splendid team, even with the excellent materia available, v' ' Thete fas been oth competition n inter-form spor year, So far the Fourth Forts have won the School Rugby Championship and are well on'their way to win the Basket. ball laurels, It remaing with Fifth to live up to their traditions and prove their miettle by winning the Hockey Championship, Come on you Fifth 11 It would Py the hockey fang in our: school If they would drop in at the Arena after four o'clock to see some of the Inter<form hockey games. Some of these fellows can play hotles and the games are well-con. tended, in I w Much interest Is taken inn the First Form debating contests, The com petition is keen, and with a little [| fil | § i Ch practice some of these First Forms will be showing their heels to the so-far discovered talent around the sch it M Dryden's {alle on' Toesd a ° | % y i a | our nation" © ndebt- "a fo Mr, Dryden for his talk nd we consider it u great privilege to J | have had him with us. ran EW On the first Thursday and, Friday i April, (rd and' 46); the Glee Club, Orchestra, and Student Players Club combined will put on a performs ance which is forward to with ki the whole stu- den body. 'These : orgies a tions have n practic ni eve night. foF/aome tme'and much is on pected of them, [AR Tp ie el pe Ve W i] Tl C frou 2 dates re » follows vice-president 2M, Cock, J, secretary: J. Ar treasurer: C, : marshal: J. 'Henley, B, There hy gh rey .) a. this A 0 i oe A wit be sired oe 'the lestiohn' thie ved the i d re oT TEE A on! donty' shoulders, eache! the best of any yet § x » i © ENGAGEMENT to, Ont, 'was decided to havo a bot dog #0: £/M® and Mrs, Namuel 'Sekwarts | 0X YI (PHOPLE hr Xe of Young]. People's Honlety was held cn Mone day evening at 8 p.m, It was open od by singing hymn 881, followed by prayer lead by Mr, Cormack, Atter the usual business routine it cial on Monday next when each member is to bring a friend, Mr. Wigg gave a very interesting ad- on missionaries this being the missionary evening. Moeotitig clos. od by Mr. Wigg conducting prayer CENTRE ATREKT YOUNG PEOPLE 4 The Centre Street Young People's Society held thelr meets Ing last evening In the form of a Bt, Patrick's social, All decora~ tions, refreshthents and entertain. ment were in keeping with the Irish celebration, Hdgar Watson was in charge of the" evening, About fifty young people were prépent, SIMCOE STREET LEAGUN In honor, of Bt, Patrick's Day the members of Simcoe Street DOROTHY NTONE Daughter of Fred Stone, one of America's best-known actors, and who ts acknowledged as one of the best dancers on the stage today, introduces the gipsy cap, a new iden ip headgenr, Young People's League arr d for a spelal following their regu- lar weekly meeting last evening. During the first part of the pros gramme, Mr, W, Bellloy sang n solo, The entertainment was in charge of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Knight, who had planned games and contosts in. keeping with the Irish festival, Mus, Walter Johu- BON was convenor of the refreshe ment committee, that served a splendid supper before the elose of the evening. . ST. ANDREWS YOUNG PEOPLES NOCIETY Tho conclusion of an Intensive membership campaign brought to- gether last evening some 76 mem- re of the Young Peoples' Boclety big banquet and social even Tables which were daintily und appropriately decorated with colors and emblems of the Emerald Isle and laden with an abundance of good things to eat combined to make the supper hour a very happy 0, Following the supper and sing song Mr, J. Carrol Anderson, presi- dent of the Bay of Quinte Young Peoples' conference extended the congratulations and greetings of that body to the Society and com- Raided the group upon its activi , Mr, H, Barclay, president of the society then introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Rev, Mr, C. Daniel, of Bunderiand, Mr, Dan. lol's message was particularly fits ting to the group of Young People who composed his audience, The problems and possibilities and re- sponsibities that the youth of to- day had to mccopt demanded our constant vigllance, watghfuly na and devoted effort, it we were to give to the worid what the woiw had a right to expect from us, as Christian young people, Ilustrating a young life as a great masterpiece of architecture in the making he urged that the model for our lives be the Man of Galilee and that with Him as our example we would go forward to lives of self-sacrifice and Chris. tian duty. A vote of thanks was extented to Mr, Daniel for his address and to the committee in charge of are ngements for the banquet, olley ball games on the gym. naslum brought a very pleasant and profitable evening to a close, TC ------------------ "The modern girl," says Dorothy Dix, "knows twice as much as she ought to." Yes, and not half as much as. she should.~~Border Cities Star, RECIPES CARAMEL JUNKET 1 junket tablet, 1 pint milk 1 tablespoon cold water 4 oeup sugar V4 cup boiling water Va teaspoon vanilla Crush junket tablet and . dissolve in cold water, Put sugar in & small saucepan und heat, stirring eonstant- ly, until melted and golden brown, Add water and dissolve sugar in it, Add milk tb carame] syrup and warm until lukewarm-not hot, Remove from stove, Add dissolved tablet and vanilla and turn at once into individ- ual dessert glasses, Let stand in a warm room until firm (about 10 min. utes): then chill before serving, And a topping of marshmallows cut in pieces and mixed with whipped cream, SCALLOPED POTATOES Into a well butteretl baking dish put a layer of thinly sliced potatoes, salt; pepper and a thin scattering of finely cut cheese and one-half the white ssuce (1 tablespoon flour, 1 tablespoon hutter, to 1 cup milk), Repeat and cover with buttered crumbs, Bake in moderate oven about an hour until the white sauce bubbles through and the potatoes are well done and brown on top, I cheese is omitted, add small pieces of butter to each layer of potatoes In order to save time of making cream sauge, a small amount of dry flour can be sprinkled over layers of potato, and' milk added to cover the potatoes: HAYDON BRIEFS evening, March 21 there will be a basket social held in the church, under ausplees of repair committee of the chuveh, A program of local and outside talent will bg given, re froshments will be provided for those who do not bring or buy bas. ketw. Masters Roy and Jim Graham, sons of Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Gra. ham, are recovering from thelr re- cent operations for mastrolds In Oshawa Hospital, Mr, Beech and daughter Ada visited Mr, and Mrs, Everett Beech at Courtice, John Graham and sows, Kenneth and Milton vigited David Graham on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Aunger en tertained a number of friends ree sently, Distinctive Daytime Dress for All-Day Occasions Charming Feminine Type Smart Folk Are Wearing, tae Street By ANNE A black silk crepe with lingerie collar of white Ince which alse ape pears in cuffs of fitted sleeves. addition I~ An applied band that starts at centre-neckline of bodico at front, merges. futo flare of skirt, This waa indeed a" clover jdea of tlie dos signer to minimise the width, thus making this lovely model equally suited to the woman with suature figure as well as allm youthful type. It tits very ugly through the hipa and places its eireular flounce Of skirt quite low #0 as to retain its slim lines, Style No, 234 is designed in slaen 16, 18,20 years, 36, 18, 40 and '42 foches bust, It's such a wearable dress and » always in good tdste wherever 08, | eggshell silk orape collar and cuffs is very effective. Printed slik orepe with plain erepe in blending tone is decidedly Jie and economical choice for it be worn through entire Spring, Royal blue = orope marocaln, oraugey-red flat silk crepe, Lanvin sem as Ellsabeth, black obit n and beige Alencon lace make up fnterestingly for afternoons and Sunday night wear ' Pattern price 18 conta In stamps r con (coin is preferred). Wrap in carefully, ton crepe in. navy blue with |A We ¥ it. that when you, send h, you enclose 10 cents 1 for a: copy of our new Spring Fashion Magazine, just off ross, § i PURCHASE COUPON RE, vg, te RETRY 5 4 A RH nts PATTERN MUSIC STUDY CLUB HAS FINE MEETING Miss M. Kisbey of O.L.C, Gives Interesting and In- structive Address One of the most successful meet ings of the present wession wes hold last evening by the Oshawa Music Study Club in Rotary Hall, when a splendid program 'was pre- sonted under the direction of Miss Ellzabeth Emsley, The usual business period occur pled the first part of the time, with the president, Mrs, Andison, in the chair, Minutes of three previous meet~ ings were read by the secretary, Mrs, J. H, Wilkins, and approved. Miss Mary MeBrady, the treas- urer, called a roll of paid up ag tive snd associate members, Mrs, Evelyn Bateman, corres ponding secretary, read a letter 'of thanks and appreciation from Miss Keddy for flowers sent her by the club, Nomination blanks were then sned and time was given for filly ng out and returning them, Ab- sent members will have an gpypurs tunity: of submitting names at the next regular meeting of the club on April 14, After meveral announcements hy the president, notably goncerning the April meeting at which Det. tina Yegara and Mme, Stoble oi Belleville, will appear in jolut re- gital, the program proper, was proceeded with, Ming Kishey, of Ontario Ladles' College, Whitby, presided grace fully and interestingly over this part of the evening's activities, Miss: Kishoy prosented a very finely prepared paper on 'Women in the Musle World," pointing out that while nothing of outstanding or enduring merit seems to have been produced by wemen compos ory. there haw nevertheless been present in theo noblest works of the great masters the marked In« fluence of woman, Miss Kishey touched upon the Interprefative women musicians who are too num- erous and teo well-known to re- quire Individual mention, She then Introduced the musical num- bers {llustrativé of the work of women in the world of musle, The program numbers were grouped aceording to.composers as follows, Ceelle Chaminade, Liza Lehmann, Dorothy Harris, Amy Woodtord-Finden, Gena Brans- combe, Mr, H, H. A. Beach, Pear) Curran, Carolyn / Wells-Dassett, Mana Zucea. Miss Kishey contin ued her notes and comments upon individual numbers and thelr com- posers deftly introducing the sing. ors. and players representing them throughout the program, Mis Helen Johnston, A.T.CM,, of Whitby, played Chaminade's "Soart Dance," a dainty and cape riclous composition of muoh grace. Later in the evening Miss Johnston contributed a vivacious little "Country Dango," by Dorothy Har« |? ris, Mis Johnston's playing is ale ways received with delight by the club and although her appearances last night were rather impromptu she charmed her audience with her own special interpretations of the two numbers she presented. In the Chaminade group, Mrs, Perry sang "Why" and contribute od also Gena Dranscombe's "The Morning Wind," and "Take Joy Home," by Carolyn WelldBassett, Mrs, Perry's musical interpreta tions of these three varied com positions together with her pleas. ing soprano volce were indeed a happy combination and & most welcome contribution to last even ing's Interesting items, Mrs, Stewart Alger gave as her selections "Madrigal," by Cham- inade and "The Swing." by Lisa Lohmann, Mrs, Alger is a favorite with Oshawa music lovers and her flexible soprano voloe sang with particular ease and charm the set. ting by Lisa Lehmann of Robert Louls Stevenson's "Swing" trom "A Child's Garden of Verse" Mrs, W, A. Hare gave an artistle rendering of "Ritournelle," by Chaminade, "a second number be. ing "The Year's At the Spring" by Mrs, Beach, Mrs, Hare's songs were given with the fine musical feeling that makes her always a distinct addition 'te the programs upon which she appears, Miss. Marion Ross, ia unusually tine volee contributed two compo. sitions by Amy Woodtord«Finden, "Indian River Song," and "TM I wake" Mrs, Mangan sang "Nocturne," by Pearl Curran, and *"Merey" by Mana Zucoa. These strongly cons trasted pinces gave good scope to the singer's colourful interpreta tive ability and both were sung with true appréciation of their musioal possibilities, Miss Kishey concluded the pro True dyes are easiest to use! | npholding the negative, but the PHONE el # Fleece-Lined Leatherette RAINCOATS the finest quality Leatherette obtain- $4.95 | able == Comes in Navy, Brown, Black and Champagne. Sizes 14-42 Special Value, each ~~ Girls same quality Leatherette Rain. coats with Aviation Cap to match =~ Sizes 6-14, Plaid Back Raincoats $6.95 $4.95] Two Coats ih one -- Suitable as a Hain Coat and very attractive as a spring coat, Made of a very fino quality Jersey Cloth, Comes in Black, Brown, Navy, Cham- pagne. Bizes 14-20, Girly' same quality dual Rain or Spring Coats with Aviation Caps, Bizgs 0-14, Gt Lt, A gram with a plano solo, , "Valse Brillante," by Mana Zucch, 4 vive! id bit of tone painting démanding a nieety of technique in which Migs Kishey 1s by no moans lack ing, The next meeting of the Musle Club will be a guest artist evening at which Miss Bettina Vegara and Mme, Btoble, both well-known loc ally will appear In recital, This program will be open to non-mem- bers upon payment of a nominal foe of twenty-five conts, ang it Is oxpocted that the event will prove itself popular among Oshawa loys ors of musie, INCREASE VOLUME OF CANADIAN NEWS Ontario Members Approve | Plans for Improving Do- mestic Service Toronto, Mareh 18. +-At a meeting héra yesterday of Ontario members of The Canadian Press, proposals of the snanagement for improving the character and volume of the service, particularly slong. the lines of a more intensive Canadian domestic covers age, were unanimously approved, John Scott, of the Toronto Mall and Empire, president, was in the chair and the following were also present: L, R, Brindley, Ottawa Cite wen; Thos G, Lowrey, Ottawa Jour- nal: Arthur Ls Davies, Kingston Whig-Standard; G, W. Craw, Pet» erbore Examiner; A. BR. Alloway and M. Melntyre Hood, Oshawa Times; H, C, Hindmarsh, Toronta Star; A. W, J. Buckland and W, Percy Re- binson, 'loromto Telegram; W, F Robinson, Hamilton Spectator: Mas jor 'H, B, Burgoyne, and W, A. Moore, St, Catharines Standard; F, H. Leslie, liagara Falls Review; Henry Jo Foster, Welland«Port Cols borne Tribune; W. B, Preston and A, T. Whitaker, Brantford Exposits ory Win. Templeman and J, FF, Collin, Guelph Mercury; Earl" Wer» stine, Galt Reporter; WW, J. Motz and A. H. Lowe, Kitchener News-Record; W. E. Elliott, Woodstock Sentinel Review: Frank Adams, London Ade vertiser; Arthur R, Ford, London Free Press: Charles D, Dingman dnd Arthur Kennedy, Stratford Beacons Herald; L. H. Dingman and Thomas Keith, St. Thomas times-Journal; M, B, Dulmage, Owen Sound Sune Times; Arthur Partridge, manager of the: Canadian Daily Newspapers Asosciation and J. F, BD, Livesay, fener manager of The Canadian Tess, YOUNG WOMEN OF BROUGHAM WIN A LIVELY. DEBATE Modern Women Declared More Ambitious Than Their Grandmothers ' Wrougham, Mar, 15.-The Wo. mens'Institute held its March meets ing at the home of Mrs, Lemon o Mareh 11, Mra, Lemon and M Grey being hostesses. According to previous arrangements a debate was included in the program for the 'afternoon, 'subject "Resolved | that the Women of Today are more Ambitious than their Grands mothers, due to Modern Convent ances, \ The aMrmative was ably led by Mra, V. Shaver, while Mrs, T, C.J Tirown uplield the negative, Over 20 members took part In * twee minute speeches, the Loaders have ing more time In the opening and closing - arguments The several grandmothers waxed eloquent in young people with the greater ops nortunities, due to modern convents once wou out. The. judges, Mrs: W-A-R-N--N-G IT IS YOUR MONEY THAT WILL PAY FOR IT And a dollar saved, Is a dollar earned, If you intend purchase ing an electric washer Get the Best It pays in the long run, The Connor Thermo Electric Washer is back. od by B55 years of exclusive washing machine experience, Our guarantee protects you for 12 yoars and is the broadest guarantee ever written on a washing machine, EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Insulation Better Water Action Steel Protected Copper Tub 12-Year Guarantee A small deposit will place a Copnor Thermo in your home, HASY TERMS, 18 months to pay. Phone 907 for free demonstration. No obligation, Connor Washer Sales 12 Bond St. E., Oshawa, Ont N. 8, McNally, General Merchant, Blackstock, Ont., bh + Glenn, Mrs, Johnston and Miss Bate summed up their findings in a very efficient manner, and re. oelved the thanks of the gathering. The hostesses sgrved afternoon tea and dainty refreshments, Fifty million powder-puffs were wold in this country last year, Some Jucky manufacturers are making hay while thet nose shines, Punch, Be Sure to Ask for Kotex There is no substitute Jor this Doctors and Nocses advise h a Ef me ¢t wadding which is vaed iene shanti coe CR be 1 comfortable tnd SEL being ou such security. and 0 embarrassment when buying. Just say Kotex at any dig 37 foe or eprcnnt is aust 8 3 Features of the New and Improved Kotex. ¢ h rack ne Chang RE de Burs Seat, Inning. : 2. Safe, secure . . . keeps Jour mind at ease. Pee. is BTA ey 5. Deodorises, mfely, thoroughly, by & patented rocem, : Cm > i padi is a

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