Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Feb 1930, p. 8

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i hs PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1930 BUSINESS MEN WILL FIGHT CRIME {llinois Banker Pays $40,000 ' for His Freedom--Calls : Mass Meeting 3 St. Louis, Feb. 28.--Aroused , er the kidnapping of Charles W. Pershall, wealthy chain grocer and banker of Granite City, Ill, in the St. Louis district, who is reported to have been forced to pay extor- tionists $40,000 for his freedom, a group of Granite City business men Wednesday called a mass meeting to . talk over the crime &ituation, The meeting was called for Fri- _ day night in the Granite City Mas- onic Temple, It is sponsored by 26 business men, including William Champion, president of a local bank and a close friend of Pershall, "We've Been held up, bulldozed and kidnapped long enough," said Champion, acting spokesman for the + @&roup. . be done about it, He did not My what is to Authorities marked time yester- day in their investigation Into the Pershall case, which is one of five abductions for ransom in the St. Louis district in the last three months, UTILIZE LOBSTER WASTE Lobster meal has been added to the menu of foxes in a number of Maritime Provinces fox ranches. A New Brunswick lobster canning fac. tory which recently began the manu- facture of meat from lobster bodies " and shell reports that it has found a market for the new product with « the fox raisers who are quoted as describing the meal as excellent for feeding purposes. In France it is not very long be- fore a ministry gets that resigned feeling--one of the many evils aris- ing from. several groups in the chamber.-- Brantford Expositor, PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. S§. -- We Deliver For location and surround- ®mmgs we offer for sale or ex- shange on the highway ¢1 oto Jshawa, a beautiful 10 room, lovely shaded tourist rest home, all conveniences, five bedrooms, etc. Double garage, large lot and frontage, to have this opportunity see DISNEY REAL ESTAT ° (Opposite Post Office) L'housunds Now Eat CF Basary A Delightful Breakfast Feed PREDICTS HUGE: sense INDUSTRIAL BOON WELLAND GINAL ., he i 7 Bill to Develop Niagara Tl Pouinsda | Thorold, Feb. 28. -- Eventual creation of Canada's greatest in- dustrial area is the Welland canal zone following completion of the ship canal in'the aim of a private bill which Mark Vaughan M. L, A., for Thorold last night told the lo- | cal Chamber of Commerce he would introduce in' the legislature this week. Bristling with smoke stacks and humming with productive activity, was Mr. Vaughan's picture of the canal zone of the future. He de- clared it could be made, under his proposed legislation, a. giant colony of factories and mills flanking both gides of the waterway from end to end, payrolls mounting into the hundreds of thousands. : One-half mill annually for five years would be levied against to- tal assessments of all municipali- ties participating in. the develop- ment and the proceeds would de- fray promotion costs under the ad- ministration of a Welland County Ship Canal Industrial' Commission, for which the bill provides, Mr. Vaughan declared. How can public business be eff cient 'if you select big men to run private business and elect two-by- fours to run public business?-- Brandon Sun. MacNefll, pastor of Walmer Road Baptist Church, the posi ulty of | ractical Pp University. tion has been extended to Dr, Mac- Neill by the semate and board of the university. the Walmer Road' church for 22 years. He has been prominent in the denomination as chairman of the Canadian Baptist foreign mis- sion board and president of the Baptist: World Alliance. TORONTO PREACHER Toronto, Feb. 28--Rev. Dr, John has been offered n-of principal of the fac- eology aud professor of theology . at McMaste: A unanimous invita. Dr. MacNeill has been pastor at Chicago, have signalled bids while a frantic grain market sought to find solid bottom were raised in protest yesterday against |GRAINDEALERS PROTEST NEW WHEAT ORDER Oppose Restriction of Buy- ing 'to Co-operative Members Feb, 28 ~Hands and latest decree In the United States govérnment's stabilization pro- gram, / 1 i From four corners of the wheat belt were heard the protests of trade commissioners s and elevator men against the rule that bars the non co-operative wheat owner from selling to the Farmers' National Grain Corporation at the enhanced price fixed by the Federal Farm Board for cash grain, Grain men described the ora as confiscatory. A Kansas elevator operator sald the policy threaten ed to close his 60 country elevators The Omaha Grain Exchange, in an appeal telegraphed to the Nebragka senators at Washington, Asserted shippers were stocked with wheat handled for farmers' accounts which they could not dispose of because of the unanticipated edict that offers the restricting the purcnases of the big government-sponsore corporations to affiliated co-operatives, STOBIE CREDITORS RECOMMEND PROXIES Brantford, Feb, 28--A oprelim- inary meeting of Brantford credit ors of Stobie Forlong & Co., has been held for the purpose of ob- taining such action juintly as seem- ed in the best Interest of the creditors, Some 'Toronto parties have been soliciting proxies t@ be used at the creditors meeting on March 4th, + A esolution was passed by the Brantford creditors which recommended placing prox ies in the hands only of a commit: tee of creditors known personally to the creditors interested, and n whom they had confidence, It was thought best to retain them until at least the day of meeting in order that more intelligent expression of the creditors' views might be ob- tained. The Brantford Committee appointed consists ot Joseph Rud dy, President Ruddy Manufactur- ing Company, E. R. Read Barris- ter, J. 8S, Dowling, Insurance Broker, R, K. Ruddy, Manufactur er, W. Ross Macdonald, Barrister SCOTLAND BECOMES PREDOMINANT EMPIRE London, Feb. 28.--The appointment of IH. P, Macmillan as a Lord of Appeal, in succession to Lord Sum- JUSTICE PARTNER |" ner, who has resigned owing to ills health, renders Scotland the predomse inant partner for the first time in history, in the highef judiciary of the Empire. four are Scotsmen - Lord Lord Thankerton, Lord Blanesburgh, and Ar. Macmillan, Sir James Barrie sometime ago re- marked that Scotland had now only 50 per cent of the Archbishups in the Church of England whereas she used to have 100 per cent. Sir James ! was uding of course to the fact that both the late Primate, Dr, Ran. § lall Davidson ~nd the former Arche np of York, Dr. Lang, are Scots- } men, Dr. Davidson has now retired and Dr, Lang has exchanged York for Canterbury. Dr. Temple, the present head of York Province, is an Englishman, ELLA C INDERS--Laughing at Danger ATH \ RS \ AN * PS LC HR REA \ ON NN DTH \ CERN WAN RN Rel By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb pd C. P. R. TIME TASLE Effective Jan, 9, 1030, Time ' wet. | .m. Thily (Except Sunday). .m. Daily .m. Daily (Except Sunday). 30 pam, Daily (Except Sundar). 5.4 ve PY .m. Daily. .m. Daily (Except Sundar). m. Daily (Except Sunday). ,m. (Except Sunday). a. Daily, | . i -- ? } ¥ CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Jan. §, 1990, Time) Sunday. F=3 [EBLE PPTY wm. Daily, Dail BRON Nizar ® Fpr FN S m. Daily. m. Daily, x m. Daily, .20 a.m. Daily. x m. Daily, x m. Daily, : m. Daily, & 4 'except Sunday. except Sunday. except Sunday. Vomnmma 888% apo TPES HELL, WE GENERALLY THINK AS The RINGING OF A BELL IN THE EVENING AS { A SIGNAL FOR PEOPLE TO RETIRE FROM THE STREETS, NOW § WATCHMAN, TIME OF S31 EUROPE DURING THE MIDDLE AGES, CURFEW WAS A REGULATION DIRECTING THAT FIRES BE COVERED OR PUT OUT AT A FIXED HOUR IN THE EVENING WHEN A BELL WAS RUNG. IH THOSE DAYS MOST HOUSES WERE BUILT WHOLLY OR IS a oy a ATCHMAN CARRYING INN A CRISSET OR FIRE POT FA OLOEN TIMES MOSTL FIRE YiHEN 11000, AND WERE EXTREMELY LIABLE TO TAKE FIRE WAS USED CARELESSLY. COVERING THE FIRE WAS AN IMPORTANT REGULATION FOR SAFETY AND THE UTENSIL PICTURED ABOVE WAS USED FOR THE PURPOSE. CURFEY oo : 15 FROM THE FRENCH, COUVRE -FEU OR COVER-FIRE. D 19% King Features Syndicate, Ine, Great Britain rights reserved - 1 VIONDER IF THOSE 010-TME WATCHMEN WERE ROTARIANS ? DADDY SAYS GO "ROUND QUITE A BIT. 0 Z IN «PIM sane S8YTY v A. an y. enly, mm. y, except Sumday. pam. Daily, except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, BUS I/WE » niter 199 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL *Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St, W. Phone 1214 Diamonds! Bassett's BBR ARR! pen aa CE PIPER YY aude sELEAEE 828833 Bow mabe i H111111] bd BR 3 FRRRRERED - = I ft h 220 £ I-31 -45370 = BES 1 8 PPopePrs =] 83 2 2 = BSoma S828880888 11.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. EES TEREY Pe &8 PPPyeES pang Pe F3-3 4.55 pm Pina gars ? 8 Yo #3 By Geo. McMaow Al- THE RADIO- I'LL. LISTEN IN { STATION S-T-U-C+C-O* = MANSARD SPEAKING* WE WILL NOW BROAD: CAST OUR BID-TME STORY "THE HOUSE THAT JACK Built ® 1930, Int Feature Service, nc., Great Britain nghts + r=] Wy AS fn 0 OuRrms Bigs ai, te 1 288s PYPYYpePIPRPER & i Til 6.50 p.m. 58 3323 aapppap) §&5 7 8 11.00. p.m. me Whitby ° i 8 al, Leave Hospital = Whithy 10.00 a.m. 10.15 am. 12.30 p.m, . 12.45 p.m, 45 p.m, 4.45 p.m. £.45. p.m, 11.00 118m 00 pom, 11.15 p.m, Ti rked © DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE bo, WAKE UP LAZY ONES- HERE | 18 YOUR BREAKFAST 7 ABT HE STOLE OUR GOLDEN EGES AND EVEN STOLE OUR GOOSIE WHO LAID THEM 5a gery oY {| THERE 15 HIS --By Grace G. Drayton HOUSE JusT ON | THAT CORNER. I HOPE WE ARE IN YWIME GOOS\E Of the six Lords of Appeal § Dunedin, © 'Dolly, BopBY AND COMFY MOUNTED] THE GANDERS BACK AND THEY ALL FLEW To THE DARK MAN'S HOUSE 'OM, GANDER = GHE CRIED «WHERE 1S wish! ; GOOSEY P AND HER VOICE WOKE LP | |) : Gaba any COMPY SAID- THE DARK MAN HAS THE GANDER = "SHE HAS BEEN STOLEN CRIED THE GANDER STOLEN OUR GOOSIE" HOUSE WITH THE-BLULE BOWLS FULL OF BAKFAGST FOR THE GOOSE AND GANDER " | TILLIE THE TOILER--No Change for Ma. - HELLO, MRS. TONES - THIS (S MAC ~OHN, Y&S,! WAS To CALL 4 TILLIE ,BuT | COULDN'T KE IT- HOW'D YoU LIKE TO STAKE A' RIDE IN THIS CAR ('M BELLING" ABOUT FOUR OLOCK! Bv Russ Westove I WEL LL BEEIMN YOU, TH BUT, MUMS, |. BENNETT |S NO, THANKS, MAC OM, TILLIE - BROUGHT ME DOWN, NF ATAYA SAY WE CALU You HAVE NO £2 BY AND TAKE TILLIE it your wateh is not giving HOME , MRS. TONES 7 IDEA. Hows NCE satisfaction we can repair <A and make it tell the correct 1 time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official meh Inspector for EES end a] eel PT OTA Pe FAP Felt Bros. « The Leading Jeweler Estatilished 886 + '12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH {

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