Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Mar 1930, p. 3

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~ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1930 PAGE THREE NO WARNING GIVEN DRIVER Cl AMS Car Was Dragged Fifieen Feet by Locomotive -- Chief H. Gunson Investi- gating ? S was in jier it occurred ani administered { the employ: of the te. Honorable | | pit birt s This is the of day he tel | W. H. Gibbs, hav [iret aid te the injured men until -- . : ~ . ® ° [] Kaie : 'n BOY SCOUTS. OF STH! BRATES DIAMOND umn Ee GOOD PROGRAM AT Car Sideswi ed Frei ht 8 k J : | | suest artists last night. Prospect Stroat, which has serv: | mend jubilee of its founding. and Peasant," which was well g i fouse : i . made a strong speech in the Hous this story was the conversion of tion by musician Broadbent. One of the oldest and most re (By Staff Reporter) i his state-| 1; 3 ie av The scene of the story, a typical awa cases in support of = his state _ All the industries of today are Ys ! p life h talnment. Their numbers were was well-known, having lived missed death by a fracfion when tion towards that end. observed today by one of the great- [ful capture of these two men, that t crossing here at 10.10 and the real question that is before} Loo ned amd on account of their age |dreams are so realistic. and terrify- it 1 hease adjoining the railway tracks, Prime Minister (Mr. Mackenzie| ®ar 20 one of those who stand for [his desire to become a Boy Scout. ; ) s | L. H. Marshall, of Me-' Rs ful gelegtion, which showed tl ir be killed and regarded their escape what might be termed party poli- red citizen by the Dominion, and |of the audience witn his clever act- march, "Lights Out," the huter- | will not be intenfional on my part. If qe, in view, T submit that we should | joo of time had been spent in pre- election "11 Trovatore," and 'the | | they approached the crossing thew 4, when at London the Prime Min- icible to receive the pension at Yan So, ; | E be ipa be eligible in| Loo much praise can not be given CHARACTER STRESSED ; : | alm aiis approach. Their vision of the tracks ' isan audience "he i is 3 | O:-hawa that he selected a partisan audie of five years, Whether that' idea is credit fo people' much older than | Preacher Disputes Statement ELL TELEPHONE A At his residence, 120 Elgin street | gyreet, Jogcasion was somewhat along parti- "In regard to .he dependents of Scoutmaster, called for the first ftem | audi rage \ Does Not Prevent Wrong, ly to the response from his audience |; Con 4 odes of returned soldiers [solo given by M. Gouldburn, ise [ | statement g¢hat the country should do er of resistance had all gone. Today |gave an interesting and enlightening by special services which were fea ly, where they have resided i=l car was terribly smashed the announcement, although I must | or child be considered somewhat [two huinorous 'songs, A: Wa: Small, the pastor, was in the arrival of Dr. R. F. MacLaren, ~ ' ' T In A ) AN : ; ccomotive at Dundas | tJ) i 1 ow SPLENDID CONCERT SUNDAY CONCERT St. Crossing of CNR : t. Crossing of CNR. A N J i 3 Favi in: Pensions |. Marks Presentation of | Verland Were Guest ; e roy Shanges i ; yo A W ARMAG : Play Artists A. C. Davies and John Bur. " 'Provi or ore 1 . b The band of the 34th Ontario | pil, . {Cy . Leon Frazer, secretary of the ||cnce, the 5th Oshawa Boy Scout Regiment, under the directorship ji Ave., Toronto, Missed Ex-Service Men Oshawa Motor Club, this morn- || oop, presented a splendid concert 1 Ty Death by Bare Fraction-- CE : | its- splendid concerts in the Regent | CITES LOCAL CASES motorists ariving Ju the Ely ot Satrday. Righe, ' £1 Pheatre last night, to a large and! hy A The 5th Oshawa Troop, one of the Seri | gram was, to a considerable ex- erious Troops in the city, were assisted in tent, the same as that played for received summonses in the past |i¢hcir concert by several well-known February. 19, with the addition of Who Died i Oshawa the limit in that city. The speed ferent numbers were excellently giv- several numbers. Mrs. Owen D. 2 m limit in Toronto is twenty miles ||.) 5,4 received with a great deal MRS RE nT to avoid trouble he ||cert was the play given by the mem- | | y FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The program opened with the From Her Home well within this limit as the |. ¢ o5 the Troop. The play, which This is a view of the Kirst Baptist special gervices yesterday, the fgtirring march, "National Anthem,' po i very close watch on auto driv- play, dealt with the "making" of one. ed this city for 60 years. At! played and was well received by of Commons last Thursday during | city which is as absolutely indus- T hon Iw f 1 the audience. A cornet solo, "Kil- the debate on.the question of more | iafi7eq ag Oshawa, 1 have had occa- iy AD Jeon w Preterre N A sympathetic treatment of applications | <0 ¢5 observe, and. I agree, that reading stories. about Qodthirgty ' : : ; for pension by war veterans and there is a tendency foday not to em- pirates, to being a member of a ars 0 onore iS or The vocal selections by , Mrs. spected residents of the city,| . Whitby, March 3.--Two men, A. Friend and Mr. Verland blended | (oh, = pagued away quietly on |C. Davies and John Burgess, botn ments, Dr. Kaiser made a strong ap- king for voung men; they desire [Boy Scout' Camp, provided a swt- ir : peal for changes in the Pension Act, ng for a reasons. The |able setting for the entrance of two nn S awa Ie the duets, "Guide Me 0. Thon here for the last fiity-seven | LN€IT car a DeSoto coach . side- Great Jehovah," and "Forever with years. Two of his six sons, Wil- | 5Wiped the locomotive of a south Ls 2 fu t the Lord." liam R. and George C., are bound Canadian National Raile The speech made by Dr. Kaiser, as | (¢ triends of the returned soldier in |Tenderfoot Billy Brown earns the | . ° ! quotéd in Hansard, is"as follows: Canada, fifteen vears have gone by [respect and admiration of his chums. f bone solo "A Dream," with much | au, t "I would like to make a few obser-| oo 0 tha soldiers came back. They |Tominy Mollycoddle falls asleep | feeling. The climax of the éven-| -- o'clock this morning, As the car was reached in the | struck the locomotive it was drag- the house and the country. 1 rea-1:"uo ore dificult and is every day ling that on his awakening he de- | Inspiring Services Held Yes-' lize that we are requested by the getting more difficult to place them. [siroys his story buok and expresses » Hi t Which Prof I I anes i] 1% T ; erday a IC) oressor {splay their interpretations of the! ) saw the accident ex~ King) to~be careful in our remarks| principle that the returned sol- The play was very well executed, various movements of this beautl-| a J ted that both occupants would and to cull from them any vestige Of | gio. should he regarded as a prefer- leach player earning the admiration reir | ; : : . J 1 3 | 4 'rained sense of musicianship. The | rons serious injury as little less tics. If I intrude in the domain of | 'hen we frame our _ legislation we lino The boys, showed . clearly by Master University, 1 Was han a miracle, party politics, 1 wish to say that it} 4014 veep that in mind. With that [4 excellent work, that a great the Spceker | 26270, "Shades of Night," the] b Tie men were driving cast on f y | uncas street and etated that as had the opportunity of listening over} oi. our old age pension scheme t2 ation" 3 : abili eng - ' , "Roc! Azes." completed | : : A A oy paration and surprising ability was wmn, "Rock of Ages," completed 1 ; ; the radio on the night of December | i iq." that a returned soldier shall |g O by. every actor in the play. IMPORTANCE OF GOOD he program. { Two Sons Are Prominent dia not hs a r the train whistle nod t Ba : ) -- : . {| ing its Dell, neither did they see ister first introduced this Juestion 19 65 instead of 70 years of age: My, ypoge hoys as they put up a per- { Buciness Men of i sare the people of Canada. 1 observed | iper words, give him a preference formance that would have been a t oe » the north was cbstructed by a to ix k ko. | Shanot a acceptable to the hase or not, 1 am i %Y house on the north side of the of the' fact tha Pp personally heartily in favor of it. After a few suitable remarks, thé | ~ That Kaowledge is Virtue Y, | west Wm. Allchin passed quictly a ae the Tioight train 4 ' j : "ha / >i AP . ' : ) : yy A e froig rain drew 0 san lines; but while 1 was pleased the returned soldiers, those of us who Chairman, W. L. Pierson, District Declaring That Educztion ? { i va Sunday ihorning alter a week S f the crossing, Davies, who i od with many of the remarks the Prime | Jo 0" qi0a] men have been con- pe Jor tc A te f illness. Mr. Allchin was born i {the wheel of the car, applied all of the program, which was a piano | Ke England. of English parents, | E: A NDER'S RIRTH Koh gland, of Fe 1 parents, { the brakes including the emerg- : : ) | on April 28, 1831. e to Car eney, This prevented 3 in regard to the remarks that he who were attacked, some two or Velma Harris favoyred the audience | Doing | ada in May, 1870, an t 0 | being struck hl v Hy a fram made on that occasion, and pernut | 0. vears after the armistice, by |with several recitations that were ie | Scarboro w on | 373, | motor vehicle caught the side of something further and more Subs their. widows and childrefi are in ab- talk of the formation of the Boy |tured by 'inspiring micssages from, GEV. A. W. SJALL Born on March 3, | uonsly since that time. Mr. i Chief H. Gunson arrived at the tial for the returned soldiers, at] colute meed. '1 believe that the de- [Scout Movement, "Carman Hughes | professor 1: H. Marshall, instructor | Pastor Bf the First Baptist Church, 1847 | has always been: an ardent Jorti scene of the accident a minute af- say 1 was sorry that having Observed orably* by the board. 1 have int C. "A, Toaze gave two songs that charge and large eongregations were |clered, there would be a strer phone worla--the afmversary of the | flowers and greenhe HSCs, W for Both ¢ thought to , 4 Rs a 3 tata i 3 ga i 4 wl i CS, 1 are th it t g these conditions. for so many yearSgiging thé case of a man who entered fwere much appreciated. Geo. Hood present both 'mor ng: and evening. [ing of character. Bric fly 1 pirth in 1847 of Alexander Glsaham | 37 was employed by minor internal iors Toteived for a distance of fifteen feet Minister made, I also listened intent- | gee "ith a certain situation, We me to say the words that received some trivial disease, and who were |very well received and given Jn a | The difmond jubilce of First Bap- { he 1 i Ja Robert ; j the locomotive and was dragged for was to me a great delight. pendents of the soldier who died |gave a piano solo. Scoutmaster K. lof theology at McMaster University | which 13 celebrating its dinmond | turist and for' twelie years | he had not spoken in this way at the arMy late in life, almost at the | leased the crowd with two cornet Declaring that reliion and life were [to the importance f character ar } fle the Bell System Hag is, of late: V F. Cowan, ir the st §0ss complained Of 8 bad beatae ! course, flying from the telephone | pac About cight | ak i . soldies an : : Irs . y an- : nN ; woh . Ars: 380 ° opinion of returned soldiers ai d years in France, returned to Can made a big hit with the crowd. ifessor Marshall, in ls morning "se it is this mor: rs ty which |huilding on Victoria strect, and the | re from active work \ $ chest, Davies alsn'said that his ' [thougnts of everyone connected with | since taken keen 'enjo chest had been huri, Their condi- Dose SHORE Whom 1 hive bad the ada, and received a Jicharge itp. Before tne play commenced, Scout- | pon urged his healers to develop [distinguished man iror beasts, oO Y 3, tha » av r y disabiiity whatever, |... r Tor rave I " aga | ind . - 1 "wr " han Ara yi Lael Or BIOL : M en up this question a num- out avin free re a became le We I ity herp lg | Shaver, i Can power aud ty Je Late 3 Phen [he tele Phone, 5) a ath et v a er 1 hl a Da regarded a3 suriong, b is 1 at- i has idemie + ng ve more useful lives through the in- bea 1 than goo a ¢ Bree ve and philanthrop- vest, wherc a avies per of Y The BE tet Of ol oe ang died influeiiza tpidemie 1n ing artists for their gencrous help. nye of Jesus, Without religion {and everything else in the world is |ist, ! friends who visited him seldom left | brakes it is Prasat ie fue SP Indicated Re and fo the Can: I Mg age of thirty-five | He alte Bhanked Mr. A. M. Robin- |existence would be dull and purpose- [subordinzte to jt" | In speaking to The Times: this | without receiving a favor coming train would have caught adian people that behind the move- | wear died in that. influenza epidemic, [S20 (OF MS valued Sag! Stan ce In ar- \jess he stated while g'religion which | Professor = Marshall urged {morning, Mauager tiack, of the Bell | ers. As a member of the m | the car at the crossing and the ment there is a great volume of pub- People beyond a certain age who ranging the stage and lighting effects. did not influence the lives of men Low ¢ people in the congregation to | 1elephone company said, the world | church, Sons of CTngland i I- | result would probably have boen lic opinion. Wherever we go Ji yore attacked by the disease nearly Special mention, was niade ot He. was a vain and useless: thing. consider the importance i [today pays tribute to Alexander Gra- | fellows, he, will be remembered as | more serfous. The crossing fs on Canada today, everybody is of. the | .y escaped, 1 shall not enter into a Sharpe, ol the Mason) Ra bio Shop, | The speaker . quoted from/ John ter : : , |nam- Bell, not only for his epoch-| a quict unassuming, but good living the W hitby-Lindsay branch of the 'opinion that we should be fairer in | Scientific explanation of that matter who kindly loaned the Com dinativh 10:10, where Jesus says that he came | When choosing a life pariner, let imaking vention of the ; telepaonc, brother, a ady to assist u|C.N.R, and the * freight train was our conduct towards the returned here, but I say that this particular Phonograph ind Radio, which sup- [inte the world to condemn the world {cha cer be your guide, 1 said, [put for his hfe or devotion to the | friend in not traveling at a high rate of soldier. soldier was unable to withstand the plied the "Band" music. but that men might have life and |["for it will prove of more ue than | service of his tellow nien. The cause Oshawa ; speed. : "As I understand this debate, our | gicease because his strength had been | 3 The Cast, F have it more abundantly, {mere physical attr nes of the deaf was of more moment Yo | Mr. @lichin settled here. He has| Chief H, Gunson is making a gemarks are to be noted down as a undermined by his war service. I The following is the cast of the Importance of Character | How nccestary s the speaker | him than the development ot the | seen many changes during his fifty- thorough investigation into the ac- the closest] telephone, and he © consecrated -his | seven years' residence here, cident to determine its cause, L OoTONHO [vien a Narrow SC at it rossin . 2 Aas $4 2 . : of Need War Veterans wl | > y : Fine Acting by the Boys | Mrs. O. D. Friend and Paul | ; : A gess, Both of 42 Montrave 'Sympathetic Treatment of Before an almost capacity audi {of T. Dempsey, played another of ing issued a warning to Oshawa ||a¢ the Rotary Hall, Centre St. on | i ; Injuries Not Considered pA " J | appreciative audience. The pro- 'AS ILLUSTRATIONS os oi h lig glib adi most energetic and liyliest Scout eral reside [J ct . the Oshawa radio broadcast. on Tells of Widow of Soldier|| tree or four days for exceedin® |ijocal artists and although their dit- . 4 : | Friend and Paul Verland were the Threatened With Eviction | 22 hour and Dghaws Motorists of enthusiasm, the feature of the con- Toronto police are keeping 2 really consisted of a play within a Church, King Street Kast = and congregation celebrated the dia- | '¢ollowed by the overture, *'Poet WE > : Dr. T, E. Kaiser, M.P,, for Ontario, | gpg; || Fenderfoot Billy Brown, and within larney," was given a good 'rendi- | WILLIAM ALLCHIN ir dependents. Citing some Osh- fter a certain period of [Scout 'Iroop, ; ee Bie AN the t nicely into the evening's enter- sunday morning. The deceased | °f 42 Montrave Ave., Toronto, and pledged his support te any ac- | ¢ idiers are getting old. As has been | "poachers" and it is in the success- Musician Lee played the trom-| prominent business men of Osh- ways freight train at the Dundas vations in regard to the resolution | "00 ov mich older than when they [while reading a Pirate story and his ing's program y d i overture, "The Bridal Rose, for] was here that the different sec- LJ yt and piled up near the side of the flag man to warn them of its - the most vociferous applause was his swept out of existence 28 their pow- [capable manner. Gordon Rooney, |yist Church was marked yesterday Alexander Graham Bell Was I'h ov ) awa 1m a distance almost 7ifteen feet, The "As i Canadian I was glad to hear | Shain S50 oF three years after the |'verret delighted the audience with and fine music by the choir. Rev. | Tablier, ¢earlier date. It appears to be thei a... fimit He served two or three |golos, The Boys imitation of a band {the complement of each other, Pro- |defined it A noe and Daingin thet anf oeon guide to the committee that is to be | think his dependents should be con- |play. The boys range from the ages | [f Jesus touched the life of a hu- | added for parents te 3 font. appointed, in order 'that they may | gideréd by the board. Only yester- of twelve to fiftecn, R. Way and HH. | an "being, Professor Marshall de- (Continued on Pag time and energy to the great neéd, As well as his beloved 'wife Janet, Trains approaching the crossing draft a bill that will meet the situa- | 45y | received a letter from the city Hutcheson being the only exceptions. He was largely instrumental in per | of their family of cleven children {are supposed to stop and whistle tion more satisfactorily. Upon that | 5° Oshawa stating that his widow | Patrol Leader Don "Miller . | fecting metnodsf or teacmng deaf | he is survive 1 by six sc ns: Freder- unless a flag man has been sta- bill, and upon the situation as J see was in danger of being Yirows out 2nd Patrol Leader .. Reg. Jichaitls How Did March and dumb children and was gomstant. ick \ . of i "Athert Ee Berl tion2d to warn traffic, it 1s said. t ave just one or two suggestions | oy the streets because those upon [Sam . 1 rake . . OBITUARY ly fighting the' battles of these uns | Amboy, N.J.; Frank, Orlando, Flor --e to make. Nothing very much was | whom she was dependent were out Joe .,.. Lloyd Harding | E V | jortunates before public boc so | ida; Ben J, Vancouver, B.C.; Wn HA said in regard to the returned soldber | of employment, pi she was unable [Alfred , Fred Little nter? erdict | " that provision 1 be Huds. for | R., Oshawa; George C., Oshawa; al- Cc RGE BROCKVILLE until the memorable statement made | ¢o keep up the payments on her |Tenderfoot Billy Brown Bill Bridges | 'Lik Li ' ¢ RODD them in schools, colleges and other | so three brothers, Albert, Surrey, MEN WITH STEALING by Sir Arthur Currie, to a gathering honse, A condition of that kind is |Two Poachers . ASM. R. Way S IKE a on ! institutions. The worla s most emin-| England; Arthur, gn Saskatchewan, f the legion in a western city. From | ng¢ creditable to tlie people of this and A.S.M. M. Hutcheson -------- One of th wtsand most im- 'ent exponent of the mechanism' of | and Earnest, Lansing Michigan. OSHAWA AUTOMOBILE "that moment everybody. began to | country. It isnot right that the wid- | Bloodthirsty Bill ...Gordon Rooney 4 Maret sin Mik Jams | Pressive fuucrals ever to be held | speech, he stands in equal' import- Mr. Allchin will Be greatly missed think of this question, particularly i | ows of soldiers who died a year of |Cyttythroat Cam Jim Elliott Did » ach come in tke a AMD {iy Oghawa was witnessed on Sun-| ance as a leader in a world crusade | by his many friends and lovers of Howard Bradley and Reginald regard to what has been called "the | {wo after the war. should be thrown | yrchwater Pete .... Kd. McDonald [OF # lon? This is a question | gay when final tribute was to better thé wellare of the deai | flowers. Jackson, both of 'Brockville: wore burned-out soldier." Coming {rom | on the street because théy are un- [pyc Eugenie. Kearney whieh has been disturbing local to George, Cameron Rodd, aged 22, | child, The funeral service will be held | arrested in Toronto yesterday by s | weather authorities, On Saturday | or Brooklin, and a well-known bar- In 1830-81 Dr. Bell perfected his | from his late residence, 120 Elgm | the Toronto police, for the alleged The Bishop Murder Case Basil Rathbone Leilla Hyams Roland Young "undreds were thrilled al. ready with this marvelous production. ADDED ATTRACTIONS Ee RP A NewMartin ~ NOW PLAYING the army in good physical condition, absolutely iree from disease, but hc| General Motors of Canada, who is had never been trained to march; he lone of the best known Canadian had never been accustomed to the lgportsmen, has bought from C, J. drudgery of the trained soldier, and | pitzgerald, Havana, Cuba, the in a few months difficulties arose be- [brood mare, Star Pal and her filly cause of the training, which difficul- | ¢5a1- able to' meet the small payments on Yommy Mollycoddle Carman Hughes their homes, 1 believe that cases of that kind should also be considered. "I shall not go into all the cases that I have in mind. Every medical |! ; man has a list of cases which he de- sires _to--bring before the committee fop-consideration: I have in mind one soldier who was admitted into | BUYS MARE AND FOAL R. 8. McLaughlin, president of ties are not .covered by the present | phase additions to his already fam- Pension Act. able him for life. r covered by the present act. [I think He is now about 10|5uyg gtring of hunters will be undergo an operation which will dis-| brought to Parkwood, his Oshawa His case is not | egidence. cases of that kind should be also con- |HAWK AT SCARBORO sidered. Scarboro', March 3.--Poultry farms "I am prepared to support either jon the Kennedy Road yesterday re- the amendment or the original mo- {ported the presence of an unusually tion so that our Pension Act shall [large hawk, which has been hover- be amended to cover a greater num- ling around for the past 24 hours. ber of cases, and so that the board | ts early appearance on its destruct- will consider the cases that we bring [ive niission is taken as an indication before them in a more sympathetic |o¢ the arrival of spring at an early manner. We haye all had experience |4a1e Sunday afternoon the bird was before the heard, and we mew ha reported rover Sandown Park, near 4 oe are confronted with the law. The the Kingston, Road, net far. from hoard reads the law, every line and letter of it, with a microscopic eye | AWARDED CONTRACT | and the soldier stands in front of \ The W. E. Phillips Company, of the board as though he were being | this sity, has been awarded the glae charged in a police court with a|zing contratt on a new store = in for approximately $13,000. the editorial offices of many news- papers were agitated by this same burning qudstion and because of a deadlock of opinions on the sub- ject a number of newspapers re- frained from making any comment, Early Saturday morning it look- ed and. felt as if the lion was on the job but as the day drew on the savage king of beasts withdrew in favor of a lamb as meek and harm- less as a mild March day could sig- nify. During the morathg a brie gnow storm occurred and in keep- ing with the mytholpgical compari- son, the weather might be regard- ed as the fusion of the two beasts forming one animal with possibly a lambh's head and a lion's tall, By the afternoon the day had become go balmy that the lion's tail was changed to that of a lamb and the greature seemed as 'gay and inno- ¢ent as any March day could pro: uce. But on Saturday night the lamb underwent. a drastic transforma. tion. Amane grew on his neck and *his head became massive, king ly and flerce-in aspect, his tiny hoofs were transformed into great paws bearing sharp. curved claws, hile his short funny tail became long, sinewy and tufted. On Sunday there was no mistake and as Oshawan#® hastened to church with the cold wind howling ber of this city. The late Mr. Rodd died at tha Oshawa Gencral Hos- pital, on Thursday morning as the result of injuries received in a'ser- fous motor accident which ocefirr- ed on Sunday afternoon, Feb, 2: Mrs. G, C. Rodd, mother of the de~ ceased and Mrs Read, his grand- mother, also r ived fatal imjur- ies in this accident. Public sympathy Las beon mani- fested in a high' d » for the tragic loss which th well-known family h sustained. The late Geo. Rodd was held in high esteem by many as wag shown by the number of beaditiful floral tributes and by the large number of people who attended to pay their last respects, The service w id from the home of the deceased's aunt, Mrs, Geo, Moody, 96 Lauder Road, Osh- awa. Rev, T. L. Jull, of Brooklin, was in charge of the service. The Masonic Lodge of Brooklin, of which the late Mr. Rodd had been a member performed the last sol- emn rites of the order at the Grove- gide Cemetery, where interment was made. Besides the large number of lo- cal friends and acquaintances that attended the funeral, there were relations and friends from Toronto, Brooklin, Port Perry, Whitby, Greenbank, Highland Creek, -De- troit, London, and Massachusetts, radiophone for the transnussion ot |'strect west, at 2.30 o'clock, Tuesday speech by thé waves of a beam of | afternoon, reflected light, and a spectrophone'| Union cemetery. for detecting by sound tne imvisible colors of the spectrum. Soon alter he devsied his valuable telephone human body. his dssistant .Mr. Watson, to the Samoa Disorders Continue --While New Zea- probe for sufgical use, and also an | land is training a semi-milifary police urduction balance instrument for the | force for 'use in keeping order in painless detection of metal in the | the Islands of Samoa, small disturb- ¢, ances continue, The solicitor for the "These constitute only a few ot the Samoan Native Home Rule league triumphs of a lite of conspicuous pub | has now been arrested at Apia for lic service, said Mr. Black. "It is a | defamatory hbel agaigst the admin- far cry irom the first telephone | istrator, in connection with a recent message transmitted by Dr. Bell to} raid on the village of Vaimoso. modern system of telephone com- munication which embraces transats hod lantic services and contact with many I \ 1 1 Luropean countries. Yet this day serves to recall that we owe all these Card of Thanks. On behalf of the Ushawa Kiwanig Chub I wish to extend to the mem- bers of thesgervice cluby of Osh- awa and to citizgns in general our modern conveniences of telephony to \§ the genius of Dr. Bell and his first crude instrument." in ali ead . hearted support extended to us at our Winter Fair and Carnival, The substantial sum will be used for the benefit of the under privilege1i children of the city. R. B. SMITH, President, Cod Liver Extract in' Sugar Coated Tablets Puts on Flesh and Builds Them Up In just 4 few duys=uigker than 4 ' : _ | you ever dreamt of--these wonder- sincere thanks for the whole Ful ealtii, building, tablets called McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tracts Tablets will start to help any thin, underweight little one. After sickness and where rickets are suspected theft of a car here, on the request of Chief Owen D. Friend. The pair are accused of stealing a car from N. C. Fleming, 314 Richmond Street East, several days ago, They will be brought to this city to face trial. Kill Two Bandits Detroit, Mich~Two policemen, with only a beam of reflected light from a bandit's pistol as a target, shot and killed two men who were attempting to rob the safe of the Harper Theatre, 7725 Harper avenue, at 4.00 am. today. The robbers wers identified as Philip J. Tomey, 30, anil Leo Garbada, 30, both of Detroit, Nine Cars Destroyed by Fire Belleville.--Nine motor cars were badly damaged and the driving shed destroyed by fire which broke out at the rear of the United church in the village of Bloomfield, Prince Ed- ward county, last night. Coming Events 3 Cents per word each in * sertion. Minimum charge for each insertion, 385c. Ee Reamer za | C. T. WU. BIRTHDAY TEA Tuesday, March 4, 3 o'clock, King St. Church. 1b, breach of the 'Temperance Act or| course of erection on the south side {down upon them they realized that something of that sort. Unless his| of Royce avenue, Toronto, being |the March lamb was really a lion, valuable. case comes absolutely within the { puilt hy De Marco Limited. © The |and a blustery rough fellow at Quick Pile Relief 2 1 )) (52a) Most people know that from the BOX Jalal, UNDER Ausriong pt : | . livers' of the lowly codfish vitamines of the Brotherhood of the Ho his af Th ov ank-ali qur neigh bf the first class are extracted -- the Tyinny Church ill he held oly iberal interpretation of the law is re- Le ~ ' : . bedi ind that help all feeble underweight Monday, March 8, Reserve this quired, and more discretion should Agricultural 'College, Guelph. ' The present sometinies" makes up i it. thoughtful and kiud: during my 'men, woitien and children, date. . (T=T-M) Dr. Leanhardt's Hem-Roid is guar-| mother's !llness ana death, also |' ry these wonderful tablets for 30 | CHOSEN FRIENDS DANCE TO- anteed"to hanish any form' of Pile | tor their beaufivul flowers, We days" and if your frail, puny child night, Winter Gardens, Admis- hs be allowed to the board, The people | PROMOTED TO TORONTO for the past «= if*youdgive it tO her i sion ladies 3c, gents 50c. A » ' ; Wig . ya Ph re] Low oo TART St ha es me [BT P| Lt many ek 1h ck apt Shae i. Dover, wa rcs enc a dier 'and+in favor of a. more liberal [Ager of the local . office of the . i action even in old, stubborn 'cases. | Was cxceedingl, iid to my moth {money back. Pol, : 52a) JACK MULHALL interpretation being. given to theiact] Fleishman Yeast Corapany has been JOO LATE TO CLASSITY Hem-Roid is a harinless tablet ghat | er, also Mr. and Mrs. Leon Parks, A very sickly child, age 9, gained | EUCHRE * TONIGHT ORANGE as it stands, and of its widening in |¥¥omoted to a position with ths 00 LATE TOC SIFY | removes blood congestion in the low- | Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Garrison, the | 12 pounds ih 7 nionths, Hall 6 prizes. 25. (52a) order to Cover. Many. cases which too 1same "rm in. Toronto." Hk" work FO er, bowel ~the cause of . piles, It| Luke Burial Co, who with their |, Ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell,| NORTH . SIMCOR HOME AND day are nd¥ covered hut which enlist | 'iere is being carries on by Gordon | Experienced with shildren. Refer brings" joyful relief quickly and safe- | help aud consideration of our [W. H. Karn, or any druggists for School Meeting Tuesday. 8 the sympathy "of every Canadian Love, who came to C.hawa from |ence) Phone Bowmanville 198 ly or costs nothing, Jury & Lovell trouble made our hurden lighter. 'McCoy's Cod Liver Extract tablets o'clock. Progra bt testlay; ? citizen Toronto. a a. ' © Bnyillo.4 ta Ltd. and druggists everywhere sell Mr.'and Mrs. Gordon Beckitt. [as easy to take as candy aid 60 torest by pupils, filver collection, Pad a : vem) Lit with this, guarantee, iid (52a) { tablets, 60. cents, WE pd SET CORR) meaning of every word " in the law company is completing the glazing that. his application is rejected. A more | on the, administration at the Ontario Added Attractions A RENT fe ad

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