Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Jan 1930, p. 9

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W\ Engineering and Surveying fONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Joicitors Notaries Puliie Ete. Som JC! - and general practice Law, Offices 144 Simcoe St South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant B.A, LLB: A. F. Annis, B.A. LL. B. 8S, Solicitor, Notary 'Public, Convey. wncer. Money to loan. Third floor tew Alger Building. Opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. : EN SINCLAIR, K.C.. BANK erce Building. JOSEPH © MANGAN, BA --BAR: rister. Solisiior, Notary Public. Con- veyaucer. Money to loan. Office 14%4 King St. East. Oshawa. Phone 445 Residence phone 837. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON _aND Fraser, Barristers, Conveyaficers, Notaries Public, ete. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simeoe St. Phone 18. J. F. Grierson. K.C.. T. K. Creighten, B.A, N. C Fraser, B.A. LOUIS Si HYMAN, BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe Jie north. Phone 67. Residence PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR- risters. etc; Money to loan. Alger Bldg. Opnosite Past Office. Phone 1614. A. I. Parkhill, A. C. H Field GREER AND HUMPHREYS. BAR risters. Solicitors. eic. 24% Siricoe St. N. Phone 3160. Money to. loan ALEX C. HALL, B.A, BARRIS: ter, ete. Conveyancing and general practice. 22% King St. East Phone 3237. (tr) HARRIS & HARRIS, BARRIS ters, Solicitors, etc., 41 Alger Bldg. Oshawa and Port Perry. Phcnes 750 Oshawa, Port Perry 24 anl 71 r 3. Jan, 2-1 mo) Medica! DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher. Office and resis dence, King St. Ezst. corner Victoria St. Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. HAROLD Ww. TRICK, PH 'SIi cian, Surgeon. Obs*ctrician, Special references to maternity work ard di- seases of woinen. Two wears' post graduate sxperience. Office and resi dence 167 Simcoe St. N.. (cor. Brock) phone 302 DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon. Obscetrician, diseases of infants end children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East Phone 1155 PR, B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- clan and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work ana Electro theopy. Office, Disney Elock Phone 2050. Office open 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. Residence 161 King East Phone 2416. DR DAVID ARCHER. M.D. CM L. .R..C. and. S$. Edinburgh Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician Office 142 Simcoe St N Phone 3020 residence 161 King St. E_Phone 3155 1 ARCHER BROWN. MD. L R C. P. & S Edinburgh Physician Surgeon, Obstetrician, - special at: tention to maternity work and dis eases of children. Office and resi dence. 185 Simcoe St. North. Phone 3107. ink DR. C. W. CARL, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Office and residence, 512 Simcoe street north Phone 2415 DR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and residence, 185 Simcoe «Street, North phone 3107. 3 DR. J. G. FERGUSON, ¥YSICIAN and Surgeon, Specialist in kidney and bladder diseases, Brock and Mary streets, Whitby. Phone 179. Whitby. (Jam, 30-7 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto. will be at his office over Jury & Lovelis Druc Store each Saturday. from 1 till ? pm. for consultation and treatmw of diseases of ear, nose and throat only Appointments mav be ma drug store. Phone 97 11] 8350). Charles Wales, 146 Elgin DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR © Civil Engin- en a: ry Ro municipal el ee! mg St. E_Phones 2532] or 2844, i, Undertaking {UKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST 'East, Ambulance Residence' 542 Sim. coe street north, Phone 210J and 210W. DISNEY-COXT FUNERAL HOME 7 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Buse street. Ambulance. Phone Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The old. est Fire Agency-in Oshawa. . 30 Re: autable Fire Companies. 'H ACI S consult R. N. Johrps, 80 Simcoe 'north. Your insurance 'vants at- tendad. to and your _.nterests pro- tected. . [.° J Es Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE- man's, 85 Bond West. Specialists in furniture moving, storage ware- house and moving van equipment. Phone 82. CARTAGE, GRAVEL sand ard cinders. Local and long distan: hauling Phone 3048 and 2692F, Smith and Cox, 387 King st. W. OSHAWA'S OLDEST lishel furniture movers, car.acre. Local and long Erank Cowle, Prop. G3 South. Phone 215. MOVING, ESTAB. Park Road distance Yark ' Ri Jan. 17-1 mo) Beauly Parlors BETTY LOUL PERMAWENI wave, Special $5 and $7.50 Finger wave and shampoo $1. Facial .75¢ Hair cuttii g 25c. Phone 2958 or 8 Simcoe North, { EXPERT MARCELLING BY Bettv Ward at Betty Lou Perman ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone WATSONS BARBER Beauty shop. 9 Celina St. We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar- celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 59 cents. For appointments phone 26563. (Jan. 14-1 mH MADAM MARIE, LATE OF PARIS and T. Eaton, Toronto, high class beauty culture at moderate prices Disney Building, Flat No. 1, 31 King street east, opposite Post Office. Phone 1376 (Jan. 2-1mo) MARCEL AND CURL, S0c. MRS Everette Bell, Apartment 9. Edward Apartments, Quebec Street. For ap- pointments phone 1090]. Jan Z-lmo. Building Supplies CEMENT BLOUKS FOR-SALE. To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date W. Borrowdale, phone 1618. AND | 3256 of this nature. ' of cust All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts mers who find it inconvenient For the conv and collect for same. to come personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING gervico at reasonable. rates, Income tax reports and annual statements prepared. R, A, Holden, 92 Simcoe street north, phone 371W, 2340) (24c Agents Wanted WANTED--NOW SALES AGENT capable of handling good class customers for Oshawa district Sales equipment supplied, Exclu- sive territory. largest and finest stock, Profitable agency for right man, Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, " (Feb, 14) Lost and Found LOST--BETWBEN MAPLE. AND King streets, Grey purse contain. ing over 'twelve dollars, fountain pen with name, (Curly) engraved, valued as keepsake, Reward. Fhone 2372M, (25b) ST--LAST TIGHT, 8 purse containing $3.63 on King St. Kindly return 314 Gliddon Ave. Reward. (26a) Wanted To Rent YOUNG . COUPLE ' WANT TWO (furnished housekeeping rooms sear Motors, reply stating rent wanted. Box 412 Times. (25b) For Sale or Exchange Real Estate for Sale Articles For Sale FOR SALE--EIGHT ROOM BRICK on Simcoe North, water heating, laundry room with tubs, water heater and boiler, living room and dining room, gum wood trim, beamed ceil- ing in dining room, breakfact neck in kitchen, tiled bath with showers, two rooms 'in attic. This house is offered for quick sale at nearly two thousand dollars below cost. Act quick if you want a bargain. Apply Box 413 Times. (25¢) FOR SALE---TEN ROOM ROAD house, all modern, close to Oshawa on Kingston Réad, will consider ex- change on Oshawa property. Phone Me oto (25k) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE---57 acres, more or less, on provincial highway, 1% miles east of Col- borne Frameé house, barn, ete, Close to camming factory, church and school. Cheap for quick sale to close an estate. G. E. R. Wilson insurance and real estate, Colborne, Ontario. (251) AN ACRE OF GARDEN WITH six room house and garage for sale. Easy terms, or good car and cash as payment, balance arranged. Box 414 Times, ae (20D) LOVELY ¢ ROOMED MODERN home must be sold at a sacrifice price. Just think hardwoood floors, Freneh doors, electric fire place, built in cupboards. Double garage hen house, lot 35 x 113 for only $3,950, Phone 371W (26a) Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH- er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Oshawa Tussday, 51g Wil liam street v-est, upstairs Phone 2754F. (129tf) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Taronto's leading violin teachers, 1s in Oshawa on Thursday afternoons Studio 86 Elgin St. E. Phone 739M 3 Jan, 17-1 mu) HERBERT C, THENEER, OR- ganist and choir master of King Street United Church will accept' pupils in piano, organ and vocal music. For particulars apply 60 William street east. Phone 2896, Jan. 2-1 mo) "Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AC- cessories for sale, repairs on elec- tric and. battery sets, tubes and batteries = tested.. batteries re- charged rental supplied $1. Phone Rast. Jan, 6-1 mu, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. E. F RICHARDSON OFFICE over Mitchell's Drue Store. Hours 10 to 12 am. 2 to 5. Evenings bv appointment. Office phone 2660. Residence 432]. « AL ; DR. A. W. HARDING, OFFICE over Dewlands, Hours 10 to i2 a.m. 2 to 5. Evenings by appoint- ment Office phone 1499. Resid- ence 2548. Dental ; ORS. ). PHIL PS. OVER BAS- seit's, Special atta@tion to X.rav work. Gas -~'racticn. Nurse in at- tendance. - Phone 959. House 1312. DR. H. 9 SIMCOE ST north, over Mitchell's. Drug Store Gas for exiraction. Phone 54. : DR. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST. Nitrous oxid oxvgen gas for extra. tions. fice oval Bank Eide Phone 948, residence, 1378M. DR...J. F. B DENTIST, 16 Si 5 w. over Déwland's Phone 1957. Res: 202W. Zverings by apnointment. aaa DR W. H. GIFFORD OFFICE Rexent There Bldg. Phone 1780 Residence 60 DR. LaNGMAIT DR _DAV'ES Dentists, - 37 Kiag St. E. Special at- tention to gas extraction and X-rav work. Nurse in attendance. Phones 1243 an' 864 Architects C. C. STENHOUSE ~-- GENE ENERA! rchitectural work. Second floor Royal "Bank. 'Building. . Phone 149% IC JOHNSON. AS: snciate Simcoe St. S. RADIO REPAIRS, ALL WORK guaranteed, prices moderate, set test- ing, batteries recharged, 50c. one 382r11. Geo. Burroughs certified radio-trician. _" (Jan. 7-1 mo) Painting and Decorating R GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS TA Pethanges, painting and grainin rices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Ave. plone 3065w or . ! it) A. G. TURNER, PAINTER AND Paperuanger. Only first class work guaranteed: 20 ' years experience Prices reasonable. Phone 2460W. Jan, 17-1 mo) PAINTER, PAPERHANGER AND decorator. Estimates given on work. Phone 1367J. P. J. Brady. (Jan, 29-1 mo) Money to Loan CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkhill & Ficld. Barristers, etc. Alger Blde Phone 1614. ye Home Cooked Meats ENGLISH HOME WADE - PORK. ples, steak and kidney piés. "hot or cold brawn, -akes and pastries, ete, ete. Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street. Phone 2372F. (77te) PAUL VERLAND, BEST AND most artistic clothes maker in 'QOshs ava for Wen J 2 as Prices fair an Wo hone 1583W, imgos, Sufeet south, | Va (Jan. 80-1 mo Auctioneer Over Felt a2 MARIE M TOR 78 SIMCOE treet norib "1600 Speelal Fates tor tng fist streutar (Jan, 28-1 mo) nent, el Saar Ay Wanted To Buy FOR. SALE -- COMPLETELY equipped new six roomed rug brick house. 153 Alexandra St, opposite golf grounds, Garage. Phone 1257W or apply 1256 Alma St, (26c) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTFRING CHESTER fields made to order. We save you money Estimates free. G. A Con- stable. 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1593). (56) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered. 75 cents: If ren- tal supplied $1 Batteries repaired Stan _Blideon. Mil St. Phone 1885W. (Jan. 13-1 mo) hs S------ETIIEE Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DEALER. FOUR niture bought and ecld. 186 Bloor St. East, Phone 1817M, {ern Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE DISEN- gaged after Feb. first. Maternity invalid or general nursing. Doctor's references, For information phone 742M, (Jan, 15-1 mo) Hemstitching NINE CENTS PER YARD, PLEAT- ed Skirts, one dollar, alterations, ete, All kinds of teautiful fancy work on sale. Mrs. Pell, 26% Sim- z0e South. Phone 1656. Jan, 17-1 mo) MIXED HARD AND 30FT WQOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 (Apr, 2011) FOR EALE---REINTZNAN CO. Ltd., planos, new and used planus, also radios, latest inodels; terws arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 156684. (111-0) FOR SALE--STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity delivered anywhere in city. Phone 896, (Jan. 20-1 mo) FOR SALE-FIFTEEN JEWEL Wrist watches, complete with latest style metal bracelets, $7.50. Genuine diamond rings, $8.75. Small deposits secures any article, Dell's Jewelry, 2654 Simcoe South, Upstairs, (Jan. 23--1 Mo.) FOR SALE----COOK £TOVE, SIDE- beard and Victroli, Cheap for cash, Apply 50 Elgin St, W, ( 25¢ THE WILSON HARDWARE, 23 King St. West, offer the following in uscd stoves at low prices--three clec- tric. ranges, 2 annex, one furnacette, and one coo' stave, (24c) FOR SALE---QUEBEC COOK stove, cream wicker baby carriage, go-cart. 89 Burke street. (25h) FOR SALE-- FIBRE - LIVING room suite, bridge lamp, = chime clock, small radio, large refrigera- tor suitable for store. Phone $811W, Call 11 Victoria Apart- ments, (26¢c) For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROONEDL MOD ern suites, tncludlog electric refrig eration, stove, Jaundry, couven) ences, efe.; conlipuous hot water supplied. Applv Supt phone ¥671 vr The Trusts and Guarantee Co itd, manager for owner, loronto (2741 APARTMENT.--MODERN, HOME like ultes, Some furnished, laun- dry, conveniences, ¢lec dryer, etc., elec stoves, elec refrigeration, bot w.ter year round. ih ne 10550 ur 2347TW. (8) TO RENT -- FIVE ROOMED house, 497 Simcoe st. 5, every con- venience. Apply N. S. Baird, phone (2 FOUR ROOMED to rent, reasonable, Phone APARTMENTS 2441W, + (24c) FOR 'RENT--NEW BRICK house, Elgin St, West, seven rooms. Hardwood floors, furnace, hot water heating, Phone 382 r 22, (24¢) FURNISHED GROUND FLOOR, private entrance, 2 room apart- ment, hot water and heat. Central, Fine for bachelors, 96 Centre St. (24c) TO RENT--BEDROOM SUITABLE for gentleman to share with an- other. Phone 1367J. (24c¢) sm mm-- = sx Furniture Repairing FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERED oo large.. George A. Lemee, Phone 1436M, fis repaired. No job too small or (Jan, 7-1 mo) plaster electric or Phone 138 for estimates Jets and Live Stock 50 CHICKENS, : five ducks, hay, Mrs. Waduck, ond Park Road, South, ; FOR ' SALE -- WHITE A WYAN- dotte Cockerels + Bred-to-lay stock, Edna k. Atkinson, St. Pater N alterations. (136) Sec. 24c. 'St... Whitby. ROBERTSE S library, You will enJ latest Fiction at mili Phone 1472. 37 Clmq FS) FOR SALE OR farm, free of ene ronto on vine 'consider « good 160 "Elgin Highway, would i a 3 East, City. iy hale (ese) i TY Kine St W Oshawa Ontario SW. CLARK, AUCTIONE | 'Sitiicoe Street" Sout phone 250M. an 17-1 Mo) GHEST hens. Telephone 81 Whitby and (Jan, 30-1 mo) TL (gy TO RENT--SEVEN ROOM HOUSE. Central, $25 a month. Apply 69 Division St, Phone 2605W. (25¢) TO RENT--LARGE BED SITTING room, sultable for two gentlemen. Apply 301. Albert Street, (260) TWO ._ PURNISHED ROOMS, ground floor, newly decorated, pri- vate entrance. No children, Apply 102 Agnes St. (26¢c) SIX ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT. 279 French street. All 'conveni- ences. Possession immediately. Ap- ply 238 Division St. Phone 3271J. (26¢) FOR RENT-NEW SIX ROOMED house, all conveniences, central, No reasonable offer refused. Phone 2157 b) GARAGE FOR RENT: 615 CHRIS. i b is J niles east ) 1 the, thicd concession, Darlington T pear the King- ston Road at rtice; Apply for terms to J. Culham, 2901 Dundas St. West, Toronto. (Ftf OUSE FOR RENT IN HAR- 'mony on the highway. Garden and fruit trees, , chicken house. Poutession 'March first, Phone ¥ 5. : --WARM, ably furnished three 'Every convenience. from Motors, No . 408F. bas es TO RENT-- TIVE ROOMED house, low rent. Phone 1727W. - . © (260) 0. -- of Oshawa, on FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -- Five-room bungalow, every conven- ience, small cash payment or will ac- cept car as part payment, Phone 562M, (25¢) Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker. repair shop at! 44% King Street West. Your pat ronaee ie enlicited Aviation ANYONE REQUIRING INFOR- mation regarding aviation apply 46 Kenneth Avenue, after 5 pm. (26h) For Exchange FOR EXCHANGE--3$500 CASH | and clear deed to small property as down payment on $5,000 resid- ence. Apply Murdock, 27 Warren Ave, (26c) Roomers Wanted A ROOMER WANTED TO SHARE room with another. Separate beds. Close to Motors. Phone 1367J. €26¢c) ---- Notice to Creditors R.S.0. 1927, Cap. 150, Sec. 51 ESTATE of MARION MOTHER SILL, Spinstor, deceased. All persons having claims against i the estate of ~ Marion Mothersfll | late of the Township of East Whit- by in the County of Ontarjo, Spin- ster, deceased, who dicd on or about the Fifth day of December, A.D, 1929, are hereby notified to file with the undersigned, on or before the First day of February A.D. 1080, full particulars of their claims, Immedia¥ly alter said date the assets of the dcéceased will he distributed amongst those en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims so filed . DATED at Oshawa, the Four teenth day of January, A, D., 1930. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., Bank of Commerce Bldg., Oshawa, Ontario (26a) SAINT JOHN MAN Somerville, Mass., Jan, $0.--At the final meeting of the year the year the Somerville Board of Ald- ermen confirmed Mayor Chief of the Somerville Police Department. Chief Damery was born in Saint John, N.B,, in 1872 and wag ap- pointed to the Somerville force as patrolman in 1899, He became an inspector in 1903, a lieutenant in 1904, and. a captain in 1927. For 25 years he has been connected with the Somervile Board of Crim. inal Investigation. Thé new chief fills the vacancy caused by the retirement on pen- sion of Charles A, Kendall. Fear Seven Drowned "Wilmington.--~Fear that seven men had drowned in mountainous seds off the coast here was express- ed tonight after the men and a small tug boat had been reported missing. Rates for Classified Ads. first insertion--114 cents per word. Minimum charge 30c. Stock Market Prices Markes Summary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by Alger Building, Oshawa Biggar and Crawford, STANDARD MINING EXCHANGE Toronto, Jan. 3l.--Speculators of the rank and file centered their at- tention on the behavior of the Stan- dard Stock and Mining Exchange to- day. Its course undoubtedly holds the key to what action thousands of speculators. throughout thé smaller towns will follow with regard to their holdings of mining shares. Opéning prices were in line with the preceding close but soon after a storm of liquidation broke on the floor of the exchange that carried values of nearly all stocks down to new low levels for the year or long- er. A few exceptions were found to the general slump, notably Dome Mi- nes, Base Metals, Noranada, Teck Hughes and Pend Oreille, which for the most part held unchanged, while Abana Mines registered a gain of 6 points | to 1.06. 4 Selling dried up at mdiday as the rried liquidation of the morning ap- peared over. The scizure of the as- sets of the five large mining houses by the police probably preyented a panicsselling of stocks, The assets of these brokers total millions of shares, which will'not be in the trading arena INVESTORS ON MARGIN FEARFUL (Continued from Page 1) change today with feelings akin to fear. Operations of the "big five" as the Who brokers concerned were known in Canada, extended to practically every province in the Dominion while a number maintained offices in New York state, and with their assets seized "and trading privileges sus- pended the outlook for their large clientele is fraught with grave appre- hension, Uncertainty Prevails Trading on the mining market was carried on today by approximately forty brokers who escaped the crush- ing hand of the law yesterday and the outcome of yesterday's arrests and sequestrations resulted in the ex- pression of varied opinions in finan- cial circles. On the one hand the de- velopments 'were , regarded * as: con- structive in that the air 'would be cleared of rumors concerning the brokerage" methods indulged in by some operators which - for months ve been bandied back and forth in owntown circles." Elsewhere it was feared that stock holders would be- come panic stricken at the turn of events and throw their holdings over- board. Price Urges Calmness Hon. W. H. Price, attorney-general of Ontario, who wielded the legal budgeon which brought the brokers into court yesterday, urged the spe- culating public to remain cool while the government conducted its investi- gations. He pointed out last night that the whole problem was in the hands of outstanding lawyers and two of the most competent account ants in the province, They will study the financial status of the firms ine volved with a view to taking action in the best interests of their clients. Collateral Seized The position of persons holding stocks, on margin is problematical. Holders 'stocks purchased outright have no anxiety other than the trend of the market today but mar- ginal. traders are figuratively "'at sea." Stocks and collateral provid- ed to protect margins are held by the crown. iw. "Clients of brokerage houses aided will not be able to get their oney out right away," stated Col. Price last night. "It'is now a mat- ter for the courts but the depart- ment's action was taken to protect clients." stock Exchange Not Affected The attorney-general was care- ful to emphasize that the Toronto #itock Exchange had been given a clean bill of health by government auditors. In this connection ¥he gave out a statement by Geoffrey T. Clarkson, one of the investigat- ing auditors that the trading me- thods which were responsible. for the government's action. yesterday do not exist on the! ia xchange H Allan, Ltd., Assigns Vier ish All Jan, 31--Hugh Allan Limited, one of Victoria's oldest stock brokers, with leased wire con- nection to the Toronto Standard, Cal gary and Vancouver stock exchanges, today went into voluntary liquidation. A. R. Hadley was appointed liquidator. prt the same time, Hugh Allan, Limited; fyled a writ in the supreme court here against Solloway-Mills and Company for unstated damages and other relief as a result of the latter firm's. alleged failure to: deliver 4, 3) Each quent u tive insertion 1c per word, : Three eonsocutive inser. tions for thy price of two first (nsertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cexts. Box number 19¢ additional Professional or Dusiness Cards, $2.60 per month for 20 words or less; 11 cents a word per mouth for each additional word, fly TIMES ADS COST CO! IFIED s AC TELEPHONE 85 Ask for Classified Ad Regina Firm Closes A Regina, Sask, Jan. 31.--The Regina offices of Stobie, Forlong and Mat- thews will close, it was announced by G. A. Matthews today. + . "Owing to the fact that Stobie- Forlong has gone into liquidation, Mr. Matthews said, "we have not al- ternative but for the firm of Stobie, Forlong and Matthews to suspend operations." Mr. Matthews was not | certain whether the grain department ed under the firm name Oo 0 A. Matthews and Company Id be affected by the liquidation of Stobie, Forlong and Company. On instructions of the attorney- neral's department the offices of Siobie, Forlong and Matthews here were raided by city police Police took possession of Books and 'cash were handed over to | the chartered accounted firm of Read, 4 'Smith and Company. pres for a few days at least, and this may stem further falling of prices. There is a feeling among" traders that the bottom of the current move has been reached, at least temporarily although there arc the outside accounts yet to be reckoned with. bee ind TORONTO STOCKS Stock - H L Brit. Amer. Oil ..... 474 Brazilian . 39 Canners, 15t wes w. 87% City Dafry ....veseme 538 Dist. Seagram a........ 10 Gypsum Hiram Walkers ... Int. Ulf), "A" Tut. Nickel .. Int. Petroleum .. Ind. Alcohol po. Close 3.474 38% 87% 53 9g 23% 10% | 1 "bi ----t b 8 374 20% 10% . Woolworth Yel, Money rate 4% per cent. emery | Amer. Can. 129% Am, Fr, Pr, 96% Anaconda Balt & Ohio. 117% Can, Pac, ,.198% Chrysler Cs, Gs. N.Y, 110 Col. Gra. .. 27% Dupont Erie Rail ., 57 Gen, Fdse. ,, 50% Gen. Hud. Mot, Int. Com, Int, Jus, Lse. Wis. .. Mex. Mt. Phil, Pb. Sr. N.J. Radio Simmons ,. Sin. Oifl .. St. Oil 'N.J. Utd. Air. J.S. Steel ..183% 75% 37% eee 123% Mot, 43 68% 7% 663 142% 63% 21 48% 24% 90 38% . 87% . 25% 65 44% Tele. Man, Shrd, Ward Pet. 67% Truck 18% 127% 94 74% 115% 198 36% 107 26% 121%; 57 50% 421, rio 7% 65% 139% 6114 20% 465 83% 87% 35% 85% 24% 63% 3% 187% 67% 17% 25% 13% 42 - 136 136 100 100 80 80 49 48 Mont. Power . Page Hersey , Shawinigan .. Service Station . 100 80 49 Do You Dread Pain After Eating? 105 Ajex 120 Amulet .... Big Missouri Chem, Research Dome Mines .. Falconbridge .. Hollinger Home Oil Howey Gold ... Hudson Bay .. Koot Florence Lake Shore .. Nonanda 1130 . 2450 2100 4090 3885 Iy~ follow, ter after meals. follows eating, 7 Magnesia from any druggist, safe and speedy, treatment used for years, the world over, for banishing digestvic dis« orders, Almost as bad as digestive pain itself is the anticipation of it; the knowledge that if you eat certain foods (always the ones you. like best) pain and distress will sure- This feeling is gs unnecessary as. the pain itself, because you can' prevent all possibility of digestvie trouble, or, if the pain has already started, you can relieve it instantly by taking a little Bisurated Magnesia--either powder or tablets ni wa« This removes the cause of the trouble by neutralizing the excess stomach acid which is present when pain Bisurated It is the sure You can get 275 265 Sher Gordon .... 275 360 Sudbury Basin .. 390 560 Teck Hughes .. 565 Ventures ese 240 220 Wricht Harg ., 1756 160 Wainwell Oil ... 8 8 NEW YORK High Low Close Stock Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1082%/ Iria rr | T LUMBER | F. L. BFECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard Phone Oshawa 324 - Whitby mma ye Radios Repaired The Ontario Motor Slee AMITED 9% Simcoe St. © Phone $0 Expert Watch Repamig BURNS JEWELRY STORE Ring & Prince Sts. 'Stomelriy! EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies eyesight and glasses, 1516--Phone--1516 Disney Block - Opposite Post Office MONEY LOANED Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidential G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS AND DIS. COUNTS LTD. Felt Block Room 6 "hone 200 yesterday: | offices, | books and" available. cash of the firm. |! Apartment to Rent FURNISHED $60.00 Per Month PHONE 28 JURY & LOVELL from béing Il Good delivery service is one of ing or heating. wasted.' | the basic requirements of building. Planned delivery facilities are just as essential as the planned plumb- We guarantee an hourly deliv- haa Lhe | COMPANY ~LIMITED 25 Ritson Road:North Telephone 22] 0 ery to take care of your require- '| ments and it will save costly time

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