Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Mar 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1930 PAGE FIVE 'omen # I I "Social and Notes for thé Social Column and other items of news for the Page should bear the name and address of the sender, Id be addressed to the t of St Hilda" Personal | Editor, or phoned to No, | sides of the paper. / Misses Clara and Ruth Peever of College; Toronto, who was address: | this city were in Toronto last week- the' members of Holy Trinity h last evening was the guest and Mrs, Jarrett while in end visiting. this cousin Miss Hind, Tuesday afternoon 4 Auxiliary of Holy Trinity = Church ik a the "Women's EDDY TISSUES ARE STERILIZED | i ter ¥ ' = x A snowy white Shoe lfised Tn we. In wre Seven ounces of Rollsof 750sheets. Seorilized § tissue, ~ "DREAD- 'EBDYS TISSUES | 'CANADAS FINEST ELECT any one of these Eddy Tisswes and you may be sure of Iwe things--a safe, soft, pure, Sterilized Tis sue; and value for. your money @ For all of these rolls are big valve rolls, And made fo o high standard that qualifies on Eddy Tissue for o plece In the well-appointed bathraom @ Ask for anyone of them by name =. = THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED HULL «= « CANADA Finest Sterilized . Served from compact fixture -- a sanitary, dustproof Cabinet -- in nickel or porcelain finish NAVY" 700 sheets of soft, safe, Ster- ilizsed paper. ~ EDDY 5 N (Ottage - COTM ' rapped, Steri- lived Roi. 3,000 sheets, full count, 6 | amounted to $45, held thelr regular meeting, A most interesting and helpful talk on Len. ten Benson was given by Sister Ma- "rion of Bishop Bethune College, Yesterday afternoon Mrs, Smith's group of the Albert Street Ladies' Ald Society had 'a very successful tea at the home of Mrs, Smith, Bim Street, The guests were received by Mrs, Cameron and Mrs, Smith, Those who assisted with the tea were Mrs, Eagle, Mrs, E, H, Peever and Mrs, Hornby, During the after- noon about 40 ladies called. The group succeeded in making o worthwhile profit from the tea, Mrs, Clara Baynes and her son My, Bob Baynes and Mrs, Baynes of Winnipeg sail Friday for Eng- land where they will spend a month with relatives and then 'make tour of the continent, : 'Mrs, Blewett, Harold Street, lent her home Tuesday evening for the regular meeting of the Alice Jack son Y.W.A. The president, Mrs, Myers, presided, Mrs, Bert Martin took charge of the devotional ex- ercises and read the scriptute les. son. Tt was arranged that the April meeting would be held in the form of a supper meeting with a special Easter program, A very pleasing duet was given by Wilma Crou- thers and RBerdle Fallls, Mrs, E. Wadsworth took np the first chap- ter of the Study Book, 'From Jeru- salem to Jerusalem." ° Miss Mar- jorie Blewett favored the audience with a plano solo. Reports from the Watch Tower Heralds were given by several of the members, Lunch was served at the close of the meet ing. Mrs, Blewett was tendered a vote of thanks for her hospitality, The Women's. Agsoclation of Knox Presbyterian Church held their Birthday ' tea yesterday afternoon and in view of "the weather, were very much gratified with the attend- ance, The tea room was prettily decorated with roses and daffodils, Mrs, Munroe, Mrs. Dunlop, Mrs. Hamilton, and Mrs, Parker received the guests, The Birthday cake held a prominent place and was lighted with five candles in honor of the fifth anniversary of the asseclation. Mrs, Dandy poured tea and Mrs, cGregor cut the * Birthday cake. T afternoon was made more en- joyable with musie from an Ever. ready radio, which was very kindly loaned by Geo. Alchin, Ltd. The Board of Managers attended in a body at 6 o'clock, Much credit was due Mrs. Sparks as convenor of the tea, The proceeds of the afternoon The regular meeting of the Chosen Friends' Lodge last even- ing was well attended, with al- most 100 members present, Alfred Skingsley, in charge of the initia- tion ceremonies, - introduced ten new members who are Mr, and Mrs, Albinson, Mrs, G. Law, Miss L, Morton, Mrs, H, Morton Miss De- lora Krantz, Miss Gertrude Rogers Gean Taylor; Keith Krantz, and Charles Greenman. A communication was reeelved from tho Hamilton Lodge with an FELLOW FEELING The new Swedish cook, who had | se © come _in ¢ Hold durine the + heli asked of her mistress: v pridefully. "Where bane your son? I not eing hem round no more." "My son?" replied the mistress, "Oh, he has gone back to Yale. I miss him dreadfully though." "Yes, I know yoost how you feel, My brother, he bane in yail six times sence Thanksgiving." . FAMED FOR FLAVOR AND "BODY" h, . | he v Perfect, ly ee ee ---- a pe DORE 0 =o ; 5a. 20 yi 8 Cup of Tea BLUE LABEL 38.. HALF.POUND ASTE Lyons' Tea. Taste is ©0207 the final proof. ' Any,doubts you may have had will be dispell- "1 Lied [There is no mistaking the flavour, - specially "blended, best quality Indis and Ceylon teas. § Their superior quality is evident before the bottle is opened! MCcLAREN'S INVINCIBLE . OLIVES In h 4 X . invitation for the Oshawa members to visit Hamilton and attend a dinner on April §. This was accept- ed, The Oshawa Lodge is staging an, "Irish Frolic" in the Winter Gardens on Wednesday March 19, Mrs, Marks will show her 'wells known wax works at this affair and the scene which they will represent will be "The Fairy Rose Garden." Prizes for the membership contest will be presented at the Irish ¥Fro- He, A motice was read from the Whitby Lodge inviting the Oshawa people to a dance on April 27, This meeting as rll of the Oshawa Order of Chosen Friends was very encouraging, The members of the North group of the 0.K.8. entertained on Weds nesday afternoon and evening, at the home of Mrs. T. Grige; Simcoe St. North, The afternoon with bridge and the evening there was euchre, The honse was tastefully decorated with daffodils and green carnations, The St, Patrick's idea was carried out also in the refresh- ments, The guests were received by Mrs, Grigg assisted by her mother, Mrs, Creighton, 7.D.D.G:M,, and Mrs, Saunders, P.D.D.G.M,, and Mrs, Elmer Shaw convener of the group. The prize winners for the afternoon when 12 tables of bridge ware playing went to Mrs, E, Gam. ble and Mrd, Stewart, Mrs. L.. Bone was awarded the prize. for low score, Ten tables of enchre were playing ju the evening and the gentlemen were present at this time, The prizes went to Mrs, Hawley,/and Mrs, Walls and Messrs Walls and Stephenson, The mem- bers of the gronn received many compliments on the success of this event. Young Pzop'e's Meet ngs | RITSON ROAD HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB There was a splendid attendance at the regular meeting of the Rit- son Road Home and School Club on Tuesday evening, The prize of one dollar for the teacher having the largest number present, went to Miss B.'Stinton, Mrs. J. Booth, the president, took charge of the busi- ness during which a report of the | last local council meeting was given by the club delegate, Mrs. Flekes, A vote of thanks was entended to Mr, Gray for his work in making the school rink a success this year, and also to Mr, J, Taggart who framed the picture that Dr. T. W, G. McKay presented to the school The activities of the . Ritson Dramatic Club that has been put- ting on a play called "Thomkins Hired Man" for several of the lo- cal societies this winter was duly noted and appreciated, They have singing by three boys, Jimmie fimart Kenneth Dobson, and Oak- ley Crawford, Another interesting item of the ptogram was the ren- dering of speeches by three of the contestants in the oratorical don- test, Mary Olenick, Helen Barker and Maxine Noble, the last is the representative for the school in the final contest on Friday, Fourth form girls led in the singing of the National Anthem, whch closed the meeting, - KING STREET HOME + AND SCHOOL CLUB King Street Home and School Club met on Tuesday evening with = the President, Mrs: George Morris, in charge, After the routine business there was. the roll call and it was shown that the prize for having the most mothers present Sent to both Miss Lyon's and Miss Mitchell's classes, The president proceeded 'with the programme. The first num- ber was a reading by Miss plois Mundy. Mrs. A. C, Cameron mezzo soprano sang two beautiful numbers "For You Alone" and "In the Garden of Your Heart" She was accom- panied .t the plano by Mrs, 8S. G, Carnell and Ms, N, Kinder, violin. ist, The speaker of the evening was Rev. Capt. Jarrett, judge of the Ju- venile Court of this city, He told how the court handled the boys and girls and the visits of the probation officer to the homes of these errant children, The officer secs that the children are placed where they will have the influence of the Sunday School or Boy Scouts, or Girl Guides. In following up these cases most of them prove to give yery little more trouble, There is always some cause for the failings of the ehild for which he is not responsible, It is felt that the work of the juvenile courts, by wise 'kind teaching could in time do away with the immense amount of crime which is so evident at the pre- sent time, The principle of the school, Miss Holmes, moved a vote of thanks to Cant. Jarrett for his very interests ing talk and to the other artists who assisted on the nrogramme. This was seconded by 'Mrs, Haverson. 'The nrogramme for the evening was in charge of Mrs, A. E. Garbutt. NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES Many styles to Choose from. Our prices are right. THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St, 8S. EE ---------------------- Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned contributed much to the club trea sury, and the pleasurd of their aud- fence. Mr. Richer took charge of the musical program. After a brief talk on the work being' done along musieal lines in the Oshawa Public schools he played a violin solo Then turned the program over to the children, who sang their choruses with a technique that did hearteduess that clearly showed how much they love to sing and how worth while it has been to train thelr natural talent, Mr. Richer followed the order In which he takes his ordinary work in school and each of his classes was honor to their trainer and a wal nterests in the Home --- and the Community Popular BABY Contest! Vote for your Favorite Baby ie 10 ist Prize $50 In Cash and 3rd S Prizes of $3 - WE ANNOUNCE this great Attraction to commence on Monday, March 17th Saturday, March 15th, 10 p.m., closing date and hour for entries. Don't forget. March 15th, photograph. dally in our window, 100 votes with every Dollar All Entries must be handed invby Saturday, accompanied with a Entrants 'must be under 3 years of age. Contest will finish on Saturday, April 19th. Progress of the contest will be announced recent ally. purchase, Customers must fill out the coupon persons No member of our staf will be allowed to vote, or to suggest voting for any one par« ticular entrant, Eaclpentrant will receive 5000 votes to come mence the contest with, Special values will /prevail throughout the Store during the contest to make shopping here well worth while, Weddings STONEHOUSE---BRANSTON Quietly last evening, Wednesday, March 12, 1930, Sarah Alice Brans- ton, of East Whitby, was married to William Stonehouse of East Whitby. Dr, Fletcher performed the ceremony at the Centre Bt, Church parsonage, The couple were unat- tended. ST. PATRICK'S DAY MENU The following St, Patrick's Day luncheon can be used as suggested or simplified to suit individual needs: Fruit cocktail, creamed sweet- breads in spinach nests, new potatoes, shamrock rolls, stuffed pepper salad, St. Patrick's dessert, angelfood cake, coffee, {rigerator can be tinted green before freezing. If double cocktail glasses are used for the cocktail, use this green crushed ice to fill the outer glass. Grapefruit sections are chilled in a heavy syrup and garnished with | green preserved cherries for the cock- | tail, Roll carefully boiled new potato marbles in minced parsley after dip- ping potatoes in melted butter, This coats the marbles thickly with green. Well seasoned and cooked spinach makes attractive green nests for the creamed 'sweetbreads, Cream chees is eombined with drained grated pineapple and chop ped pistachio nuts for the filling fon sweet green peppers, After thorough chilling, cut stuffed peppers in slices about an inch thick, crosswise of the peppers. Garnish with . cucumber rings cut on the shape of shamrocks, inas tl 44 it 'water came Ice cubes frozen in an electric re- | 1 had it more or less for twenty "I began using Cuticura , before I was Auburn, Nova Had Eczema on Limb For Twenty Years. Healed by Cuticura. "Eczema broke out in a rash on my about as large as a half do from it and the eczema spread until nearly the whole side of my limb, below the knee, was covered. Later it became dry and scaled over, and the irritation kept me awake nights. years. Soap and Ointment and they helped me and y Poalea: A SR Br EL TTR oe limb, 'below the knee. It was lar and itched badly, When I " (Signed) Mrs. M. A. Palmer, 3 = OHM, DEAR ,.. NO MORE LAUNDRY SOAP! HOW IT GETS USED UP! I'LL HAVE TO RUN OUT AND GET SOME IT LASTS A LONG TIME TAKE THIS BIG HOUSEHOLD PACKAGE OF RINSO, MRS. STEVENS . . ., A "apresented. One special feature of 'he program was some two part - 'WHY, MOTHER 7 / I'VE NEVER SEEN YOUR WASH LOOK SO SNowy - : THE GRANULATED 30A" NSo 1 ~ for the in tub or washer I'M USING RINSO IN MY WASHER NOW. ITS THICK SUDS GET. CLOTHES MUCH WHITER - Y is by the leading thick, so Stain reamy, so ¢ 5 loosen righ out, ripe avant and the. Blimiese cu . 3 Ld i OF NO rubbine) » (+) wondep 'sno imi isn'e leading safety ang for © LJ I'VE HEARD A LOT ABOUT RINSO. FLL TRY IT, whites, brighey, Use Washing, Washers If ou wang try Rink in ye see how clothes can ge 3 suds are so Mose d edges ng! Eve the m . whitest washes you ever saw/ SN SESE EE ES a Si Ga SR 6s 3 ee ------.,

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