Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Mar 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1930 . PAGE SEVEN | Latest News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges : Stocks Get Good Support In Light Trading at Toronto Toronto, March 10.--The rani ; | Trading Confined to a Few Prices i : {| Stocks on Mining Market cE a ® hots ser nls, ue Eustis | AMUSEMENT STOCK pT the only point of interest in an . H do 6-qt. basket ...0 00 #1 otherwise dull morning session on Grains and Produce Po vst imme + 0:00 #8 the mining market. 'I'rading was § Cauliflower wes: 025 confined to an exceptionally few Endive, dozen ..w...000 i i stocks and pmce changes were un- ] PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Spinach, peck ..e...0 00 5 important in practically all cases. (Buying ' {Mushrooms, per lb. ..0 00 "1 Falconbridge opened easier ai Toronto wholesale dealers are |Leatf lettuce, three for 0 00 34 ue by Hoo had recoverea - buying produce atthe following | Head lettuce, two for 0 00 0 $4.70 only, off a quarter from prices: Parsley, per -bunch ...0 00 Just, Saturday's Slose. sherritt | More Than Score of Issues o D§ss---Ungraded, cases return. | Cress, \brey for .....000 | | Gordon was inactive but firm at : ed, fresh extras, 29 to 30c; fresh |Celery, dozén .......125 || $2.81, while Sudbury Basin sold Gain From One to firsts, 27 to 28¢c; seconds, 33c. |Oranges, per dozen -..0 26 Off 10 to $3.30 and Ventures y to 12 Points Butter--No. 1 creamery, solids, | Grapefruit, each ....0 07 ih $be, o : Nickel Sei i 84%c; lo. 2, 383 to 34c. |Potatoes, bag .......2 00 ) nationa Nicke! after | uring cream--=Special, 38 to Cucumbers, each ....0 00 Bf] reaching 4 new high for the year| By STANLEY W. PRENOSIL |30c; No. 1, 37 to 38¢; No. 2, 84 to | Lemons, per dozen 0 23 8 of $42 on Saturday, was off au- Aswveisted P hiv Financial Editor. | 350, Bananas, per dozen ...0 25 te other 30 cents. to $41 at moon. | NCW orf, Margh 10--The stock Cheese--No. 1 large colored, |Apples, 6-qt basket ..0 00 4 Noranda was practically unchanged market moved into new high ground paraffined and government graded. |Cal, green peas, 6-qt 0 00 at $41.55, and Hudson Bay defi- | for the year today in a broad buy-[20%c, Green beans, 6-at. ..0 00 nitely in the discard as far as at. | ing movement which started with the | poultry Alive Sel. M.F\ [Green Peppers, 4 for 000 tention was concerned, amusement shares and quickly | Spring chickens, over & Ibs. Turnips, bushel ------ a spread to the steel office appliance, 25 29 32 | Apples * bushel U 1 Whites Rout building material, merchandising.| Do., 4 to 5 Ibs. 22 25 98 Leeks, 6-qt. basket --.0 00 Stock Market Prices i Marke; Summary by Canadian Press ; ) i sc mm--] Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by Biggar and wiord, Alger Buil and file of stocks traded on To- Ciawitord, Alger Bu ding, Ostnwa WHEAT MOVES ronto Stock Exchange mariet J = Te moved within a narrow range as Mex. Sbrd. 28 28 UPWARD AFTER trading recommenced thig morn- Mt, W. " 6 / ing. The speculative element paid Toronto Stock Exchange he ud 47 Ey but scant attention to the fall in Phil. Pet, 35 34 3 . Ph. Sr. N.J. 96 95 5 wheat price in Winnipeg, no at- Radio .... 52 50 pe | tempts being made to initiate a Stock High Low Cloge | Simmons .. 62 60 1 hear movement, But while stocks ta Sin. Ofl i 24 24 9 were well supported all along the Bra oil 38 3¢ St. Oil N.J. 34 41 . line, such support was of the re- Can 4 int 88 8% Utd. Air. .. 67 62 * sistant rather than the aggressive Cockshutt 19 19 U.S. Steel 183 180 p Wheat Close Cent to 5-8c type, buying being an acceptance Cty. Dry. 46 46 Woolworth 67 65 . of offerings and not a demand Dis, Sgrm. 8 § |YelL Truck 21 20 : Lower Than for them. a ; Dis, ng 3 5 Fam. Plys, 12 70% International Nickel again led rn 22 | Money rate 335 rer cent Saturday t* |the market but the stock was not Hr. Wal 9 p 80 conspicuous as last week. Open 1 be or 4 4 ing slightly lower a. 41, it fluc bly N 1 y 40 ; : tuated within a narrcw range, sell- nt. Nkl. 41 41 EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOCK (By Canadian Press: Leased Wire) ng off fractionally at one time Int. Pet. bd 19 East Buffalo, N.Y., March 10-- Winnipeg, Man., March 10.--|only to quickly recovér ana hold 1nd, Ales, PY - Hogs, 4600; holdovers, 500; fair-| pack to its year's low points, | up tirmly at or better than the A 2, 13 nds 34 ly active to all interests, weights | wheat refused to sink into new low | opening price. Noranda was more a, 13 3 aio e 259 Lhe. and bigs 19.30 rents ground today and rallied from the active has oa Saturday and ti " H is a8. . * v a 3: C ars strong . ov 1y- BL ._ | price ¢ iv. ! : food, tobacco, oil and motor issues Do., under 4 1bg. Pineapples, each ....-0 00 Mc Fit 2d v4 ye igneht Igiery steong jo 10e nig bottom to close 1 cent to 3 low I climbed glow} Natives With Knives x ug 1 he game ut) unevenly 13 22 26 | Tomatoes, 1b. ..ewwe..0 00 Pg. Hr. g 46 96 65: 230-270 Ibs. 11.15 to 11.50: |<" than Saturday 8 closing quo & it distri uted, more than ree score Hens, over 6 lbs, 27 26 «+ | Rhubarb, bunch ....0 00 S. Station 47 17 Alibi r bE oo 1 tions. May deliver Wheat W hic 1 : TE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 155185 Hore elevated 9 new pea Do. 5 lbs, ....26 26 ++ | Horseradish Bel. 1b ....0 00 : packing sows, 0.00 to 0.05 "U7 | hgd fluctuated within a narrow | WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING prices for the year on advances ran- Do., 4 Ibs. ....24 «+ |Egg Plant, each _._..000 Cattle, 1000; trade less sdetive] Fuge during the morning, sti uck Winnipeg, Mar. 10.--Wheat: ! ! > "1a small deluge of sellir orders | May Se to jc lower at $1.08% t + Cape Town, March 10.--The long- ging 1 1 ; % oj | ! \ ging from 1 to nearly 12 points. Do., under 4 lbs. 1 bers . ; Standing Toate! between the Euro- |: Some irregularity developed dur- 1 22 Suawbethes, i xsl 4 ; Standard Minin Exchan e than early; ste dy to oak zood at noon which sent the price down | $1,094; July, Ze lower to. un Ban i ative elements of the | jng the morning when selling pres- | O1d roosters ....19 3 Radish, 4 for .--...000 : 8 8 steers and yearlings, 1 fv io 13.110 $1.07% a bushel, equalling { changed at $1.10% to $1.111: Oct. 5 4 Anes yesterday | sure was renewed against Simmons | Young ducks, over i, 1bs. Green Onions. doze 000 50; hulk, medium and short feds, | is geason low mark touched on | unchanged to %e lower at $1.12 to j ai tue village ot Rawsonville, near | c, i : p » . Green Onions, dozen 11.25 to. 12.75; fat cows, 7.50 tO| February 25 " : . : | Worces ; wt Co., which broke to a new low and 29 32 ++ | Bitter Oranges, dozen 0 00 dh . op | February 25, $1.113. Oats: May, %ec lower to | Worcester, 1n the Cape Province. | several of the public utility stocks, Young turkeys, dressed ig 1. - r : '4 co Xt 000 . | Abana 112 112 $8.50; cutter grades, 3.756 ta 6.26. onehanzed af to 507 | Nine Europeans and several natives which declined 1 to nearly 3 points. | 40c. i ! Parsuips,. 11-ob. bs "| Amulet 150 150 : Calves, 1100; vealers strong to Good resting orders were reach |g Up, of onanzed at Sc 10 were injured in a clash precipitated | Lowering of the call money ratc| Guinea fowl, pair, $1.75 -- Big Mis. 57 57 50c higher: 16.00 down. ed at the bottom levels, pushing | fe, ERer lo unchanged 2 | by a meeting of the African National trom 4 to 3 1-2 per cent, coupled Selling) uss HAY AND STRAW PRICES De, Mns. 780 7 8 Sheep, 7,000; lambs generally | back values about a cent. May |®"3" i | Congress. is with the announcement of an in- Toronto wholesale dealers are Wholesale dealers in hay and| 'alcon. 470 5 b 25¢ higher; good to choice, 11 25 | closed at §1.08%, down 1 cent for Some Europeans visited the as crease of 11,000 tons. in the unfilléd | offering produce to retail dealers [straw are quoting shippers the fol- | Holl. .. 570 : 57 to 11.75; few 12.00; m mn and | the day; July finighed off 1 cent sembly and asked the natives to| orders of the United States Steel|at the following prices: lowing prices for carload lots, de- | He. Oil $80 § | strong weichts, 9.75 0.75: (aL 1.10% lo 4 $hd the October FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE | disband. When they were walking Corporation last month, stimulated Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons. }livered on track, Toronto: Hy. Gold 86 ; 85 clippers, 10.50 to 11.00 jlitere, qown Hoclosed aL ¥i11% 9 roomed brick and shingle, all away trom the scene, their mission | (he afternoon recovery. 88c; fresh extras, loose, 86¢, | No. 2 Timothy ovis 15.00 15.bv | Hd. By, 1250 25 1! SE ------ bid. conveniences, on iin Si a failure, they were suddeniy. show- U.S. Steel Common, after yield. | firsts, 34c; seconds, 30c. No. 3 Timothy ..... 13.00 14.50 Lk. Sh, J 227% 2275 Wolf Von Dewall, foreign editor Moderate buying by seaboard| | py,,mony large lot, hen house: ered, without warning, with a volley ing fractionally to 180 3 8, ran up to Butter--No. 1 creamery, prints, | Wheat straw 11.00 ....|Nrnda, 4175 5 i 'he Gorn hy Frankfurter | houses with foreign connections! l'qouple garage. Small cash pay- ag aid other missiles, 183 1-2. Youngstown Sheet and}39 to 40c; No, 2 creamery. prints, Oat RAIAW Tee 11.00 -- Su, Gr. 280 <i = Zeivens, hn > Eh on oat sive was noted as the market made its | | ment will prof or will Pw} » Thin) Ruropeatie,, hough, gugned, Tube, which is engaged in merger | 38 to 39c. ee he | 8d Bs, 340 d ! leet tour in the.United States un-| break for lowe r levels ; but export for Oshawa property. : and rushed the colored men, | negotiations with Bethlehem Steel, Cheese--New, large, 23 to | TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS | Tk. Hg. 635 538 1] der the: auspices of tl League of | sales were very limited ver the DISNEY REAL ESTATE : who drew their knives. Fists proved ran up 8 points at 150. Vanadiumr|23%e; twins, 23% to 24¢; trip Grain dealers on the Toronto | Ventures 192 194 Nations Society. | week-end. i ' ites . more than a match for knives, how- | \ca¢ marked up nearly 5 points to a | 18ts, 233gc;. stiltous, 27c. Old | Board of Trade are making the |W. Hr. 185 ehuiitie by : = ever and in a few minutes the en- | high large, 29¢; twins, 20%ec: triplets - owl Quorations for car lots: | Wainwell 7 raged whites had chased the natives i and cuts, "30c; old stiltons, 31c © oe 3 wheat No. 1 North- | from the scene. CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING | Poultry ' Dressed [orn, $1.113; No. 2, do, $1.09; | 4 hts : Chicago, March 10.--Wheat: | Chickens, 5 Ibs. up 35 No. 8. $1.06%: No. 4, $1.04; No {lB Mother (shaking empty savings |ngar, 1,07; May 1.118; July 1.083: | Do. 4 to 5 Ibs. ....... 33 5. $1.01; No. 6, 73%c; feed, 70¢ New York Exchange i box) : "Tommy, what have you done | Corn: Mar 773; May 818: July Do. 3% to 4 lbs, .. 30 (elf. Goderich and Bay ports), @iwith the money in your bank2" 843; Oats: Mar 42; May 43%; Do.,8to 3% Ibs, ..... 29 Manitoba oats--No. 1 feed, bic; Tommy -- "Yesterday was a rainy | july 43, Hens, over 5 lbs. .. 32 No. 2, do, be Ia "los Wday, so I spent it." memes Broilers: ......... oe BAO Tamariean comn--No. 2 yellow, ] Stock High Low Close i NEW YORK EXCHANGES Ducks ......... . 83-34 | 940: No. 3, do, 91¢; No. 4, do, 87¢ | \mer. Can. 142 141 142 : New York, March 10.--Forelgn | Turkeys .............. 45-48] Militeed. delivered, Montreal | Am. Fr. Pr. 91 91 a Bong A aoa Dis. Geese ...c.ovnevvieess. 26:28 freights, bags included- Bran, per Balt & ohlc 119 18 8 Great Britain 4. =16; na- ------------------ an OF. orts, per ton, $35. |B E 0 ~ . dian Dollars 13-32 of one percent. PROVISION PRICES A a ' Cn. Pac. 204 201 204 Sod ASSETS $42,134,903 SURPLUS $7,298,650 discount. Totunts Whilegale dealers are | Ontario grain. Wheat, $1.05 to ghrvaler, ; 3% : : c J ' a -------------------- quoting the following prices to the . 50 to 5c; barley, 62 | V8. GS. 2, 17 og ontinen ; Hughe Montgomery Knatchbull- | trade: 31:10: outa. 30 os parle g0c. j Col. Gra. 29 : : A Budget Not A Burden" y FFICE Hugessen, a counsellor of Embassy,| Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 4 YC ------ Dupont ... 131 2! : That's the vide of u pamphlet DISTRICT O has_been appointed British Minister | 28 to 35¢; cooked loins, 48 to 52¢ | CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES | Erle Rail .. 59 58 ; fy Haus tie tile 9 5 pamph/es .« 31 King St. E. at Riga, Reval and Kovno, in the | smoked roils, 28¢; breakfast bacon, Chicazo, March 8.--Open .com Gen. Fds. 62 52 2 I AO a Dituey. Bloc) % ' Baltic provinces. 30 to 40c; backs, pea- 36 i - ch shippings eggs. | Gen. Mot. 43 : 3 . Pp pea-mealed, 36 | mitments-- March ippings egss, | pen. Mob. | oo : HE OFFICE: by adopting a Budget System. to 40c; do., smoked, 46 to bbe. 132: March storage eggs, 11; April CCR CO MHOC ONCE NCC COC CHOCO CERO ONO OREO HN OMEGA HES CTO OoMOooONMcCIaMRKS occ conte | Jns. Man, 2 Lse, Wis. 66 a 4 R PRICELESS Pork loins, 29%ec; shoulder, | eggs, 33; Nov. eggs, 212; April | Int. Com. 4 [ p TORONTO. NADA 3 20%c; buts, 27c; hams. 27c. butter, 10; Nov. butter, 34; March | Int. Tele. .. 68 8 X £5 Gained 10 Pounds wit: 10, Nor. babe 2 TORONTO, CakaD Cured meats--Long clear bacon, | butter, 370. PPORTUNITY 60 to 70 lbs. 24¢c; 70 to 90 Ibs. Two market receipts-- Butter to UST LOOK forward a score 22¢; 90 to 110 1ba, 21c. Heavy- | day, 17,665; last year, 24,208; da of n ays weight rolls, 40c; bill vig y § i years, to the time when your light-weight | eggs today, 53,319; last year, 34, children will be ups. Can rolls, 25c¢. 329 It Senami glowny bain : Lard--Pure tlerces. 1de; tubs,| Chlcago spot market--Butter, | Fark i Svil at wil 2 going Some HY help 3340: pails, 16; prints, 16 to | extras, 86c; standards, 36c; tone | us en Ld 3 7a C. firm; eggs, graded firsts, 23% to vibrant movie record of them as »| Putting on good healthy flesh when | Shortening--Tierces, 18¢; tubs, | 24c: tone steady. they take McCoy's Cod Liver Ex-|j31.4. pay) ; 3 H e | _ they are today--to flash on your tract Tablets. 4¢; palls, 14c. New York spot market--But- | home screen at will? Chock full of vitamines--the kind TE -------------- ter, extras, 36c; no tone; eggs, The priceless opportunity to that are extracted from the livers of | FARMERS" MARKET firsts. 26% to 26%c; tone steady make that record will not al the cod--the kind that are a real e following are quotations, re- | to firm. ways tail, In effect on the St. Lawrence Movements at four markets-- Stop toda help to frail, rundown, anaemic be yours, y= while skinny men and women. '| Market, Toronto: Butter, net out, 368,693; last year you think of it--for an interest. Try these sugar coated tasteless Produce net out, 119,820; eggs, net im, A ing Ciné-Kodak home movie tablets Shee 30 Ey they don't help Eggs, extras per doz $0 50 to 0 00| 8,100; last year, net out, 165, 4 demonstration, See how easy greatly get your money back. ; do firsts, per dozen 0 45 0 ; ; --_ : : and inespensive it is to have One woman gained ten pounds in Butter, dairy, per 1b 035 5 TORONTO LIVESTOCK 1 erne & n home movies the Eastman twenty-two days. Sixty tablets, sixty do creamery, per Ib 0 42 Toronto, March 10.--The trade way. cents. Ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mit- Tae on the Dominfon Livestock IKx- \ chell, W. H. Karn, or any druggist | Carrots, bus N+ smal 00 change this morning opened slow \ ury ove for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab-1 .do-6 qt. .. 000 5| with prices holding steady, But- lets. Directions and formula on each { Beets, bush, .eee..000 cher steers ranged from $9.00 to SHA % e % King E. » Simcoe 8. | ox. Brockley, bunch .....000 35) $10.25 and baby beef sold up to Phone 28 Phone 68 "Get McCoy's the original and 0/6 qt. . eee cna. 000 5| $13.08 for good ewes and weathers, genuine." ; Brussels sprouts, qt. 0 00 5147.00 to $8.25. 7 aia -- Calves were steady at $13.50 to In addition to the advertisements of the big department stores, of the SSE ---- re--mmwsws 714.50 per choice, illi i . Hogs were unsettled with pack- || § grocery and hardware stores, of the millinery, clothing and shoe stores, 0) ¥ 1] . LOB, or | . . yacon or $13.25 off car. a there is another kind of advertising that is being read more and more Lambs were steady at $12.50 tc | oe . . 13.00 tr good ewes and weathers, by readers of this newspaper. That kind of advertising is the Classic THE MOST ATTRACTIVE "quotation: or. Sued.light ewes. | ig fied Columns - . Cattle receipts '1920--Heavy || [if : : HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER ter Se got 16 Choon, 44 i : A man or woman wants a job. They read the "Help Wanted" col- INVESTMENT AVAILABLE so0d, $9 to $9.75; butcher Steers; 3 umns and probably insert an advertisement of their own under "Posi- common to fair, $8 to $9; | . : cher heifers, good to choice, $9.50 ; tions Wanted." Employer and job seeker soon get together to the . . to. $10.25; butcher heifers, fair red H 3 N every pointyield, seeutit and to Bood, 39 to $9.60; butcher || ig benefit of both. A man may want an automobile---~possibly he can. "res ee heifers, common $8 to $9; butcher ho ¥ ' 0 T profi Sef 'B : h ® in Powe cows, good to choice, $7050 to not afford a new car, so he looks in the "Used Car" columns and finds rust 'bonds © eauharnois ower $8.25; butcher cows, fair to good, . . : has } Corporation are the most attractive $6.50 to $7.50; canners and cute just the car at the price he can afford to pay. Some one has lost a He fo-Bleerric Power investment avail- | ond Hi bi Tg Mr 9 pocketbook, valuable papers or even a pet dog. The "Lost and Found" # B50 to 87; feeding shuts, good, ") columns soon bring loser and finder together. Their yield, at the present price of 100, 1580 to WEIN aed store fair, $8 to $8.50; stockers, : : i is 6%. : Frat bic. Fr CF The Classified Columns are so arranged that any one can readily find ity is assured by contracts with the | 38,25; mileh cows, , "J : : . Rivne Electric, Power Commission "of i100: soringers, choice $40 to ; what he seeks quickly-- business news, Mace and ods, hoe Ontario and with Montreal Light, Heat HL retelply 360--Gcod. 104) E/ hold goods, horses, dogs, cats, canaries, etc. They enable you to and Power Consolidated which alone cholce $18 to $1460; medium and || |E¥ locate what you are looking for in short order. So in reading adver- . : i [I F $9 to §13.50; grassers, §6.50 . s dive provide earnings more than sufficient to to $0.60, Eranserecy : tising do not overlook the classified columns--the individual adver. " pay the estimated operating expenses | Hogs receipts 500, No quota- x . ; : The Beauharnois sectionof | and all interest and sinking fund charges Hla, ciceitis. Sdmitiond aWe (@ tisements do not take up much room, but like the meaty nut they may She St. Lawiénes River * of the present development. - and weather ixmbe #izse to $15; | |g contain a big kernel in a small shell--just for you. 4 patents Profit possibilities are contained in their medium, $1 L500 312) ehh | 2000000 harsenowsr, Sb attached warrants which provide a bonus DE igh Sets in EAE IB - | LIE . of 5 Class A Common shares and the right heavies and bucks $6.50 to 87; If lig READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS FOR development is now under culls $4 to $5.50. YOUR OWN GOOD. ' .CLASSIFIED COLUMNS AS WELL AS construction. We shall be to purchase 20 Class B Common shares fad to ord vous disp | 1 With sash $00 band. anu icaco nny, | 1g : tive booklet on request. We recommend Beauharneis bonds for bite Kansas reports telling of need || [Hl DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS of rain, wheat averaged lower in § | ; : i ent. investment - . prige early today, A depressing in- fluence was the fact that Liverpool quotations showed new downturns | DoMINION SECURITIES (ORPORATION || [Fr ashi ing Buchabged to 1% off, Chicasa p a -_ mn " | wheat future contracts = rallled VANCOUVER "NEW YORK LONDON somewhat but then sagged again. Corn, oats and provisions were also weak, with corn starting a to 414, down, and subséquently declining, further, ; : A . -- \ ¢

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