Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Mar 1930, p. 1

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¢ Oshawa Dail Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformter 5 WE TUPI SAO 5 POP y Times -- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 18 16 Cents « Week; 3 Cents » Copy TWELVE PAGES 'Bremen, Germany ~The huge dow trip to New York Wednes- following formal acceptance of tho ship by the North German Al Lino stom the builders, Fin- al trials of the ' ship = developed 27.67 knots, Water Leaves Speedway Collingwood.~--Ontario's finest speedway will return to Its former thls year, Higiwaters which season flooded Wasaga Beach a eded and by Summer it is pected that there will be a seven~ mile stretch of hard smooth sand 150 feet wide inviting motorists "to break all te speed laws, POPE 18 MASTER ! / OF B65 CITIZENS . Vatican Oity, March 18,--~Pope Pius is now master of 566 citizens of the Vatican City state, A Sensis completed Saturday showed that number as against 542 at the end of 1929, Atout 300 resi- dents of the Vatican City state have not yet acquried ¢itizonship, RAILWAY BILL PASSED Quebec, . Mar, 18---Practically without \comment, the Quebec Leg- islative assembly last night put through the bill to incorporate the "Beauharnois Railway Cempany." The opposition hes been blocking the bill for the past three weeks, 'When the bill was moved for third reading, there was a call of "on | division," but when Premier Tas. | chereau called for a formal vote ' this was dropped and the bill went through unanimously, The railway is a subsidiary of the Beauharnols Light, Heat and Power Company. CONDITION IMPROVES Hamilton, Ont, Mar, 18---The condition of Major Peebles, who is dangerously ll with pneumonia, was reported today as slightly im- proved. He was stricken last Fri day and has been unconscious since Sunday. o alin SEEK SOCIAL INSURANCE . Quebec Mar, 18.Provision for the creation of a commission of not more than seven members to en. quire foto the situation respecting the establishment of & system of socis! insurance and the Kind -of legislation to be adopted in that yespect is provided for in a bin 'which Hon, Mr, Galipeault minis. ter of public works and labor brought down in the Quebec Leg- islature Assembly yesterday, ANADIAN GIRL iJ o C ACID 3 Gor ¥ACH Crookston ' 7 C. H. Furlong, 26, fmmigtat on pas trol han, may lose his A hight a4 Fy which was hurled into his face by & Canadian girl he was at- tempting to arrest for deportation here yesterday. The girl, Helen 24, was deported last June "after she came into the United "States from Winnipeg. "Heat Fails to Stop. the 4 ates has walked long distances 'fast few days to film elephants in hae ; Fi haunts, He shiained A k bush of the on > Nile districts. JODEL GOVERNOR TAKES OVER PEIPING Leader Assume Gov't Offices Chinas March 38.-All governm offices, 2 other administrative bur in , former capital of "taken over today by authorities who sald they acting wider ors of Yen han, 80 Cal'ed. Jotpisk gn sure "18-1 the h | there, Prince Taking Pictures &(HENRY H. FUDGER "model gov- |odu Jota bi WA TA Two Are Dead in Plane Crash Near Kingston MAIL PLANE 'IS WRECKED: FIND BODIES Bodies of Pilot Simoneau and Radio Operator Rob- inson, Both of Montreal, Removed to Parham Vill: age PLANE CRASHES ON SHORE OF LONG LAKE Plane Travelling at High Speed, Falls From Great Height, and Is Completely Demolished Three Miles From Village 1] (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kingston, March 18.~~Henry Simoneat, pilot, of Montreal, Que., and P. Robinson, radio-operator, thought to be also of Montreal, were instantly killed just before noon today when 'the Toronto Montreal air mall plane crashed on the shore of Long Lake, 3 miles from the village of Parham, 30 miles north of this city, The plane fell from & great height with tere ritle force, Machine and bodies were #0 -badly mangled that iden. tification for a time was impossible, Kingston, March 18.-~Crashing down with territic force from a great height, an aeroplane, as yet unidentified, was completely de molished the shore of Long Lake, thre® miles from the village of Parham, 80 miles north of King» ston, shortly after 11,30 this morn ing. The body of Henry Simoneau, £ Montréal, has been taken from Only meagre reports have been available but it is belleved that a8 at leapt one other pass- enger in the plane. The seroplane is thought to be a mail plane and it came down with terrific speed. The body of Simaneau was terribly mangled, Definite information was secured at 1,30 that the plane which orash- ed near the village of Parham was the Toronto to Montreal mail plane with the registration "C.F.-A.J.0." It was in charge of Pilot Simon~ eau of Montreal and aboard was ( wed on Page 7) * IES IN TORONTO Was Former President of Robert Simpson Company (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | Toronto, March 18H, H, Fud- ger, former president of the Rob- ert Simpson Company, and wells known Canadian philanthropist, died at his Home today from com- plications following an attack of pneumonia. He was 80 years of ne. uager had enjoyed excels font health for the past 40 years and had daily attended his office. One of Canad ost prominent retail = merchan Harris Henry r wag born in Toronto; Dee. 54, when the city had a pop- er organized the Fancy Company of Canada, . holasdle Jobbing house the eater: wholesale jobbin Yo merchant directed Home of Ira Johnson, Oakville, Burned to Ground The home in which Ira Johnson, self-styled Cherokee Indian Oaks ville boy, and his somewhile afans ced Isabella Jones, a white girl, ale so of Oakville, yvesided for a time prior to the night raid of meme bers of the Ku Klux Klan which separated them, was burmed to the ground carly today. Origin of the fire is yot unknown. The photo graphs here show: (1) Isabella Jones, of Oakville, who at one time was engaged to marry Ira Johnson, but who was forcibly separated from him by mombers of the Kian, (8) Ira Johnson's home burned, to the ground early today and where, prior to the Klan raid, the couple resided for a time, and (8) Ira Johnson, who, during recent controversy regarding his ancestry, declares he is of Chero« kee Indian descont and bas no Af. rican strain in his blood, Italy Insists French Parity Conference Today Achieves Nothing New---~Former Desire Reiterated London, Mar, 18-~The Italian delegation to the naval conference was reported today to have held firmly to its stand at the outset of the naval gonference for nave) par ity with France, . Henry AY on, United States Secretary of State, undertaking the role of mediator in the Franco- Italian dispute in an effort to solve the problem which is threatening the outcome of the conference, had a conversation with Foreign Min. {ster Grand! of Italy this afternoon. Hin discastion in an effort to ef- fect a compromise between Italy and France was reported to have achieved nothing excepting to get from the Italian foreign minister reiteration that Italy 'wants naval parity with France, 1t was understood that Premier Mussolini was in direct telephonic communication with Signor Grandi, this afternoon, ' The natare of thg conversation was not disclosed but there was considerable 'speculation as to whether important exchanges be- tween Duce and his foreign minis. ter might not be going on, Train Wreck PAR -- Evansville 'Ind, aMrch 18~Three men were killed and at least one other man was seriously injured ecar- ly today when. a fight train. on the Louisville and Nashville railroad was wrecked at Kinney Station, bee Seen Guthrie, Ky. and Springfield, enn, The cause of the wreck according to information received at the coms pany's offices here was a boiler ex» plosion . on the aint threw the freight train from. the' rails and set fire to the carp # ' SCORE DIE AS SHIP'S EOL CARGO BURN Sine | eh An, (By Canadian Prose Leased Wire) don, "18,~J. H. golf cha ton iv time pion ixtieth year tomorro 'his EE lives yesterday when the boat's Jettcieutn caught in 'Dorado, on the The ship was de- were rescued, Most odin Captain Antonio' Vi Everyous but the Alght wateh [dat opidomi and a few of the crew were asleep flame auddenly burst | WILL KEEP REDS 0OUT OF ELECTIONS Premier Ferguson Proposes $200 Deposit for All Candidates ---- Toronto, March 18.~"There has grown up a Communistic element. It is our duty to prevent them from getting into a pesifion of ascendency in the province," said Premier Fer- guson in the Ontario Legislature yes terday in speaking 'to second read. ing of his bill to amend the election act 'which demands that election cans didates must provide a $200 deposit. Premier Ferguson added his gov- ernment intended tg see such an el. ement is kept out, saying he had re. ceived three objections to this section from labor organization, DELIRIOUS MAYOR GALLS FOR DEPUTY New Hope Is Held for Re- covery of Hamilton's Mayor Hamilton, Mar, 18.~8light im. provement was reported late last night ia the condition df Mayor Peebles, He is making a brave battle for life, and while he is now believed to have a fighting chance, he is still critioally ill, suffering from pneumonia and complications, A glucose transfusion strength. ened him considerably yesterday, In hig delirfum Mayor Ppebles calls almost constantly for Con- troller Don. McFarlane, youngest member of the city council and now acting mayor, Controller Me TFarlane sent word that he would visit his worship's bedside at any hour of the night or day but dur- ing the past 24 hours the patient has- been continually unconscious. Lord Balfour's J dogs do not some streets to hang xX It was fe a, to FIRE DESTROYS IRA JOHNSON'S HOME AT OAKVILLE "Love Nest" Which Figured in Klan Outrage Is Totally Burned Oakville, March 18-~The 'love nest" of Tra Johnson and Isabella Jones whose romance was shatters od by the activities of the Xu Klux Klan three weeks ago was almost completely destroyed by fire shortly after 4 a.m, today, No thought is expressed that the fire was of an Incendiary nature, Oakville residents being emphatic that the Xu Klux Klan had nothing to do with the blaze, Ira Johnson watched the house of his dreams burn to the ground. He tried to save some of his father's furniture but without suo~ cess, the flames had gained too much headway, No person had re- sided in the house since the Ku Klug Klan activities here. Johnson was to take his bride there after they were married but the wedding plans were broken up. The fire was discovered by Mes, Alolaide Myers, Head St, at 4.15 a.m, as she looked out the window of her home She, summoned her son, William, a member of the vol- umteer fire brigade, who rang in the alarm. The brigade responded, hut the blaze had made such headway that the firemen were unable to get it under control, Mystery surrounds the fire, The cause will not be known until an investigation is conducted either by Chief of Tolice Kerr or the One tario fire marshall, Defective eleo- trie wiring may have been the Ruse, ' ' The bhullding fs owned by Mrs, Charles Riddle; Furniture in it he- longed to Mundy Johnson, father of Tra, Mundy Johnson an dhis wife and Ira are living with a re- lative, Mrs, Sault, Washington, =-Aftliction of 11 public health service employes with paittacosis' has necessitated tems porary abandonment of the labora. tory where efforts were being made to discover the cause of the strange malady contracted from parrots, ---- . Philadelphia, March 1¢-~Plead- guilty to a oha obtained mony by wy To an heiress, Mrs, Hlizabeth wick, 80-year-old mothor of 18 children, 12 of whom are lving, was sen- tenced to u f five years k. ' ern, who > Be, a a io doen been that her Ju od Mrs, A wae 06 method of abtainiog money was Sant shan § Vk vin, of ha % la udulent | tia World Facing Another War Claims All Countries Are Forming International Political Systems (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Paris, March. 18.-~A warning that the world of today faces the sae risk of war as preceding epochs was issued toduy by Sena- top Henry Herenger, in a report to the Fronch parliament, The report was submitted in be- halt of the finance committee on the budget of the ministry of for. olgn affairs and reviewed the ex~ ternal polities of France which M, Berenger insisted hans ceased to be a European continentai nation and bas become intercontinental, After atfirmiug that all coun~ tries are forming international political system, M, Berenger made # critical analysis of the League of Nations, the Young Plan, the World Court, the project for a United States of Europe and the London Naval Conference, He concluded that it inter-con- tinental polities sought the cons solidation of peace, it was not necossanily a synonym of peace and that the orisis was found in the fact that democracies, while Wishing peace, feared war and that, though wishing to disarm they remained armed, M, Berenger told parliament that France's foreign atfalrs bud: got jumped from 20,000,000 francs in 1914 to 280,000,000 francs in 1930, trebled taking into account the reduction in the value of the frane, He sald this was due to the normal evolution of the policies of France which sinee the Great War has "passed from a continental to an inter-continental plan like all HN pater ron powers," Senator or & former amb to the United States, Sadar Swims 240 Miles in Little Over 65 Hours Leased Wire) New York, March 18.A | acy, willed to a white haired woth. or death in a din; became t Blake, Texas, 20 per cent, of the playwright's roya Sale M8 3 WAH sugRes a Jublisted playlet written inthe eath hol " by her on, Rada Blake, was eleotroou April in the Texas State . Hy Robert's only on Ry ee ONE DEAD, THREE her son as he waited for| ran: | @elock this morning: n to his | hu SHOWING AN 5 MILLS 0V INJURED IN MINE DORMITORY FIRE Early Morning Blaze Causes $20,000 Damage at Sher. ritt Gordon Mine (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) The Pas, Man,, March 18,¥Fire which swept through a Sherritt. Gordon Mining Company boarding louse ut Sherridon early. yesterday destroyed the $20,000 structure, burned to death George McKensle, aged 88, a mine worker, and ser- fously injured three men, Dozens of others are heing cared for in the hospital at the Sherritt. Gordon mine, Two of the weriously injured men were rushed to St, Anthony's Hospital here by aeroplane, Jack Moar of the Western Canada Alr- ways, flew the party down in reo ord time, The two men here are Stewart Paul and Sam David, They will recover, They, were burned and then Injured in a fump from the storey of ullding, At Sherman, the third sujured moms ber of the mining staff, a man named McMastere, is being treated for an injured back and serious buras, Details of the fire were brought to The Pas last evening" by Jack Rouse, who aided fun nursing the injured men at Sherrit-Gordon, The fire was discovered about six o'clock yesterday morning, he said, "One of the men went down- Wisirs to got a drink of water add when he returned to his room in the dortlieast end of the third floor it was a mass of flames, "He ran down the hall shouting the alarm. McKenzie and Sam Day- id were sleeping in the room across the hall from the one where the fire started, David was able to Jump from the window when he SAW the. passagoway was blocked with tlames, His companion was unable to force himself through the narrow aperture and £bll back A victim to the flames, Within two minutes the entire building was a mass of flwmes and the firefight. Ing equipment was useless," Workers Vote On Wagelssue By THOMAS 1. CHAMPION (Canadian Press Correspondent) London March 18~=Ballot ors have been issued to the textile workers on the question of the ace ceptance or rejection of the pros bosals for a new general agree. ment on wages based on the report made recently by Lord Hugh Maoe Millan, after a thorough investiga tion, Lord MacMillan's recom. mendations were published on March 7 and suggested retention of tho present basis of wages but the cutting in two of a recent wage increase and reduction of an ex- tra "cost of living allowance," The executive of the National Unlon of Textile Workers, the lar. ent the trade, advises: its members 'of ita opinion that 'the present 1s not an opportune time to resist these proposals," decision of the workers will be re- orted tothe executive on Satur Ay and communicated to the ems ployers on Monday, y FIRE DESTROYS * Kingston Road Garage Is Gutted in Morning Blaze Taronte, Mafth 18.=Thirteen auts 08 eh destroyed by a fire that Jeep the rear of the garage of Hill. ash Motors, Kingston rodd and wlor avenue, shortly befére nine e' old build. at the rear of salesrooms he fom ny, vas famous as be 1 Qntar ouse ry ago, when served as a hotel i the travellers os oir last stop) ing lace before ching Toronto. i. . 1 Cedar ave, 1s the owner, 5 : Firemen had not detesinined the 'cause of the Quibreak, which swept the § building, asi Sane, mother was whatever progeeds mish some from the playiel dont Bry e rushed into the bluze and dr THIRTEEN GARS| ATE FIXED AT 47 MILLS CITY COUNCIL ADOPTS RATE INCREASE OF ER 1929 RATE Rate for Public and Separate Schools Drops One Mill, But General Purpose and Collegiate Rates Up Three Mills Each . RATE PER CAPITA STILL VERY LOW Low Assessment Rate Makes Per Capita Taxation Fig ure One of the Lowest in the Province Oshawa's tax rate for 1080 is 47 mills, an increase over the rate in 1020 of § mills, The tax rate for public schools and separate school purposes is decreased one mill, the rate for Collegiate and Vocationn! school purposes Increased threo mills, and the rate for general purposse is increased three mills, giving a net increase of five mills, The cost of operating the city of Oshawa, including sll debene ture payments, iv estimated at $1» 140,618.06 for the current year, Of this amount, $000,595 Is to be raised by taxation, The rate for general services is 25 mills, and for school »urposes 22 mills, The taxation for the city is $30.94 per capita for all purposes, an ne crease of $5.01 over the rate in 1929, and is $29.77 por capita ex« clusiverof special frontage assess« ments, Comparisons with 1029 show that the estimated cost of publia schools this year is a degronse from last year of $4508.28; the estinte ate for separate schools is a doe (Contipued on Page 11) FRUSTRATE PLAN T0 SLAY GOVERNOR Believe Plot to Kill Goyers nor of Punjab Revealed Bombay, India, March 18.-wAx unconfirme@ report from Lahore to the Times of India today sald that a plot against the life of the governor: of Punjab, Sir Geoffrey de Montmorenoy, had been diss covered, It was sald that when the gdve ernor's car erossed the bridge over the River Ravi between LaHops and Sheikhupura, a youth was nos ticged running toward the bushes noar the mala road, A police ine #pector, suspleious, overtook the youth and searched him, finding a revolver, a live bomb, and some chemical constituents of explosives, DON AWAITS REPAIRS Daytona Heach, Fla, March 18. Rue Deon, veteran driver from the British Isles, oduy waited for mechs anics to repair minor defects In hig powerful 24-cylinder Silver Bullet rae cor before again putting the mae ine through tests on the ocean sp way here preliminary to an i 4 gpon the world's speed record of 231 miles an hour, ! Soviets Close §6 Churches 3 At One Time orm -- HS (By Canadian Press Leased in Mos. and: vieini ' EopRy umber of churches: closed hy the Soviet RY oh he In © of Commons FR du porno dy a AE CH ht A resolution no v0 BOK we A wy rim Mou of - . se ; evPrivate members! ~

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