Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Feb 1930, p. 8

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ca a © © L100 LOI Sirhan bl 8) Ob, bee 1 20 wo Se va iy E tata aa agit A AB PERE AIA Wa I ef PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1930 Canadians to Contribute to World Power Conference (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Berlin, Feb. 24.--Forty-seven countries: wiil be represented in the second plenary meeting of the world power conference here from June 16 to June 25, Seven papers to be read or reports to be made by Canadian authorities have'been announced to the business office of the Conference, All told, 400 re- ports are on the program so far, a quarter of which will come {rom rountries outside of Europe, Canada has organized a special national committee to prepare par- icipation in the conference. Dr. Charles Camsell of the Department of Mines and Norman Marr, chief hydraulic engineer of the Domin- lon Water Power and Reclamation Service are 'at the head of the com- mittee. The Canadian reports and papers to 'be presented: to the con- ference as parts of comprehensive reports, are mainly devoted to water power. The advantage + of Zovernment Control over water reservoirs will be discussed by Chief Engineer Lefebvre of the Quebec Streams Commission} J. T, Johnson director of the Dominion Water Power and Reclamation Ser- vice will report on Water Power Resources in Canada and their de- velopment; Chief Engineer T, H. Hogg of the Ontaro Hydro Electric Commission on new tendencies in Canadian water power develop- ment; Power Company on water power indust in Canada. A report on an investigation (research) on fuel material in Canada has been announced by DI. F. Haanel, chief of the @ivision of Fuel Research of the Ottawa Bureau of Mines. Among the subjects to be dis- cussed at the Congress, are power distribution and utilization, power resources of the world, water power, fuels, and others, The main subject around discussions will centre is the development of power supply and power utilization, and it is expected that interesting re- sults of practical value for all countries will be attained through the airing of such swebjects as new flelds for the appiication of power; efficient utilization of generating plants and distribution networks, improvement of load factor; stor- age of power; advantageous inter. | connection of different power pro- ducing plants; large central plants For location and surround- .ings we offer for sale or ex- >hamge on the highway cl eo to Oshawa, a beautiful 10 room, lovely shaded tourist rest home, all conveniences,' five bedrooms, ete, Double garage, large lot and frontage, to have this opportunity see PISNEY REAL ESTAL | (Opposite Post Office) Lhousands Now Eat and large distribution systems; re- duction in costs of construction; effective propaganda and rational tariff systems; cooperation between power producers, power consumers, public authorities, and the legisla- ture; safety measures; information and education. A comprehensive study and en- tertainment program is being pre- pared by the German committee, of which His' Excellency, Dr. Oscar Von Miller, founder and director of the famous German Mpseum in Munich, is honorary president, Dr, C. Koettgen chairman, Professor Matschoss, secretary, and Dr. G. Deline, manager of organization. The convening of the Congress will be preceeded, on June 15 by a re- ception for the participants at the Reichstag and the opening cere- monies will take place in the State Opera House where the general conference meetings will also he held. Detore and after the confer- ence visits to some of the most im- portant German industrial centres will be made ag follows: Berlin (centre of electrical engineering and gas industries): Central Ger- | many (electricity and gas works, especially those employing brown coal) ;. Rhineland and Westphalia (coal mining, coal treatment, gas and electricity works); Davarla PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe 8t. 8. -- We Deliver (German museum, 'water power | plants) ; Baden (steam and water power works). The conference will be presided over by an honorary committee at the head of which is His Excel- lency Staatsrat Dr, Oscar Von Mill- er, the pioneer of electricity supply, Besides Dr. Von Miller, the honor- ary committee is composed of re- presentatives of the German feder- el and state governments, munici- pal conporations, the leaders of German industry, and representa- tives of Cerman science of inter- national reputation. The preliminary technical ar- rangements are being carried out by a number of sub-committees | composed of about 300 of the most | important German specialists on | questions of power. These sub-| committees are composed for the | great part of the representatives of { the various member organizations of the German National Committee of the world power conference, in- cluding foreign office, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Transport, Post Office Department, Adminis- tration of the Germain 25 technical and scientific organiz- ations of prominence. t NOT SO BAD! > The progress of Canada during the past few years has had no par- allel, Only a short 'time . ago League Nations fhe nouncenfent that "the rate oi growth of wealth per capita of the popula- of made tion of Canada during the last twen-| ty vears has never been achieved by any other nation. Federal | Rai.ways, Patent Office, and some | thet pro- | ARCTIC FLYERY BODIES REACH i Canadian, Russian and US. Planes to Form Cortege to Fairbanks Motorship Nanuk, North Cape, { Siberia Feb, 24.=(Via Point Barrow Alaska)~--The be s of Pilot Carl Ben Eielson and mechaniz Earl Bor- land were brought here Sat. from | the lagoon 90 miles to the southeast TRADING SHIP, where their plane crashed Nov. 9, while they were attempting a flight from Teller, Alaska, to the Nanuk, The bodies were brought here in a cabin plane piloted by Commander Slipenoy, Russian pilot, It is planned to take the bodies to Nome in a cortege of planes piloted by Canadian, Russian and United States flyers. From there the mains will be taken to Fairbanks and then sent to the United States for burial, It is estimated that half a million cords of pulp wood will be cut in the] | Thunder Bay district in Ontario t | winter. This wiil be the larges duction for one season on recor great deal of the | part of Ontario i {lers and ki Ferop., HART HOUSE PLAYER | GRAF ZEPPELIN WILL GETS ANCIENT VIOLIN, AGAIN FLY TO STATES | New York, Feb. 22--Geze de Kresz | first violin of the Hart House String | Quartette which played the last of | (1,ied States by the Graf: Zeppelid j 1osee Sh} ir A ast ign "lis in prospect for the near future ake with hin frgm the Lnited States | pep iccion has been granted for th a Stradivarius which he played at. Ls ctl ha vee Rb awhte concert. Mr. de Kress Joan German airship to make use ast TUZNLE SLOnCCTly LiL. te STE52 | again of the landing facilities 2 obtained the violin through the co- 1120 rer New Jersey. Dr. Hug oper on of ron Lhe quarts Eckener, commander of the Zeppeln cluding on, incent Massey, 1:7 yp a 5 PACE | Canadian Minister 10 the United Sta. | 15 Planning A study of ihe possibilitie TAT \ EE A loi the airship in trafhic etwee: tes anc yy g tes and | Europe and North and South Amer} | Ica. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington--Another visit to the rs. Massey. rs operating | -- s| + "One can not attain a ripe olg lage by living in a glass case ali me's life," a doctor. But rail off the! way buffet. buns can.--~--The Hum} orist, i ] British Colur n the North Pacific took 406 whale on, Y2 more than in 2 n whalc ound in the Pacific waters } British Columbia coast. . is most comnior Szrerncler. HHH { TIME TABLES A be C. P. R. TIME TABLE Gol 4 Daily (Except Daily vy {Except ng mn. Daily. . Daily (Except . Daily (Except . Daily (Except . Daily. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Jun. 5, 1938, Standard Time) as . Daily, excent . Sunday ouly. Daily. a. Daily, except a. Daily, except Sunday. . Dailgs except Saturday. Daily, Daily. Westbound mn. Daily. . Daily, Daily ekcept Sunday. , except Sunday. , except Sunday. I . Sunday only. wh Base A Delightful Breakfast Food | ~, Alated | 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH n. y 7.27 p.m, Daily, except Sunday. 8.42 p.m, Daily, except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after Sept. 29, 1929 Going Wi 'est Leave Leave Arrive Arrive Whitby Hospital Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 ' Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Man Corner { COAL COAL "hone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard--ay Uloor "treet BK. ders ch Delivered HONE' 79D" .C.YOUNG 4% Prince ST) Oshawa, Ont.. REPAIRING WATCEES OUR SPECIALTY If your wateh is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 10 King St. W. Phone 189 Felt Bros. ~The Leading Jeweler Established NEG Arrive Arrive Oshawa Bowman 6 10,10 p.m, 11.30 pon. through 11.00 p.m, Time marked Whithy Hospital, SUNDAY AND 12.00 p.m, are busses to HOLIDAY. SCHEDULE ng est Leave Arrive Oshawa Hospital 10.00 a.m. 12.25 p.m, Leave Bowmanville "9.00 a.m, *11.30 Hosoital 10,00 a.m, 12.30 p.m, 34d i a 3.20 pm. 5.30 p.m, , 1.15 pan, marked * Whithy Hospital, Special Busses For All Occasions Roasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, P tor Bowmanville Phone 417 or 348 Oshawa's Waiting Room, 10 Prince St., hone GRAY COACH LINES (Standard Time) Leave Toranto AM, P.M. 3.30 4.30 5.3) 6.30 7.30 £30 9,30 16.3% 11.30 " c=Sunday enly, . 12.00 pov. are through busses to JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLOKS J. W. Womasll, Oph. D. Egesigln Kpecialist Phone 8215 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH a , A # lpr ELLA CINDERS--The Deadlock 4 100 Got i" WEA agg Reg. U. 8. Pat. OFF; Copyright, 1980, by Metropolitan Newspaper Service HOT HAVE NOTICED, CAPTAIN, THAT ELLA 1S STANDING RIGHT IN THE LINE OF By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plum! Sor EULA Ir We SuooT A WE MIGHT WIT You, AND IF YOU MONE THEY MIGHT TELLING TOMMY | [rm COROT YAS VIHO WAS COROT, 3 SCAPE A FAMOU! FRENCH ARTIST, TOMMY, HIS FAME RESTS CHIEFLY ff OM WIS UMIQUE LAND: PAINTINGS. HEAD OF JEUNE FILLE 8Y COROT Koror (ms6-e75) ARTISTS KNOWN AS T S0 NAMED FROM THE BIZOM WHERE THEY 15 THE MOST POPULAR AND | PROBABLY THE GREATEST OF THE GROUP OF { HE "BARBIZOM SCHOOL LITTLE VILLAGE OF BAR: 0 MUCH OF THFIR WORK LSO0ROT PAI | PALE GREENS, AND SILVERY GRAYS, PRODUC: | ING AM EFFECT OF LOVELINESS THAT GIVES KS THE NAME OF PAINTED MUSIC" ET -- = FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU. WHAT DO ; YOU KNOY NOTHING! HE ABOUT DIED BEFORE COROT, 1 WAS BORN" NTED HIS LANDSCAPES IN BROWS) eat Britain rig reserved BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManu: YOU CAN'T GO OUT- THE INTERIOR PECORATOR 15 COMING AND HE WILL THIS 1S MR. WAVELENGTH ~ HE WiLL TELL YOU WHAT 1S TO BE DONE NOW- 1 INTEND TO PUT PINK WALL. - PAPER WITH HUMMING BIRDS (Fo THAT GUY WONT BE OUT OF © 1936, 1527 Feature Service, Inc, Great Britain rights reserved. BY Grace G. Drayta rt » reg Opn: nn Gi Gran BR Vis verve COMPY WATCHED PHE GOLDEN BGG SINK | LIKE A LITTLE GOLDEN SUN- THEN HE JUMPED INTO THE WATER AND SWAM FAR. OUT FROM SHORE REACHING THE SPOT WHERE HE THO THE BGG HAD SUNK, HE DOVE AGAIN AND AGAIN IN HOPES OF FINDING IT- 11 saved THE GOLDEN | EGG FOR Dolly [7 AND BOBBY {7 ay " + You BETTER GO HOME To AND BoBBY JE VRNGEN ~B.550 THE DARK MAN STOQD ON THE SHORE AND LAUGHED AND LAUGHED -"You WiLL NEVER GET IT- HE SAID - "SO AT LAST COMFY GOT THE GOLDEN EGG AND HE SWAM UNDER 'WATER|! UNTIL. HE GOT To SOME BUSHES Dolly AND HE CRAWLED ON SHORE AND RAN HOME 224) TILLIE THE TOILER--Overworking the Willing Horse - ish em ep By Russ Westove [ 25 THIS \D --= NO: WHY | TAKE Aa RIDE WHEN YM NOT IN BUYING ONE, MR, WHIPPLE || SHOULD | IN YOUR CAR (INTERESTED AND vP- 1 HERE AUTOMOBILE ee te tT 1S LUNCH TIME TILLIE HASN'T SHOWAL HOPE "THIS \SN'T ANG SALESMAN YES - IN THE MARKET A CAR - VM GOOD ~ PRETTY SOFT TOR YOU, MR. WHIPPLE « HERE. \ AM RIDING AROUND IN DIFFERENT MAKES OF CARS ALL MORNING TRYING wo DECIDE "HICH ONE \AE NOT For. eY Er OVGHTA BLY, AND YOu SITTING ; IN A COZY OFFICE ny HERE O'VYAl CL N\GET THAT WE No STUFF?

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