PAGE THREE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1930- City's Capital Expenditures Totalled $319,781 Last Year WILL INTERVIEW COUNCIL ANNOYED HEALTH DEPT. ON BY OPERATIONS OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL BUS COMPANIES ee : | Ald. Hart City Engi Complain That Gray Coach Appoin hy Mission - Lines Disobey Traffic to Toronto Regulations P s toward : "They use our highways, block our tons 3 astion 7 s yi 1 streets and act as if they owned our Rnd i i city" stated Mayor Mitchell at last | night's meeting of the council in| cil Testing last night, Hight De upon the operation o W George Hart and the Toronto municipally owned Gray] i W; ¢ Smith Were ap Coach Line buses here. Several mem- pointed 3 commitice Jo IBice vie he bers of the city council had made | rovincial Department of Health and it obtain all the information rossible on somplaintggeonceming the Fo rai n the proposed new plant of the buses, thus inciting of i 1 ship to voice this remark, At the last meeting of the council r Wed know whet) the matter of a new sewage disposal All, Joddy wished to know whe th-| plant was referred, to the Board of er any progress had been made in| Works, of which Alderman Hart is the city's endeavor to collect taxcs | chairman, from the bus companies for operat Besides information which may be ing their couches on lox al strect He obtained from the Provincial Depart- pointed out that t 1e streets were the partment of Health, the city has at Ham of ky we 5 ano that | its disposal data in an exhaustive re shot 1 ute son i nt on 1 t port a for the council of 1928 their uj Bleep z io ny 1 of life, t $14,917.86 Per Annum by Gore, Nasmith and Storie, in ave be forme that» 4 rs bo jay n ahha pt a for 15 Years ard ) Med a tax | which it was stated that an adequate { have a right to cc t ata | sewage disposal plant would cost in REMOVED FROM HOSPITAL | tenth of a cent per § ; ; : Claire Flintoff young Taunton man, | Me lied, the neighborhood of half a million who ib rout hs es BS i fo it Find I Io a. r Sit obi 3 al ho ) ' dollars. This scheme, however, could : § } St : 4 be" spread over a ratiod of Two or | | Friday night suffering from concus- arranging t thivee years. the plant eh 7 don: revenue being $5,438, This amount | sion and other injuries which he re- { ment of High § In » 4 | was slightly less than in 1928, but {ceived when he was struck by al further ation on structed in ung: it is understood. | considerably greater than in 1927. | motor In his inaugiral address to the 1930 | car while assisting to push a land a this tax i A | second car council, Mayor Mitchell placed the Ministerial Association Renewed Stand Against Sunday Funerals Yesterday speaker at this meeting was 3. H, Stevenson of the Ontario Hospital at Whitby who took for his subject mental hygiene. In a brief, well worded address Dr. Stevenson presented to his hearers his subject very fully and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks at its conclusion. A visitor to the meeting was the Rev, A. L. Richards of Whithy Taber- nacle United church, Approximately Two-and-One ~ Halt-Miles of Pavement Were Laid, Council Is Informed RELIEF ASKED FOR |" Pavement Construction PENNILESS. AND | Sicess Gor og {GED RATEPAYER eer Smith Reports--City Council Informed That] Pays $39,113.64 | 22,019 FEET OF Property of Old Citizen Assessed Too High Oshawa Not Represented On Delegation to Ottawa Re Relief For Unemployed Mayor Mitchell E Explained to Council Last Night That Ald. Hart and He dad Planned to go, but Had Received No Word ALD. JACKSON OBJECTS TO PROPERTY DISTRESS Chairman of Finance Replies That City Needs Money Out in Tax Arrears--Says Oshawa Must Not Be- come Like Chicago Because no definite word had been | received here concerning the inten- tions of the deputation trom various cities and towns throughout Ontari which was to wart upon the Domin# ion government at Ottawa, Oshawg was not represented upon the bod of municipal authorities who yester- day interviewed the Minister of La- bor with regard to the unemploy- ment situation and the necessity of | seeking provincial and federal aid in order to provide work which might give relief to the jobless. This was the statement which was made last | night in city council when Ald, P. A. | MacDonald asked why no one had | been included from this city in the delegation yesterday. Mayor Mit- chell and Ald. Hart had been pre-| viously named as delegates, "We had made arrangements to go" Mayor Mitchell explained, "but the only word received was a tele- gram from the reeve of North York which gave us no idea when the dele- gates might gather in Oshawa from the various municipalities, For two days we tried to get in touch with the reeve of this gunicipality, but could get no information from him. We did not wish to leave on a wild goose chase and our first intimation that the delegates had interviewed the governmént came through the newspapers tonight." Oshawa had need to be interested in the project for receiving federal and provincial aid in order to help its unemployed, Ald. MacDonald pointed out on account of the large number who are still without the means of earning a living in the city, The council was satisfied with the explanation of Mayor Mitchell and Ald. Hart and did not press the mat- ter further, Objection to the procedure of the city in threatening to "distress pro- perty on which there was arrears of taxes, was voiced by Ald. S. Jack- son. He held in his hand a notice which had been issued to a delin- quent taxpayer, "I don't think that this is the time for such action," Ald. Jackson con- tended. "We all know that many of our citizens have been out of work a great deal during the past year and through no fault of their own are unable to meet their taxes as prompt- ly as they might wish, li<the city is going to start distressing property in order to collect arrears then about 25 per cent of all Oshawa property will be up for auction, It's high, time the council is cutting down the expenditures which make our tax bills so high." Ald. P. A. MacDonald, chairman of finance, pointed out that arrcars could 'not be allowed to accumulate as the city could not operate without J money. "Why we would be like Chicago," he stated. The chairman of finance agreed that there was need for economy in expenditures but he was firm in his contention that the city needed the money which was out in arrears of taxes. i "There are some people who are in the position to pay their taxes At the regular meeting" of the Oshawa Ministerial Association in the Y.M.C.A, yesterday morning the following resolution was unanimous- ly carried, "That this ministerial As- sociation renew its stand not to con- duct funerals on Sundays except in cases of urgent necessity and in that cvent the final decision be lef. to the minister reqeusted to conduct the funeral," CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | HOUSING INSPECTOR Signs of Spring Two robins and a group of blackbirds, feathered harbingers of spring, were scen by Master Roy Stockill in a tree at the rear of his home 160 Ritson road south, this morning, Mrs. Stock- ill is able to vouch for the state- ment of her little son as she al- so saw the birds, Judging trom the present wea- ther, with snow almost two feet deep and the calendar' indicating at least a month of winter ahead it would seem that the red brearts and black wings are returning north somewhat ahead of time and just when many Oshawans are contemplating journeys south, But possibly the feathered crea- tures tired of life in the south- ern states and decided to return north a month or two in advance of schedule. ANNUAL MEETING OF COUNTY LODGE HELD SATURDAY Orangemen Are Opposed to More Taxes for Sep- arate Schools SEWERS LAID | Almost Five Mie Mies of Side- ' walk Were Added Last Year -- Debenture Pay- ments To Be Increased ASK ACTION ON SEWER The city council was requested | The Oshawa Housing Commis- | last night to take action on the [sion asked tho city council last laying of a sewer on Central Park | night to appoint an inspector who boulevard. The sewer was passed | could act under the Commission in by the 1929 council, but has never | investigating and inspecting houses been proceeded with, [ under the control of the Commis- | sion, The TAX REPORT Tr. Ellis, poll tax collector, | reported to the city council last night that 1,089 young men had | paid poll taxes iu 1929, the total POLL mile," | "Next (rCek | venu, L Smith and mysel ented to tl pital expenditure of the Osh- inte . the Depart be PPlre may estion Tos aw, council mm 1929 for local mm- 1 1 a « . ts totalled $319,781, accord ubje eports submitted by city ens y + W. C. Smith at the city coun- tof ; 1 meeting last night, laud on Simcoe stre otith: com i I'he figures of the in; \ 1. | showed that 12,918.25 1 ximately 0 scat per are | order inf the to how is impos that engineer lineal reet or and one-half were laud, the to- 57,283. 'The proper- 1s $118,169.36 and $39,113.04, Deben- were issued for 15 years, the payment being $11,384.70 by Joperey owners and $3,768.30 by a whole, | scwers totalled $117,616 H during the ye ar, 22,019 lineal fect be~ ing laid, De Al Ri were issued for s, the property owner's annual ing $2,812.53 and the city's payment $8,518.87. walks laid during the year cost ,548, a total of 26,214.75 lineal feet authorize | © t five miles of sidewalks be~ of | Ing laid. The property owners' share $12,151.02 and the city's share 10.98. 'The city's payment is $1,- of Canada | and the property owners' an= and { nual payment $1,573.61. Street openings cost the city $21,- 334 during the The streets opened were: William street between wa boulevard and Ritson road; street from Nassau to Burke Huron street from Eulalie avenue to 105 feet north; Olive av- enue from Simcoe to Albert streets; ind Celina street, 112 feet south from its former terminus to meet Al- bert street. 'I'he city's share of the ost is $12,090, and the property own= ers' share $9244, The annual pay- ment of the property owners, on 15- year debentures, is $890.64 and the | city's annual payment $1,164.73, The total annual payment which the city must meet as a result of last vear's capital expenditures for local improvements are $14917.86, This represents slightly less than one mill on the dollar of the present assess- | ment, d Cdsions city buses tw waltmg r This ca claimed The police « appre | ules owner's share city s shar 1 Cali street as Sanitary Ald. } school street ot The annual meeting of the County Orange Lodge of South Ontario was held in the lodge room here Saturday afternoon and even- ing. Feb, 1st. County Master Geo. Gillespie of Whitby occupied the chair and the afternoon session was occupied with reports of committees and general business, In the evening election and In- stallation of officers took place. R. W. Bro. L. H. Saundres, Grand Master of Ontario West was pres- ert and conducted this part of the meeting. Wollowing the installation ceremony the Grand Master gave a very able and inspiring address in, the course of which he referred to the faet that this year marks the heginning of the second century of Orangeism in Canada. and urged his hearers to continue to uphold the British conncet!on and Prot- estant principles of religious free- dom. The trophy offered by Wor. Bro. Gillespie for the lodge showing the best proportionate advance dur- ing the year was won by Vimy Ridge L.O.L. 2697, Whitby, and the Grand Master was asked to present. thisdbeautiful cup to Wor. Bro. Robt. Reid, who occupied the Master's chair in that lodge during 1929, A resolution protesting against any change in the Assessment Act which would convey to sectarian Separate Schools any portion of e taxes of corporations beyond at at present permitted, was passed and a copy ordered sent to Hon. G. H. Ferguson, premier of Ontario. The officers elected for the present year are as follows: P.C. M., Geo, Gillespie; W.C.M,, R. J. Andrews, Sr; DCM, C W, Brown Chaplain, H. J, Johnston; Ree. Sec., G. J. Morrish; Fin. Sec,, W. 8. McKinley; Treas.,, J. A. Moord; Marshal, Thos. Semple; Lecturers, John Short and John Turner. made that act is to Canada or laws on any is within the au- | reason for bus t " ( Mit provi nothing fi the or almos of male ent provinces States of Australia, respective jurisdiction of the and provincial governments unaltered." to pre [ the wh Jen L the commis thority 2.90 a vear; il remain Detailed 're ade unitorm or tion uch mat ow of safety and ommendations reciprocs a8 quad ohn reet; are # for a0 i I of a vessgl | gualifie ation' | mutual en tions tar dards that a cort em Con to the | as of NO FIRES has taken a rest | the | TAKE A CUTTER! Citizens are again 1 not to beyond warnec mobile It's mighty difficult to {invent an excuse without infringing upon some other man's patent, No woman should doubt a hus- band's love if he is willing to wear the kind of neckties she buys him. FFECTS BOTH (Farmers' Advocate) ty both have their * not enough ru- ntain sch and as maniftest- weir wits' end congestic n Before marriage she is the. only woman he is really gallant to, and afterwards she invariably is the only one he isn't, cities, arc at tl to prevent or note that a special relieve to a considerable extent the | seconded by Ald. Bunker. and ap- The request of the Oshawa Hu- | He is expect- | guilty of parking their dt Cc : council has fo flowed his lead in giv- £4.19 recover -- : ferred to the police commission | SHARE IN ESTATES | obstruction to traffic he | tor, requested by the society, will | council that, on the death of a pen- | sjon investi this charge, b h ' Droverty. it pny Sain il GUILTY OF B | ( A society. tl government, 30 per cent. | (hem of ling on King oLoUele| e050 GrANTED | i | this being the proportion in which | King street at the i 351 nocessitic tated. The 3 { ' {eil of Ontario. The Council did | | Sotued at a recent meeting passed | children who might be on the Counsel States tions here, and in nssisting in the exceed the speed limit, proposed brought against Frank Kobernick and | was in recognition of these ser- | who some weeks ago while using a | gated by lice tter at potit three-thirty yesterday afternoon | CONVICTED OF B.LCA. dently wounded James McQuarrie | The case was unusual and the de-|two months in the county jail in [one month for sentence in po tice | RESTRICTIONS ON lice on January 8th was left in a|of appeal and the accused was allow- | harm." In that month they are to The Crown 92. ' Another boy who was too young | be Scarboro, Feb. J3--According to rs 20 p Sire z n Savenila . that Kobernick had offered him $250 appeared in the juvenile court will | (Continued from Page 1) hE wien John Linden, who today mterviewed ho his appearance, He was fined $200 . (2)---Declaratory enactment of p aj fiable charac- "ap- | Heights residents to secure a Joust 1} FOR TRESPASSING Ar =ha J differcnt a justifiable charac- | defence D. A Swanson. Kobernick | Appeared be- 3 Empow 7 Dominion | ference itself 3 i a mile in cither direction to | fore Magistrate | ) impowerin omini feren ! sed itself as im- m -- - ) c 1 Nh INCREASE NOTED Compare © pas 4 he Dominion. | considered within the terms of the the Mercha 8 g Act and | recommending that the whole - fire department has as yet not had| he Merchant hipping Ac and | recommending that the whole sub Lapointe Explains ao to keep up for the remainder {they will only have the added ex apointe axplam Hine bl | posed leggslation is not to confer | rounding country are impassable 9} any non * 3 a questi to be | Youle i Chief of Police Venton Pre- mention them at all, but with the ab-|to stay at home, use snow shoes uf J on to De ral peopl mat they 50 desire. | to know how that record is made we feel we ) a, vestigate the possibility of straight- . p ; The installation of machinery . at meeting of the town council show- } mation' 'which. was passed by the | report only covered eight months | Start production about the middle of and one the town can be well pleas- | bout two hundred men which will | ferred to the Board of Works was unemployment in the city. proved by the council. worry and in a check up it will be nme across the highway near | Ald, Morris complained Po x : "| HUMANE SOCIETY TAG DAY Tooley's Mills has been removed to! Gray Coach Lines were on o sewage disposal plant foremost in his Fis home in. Tounto program for the year's work, and thef none" gocfety for permission to | | abreast in front of the hold a tag day was last night re- | | at Genosha Hotel ing carly atte ntion lo the mati fr, 101d 2 g y y & at the nosha . by the city council, The questions The Old Age Pensions Board for | should not be tolerated, | of a dog pound and a horse shel- | Ontario has informed the city { will request that the B MN K FOUND | be discussed at a meeting of the | sioner where there is an estate, | 'The buses in for further cen- | . city property committee with the [it is divided 50 per cent. to the | gyre when Ald. Waterous accused Suldarson. has ticvet: applies w 1 to the provincial government and | west at : rate of spec 20 per cent. to the municipality, "They thi ree The sum of $250 was last night i 1 --| granted to the Social Service Coun- | the three governments contribute | yileg an hour,' Waterous 115 Fined $200 And Costs | to the cost of the pensions, The | He reared fo saflty | pay Will Appeal Case, Defense | considerable service to Oshawa ny | making a survey nf social condi-|a resolution requesting a ruling | at that time. to this effect, "There is no fon ---- movement to have a juvenile court | The case of keeping liquor for sale | established here, and this grant MUST PAY DAMAGES : | chell added. "Apparer parliament Steve Drapak and John Osmok | matter Iso mig nvesti- | Anetralia which took up nearly three hours of | vices, g | the court's time yesterday ended a gun in a city dump shot and acci- | with the Magistrate registering al John Roshbond charged with keep- | in the leg necessitating his remow © REMOVE ST conviction against him. ing liquor for sale was sentenced to4to the hospital were remar nded fence contended that the liquor found | police court yesterday afternoon, His court this morning when they were on the premises in a raid by the po- | counsel 1). A. J. Swanson. filed notice [charged with "doing gricvor us bodily | hide unknown to Kobernick by his|ed his freedom on bail of $2,000 pay the costs of the injuries to oe wife. -- man, amounting in cach case to $48.- | NA had intimated MAY GET POSTOFFICE witness would brought to prove [to appear in police court and who | a------ or nt word received fron, Deputy Reeve if he would swear the liquor was his have dC PRY $33.00 his share of | legislation from: the power of dis ibility up a tribunal but the case was concluded without |the Postoffice Department officials at | the shooting. | allowances | as a means of determining possible Ottawa, the efforts of Bitch Cliff g § or three mo but notice of ap- the power of a Dominion to make. | to a r men 2 of i « 3 : ] 4 y : | if i 1 ¢ ctwee nembers of the Brit- peal was gi counsel 'for the |office are likely to result in success. VWlliam Sharpe was fincd one dol | laws having extra territorial effect, | jg) bet wealth While the coT- Hitherto residents have been forced [lar and costs when he y ] nonwes ' hil ) was released bail of $2,000, | to walk | illis in court this | Parliament to repeal a British act | pressed with the advantage of such atten ------------------------ secure their mail, morning charged with trespassing s0 far as it is part of «the law of | 4 tribunal as the subject was not Company. . sz tod The fire "denon" NPAnYs | Specific repeal by the British | poference from the 1926 Imperial ne nre enon lis corto x i | ~ " : ro * ¥ parliament of certain provisions of | Confe ce, acti as conf 3 in February it would seem for I d | Conferen wetion was confined to the colonial courts of Admiralty | feat should be furthe} examined [a single call this month. This is a|chance a trip by auto Act is also recommended, into by all th BOV( a sik | ood record and one that would be| the northern limits of the city for] | LAR id . "It is made clear," Mr, Lapointe | of the month, | pense of having to be t« wed back 0] stated last night, "that the pro- | I | the city. Roads all through the sur-| ' i ABOUT SNOW ower or to amend the | Snow storms are getting $0 regular automobiles and visitors to that sec- | Canadian or Australian constitu-| po; these days that it is hardly news to tion of the country will either have ion this boing Pf considered by appropriate Canadian |, hes. and a sented Annual Report to normal fall this year we are daily|rely on a horse and cutter, Aus L@lfan authorities. when aur py » 0d Alu # v) getting nearer a record and when | - 1 nto, Council Last Night W WANT STREET STRAIGHTENED | U0 S600 Ja know hoy would like to say we anticipated it. The Board of Works will in- | : a The annual report of the chief of A INSTALLING MACHINERY 1 ening out the jog on Mary street police presented at last night's near Alice street according to a| ed the town to be little worse this [He new Skinner plafit is nearly conv id vg | pleted and the planteis expected to| council last night, Ald, Hawkes | year in regard to crime. Last year's pointed out that at present the and it Is hardly fair to make a |the month. It is expected that at|Stroet was a menace to traffic and | comparison, This is a good record | the start there will be employed a his motion that the matter be re- | ed with, Of course as usual the traffic problem proved the biggest found that 75 per cent, of the cas- es hrought up in court in violation | all civic officials and others who | Dies From Towel romptly but don't do it," Mayor Ritchel contended. His Worship did not think that the city would act with undue severity towards those avho had experienced hardships and Yor this reason might not be able to meet their taxes promptly, Small boy -- "Mister, vou sell au- tomobile parts, don't yuh?" Accessory Dealer--"Yes, my boy." Small Boy (displaying old inner Sewn in Her Body After Operation Edmonton, Feb, 4.--That 'Mrs. Ruth Olsen, aged 27, dled at the general hospital on January 29 as a result of a towel measuring 16 by 26 inches heing left in her body following an operation performed on January 24 in the hospital," wag of the Traffic Act, were against out of town people which goes to show that citizens of Bowmanville in general are a law abiding com- munity, The increase in the num- ber of thefts is easily accounted for in the fact that 21 of these cases were brought following the wreck on the C.P.R. last spring when a great number took small articles as souvenirs and were fined have assisted during the year. "I have the honor to be, Gentle- men, Your obedient servant, [ 8. VENTON, Chief Constable." 1929 Statistical Report of the Chief of Police Total number or cases ...... be Number of convictoins Number of cases dismissed Number of cases withdrawn .... 339 Coming Events 8 Cents per word each fine | sertion. Minimum charge | for each insertion, 33c. BOX SOCIAL--THE BROTHER. hood of Holy Trinity Church, Barrie and Court streets, Thurs- Old fashioned dusty fuels Now You Can Buy DUSTLESS COKE that won't dirty your house No longer need you clean house every time your fuel bin is filled--if you use the new Dustless Hamilton By-Product Coke. A | process seals the surface against giving off loose flying dust. Result--a cleaner house with less work. This new cleanliness will delight you--yet it costs no more. And in addition Hamilton By-Product Coke will give you the many other advantages which have made it so a saving of 35% of your fuel bill--Clean comfortable heat-- Ease of Control=No dust, soot or dangerous fumes--Very little ash, Order dis perfect fuel today and be comfortable. SOLD BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE HAMILTON: ECoKE day, February 6th, informal program, Dancing. (17-19-23-25- CHOSEN FRIENDS WHIST Drive, Wednesday, Feb. 5, over Bank of Commerce, Everybody come, (29a) WHIST DRIVE BASEMENT: OF Holy Trinity Church, 8 p.m, Friday, February 7th, Prizes and refreshments, (29h) DON'T FORGET CONCERT AND play Centre St. United Church, Tuesday 8 p.m, (29a) SQUARE AND ROUND DANCE TO- night, February 4th, Albert St Hall. A jolly time to a jolly tune Boh Wood's "Bluebells'. 26¢. (29a) A SURE CURE FOR THE BLUES, A.Y.M.C. Sixth Annual Minstrel Show, conizng soon, (29a) WHIST DRIVE SONS OF ENG- land Wednesday, 8 o'clock. 25¢. (29a) TOO. LATE TO CLASSIFY | TWO LARGE ROOMS T0 RENT, Heat, water and electric, $16 a month, Phone 1587TW, Apply, 3 Division Street. SIX ROOMED HOUSE pp ad 279 French street. All conveni- encos, Possession immediately. Ap- ply 238 Division St. Phone 2871J. (29¢) Summons- issued Number arrested Arrested for other, departments Record of Offences Violation of the Traffic Act .. Violation of the L. C. Act .. Town Bylaws Gambling on the Lord's Day . Assault Forgery False Pretenses Vagrants . Theits Receiving stolen goods Non Support . Disorderly Conduct False Registration Fraud Intoxicated while in charge of Automobile Assault on females Indecent Act Non Payment of wages Robber; > hile armed Fruit A : Childrens' Protection Act faamie LAWS. uJ iv carniaieson sen Tax Collections Money collected in fing paid to Town treasurer ... Statute labor and dog tax Street Licences 5.00 Total collected by department 13.15 Sanitary Inspector Investigation of complaints 14 6 59 the finding of a coroner's jury which investigated the death. a nominal sum, The report reads ag follows: ' "To the Mayor and members of the council of the town of Bow- manville, "Gentlemen, T Deg to submit to vou my report for the year ending December 31st, 1920. "There has been an increase in the number of cases brought to the Police Court, also an increase in the number of fines callected, due partly to the additional officer on the force during the summer,' months and full 12 months of 1929 compared with the eight months of the previous year. "There was an increase of 27 oases of' the Highway Trafic Act, 27 Liquor Control Act and 20 for theft, the majority of the latter "eing the souvenir hunters at the A.P:R, wreck last spring. "There was a slight increase in "obberies and automobiles stolen, he automobiles all beinggrecover- ad tube and an auto horn)--"Well, how much would the rest of 'em come to?" 20) CITY OF OSHAWA Tax Arrears Tax delinquents have not responded to the final re- quest for payment sent by mail: the large amount ctill unpaid makes it necessary to adopt other methods. Chass nnee ' Unless arrears are paid by February 22nd Collection by distress will positively be put into effect. : "There were less street accl- Aents, this IT believe due to the sarallel parking to the curb and the additional officer patrolling the streets in his car. "I would again recommend an- other officer being appointed to give the public added protection. "I recommend {hat a telephone be placed in the home of Constable Hall at the town's expense. "In conclusion I wish to thank Registered "The Dustless Fuel" MADE IN HAMILTON, ONTARIO, IN COKE OVENS OWNED AND OPERATED BY CANADIANS CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE. February 1, 1930. Number of Milk Tests :...... Cards for various diseases r-------------- Re Rl,