Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Mar 1930, p. 12

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Z by THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 18,1930 phat SPB River Water High Brockville, =="I'he abnormal Leight water in the St. Lawrence noticeably increased Wed- Eo ikg. Shot west 1! abou a y te oe an hour's tine. had the effect of prueti- ly clearing the Canadian shore of the rive he immediate vicinity of the town of the winter's ice, NAA As vavambih ion Napanee, ~~ With the suctionin off of all the fy axhiblied the yi | Seed Falr of the Quinte dis- Lriot was closed Friday, The Valr however, was officially closed Thurs. day igh with u large quet at the Palsley House, at which board nearly three hundred were [resent Tn every rospect this seed fair has roved the most sugcessful of any old so far. There were more ene tries than usual and they were of a higher grade than formerly, Inspected Hospital : Cobourg, == Cobowrg's splendid General Hospital, whieh, in the opin- fon of lending health authorities, re- flocts credit not only on the town, but upon the united counties us well, was inspected by Mayor Willmott of Cobourg, Every department of the institution was closely examined dure ing the inspection whieh featured de. monstrations of equipment by the nursing staff and attendants Te Beautify City Kingston, = Following up their dos clslon at's meeting, held some time #go that the. city. parks had been neglected and that the Council should provide more money in order that Kingston's "Deguty spots" can 'be properly looked after, the members of the clvie parks committee, at a meeting held on Thursday afternoon decided to ask the finance committee for an increase In their budget. The will make a strong uppeal for an als lowanco of $10,000 so that they will bo in a position to earry out plans they have In view for the care of the parks, Water Rises to Record Brockville, == The water in the St, Lawrence River registered a rise of over three inches from the time of reading was taken Wadnesday morn- ing until that taken in the afternoon and created a record for the present vears The reading, taken 't the water works pumping st in the morning showed a registrauon of 30.7 Inches, while that in the afters neon was 04 inches, Wen Golden Kingston, =~ Doreen enny and The Carew Lumber Co. 74 Athol St. W., Oshawa Phones 18==1111 Bogart were the 'ehly" tw, Blea, coreds to win, the olden, @ award during the pust ] gold 0) |] given 10 's en i ih ve 1a, on ai stude is ho ? 24 Iadles "won the ladle' A intercolloghins or title ut tennly, tion Improved Condi Kingston, == The copdition of Ro- ' , motorist near Cal Wedpestsy ie , and who ls at the ton General wus reported to be ime 6 | on ovent bn spital, proving, Hortleuliuwal Susiely Moets Port' Hope~THe Port Hope Hor- tieultural, Society got uway to & fine start Thursday evening when the di~ rectors held thelr monthly meetin ut the local Department of Agricul: ture, Many Important points in con. nection with the welfare of the loca! situation were discussed, Walves Searee in Algonquin Pembroke, = Little succes' wus met by the part «! Government woll hunters whe spent six' weeks in Al. gongulr Park in an effort to deplete the wolf nopulation of the game pres serve, The party reached Pembroke Saturday on thelr way out from the park and from here the members separated, proceeding to thelr vale ous homes. Few wolves were ons countered and In the section of the park visited by the hunting party the animals were mot plentiful, 'so that the number of animals killed was very small rr Council Honors Editor Cobourg, ==Cobourg town council united Monday night in paylog a tribute to the many years' service of Leslie HW, Wilson, recent publisher and editor of The Cobourg Sentinel. Star, now a director. of the United Counties Printing. and Publishing Compuny. Ltd, which has acquired thy paper, Woman Bags Well Pembroke, == To the ranks of the hunters and trappers: in Renfrew county who from {ime to, time visit the ofce of the county treasurer here and lay elim to the bounty provided for killing wolves must be added' the name of a woman, Her naem in Mrs, Sarah Benoit and her habitat 's Mackey's Station, Last Sa Mrs. Benoit mushed to town with her prize, the pelt of » large wolf which whe trapped half a mile from Mackey's Station and la- ter loaded it on to a iobogian and hauled it home, where she skinned it herself, To Repale Town Hall Cobourg, == Steps were initiated at Mondav night's meeting of the Co bourg town council which, ity ex- pected, will bring immediate repairs to the town hall, admitted to be one of the finest public buildings in Can- ada from the standpoint of atchitees ture, The town hall has sisfered he» r Powell, who wis Struble by 4 Righ 0 grave defgets leh has remedies mmeds mus : ? ------ Belleville, = A Pion ville, = A clags of mutes, une der the supervision of u teacher { the Ontario. Sehool for fhe Dent come down town early "Thursday tnorming to be shown thé geograph- | features of the elty so that they Id not be lost when they came n town alone, -- Co {lee Reov Ay ichy Ornwa , 0. Ar MePhes, of Pinch hus been sppointed 0 succeed Rey, A, L, Cameron, nssiste ant viear of 8t, Columban'y parish by t Rey, Felix Coutourler, Bishop of the Alexandria ese, Father McPhee arrived hore fast week and assumed his new duties at St, Cols umban's on Sunday, Fishermen are Busy Point Traverse ~The lee has not ons out of the bay yet but many to have been seen on the lake, setting nets, Many of the fishermen who went to thelr homes at other Pisces for the winter bave been at he olnt noveral days setting nets oF ng ready for thelr spring Shot In Leg Mountaln Grove~While' working with a 22 callbre rifle, Bert Brown, son of Mev and Mrs, William Brown, received uw. wound In the fay part of his leg above the knee when it necldentally discharged, As the' buls let could not be logated he wad tak. én. to Kingston for an X-ray. Got Toronte Musician Pembroke ~Officers of the Rens frow County Music Teachers' Feder. ation have been advised that Dr, H, A, Fricker of Toronto will be the adjudicator at the music festival to be held here In May, Workman Killed Almente=Thomas ' 'W, Comba, of Pakenham, very well known through. out the district, was killed Monday as the result of an daplotion of the boller In the sawmill of Needham and Snedden, He was 05 years of ge, Banker Gots Promotion Deseronto,~V, G, Pearce of the Bank of Montreal staff for the past elght years will leave Desevonto next week, having been promoted to the branch at Aultsville, near Cornwall, To Purchase Chlorinater Kingston.-Tt was announced Satur. day that the Public Utilities Com. mission has authorized Manager C, C. Folger to purchase » new autos matic chlorinator for water purifica- tion. The cost of the new plant will be approximately $3,500, V.C, Holder Leaves PontrpocielV. L. Rayfield, a hold. er of the V.C, whe Fuiontly attend ed the Prince of Wales' dinner in London, Is leaving this locality, to take up residencedin Toronto, Present Jewels Lindsay=Most Wor, Bro, Harry Graham, of Kingston, past grand of Ontario East, paid an of. double treat for you-- flavor and health combined FILL YOUR BOWL with Kellogg's Pap Bran Flakes. just 'keep fooling fit and peppy. 'that matchless flavor of PEP. | for the | ! A double tredt nourishment. ficlal vhoit to LOL, No. 32, on Thursday evening, At the lodge ses. slon i handsome Past ney swels were en ne to ro, Hare, Blown ol, in 1988 and the pr to Ww. Bro, John Grae ham, W.M, in 1989, Attended Convention BellgvillewE, T, Austin, manager of the Belleville Waterworks Depart. ment, returned Friday night from Hamilton where he hus been in ate tendance ut the ahnual Dominion convention of the waterworks de. partments, Rebuilding Promenade Brockville==Employses of the Doe purtment of Public Works are 'en: gaged in re-building the plank prom. unade at the eastern extremity of Ulock Mouse Island, | Proves © 4 a Kingston = The 1930 Kiwanis Ice Carnival, the proceeds of which go Kiwanis Weltare Fund, prov. ed wnother big success when present. ud at the Harty Arena Friday night, and the large crowd in attendance enjoyed a splendid program arranged for thelr entertainment. Start Work on New Prison Kingston=Work hav started on the new Penitentinry for preferred caves which is to be erected in the Town. ship of Kingston, The plans are ela- borate, and when the new group 1 completed it will be the best prison nt in Canada, In five wegks it Anpacivd to have 100 inmates tem- porarily in the new prison site, as all the work will be done Vi prison of buildings 'willl labor The grou; not bg sur hy ded by walls, It will ble wire be fenced with non-clim foncing, ten feet high, with 40-foor ornamental towers at each corner, Fam-- Pastor Accepts Call Brockville=Ray, T, I Townsend, fuer of the United Huth a. 'estport, has accepted an invitation by the ficial Board of the, Knler+ man and Van charges to be their minister on July 1 next, subs Jat x the a of the Transfer ttee, Mr, Townsend will thus move from the Breshyrery of King- ston to the Presbytery of Grenville. Dundas, Commi on al , co sh formation det ¥ sheet ice oy the Se A Rly the west ot Damhcuse on sl fo hye a on hours Priduy, | \ "ied 848 million bushels of wheat or The Athens GCometery | of Bory pre the SAYS CROP YEAR CARRYING CHARGES ARE 4 1-26 BUSHEL on ---- Wheat Pool Insists - Wheat Persistently Offered to World Markets rps In the course of a controversy between the Canadien Wheat Vool and one of its evities, Jumes K. Boyle of Cornell University, a rece ont writer In Durron's Weekly, the Pool has Just 'published na states mont in which wome interesting tacts are brought to light with re. gard to the carvying charges on wheat, The charges which reach back to the Pool are apparently mueh Jess than is popularly be loved, At the samo time, the Pool main. | teins that it has not "withheld wheat from world markets, ~ but that on the contrary It Was dally offered wheat for the past wix months at prices equal to or he. Amul clfgumptences, "Owing to a combluutdon of unr Ky ted Hii vom dur 7 or 0 wheat dupe' rei period, Avge ust*November, consequently the wheat was sent to United Kingdom" ports, which soon became congest- ed and the Lnglwh wheat buyers Biircubued it ut thelr own prices, uring the crop years 1024 and 1047 the standard export type of Argonting wheat wold In Liverpool on sn ayorage for 1 Bb conta per bushel Tess than . No '4 Northern anitoba, During the first four months of the present crop year, August-Novomber, tha same whet for 20 4-6 econis per bushel lems than No, 4 Northern, Vad Chine adw tried to compete" with the Ape gontine In the United Kingdom markets duviog' this period there In no. telling to what figure wheet prices wollld have dropped." OYSTER RESOURCES OF NOVA SCOTIA BADLY NEGLECTED low Winnipeg quotations, Protossor Boyle apparently alnimed, that the carry-over from 1028 was '48,000,000 bushels and | that the carrying charge on this | In 28 conts a bushel, or $15,440, 00, Some 'of the 'Interesting points brought out in the Wool's Intost statement, | with' the controversy left out, are: Katimates Too Migh "Tho facts are that a large part of the carry-over was sold by, Des gember and that the amount Pro- fossor Boyle states we pald for oarrying the 48 million bushels fs yory much greater than the total amount paid by the Canadian pool in omrrying charges, fuciuding storage, Intorest, Insurance and overhead, during the full erop your of 1088-20 on its total hand ing ot 203 million bushels of wheat, "The Canadian Pool which pays all charges upon grain after it loaves the country elevator pain 44 conte per bushel during the full erop year of 1038-20, which ine eluded the full outlay for storage, interest, Insurance, and the total overhead expenses of Handling 268 'million bushels of wheat, The provincial pools assume the enrrys ing oharges which are incurred in country elevators, The total of these charges In 1028-8) averaged 7+10 of a vent per bushel upon the total amount of wheat handled, The corresponding charges in 1087-28 wore: Canadian pool, 2% gents per bushel; provinell pools, 45 of a cont per Wushel, Mores over, the bulk of the country carrying charges and a large part of the terminal charges were pald to 'pook-owned facilities, whieh fa. eflitios must he maintained to han dle the erop and which would he idle if not used for storage pure poses, Hus Offered Wheat "The pool has not practiced wu holding polloy but, on the cons trary, has offered wheat for ex port practionlly every day during the past six months nt prices equnl to or below Winnipdg quotations In 1088-80 the Argentine produes some 118 million bushels more than the average orop during the tive-your period 1980-37, Dy Aug 1, 1080, 120 million bushels of this wheat was still In the Argens tine and as that country has loss than 10 million bushels of storage oapaoity, a large: part of this| wheat was consigned wasold to! Europe, Professor Says Potential Gold Mine Simply Neglected Hyduey, N, B., Mur, 15+"A po- tentinl gold mine, simply neglegted," wan the deseription of Nova Sdotin's vast oyster resources, given hy Pro tensor J. Uelson Gowmnlooh, Houd of the Depurtmont of Zoology st Dale housle University who spoke here on "The Pisherlos situstion in the Maritime Pravineen." Decline of oy slor culture In the Maritimes, he sald, was due only to "inexcusnble neglect," as the present market wos not recelving enough oysters to sup ply the demand, fig no naturel change had oselirved to reduce the production of oysters, "Application of alvendy ascorinined facts would place oyster culture on an inealeu lubly sound basis," he declured, The sou, sald Professor Gowanlogh, was a potential source of teeming wealth that should not be neglected, Its annual harvest was over $800,000, 000, which manufactured, had a value of more than a billion dollars, Al most all of the great wea fNsherios were crowded into sm relatively. na row band In the North Temperate Zone, between the 40th and 00th parallel, 3 The total world erop of oysters wan valued at $20,000,000 per year, the United States crop being worth $14, 000,000, of which $7,000,000 came from aftificial oyster farms, Oystor culture, sald the Professor, began in the time of Nero, "The United States hind at last cuught up with Nero, but the Maritims Provinces had not yet renched that stage, In "1582, the Maritime output was 64,640 barrels, which had fallen In 1026 to 10.808 barrels, In Prince Edward Island, n erop of 07,000 barrels had decreused to 5,000, Discussing the present fuherlos situation, Professor CGowanlooh ex plained thet the western banks of Sable Island were the world's rieh ont Ashing ground because of three factors, shoal waters, necessary ght conditions, and the essential nitro gon supply that pours © into the North Atlantie from the Mt, Law rence drainage ports, Banquoreau $800 square miles, Is 6560 miles from Poston, 226 miles from Halifax, and 100 miles from North Bydney, Two factors, sald the Professor, placed a high premium on short fish ing distance; first, the loss of time in travel, and second, of the great ost importance, the need to process fish) as soon as possible after capture This processing must; at least for -- . we gold mn Liverpool on" an: average | THE ARCADE LTD. Wednesday, Oddment Day VESTS at, each , HOSE LINENS Pure Linén Table Cloths in at PIERRE ARR rie 'RUFFLED CURTAINS A few curtains only in cream shade, 2% yds.' long, Special, pr, CHILD'S BLOOMERS AND In various colors and sizes to clear ERR uns Odd sizes and shades to clear Wednesday at, pair coon 72 x 72, 72 x 88, slightly damaged. clear at extraordinary reduced prices. MIDDIES Three only, to clear Wednesday ARR 69c here early for Special, yard bed size. 19¢ .95¢ sizes 70 x 70, To Special, yard Three only in Extra Special 3 only, extra 98¢ PRINTED BROADCLOTH 36 inches wide in tub fast colors, A few odd pairs of sheets in large double Special, Pair crrinisrenss MARQUISETTE Colored Dot Marquisette in white, rose, blue and gold dot, JERSEY DRESSES SILK TEDDYS cloar at, '08h .iiiirrerieenrsirrisrinns . 19 your choice, TE TR TA SHEETS $1.95 FARRER IIE REARRRRR IIIS Tc ORRIN IIIa ts sizes 16, $3.98 69c shrine PERRIER RNR good quality, Te BE HERE EARLY --~ GET YOUR CHOICE many yours, be earried out on shore, he stated, a Boven years of sclontific work had dvolved uw system of fast freesing that completely revolutionized the sling industry and opened up a murket beyond many hitherto believed possible, declared Professor: Gowan loch, The maintenance of this mar ket depended upon a. steady and ade quate supply of fish, possible only by alg the niost modern ishing meth ode, "By prohibiting trawlers, we are simply closing, the door to Canada's possible fishing development, while ut the same time we can exercise no control over the exploitation and possible depletion of these rich banks that are rightfully Cupadian, We shall simply drive the development of these resources Into: bases on the United States east coast, or in New. foundland, "There is an extreme and instant necessity for the general realization of this orisis and the need to form an International commission, so that these resouvoes can be controlled, "Wo must not only have jurisdle tion over the fishing on the western banks, but we must additionally pe cure sound, sclentife foundations for un program of exploitation and con servation, "A study of the age and classes of haddock and cod, of the currents and temperature, und of the food, must } be carvled out, a work properly for Lun international commission repre i sonting Canada, the United States [and Nowfoundiand, Indifference at | this time may simply result in Can ad's permanent loss of a magnifh cent opportunity to build up her | prosperity on the scientific use of { her natural vésources, and will at | the same timo contribute hot a bit | toward nny conservation of these re wseurces," | Some of the coins In use in the | Houth Hea Islands, we read, weigh | us much as half a pound each, It is almont impossible to avold earn ing big money there -~Humorist wa ---- sea -- vious record of 28.000 feet set the late Manuel Crosson, The took one hour, fifteen min twenty-five seconds. RN \ 1080, Pacific and Atlantic Photos, Indy : TWO TURKEYS FOR GUNMAN'S HOME COMING Hold Family Reunion as Al Capone Returns to Chicago Chicago, March 18-~The ttu far head of the house of Capone will be welcomed to hig mother's home at 7844 Prairie Avenue with on foast in which two 16-pound tur~ koys will figure, Mrs, Therese Capone, now. 60, 1s anxious to see her son. Then there Is Mafalda, the 19-year-old sister, attending the University of Chicago with her brother, Mathew, who holds that her brother is much wronged, 'for he is the most generous brother in the world" Mrs, Capone and her 12-year-old gon have returned from Miami for the homecoming, The Cicero chieftain will find a different nd~ ustment of the booze racket from the one familiar to him when he was suddenly tossed into the Phils adelphia bastille, Several f his friends have been passed on, quite abruptly and vielently, Among these are Pasqullino Lelordo, who was ambitious to hold the Riellian union but wae called upon by three friends and shot to death in his own home, John Seallsl, Albert Anselma and Joe Guints, who were notive as the alleged Moran gang oxeoutors and for a long time the (agents of Capone, ' are no more} {The trio were taken to the subd {urbs of Hammond, Indiana, and {all killed, He will find his machine guns ner, Jack MeGurn, happy and freed Ho beat the Indietment for the Moran massacre and, taking hid machine gun, he is hibernating i» the sticks, PATRIARCHAL CRUSTACEAN © LANDED AT BOSTON PIER Boston, Mass, March 18-~The Grandfather of all the lobstersland ed at the Fish Pler here was brough in by the steam trawler Boston Col lege on March 4, He was caught off Nantucke Shoals in 62 fathoms of water and weighed 30 pounds, Joseph Stinif mate, of the trawler, estimated hi age to be from 30 to 40 yedrs an was unable to account for his pres ence so far off shore, unless it wa due to the fact that it is the seaso when the lobsters change their she and Methusala (as he was christen) ed) went out thére on account o the hard bottom to await the prob cess, It ds very rare, he sald, to ge lobsters In that vicinity, When Methusala was measured hi was found to be three feet long, with a claw spread of 41 inches, Hi feelers were 21 inches long, Thi} smashed all records at the Bostof Fish Pier as the former champioy weighed only 20 pounds and was onli a little more than half the size of Methusala, 3 We read/that a New Zealander who played the piano for 118] hours without stopping, is coming to England, This country ig alwhyd very good to refugeps, Punch, 138 KING ST. W. For Quick Sale One Chev. Coupe MODEL 1928 This car is in Wonderful Condition The Best Bargain in Oshawa $450.00 COME AND SEE IT Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co, Ltd x PHONE 1160 | ~ Semet - Solvay WE ARE SOLE AGENTS also POCAHONTAS. - CANNEL And All Bituminous Coal DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 262 FIVE DIRECT LINES

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