. PAGE FOURTEEM This plete of Lord Carson was taken in London on his recent birthday. Although 76, he is as much a fighter as ever, declar- ing: "I am now a retired judge, but I still have a voice, a spirit and a soul that can rise above petty things. If necessary, I am prepared to fight again the battle _ of Ulster." STRIKING CASE OF ANIMAL DEVOTION | Lucky Lake, Sask.--Devotion of a mare for her colt was shown in strik- ing fashion here recently, C. Woods, walking along the railway track, saw a number of horses on the ties of a railway bridge. He chased all of them off, except the colt, whose foot was caught between the ties. Mr. Woods was unable to release the colt and came into town for aid. In the meantime the mare had rejoined the colt and a snow-plough came along and killed both animals. A fountain-pen, when it's nearly empty, usually spilis the little it has in stock. Something like the human {head --Publishers Syndicate, AT BSE SA ODT Mp A DOMINION Clothing Company's GREAT DOLLLAR DAY SAVING SPECIALS Men's SWEATER COATS. Special ......$1.00 Men's Work TROUSERS. Special ........$1.00 Boys' Navy Blue and Tweed BLOOMERS . . $1.00 Men's New Spring CAPS. ....... .... ..$1.00 Men's Fleece Lined COMBINATIONS. "Penman's" Ehsan rnin 31.00 Men's Fine DRESS SHIRTS. .......2 for $1.00 Only 2 to a Customer. Boys' Fine TWEED CAPS . .........2for $1 00 Men's Fancy DRESS HOSE . .. .7 pairs for $1.00 Boys' Flannelette PYJAMAS . .... ...$1.00 Men's SWEAT SHIRTS ................$1.00 Men'sTIES ..........0 8 cv virn..3f0r$1.00 ALL OTHER GOODS IN STORE REDUCED We camry a complete iine of Boots, Shoes and Clothing for Dad and his Lad. Come in and order your suit for Easter from our samples of "Made-to-measure Clothes". | has three complete lines of farming WESTERN FARMER HAD| machinery, including combines, all WONDERFUL SUCCESS | paid for; 500 head of sheep, 50" cattle and other stock. In three years he Ara d harvested 57,000 bushels of wheat, Lethbridge, Alta--That dry farm- ing can be made profitable has been | Milan, Feb. 2658-1talian school chil- demonstrated by the experience of | dren planted 1,200,000 'trees in 1929 George Perevorizoff, who came to this district in 1918 with $500 cash and 14 horses. He paid up $11,000 for a half section within a few vears and has since bought and paid for four additional sections. He now the Duce, who is chairman of thg na | tional forestry committee. of the Forests" were held in 4,325 communities, chiefly those denuded of trees in the world war. PURE SILK HOSE Full-fashioned. New shades. Substandards of a $1.50 quality. Dol- lar Days. Pair .......... DANDY RAYON Wide Saaz truant plain shades. wide. Dollar Dad 3s yds. ....... FUJA SILKE 20 new shades to choose from. Dol- $1 lar Days, 2 yds... LADIES' PURSES In pouch, under-arms and envelope styles. Genuine leather with coin purse and mirror. llar Days, NG UMBRELLAS In the smart styles and. colors of the day. $1 Each of in. $1 * LADIES' CHAM. OISETTE GLOVES embroidered : Reg. /69c to 95¢. Dollar $1 Days, 2 pairs ... 50 CHILDREN'S ! DRESSES Jn prints, voiles and "fugi. Some are pantie styles. Values up to $1.95. Sizes {rom In- fants to 14 years. Sale in the Juvenile Dept. Dollar Days, $1 Each .........." LADIES' SILK AND WOOL Dollar § & Reg. 79. Dollar Days, 2 Pie SIMCOE STREET NORTH \ DEWLAND'S : LIMITED PURE LINEN DAMASK Pretty patterns, 72 in. wide. Dollar $1 Days, per yard .. BATH TOWELS Good quality, assorted colored stripes. Dollar Days, $1 3 Towels ...... BATH TOWELS Heavy weight, plain white. Dollar Days $1 4, Towels .-..... PURE LINEN TOWELLING Fancy checks stripe borders. Dollar Days, 31-2 yards. .... $1 PEGGY PRINTS New spring patterns. Dollar Days, $1 S5vards........ PILLOW CASES Of Wabasso Cottons. Dollar Days, $1 9 for'......... CHILDREN'S CASHMERE HCSE 'Fine 1-1 rib. Black o sand shades. Sizes 5 to 7145. Dollar Days, 3 prs...... $1 Sizes 8 to 10. Dollar Days, $1 2 pairs ans > Dewland, Ltd. OSHAWA Silk Slips and Nightgowns The gowns are trim- med with dainty lace, and the slips made with a shadowproof hem. Wide range of shades. Dollar Days, $1.00 200 SunnyFrocks Of Vat Dye Prints, pretty styles. Dollar Days, $1.00 SKIRTS and MIDDIES Jean cloth middies with blue collars. Skirts are pure wool serge, assorted pleates. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Dollar Days, each, $1.00 and says Arnaldo Mussolini, brother of | "Feasts | | | | | | Lae ALEXANDER MILLS! Law partner of Sir William Hearst and former partner of Mr. Jus. tice Raney, died at Palermo, Sicily, while on a holiday trip. GOV'T DEPARTMENT HAS UNIQUE TASK Is Constituted Protector of | Captive Maiden in Crystal Tomb Londap, Feb. H-A British gov- ernment department has just become the legally constituted protector oi a beautiful captive maiden lying en- chanted in a crystal tomb, The official notice of the transac- tion does not put in quite that way, for it mercly states that the ruins | of Dunstanburough stands on an emincice sea on the wild Northumberland coast, have been classified as an "his- torical monument" and as such, now | come under the coptrol of His Ma- jest'ys office of works, But tradition is quite definite on | the subject of the maiden. It has it! that she is bound by a spell of the | wizard Merlin and that her tomb is| placed in a vast subterranean hall} underncath the ruins. | TheAocal worthies too should know better than they? perfectly acquainted. with Sir Guy the Seeker who once penetrated into the great vault and gazed on the rosy lips of the enchanted damsel The sight, howeyer -- for spmg reason that hardly seems clear --im pelled him to blow a loud bl on | his horn; wher : as | plunged in d ison- | us vapor ro 1 ground | which amy the good knight into 4 swoon = from which he awoke next morning to find himse stiff with cold, in the castle porch. Nothing daunted at his mishap, Sir Guy tried to find the vault'again, but all trace of the entranoé to it had vanished, and though he searched for year after year he never again succeeded ig reaching the crystal tomb , \ Now 'that the knight is dcad, his spirit still continues the search, and the old folk of Embleton nearby have often heard its dismal groans as it wanders through the ruins, Or so they say; but now that Dun- stanborough is an "historical monu- ment" it may be that these old wives' tales will die for lack of official sane tion, and wh 4 are ast MOUNTIES FIND GUN AFTER SIX YEARS HUNTING Recover Stolen Machine | Gun and Still Hope to Get Man Who Stole dt Ottawa, Feb, 26--How after six years a Lewis gun, property of tlie Department of National Defence, which had been stolen from the armories of a Vancouver militia regiment in 1923, was eventually traced and returned "to that unit by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, is told in the annual re- port of the foree which was tabl- ed In the House of Commons, C terday. In the six years of ils existence in other hands, the Lewis gun had |! been used by American smugglers. it was in Sept, 1923, that the weapon was missed, and all trace |! of it lost. Several clues were fol- |! lowed, without success, and the ed neither despaired or relinquish- | ¥ ed their task. Finally in May, last year, a non-commissioned officer |! of the force, Corporal Healey, learhed that an automatic rifle was in the possession of a man who had dome connection with boats engaged in smuggling liquor to the United States. He found Curzon of Keddleston, office here, years passed, but the Royal Mount | A . reduced, the clock Junghans, one of the mos made, Regular $6500 ...... : Special prices on all Silverware, set Rogers 3-piece snd tray, one of their recent crea mb | illustrated is a tions. Value regular prices. Westminster Chime Clocks greatly Hlustrated t reliable $49.50 We are placing on sale a few cab- inets and trays of silverware, also some odd lines made by well-known manufacturers at discounts ranging from 25 per cent. to 50 per cent. off future occasions. Many of our customers will take advantage of this Special Sale to purchase English China and pottery, Leather Goods, Brassware, Antique and Modern Silver, Clocks, Watches and Novelty Jewellery at prices that will represent a truly remarkable saving, It is an opportunity to acquire Bridge Prizes at half price; to add to your home furnishings or for gifts for luminous dials, 15 chrome mesh bracelets. is a Regular $1500 value ... A Few Pieces Selected at Random from the Sale Men's Strap Watches in the new rectangular ' jewel movements, del equipped with $9.85 Pearl-tone Sterling silver, Pearl tone, Ivory and Ebony toiletware, to clear at half Ladies' Wrist Watche Regular $12.50. quality Belgian Crystal. set 26 pieces. Regular $22.50 clean cut floral decoration. in popul 15 jewel adjusted movements with new Sd mesh bracelet. Regular $12.50 value, Men's Pocket Watches, an assortment of reliable Swiss and American movements in gold-filled and nickel cases. Values up to $17.50. To clear. Mantel Clocks in attractive walnut and mahogany fin- ished cases, striking the hour and half hour on cathedral gong with eight-day movement, Grandfather Clock having a high grade German move. ment playing Westminster Chimes at the quarter hours and striking on beautifully toned gong. made mahogany case. Regular $150. ..... Cut Glass Water Set in lovely floral pattern on best Set consists of jug and six water glasses. Regular $12 value... Cabinet of Silver by a well-known maker, consisting of Knives of stainless steel with polished blades. A complete service for six people. Wedgewood Dinner Set, "Dorothy Pattern", a beautiful 97-piece open stock dinner set with ivory border and regular price. This is a wondesful opportunity for those who are in. terested in good toiletware, "$8, 75 $11.85 $7.85 Hand- $85 $5.95 Odd lines in China and semi-porce- lain to clear at half price. In this as- sortment are included patterns by Wedgewood & Co. Johnson and other well knows makers. $16.85 Regular $38 at exactly half Visit the Spanish Gift Room Every article in this delightful room has been placed on sale price, Here you wi find' Bridge Prizes galore, Dutch Pottery, India Brass, Floor Lam, Bargains in Ladies' and Men's Lea- ther goods, the travelling set' illus- trated is of solid leather with natural any number of im- It is an opportunity thrifty. clear at half price. Fry. agar amor wae ie we have also placed on dis- glass and silver flatware to. ebony fittings. price $18.50 FELT BROS. 12 SIMCOE ST., S, OSHAWA, ONT. ESTABLISHED 1886 "BUY WHERE SATISFACTION IS A CERTAINTY" U. S. Delegation Srenogs Shock Guests 'By Shaking Hands With Ministers London, Feb, 26---Aristocra<ic ghosts of former foreign secretaries neluding that of the late Marquis which may haunt the corridors of thc foreign must have received a errible shock last night when 15 stenographers attached to the Am- erican naval delegations ascended he state staircase to the banquet- ng hall there and shook hands with Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Hender- on at the reception the British Foreign Secretary gave to the dele gations to the five-power naval par- ey. Thus the Foreign Secretary and his wife paid tribute to what they presumably considered dune to the democratic: States and followed what they may ideals of the United have supposed has been the usual custom at similar diplomatic func- tions at Washington. For last night's affair, despite the fact that it was held under the Labor reg- ime, was the traditionally brilliant foreign office reception whereat the sparkling jewels and fashionable evening gowns of the women vied with the gorgeous decorations ad- orning the hreasts of diplomats, naval officers and the high govern- ment officials present, The now-famous 15 stenograph- ers lived up to the occasion. Tak- ing advantage of the "holiday" at the conference they scurried around town buylng shoes, gloves and stockings--and In at least one case a new dress-----wherein to grace the great occasion. the weapon and turned it over. The American had desired to have a machine gun Mm case his crafty was overhauled by an American customs cutter; and he had bribed an employe of the armories to steal it. Apparently, the report says, it 'had been carried in severa: smuggling vessels, but had heeuy ashore in concealment for some time, Both the principals in the case fled to the United States and diffi- culty was experienced in ascer- taining their whereabouts, Hows ever, the former caretaker was ap- prehended on Nov. 28, in Los An- geles, and at the moment of writ- ing," concludes the repert, "there is a possibility of the other man being arrested. 4 z Dollar Day Special MEN'S WORK SOX Reg. BOc 37 61.00 Ledger's Men's Wear 26 King St. E. | ations without a HOOVER GIVES ORDER TO CUT EXPENSES Washington, Feb, 26.--Attention wf the tariff-troubled .Republican Bongressional leadership was di- rected by President Hoover on Mon- May to the necessity of keeping Government expenses down. At breakfast in the White House the President confronted his legis lative chieftaing with Secretary Mellon and the dwindling treasury balance, He gave notico that there could be no more extra appropri- corresponding raise in taxes, Summarizing bills Congress calling for now = before arned that they would call for) e than $1,500,000,000, and would mean a 40 per cent. incréase next year in taxes. He shut the door to all except those involved in the business improvement pro- gram, JOHN BARRYMORE IN TALKING PICTURE "I am won over by the talking picture," says John Barrymore, who makes his first appearance in folly. All were 'new-fangled con- | gypsies and of nobility. His war- traptions' and strongly resented by |ring personality, is a mixture of that type of human that profes. |the characteristics of each. sionally objects. The cast includes Marian Nixon, "Talking pictures are quite the | Lowell Sherman, Hobart Bosworth, newest thing in the world and it is | Armida, Jacqueline Logan, Phil-} only natural that some should be |ippe de Lacy, Otto Matieson, An-| unwilling to recognize them as|dres de Segurola, and many others. great entertainment." The backgrounds are. furnished by In "General Crack," directed by |picturesque gypsy camps, glamor- Alan Crosland from Walter An-|ous royal palaces, and battlefields.' thony's adaptation of the George [Austria of the eighteenth century 3 Preedy novel, Mr. Barrymore por-|during the reign of Leopold II is trays a romantic soldier of fortune [the locale. Part of the sequences in whose veins flow blood of the are in Technicolor. 7 BEST BREAD FLOURS~-- FIVE ROSES, QUAKER HOUSEHOLD BEST PASTRY FLOURS-- ECLIPSE, MARVEL, XXX - additional) \ Governmont outlays, the President a Vitaphone production in "Gen- eral Crack," Warner Brothers all- talking special which comes to the Regent Theatre tomorrow. "Although I still like the silent drama," declares Mr. Barrymore, || "I enjoy talking pictures more. They intrigue the imagination, and provide such a fertile field for in- novation, "There is much more real enter- tainment in a talking film than the old fashioned dummy picture, 1 do not stop with the statement that the silent film is as dead as the proverbial doorpail. It 4s not only dead, but buried and perman- ently. "It is not surprising to me that the talkies have a number of de- tractors. People have jeered at the new since the woMd "began. The horselegs carriage was an im- possibility, Fulton's steamboat was BEST CEREALS~-- ROLLED OATS, ROLLED WHEA1, WHEAT GRANULES CORN MEAL, Etc.--. 16 CELINA ST. Cooper Smith Co. OSHAWA PHONE 8 an, --