|| Oshawa yesterda; THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Hoine -- and the Community Social and Personal [CHRIST CHURGH ANNUAL VESTRY Magistrate Hind who has been ill in the Christie street hospital for l some time is slowly recovering. | || Judge J. Ruddy, of Whitby, was in | day attending a meet ing of the Police Commission. | J. Lewington who has been ill Yor | some time is well on the way to re- | covery. Mr. C. G. Young, of Athens, Ont., || is visiting his son Mr. R. Young and Mrs. "Young, of Frederick St. Mrs, A. J. Weller, Jamaica, L.I, Mrs. J. Rivers, New York City, and Mrs. Meliville Pearson and son, of Toronto, were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Mannell, Biginti ne Parish Hall, M | street east. W. J. Barley of the Oshawa Col- legiate teaching staff, who has been | detained on account of illness, at his home in St, Catharines since the Christmas vacation returned to town yesterday to resume his duties at the | school. Mrs. Grant Berry entertained the members of St. Andrew's Church choir at her home last evening, There ware about 40 RECEIPTS FOR YEAR, $9,000, REPORTS SHOW Officers Appointed and Committees Named Last Night The annual vestry meeting of Christ Church (Anglican), was held ary and Hill. croft streets last eve A Z) The meeting was opened with pray er by the rector, Rev. R.'B. Patter- son, after which the reports of the cieties of the church were submit- ted to the vestry. showed the total receipts for the year were approxithately A Immediately following the readin of the reports, the vestry proceed to elect the officers tor the ensuing year. The meeting was closed with guests, The house was d for the occasion with baskets of pink tulips and carnations. William Dennison is leaving to- morrow for Renfrew and Pems- broke where he has contracts to organize groups of Order of Chosen Friends, Group 4, of the Women's Asso ciation of North Simcoe Church, gathered at the home of Mrs. J. Lennox, 149 Colborne street east, on Thursday afternoon, January 23, to discuss business for the eur rent year. After the meeting, tea was served by Mrs. Lennox. Miss May Porter, R.N.,, of Cin- cinnatti, O., is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Porter, Llewelyn Apartments, Simcoe St. south. Announcement Mr. A. M. Germond announces the engagement of his daughter Marion Lois to Mr. K. C. Mason, son of Mrs. A. and the late J. C. Mason, of Toronto, the wedding to take place early in February. RECPIES APPLE MARMALADE 6 oranges 3. lemons 9 apples ° 9 cups sugar 3 cups water Pare and slice' apples and cover with lemon juice. Wash oranges and cut into thin slices. Slice lemon rind. Add sugar and water and let stand 1 hour. Cook slowly to boiling point; boil 1 hour or until of the consisten- cy of marmalade. Turn into steriliz- ed glasses or jars and Seal when cool. ORANGE JUNKET WITH WALNUTS 1 package orange junket 1 pink milk walnut neats. Chop coarsely the walnut meats and place in bottoms of dessert glasses. Dissolve the junket in the Jukewarm milk and pour into indiv- idual dessert glasses, according to the directions on the package. Let stand until firm, then chill. Before serving put a few more nuts on each lass. g * + FRUIT SHERBET 2 cups sugar' 2 cups water 2 oranges 2 lemons 1 pineapple ananas Whites of 2 eggs Boil sugar and water 5 minutes; cool; add pulp and juice of oranges, juice of lemons, finely-chopped pine- apple and bananas rubbéd through a sieve. Freeze to a mush: add egg- whites beaten stiff and continue freezing. uf Owner: "Hey. there don't you see the sign? It says 'No fishing on this ground." " Fisherman: "Sure I see it. I ain't fishing on the ground." 100 New Dresses just ar- rived. New shades and les. rhe Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe St. 8. Kara Coffee | Always Fresh at the diction being pronounced by the rector. Light refreshments were then served by the ladies, The following officers pointed : Rector's warden, W. G. Corben; people's warden, G, A. Dewberry; vestry clerk, W, G. Barton; envelope secretary, H. Pennell; envelope com- mittee, C, E. Sweet, J. H. Cotting- ham, B. Andrews; advisory council, Rev. R. B. Patterson, W. G. Corben, G. A. Dewberry, Miss 1. Barton, Mrs. G. A. Dewbery, W. J. Weldon, J. E. Norsworthy, H. Rogers, A. Twilley, V. S. Bailey; building and finance comgmittee, V. S. Bailey, C. E. Sweet, J. H. Cottingham, Wm. Gilbert, Geo. C. Allchin; treas. of building fund, R. S. Morphy; auditors, John Lee, W. R. Fisher; lay delegates, J. E. Nors- worthy, W. J. Weldon, Dr. J. A. Brown; sidesmen, J. A. Brown, H. Rogers, H. Pennell, W. R. Fisher, B. Andrews, S. Pike, A. Twilley, J. were ap- Cummings, J. Scarfow, J. H. Cottin ham, E. Flutter, V. S. Bailey, W. Barton, Harold Copeland, J. H. Rigg, N. Ibotson, C. E. Sweet, Geo. Corben, Cyril Patterson, Geo. Weldon, WOMEN'S MEETINGS JESSIE PANTON AUXILIARY The Jessie Panton . Auxiliary of St. Andrew's church held its regular monthly meeting in the church par- lours last Svening. After the devo- tional exercises Miss A. E. Harris of the city Health Department, deliv- ered an address on "The Pre School Aged Child," This was particularly interesting to the women as at an early meeting it was decided that the auxiliary would take the responsibil- ity of clothing a child of this age. A life membership was presented to Miss M. Pringle, Miss M. Me- Leroy sang a pleasing vocal solo, af- ter which refreshments were served. Young Peopl's Meetings KNOX CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE The 'regular weekly meeting of the Knox Young People's Society held last evening, took the form of a goclal evening. Games and com- munity singing were enjoyed and refreshments served. Last week, in place of the regu. lar business meeting a sleighing party was held. The Young Peo- ple gathered at the chureh at 7.15 and the merry sleighload travelled to Whitby and then back to the church. Upon their return reéfresh- ments were served. HAMPTON BRIEFS Mr. Perey Cowling, Toronto, spent Sunday under the parental roof, There was an atténdance of 195 at Sunday chool on Sunday. Mrs. a Ni gave a very in- teresting temperance talk. There will be a congregational meeting in the Sunday School room of the church on Friday eveni Ladies are asked to bring refresh. ments, 5 Miss Bertha Sargent, Bowman- ville teaching staff, was a guest of Mr. 8nd Mrs. John Cowling on Sunday, Pastor Dick preached to a fair cong tion on Sunday night om "The Christian Life." Our community was saddened Sunday afternoon on Se 8 the passing at Bowmanville Hoss pital, of Mr. R. J. McKessock, Soling. A man possessing such sterlifig qualities as his will be greatly missed. The fa have the heartfelt sympathy their many friends here. . Mr. and Mrs, BE. H. Cole attend ed the funeral of thelr cousin, Mrs. Johnston, (nee Maud Curtis), at Toronto last week. Miss Frankie Wood, Orono, is with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johns, Tyrone and Hampton Juniors with the assistance of Frank Rog- 'ers and Edgar Horne, who still f {show an Interest in sports, enjoy- od a game of hockey at Bowman- | ville rink last week resulting in I'a score of 3-0 in faver of Hampton. | Mr. Clifford Allin was removed to his home here on Saturday from Bowmanville Hospital, where he | ' received = medical attontion after . receiving numerous Badily injuries when belt of the sawing ma« 'hine broke while cutting wood of Fre Lavi Robbink'tis Been une] der the doctor's care, We were favored with another |. MEETING HELD church wardens, and the various so- |. These reports | - A happy group of girls ready for an enjoyable day of skiing. This sport has become one of the most {popular during the Canadian wint- {ers with the younger set. The girls are, LEFT to RIGHT, Betty Bond, Yanbel Frickson, Florie Walker and Mary Sitwell. Molly Bucknell, OFFICERS ELECTED NURSES' ALUMNAE Miss Ann Scott, President' For Current Year OFFICERS ELECTED--- The annual meeting of the Os- hawa Hospital Nurses Alumnae Association was heid last evening, Jan. 27, at the Nurses' Residence. Fifteen members were present. Mrs. B. H. Brown was elected chairman for the evening. After the regular business discussien, the annual reports of«1929 were read, and showed a very successful financial year, The officers for 1930 were clect- ed and are as follows: Hon. pres., Miss BE. MacWilliams; Pres., Miss Ann Scott; Vice-pres., Mrs: E. Hare; Second Vive-pres., Miss Olive Hanna; Recording secretary, Miss Elma Hogarth; Assistant secretary, Mrs. Redpath; Corre- sponding secretary and press secre- tary, Miss Robina Buchanan; Treas., Miss Jane Cole; Soclal Con- vener, Miss Ruby Berry; Visiting and Flower convener, Miss Helen Hutchison; Representatives to the Ladies' Auxilliary, Mrs. B. A. Brown, Mrs, M, Canning, Mrs, E. Hare, After the election of officers Mise Scott occupied the chair, It was decided to hold the annual ball at the Genosha Hotel, Friday, February 7th. "Is this train ever on time?" growl- ed the grouchy passenger. "Oh," replied the conductor, "we never worry about it ever being on time. We're satisfied if it's always on the track." A young farmer wanted to sell his farm and was showing it to a pros- | As they went over farmer's little son trailed along at their heels from room to room. He, too, wanted to show the place off to the prospect and in the bathroom he interrupted his father's eulogy on the plumbing to pective buyer. the house the pipe: "Look mister! See them nice big holes? That's rats." Ask 24 h Nel 1 know advised me dia E: Pinkham's nd because had to lie down so much. It has helped fA me to gain s My appe- tite is . My nerves are steadier, and I am able to do all my housework. You fay use my name because I thin the Vegetable Compound is a 4 god medicine.' ==Mrs. J. Mc- ibben, 329 Park St., Chatham, Ontario. | snow storm on Mondpy. | | | | | WOMEN'S CORNER SNOW CRYSTALS Methinks the Jasper City must have come to carth to-night, The trees are making music and the earth is gauzy white; O'er hill and dale and lake and woods, the sparkling jewels shine, And lacy crystals and gleam in beauty most ime, From steeple high to lonely cot the angels wings unfold, And scatter bots of fairy flakes and specks of shining gold; The stars hold sweet communion and the clouds depart to pray, The moor a benediction gives to pil- grims on the way; Methinks God must be satisfied with all the carth to-night, For everything is sw so clean and shining in the light; And tiny baby tear-drops and fairy- faces: hide ept ng evergreens from jarct Rhynas NEEDLE IS LOCATED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) A needle, two inches long, was extracted from the body of Miss Beryl Burt, aged 19, a dressmaker in Sydney, Australia, the other day. Miss Burt collapsed at work. Doctors found the needle between the skin and the breastbone, about three inches below the throat, It had been floating in her body for months. ELECTED PRESIDENT OF UNION (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) For the first time in its history, a woman has been elected presi- f dent this year of the Union of Uni- | versity Liberal Socleties, - She is | Miss Nan Rogers, of Glasgow Uni- | versity, The daughter of a banker, | Miss Rogers was born in Glasgow | 23 years ago. She graduated M.A., | in September last year, and gained honors in economics. She also won the Gladstone Prize for distinction in economics, thig being the first time the prize had been won by a woman. MUSIC FESTIVALS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) In connection with the music festivals conducted in recent years under the auspices of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, in Canada, an article in the 'Cancfian Maga- zine" quotes Eustace Key, musical director, on the Toronto event. How many of us knew that the eity of Port Arthur had a Ladies' choir, so exquisitely trained, and capable of such beautiful choral ginging? And the dancing of the students of a Toronto college was gheer poetry, in grace and har- mony. (Not a vestige of the sign of the amateur in the dancing of these Canadian girls!) In addition to the production of these festivals, according to Mr. Key, there are six concert parties now on trans-Canada tours. Back and forth across the broad Do- minion they go; chiefly Canadian artists, and all British, and carry- ing a musical message of beauty in British compositions, (Some, the work of Canrdian comnosers), Mp, Key said: "They are showing Can- ada that the composers and musi- ciang of the British Empire in gen- eral, and of Canada in particular, rank with the world's greatest!" And in connection with the Winnepeg and Regina folk song festivals, Mr, Kay remarked: "They were so grateful to be asked to do this thing; to receive that Canadians believed 'they had brought something of spiritual BURNS LOVE LETTER IS BELIEVED FOUND Cracked Brown Paper Tells Of Himself in "Pitiful Taking" Toronto, Jan, 27--What purports to be a personal letter from the pen of Bobbie Burns, Scottish poet, to one of his intimate friends, Dr. Thomas Orr, has turned up recently. Browned and spotted, its folds cracking, the squarish piece of pa- per tells in neat, clear handwriting of one of the many love affairs of this brilliant but tempestuous man, A few days ago a stranger brought this letter, protected between two sheets of glass in a battered gilt frame, to a Toronto bookseller. It has been in his family for 110 years, he said, adding that his mother's uncle had discovered it one day among a number of old books which he was wheeling home from the bookseller's in a barrow. The stranger disappeared when he had told his story, leaving no ad- dress. But he promised to return soon with proof of the genuineness of his possession, Burns was 25 years of age in 1784, the date which appears on the let- ter. His father had died the year before and he had, in a mood of re- pentance, resolved: "In spite of the world, the flesh and the devil, to be a wise man." This letter, if authen- tic, shows the breakdown of that pious resolution. The letter reads: "Dr. (Dear) Thomas: "? am much obliged to you for your last letter, tho' I assure you the contents of it gave me no manner of concern. I am at present so cursedly taken in with an affair of gallantry that I am very glad Peggy is off my. hand, as I am at present embarras. sed enough without her. I don't chuse to enter into particulars in writing, but never was a poor, rakish, rascal in a more pitiful taking. should be glad to see you to tell you about the affair, Tp » 1am Your friend, ROBT. BURNESS, "Mossgavil, 11th Nov., 1784." The signature "Burness" recalls the fact that "Burns" was an alteration of the poet's name. He was 'the son of William Burness. "Mossgavil" at the end of the letter is presumably an alternative spelling for Mossgiel, to which Burns ngved in 1784, and where he spent the fol. lowing four years and wrote such noems as "The Cotter's Saturday Night," "Address to the De'il," "Hal- lowe'en," "To a Daisy," and "Epistle to Davie! BEET RELISH 1 cup cooked beets 3 tablespoons horseradish 2 teaspoons powdered sugar 1 teaspoon. salt 4 tablespoons lemon juice Chop the beets, which should be cold, and add othér ingredients. Serve with cold sliced meat. Never In any Season Before did Styles so demand the "Lovers' Form Corset" as the correct foundation gar- ment. Styled by Youth it gives to the new silhouette a new smartness Pleasing, proportionate lines to bust, waist and hips. A com- fortable, beautifying, smooth- ing garment; soft as silk, yet adequate in controlling lines of the figure. Come . . . Slip into a Lovers Form Corset. You, too, will be delighted with the glorious sense of freedom. Priced from $4.95 UP PLANE RUSHES AID 10 STRICKEN DIVER Montreal Machine Makes Quick Run to Point Be- low Quebec Quebec, Jan. 28.--Two divers were rushed by airplane yesterday afternoon to Riviere Aux Outardes, a north shore village, where a div- er of the Foundation Construction company, submerged since morning could not be brought to the sur- face. The diver, whose name could pot be learned, had evidently be- come entangled in some manner and those working on the surface could not draw him to safety. While air was beinz pum»ed to the stricken diver, assistance was sought from Quebec. Only by tae be extricated from his precarious position. An airplane was secure ed from Montreal. It made a quick flight to Quebec, picked up the two divers here and proceeded to Rivie ere Aux Outardes. Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cott "AMBULANCE 87 Oelina St. Phone 1082 Hea Tablet--will promptly needed bowel action, clear and poison from your ware system, and bring welcome relief at once, The mild, safe, ail-vegetable laxe- tive, Try ft~--28c, = rr r-- value to Canada. We said to them something like this: "You have a | contribution of Beauty to make to Canada. Will you help us to incor- | proate it into our national Hke?" Some of the newcomers find | exile from thelr home lands none | Ltoo easy, They are called '"Wops," and | and "Dagoes," and "Huns," ""Polaks," and there is some scorn in these words, and their reaction might well be bitterness. There are few, indeed, who have no ambition to be good Canadians, and it was plain that, to many of them, that first Winnipeg Festival was a high adventure in fellowship. ° Reports Greatly Increase Princess Silhouette Ever Popular Slenderizing Move- ment By ANNETYE The problem of slenderness is one of serious study, It is more s0 today than ever with new silhou- ette with moulded bodice and hips. The Princess model {Illustrated is a work of art with its unique flat hip-line.Pointed seaming treatment at either side of front minimizes width, thus making it suitable for the larger woman as well as young slim type. The skirt widens toward hem that shows fluttering circular movement, The veésiee 1s deep V-shape roll- ed into revers is interesting idea to detract from width. Style No. 195 comes in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. This dress is just charming in black silk crepe all the smart young things are wearing, with the vest and cuffs of Alencon lace. Dahlia-purple silk crepe arith ogg-shell slik crepe is decidedly youthful and flattering, Crepe satin, erepe marocain and wool crepe appropriate, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. lite We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for copy of large Kash ion Magatine. . | aid of other divers could the man ' WM a = » FRYE ~--it will What does a Man like P tone up tis nerves, induce restful sleep and fit him for his next days Work a» « ~ 4 4 4 a V.S, FRY & SONS (Conds) Limited, Montreal, Que. ~~ #16 - PRT Se 2 RTE NR ST