Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Mar 1930, p. 11

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THE C WRAL" where, Optometrist C. H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, specialist in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Eye Strain, The Chilg and Its Development, Dis- ney Block opposite Post Office. Phone 1516. : ets ¥ For Rent FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms, light, heat, gas and bath- room, 20 Maple St. South, Phone 799W. (58¢) jn SES | IN ALL parts of the city. Also unfurnish- ed rooms and flats, Murdoch, 2 Warren, 3027J. (58¢) i h L bright unfurnished rooms. Apply 93 Hilleroft St, Phone 3263J. (88¢c) Wanted To Rent WANTED--3' OR 4 ROOMS, UN furnished, centrally located. Box 485 Times. (58b) Life cannot cheat me these Though all I love have fled. --Jegsic L., Beattie, in Blown Leaves. Help--Wanted Male EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. Must be able to use typewriter. Male preferred. Apply Box 480 Times. (57b) AMBITIOUS INEXPERIENCED men allowed fifty cents hour, learn- ing best paying trades. Engineering. Electricity, Garage work, Chauffeur ing, Bricklaying, Barbering, Hair- dressing. Literature free. Write or call Dominion Trade Schools, Last- ern Headquarters, 163 King St. \V,, Toronta (33-39-45-51-57-63-69-75) " ---- Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF 18 HEAD OF Holstein cattle, registered, the pro- WANTED TO RENT--3(X ROOM perty of S. A. Burgess, on King- ANTED TO R T--3SIX Mt ston Road, East, of Oshawa, lot 23/4 brick house, "Central. Hardwood | Gui. Tuesday, March 11th, 1930 at floors throughout. French doors. 3, sharp. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. i ; rte Reagongble rent. Apply Box 394 | de Mason. clerk (36¢) | ns anadian investments abroad at 'imes. (58¢c) Re. i = ----ce.' | the end of 1928 totall 579.074.- WANTED TO RENT--FIVE OR Fla ALE d 25 AUCTION | 000, or ding Finn og 31, ho i ; Sa 25 horses and 25 milk cows | estimate, Of (his ar 74,626 os Yoom HOUSE iy Stato Tora) for jad stockers the property ot JG 000 is Vavessod ia tue Dalit Dee: : 2st . Pinos "7 }blett and' Clemens, eastern limits of | $131,915.000 in Great Britain: rent, Apply Box 491 Times, Oshawa on Kingston Road on Wed- $572/533.000 in Ea rails 214 nesday, March 19, 1930. Sale at 1. o'- clock, sharp, Geo. Jackson & Auctioneers, (57b- a Legal $ CONANT & AlINIS, BARRISTERS Solicitors. Notaties Public. Etc. Con- veyaucing and general practice of Law. Offices 73% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conaat, BA LL.B.: A. F. Aanls, B.A, L. B. FRANK ©, LBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor," Notary Public, Convey- ancer. Money tohoan. Third floor ew Alger Building. Opposite Post il Office. Phone & W. . N. SINCLAIR. K.C. BANK i" of Commerce Building. JOSEPH ». MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- 'Vrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 14'4 8 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445 ' Residence phone 837. "i GRISRSON, CREIGHTON AND 08 Fraser, Barristers, Conveyancers, 8 Notaries Publle, ets. Office over Standard Bank. FRutrance Simcoe St. Phone 18. J. FB. Grierson. K.C., ) 7. B. Orelibicn, BA, N. i . f Fraser, B.A, i WMTOUIS S. HVMAN, BARRISTEL. i 88Soliciter, Notarv, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simeoe Rice north, . Phone 67. Residence iat amat-------------- Slogan of U.S. prison reformers, is "a radio in every cell" Over here, we might make it a stock ticker.-- Toronto Telegram, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. wos | STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. 2 ' cers, sul-Sivigions, . own Yaniv, This rule hes been found necessary because of expense and St. E. Phones 2532] or 2544. loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts a -- . f of this nature. Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East. Ambulance. Residence. 542 Sim- coe street porth, Phone 210J and SOW. . OSHAWA BURIAL. COMPANY 87 Celina street. - Oshawa. Corner Bruce street. Ambulance. Phone gALED TENDERS addressed to the uo. Soa and endorsed Tender for Ese lanade Wharf Reconstr , Darr, will 7 zoceived ul 12 eles Hass arca 20, , for econ « r rivciay, | Espianade whari, at Cobourg, by suinberland unt hl = 25 bo "lans and form of contract © a 4 specification and forms of tender ob- tained at this Department, at the offices of the District Engineers, Lyuit7 Building, To- ronto, Ont., and at the Post Office, Cobourg, 11 not be considered viless 'made ed by the Depart~ ith conditions eon~ (Feb, 12-1 mo) struc seen For several years Canada has led the world in aerial surveying and last year consolidated that leader. ship by applying, for the first time in any country, aerial methods to geodetic reconnaissance and trans- portation. Around 70,000 square miles were covered by aerial photo- graphs last year by the Royal Can- adian, Air Force and the Canadian Government Department of the In- terior. Engineering and Surveying 'Tenders wi : on printed forms suppli ment and in accordance W ained therein, 5 gi 3 tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered ank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, per cent of the amount of the is of the Dominion of Canada oi the Canadian National Railway will also be accepted as securit: a cheque Hf required to make { (equal to 10 For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same. ' {<p a : 4 Note.--Blue prints at this d cheque { ih it of returned if the intending bid regular bid. | By o "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE 19 Kiilg St. west, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INS cE consult R. N. Johes, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance 'vants at- tended to and your :nterests pro- tected. wm : . (55D) v. DESJARDINS, caer. WANTED TO RENT----FIVE OR ; six room house. All conveniences. Apply Box 490 Times, (58¢) Room and Board BRIGHT FRONT BEDROOM TO | rent, with or without board. All Department © Ottawa, Feb Son, : Available borsepower 63b) | '1s 20,197,000 hor conditions of in Canada | power under | | rdinary minimum | flow and 32,113,000 horse power . . . : ; Notice of Registration of | under conditions of ordinary six | months flow. Only about 6,000.000 Bylaw ; horse power has been harnessed. ---- | tan The first Canadian woman Sen- en on. gE ---- BGREER AND IIUMPER BAR risters, Solicitors, eic. 24!4 Siricoe St, 'N. Phote 2160. Meney to loan. ALEX C. HALL, B.A, BARRIS. ter, ete. Conveyancing and general practice. 22% King Si. East i hereby given that a (te) Notice is a 1 33 wldg. Oshawa t Phones 759 Oshawa, #824 an] 71 r 3. i J. PARKHILL, fete. Money to loan. Alger Bidz, op- iliposite Post Office. Phone 1614. Fhone 3237. "HARRIS & HAREIS, DARRIS 41 Alger Port Perry. Port Perry te. and ters, Solicitors, (Feb, 3-1 mo) BARRISTER R. McKAY, PHYS "Wgeon, Medical "PHYSIC Office AN, SU! and resi- Accoucher. 'Xlence, King St. Erst. corner Vicroria St. Oshawa, Phone 94. i b DR. GRANT BERRY, P Surgeon, infants and k E Mand R. HAROLD W. TRICK, PH /SI- ian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Special references to tnaterrity worl eases of women. Two vear braduate experience. Office and resi- Hence 167 Simcoe St. N.. (cor. Erock) hone 302 Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. COLE- man's, 85 Bond West. Specialists fo furniture moving, storage ware- house and moving van equipment. Phone 82. CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. local and long distans haulipe. Phone 3048 aud 2692F, Smith acd Coz, 387 King st. . OSHAWA'S lished furniture movers. car age. Local and long Frank Cowle, Pron. 63 Soutk Phone 215. OLDEST ESTAB- Park Road distance, Yark Ri (Feb. 18-1 mo) MOVING GRAVEL, I and long dis- fT. 22-1 mo.) CARTAGLE, sand and cinders. Loca tance hauling. Phone lock, 215 Bloo Sib- HYSICIAN Obstetrician, diseases of children. Office 2 esidence, 97 Bond East. Phone 11355 R. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- an and Surgeon, special attention iven to X-ray work aud Electro. heopy. Office, Disney Elock. Phone 2050. Office open 9 a.m. to 12 a.m, Residence 161 King East. Phone 2416. R. DAVID ARCHER, fl. RR C P. and S Hl Dffice 142.Simcoe St. N residence-161 Kir DR. Surgeon, Obstetrician. Office and HY Fesidence; 512 Simcoe street north. Phone 2415. M.D. CM. Edinburgh. a. . Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. . Phone 3020. E, Phone 3153. "PHYSICIAN, C. W. CAI id Surgeon an ¥ BR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI- d Qbstetrician, office residence, 185 Simcoe Street, Vorth, phone 3107. i i R. J. G. FERGUSON, PHYSICIAN nd Surgeon. Specialist in kidney nd bladder diseases, Brock and fary streets, Whitby. Phone 179, hitby. (Janu. 30-1 mo) r, Nose, "Throat Specialist DE. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR § Btreet West, Toronto, will Le at his fice over Jury & Loveli's Drug H Btore cach Saturday, from 1 till 4 .m., for consultation aud treatment bf diseases of car, nose and throat only. Appointments mav be mad. at rug store. Phone 97. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. EF. RICHARDSON. OFFICE ver Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours 0 to 12 am. 2 to 5 Evenings by ppointment. Office phone 2660 ] Residence 432]. LS 304 S-- Dental JR. S. J. PHILLIPS::OVER BAS. lert's. Special attention to X-ray ork. Gas ~~'ractioni : Nurse in at- endance. Phone 959. House 1312 YR. H. M. COOKE. 9 €IMCOE ST orth, over Mitchell's Drug Store J ork. jas for exiraction, Phone 54. : R. L. E. HUBBELL. DENTIST. itrous oxid oxvgen, eas for extra. ons. Office Bank Bid one 948, residence, 1378M. ' R ) F. BROCK. DENTIST, 16 imcoe St N. over Dewland's. hone 1957. Res. 292W. Lvenings by [prointment. IR Ww. BH. GIFFORD. OFFICE tegent Theatre Bldg. Phone 17 esidence 60Y. : JR. LnNGMAID DR. DAVIES. dentists, 37 King St. E. Special ats sntion to gag extraction and X-rav ork. Nurse in attendance. Phones RENT--MOVING IS or hauling 50 Local and long Cartage. Phone (Feb. 28-1 mo) WHY PAY cheaper, moving cents up. Try us, distance, Lagle 280. Work Wanted For Rent RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to osder. We save you money. [stimates free. G. A. Con! stable. 74 Mechanic street. Phone 15051. (5611) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and deliverzd, 75 cents. If ren- tal supplied $). Batteries repaired. Stan Blideon, 20 Mill St." Phone 1886W. (Feb. 14-1 mo) JOBBING, CARPENTERING AND general house repairs, cabinet making furniture repaired, refinished and up- holstering. Phone 2598]. (Feb. 18-1 Mo.) YOUR ROADWAY, cinders and general trucking. Graham, phone 2621M. (Feb, 24-1 mo) HOUSE ALTERATIONS, HOUSE- hold articles and furniture repaired. Upholsetring and refinishing. Sign painting and card writing. The Handy Repair Shop, 27 Bond St. E. (331) vp sand, Chris FIX gravel, Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENI wave, Special $5 and §7.50. -Finger wave and shampoo $1. Facial .75¢. Jair cutting 25c. Phone 2968 or 85 Simcoe North. - EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham- poa $1. Phone DRY CLEAN NG, PRESSING, DY- ing, 121% Kirg Street West. Phone 500, (Mar. 8-1 Mo.) APARTMENT.--JMJUDERN, HOME like suites. Some furnished, laun dry, conveniences, ¢lec dryer, ete. elec stoves, elec refrireration, hot water year round. Phone 1550 or 2347W. (8tf) FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- ern suites, including electric refrig- eration, stove, laundry, conven': euces, elc.; continuous bot water supplied. Applv Supt. 'phone 3671, vr The Trusts and Guarantees Co. Ltd., manager for owner, Toronto. (370) TO RENT-- TWO FURNISHED apartments, one large and oné small. Phone 2671. = (Feb, 22-1 mo) FIVE ROOMED HOUSE FOR rent, with all conveniences ana «garage. Apply 554 Oxford stroet (531) BATH ROOM FLAT TO RENT-- All convenfences. Apply 64 Hill. croft. Phone 2007M, (531) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS ALL conveniences for light housekeeping. 352 Jravis St. (56¢) Building Supplies CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE-- To Insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdale, phone 1618. WATSONS BARBER AND Beauty Shop. 9 Celina St. We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar. celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents. For appointments phone 2653. (Feb. 15-1 mo) MADAME MARIE, LATE OF Paris, France and T. Eaton, To- routo, high class beauty eulture at moderate prices, Disncy Building Flat No. 1, above Dr. Tuck's. Phone 376. (Mar 5-1 mo) Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH- er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Oshawa Tussday, 512 Wik liam street v-est, upciairs, Phone 2754F, (129tf) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading violin teachers, is in Oshawa on Thursday afternoons studio 86 Elgin St. E. Phone M. Studio 86 Elgin S 2 Foote 7354 HERBERT ¢C. TRENEER, OR- ganist and choir master of King Street United Church will accept pupils in piano, organ and vocal mueic, For particulars apply 60 William street east. Phone 2896. (Mar 4-1 mo) LEONAKD RICHER, DIRECTOR of music, - Oshawa: Collegiate and Public Schools. Studio--47 Gibb St. phone 1984J. (Mar 6-1 mo) Radio Service Articles For Sale MIXED HARD aND >0F1 WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. Phoue 1288. (Apr. 26tf) FOR SALA --HAEINTZMAN Co. Ltd., planos, new and used planos, also radios, latest models; terms arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 1656J. oo ana FOR SALB--PLAYER PIANO, rich tone, good as light touch, new, $500. Cost $800, Phone A561) 2065W. FOR SALE MILLER ~ OIL First brooder, 250 chick" capacity. class condition, phone ohr2. (0 NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- piture bought and sold. Also local and long distance hauling. 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1817M, (Mar 7-1 mo) FUR- FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD niture. Apply Apt. 2, over Ward's Store, (67¢) FOUR BURNER MOFFAT ELEC- tric stove. 16 feet cable, 38 Bruce St. (7c) Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN availabl¢ for fir t mortgages, located residences, Dradley 29%; Simcoe South (upstairs). . (Feb. 25-1 mo.) FUNDS on well Dros. OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AC- cessories for sale, repairs op elec- tric and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re- charged. rental supplied. $1. Phone 8350]. Charles Wales, 146 Elgin Epst. (Feb. 6-1 wo) RADIO SETS: TESTED FREE OF charge, expert repairs.on electric and battery sets, prices moderate, satis faction: guarantéed. Datteries re. charged 50c Jelivered, Geo, Bur. roughs, certified radiotrician, King Strect West. Phone 382-11. (Feb. 11-1 mo.) Wanted To Buy MR. JACOB BUYING SECOND hang cars, old batteries and radi- ators, Phone 3198. "(March 1-1 mo) WANTED TO BUY-- A CLE in good condition, also sleeping tent, Apply Box 480 Times, WANTED TO BUY--GOOD SEC- ond mortgage or agreement. Reas- onable discount. Horton & French, Times Bldg, (8c) Veterinary 243 iC 804. "7 Architects CG STENHOUSE -- GENERAL itectural work. Second floor, pussit Bank Buildiug. Phone 149%. es. pnone 909]. MSON ANC JOHNSON, AS- Simcoc St. S heiate architects. Public Stenographer iver Felt Bros. ARID WM, HILTON, 74 SIMCOE treet north. Phone 1600, Speelal ates for malling lists and circular (Mar 1-1 mo) Home Cooked Meats ENGLISH HOME MADE PORK ples, steak and klduey ples. hot or cold brawn, sakes and pastries, etc., etc. Frank Drakes, 21 Maple #tveet. Phone 2372F. (77th Tailoring PAUL VERLAND, BEST AND most artistic clothes maker in Osh awa for fieh os Sars: 'Prices fair and reasonabj v3 Simcoe St south. Phote 1583W. mes She (Mar. 1:1 mo) Watch Repairing TA VON GUWIEN, EXPERT wiss watchrakér, tvepair shop at 174 King Street West. Your pats mace is solicited Cet © Auctioneer FONE 716). W. |). SULLEY EY sctioneer, 346 Simcoe Sc $ 3 8." n sell your odd pieces of furniture hd other articles at our yards, 41 ing St. W.. Oshawa, Ontario, TAI ORING--=ALL KINDS OF RE- pairs, spring and summer suits fo eanuse. your own material made up 0: King West. Phone 509. ps, Ig (Mar, 8-1 mo.) DR, SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseasos Domestic Ani- 1 zJs. Cat and dog hospital, 203 King W. Tel. 629, ' (Mar, 1-1mo) Mulching Paper Reports from users of Mulching Paper in Ontario say: "We had a goel crop in spite of the dry sea- son"--"We had cucymbers long be- fore our neighbors, melons and toma- tocs were carlier and yielded far more than ever before" Send for FREE SAMPLES. Write Halliday, Box 212, Hamilton. (56-59-62-63-68-71-74) Contracting CONTRACTING = CONC EE 31 i¢ or alterations. - Hemstitching NING GENTS PER YARD, PLEAT- ed Skirts, one dollar, alterations, ete, All kinds of beautiful fansy work on sale. Mrs, Dell, 261; Sim- coe South, Phone 16568, (Fel. 18-1 mo), RG LE, rhanger, 'painting and ' greining. ks right, i. ranteed. 340 Pine Ave, phoue w or A07w. (7a) 1 I Phone 139 for gstiraaies [AELARE FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR UN- furnished rooms and bed sitting room. Also garage. 165 Ritson Rd. S. (55F) conveniences. Private home, Close to Motors offices. Apply to 318 Athol street east. (56¢) ROOM AND BOARD IN QUTET | comfortable home, private famil central, phone 192¥] (56¢) | COMFORTABLE ROOM WITH | board, central, fiy 4) corners, also pian - age; na nall -childr 484, '1imes (57 ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE young man. Apply 43 Elena St, | or phone 2426. (7c) FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM. All conveniences. Phone 1778W or call 216 Alice Street, (58¢c) ROOMS TO RENT--WITH OR | without board. One minute walk | from Textile or Fittings and close | to Motors. Home privileges, Apply | to 63 Harold street | ¢ minutes f (58a) | FURNISHED ROOM WITH USE of sitting room for two young | ladies or gentlemen. Board if de- | sired. Also garage, Phone 1113W, (58D) Room and Board Wanted YOUNG MAN DESIRES BOARD | and room with private family, | Home privileges. Box 493 Times. (08a) | { { FIVE ROOM HOUSE AND BATH, furnished, 287 St. Eloi street, $30 per month, Apply J, Fitzgerald, 116 Division street. (56¢c) FOR RENT--BATHROOM FLAT 2 or 3 rooms. All conveniences. P*ene 774W, 140 Tylor Crescent. (57¢) FOR RENT--7 ROOM BRICK house and garage. 39 Bruce St, ow (58¢) TO RENT -- FIVE ROOMED house on Prince street. Apply 34 Elgin west, (57th) TO RENT--TWO ROOMS, PART- ly furnished for light housekeep- ing. Phone 2717J. (56¢) 0 RENT---3 ROOMS ON GROUND oor, heated, telephone, water and light. $15 per month. §6 Gib- bon St, (56¢c) TWO OR THREE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, Every convenience. Call at 123 Huron St. Phone 711M. (56¢) 6 ROOM HOUSE. ALL CONVENI- ences. (Garage. Rent reasonable. Apply 275 Verdun Road. (58¢c) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with bath, Apply 72 Ritson Road South. (58¢) FOR RENT -- ) house, All conveniences. Phone 1767. (68¢) TO RENT--SIX ROOMED HOUSE, 319 Celina street. Apply 211 King street east. Phone 135W, (68¢) TO RENT-- kh A three rooms. All conveniences. hardwood floors. 315 Jarvis street. Phone 1116J, (58a) Wi MS TO -- nished or. unfurnished. Phone 15686J, (58b) == =m == | Pets and Live St | JAMESWAY HATCHED CHICKS/ rom, trap-nested breeders, S. C.| White Leghorns, barred rocks, \White Wyandottes, Write or phone for cat-! alogue, Oshawa Hatcher | d Poultry | Farm, 144 Park load North, Phones | 13377, 1337F. (Y¥eb, 15-1 TWO GEESE AND ONE GA for sale. Apply E. Tattersell house. | North Oshawa, (58b) Real Estate For Sale 5 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE ON | Palace St. All conveniences und fu nace, also chicken house and garage. Posssesion April 1st, Apply WW. H. Sturgess, Palace St, "Whithys (56¢) FOR SALE-LOT 30x135 on Rd, North, Phone 920 r 2 mo) / Nursing EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL nurse, with reference, open for en- gagements March first. Maternity or general nursing. Phone 742M. (Feb. 18-1 Mo.) PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERN- ity, invalid, or general nursing. For information phone 1298]. (Feb. 24-1 Mo.) Position Wanted YOUNG LADY WANTS HOUSE- work, experienced. Edna McCann, phone Brooklin 105 or write R. R. No. 3, Oshawa. (56¢) GIRL WOULD LIKE HOUSE- work. Experienced. Phone 2960J. (68¢c) Furniture Repairing Rates for Classified Ads. | First insertion--134 cents per word, Minimum charge 30c. Each subsequent consscu: tive. insertion 1c per word, Three consesulive {inser tions for thy price of two first . (nsertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge fur three i , 60 cents, Box number 10c additional Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or lesz; 10 cenls a word per wonth for each additional word, : TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 85 Ask for Classified Ad Department 'and repaired, Prices moderate, phone | street, FURNITURE RE-UPHOLSTERED 1436M or 2830W, Ceorge Lemnee, (Feb. 11-1 mo.) Motor Cars GET YOUR CARL WASHED AT Dominion Garage, §8 Bond street west, Phone 3198. All cars at one price $1.25. (March 1-1 mo) 1929 CHEVROLET COACH, LIKH new, $600. Phone Whithy 78, 'Oshawa 418, i (58a) OLDSMOBILE 1029 COACH: Driven nine hundred miles, $1000. Phone Whithy 78, Oghawa 418. (58a) For Sale or Exchange WOULD LIKE TO SELL OR hX- change a late 19290 dump truck for a car, part payments, Apply 215 Bloor, St. E., Oshawa. Phone 2730W, a ra SRR Lost and Found LOST--PERINGLSE DOG FROM 2793 French street. Kindly return to this address or phone 1953M. Reward. (57¢) -- S D WRIST watch between Jarvis and Bond Valued as 'keepsake. Re- ward, Phone 2458 nr 264 Jarvis street. (58¢c) j after | by-law, No. by-law, No. 2001, was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa, on the dird day of March, 1930, providing for | the issue of "debenture to the amount of $325,000.00, for the] purpose of constructing and equip ping an addition to the Oshawa Collegiate Institute Technical ichool purposes, and that such by- law was registered in the registry | office at Whitby, County of On tario, on the 7th day of March. 1930. Any 'motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first pubiication of this notice and cannot be made there- 8 3 ¢ for Dated the 10th day of March, | 19350. HARE, Clerk. (58-64-70) F.E Notice of Registration « of By-law Notice is hereby given that a 2002, was passed by the Council of the Corporation of | the City of Oshawa, gn the 3rd day | of March, 1930, providing for the | issue of debentures to the amount | of $72,700.00, to pay for Trunk Storm and Sanitary Sewers, and that such by-law was registered in the registry office at Whitby, | County of Ontario, on the 7th day | of March, 1930. Any motion to] { quash or set aside the same or any | part thereof must be made within three months after the first pub-| lication of this notice and cannot | be made thereafter, Dated the 10th 1930, day of March, F. E. HARE, Clerk. | (58-64-70) | 2 | | NOTICE TO CREDITORS | IN THE: MATTER OF THE | ESTATE OF ELIZA ARNOLD HEWSON, late of the City of Osh- awa, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de- mands against the late Eliza Ar- nold Hewson, who died on or about the Ninth day of February, A.D. 1930, at the City of Oshawa, in the Province of Ontario, are required to send by post prepaid or to de- liver to the undersigned, solicitors herein for Edwin Arnold and.Gor- don Daniel Conant. Executors and Trustees under the will of the said Eliza Arnold Hewson, their names and addPMeeses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts ana the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, And notice is further given that after the 1st day of April, AD, 1930, the said executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the sald assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Oshawa the 1st day of March, A.D., 1930, CONANT & ANNIS, Barristers, &c., Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the said Executors. (52-58-64) THESE SHALL BE MINE These shail be ming Saved from th' increasing dead, These shall lie close to me When all T love Lave fled. Warmness of earth; Touch of the falling rain; Kiss of the flying wind; These I shall know again. Mist of young leaves Hung from a willow bough; Scent of the autumn fires; Glint of a moving plow. Virginal snow Roofing a sleeping town--- (Frail hands, ifke shattered dreams, Fluttering up an! down). My heart the frame, ; Days of the passing years, Fadeless in color, trace Laughter and human tears. These shall be mine Saved {rom th' jucreasing dead, ator, Hon. Cairine McKay Wilson. is the mother of eight children ranging in age from 20 to 4. Prior to the appointment there was doubt as to whether women could legally appointed {o the Senate and the on was carried to the Privy THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC | which he!d tha women were persons and therefore entitled About ¢ million meals a year are served travellers by the, | Canadian Pacific--that is to say, 27,000 meals every day or 259,000 | every week. This gigantic total is | made up of about 4,200,000 in din- io Final Clearance of Men's and Boys' Overcoals DOMINION CLOTHING CO. 68 KING ST. W. hone 2141 We Deliver fng cars and station restaurants: 4,450,000 on Atlantic or Pacitie steamships: 1,350,000 on inland and coastal steamers, and 5,500.000 in the company's hotels and bungalow camoe GOOD USED CARS Are Sold by THE ONTARIO | MOTOR SALES | i Hi li { # F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber #ind Wood Yard I'hone Oshawa 824 Whitby 12 LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. S, Phone 909 } | | HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS floors finished like new. Ola windows, combinatfon Storm a HARDWOOD FLOORS AID Electric Sanded and Finish. ed Complete W. J. TRICK CO., LTD. 25 Albert Street _ Phone 230, 281 | | | err meer a General contractors. B. W. HAYNES, doors. Residence 180 r 2 | | 161 King St. VW. Phone 481 «A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenses LOANED ¢ Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidential G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS AND DIS. COUNTS LTD. Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. hone 1082 Felt Block Room 6 Phone 2790 Expert Watch Repairnig BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sts. Specializin | Disney Block EYESIGHT SPECIALIST lusively in muscle esight and glasses. 1516=Phone=1518 Opposite Bast Offs y v Don't perm seasonable . LUMBER THE BACKBONE spinal trouble or rickets, That is the effect that unseasoned, inferior lumber will have when the frame- work begins to warp and wear, sag or spread. You can rely on sound, shawa Lumber COMPANY. LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North Telephone 2821-2820 rd OF THE HOME it your home to develop timber here at all times.

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